Financial Accounting

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,571
  • Pages: 14
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM ABSTRACT The main aim of the project “financial accounting system” is to develop a Software package for managing and keeping track of the fees collected in a College in various departments. The user can get the following details.  Can maintain the students’ individual fees details. Can calculate the fees collected per department in the college.

This project has been implemented using C (Programming Language)

REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS: Description: It gives detailed description about students details, fee structure for students joining under various quota. Criticality: It allows modification of a student’s detail by specifying his admission number and calculates the fees collected per department separately. Dependencies: The system can operate on all kind of systems.

DETAILED SYSTEM DESIGN This section contains the detailed description of the system design. Most components described in the system architecture section will require a more detailed discussion. Other lower-level components may need to be described as well. Definition : The specific purpose and semantic meaning of the component describe this. This may need to refer back to the requirement specification. Constraints: Any relevant assumption, limitation, or constraints for this component are essential. This should include constraints on timing ,storage ,or component state.. The design of a software can be effectively analyzed through 1.ER diagram 2. Data flow diagram

ER diagram: The entity relationship diagram for the design of relational database systems which is used to represent the data objects and their relationships. Data Flow diagram: It explains all the essential things like how the data flow into, through and out of the system. To Exhibit the requirements for the flow of data, we use dataflow diagrams. The system may be a software system or hardware system , a combination of both and a set of procedures.

EXISTING SYSTEM: The existing system uses ‘file concept’ in c to perform the manipulation on a students’ detail. It request for name, department, current year, fees for the current year and hostel fees and finallly the total fees collected is displayed. These details are stored in separate text files and they provide the necessary detail by making use of the unique file pointer for each detail.

PROPOSED SYSTEM: The proposed system is built using the same concept of the existing system but the breakup for fees in various criteria is elaborated. The coding exceeds 300 lines and it is proposed to be reduced to at most 200 lines or may be lower than that. The storage space required for the files created after execution has been reduced.













MODULE DESCRIPTION: The main page displays a list of colleges and vel’s srinivasa college can be selected from that list whose admission detail are to be manipulated. The main menu has the following functionality and they are explained in brief 1. NEW RECORD- It creates a new file and writes the various details (that are entered by the user) of a student to that file. 2. OPEN PARTICULAR RECORD- This option opens the already saved file in the read mode and it displays the detail about a particular student based on his admission number. 3. DISPLAY RECORD- This option displays the fees collected in a particular department. It stores the department name as the file pointer 4. ADD RECORD- This option opens already saved file in the append mode and adds a particular detail of a student onto the same department. 5. MODIFY RECORD- This option opens the saved file in append mode and allows the user to modify a student’s detail. 6. REMOVE RECORD- This option removes the detail by deleting the file pointer that is the admission number of the student.

CODING FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: #include<stdio.h> #include void createrecord(); void readrecord(); void addrecord(); void openrecord(); void modifyrecord(); void removearecord(); void func(); struct vels_record { int ano,ayr; char ename[20],dept[20]; char quota; double cf,tf,ttf,of,tot,hf; }vrec; FILE *fp; double tot; void main()

{ int k,i,n; clrscr(); gotoxy(15,13); cputs("FINANCIAL ACCUONTING"); getch(); clrscr(); printf("\n\tVELS INSTITUTIONS\n\n"); printf("\n\n\t1.VELS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE\n\n\t2.VELS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY\n\n\t3.VELS INSTITUTION OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT\n\n\t4.VELS SRINIVASA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY\n\n\t5.VELS ACCADEMY OF MARINE EDUCATION & TRAINING\n\n\t6.VELS ACCADEMY OF MARINE STUDIES"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tENTER YOUR CHOICE:"); scanf("%d",&k); if(k==4) { clrscr(); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\nVELS SRINIVASA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY"); printf("\n\n (affliated to ANNA UNIVERSITY and approved by AICTE)"); getch(); clrscr(); printf("\n\n\t\t\tVELS SRINIVASA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY"); printf("\n\n\t THIS COLLEGE HAS\n\n\t\t>A WELL DEFINED INFRASTRUCTURE\n\t\t>GOOD HOSTEL FACILITIES\n\t\t>HYGEINIC AND CLEAN FOOD IS GIVEN BY MESS\n\t\t>THE COURSES OFFERED BY OUR INSTITUTION\n\t\t\t1.B.TECH-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY\n\t\t\t2.B.E.COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING\n\t\t\t3.B.E.-ELECTRONIC AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING\n\t\t\t4.B.E.-ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING"); getch(); clrscr(); while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\n\tMAIN MENU "); printf("\n\n\t\t 1.NEW RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 2.DISPLAY RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 3.OPEN PARTICULAR RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 4.ADD RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 5.MODIFY RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 6.REMOVE RECORD"); printf("\n\n\t\t 7.EXIT"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t ENTER YOUR CHOICE "); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: createrecord(); break; case 2: readrecord(); break; case 3: openrecord(); break;

case 4: addrecord(); break; case 5: modifyrecord(); break; case 6: removearecord(); break; case 7: exit(); break; } } } else { printf("\n\n\n\t YOU DONT HAVE RIGHTS TO ENTER OTHER INSTITUTIONS"); getch(); } } void func() { printf("\n ENTER THE ADMISSION NO : "); scanf("%d",&vrec.ano); printf("\n\nENTER THE ACADEMIC YEAR : "); scanf("%10d",&vrec.ayr); printf("\n\n\nENTER THE NAME : "); scanf("%11s",vrec.ename); printf("\n\n\n\n\nENTER HIS/HER DEPARTMENT : "); scanf("%7s",vrec.dept); printf("\n\nENTER TUITION FEES: "); scanf("%lf",&; printf("\n\nENTER TRANSPORT FEES: "); scanf("%lf",&vrec.ttf); printf("\n\nENTER OTHER FEES: "); scanf("%lf",&vrec.of); printf("\n\n\n\n\nENTER WHETHER HIS/HER HOSTEL FEES :" ); scanf("%lf",&vrec.hf); printf("\n\n\n\n\nENTER WHETHER HIS/HER CAPITATION FEES :" ); scanf("%lf",&;; printf("\n\nTHE TOTAL FEES IS:%lf",tot); } void createrecord() { char choice='R'; double tot; fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","w"); while(toupper(choice)=='R') { clrscr(); func(); fwrite(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); printf("\n\t\t\tPRESS R TO CONTINUE "); printf("\n ANY OTHER KEY TO STOP " ); choice=getche();

} fclose(fp); } void readrecord() { fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","r"); clrscr(); printf("\nA.NO\tAC_YR\tNAME \tDEPT \tTOT_FEES\tHOS_FEES\tTOT_FEES"); printf("\n******************************************************************** "); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); while(!feof(fp)) { printf("\n%d%10d%10s%7s%13.2lf\t%10.2lf\t%10.2lf\n",vrec.ano,vrec.ayr,vrec.ename, vrec.dept,,vrec.hf,vrec.tot); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); } fwrite(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); fclose(fp); printf("\nPRESS ENTER..."); getch(); } void openrecord() { char temp[20],jeff=0; double TOT=0; fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","r"); clrscr(); printf("\nENTER THE DEPARTMENT : "); scanf("%s",temp); rewind(fp); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); while(!feof(fp)) { if(strcmp(vrec.dept,temp)==0) { printf("\n\t\t\t\RECORD DETAILS"); Printf("\nA.NO\tAC_YR\tNAME \tDEPT \tTOT_FEES\tHOS_FEES\tTOT_FEES"); printf("\n******************************************************************* *"); printf("\n %d%10d%10s%7s%13.2lf\t%10.2lf\t%10.2lf\n",vrec.ano,vrec.ayr, vrec.ename,vrec.dept,,vrec.hf,vrec.tot); getch(); TOT=vrec.tot+TOT; jeff=1; } fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); } printf("\n\nTOTAL FEES FOR %s is:Rs.%lf\n\n",vrec.dept,TOT); fclose(fp); if(jeff==0) printf("\nNO DESTINATION FILE / FILES FOUND\n\n PRESS ENTER ");

getch(); } void addrecord() { char choice='R'; double tot; fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","a"); while(toupper(choice)=='R') { clrscr(); func(); printf("\n\t\t\tPRESS R TO CONTINUE "); printf("\n ANY OTHER KEY TO STOP " ); fwrite(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); choice=getche(); } fclose(fp); } void modifyrecord() { int temp,jeff=0,n; fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","r+"); clrscr(); printf("\n MODIFY RECORD " ); printf("\n******************************************************************** *"); printf("\nENTER THE ADMISSION NO : " ); scanf("%d",&temp); rewind(fp); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); while(!feof(fp)&&jeff==0) { if(vrec.ano==temp) { printf("\nA.NO\tAC_YR\tNAME \tDEPT \tTOT_FEES\tHOS_FEES\tTOT_FEES"); printf("\n******************************************************************* *"); printf("\n %d%10d%10s%7s%13.2lf\t%10.2lf\t%10.2lf\n",vrec.ano,vrec.ayr, vrec.ename,vrec.dept,,vrec.hf,vrec.tot);getch(); printf("\nENTER THE MODIFIED DETAILS"); printf("\n************************************************** ***************************"); func(); n=sizeof(vrec); fseek(fp,-n,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&vrec,n,1,fp); jeff=1; printf("\nTHE RECORD HAS BEEN MODIFIED "); getch(); } fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); } fclose(fp); if(jeff==0)

printf("\n\n\t\tSORRY THERE NO RECORD FOUND " ); printf("\n\t\t\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY "); getch(); } void removearecord() { int temp,jeff=0; FILE *ft; fp=fopen("VELS.TXT","r"); ft=fopen("TEMP.DAT","w"); clrscr(); printf("\n\t\t\tTO REMOVE THE RECORD OF YOUR CHOICE"); printf("\nENTER THE ADMISSION NO : "); scanf("%d",&temp); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); while(!feof(fp)) { if(vrec.ano==temp) { printf("\nA.NO\tAC_YR\tNAME \tDEPT \tTOT_FEES\tHOS_FEES\tTOT_FEES"); printf("\n************************************************************** ** ****"); printf("\n %d%10d%10s%7s%13.2lf\t%10.2lf\t%10.2lf\n",vrec.ano,vrec.ayr, vrec.ename,vrec.dept,,vrec.hf,vrec.tot);getch(); printf("\n********************************************* *********************************\n"); printf("\n\nYOUR DESTINATION FILE REMOVED\n"); jeff=1; } else fwrite(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,ft); fread(&vrec,sizeof(vrec),1,fp); } fclose(ft); fclose(fp); remove("VELS.TXT"); rename("TEMP.DAT","VELS.TXT"); if(jeff==0) printf("\n\n\t\t\tNO DESTINATION FILE"); printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPRESS ENTER TO CONTIUE "); getch(); }


Software Testing Techniques

1.Introduction The software Test Plan (STP) is designed to prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of all testing activities. The plan must identify the items to be tested, the features to be tested. 2.Testing Strategy Testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences Between existing and required conditions and to evaluate the features of the Software item. Specific test plan components include: •

Purpose for this level of test,

Items to be tested,

Features to be tested,

Features not to be tested,

Management and technical approach,

Pass/fail criteria,

Individual roles and responsibilities,


Schedules, and

Risk assumptions and constraints.

3. TESTING 3.1 Conversion Testing Testing to ensure that all data elements and historical data is converted from an old system format to the new system format. 3.2 Performance Testing Testing done to ensure that the application performs to custom expectations. 3.3 Regression Testing Testing done to ensure that the application performs to customer have not adversely affected previously tested functionally.


Thus an effective code is developed for the Financial accounting system by using the ‘file concepts’ in c programming. The efficiency in tracking the details of a student (ie) making decision about the file pointer whether it is based on admission number or department had been a big end during the development phase. It was overcome by using separate pointers for the department and the admission number. Still the program could be developed by placing a banking option in the coding and allotting special concessions in fees based on the performance of the student and providing scholarships for them. The development in collection sector can be improved as well by placing an option to pay the fees in installments which may be flexible according to the needs of the student. But tracing those details would be a problem. These are the developments that could be made in the existing system. On the whole, This software provides a basic structure for the collection and manipulation of fess in a college for which it had been designed for.

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