Flashback Query Oracle9i Oracle Flashback Query allows users to see a consistent view of the database as it was at a point in the past. This functionality allows comparative reporting over time and recovery from logical .corruptions Prerequisites Using Flashback Query Example Data Recovery Restrictions Prerequisites Oracle Flashback Query can only be used if the server is configured to use Automatic Undo ManagementAutomatic Undo Management rather than traditional rollback segments. The maximum time period that can be flashbacked to is defined using the UNDO_RETENTION parameter in the :init.ora file. Alternatively, this parameter can be set using ;
,v_row.employee_id, v_row.first_name( ,v_row.last_name, v_row.email ,v_row.phone_number, v_row.hire_date ,v_row.job_id, v_row.salary ,v_row.commission_pct, v_row.manager_id ;(v_row.department_id, v_row.dn ;END LOOP ;CLOSE c_emp ;COMMIT ;END / Notice that the Flashback Query session is disabled after the cursor is created so that the DML .operations can be performed to recover the data Restrictions .The server must be configured to use Automatic Undo Management .No DDL or DML can be issued when using Flashback Query .Flashback Query does not reverse DDL operations such as DROP, only DML alterations to the data Flashback Query does apply to code objects (Packages, Procedures, Function or Triggers(. If .invoked, the current definition will be executed against the flashback data