Find The Closest In Meaning

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 17
Find the closest in meaning 1- Without his help, the job would have been impossible. A)Even though he was very helpful, we were still unable to complete the project. B)Since he wasn’t able to give us a hand, we didn't believe we would be able to finish the job. C)There's no way the task could have been done if he had not provided assistance. D)The assignment proved quite easy, even though he refused to give us aid. E)Though it wasn't easy, we managed to accomplish our task without his assistance. 2-The horse has made a greater contribution to civilisation than any other animal. A)No animal has played a larger role in man's social development than the horse. B)Horses have been offering their assistance to man since the beginning of history. C)Without horses, it is somewhat doubtful that civilisation would ever have happened. D)Since the dawn of history, man has been exploiting the horse to a great extent. E)Civilisations flourished thanks to many animals that helped man, one of which was the horse. 3-I'm not so wide-awake as to start work in the morning until I've had my first cup of coffee. A)It's only after I drink my first morning coffee that I feel sufficiently alert to start work. B)I like to start the day with a cup of coffee because it aids to remove the drowsiness I feel in the mornings. C)The only work I'd like to do in the early morning is to make myself a cup of coffee. D)If I have to work without drinking a few cups of coffee, I find it really difficult to concentrate on anything. E)A few cups of coffee in the morning just before I start work help me feel better and work more efficiently. 4- Far more devastating for the author than the loss of his house to fire was the destruction of the sole copy of his latest novel. A)In his latest book, the author tells of the pain he suffered when he lost his home in a devastating fire. B)Even the destruction of his home in the fire was not as hard for the author to bear as the burning of the manuscript of his new novel. C)The only thing the author was able to rescue from the flames which destroyed his home was the sole copy of his latest book. D)Even more difficult for the author than writing a single book was seeing it destroyed when his house burnt down. E)The author was devastated to find his house burnt down with everything in it, among which was the only manuscript of his latest novel. 5- Keeping a stable of horses is a pastime that can be enjoyed only by the very rich. A)Almost all rich people seem to enjoy keeping a stable of horses, which requires quite a lot of money. B)Horseback riding is only possible if you have a lot of money. C)All wealthy people enjoy showing off their money by keeping a stable of horses. D)For those who are not wealthy, it is impossible to have the pleasure of owning a stable of horses. E)Having horses of your own is an extremely enjoyable hobby, but you must be prepared to spend a lot of money. 6-Our team greatly underestimated the other team and were defeated in the match. A)The other team were very confident, yet they were no matches for ours, who won without effort. B)Our team thought the other team were very good and weren't surprised when they lost the match. C)The other team weren’t as good as expected, yet they beat ours quite badly. D)Our team thought the other team weren't nearly as good as they were and lost the match. E)Our team played much better than expected, but still lost the match to a far superior opponent. 7- He didn’t look as if he understood when you explained to him how to operate the machine. A)I don't understand why he couldn't operate the machine as you explained everything to him so well. B)He might not have understood your instructions about the machine, as he didn't appear to at the time. C)He didn't look at you carefully as you demonstrated how to use the machine, and so tried to operate it incorrectly. D)I don't think he followed the procedures you told him, or he could have run the machine. E)He hardly comprehended any of the instructions you gave about the machine because he didn’t watch you intently. 8-I don't think James shares your opinion on the matter at all. A)In my opinion, James completely disagrees with you on that topic. B)I consider that James doesn't care what you think on that subject. C)It seems clear to me that James isn't telling you what he thinks. D)I don't believe that you ever tell James what you think on any subject. E)As far as 1 can see, what James thinks is of no importance to you. 9- A policewoman was able to calm the situation eventually. A)One of the policewomen remained calm throughout the event. B)Finally, the policewoman stopped being upset about things. C)After the ordeal, one of the policewomen could speak about it calmly. D)In the end, order and peace were restored by a policewoman. E)At length, the policewoman managed to see the true position.


10- The company accepted responsibility for the problems. A) The company was blamed for the difficulties. B) The company's business was to sort out problems. C) The firm was known to be dependable in times of trouble. D) The firm wanted its staff to take responsibility for what they did. E) The firm agreed that they had caused the problems. 11-Had someone told me about the meeting, there’s no way I would have missed it. A) Although no one told me where the meeting was, I managed to find my way to it. B) Even if someone had told me about the meeting, I still wouldn't have gone. C) Whether I'm told or not, I never get around to going to meetings. D) The only reason why I didn't attend the meeting is that I wasn't informed about it. E) Though I knew about the meeting, I couldn't attend it as I didn't know ho to get there. 12-Tom had the chance to study in the USA, yet he decided against it. A) Tom has begun his studies in America, but he does not want to finish them. B) Tom was lucky enough to study in America, but he didn't enjoy it. C) Tom was against the idea of studying in America, yet he had to go there anyway. D) Tom could have studied in America if he had wanted to, but he didn't. E) Tom has the opportunity to attend school in America, though he can't decide whether to go there or not. 13-He used to love horse races but his interest has diminished over the years. A) Fortunately, he doesn't waste as much time on the horse races as he used to. B) Unfortunately he can't go to the horse races as often as he did in the past. C) Horse racing is no longer so enjoyable for him as it once was. D) Watching horses race is less fun for him now that he has become an old man. E) Over the years, he has become more and more interested in watching horses race. 14-Unlike most people, my father doesn't mind if people borrow books and don't give them back. A) My father is different from other people who object when others don't return borrowed books. B) My father is not very organised, so he doesn't remember whether people bring the books they borrow back or not. C) My father doesn't like people who don't return the books they borrow. D) My father never lends books to people 'because he knows they don't like to give them back. E) People normally don't like lending books, but my father does, even if he can't get them back. 15-What brought their relationship to an end was that she found fault with everything he did. A) He was trying hard to continue their relationship, but she still found fault with it. B) He didn't really want to finish their relationship, but it was impossible to put up with her faults. C) Whatever he did, she was never satisfied, and in the end, they broke up. D) Although he didn't have many faults, she always found something to criticise him for. E) Throughout their relationship, she believed that he was not good enough for her. 16-She never eats cake except when she celebrates her birthday. A) Until her last birthday, she had never tasted even a small piece of cake. B) At last, on her last birthday, she tried a piece of her birthday cake. C) The only occasion on which she eats cake is on her own birthday. D) Although she celebrates her birthday every year, she never eats any of her birthday cake. E) She has decided that for the first time in her life, she will try eating cake on her birthday. 17-Being totally unfamiliar with the situation, he could only offer very little help. A) Because he didn't offer any assistance, he wasn't able to learn much about what was happening. B) As he only knew very little about the case, his offer of help was of no use. C) Not knowing anyone involved in the event, he decided not to offer to do anything about it. D) Since they wouldn't explain the problem to him, he figured that they didn't need his help. E) He was unable to offer much assistance, as he didn’t know anything about the case. 18-It was Jack Nicholson's performance that rescued the film from being a complete failure. A)The only good thing about the film was Jack Nicholson's performance; otherwise, it was terrible. B)The character Jack Nicholson played in the film was a man who failed while trying to rescue people from a disaster. C)Even the wonderful performance of Jack Nicholson failed to make the film a success. D)It was a great film, which was further enhanced by Jack Nicholson's acting. E)Although I knew it was a terrible film, I still went to see it to see Jack Nicholson perform. 19- In spite of exceptionally fine weather, it was a disastrous year for tourism. A)Everyone involved in the tourist industry is worried about the awful weather. B)Natural disasters always lead to a fall in tourism, no matter what the weather is like. C)More tourists would have come if the weather had been better. D)The weather was unusually good, but still, there were a small number of tourists. E)Tourism is too unstable an industry to base your fortunes on.


20-It wasn’t the best film I’ve ever seen, but it was definitely above average. A)I've never seen such a good film in such an ordinary cinema. B)I can only recall ever seeing one mm better than that one. C)The film was better than most, though I have seen better ones. D)I've seen a lot of dull films, but that one is worse than most. E)Though the film was wonderful, it lasted a bit longer than normal. 21-It is nearly as expensive to take a train from London to Edinburgh as it is to fly from London to New York. A)It costs a lot more to fly to New York than it does to take a train to Edinburgh from London; B)It is sometimes even more expensive to go from London to Edinburgh by train than it is to fly from London to New York. C)You can choose which you like as train and plane fares are exactly the same from London to Edinburgh and to New York. D)It makes more sense to fly direct to New York than to take the train from Edinburgh to London first. E)A train journey to Edinburgh from London costs only a little less than a flight from London to New York. 22-For as long as he can remember, he has had the unfulfilled ambition of being a professional football player. A)He has finally realised his lifelong ambition to play football for a professional team. B)Unlike most boys, playing football was never very important to him, even as a child. C)Having fulfilled his aim to be a professional footballer, he now remembers how ambitious he was as a child. D)Though he has always wanted to play football professionally, he has never achieved it. E)It seems as if he will continue to be a football fan for as long as he lives. 23-Although home-cooking is traditionally done by women, most of the chefs are men. A)Cooking in homes is considered women's duty, but the majority of professional cooks are male. B)Men are more original in their cooking, while women are better at preparing traditional dishes. C)Since chefs are too busy cooking for others, at home, their wives have to cook for them. D)Cooking is fun for people of all ages whether they are men or women. E)Women must hate cooking due to their traditional role at home as it is not common to see a famous female chef. 24-The festival has been postponed due to adverse weather conditions. A)There won't be a festival at all because the weather is so bad. B)The festival planners should have known that winter is an unfavourable time for a festival. C)It is 'a bad idea to have festivals in a place where the weather is so unsettled. D)The intense heat forced the cancellation of this year's festival. E)Since the weather is so bad, the festival will be held at a later date. 25-When the footballer set a new record, supporters of both teams applauded and shouted. A) The fans of both teams were waiting excitedly as it was almost certain that the player would set a new record during this match. B)Not only the fans of his own team but also those of the opposition cheered the player when he surpassed the old record. C)The fans tried to assist the opposing player in setting a new record, but their cheers didn't help him. D)The fans of the home team angrily threw rocks and bottles at the visiting team's player when he broke the record. E)The fans cheered when the player broke the record, even though he played for the opposition. 26-I would leave my car at home and take the train to work if it were a bit more reliable. A)I only stopped driving to work when trains started to run a bit more reliably. B) Because my house is not on the rail line, I travel to work by car. C)I have to travel to work in my car because trains run so unreliably. D)If I had my own car. I wouldn't have to go to work on these unreliable trains. E) Until I could afford to buy my own car. I had to rely on the train to get to work. 27-It was nearly dark when our bus finally arrived. after what seemed like an endless journey. A)It was a long, dark journey through the night, which made us grow impatient. B)Though the bus trip took a long time, since we arrived before dark, it did not seem that long. C)There is nothing quite so depressing as arriving at your destination Just as it gets dark. D)Though it was not far, the darkness made the trip seem much longer than it actually was. E) Our bus trip seemed to take forever, but finally ended at dusk. 28-He's been unemployed since he dismissed from the factory due to his involvement in the strike. A)He lost his job in the factory when he supported the strike, and hasn't been able to find one since. B)He was among those who were given the sack because of the factory strike, and he is now unemployed. C)He is unemployed at the moment because the factory is closed due to the strike. D)The factory where he used to work closed down when the workers went on strike, and he couldn't find a job afterwards. E)Although he hadn't participated in the strike, he was dismissed from the factory alongside the others, and since then, he's been unemployed.


29-The test is designed so that the questions get progressively harder. A)The test has been set up to be more difficult in order to test the progress of those taking it precisely. B)Though the exam may seem very challenging at first look, if you've made progress, you can do it well. C)Although this test looks difficult, you've made so much progress that I'm sure you'll pass it easily. D)This test has been formatted in such a way that only the most progressive students can do it. E)The format of the exam is such that it starts with easier questions and continues gradually increasing in difficulty. 30-For the companies which just want profits, the morality of what they do is not so important. A) Although there are companies which do care about morality, the concern of most of them is just to make money. B) Wanting to make profits is quite natural, but companies should also consider the rights and wrongs of what they do. C) Since big corporations often donate huge amounts of money to charity, they can be considered moral organisations. D) Some companies don't care much about whether what they do is right or wrong because they only concentrate on making money. E) There are, unfortunately, companies that do lots of immoral things just for the sake of making profits, though their number is not so high. 31-I only know him very little; otherwise, I could ask for his help. A)I only needed little help, so I preferred not to ask him. B)Though I would like to ask him for help, he is known to be a difficult person to speak to. C)I can't ask him for help because I hardly know him. D)If I didn't know him so well, I would ask him for help. E)It is so hard to do this that I can't finish It without his help.. 32-It was a bad idea for us to invite Tracy and Tony at the same time. A)We should never have Tracy and Tony over here together. B)We should have asked Tracy and Tony to come at different times. C)Tracy and Tony can't stand each other, so we ought to invite them separately. D)Tracy and Tony are angry that we didn't invite them both. E)We couldn't have given an invitation to both Tracy and Tony. 33- For me, not many things are as pleasant as watching a sunset at sea after a whole day’s sailing. A)In my opinion, nothing is so wonderful as sailing a boat and then watching the sunset. B)I find few things more enjoyable than a sunset far from land after sailing a boat all day. C)As an experienced sailor, I can predict the weather by the colour of the sunset. D)The time I like sailing a boat best is just before the sun sets. E)Whenever I spend the whole day at sea sailing, I look forward to sunset in the harbour. 34-It was not until after the meeting that I realised I had not discussed all the points I had wanted to. A)I'd planned to talk about more things at the meeting than I actually did, but I only noticed this when the meeting was over. B)Though we discussed everything I wanted to, we did not reach conclusions on everything at the end of the meeting. C)The meeting adjourned without discussing any of the points I had wanted to talk about. D)I kept trying to bring up more points at the meeting, but there was just not enough time to discuss everything. E)I carefully planned all the points I would bring up during the meeting, but some of them were not included on the agenda by the others. 35-The college is quite prestigious considering it was only founded ten years ago. A)The college was founded by some prestigious people ten years ago. B)The college has raised several well-known people since its founding ten years ago. C)When considering a college, prestige is more important than age. D)For a college that is only ten years old, it has a surprisingly good reputation. E)Ten years ago, when the college was established, no one knew what to expect of it. 36-We started the final ascent to the summit after we had taken a brief pause for rest. A)We were all too tired to continue the ascent without taking a long rest. B)Though we were just below the summit, we could no longer climb, and so we decided to take a rest. C)We took a short rest before trying to climb to the top of the mountain. D)It was still quite a long way to the summit, which meant we would have to stop for a rest. E)We stopped briefly and decided on our strategy for the rest of our climb. 37-The summers in Siberia are as hot as the winters are cold. A)Though Siberia is known for its cold winters, at least the summer is nice. B)In Siberia, the winters are very cold, and the summers are, too. C)Siberia not only has very cold winters, but very hot summers as well. D)Since this summer was very hot, Siberia is due for a bit cold winter. E)While the summers are quite cool there, Siberian winters aren't bad.


38-While the bus is cheaper and faster, he decided to go by train. A)Because the bus is so speedy and inexpensive, he thought he should go there on the train. B)Since he knows that buses are not as fast and are rather pricey, he always travels by train. C)Though the bus is less expensive, the train would have taken much less time to arrive at his destination. D)Although he wanted to travel by tram, which is faster, the lower price of the bus made him change his mind. E)He made up his mind to travel by train, though it is slower and more expensive than the bus. 39-There's no way l can finish this job in time. A)I doubt that I will be able to finish this job according to schedule. B)I'm hot sure what time I'll have finished this project. C)I’ll definitely finish this job in time unless you get in my way. D)It's not possible for me to complete this task by the deadline. E)While it may be a bit late, I'm determined to get the job done. 40-Had you told us you were a vegetarian, we would have made you something else. A)I'm glad you said you don't eat meat, or we wouldn't have prepared you a special dinner. B)Although we weren't sure that you didn't eat meat, we prepared some vegetarian food anyway. C)We had no idea you were a vegetarian, so we didn't make anything you could eat. D)I wish you'd told us that you don't eat meat, then we wouldn’t have bothered to prepare all these dishes. E)As we're all vegetarians here, we didn't have to make anything special for you. 41-He can't have really meant what he said. A)It's not possible that his words truly reflected his feelings. B)He should have judged the impact of what he was saying. C)He told us that he didn't actually intend to say what he did. D)There's no excuse for him saying he didn't mean that. E)He ought to have lied and said something less offensive. 42-Nobody I know makes better pasta than Tony's mother. A)I believe that the best pasta in the world is made by Tony's mum. B)Of all the people I know, Tony's mother cooks the best pasta. C)None of the people I know can fail to appreciate the pasta cooked by Tony's mother. D)I know that Tony's mother can cook really delicious pasta. E)I don't think there can be anyone who makes pasta better than Tony's mother. 43-You don't happen to know Charles Simons, do you? A)Do you know what happened to Charles Simons? B)You haven't done anything to Charles Simons, have you? C)Have you heard what Charles Simons did last? D)Are you acquainted with Charles Simons by any chance? E)Nothing bad ever happens to Charles Simons, does it? 44-Only those who arrive on time will be allowed to enter the conference hall. A)It's imperative to be punctual, or we won't be able to attend the conference. B)People who turn up late for the conference won't be let in. C)Those who want to attend the conference should be ready in front of the hall to be let in punctually. D)It's a good thing that they won't let the late-comers into the conference hall, or it would be distracting. E)If those interested in the conference are punctual, the program will start on time. 45-Few people ever reach their full potential in the world of business. A)In the business environment, most people are never able to display all of their capabilities. B)Most businessmen never achieve worldwide fame, although they are very able persons. C)Not many people in the business circles know exactly what they can do. D)In the world of business, not many people actually do what they would like to. E)There aren't many businessmen the world over who are really capable. 46-It is safe to say that there was no one who was not moved by the film's emotional ending. A)I can definitely say that everyone moved out of the cinema as soon as the film was over. B)Because of poor safety conditions at the cinema, everyone had to move before the film ended C)There is no doubt that everyone was emotionally touched by the film’s ending. D)No one in the audience had ever seen a better film, and they particularly liked its ending. E)There was probably not a single person who found the film moving. 47-Ian couldn't ignore the pile of correspondence sitting on his desk say longer. A)Ian wasn't able to answer all the long letters which he'd received. B)It was not possible for Ian to write a lot of long letters at work. C)In the end, Ian decided that it was impossible to reply to all the letters on his desk D)Finally lan had to deal with the large amount of mail waiting on his desk. E)Ian delayed writing a reply to the letter on his desk until the last possible moment.


48-I must admit this is the most spectacular view I've ever seen during my extensive travels. A)So far on this journey, we’ve seen a lot of beautiful places, but this one is by far the most attractive. B)I can't help but remark that the reason why I travel so extensively is not to miss, such marvellous places as this one. C)I don't think we'll ever encounter a more beautiful view in our lives than this, since it is so breath-taking. D)I'm really excited about the prospect that we may encounter many more such spectacular view's on our travels. E)I've travelled quite a lot in my life, and admittedly, have never seen such a breath-taking view as this. 49-In spite of his physical handicaps, he has accomplished more than most able-bodied people. A)He has been given special advantages and privileges because of his physical handicaps. B)His mental illness has not stopped him from being successful like many normal people. C)Although he is a handicapped person, he feels that he can compete with the able-bodied. D)He is a disabled person, but even so, he has achieved more than most normal people have. E)His disabilities have held him back, though he is more intelligent than many able-bodied people. 50-I seldom take the trouble to write to my parents, though I know that I should. A)Even though I frequently write to my parents, I don't enjoy it. B)Although I know I should write to my family more often, I only do so when I feel troubled. C)I don't know why I should write to my family as it just causes trouble for me. D)While it is my duty to write to my parents, I am just too late to do it often. E)Though I hardly ever see my parents, I am careful to write to them quite often. 51-Only when your parrot has learnt one phrase should you teach it another. A)Do not teach your parrot a new phrase before it has memorised the previous one. B)As soon as your parrot learns a phrase, you should start teaching a new one. C)Parrots can't learn two phrases at a time, so avoid doing that to your parrot. D) It will be easier for your parrot if you teach only one phrase at a time. E)You should put the phrases you'd like to teach your parrot in order to make it easier for it to learn them. 52-My son used to eat all kinds of food, but now he has become very selective about what he eats. A)Although I try to give my son all kinds of food, he insists on being selective about what he eats. B) My son's attitude towards food makes him a difficult person to cook for. C)While there was a time when there were many things my son wouldn't eat, he is now used to eating everything. D)Over the years, my son has become accustomed to different dishes, so he no longer eats what he used to, E)At one time, my son would eat anything, but now there are a lot of things he refuses to eat. 53-It was thought, wrongly, by some people that we would have established a moon colony by the year 2000. A)Some people say that it is wrong to establish a moon colony in the year2000. B)The moon colony was successfully predicted by many people long ago. C)Though a moon colony was predicted by some for the year 2000 at the latest, it has not come about. D)The first moon landing led t6 all sorts of wild speculation about what might be possible in the year 2000. E)Many people believe that the year 2000 is the most likely date for the establishment of a moon colony. 54-A potentially valuable tool, the dictionary is misused by many language students. A)Every language learner needs a good dictionary if he or she wishes to succeed B)Many language learners rely on dictionaries when they have problems with choosing the suitable word for the context. C)Without a dictionary, there is no way to learn all the words that language students need to know. D)While dictionaries are useful, they do not solve all the problems a language learner may encounter. E)Though a dictionary should be helpful, many language students use it incorrectly. 55-Despite the fact that I missed my bus, I was punctual for the interview. A)I would rather have taken the bus, but I still arrived at the interview promptly. B)It's not because I overslept and missed the interview, but because I just wasn't able to get on the bus. C)If I hadn't taken the bus, I might not have arrived so late for the interview. D)I wasn't late for the interview, even though I didn't manage to catch the bus. E)I would have arrived at the interview punctually if I had taken the bus. 56-In~my opinion, that writer deserves more recognition than he’s had so far. A)I think that most people don't know who that writer is when they see him. B)As yet, I don't think that writer has had as much attention as he deserves. C)That writer has worked for so many years that I think he should be rewarded. D)I consider that that writer deserves all the success he has achieved. E)That writer' is more successful than any other writer up to the present day. 57-Whether or not Neil is able to come; the meeting will take place as planned. A)The meeting may not happen on the planned date, if Neil is unable to come. B)The meeting is going ahead, regardless of whether Neil attends or not. C)When Neil can give us a date, we will finalise arrangements for the meeting. D)We'll find out if Neil can attend, once the plans for the meeting have been made. E)The meeting place has been arranged, so now we Just need to wait for Neil.


58-He said firmly that either we invited Susie to the party, or he wouldn't be there. A)He insisted that he wasn't going to come to the party unless we invited Susie. B)He told me that if we hadn't invited Susie to the party, then he wouldn't have come. C)He complained that we should have invited Susie, as he couldn't attend the party without her. D) He seemed determined to persuade us to invite Susie to the party. E)Even if we had invited Susie, she wouldn't have come if he'd said he would be there. 59-As the postal service is so unreliable; the parcel may not arrive in time for Christmas. A)They will probably never receive their Christmas parcel, because the post is bad during that time. B)The parcel I sent them for Christmas won't arrive if the post office is not reliable. C)It's possible that the post is reliable at Christmas and the parcel won't arrive at all. D)The parcel might be late for Christmas, owing to the unreliability of the mail. E)Unless you post the parcel before Christmas, the unreliable postal service won't deliver it. 60-Those can't be Robert's shoes, as they're much too big. A)Those shoes won't fit Robert because his feet are too big. B)Robert's feet are too small for those shoes, so he mustn't wear them. C)Those shoes are not nearly small enough to be Robert's. D)Robert can't wear those shoes since they are not big enough. E)Even if those were Robert's shoes, they'd be too big for him. 61-If you happen to run into Millie, tell her to give me a ring. A)If you are meeting Millie today, ask her to get in touch with me. B)Could you tell Millie, if you see her, that I want my ring back? C)If you see Millie while you're running, tell her I want to talk to her. D)Can you ask Millie to call me if, by some chance, you see her? E)Whatever happens today, please don't forget to tell Millie to call me. 62-While technology is important to growing nations, literacy must not be neglected. A)Reading and writing must be given more importance than science in growing countries. B)Technology without the ability to read about it, is a waste of time in high-growth cultures. C)Forgetting about literature to grow technologically is the price of advancement in today's world. D)Compared to technology, scientific advancement is neglected in the world's developing cultures. E)Technology is significant to developing nations, but reading and writing need attention, too. 63-Any health benefits gained by eating meat are far outweighed by the hazards of doing so A)The fact that meat causes weight gain is dangerous to an individual’s well being. B)Consuming animal flesh can harm you, but it's still an essential source of nutrition. C)Eating meat may promote health in some ways, but harms it in many more. D)In order to be healthy, it's important to eat meat despite potential health risks. E)Though meat can be unhealthy, it's even more unhealthy to avoid eating it. 64-Before their first contact with Europeans, Native Americans had not known alcoho1. A)Drinking alcohol was rare among Native Americans when Europeans first set foot on their land. B)The native population of America were unfamiliar with alcohol until they met Europeans. C)It was Native Americans who taught Europeans how to produce alcohol D)Alcohol had not been drunk 'in Europe until explorers brought it back from the New World. E)It was not common to drink alcohol in America before Europeans discovered the continent. 65-No doubt you've thought about this decision, but there are one or two points I’d like to raise. A)Now that you've had time to think about it, have you considered my decision? B)I doubt you've considered the problem, but I've decided to speak to you anyway. C)I know you've thought about your decision, but there are several points about which I have doubts D)Although I'm sure you've considered your decision, I have a few things to say about it. E)I know you haven't been able to decide yet, so I have a few suggestions to make. 66-What began as a pleasant hike ended up being a fight for survival A)It started as an enjoyable walk in the country, but resulted in a nearly fatal situation. B)The fight that nearly cost them their lives was initiated during a hike in the woods. C)They started the day hiking together and finished it trying to kill one another. D)Though they had planned to spend the day walking, they ended it with a nasty fight. E)When they started asking strangers for lifts, they didn't realise the danger that lay ahead.


67-Tourists often find Hawaii an ideal place, but what they fail to realise is that local residents have to put up with high prices and low wages. A)Hawaii can be a paradise for locals and visitors alike because of the excellent climate and economic conditions. B)The income generated by tourism has led to an improvement in the life style of ordinary Hawaiians. C)Unaware of the difficult economic conditions faced by local residents, tourists often think of Hawaii as paradise. D)Because of the surprisingly high prices they find there, many tourists agree with local residents that it is less than an ideal place. E)Though tourists' dollars fail to benefit most local residents, Hawaii is still an ideal place to live. 68-I was amazed that my ordinarily humourless boss could come up with such a hilarious joke. A)It was so uncharacteristic of my boss to tell a really funny joke that I was thoroughly surprised. B)My boss's jokes are usually funny, but this one was even funnier than usual. C)Since my boss has such a great sense of humour, I was astounded to hear him tell such a bad joke. D)If anyone can tell a good joke, then my normally stern and unsmiling boss can too. E)The surprising thing about my boss is the way he can suddenly seem to have no sense of humour at all. 69-Widespread unemployment is a problem that has concerned many governments over the past two decades; A)Because more and more people didn't want to work, governments started looking at the problem twenty years ago. B)So many people are unemployed now that it will take twenty years to solve the problem and get them all back to work. C)A number of governments over the last twenty years have increased welfare benefits for the growing number of unemployed. D)The trend among governments of the last twenty years has been to attempt to solve the problems of unemployment. E)For the last twenty years, many governments have had to deal with a high rate of unemployment. 70-The meeting was a pointless, overly lengthy conference, just as I’d said it'd be. A)I thought the conference would be boring and not have any good points. B)As I left the conference, I said I knew it would be long and dull. C)It came as a surprise to the others that I foresaw a long and useless conference. D)Exactly as predicted, the conference was too long and lacked a purpose. E)After the conference, I said that it had been quite lengthy and rather pointless. 71- Tense relations between the two groups make a peacefu1 settlement unlikely. A)The lack of a peace agreement between the two groups is causing tension. B)Inter-society conflicts are disturbing the otherwise peaceful life in the community. C)It is doubtful that aggression will be avoided, due to bad feeling between the two groups. D)There is such trouble between the two families that there will probably be fights. E)The two groups are trying to disturb the peace by angering family members. 72-The official figures show, that average earnings in Brunei are quite high, but most of the wealth is possessed by just a few people. A)Everyone in Brunei makes a lot of money though some people among officials make more than others. B)Though statistics indicate that Bruneins have, on average, large incomes, in reality there's only a small financial elite C)There are a lot of very rich people among the officials in Brunei because they all earn very large salaries. D)The wealth of Brunei is distributed between its citizens quite evenly so that everyone has got a high standard of living. E)As well as there being some very rich people in Brunei, the normal people are, on average, pretty well-off. 73-Holland is famous for its cheeses, which are named for the towns that produce them. A)The Dutch are well-known for making cheese and different types bear the names of the towns where they are made. B)The cheese made in the Netherlands is so famous that many towns have been named for types of cheese. C)Many towns in Holland share their names with famous cheeses; in fact, the country barely produces anything else. D)Because of their world famous cheeses, many Dutch people have renamed their towns after local varieties of them. E)In the Netherlands, many towns produce their own special types of cheese, which are available only in that town. 74-While the motorway is more direct and faster, the country road offers better views. A)Even though the country road is more beautiful, I definitely prefer taking the motorway, which is faster. B)The scenery on the country road is so beautiful that it's worth taking it instead of the faster highway. C)Although the traffic on the motorway moves faster the scenic country route is actually shorter. D)The country road is more scenic, though the highway follows a quicker and less roundabout route. E)You will see nice views both on the country road and on the highway, but the latter is definitely faster. 75-Until the invention of the printing press, books were written by hand. A)People used to hand-write books in the days before the advent of the printing press B)The practice of writing books ceased when the printing press was invented. C)After the invention of the printing pres., nobody ever wrote books by hand again. D)The same people that wrote books by hand used printing presses once they had been invented. E)The invention of the printing press made people stop buying hand-written books.


76-It's hard to believe that Tim and Tom are twins; I can't imagine two more different people. A)A don't really think Tim and Tom are twins, since they are not similar in any way. B)Tim and Tom are so unlike each other that it's difficult to think of them as twins. C)If I try to think of two people who are as different from each other as Tim and Tom. I can't D)When I think about Tim and Torn being twins, I get such a different idea about them. E)Though they claim to be twins, I don't even believe Tim and Tom are from the same family. 77-The only thing I really need at this very moment is to be on my own for a while. A)I'd really rather be by myself at the moment than be among such a big crowd. B)While I know I need to be alone at the moment I don’t think it seems possible. C)At the moment, nothing can help me feel better than spending some time by myself. D)I don't know what to do about this situation, so I think I'll think about it for some time. E)I'm not feeling very well at the moment, and I think it's because I've been on my own for so long. 78-Though the flight was expensive, it wag worth it, as the long bus ride would have been unbearable. A)The price of taking a plane seemed unreasonable after we learnt how soon we would have arrived by bus. B)We felt justified in spending a lot of money on the plane as we couldn't have borne the long bus trip. C)While plane tickets are expensive, buses are not that cheap and they are much less comfortable. D)Since we didn't want to take a bus, we had to spend quite a lot of extra money to take a plane. E)We took the bus which took forever, and rea1ly wished we had spent the extra money on the flight. 79-The thing that annoys me the most about him is the way he keeps criticising other people. A)I find his habit of criticising others his most irritating feature. B) get angrier with him than with the others because he won't stop criticising them. C)If he didn't criticise me all the time, he wouldn't annoy me as much as the "others do. D)The way he criticises me in front of other people makes me extremely angry. E)It's one thing when he criticises me, but it annoys me most when he criticises others. 80-Although London is far from being an unpolluted city, the problem isn't as bad as it used to be. A)Compared to its situation in the past, these days there is hardly any pollution in London. B)London is undoubtedly still polluted, but it's less of a problem because people are accustomed to it now. C)In the past, London's pollution, spread even to faraway cities, but that is no longer a big problem. D)While the problem definitely hasn't disappeared, there is less pollution in London nowadays. E}London isn't as polluted as it was in the past: in fact, the pollution problem has been solved. 81-I haven't had a chance yet to look at the proposal in depth, but it seems promising A) I’ve been wanting to read the proposal for a long time, as I believe that it's very promising, B)They keep promising to let me study the proposal, but I haven’t had any luck with it yet. C)The proposal appears to be promising. I haven't yet been able to study it in detail though. D)I think that the proposal will lead to a contract, but I'll need the op-unity to study it. E)I haven't been lucky enough to see the full proposal yet, but they promise I’ll be able to. 82-She strongly denied knowing anything about the matter, but she must have been aware of it. A)She said emphatically that she didn't have any knowledge of the event, but I guess she did. B)Her denial was so strong that it was clear she knew about everything that had happened C)She should have known what was happening, although she said forcefully that she didn't. D)Her refusal to admit that she knew is not important, as it is impossible that she didn't know. E)I'm sure she was not ignorant of the cast, though she swore she knew nothing about it. 83-We'll know whether the contract is ours or not sometime before Friday. A)By Friday we'll have been told if we have been awarded the contract. B) Though I'm sure the contract is ours, it won't be confirmed until Friday. C) Until Friday we won't have time to find out more about the contract. D) We'll arrange a time on Friday to find out which of the contracts is ours. E) Normally we find out before Friday whether we've got the contract. 84-The amount of litter left in the park over the course of any weekend in the summer is astonishing. A)It's amazing just how much rubbish is left in the park during a summer weekend. B)You'd be surprised at how much it costs to remove the litter from the park in the summer. C)There is an increasing amount of trash being left in the park over the summer weekends. D)The price of belongings not removed from the park after a summer weekend is very high. E)The time of year when the park is used most cruelly is, summer weekends. 85-I think the appointment still stands, as we haven't heard anything to the contrary from her. A)She hasn't cancelled the arrangement, so I imagine it's going ahead as planned. B)She hasn't called about the time of the date, so we're still waiting for confirmation. C)I think we’ll offer her the job because we haven't heard anything negative about her. D)She hasn't told us about a meeting today, so I assume it will be in the future. E)The job must still be available since she hasn't told us that she wants to take it.


86-She sounded uncertain in her replies, which failed to give me any confidence in her. A)Even she didn't seem sure about her answers, so I'm sure that I've failed. B)I'm' almost certain that I will fail because she seemed unsure that they would reply. C)What gave me no confidence in her was the fact that she responded hesitantly. D)She failed because her replies were not satisfactory, but I'm confident that I won't. E)I have no confidence that she will pass, as she seemed so doubtful about her answers. 87-He couldn't have held a party on his birthday last year if it hadn't happened to fall on a Saturday. A)Although it was a Saturday, he couldn't give a party on his birthday last year. B)On one Saturday last year, he decided to have a party as his birthday had been a failure. C)He had an accident on his birthday last year, which was a, Saturday, so he' couldn't have a party. D)It was because his birthday coincided with a Saturday last year that he was able to give a party. E)He fell on his birthday and injured himself last year, so he held his party on the following Saturday instead. 88-What I can't stand about that courier company is that it's so unreliable. A)Knowing that they are so unreliable. I always try to avoid sending anything through that courier company. B)I wouldn't recommend sending anything through that courier company as they are not dependable. C)I don't understand how that courier company works as they're so unreliable. D)The feature of that courier company I really don't like is their unreliability. E)If that courier company weren't so unreliable, I wouldn't dislike them so much. 89-I’m not enjoying this job as much as my last one as my co-workers aren't friendly. A)I'm not happy in this job because the people I work with aren't friendly enough. B)This is the last time I'm going to do a job with people who are so unfriendly. C)Though I don't like this job as much as the one I did before, the workers are friendlier. D)Although I don't like the job itself, I still prefer this one because the people here are very friendly. E)I used to like my previous job better than this one because my colleagues were friendlier. 90-I won't tell them how old you are unless they specifically ask. A)I'll only tell them about your age if they ask me directly. B)Even if they ask you specifically, you should still refuse to tell them your age. C)You mustn't tell them you're old unless they question you about that. D)I refused to tell them how old you were until they specifically asked me. E)If they don't ask you directly. I don't think you should mention your age. 91-You might be able to get there before dark, though I doubt it. A)I'm absolutely certain that you will arrive at your destination after it gets dark. B)The chances are good that you will find yourself at your destination well before it gets dark. C)It's improbable that you will arrive during the daylight hours, as darkness comes very early at this time of year. D)The sooner you leave, the more chance you'll have to get there while it is still light. E)There could be a slight chance that you will arrive there while it is still light, but I'm not very hopeful. 92-You must have known about the meeting as there were signs for it posted everywhere. A)You can't have been unaware of the meeting since there were notices about it all over the place. B)Despite the signs, which were everywhere, you don't seem to have been notified of the meeting. C)Everybody must be informed of the meeting, which is why there are so many posters for it. D)Although it was well-publicised, nobody seemed to have told you there was a meeting. E)You should have attended the meeting - this was made clear on the signs, which were everywhere. 93-Better technology does not necessarily lead to decreased prices. A)Due to improved technology, it has been necessary to increase prices. B)Lower prices are generally a result of new breakthroughs in technology. C)Advances in technology are not always followed by reduced prices. D)Life today is gradually getting cheaper thanks to technology. E)Decreasing prices are considered bad no matter what the state of technology. 94-Even after having assessed the potential of his new students , the teacher was not entirely sure what to expect from them. A)After carefully estimating the capacities of his students, the teacher knew how each one would perform. B)Potential students are generally assessed by their teachers before entering university. C)Techniques for assessing potential students have improved to the point where students always take the most suitable courses. D)An appraisal of the abilities of his students was not enough to allow the teacher to predict their performance. E)Having carefully considered the abilities of his students, the teacher was not satisfied with the results they'd got. 95-Most soft drinks used to be sold in returnable bottles. A)Disposable bottles for soft drinks have now totally disappeared. B)One used to be able to take the majority of soft drink bottles back to the shop. C)Most people would prefer to buy soft drinks in bottles that could be returned. D)People used to use soft drink bottles for all sorts of purposes, E)Disposable bottles didn't used to be available at shops.


96-There was far too much evidence to the contrary for the judge to believe his story. A)The judge believed his story because he presented so much information in his own favour. B)The proof against him was not sufficient for the judge to convict him. C)The judge pronounced him guilty, though there were few facts to support this decision. D)While the judge wanted to believe his story, there was just not enough evidence to support it. E)The facts presented against him were so overwhelming that the judge discounted his story. 97-We'll attempt to solve the problem as soon as the relevant documents arrive. A)Once we've obtained all the information we need, we will try to find a solution. B)Since we have all the necessary documents, we may as well attempt to solve the problem. C)I'm sure we'll solve the problem soon, and in our own way. D)I doubt that we'll be able to solve such a problem before we have all the information. E)Since the documents have only just arrived, it'll be some time before we can solve the problem. 98-Our friendship continued as long as he lived. A)We had been friends for a long time when he died. B)We remained friends until his death. C)if he'd lived longer, our friendship would have grown. D)He was a friend of mine long before he died. E)I hadn't known him long when he died. 99-Had he only shown a more positive attitude, he would still have a secure job at the bank. A)If he had appreciated his position, he wouldn't have chosen to work at a bank. B)If he were a little less negative, the bank might consider keeping him on. C)Despite his positive attitude during the interview, he felt he couldn't secure the job at the bank. D)His negative manner will one day cost him the loss of his job at the bank. E)His negative approach and behaviour led to his dismissal from the bank. 100-Kelly left for the training program a week ago, so she should be back in two weeks. A)Kelly's training programme will begin after two weeks. B)last week, Kelly left to attend a two-week training programme. C)There are two weeks remaining of Kelly's three-week training programme. D)Though it is a three-week training programme. Kelly is going to return after two. E)Kelly's training programme will be over either next week or the week after next 101-We liked Albert more when he started working with us, but he hasn't been able to retain his original enthusiasm. A)We were all enthusiastic about having such a likeable colleague as Albert. B)We didn't use to like Albert but we soon got used to his enthusiasm. C)We are no longer as fond of Albert as we were because he is not as devoted to his work as he was Initially. D)We had never seen such an original and enthusiastic person as Albert when he started working with us. E)Albert's enthusiasm was originally infectious, but now we are all getting a bit fed up with it 102-There has never been a better time to invest your money. A)Now is the best time in history to try to make your money grow. B)If you want to make your money grow, you had better wait. C)There is never a good time for some people to invest their money. D)Investment possibilities have always been good. E)There is no better thing to do with your money than invest it. 103-Hardly ever have I tasted such a delicious cake. A)It must have been hard work to bake such a delicious cake. B)I have never before eaten such a delicious cake. C)I've had cakes as good as this, but very seldom. D)Though it looks good, it is hard to tell without tasting it just how good the cake is. E) I enjoy visiting you because you always bake such tasty cakes. 104-I've been through this kind of weather before, and I think we should take shelter. A)The last time I passed through this town, there was no shelter to be found. B)I know that the weather 'will get worse, and we have nowhere to take shelter. C)Since we can't do much in this weather, we should just go back into the house. D)Though the weather is good, we need a roof over our heads for the night. E)Experience has taught me that in such weather, we had better look for a safe place. 105-You wouldn't feel sick now if you hadn't eaten so much. A)It is a good thing you didn't eat too much, or you would feel sick now. B)You know that you always feel sick when you eat too much. C)You had better be careful of how much you eat or you might feel sick. D)You ate too much, and as a result, you are now sick. E)I'd recommend you not to eat so much in future if you don't want to be sick.


106-When I lived abroad, there was scarcely a day when I didn't feel homesick. A)I almost always missed my family during the time I lived in a foreign country. B)I was hardly ever homesick when I lived abroad. C)There was not a moment during the time I was away when I was not homesick. D)Feeling homesick was the only problem I had to bear when I was abroad. E)I enjoyed my stay abroad so much that there was no time for feeling homesick. 107-Unless there is a phenomenal upturn in business, we will soon go bankrupt. A)Our business win 'almost certainly be ruined if there is not a drastic turn around. B)If business gets any worse, the company will be in financial trouble. C)Although the economic situation has been less than ideal, our company should be safe. D)As long as there is no change, we do not have to worry about bankruptcy. E)If the expected boom occurs, we should have our best year ever. 108-Though he said he would be in touch, he has neither phoned nor sent me an e-mail. A)He writes the most touching e-mail messages I have ever read, though he never' phones. B)Both the phone and the e-mail have been out of order, so he could not contact me. C)From his promise, I'd expect a phone call or an e-mail from him, but I haven't got either. D)Despite modern technology like the telephone or e-mail, he prefers to keep in touch by post. E)Nothing in either his phone messages or his e-mails has really touched upon the main point. 109-Most people agree that he was the most dishonest president the country has ever had. A)There is general agreement among people that, although he was dishonest, most presidents have been even more dishonest. B)It's acknowledged by most people that there have been only a few presidents as dishonest as him. C)Seldom has there been a more honest president than him, and this is common knowledge among the citizens of the country. D)Most people find it difficult to believe that any president could be as dishonest as him. E)It's accepted by the majority of people that the country has never had a more dishonest president than him.' 110-By the time the police arrived, the kidnappers had had time to escape. A)The police were not needed because the victim had already run away from the kidnappers. B)The police arrived just in time to prevent the kidnappers from escaping. C)Had the police been any later, they would not have been able to help the victim. D)Before the kidnappers could escape, the police had arrived. E)The police arrived too late as the kidnappers had already got away. 111-Had conditions been more favourable, we might have made a large investment. A)Because there had been favourable conditions, we were able to invest a lot of money. B)With favourable conditions, there is still a possibility to make a lot of money on the investment. C)The favourable conditions meant that we got a large profit on our investment. D)The conditions weren't good enough for us to consider investing a great of deal of money. E)If we had waited for the right circumstances, we wouldn't have lost so much money. 112-Until you've experienced scuba diving yourself, it is impossible to know what it's like. A)It's difficult to believe that you know so much about scuba diving although you've never done it. B)Nobody can comprehend the experience of scuba diving unless they've actually tried doing it. C)It's hard to realise the nature of scuba diving before you make an attempt to do it alone. D)Having tried scuba diving myself I can assure you that it's quite an amazing thing to do. E)Trying to describe scuba diving to someone who's never actually done it is quite difficult to do. 113-While it is not impossible that the mayor will be re-elected, it is certainly unlikely A)The mayor has only a very slim chance of winning the elections again. B)Because no one dislikes the mayor, it is probable that most people will vote for him. C)The mayor has a very good chance of being re-elected, although I don't like him myself. D)If he had been a well-liked mayor, more people would have voted for him. E)No one ever knows for sure what the result of an election will be until the votes are counted. 114-There is nothing like a good hot bath after a hard day’s work. A)The best thing to do in order to prepare for a hard day's work is to have a hot bath. B)A good bath is the best thing after you've spent a hot day working hard. C)Following a hard day's work, there is nothing comparable to a good hot bath. D)A difficult day at the office might well be followed by a hot bath. E)There is not much point in trying to work efficiently on a hot day without having a good bath. 115-It's hard to believe, but now that I have finally retired, I wish I had more to do. A)It's not easy to believe that I used to have to do such a lot before I retired. B)I have a funny feeling that I should have more to do even though I am no longer working. C)I cannot believe that I am tired again although I have so little to do. D)Surprisingly, after staring my retirement at last, I'm not enjoying having so little to do. E) It is unbelievable that I have finally retired and have nothing to do.


116-We should allow at least an extra hour to get there because of the holiday traffic. A)Because the traffic is always terrible on holidays, I suggest leaving at least an hour before the scheduled time. B)Why don't we leave a few hours later than most holiday-makers so that we don't get stuck in heavy traffic. C)The traffic is bad because of the holiday, so we must expect to take no less than an hour more than the normal time. D)Everyone seems to be taking a holiday so we should get there with an extra hour to spare in this light traffic. E)If it weren't a holiday today, we wouldn't have to leave an hour before the normal time. 117-Essentially, there are two ways of solving this problem, but the question is, which one will provide the ideal solution for us. A)While we basically have two ways to solve the problem, we should decide on the one offering a better result. B)It is essential that we solve this problem one way or another, so let's choose one way and start. C)Whether this problem can be essentially solved in one of the two available ways is questionable. D)We must question the solution to this problem, or we may regret it later if we haven't taken the right step. E)No matter how simple it may seem, there are always two sides to every story. 118-Economists predict an increase in unemployment in the coming year. A)If the economic conditions continue like this, more people will be without jobs next year. B)The number of people without jobs will continue to increase the following year. C)Economists think that unemployment will be greater in the next year. D)Economists try to estimate what the unemployment rate will be next year. E)According to economists, there may be an unemployment problem in the near future. 119-We wouldn't buy a house in a neighbourhood like that no matter how cheap it was. A)Though houses were very cheap there, we didn't want to buy one. B)We wanted a house there, but we were being too careful with our money to buy it. C)It did not matter whether it was a nice neighbourhood or not, because the houses were so cheap. D)We were thinking about buying a house there until we realised how bad the neighbourhood was. E)Though houses may be cheap to buy there, it is not a place we would ever consider living in. 120-Scarcely had he returned from abroad, when he had to go on another extended business trip. A)His business trip abroad was extended because people like him were scarce. B)As soon as he got back, business took him overseas again for a long time. C)After returning from abroad, he had hardly any work to do until he went on another business trip. D)Since business was scarce, his time abroad could not be extended. E)Business abroad was so good that he could scarcely finish everything on one trip. 121-As far as I was concerned, the project was so impractical that it never stood a chance. A)My concern was with the impractical side effects of the project. B)It was an impractical project. so it failed to receive much support. C)There was no reason for concern, because there was a good chance that the project would be rejected. D)I didn't think that the project was nearly so impractical as everyone else seemed to think. E)In my opinion, there was no possibility of the project being successful as it was too unrealistic. 122-His enthusiasm for his new career seems limitless. A)He is limited by the regulations about which career he can choose. B)The eagerness he has brought to his new job is apparently boundless. C)He could only bring a limited amount of determination to his new position. D)Though he is unhappy about changing careers, he is attempting to make the best of it. E)He has a great deal of empathy with others in his profession. 123-Having been financially dishonest during his term in office, the mayor faces almost certain rejection by the electorate. A)Having done an excellent Job, the mayor will probably be re-elected. B)Because of his corruption. there is very little chance that the electorate will re-elect the mayor. C)Having been prudent enough to save money, the mayor will not worry too much about the result of the elections. D)Facing a difficult election, the mayor believes that his past records will carry him through. E)With an election coming soon, the mayor cannot decide whether to admit his dishonesty to the electorate. 124-As his condition deteriorated rapidly, recovery was out of the question. A) Despite his improving condition, it was questionable whether he would recover or not. B) His recovery was delayed by the deterioration of his condition. C) It was impossible for him to survive with his condition getting worse so quickly. D) He will probably recover rapidly now that his condition is improving. E) There is no question that he will recover, but it may not be very quickly. 125-I'd better go shopping because it looks as if we may run out of eggs. A)I have to run out of the house because I'm in a hurry to get some eggs. B)There is no need to run to the shops as we have plenty of eggs. C)I think I’ll go and get some eggs because we don't have any and we may need them later. D)After running so much, I'm hungry and would like some eggs. E)We may not have enough eggs, so I shou1d go and buy some.


126-Though there are some fast runners in the country, they are not world class. A)One of the fastest runners in the country will probably win an Olympic medal. B)Even the best runners in the country are not of an international standard. C)There are few runners in the country fast enough to take part in international competitions. D)The fastest runners of the country should get the chance of competing with world class runners. E)The country's runners may be below world class, but some of them are quite fast. 127-It's out of the question that I'll lend her my lecture notes again. A)There is some doubt as to whether she will be able to lend me her lecture notes another time. B)I questioned whether I should have lent her my lecture notes once more. C)Under no circumstances can she borrow my lecture notes any more. D)Under these circumstances, I should tell her that I don't want to give her my lecture notes. E)Even if I lend her my lecture notes now, it's questionable whether I will do it again. 128-In spite of large amounts of foreign aid and the, advice of foreign experts, the project was a disaster. A)The disaster relief project succeeded due to large amounts of aid and expertise from abroad. B)The foreign know-how combined with foreign money prevented the project from becoming a disaster. C)Financial assistance and expertise from abroad were not enough to prevent the failure of the project. D)The disastrous project might have been saved by more foreign aid and expertise. E)Foreign experts insured that the foreign aid money was spent wisely on the project. 129-The way I handled the situation did not call for such heavy criticism. A)I didn't receive any criticism because of the way I handled the project. B)My handling of the call was criticised heavily because of the bad situation it created. C)I was not called to deal with the situation because it was known that I would be critical. D)The situation was not handled well, so I was called to the office to deal with It. E)I didn't deserve to be criticised so severely because of my method of dealing with the situation. 130-Unless the builders speed up, we won't be able to move into the flat next week. A)The builders have to move out so that we can move into our new flat next week. B)We would not have been able to move into the fiat if the builders had not speeded up. C)The flat should be ready by next week because the builders have decided to hurry up. D)Our flat won't be ready for us to move in next week if the builders keep working at this rate E)If the builders help us with the moving, we can move into the fiat next week. 131-We might have misunderstood him when we thought he said he was coming home to live with us. A)He is coming home !o live with us because of some sort of misunderstanding. B)Though he said he was coming home to live with us, he later said we misunderstood him. C)We hope that we did not misunderstand what he said about coming home to live with us. D)Though we thought we would enjoy having him back home, a lot of misunderstandings resulted. E)We understood him to say he was coming home to live with us, but he could have said something else. 132-After colonisation of the New World by Europeans, foods such as potatoes and chilli peppers were eaten for the first time in Europe. A)Certain foods, like potatoes and chilli peppers, were not known in Europe prior to the European settlement of the Americas. B)A number of foods such as potatoes and chilli peppers were introduced to the New World by Europeans. C)The use of potatoes and chilli peppers in Europe pre-dates the European discovery of the New World. D)Were it not for such valuable food items as potatoes and chilli peppers, the New World might never have been discovered. E)One of the main reasons for the colonisation of the Americas was the need to diversify the European diet with new foods, like potatoes and chilli peppers. 133-It's out of the question that I'll lend her my lecture notes again. A)There is some doubt as to whether she will be able to lend me her lecture notes another time. B)I questioned whether I should have lent her my lecture notes once more. C)Under no circumstances can she borrow my lecture notes any more. D)Under these circumstances, I should tell her that I don't want to give her my lecture notes. E)Even if I lend her my lecture notes now, it's questionable whether I will do it again. 134-In spite of large amounts of foreign aid and the, advice of foreign experts, the project was a disaster. A)The disaster relief project succeeded due to large amounts of aid and expertise from abroad. B)The foreign know-how combined with foreign money prevented the project from becoming a disaster. C)Financial assistance and expertise from abroad were not enough to prevent the failure of the project. D)The disastrous project might have been saved by more foreign aid and expertise. E)Foreign experts insured that the foreign aid money was spent wisely on the project.


135-The way I handled the situation did not call for such heavy criticism. A)I didn't receive any criticism because of the way I handled the project. B)My handling of the call was criticised heavily because of the bad situation it created. C)I was not called to deal with the situation because it was known that I would be critical. D)The situation was not handled well, so I was called to the office to deal with It. E)I didn't deserve to be criticised so severely because of my method of dealing with the situation. 136-Unless the builders speed up, we won't be able to move into the flat next week. A)The builders have to move out so that we can move into our new flat next week. B)We would not have been able to move into the fiat if the builders had not speeded up. C)The flat should be ready by next week because the builders have decided to hurry up. D)Our flat won't be ready for us to move in next week if the builders keep working at this rate E)If the builders help us with the moving, we can move into the fiat next week. 137-We might have misunderstood him when we thought he said he was coming home to live with us. A)He is coming home !o live with us because of some sort of misunderstanding. B)Though he said he was coming home to live with us, he later said we misunderstood him. C)We hope that we did not misunderstand what he said about coming home to live with us. D)Though we thought we would enjoy having him back home, a lot of misunderstandings resulted. E)We understood him to say he was coming home to live with us, but he could have said something else. 138-After colonisation of the New World by Europeans, foods such as potatoes and chilli peppers were eaten for the first time in Europe. A)Certain foods, like potatoes and chilli peppers, were not known in Europe prior to the European settlement of the Americas. B)A number of foods such as potatoes and chilli peppers were introduced to the New World by Europeans. C)The use of potatoes and chilli peppers in Europe pre-dates the European discovery of the New World. D)Were it not for such valuable food items as potatoes and chilli peppers, the New World might never have been discovered. E)One of the main reasons for the colonisation of the Americas was the need to diversify the European diet with new foods, like potatoes and chilli peppers. 139-Although we associate the kiwi fruit with New Zealand, as the principal producer, the fruit originated in China. A)New Zealand is the main producer of the kiwi fruit, which is also grown in China. B)Whereas the kiwi fruit grows in China as well as in New Zealand, it is only commercially grown in the latter. C)We identity the kiwi fruit with New Zealand, where it is cultivated the most. yet the fruit is native to China. D)Because of its name, we think of kiwi fruit as a New Zealand fruit, but it is actually more common in China. E)Believed to have originated in south central China, the kiwi fruit is now cultivated mainly in New Zealand. 140-Not all societies share the same ideas on family life and the correct way to raise children. A)Attitudes towards family life and. about children's education vary according to the society one is in. B)Traditional family life is universal as is the best way to bring up children. B)There are cultural differences about how families should discipline their children. C)The role of the family and methods of bringing up children are changing in society. D)The accepted ideas in one society about raising children may be unacceptable in another. E)Societies have different attitudes about family life and how children should be brought up. 141-State universities in the United States are much cheaper than private ones, but they are frequently as good. A)Even though they are much more expensive, private universities in the United States are only a little better than state ones. B)While not nearly so expensive as private universities, the academic standards at state universities in the United States are often as high. C)The more expensive state universities can exceed the standards of the cheaper private universities in the United States. D)Anyone with enough money should attend a private university in the United States because of the higher standards offered there. E)The disadvantage of the lower academic standards of state universities in the United States is outweighed by the cost benefits. 142-Walking through my old home town, I couldn't help but be attracted by the smell of home-cooking. A)There are no restaurants in my home town, so I walked around hoping someone would invite me into their home. B)I was so busy on my visit to my old home town that I couldn't help with the cooking. C)It was attractive to think that I might get a job as a cook as I walked through the town where I was born. D)The delicious aromas coming from the kitchens as I was strolling through the town where I was born were extremely tempting. E)The aroma of home-cooking never fails to remind me of the smelly streets of my home town. 143-His reviews are keenly read by the cinema-goers and film makers alike. A)His reviews, which are popular with cinema goers, are usually about film producers. B) Although people who enjoy going to the movies like to read his reviews, those in the industry don't. C)His reviews are favoured among those in the film industry, including the actors and actresses. D)Both those who watch movies and those who make them read his reviews eagerly. E)He is not only a keen film watcher, but also a careful reader of film reviews.


144-At the end of a century of breathtaking change, we are increasingly curious about the future. A)There is no sense in worrying about the future since no one predicted the changes of this century. B)Change has occurred so rapidly in the past hundred years that we cannot help but wonder about what is to come, C)We need to take a deep breath as we are seeing this century off, and then look at what is coming in the following. D)We are certain that the future will take care of itself, though the past has taken our breath away. E)As we approach the end of the millennium, we need to stop and assess the past hundred years. 145-He could never have made it through university without the help of government loans. A)Generous government funding will certainly make his university education possible. B)If he had borrowed some money from the government, he might have finished his university education. C)He had lots of financial problems during his university education because he didn't borrow money from the government. D)The government office he worked for gave him a scholarship during his university education. E)The money he borrowed from the government made it possible for him to complete his university education. 146-Istanbul is undeniably an old city, yet when Istanbul was founded, Jerusalem was as old as Istanbul is now. A)Since Jerusalem is a very ancient city, Istanbul doesn't really seem so o1d when you compare them. B)Jerusalem and Istanbul are both ancient cities, and have both been around for a very long time, C)Istanbul is indeed an ancient city; however, the city of Jerusalem is about twice as old as Istanbul is. D)Both Istanbul and Jerusalem are rather old, and they've existed for more or less the same time. E)It's undeniable that Jerusalem is a very ancient city, but it's only about half as old as the city of Istanbul. 147-They can't have been told the news, or they would have rung us immediately. A)As they haven't called us, we can assume that they don't know what's happened. B)They didn't have to tell them the news because they were going to ring us anyway. C)In spite of the fact that they phoned us as soon as possible, we weren't able to give them the news. D)They probably didn't phone us because they didn't want to tell anyone what happened. E)The moment they called us, we knew that they hadn't heard about what had happened. 148-While my instinct tells me that his story is untrue, I can't say anything, as I have no proof. A)It's so obvious that he's lying that I don't feel I need to prove it. B)If I had known he wasn't telling the truth. I would have said so. C)Despite evidence to the contrary, I can't really tell if his story is true. D)Not having any evidence, I can’t disprove his story, but I feel that he is lying E)I have facts to disprove his story, but don't know if I should reveal them. 149-Regardless of Bob's opinion in this matter, I think I've done the right thing. A)I've thought about Bob's views on this issue, but I think I'll do as I want. B)I'm sure I have acted correctly in this instance, whatever Bob may think. C)I acted without regarding Bob's opinions, as they don't matter to anyone. D)Until Bob told me I was wrong. I thought I was right about this issue. E)My opinion that Bob had done the wrong thing in this case turned out to be right 150-Among domestic varieties, dogs tend to be bigger than cats, but in the wild, the opposite is true. A)Among common house pets, cats can be just as big as dogs, while in nature, dogs are usually smaller than cats. B)Though some dogs are smaller than cats, this is usually not the case, neither among pets, nor in the wild. C)Dogs and cats that live with people are, on the average, rather smaller than those that live in the wild. D)Wild dogs and cats can grow to great sizes; much larger, in fact, than either animal is likely to get as a pet. E)Wild cats are normally larger than wild dogs, but as far as pets are concerned, cats are usually smaller. 151-The more I hear about him, the less I want to meet him. A)I've never really wanted to know him, but now, I've got a strong feeling that I really should. B)People keep telling me things about him, and so I've decided never to meet him. C)I don't know why people talk about that man so much, as I've met him and have little to say about him. D)Each time I'm told something else about that man, my desire to meet him decreases. E)I had wanted to meet the man, but now I know so much about him that I don't think it's necessary. 152-While it's unlikely that they’ll win the election, they'll surely affect its outcome. A)They probably won't receive enough votes to be victorious; however, they'll definitely have an impact on the election. B)They are far from being the favourite in the election; in fact, few people think they will be able to get more than a few votes. C)If they really want to have a chance of winning the election, they will need to develop a much more effective strategy. D)The results of the election cannot be determined yet, but not many people think they have much chance of winning. E)As much as they would like to win the election, it's doubtful that they'll be among the top ranking parties. 153-Whatever the phone call was about, it was distressing enough, to make her cry. A) She seems to burst into tears every time she talks on the phone. B)She was in tears, so the phone call was obviously upsetting. C)She was crying so much that she wasn't able to answer the phone. D)What I was calling about was the reason why she was crying so much. E)Hearing her crying on the phone for whatever reason was very upsetting.


154-She stared at me blankly as if she didn't know what I was talking about. A)As she didn't understand what I was talking about, she just Ignored me totally. B)I don't think she realised that I was talking about her outlook on life. C)From the look on her face it appeared she didn't understand what I was saying. D)What I said was that she looked like someone who wasn't very knowledgeable. E)If she had known about it, she wouldn't have looked at me so blankly. 155-The film has been banned on the grounds that it could cause offence. A)People don't like the film in that place, so it has been banned. B)As the film might make people behave aggressively, they've banned it. C)The film attacks certain places, so it has been banned in those areas. D)The film has been banned in the places where it is likely to upset people. E)The reason they've banned the film is that it may offend some people. 156-Until we've discussed it with him, we won't be able to address the problem. A)We couldn't have solved the problem without talking to him first B)After having discussed the problem with him, we were still unable to solve it. C)If we can't decide how to solve the problem, we should discuss it with him. D)Before we can start sorting out the problem, we'll have to talk to him about it. E)I’m sure we'll find a solution to the problem after we've talked to him.

Answer key 1C

2A 14A 26C 38E 50D 62E 74D 86C 98B 110E 122B 134A 146C

3A 15C 27E 39D 51A 63C 75A 87D 99E 111D 123B 135A 147A

4B 16C 28A 40C 52E 64B 76B 88D 100C 112B 124C 136D 148D

5D 17E 29E 41A 53C 65D 77C 89E 101C 113A 125E 137E 149B

6D 18A 30D 42D 54E 66A 78B 90A 102A 114C 126B 138C 150E

7B 19D 31C 43D 55D 67C 79A 91E 103C 115D 127C 139C 151D

8A 20C 32B 44B 56B 68A 80D 92A 104E 116C 128C 140E 152A

9D 21E 33B 45A 57B 69E 81C 93C 105D 117A 129E 141B 153B

10E 22D 34A 46C 58A 70D 82E 94D 106A 118C 130D 142D 154C

11D 23A 35D 47D 59D 71C 83A 95B 107A 119E 131E 143D 155E

12D 24E 36C 48E 60C 72B 84A 96E 108C 120B 132A 144B 156D

13C 25B 37C 49D 61D 73A 85A 97A 109E 121E 133B 145E


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