First Draft

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,895
  • Pages: 8

[Meyers] 1

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

Parents are supposed to be there for you and support you no matter what. For some people, their parents are like their best friend, always able to tell them things whether it be good or bad. But for other people like me, we long for a relationship with our parents like that, and in this story you’ll find how me and my parents relationship started to crumble.

If I think really far back, it actually started when I was in about 7th grade and i started showing symptoms of depression but my parents told me to “pray about it, it's just the devil”. Coming from a family that's extremely religious and that would rather pray then see a doctor about it really did not help my situation and eventually that lead to me losing faith in that religion myself. Things started to get worse in 8th and 9th grade, when my depression started to spiral out of control to the point where my grades were getting bad and it started to affect my physical health too.

And of course, my parents just told me to snap out of it, like as if I could turn these emotions on and off voluntarily, like a light switch. My friends although, helped me with my low self esteem, along with finding some hobbies, was the only thing that's keeping me sane at the end of the day, at least temporarily. I would still occasionally have mental breakdowns sometimes but usually in private to myself. And i started to think “where was god in this situation? Is he not supposed to protect and comfort me?” and this the exact time i started to lose


[Meyers] 2

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

faith in him.

For a while I thought, no it's the devil, but I also thought “isn’t god supposed to be protecting me from the devil?” What made this worse is that it started affecting me academically and my mom kept putting more and more pressure on me to do better, it was too overwhelming for me, and a lot of the time I’d wish that I lived a different life, or had never lived at all.

Eventually November rolled around and i was going to visit family in Connecticut. By now I got out of questioning with my sexuality and was mostly sure that i was pansexual, but i still hadn’t come out to my parents or anyone else in my family for that matter, and homosexuality is a very taboo subject in my family, as I would soon find out

So I was at my aunt’s house and my relationship with her wasn’t exactly the closest but i knew her better than most of my other aunts. So when her, my uncle and parents were watching a trans man on TV after we had dinner, I found myself repeating in my head “please don’t say anything about him” and for a split second i sat there wondering why I thought that way, before i was rudely interrupted by my uncle’s transphobic remarks, which lead to my parents joining in with him.


[Meyers] 3

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

When we got in the car, i was contemplating whether or not i should confront them on that, but a small part of me was longing to hear what they would possibly say about it. A small part of me was thinking “maybe they were just caught up in the moment and they don’t actually think that negatively of the LGBT+ Community” a small part of me was thinking “one day maybe, just maybe i could come out to them if i confront them about this now” and well a small part of me was wrong.

This is the part of the story I remember most vividly, and it scares me to think i live under the same roof of these people sometimes. Of course if you know anything about devout christians and their views of homosexuality, you can probably get an idea of what they said. Going on about how “anything outside of a man and a woman being together is corrupt” not even letting me finishing what i said because they were speaking over me, drowning me out, and I was crumbled in the corner of the back seat sobbing wondering what did I do to not deserve accepting parents. I remember going to my cousins house to the night and them asking me whats wrong, and i don’t know what it was but I decided to take a chance on them and I came out to them.

And thankfully unlike my parents they were accepting and didn’t out me to anyone. To this day i still think about that situation, how weak I felt, and what would’ve happened if I had


[Meyers] 4

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

never had that conversation. Although do i regret it now? Not as much as I did the night of the event, but I’ve been able to talk about it more to my close friends and started opening up to my doctor more about my depression, and I can write this and say that this experience helped me get things out of my mind which is something I’ve always struggled with growing up as a reserved child with little to no friends throughout elementary and most of middle school, ashamed of my skin color and ethnic roots. But now I can say that I’ve gotten over that obstacle, and yet there’s many more to come.

Narrative Essay Rubric (Honors) Name: Score: 46/50 W.9-10.3​. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

Standard 3.a​. ​Introduction​ Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.

Exceptional (10-9) ❏

Effectively hook the reader with a creative, original, and compelling hook Effectively sets out a problem, situation, or observation in a compelling and/or creative manner

Establish an insightful, original, or creative point of view

Introduce a complex and/or creative


Proficient (8-7) ❏

Hook the reader with a compelling hook

Effectively sets out a problem, situation, or observation

Establish an insightful point of view

Introduce a narrator, characters, setting, and main idea

Emerging (6-1) 5

Not Evident (0)


[Meyers] 5

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

3.b. ​Narrative​ - Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. X 3.c​. ​Organization​ - ​Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole.

Develop experiences, events, and/or characters and to clearly develop a purposeful theme


3.d.​ ​Language​ - ​Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of

narrator, characters, setting, and main idea Utilize ​two or more (teacher discretion) narrative techniques with purpose: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, multiple plot lines, etc…

Use ​purposefully narrative techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, suspense, and/or flashbacks in a ​highly effective manner​ ​to create an original plot structure

Create a smooth progression of experiences or events that is logical, ​creative, and sophisticated ​and that uses ​highly engaging devices

Use precise, detailed and sophisticated words, phrases, and sensory language to engage the reader and convey a vivid picture

Utilize narrative techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines

Develop experiences, events, and/or characters in attempt to convey theme

Use appropriately techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, suspense, and/or flashbacks

Create a smooth progression of experiences or events that is logical and engaging

Use precise and detailed words, phrases, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture





[Meyers] 6

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. X 3.e.​ ​Conclusion​ - ​Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative.

Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolves

Extends the meaning and purpose to connect to the audience ​and​ ​convey a complex and original theme


Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved

Extends the meaning to convey a theme


Narrative Essay Rubric (Honors) Name: Casey Watkins Score: 49/50 W.9-10.3​. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

Standard 3.a​. ​Introduction​ Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing

Exceptional (10-9) ❏

Effectively hook the reader with a creative, original, and compelling hook Effectively sets out a problem, situation, or observation in a

Proficient (8-7) ❏

Hook the reader with a compelling hook

Effectively sets out a problem, situation, or observation

Establish an insightful point of view

Emerging (6-1)

Not Evident (0)


[Meyers] 7

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.

compelling and/or creative manner ❏

Establish an insightful, original, or creative point of view

Introduce a ​complex and/or creative narrator, characters, setting, and main idea

Utilize ​two or more (teacher discretion) narrative techniques with purpose: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, multiple plot lines, etc…


3.b. ​Narrative​ - ​Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.

Develop experiences, events, and/or characters and to clearly develop a purposeful theme

Use ​purposefully narrative techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, suspense, and/or flashbacks in a ​highly effective manner​ ​to create an original plot structure


3.c​. ​Organization​ - ​Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole. X

3.d.​ ​Language​ - ​Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of

Create a smooth progression of experiences or events that is logical, ​creative, and sophisticated ​and that uses ​highly engaging devices

Use precise, detailed and ​sophisticated words, phrases, and sensory language​ to engage the reader ​and convey a​ ​vivid picture

Introduce a narrator, characters, setting, and main idea

Utilize narrative techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines

Develop experiences, events, and/or characters in attempt to convey theme

Use appropriately techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, suspense, and/or flashbacks

Create a smooth progression of experiences or events that is logical and engaging

Use precise and detailed words, phrases, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture


[Meyers] 8

[Wilson] [3rd] [2/27/2019]

the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. X 3.e.​ ​Conclusion​ - ​Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. X

Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolves

Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved

Extends the meaning and purpose to connect to the audience ​and​ ​convey a complex and original theme

Extends the meaning to convey a theme

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