First Lesson (all levels)
Instructions !"#$%& '()*+,-. *+,/0 123 456789:;<= >?@A=!B B $%& *+,/0123C *+,DEFGHI JKL MNOPQ FRS"I A=!B B A, 89T$%)IUV.' =!&C" #$%& WXYZ *[ \,]^_`.) IPa)Ib[A=!B B /01cdefdg& hidehidgbFjklcdemidg no:pq"A=B
Script Teacher: 89r
Hello? Can you hear me? ')')stuA=vsB
Student: wxr
Yes. Can you hear me? & !tuA=vsB
Yes. Hello and welcome to Would you like to use the standard questions for the first lesson or do you have something else you’d like to do? y@&!z{|}~~~{~
F! & 7+$%= v A,&*+, :C[, .:*[A=vsB
Student: wxrB
I think the standard questions are OK. 7+$% =!B
OK. If you can, try to answer the questions in Chinese as much as possible. If you can’t, that’s fine too. Should I ask the questions in English or Chinese? =!& /01 uI ! ) & =!1 $%)A=vs/01 $% )A=vsB
(Depending on the student’s answer, continue in English or in Chinese) ewxGHI 1C/01 C[[ gB
nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?
2. Where do you live?
nǐ zhù zài nǎli
3. How long have you studied Chinese?
nǐ xué zhōngwén duōjiǔ le
4. Do you have Chinese friends?
nǐ yǒu Zhōngguó péngyou ma
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5. Why are you studying Chinese?
nǐ wèishénme xué zhōngwén
6. Do you have a topic you want to study today?
nǐ jīntiān xiǎng xué shénme ne
1. Which nationality are you?
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(Note: it is ok if you do not have a topic in mind, our teachers always have ideas)
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