Fire Insurance Claim Type

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  • Pages: 5

Claim =

(THE HOME OF TEXT) Value of Policy X Value of Total Stock

Loss by fire

1. The cost of the stock on date of fire is Rs. 52,000/- and stock worth Rs. 2000/- was salvaged compute the amount of loss. 2. If total stock of Rs. 50,000/- is insured fully and the entire stock is lost. Calculate the amount of loss. 3. The value of policy is only Rs. 25,000 and the entire stock of Rs. 50,000/- is lost, the claim will be_ 4. If total stock of Rs. 50,000 is insured for Rs. 25,000 and stock of Rs. 20,000 is lost, what amount would be claimed. 5. If total stock of Rs. 50,000 is insured for Rs. 70,000 and the entire stock is lost, what will be claim? 6. On 17th June 2003, a fire occurred in the premises of Mr. Dilip a book seller. Most of the stock was destroyed. The cost of the salvaged stock being Rs. 11,200/- In addition some stock was salvaged in damaged condition and its value was estimated Rs. 10,400/The following particular were available from the books of Accounts. 1. Stock at the close of Accounts on 31st Dec 2002 was Rs. 83,500. 2. Purchase up to the date of fire is Rs. 1,12,000 and the sales Rs. 1,54,000/3. On the basis of past 3 years it appears that an average gross profit of 25% is earnedon sales. Stock was insured for Rs. 75,000. Compute the amount of claim. 7. Bush prepares account on 30th June each year. On 30th September, 2003 fire destroyed the greater part of his stock. Following information was collected. 1. Stock on 30th June 2003 is Rs. 2,92,500/2. Purchases from 1st July 2003 to 30th September, 2003 is Rs. 6,00,000/3. Wages from 1st July 2003 to 30th September, 2003 is Rs. 2,27,500 4. Sales (Same period) 10,00,000

➢ Average percentage of G.P on cost is 331 /3 ➢ Stock of value Rs. 70,000/- was salvaged. ➢ Policy was Rs. 2,50,000/-

Claim was subject to average clauses. Following further information available. a. Stock in the beginning was calculated as 10% less than cost. b. Purchases include purchase of plant Rs. 50,000/c. Plant was installed in August and firms own men has spent time accounting to Rs. 2,500/- which was included in wages. You are required to calculate the amount of claim.



8. A fire occurred in the premises of Agni & Co. on 1st September,2003 Stock of value Rs. 1, 01,000/- was salvaged. And the business books and records were salvaged. The following information was obtained: Purchases for the Year ended 31.03.2000 Sales for the year ended 31.03.2000 Purchases from 01.03.2000 to 01.09.2000

7, 00,000 11, 00,000 2, 40,000

Sales from 1.3.2000 to 1.9.2000 3, 60,000 Stock on 31st March 1999 3, 00,000 Stock on 31st March 2000 3, 40,000 st Further information is also given that the Stock on 31 march 2000 was overvalued by Rs. 20,000/-.Calculate the amount of claim. 9. A fire occurred in the godown of X Ltd. on 9th March,2000, destroying the entire Stock. The books and records were salvaged from which the following particulars were ascertained. Sales for the year,1999 10,01,000 Sales for the period 01.01.2000 to 08.03.2000 3,00,000 Purchases for the year, 1999 8,00,000 Purchases for the period 01.01.2000 to 08.03.2000 1,25,000 Stock on 01.01.1999 3,31,100 Stock on 31.12.1999 3,85,000 The company has been following the practice of valuing the Stock of goods at actual cost plus 10%. Included in the Stock on 01.01.1999 was sine shop – soiled goods which originally cost Rs 2,000. But were valued at Rs. 1,100. These goods were sold during the year 1999 for Rs. 1,000. Subject to these, the rate of Gross Profit an the basis of valuation of stock was uniform. You are required to ascertain the value of the Stock destroyed. 10. On 31.09.1998 the stock of Fred Perry was lost in a fire accident. From the available records the following information is made available to you to enable you to prepare a statement of claim on the insurer. Stock at cost on 1.4.1997 Stock at cost on 31.3.1998 Purchases less returns for the year ended 31.3.1998 Sales less returns for the year ended 31.3.1998 Purchases less returns up to 30.9.1998 Sales less returns up to 30.09.1998

37,500 52,000 2, 53,750 3, 15,000 1, 45,000 1, 84,050

In valuing the Stock on 31.03. 1998 ,dueto obsolescence 50% of the value of the stock which originally cost Rs.6000 had been written off . In may 1998,3/4th of stock had been sold at 90 % of original cost and it is now expected that the balance of the obsolete stock would also realise the same price. Subject to the above, Gross profit had remained uniform throughout. Stock to the value of Rs.7,200 was salvaged.




11. On 30.09.2001 ,the stock of sharp ltd co. was destroyed by fire . The following information could be extracted from salvaged records. a) Stock at cost on 1.04.2000 Rs.25,500 b) Stock at cost on 31.03.2001 Rs.52,000 c) Purchases (net) for the year ended 31.03.01 Rs. 2,53,750 d) Sales (net) for the year ended 31.03.01 Rs. 3,15,000 e) Purchases (net) from 1.04.01 to 30.09.01 Rs. 1,45,000 f) Sales (net) form 1.04.01 to 30.09.01 Rs. 1,84,050 g) Direct wages Rs. 12,000 H) General administrative expenses Rs. 6,000 In valuing stocks on 31.03.2001 ,some stock which had originally cost Rs. 6000 was written off to the extent of 50% due to obsolescence . In may 2001, 3/4th ofthis stock were sold at 90 % of original cost . The balance of stock is now estimated to be worth original cost . Subject to the above , the ration of gross profit was constant . Direct wages & general administrative expenses during the period 1.04.01 to 30.09.01 were the same per month as they were during the year ended 31.03.2001. Stocks worth Rs. 7,200 could be salvaged . The company has a policy of Rs. 65,000 subject to average clause . Compute the claim. 12.On 1.07.2000 a fire took place in the godown of ranjit kumar which destroyed all stocks. Calculate the amount of insurance claim . Sales in 1998 Gross profit in 1998 Sales in 1999 Gross profit in 1999 Stocks as on 1.01.2000 Purchases from 1.01.2000 to 30.06.2000 Sales form 1.01.2000 to 30.06.2000

Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 60,000 Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 60,000 Rs. 2,70,000 Rs.4,00,000 Rs.7,20,000

The following are also to be taken into consideration: 1) Stocks as on 31.12.1999 had been undervalued by 10% 2) A stocks taking conducted in march 2000 had revealed that stock costing Rs. 80,000 were laying in a damaged condition . 50 % of these stocks had been sold in may 2000 at 50% of cost and the balance were expected to be sold at 40% of cost.



13. On 1st April 2000 there was a fire in the godown of fireproof equipment Manufacturing Ltd. which completely destroyed the stock and also other books and recorder .However , they are able to obtain the following information from their income Tax and sales Tax consultants. Further information: 1. The sales and purchase for march 2000 may be assumed as having been made at the same rate as in past two months. 2. In jan 2000 a theft had taken place as a result of which goods of the sale value of Rs. 6,ooo were lost. 3. Wages and other expenses may be taken after 31.12.99 at the same rate as in the years 1999. 4. Insurance policy was taken for Rs.22,500.There was an average clause in the policy. You are required to prepare a statement showing the claim to be lodged with the insurance company , taking the value of salvage at Rs.5,000. All working should form part of your answer. 14.On 1st April 2000 the godown of Mr.Peter was destroyed by fire from the account books, the following particulars are gathered.

PARTICULARS Stock as cost on 1 January,1999 Stock as per balance sheet as on 31st December,1999 Purchases during 1999 Purchases from 1st January 2000 to 31st march ,2000 Sales during 1999 Sales from 1st January 2000 to 31st march ,2000 Value of goods salvaged st

Rs. 4,595 8,520 45,225 12,500 58,500 15,250 1,050

Goods whose original cost was Rs.600 had been valued at Rs.250 on 31st December 1999. These were sold in march 2000 for Rs.450 .Except this transaction , the rate of gross profit has remained constant. On 31st march 2000 goods worth Rs.2,500had been received by the godownkeeper but had not been entered in the purchase register. calculate the value of goods damaged by the fire.

Sales : For the year to 31.12.1999 For jan & feb 2000 Purchases: For the year to 31.12.1999 For jan & feb 2000 Stocks (At cost) As at 01.01.1999 As at 31.12.1999 Wages for the year to 31.12.1999 Other direct expenses for the year to 31.12.1999

Rs.8,00,000 Rs. 80,000 Rs.3,65,000 Rs 24,000 Rs.1,00,000 Rs. 45,000 Rs.1,08,000 Rs. 72,000



15. On 1.04.1999 an accidental fire completely destroyed the stock of chote Nawab. However, from the various records available from his chartered accountant, the

following information was obtained, from which you are requested to prepare a statement showing the amount of claim to be lodged with the sharmila insurance co. PARTICULARS Stock of cost: 1st January,1998 1st January,1999 purchases: calendar year 1998 Three months to 31st march,1999 Sales : year ended 31st December,1998 Period up to the date of fire Manufacturing expenses: calendar year 1998 Three months to 31st march,1999

Rs. 45,000 55,000 1,29,250 60,000 1,70,000 1,00,000 21,000 ?

In, February, 1999 goods valued at sale price of Rs. 5,000 were distributed as samples. Manufacturing expenses were normally found to be constant. The value of salvaged stock was estimated at Rs. 7,000. {Ans. Rate of gross profit 17.5%: Stock on the date of fire Rs. 33,625 Claim Rs. 26,625} 16. a fire occurred in the godown of a firm on 31st January, 1997. The stock on 1st January, 1997 was valued at Rs. 67,460. The transactions and other information of the period between 1st January and 31st January were as follows, from which you required to ascertain the value of goods destroyed. i. Purchases from 1-1-1997 to 31-1-1997 amounted to Rs. 4820, of which goods worth Rs. 1900 were received on 2nd February, 1987. ii. Sale from 1-1-1997 to 31-1-1997 amounted to Rs. 56,800 of which sales on the basisi of sale or return amounted to Rs. 3,600.

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