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Background of the study After completion of the BBA(Bachelor of Business Administration) last year final examination students of Department of Management,University of Dhaka have to join and work in an organization as an intern for a period of at least 45 days to gain practical experience about the work environment.The students will also have to submit an internship report to their respective department after completion of the internship period.Working in an organization as an intern and submission of internship report is mandatory for the students and it carries credit which will be added to the final result. The internship program of the Department of Management,University of Dhaka is designed to enable a student to gain practical insight about the work environment.It will also help students in enhancing their skills and abilities and make practical use of the theoretical knowledge they have acquired and learned during their academic sessions. As a part of my internship program I was permitted by my supervisor ‘Israt Jahan Kumkum’madam to perform my internship at ‘Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka’.After completion of the internship period I will have to submit an internship report based on ‘Learning & Development Practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka’. Statement of the project issue Tourism is one of the fastest growing sector in the world. Hotels keep a positive role in the development of the tourism sector of a country. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka is the first five star hotel of Bangladesh. From its beginning it has been contributing positively for the welfare of the tourism and non-tourism sector of Bangladesh. But the reason behind the success of the hotels lies deep beneath in the ‘Learning and Development’ practices of the hotels. Learning and Development practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka is used for benchmarking in many hotels of the country. So the question is what are the learning and development practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka? Rationale of the study Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka is the first 5 star hotel of Bangladesh which started its operation in 1981.Since its opening in 1981,Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka has been privileged to serve World Leaders,national and foreign Heads of State and Heads of Government,delegates for


international summit summits/conference and millions of domestic and international guests throughout the world. I always wanted to work in an internationally managed organization.I also had a long cherished desire to work in tourism and hospitality related sector. Those wishes came true when I got my internship opportunity in Pan Pacific Sonargaon .Since Pan Pacific branded hotels follow the same organizational structure,standards and follow same practices across the resorts and hotels it owns so working as an intern in a Pan Pacific branded hotel can help me in gaining access to world class competencies,values and learn the best practices that are prevalent and the practices that will be needed in future to gain success in hotel and tourism related industry. Employees are critical for the success of any organization.New employees selected for placement are taught the practices,culture,Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) of that particular organization by means of training,seminars etc to make them competent for the task assigned to them.The existing employees who are working in the organization also need to keep pace with the changing knowledge.So they need to be taught about changing trends in the industry.The existing employees with the change of time also needs skill development to make themselves competent for the jobs they are performing and to prepare themselves for the future ahead. Focusing on the learning and development practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka can help me better understand the current practices,trends that are prevalent and the type of skills and capabilities that are needed to be developed for being a competent player in this industry. Specific objective (1)To gain insight of the learning and development practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka. Supporting objectives (1)Finding out the challenges in the skill development of employees (2)Finding out the areas that needs further improvement (3)Whether the learning and development practices are consistent with the best practices of the industry Scope of the report The report would focus on the following areas(1)Employee training,seminars,conferences 3

(2)Trainers and the sectors emphasized for development of the employees (3)Areas of training and selection criteria for training (4)Role of Learning & Development team of the Human Capital & Development(HCD) Department (5)On the job training and off the job training Limitation (1)The report is based on personal observation of the daily activities performed by Learning & Development team. (2)Sensitive data and data’s that may benefit the competitor are not included in the report. (3)The report only focuses on Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka. (4)Due to confidentiality agreement it is not possible to publish confidential information.


Chapter-2 Literature Review


Literature ReviewLearning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills ,values or preferences(Wikipedia).Mediation of someone more knowledgeable is vital in learning(Vygotsky).Culture is an important part of learning. Culture effects the way people learn and the ways of learning varies according to culture.Non-western cultures offer a perspective on adult learning and adult development that is communal rather than individualistic and interdependent rather than independent, valuing family, community, self sacrifice and spirituality(The Oxford Handbook of Adult Development and Learning) There are four different type of learners( learners-Hands on, experiential learner and they learn best by doing things. 2)Reading/ writing learners-Learn best when reading and writing .Interacting with text is more powerful to them than hearing or seeing images. 3)Auditory learners-The prefer to hear information rather than seeing and listening to it. 4)Visual Learners-This type of learners prefer to see information and visualize the relationship between ideas. There are three different types of learning( conditioning-Classical conditioning is a process which associates event or stimuli that frequently happen together and as a result of this we learn to associate events. 2)Operant conditioning-Operant conditioning is the learning process by which behaviors are reinforced or punished thus strengthening or extinguishing a response. 3)Observant conditioning-Observational learning occurs through observing the behavior of others and imitating those behavior of others-even if there is no reinforcement at that time. Development generally means the process of developing or being developed.In the sense of training and development the word development means organizational activity aimed at 6










setting(Wikipedia)Development is a gradual process and studies show that there are great individual variation between and within individuals in the expressions of behaviour.With development











learning( A learning and development strategy outlines how an organization develops its workforce’s capabilities,skills and competencies to remain successful.It is an important part of organizational business strategy(Cipd UK).Methodologically

the relationship between the

Learning and Development is unclear because concrete research studies have embodied theoretically








postulates,premises and peculiar solutions to the problem of this fundamental relationship,and these of course results in a variety of errors(Lev Vygotsky).The Hotel industry and particularly Pan Pacific Hotels Group is growing rapidly and it requires increasingly skilled work force ,so the group puts priority on a program of Learning and Development to assist with the growth and success of both the hotels and associates. Pan Paciifc Hotels Group carries out extensive training programs throughout the year for the Associates as per need analysis(Pan Pacific Hotels Group).There is one thing companies can not copy and it’s at the core of learning and development:people.People are competitive weapon and organizations that understand it create true differentiation over their competitor(John Eades)Training is a vital part of Learning and Development program.Training is the sequence of learning a sequence of programmed behavior.Training is the process that provides the employees with knowledge and skills required to operate within the systems and standards set by the management(International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review) When employees don’t have sufficient training three scenarios generally occur in hotel industry(Ryan,2008)-1)Employees will not be able to help a client the way they should. 2)The client will left the hotel unsatisfied by the hotel’s service. 3)Lastly the employees will be unsatisfied by the company and his/her level will drop to minimum. 7



Population Parameters-The study will focus on the Learning and Development practices of

Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka. The primary focus will be on the HCD(Human Capital &

Development) department and their routine practices for Learning and Development of employees. Employees of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka are trained regularly on (SOP)Standard Operating Procedure of the hotel. Same employee may have to undergo multiple training at different period of time. Both permanent and temporary employees are trained on SOPs(Standard Operating Procedures) for their learning and development. So all the employees of the Pan Pacific Sonargaon are eligible of being selected as a sample. But since the number of employees both permanent and temporary exceeds 600 it is not possible to collect data from all of them. So for the research purpose we will select the number of employees based on the number of trainings conducted by HCD(Human Capital & Development) department during internship period and will collect exact training data from Manager and Assistant Manager of ‘Learning and Development’ division of HCD(Human Capital & Development) department regarding this purpose. Sampling Design-The Learning and Development division of HCD department has two types of training program. They are(1)On the job training (2)Off the job training So for selecting on the job based sample we will use cluster sampling to represent separate departments and select specific department as clusters for sampling. The sampling of any specific cluster will be random sampling. For off the job related training sample selection will be random since it is not structured for any specific department.


Methods of data collectionAs the study focuses on both the

Learning and Development

Practices of Pan Pacific

Sonargaon Dhaka both the primary and secondary sources will be used. The secondary source will be the database of Learning and Development division of HCD. Here we can get preceding and succeeding years training, counseling details. We can also check the variation in training and other activities. Data analysis plan-The data collected will need further analysis to determine the ‘Learning and Development’ practices of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka. In that case we will use both qualitative and quantitative methods. Here we will use the verbal opinion, experiences of Manager and Assistant Manager of Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka for qualitative analysis. For quantitative method we will use the Learning and Development related data specifying the number and hours of training conducted to determine the frequency of the trainings conducted. We will find the average hours of training conducted that is we will find the mean value of training hours per day byTotal hours of training per month/Number of working days per month We will consider the performance appraisal of persons and find out whether there was any corelation between the training and their performance. In this case only 50 employees from Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka will be evaluated. The total appraisal score of each employee will be rated in

terms of –outstanding, exceed expectation, meet

expectations, partially meet

expectation, does not meet expectation based on the subject the Learning and Development team considers for evaluation. Outstanding will bear a score of 5 where does not meet expectation will bear a score of 1.Now we will find the average score of each person by adding the total score and dividing it by the number of topics used to rate the employee. After that we will consider the number of training those persons have undergone. Comparing the average performance score of employees with the number of training employee has participated will show the co-relation between training and performance.




Overview A Japanese conglomerate knows as ‘Tokyu Hotels International’ introduced a new ‘Pan Pacific Hotels’ brand name in 1975.The ‘Tokyu Hotels International’ is the first entity which used the Pan Pacific brand to create new resorts under the shadow of Tokyu Hotels International. It helped the already established ‘Tokyu Group’ the owning company of Tokyu Hotels International in establishing a new marketing identity, brand image and sales network. The first Pan Pacific hotel established was Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta which opened in 1976. After successful opening of Pan Pacific Jakarta and achievement of both financial profitability and operational excellence from Pan Pacific Jakarta the ‘Tokyo Group’ undertook new projects to expand its operation into new geographic areas and hence it established the Emerald Management Company(EMC) to manage its hotels in Hawaii and California in 1983 and at that time the famous travelers palm logo of Pan Pacific was born. In 1986 Pan Pacific Vancouver and Pan pacific Singapore was opened.Later the Tokyu Hotels International and EMC merged to become Pan Pacific Hotels and Resorts in 1989.The palm logo that was born in 1983 became the logo for the Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts after this merger. This palm logo is still in use in Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts. Pan Pacific Hotels and Resorts has since extended its presence into other parts of Asia and North America including Hanoi, Seattle, Yangon. In 2007 Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts became a founding member of Global Hotel Alliance(GHA) which is the world’s largest alliance of independent hotel brands comprising of more than 30 member brands with over 550 upscale and luxury hotels with 110000 rooms across 76 countries. The UOL group which is presently one of the Asia’s largest property companies and through its subsidies engages in real estate, retail and hospitality businesses acquired Pan Pacific Hotels and Resorts from Tokyu Group and subsequently renamed it as Pan Pacific Hotel Groups. It has its headquarter located in Singapore.Founded in 1963 UOL was formerly known as United Overseas Land Limited and it changed its name into UOL group in 2006.It entered the hospitality business in 1971 by establishing-Plaza Hotel. It presently owns both the Pan Pacific and Park Royal branded Hotels. Wee Chow Yaw is presently the chairman of UOL Group which owns the Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts. As of 2013 UOL Group Limited is estimated to be net worth of $4.2 Billion. Currently Pan Pacific Hotels Group(PPHG) has 22 hotels and resorts which it either owns or manages and these hotels and resorts under the Pan Pacific brand name are located in 11 countries. China holds the highest number of Pan Pacific branded resorts and hotels. 12

The countries and resorts includeAustralia-

Pan Pacific Melbourne Pan Pacific Perth


Pan Pacific Sonargaon


Pan Pacific Beijing Pan Pacific Ningbo Pan Pacific Suzhou Pan Pacific Tianjin Pan Pacific Xiamen Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Ningbo


Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta


Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Puteri Harbour, Johor


Pan Pacific Serviced Suite Bangkok


Pan Pacific Yangon


Pan Pacific Manila


Pan Pacific Singapore Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore Pan Pacific Serviced Suites, Beach Road, Singapore Pan Pacific Serviced Suites, Orchard, Singapore


Pan Pacific Hanoi


Pan Pacific Vancouver Pan Pacific Whistler Mountainside Pan Pacific Whistler Villageside 13

United States-Pan Pacific Seattle Pan Pacific Hotels group ensure that its Pacific touch engages all the five senses of its guests in order to create refreshing and fulfilling experience. The five senses are(1)Sight (2)Scent (3)Sound (4)Speech (5)Touch It also uphold a strong service tradition to nurture a sense of belonging and make the guests feel welcome and appreciated. Mission-Creating memorable hotel experiences Purpose-Great Brands, Great Hotels, Great People and Great Relationships! Values- (1)We work together because we collaborate, share care about each other and communicate openly with everyone. (2)We make our processes as simple and as uncomplicated as possible and take responsibility of our action. (3)We have an internal debate, external cohesion culture with a can do attitude and always try to have fun. (4)We enhance our performance by always aiming higher and are not afraid of making the tough decision. (5)We respect and care for our wider community through being connected and sharing, we also recognize and value diversity in every way.

Chief Executive Officer-‘Lothar Wilhelm Nessman’ is the current Chief Executive of the Pan Pacific Hotels Group. He joined Pan Pacific Hotels Group in 1st March 2017.Before joining Pan Pacific Hotels Group as CEO he worked in ‘Shangri-La Group’ where he held many senior 14

management positions ranging from General Manager to Vice-President of Operations and he also worked as chief Operating Officer where he was instrumental in the development and positioning of Shangri -La Hotel Jen brand. Organization Structure-Each Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts operate under a pre-determined structure. The Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts follow the same organization structure across its resorts and hotels. However the number of employees and facilities may vary based on resorts and hotels. Mainly two structure are found in the Pan Pacific branded hotels and resorts. They are(1)Management Level (2)Non-management Level These levels may be(1)Permanent (2)Temporary Management level is usually exempt position that means that employees are not paid even if they work beyond their scheduled working hours. Management level supervises the non-management level. Each functional area management level has the responsibility to manage the non- management level. Decision making depends entirely on the managers of specific function. Temporary employees are paid on an hourly basis. Overtime payment are also made to them. Non-management level also gets payment for the overtime performed. Pay structure-For permanent employees total monthly pay includes(1)Basic Pay (2)House Rent (3)Conveyance Allowance (4)Medical Allowance (5)Service Charge 15

Among them service charge percentage vary according to the employees and the amount of sales.

positions being held by

Functional Departments-General Manager is the head of each Pan Pacific branded hotels. The overall management of the hotels lies to him. He reports directly to the Corporate Headquarter of Pan Pacific Hotels Group. Pan









departments. They are(1)



Human Capital & Development(HCD)


Sales and marketing




Front Office






F & B Catering


F & B Service

(10) F & B Kitchen (11) F & B steward Each functional area is headed by Director or Assistant Director who report directly to the General Manager. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka-On 28 September 1977 a dramatic incident took place.A Japan Airlines Flight-472 ( Douglas DC-8), en-route from Paris to Haneda Airport in Tokyo with 156 people on board stopped in Bombay, India. Shortly after taking off from Bombay five armed JRA(Japanese Red Army Fraction) members led by ‘Osamu Maruoka’ hijacked the aircraft and ordered the aircraft to be flown to Dhaka,Bangladesh.After reaching Dhaka they took the passengers and crews as hostage demanding a ransom of US $6 million


and release of 9 JRA members. Subsequent negotiation by Bangladesh Government and acceptance of hijackers demand by then Japanese Prime Minister ‘Takeo Fukuda’ on 1st of October lead to the release of 118 passengers and crew members. The remaining of the passengers and crews were released in Kuwait City, Damascus and Algeria(Where the aircraft was impounded).The effort of Bangladesh Government in the release of hostages without any harm pleased the Japanese Government. It also created a positive image about Bangladesh in the mind of Japanese people. The Japanese Government was so pleased that they asked the Government of Bangladesh if they can do anything in return. At that time there was no 5 star hotel in Dhaka. So Dhaka was thriving for a 5 star branded hotel. So the Government of Bangladesh asked the Government of Japan to build a 5 star hotel in Dhaka. These events subsequently lead to the creation of Sonargaon Hotel which is presently known as Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka. The construction of ‘Sonargaon Hotel’ started in 1978.After completion in 1981 the hotel was opened to public. The hotel now have 277 suites and hotel rooms. Hotels International Limited(HIL)-Hotels International Limited a Public Limited Company,100% of its share is owned by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is the owning company of Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka. A Board of Director’s govern the company, the government nominates the Board of Directors and they are entrusted with maintain and managing the hotel. HIL is an affiliated organization of Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. So the Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism is the chairman of Hotels International Limited. HIL is headed by Managing Director(MD) and second person in charge is Secretary of HIL.Both of them are members of Board of Directors. Pan Pacific Hotels Group(PPHG) is responsible for managing the Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka. General Manager Pan Pacific Sonargaon-Paul Flett is the current General Manager of Pan Pacific Sonargaon. He graduated from Corneell University, NY United States. In a career spanning more than 20 years in Operation and F & B he has previously worked in Radisson, InterContinental Hotels Group and Rydges.


Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka Head of Divisions(1)


(10) F & B Catering-Director F & B


Human Capital & Development(HCD)-Director

(11) POMEC-Director Technical Services


Sales and marketing-Director


Housekeeping-Executive Housekeeper


Front Office-Manager


Security-Chief of Security


F &B Service-F & B Manager


F & B Kitchen-F& B Manager


F & B Steward-Chief Steward




Study results and findingThe main Practice for learning and development at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka involves trainings ,conferences etc. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka also rewards the best associates each month to set an ideal example so that others can follow and learn from it. Employees are also rewarded if they return something lost or forgotten by guests of the hotel. Rewards are handed over on a quarterly basis during employees quarterly gathering. Verbal counseling, suspension, termination of employees are done based on the level of insubordination, violation of SOPs(Standard Operating Procedures) of the hotel which also creates awareness and employees can learn about the consequences of their actions.

Training for management level employees(1)Leadership Development Training (2)Leading Strategic Change Training (3)Customer Psychology Training (4)Overseas Training (5)Special training for the trainer Training for non-management level employeesOff the job training (1)Hygiene and cleanliness training (2)Firefighting training (3)IT security awareness (4)Service Excellence (5)Telephone Etiquette and Telephone Operating System training (6)Energy and water saving awareness training


On the job training Off the job training

Figure: Training per month

On the job trainingOn the job training are provided in two ways (1)Job Rotation (2)Learning through action Other learning and development practices(1)Selecting the 11 best associates from each department and awarding the best of them during associates annual gathering which is held on a quarterly basis. (2)Rewarding the associates who return lost items of the guest,associates. (3)Strict punishment for violation of Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) It is found that 87% percent of training are on the job training and 13% of training are off the job training.


Survey result- All the employees have submitted the answer of questionnaire they were provided with. The result shows according to employees training 45% strongly agree with the questions about the impact on employees overall activities and performances.25% agree,15 % neither agree nor disagree,11% disagree and 4% strongly disagree with the survey questionnaire provided to them. Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 0 5 4 5 0 0 0 14




2 2 0 0 2 0 5 2 0 0 13

7 4 0 4 4 0 3 4 0 0 27

2 5 6 10 5 12 3 5 0 2 49

Strongly Agree 9 9 14 6 4 4 4 9 20 18 97


20 Strongly Agree 15

Agree Neutral


Disagree Strongly Disagree


0 Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4


Question 5



Strongly Agree


Agree Neutral 10

Disagree Strongly Disagree


0 Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Scale Percentage

Strongly Disagree 7%








Strongly Agree 48.5%

Co-relation co-efficientThe result of co-relation between training and performance obtained through Pearsons coefficient is .596.So we can say that positive co-relation exist between training and performance. But the relationship is not too high or too low. So we can say that there is a moderate level of relationship between training and performance. Training hours per monthTo calculate the training hours per day the training hour of December 2017 and January 2018 were considered and through calculation it was found that, during December 2017 the training hour per day was 6.5 hours and in January 2018 it was found to be 6.26 hours per day.




Conclusion and recommendationConclusionFrom the report we can see that learning and development of employee is a continuous process. An employee is well trained does not mean that he/she will be the best perfromer. Beside an employee has undergone training does not mean that his/her performance will improve. Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka is always trying its best to adopt the best learning practices and develop the employees potentiality. However we can see the learning and development practices of the hotel is contributing positively in the success of the hotel. The human assets are main factors that are making the success of the hotel possible. Though Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka adopts the best learning and development practices of the world they need to be vigilant about the ongoing practices around the world. Learning and development is a continuous process and thus it needs continuous improvement. RecommendationIn light of the findings the following recommendation are proposed(1)Evaluate employees performance after each training. (2)Ensure active participation of employees. Corrective action or punishment should be introduced to overcome the employees tendency of avoiding training. (3)Diversify the existing training program. The existing training program should be replaced by more digitalized training program. (4)Emphasis should be given on E-Business and modern technology based management system. (5)The management team must be entrusted with more decision making power. Their words should be final. Outside interference should not be accepted. (6)Simulation based training programs should be carried out to enhance the skills of the employees .Simulation can make employees more practical and can give them real life experience.









( y-ȳ)²










































































Co-relation co-efficient-

We know ,

Now r=134.8/√42.2𝑋1206.1 =134.8/√51138.64 =134.8/266.139 =0.596

Training hours per day calculationTraining hours of December-169 hours/26 days=6.5 hours per day Training hours for January-163 hours/26 days =6.26 hours per day So we can see that training hours fluctuates each month.There is no consistency in the hours of training conducted.


Survey QuestionnaireHow much do you agree with the following questions about the impact of training ?Put only a tick mark (√) on the box you agree with.


Strongly Disagree


My performance has improved It has improved my communication skill It enhanced my existing knowledge Training increased my self confidence level I am able to recognize my weakness It helped in getting promoted My motivation level has increased I am presently more conscious than I was I now can recognize unethical behavior I am able to handle hotels emergency situations




Strongly Agree

ReferencesBooks: Pan Pacific(2015),Associate Handbook,4th edition, Singapore, Pan Pacific Hotels Group Argyris(1999),On organizational Learning,2nd edition, Boston, Wiley-Blackwell Pan Pacific(2009),Standard Operating Procedures,4th edition, Singapore, Pan Pacific Hotels Group

Online Article: Karen Higginbottom(2017),Learning and Development Not Valued by Organization.An overview URL: Jon Younger(2016),How Learning and Development are becoming more Agile.An overview URL: Alison Hunt(2013),3 things you should know about UOL Group.An Overview URL: Global Hotel Alliance,Pan Pacific Hotels and Resort.An overview URL:


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