Fire Evacuation 2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,709
  • Pages: 10
CLICO (TRINIDAD) LIMITED EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Facility / Branch: Head Office Building. Location: 29 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain. 10

Purpose and Scope


Goal and Objectives

The goal of the plan is to ensure that in case of emergency at the facility, there is timely warning of personnel for appropriate management and employee responses, so as to minimize the severity of impact on people, property and the environment. The following are the primary objectives of this Emergency Action Plan: 1. Provide a means of promptly notifying employees, customers and local authorities of an emergency situation. 2. Provide for a safe and orderly evacuation of employees, customers and other visitors from our facilities. 3. Account for all occupants at the time of evacuation. 4. Provide emergency first aid treatment or summon emergency medical assistance for injured individuals. 5. Assure the safety and welfare of personnel viz. employees, customers, contractors and other third parties. 6. Minimize the impact of incidents on personnel, property and the environment. 7. Alert all relevant parties with timely and accurate information, instructions and incident notice. 8. Assure continuity of operations.

1.2 Emergency Types Emergencies covered under this plan include: • • •

Fire Bomb Threat Natural Disaster (Earthquake)

1.3 Provisions To support effective emergency response at the facility, the following requirements are met as a minimum: •

• • • • • •

A current copy of the Emergency Action Plan to include: ✔ Exits routes, assembly points and employee accounting ✔ Emergency evacuation, incident command and notification to emergency services ✔ Measures to minimize personal injury and property damage ✔ Bomb threat procedures ✔ Use of fire extinguishers Adequate first aid supplies and a cadre of personnel trained in first aid. Arrangements for transporting injured employees for further medical aid. Internal and external emergency communications contact listing. Trained and competent personnel. Assigned Wardens and alternates whose names shall be posted on the relevant notice boards. Wardens and the alternates are equipped as follows: ✔ Orange fluorescent vest ✔ Hard hat ✔ Flash light ✔ Whistle ✔ Portable two way radio ✔ Current listing of personnel on assigned floor or area.

1.4 Incident Management Group The emergency action plan establishes an Incident Management Group headed by the Incident Manager. This group comprises senior members of management and is as follows: • • •

Incident Manager HR Coordinator OSH Coordinator

• •

PR Coordinator Security Coordinator

Several employees have volunteered and have been trained as wardens. During an emergency they wear orange vests for ease of identification. 2.0 Summary of Emergency Action Steps 2.1 FIRE •

In case of fire, regardless of size or severity, immediately raise an alarm or pull the nearest manual fire alarm box handle. Use the sequence that will take the least time.

Personnell in the immediate area of a fire may attempt to control it after raising an alarm, and if trained in the use of fire fighting equipment. If they canno, then they must evacuate.

If there is immediate danger, remain calm and follow the evacuation procedures, then call 990 from outside the building.

If there are no visible signs of an emergency situation, await instructions from any Warden or any member of the OSH Committee before evacuating the building.

All staff present in the building on being instructed or if threatened should locate the nearest exit or emergency exit and evacuate the building immediately to the Assembly Point A, unless otherwise advised.

Evacuate via the designated route and wait in a calm and orderly manner.

All persons will follow the direction of the assigned Warden or any member of the OSH Committee or the Trinidad & Tobago Fire service

Assemble at the designated assembly area and await further directions for the Wardens.


All air conditioning units / air handlers should be turned off immediately by the assigned person to avoid the risk of the units fanning the fire and thereby increasing its effect and also to reduce the possibility of smoke being spread throughout the building.

Doors to all rooms should be kept closed as far as possible in order to reduce the risk of the fire / smoke spread.

If it is determined that the fire is of an electrical nature and there does not appear to be any risk to life or bodily injury, the person discovering ther fire should attempt, if at all possible, to disconnect the unit from the electrical circuit involved. If this is not possible, then the person should attempt as quickly as possible to turn off the electrical circuit involved at the main circuit breaker. Fire extinguishers are located at various points in the building and should be put into use as soon as possible.

IF TRAPPED IN THE BUILDING……… ➢ If the door to your room is hot to the touch and/or smoke is seeping in around it, DO NOT OPEN IT! ➢ Remain calm. Walls, ceilings, floors and doors are designed to withstand fire for a safe period of time. ➢ Pack the space under the door with wet clothing, paper or other material to keep the smoke out. ➢ Let someone know you are trapped. Call 990 and stay on the line until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. ➢ Stay low to the floor since the smoke will fill higher areas first. 2.2 BOMB THREAT •

If you receive a bomb threat or are in the presence of someone who is receiving a bomb threat, follow the Bomb Threat Checklist (Appendix I – Bomb Threat Check List).

If you receive a bomb threat, try to keep the caller on the phone and get the attention of someone close by to alert the OSH Coordinator, Building Security and/or 999.

If a bomb threat has been received, standby for instructions from the Incident Manager.

If directed by your OSH Coordinator or Incident Manager, perform a walk through of your floor to see if whether any suspicious item is present.

If you see something suspicious, do not attempt to touch, pick up, or remove it. Contact OSH Coordinator or Building Security immediately.

Do not use a cell phone or walkie-talkie in the vicinity of a suspicious package – it may cause accidental detonation

Do not communicate bomb threat information to anyone other than Incident Manager, OSH Coordinator, and proper responding authorities.

No one shall attempt to locate the bomb device outside his or her office area.

No one shall turn on or off any light switches or other electrical devices.

No one shall move anything

Everyone shall take all personal identification items with them (purse, briefcase).

No one SHALL use the ELEVATORS.

Everyone above the first floor shall move downward and to the right; everyone in the

basement shall move upward and to the right.

Everyone shall stay away from the building after exiting.

No one shall leave the scene.

No one shall start a vehicle parked outside the building.

No radio or telephone communication shall be conducted within the 300-foot perimeter.

BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST • PRESS THE RECORD BUTTON, WHEN APPLICABLE • WRITE DOWN THE CALLER ID NUMBER, WHEN APPLICABLE Date of call:________ Time of call:________ Time the caller hung up:_________ EXACT WORDS OF THE CALLER: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS TO ASK: 1. When is the bomb going to explode?________________________________ 2. Where is it right now?____________________________________________ 3. What does it look like?___________________________________________ 4. What kind of bomb is it?__________________________________________

5. What will cause it to explode?______________________________________ 6. Who placed the bomb?___________________________________________ 7. Why was the bomb placed?_______________________________________ 8. Where are you calling from?_______________________________________ 9. What is your name?_____________________________________________ DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING: Caller's identity: Male___ Female___ Adult___ Juvenile___ Age___ Race_____ Voice Tone: Loud___ Soft___ Raspy___ Disguised___ Rapid___ Other_______ Accent: Local___ Foreign___ Region_______________ Other______________ Speech: Fast___ Slow___ Distorted___ Stuttering___ Slurred___ Nasal___ Language: Excellent___ Good___ Fair___ Poor___ Taped___ Foul___ Other__ Manner: Calm___ Angry___ Rational___ Irrational___ Coherent__ Incoherent__ Deliberate___ Emotional___ Righteous___ Laughing___ Other_______ Background Sounds: Machines___ Street___ Animals___ Music___Voices___ Party___ Traffic___ Airplanes___ House Noises___ Phone Booth___ Rapid____ Other____


PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES -After Warning and prior to Hurricane

Should disaster strike, the same evacuation guidelines will apply:

Staff would be sent home ahead of time or be required to stay at home until further notice.

All movable objects around the building will be secured.

Employees will take cover in as secure a shelter as possible.

The Incident Management Group will be on hand as far as practicable.

Ensure all windows and doors are protected from flying debris.

Have emergency supplies available including flashlights, emergency lighting, raincoats, coveralls, radio, and extra supply of meals.

Inspect roof-edging strips, gutters, flashing cover and rains, and expedite repairs.

Protect important records from wind, debris, and rain.

Check everything that might be blown away or torn loose.

Assemble and secure the following supplies and equipment: Ply board sheets and nails, tape for glass windows, two-way radios for communicating with the security provider, tarpaulins, first aid supplies, stored bottled drinking water, galley supplies.

Confirm that all items of fire protection equipment are ready for service.

Confirm, where provided that the start by generator is fuelled up.

Clean out all drains.

A head Count must be done following any evacuation.

The incident Manager will ensure:

✔ Accountability for all personnel present and effective Evacuation Procedures. ✔ External assistance if necessary. ✔ Security of personnel, equipment and property. ✔ Forecasts / Advisories / Updates through the under-mentioned or similar websites: – National Weather Service, Miami, Florida, USA. – The Weather Channel

OFFICE OF DISASTER AND P REPAREDNESS MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Office of Disaster Preparedness & Management: 640-1285 / 640-8905 / 640-8653 / 6408693 / Tobago 660-7489 ➢ Police Service: 999 ➢ Fire & Ambulance Services: 990 ➢ EMS/EHS Ambulance Services: North 624-4343, South 653-4343, Tobago 639-

4444 ➢ Trinidad & Tobago Coast Guard: 634-4440 / 634-4439 ➢ For Pets and Livestock – Contact the TTSPCA: POS 622-1367, San Fernando

658-3813, Tobago 639-2567

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