Finalexam0112 22002

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 743
  • Pages: 6
Read these three passages and answer these questions. 1.When did the U.S. and North Korea sign an agreement to end all nuclear programs? a.1998 b.2002 c. 1994 d.2003 2.The U.S. and North Korea ………….has a good relationship. a. currently b. correctly c. easily d. current 3.What is the key ingredient of nuclear weapons? a. plutonium b. stadium c. gymnasium d. admissions 4. The U.S. and North Korea had signed an agreement to end all nuclear programs in the………….’s administration. a. Reagan b. Bush c. Clinton d. Carter 5.The international community wants the official from………… to monitor in North Korea. a. United Nations b. United States c. Manchester United d. United Colors 6.How many U.S. aircraft have been shot down since the UN resolutions was passed last month? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 7.How long can the Predator drone stay in the air? a. 24 hours b. 12 hours c. 500 hours d. 1 hour 8.The ………….aircraft was shot down by……………. a. U.S. , Iraq b. Iraq , U.S. c. U.N. , Iraq d. Iraq , U.N. 9.Where is NO Fly Zone ? a. Iraq c. United Nations 10.Baghdad is the …………..of Iraq. a. aircraft c. river

b. United States d. United Kingdom b. capital d. street

11.How many gallons of oil have leaked from the tanker? a.4.5 millions b.20 millions c. 1.5 millions d. 15.5 millions 12. How much oil is still in the ship? a.4.5 millions b.20 millions c. 1.5 millions d. 15.5 millions 13.The ship was repaired in……..after the large cracks were found in the ship’s hull. a.1999 b.2001 c.1989 d.2000 14.How far from land did the tanker sink ? a.150 miles b. 20 miles c. 4.5 miles d.15.5 miles 15. What’s the name of the oil tanker? a. Residents b. Atlantic c. Prestige d. Japan

Find the meaning of the underlined word or words. 16. She is a competent secretary. Her shorthand is fast and accurate and she can type in both Thai and English. a. an efficient b. a competitive c. an enthusiastic d. a creative 17.I am giving you this secret information off the record, so you must not quote me. a. honestly b . with the highest respect c. unofficially d. based on statistics 18.I want to buy a house in the city, but property prices in Bangkok are much higher than those in the provinces. a. power b. land c. facilities d .belongings 19.A chicken bone got lodged in this throat so he had to go to the hospital a. stuck b. lost c. rested d. floated 20. This automobile insurance covers emergency repairs in case of accident. a. protects b. hides c. favors d. includes

Use these new words in the correct sentences ( From 21-25 ) a. wring-- wrung, wrung (verb) ริง Thai translation: บิด รัด คั้น Example: Please wring the clothes before hanging them to dry. กรุณาบิดผ้าก่อนที่จะนำาไปตากให้แห้ง

b. workmanship (noun) 'เวอคมันชิพ Thai translation: ฝีมือในการทำางาน Example: The workmanship of many new houses is not good. บ้านใหม่หลายหลังฝีมือในการก่อสร้างไม่ค่อยดี

c. report card (noun) 'ริพอร์ท คาร์ด Thai translation: ใบแจ้งผลการเรียน Example: Chai is afraid to show his report card to his parents. ชัยกลัวที่จะแสดงใบแจ้งผลการเรียนของเขาให้พ่อแม่ดู

d. sandy (adj.)' แซนดี Thai translation: มีทรายมาก Example: Thailand has many sandy beaches. ประเทศมีชายหาดที่มีทรายมากอยู่หลายแห่ง

e. vow-- vowed, vowing (verb) วาว Thai translation: ปฎิญาณ บนบาน Example: I vow never to drink alcohol again. ผมปฎิญาณว่าจะไม่ดื่มของมึนเมาอีก

Use the new vocabulary in the following sentences: 21. The soldiers _____ to protect their country. 22. You must _____ the shirt after washing it or it will not dry. 23. Take off your shirt before coming inside because it is _____ . 24. The _____ of German cars is excellent. 25. My parents bought me a car because my _____ was very good. In a study of 2,500 men aged 45 to 59, those who ate five or more apples per week had better lung function __ 26 __ men who ate no apples. Researchers measured lung function at the start of the study and again five years __ 27 __ , and

considered factors __ 28 __ smoking and exercise. They think that bioflavonoids in the apples, __ 29 __ quercetin, may help to protect against cellular damage __ 30 __ by smoking and air pollution. 26.a. with c. to

b. d.

than over

27.a. next c. then

b. d.

later since

28.a. example c. due to

b. d.

include such as

29.a. likely c. namely

b. d.

really only

30.a. cause c. causes

b. d.

caused Causing

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