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  • Pages: 51
1st year AlexMed School

Physiology MCQ Questions 1) Transmission of depolarization process along the nerve fiber is a) Action potential b) Graded potential c) Nerve impulse d) Nerve infatiguability

2) In human being , nerve conduction is in …… direction/s a) One : from original stimulation to cell body b) One : from original stimulation to nerve terminal c) Two : from original stimulation to cell body & nerve terminal d) Three: from original stimulation to cell body & nerve terminal &dendrides

3) In mylenated fibers , the most excitable regions are …… a) Ranvier nodes b) Mylenated areas c) Axons d) The mylen itself

4) Which of following saves energy ? a) Saltatory conduction b) Retrograde transport c) Anterograde transport d) All of above

5) The skin regarding the conduction in unmyelinated nerve fibers, All of the following is true ECXEPT: a) The velocity of conduction is 0.5-3 m/sec b) A local circuit of current flows between the depolarized areas of the membrane and the adjacent resting membrane areas c) Action potential spreads in the direction of depolarization and starts first at the point of original stimulation d) The excited point on the surface of a nerve fiber increases the permeability to Na+ ions ‫ننةة‬

6) In opposite figure:

i. The structure labeled by number(1) is present in…… in…….. a) Grey matter/PNS b) White matter/CNS c) Ganglia/PNS d) White matter/PNS

ii. The structure labeled by number (2) is present in…………… a) White matter/CNS b) Ganglia/PNS c) White matter/PNS d) Grey matter/CNS

7) In the opposite figure:


i. The function of the structure labeled by number (3) is…… a) Formation of myelin b) Nutrition of the axon c) Regeneration of nerve fibers after injury d) All of the above

ii. The velocity of this conduction is……..m/sec a) 0.5 b) 0.2 c) 2.5 d) 120

8) Saltatory conduction: a) occurs in unmyelinated nerve fibers. b) may reach up to 120 meter / second. c) occurs by jumping from one neuron to another. d) decreases gradually with distance till it disappears.

9) Continuous conduction: a) occurs in myelinated nerve fibers. b) occurs by jumping of charges from one node of Ranvier to another. c) is relatively slow 0.5-3 meter / second. d) occurs in the neuro-muscular junction.


10) Myelin sheath: a) Present in the myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers. b) Formed of lipoprotein complex and acts as electric insulator. c) It is formed of one wrapping of the membrane of Schwann cells. d) It is the cause of decreased conduction of nerve impulse.

11) Hyperpolarization of a neuron occurs when the inside becomes more negatively charged than when it was at a resting potential value. Which of the following will NOT cause hyperpolarization? a) massive entrance of sodium ions into the axon b) massive entrance of chloride ions into the axon c) massive exit of potassium ions out of the axon d) non of the previous

12) According to the nerve impulse, all is correct except a) along the nerve fiber, it has a different direction of that when the repolarization process takes place b) Its transmission is corresponding to the Na+ influx c) It is propagated on both directions far away from the original site of stimulation d) The membrane potential becomes less (-) upon its production

13) Concerning the conductivity of the nerve fiber, all is wrong except a) the action potential has a variable velocity of conduction along the whole length of nerve fiber b) The original site of nerve stimulation is common to the end of repolarization process

c) The form of the transmitted action potential is straight current d) The nerve impulse towards the soma will die due to depletion of synaptic vesicles at it

14) Concerning the latent period, all is wrong except a) Membrane excitability is zero b) Characterized by decreased membrane potential c) Inactivation gates of voltage-gated Na channels are open d) Leak channels of both Na +K are closed

15) Regarding saltatory conduction all of the following is true EXCEPT: a) it occur in mylinated nerve fibers. b) it has rapid conduction velocity. c) depolarization occurs only at nodes of ranvier. d) it doesn’t save energy.

16) Repolarization of unmyelinated nerve fibers starts first at a) the end point of stimulation b) the cell body c) the original point of stimulation d) non of the above

17) In the anterograde transport, the copy of the impulse is transmitted to……… a) cell body b) terminal part of nerve fiber c) A&B d) non of the above

18) The aborted impulse during the conduction of the stimulation in the unmyelinated nerve fiber: a) orthodromic impulse b) antidromic impulse c) impulse of anterograde transport d) non of the above

19) In the myelinated nerve ,the nerve impulse started at : a) myeline sheeth b) node ranvier c) schwann cells d) A&B

20) Muscles constitute about ......... % of total body weight. a) 30 b) 40 c) 50 d) 60

21) All of the following are from characteristics of slow muscle fiber except:a) thin fibers b) numerous blood capillaries c) extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum d) longer latent period

22) Fast muscle fibers are characterized by ................... a) slow contraction. b) slow fatigue. c) easy fatigue. d) aerobic oxidation.


..................... obey All or None rule. a) skeletal muscle b) motor unit c) nerve trunk d) none of the above

24) RMP in skeletal muscle fibers is ......... a) -70V b) -70mv c) -90V d) -90mv

25) Type one of the muscle fibers is characterized by all the following expect a) these muscles are called red muscle fibers b) these muscles have a short latent period c) soleus muscle is an example of this type d) none of the above is true

26) Muscles that help athletes run marathons is characterized by …. a) rapid contraction b) easily fatigued c) numerous mitochondria d) extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum

27) Regarding extraocular muscles, all the following are true except a) they contain large amounts of glycolytic enzymes b) they contains numerous mitochondria c) they have short latent period d) none of the above

28) In fast muscle fibers, myoglobin is …………… a) few with few blood capillaries b) absent with many blood capillaries c) numerous with few blood capillaries d) absent with few blood capillaries

29) If you want to pick up something heavier than your pen you need to have stronger muscle contraction. In what way might you accomplish this? a) stimulate more motor units b) decrease the refractory period c) decrease frequency of stimulation

30) A motor unit refer to a) single moto neuron plus all of the muscle fiber it innervates b) single muscle fiber plus all of the motor neuron that innervate it c) all of the motor neurons supply a single muscle d) sheet of small muscle cell connected by gap junction

31) Which type of muscle fiber has short latent period ? a) type I b) type II c) intermediate type

Essay Questions 32)

Synapses act as one way valves. Discuss this phrase.


Discuss importance of saltatory conduction?


compare between anterograde and retrograde transport of

nerve impulse


Discuss conduction in unmyelinated nerve fibers.


Mention the function of skeletal muscle.


Mention types of skeletal muscle fibers and 3 differences

between them.


Compare between electrical changes in skeletal muscle

fibers and motor nerves (thick myelinated fibers ).

Anatomy MCQ Questions 39) Radial nerve dividing into ……. Branches in front of lateral epicondyle a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) Doesn't branch

40) Superficial branch of radial N. Supply …….. a) Extensor radialis longus b) Anconeus c) Skin of lateral 2/3 of dorsum hand d) Skin of distal phalange

41) The deep branch of radial N. Is …… a) Ant. Interosseus N. b) Post. Interosseus N. c) Dorsal cutaneus branch d) Palmar cutaneus branch

42) Erb'sDuchanne palsy is result for injury of …. a) C5,6 b) C7,8

c) C8&T1 d) C5

43) A young man aged 24 was hit on the left shoulder by a falling tree branch. Immediately after the injury, he reported and got treated in several Health Centers and Hospitals without any improvement. His main complaints were inability to abduct the left shoulder, inability to flex the left elbow and numbness on the lateral aspect of the left upper limb. You deduce that he suffers from…….. a) C5,6 injury b) C8,T1 injury c) Ulnar nerve injury d) Median nerve injury

44) In opposite figure: A 22 year old young man entered your clinic. His complaining was inability to extend the elbow, wrist and the fingers and when you asked him for an X-Ray picture he gave you this one. You deduce that he suffers from paresthesia over…….. a) the upper lateral surface of the arm b) the anterior surface of the arm and forearm c) the lateral 2/3 of the dorsum of the hand and posterior surface of the proximal phalanges of the lateral 3.5 fingers d) (a) and (c)

45) A 27 year old climber has fallen during climbing, but he saved him self by catching with a tree branch. His complaining was a loss of sensation on the medial side of the upper limb, then you expect that he suffers from…….. a) C5,6 injury b) C8,T1 injury c) Median nerve injury d) Radial nerve injury

46) In posterior interosseous nerve injury no wrist drop due to intact a) Extensor carpiradialis brevis b) Extensor carpi radialis longus c) Extensor carpi ulnaris d) Flexor carpi radialis

47) Nerve damage that causes motor defect of arm abduction at shoulder, sensory deficit over deltoid muscle, flattened deltoid a) Carpal tunnel syndrome, dislocated lunate b) Saturday night palsy c) Proximal lesion of ulnar nerve d) Axillary nerve (c5,c6) injury


48) In opposite figure:

The muscle that has an insertion in the structure‫ننةة‬labeled by number (1) is supplied by……… a) Axillary nerve b) Suprascapular nerve c) Radial nerve d) Subscapular nerve



The muscle that has an insertion in the structure labeled by number (2) is supplied by........ a) Ulnar nerve b) Radial nerve c) Musculocutaneous nerve

d) (b) and (c) iii. In case of fracture in the structure labeled by number (6), The patient will suffer from…….. a) A loss of sensation on the lateral side of the upper limb b) A loss of sensation on the medial side of the upper limb c) A loss of sensation over medial 1/3 of the hand d) A loss of sensation over lateral 1.5 fingers

49) Cause of distal lesion of median nerve a) Carpal tunnel syndrome b) Proximal lesion of median nerve c) Upper trunk compression d) Fracture of supracondylar humerus

50) Nerve damage causing defect in abduction and adduction of fingers, adduction of thumb and extension of 4 th and 5th fingers a) Proximal lesion of ulnar nerve b) Distal lesion of ulnar nerve c) Fractured surgical neck of humerus d) Saturday night palsy

51) Cause of injury of radial nerve a) Fracture at mid shaft humerus b) Saturday night palsy c) Fracture of hook of hamate d) A & b

52) Cause of proximal lesion of median nerve a) Stab wound b) Arthiritis c) Synovitis d) Fracture of supracondylar humerus

53) Nerve damage causing sensory defect in palmar lateral 3.5 fingers and loss of opposability of thumb a) Proximal lesion of median nerve b) Proximal lesion of ulnar nerve c) Distal lesion of median nerve d) A & c

54) Complete claw hand is a motor effect in a) upper root of Brachial plexus b) Ulnar nerve c) Lower root of Brachial plexus d) Radial nerve

55) Wrist drop is an effect in a) Posterior interosseous nerve b) Superficial Radial nerve c) Radial nerve d) Ulnar nerve

56) The branch of radial nerve which doesn't have muscular branch is a) posterior interosseous nerve b) The deep branch c) The Superficial branch d) A and B

57) The anconeus is supplied by a) The Superficial branch of radial nerve b) medial nerve c) Ulnar nerve d) Radial nerve

58) Fingers drop occurrs due to………. a) Radial nerve injury b) Posterior interosseous nerve injury c) Ulnar nerve injury d) A and B

59) Ulnar nerve's injury above the wrist's motor effects: a) loss adduction of the fingers. b) weak thenar muscules. c) ape's hand deformity. d) none of the above


The upper root of brachial plexus may get injury as a result

of : a) excessive adduction of the arm b) excessive abduction of the arm c) cervical rib d) difficult delivery


Loss of sensation of lateral of the medial side of the upper limb is a result of ……….injury a) brachial plexus b) radial nerve c) ulnar nerve d) median nerve


Partial claw refer to an injury of a) upper root of brachial plexus b) lower root of brachial plexus c) median nerve d) ulnar nerve


A woman went to the hospital having of wrist drop, in your opinion which nerve is injury : a) median nerve b) ulnar nerve c) posterior interosseus d) non of the above


All muscles of anterior compartment of the thigh innervated by femoral nerve except ............ a) sartorius muscle b) iliacus muscle c) quadriceps femoris d) psoas major


One of boundaries of femoral triangle is lateral border of sartorius............ a) True b) False


The muscle of anterior compartment of the thigh which responsible for lateral rotation is .............. a) psoas major b) vastus lateralis c) sartorius d) vastus medialis


the saphenous nerve is one of the cutaneous branches of .............. a) obturator nerve b) sciatic nerve c) femoral nerve d) lumbar plexus


All the following form boundaries to the femoral triangle except……

a) Inguinal ligament b) Medial border of sartorius laterally c) Lateral border of adductor longus medially d) None of the above


All the following are boundaries of femoral ring except…….

a) Superior pubic ramus b) Lacunar ligament c) Inguinal ligament d) None of the above


Which of the following drains cilitoris?

a) Cribriform fascia b) Fascia lata c) Cloquet node d) Femoral sheath


The lower opening of the femoral canal is closed by ……. While the upper opening is closed by ……….

a) Fascia transversalis, Fascia iliaca b) Fascia lata, superficial fascia c) Saphenous opening, femoral ring d) Femoral septum, Cribiform fascia


The powerful knee extensor muscle is …….

a) iliopsoas b) Sartorius c) Quandriceps d) Pectineus


The medial boundary of the femoral triangle ……

a) Lateral border of adductor longus b) Medial border of adductor longus c) Lateral border of santorius d) Medial border of sontorius


In opposite figure:

The muscles pointed by the arrows are : a) rectus femoris &vastus intermedius b) rectus femoris & vastus lateralis c) rectus femoris &vastus medialis d) vastus medialis &vastus lateralis



Sartorius muscle originate from the anterior

inferior iliac spine a) true b) false


All muscles of front of the thigh are supplied by a) femoral n b) obturator n c) tibial n d) common peroneal n


lesser trochanter is the insertion of a) iliacus b) psoas major c) both of them d) none of them


Straight head of rectus femoris originates from anterior superior iliac spine a) true b) false


Reflected head of rectus femoris originates from ilium above the acetabulum a) true b) false


fibers of .......... Stabilize patella a) rectus femoris b) vastus lateralis c) vastus medialis d) vastus intermedius


The Rectus Femoris originates from : a) from anterior inferior iliac spine. b) from the ilium above the acetabulum c) A & B


the femoral triangle is a triangular area in the lateral aspect of the thigh. a) true b) false


the floor of the femoral triangle is formed (from lateral to medial )of a) sartorius , iliopsoas , adductor longus b) pectineus , iliopsoas , adductor longus c) iliopsoas , pectineus , adductor longus d) none of the above


All of the following are of the contents of femoral triangle EXCEPT : a) femoral sheath b) femoral artery c) lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh d) medial cutaneous nerve of the thigh



femoral sheath is formed by a) fascia transversalis (anteriorly) b) fascia iliaca (posteriorly) c) both of them d) none of them

the femoral canal is considered the ........compartment of the femoral sheath a) lateral b) medial c) intermediate


the lateral compartment of femoral sheash contains a) femoral artery b) femoral vein c) lymph nodes


femoral triangle is the area in the medial aspect of the thigh just below the a) patellar ligament b) lacunar ligament c) inguinal ligament d) none of the above


All of the following muscles originate from the femur EXCEPT a) Rectus femoris b) Vastus medialis c) Vastus lateralis d) Vastus intermedius



Femoral nerve originates from a) Dorsal division of L2,3,4 b) Ventral division of L2,3,4 c) Dorsal division of T2,3,4 d) Ventral division of T2,3,4

All of the following muscles have insertions in the femur EXCEPT a) Psoas major

b) Sartorius c) Illiacus d) None of the above 92) Cutaneous nerves of the front of the thigh involve all of the following except …. a) obturator nerve b) sacral plexus c) ilioinguinal nerve d) medial cutaneous nerve of thigh


The iliopsoas complex is characterized by being inserted into …. a) superior part of medial tibial surface b) greater femoral trochanter c) intertrochanteric line d) lesser femoral trochanter


All of the following are among contents of femoral triangle except ….. a) femoral sheath b) femoral nerve c) posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh d) deep inguinal lymph nodes


femoral ring is bounded medially by …. And posteriorly by

…. a) lacunar ligament , superior pubic ramus b) inguinal ligament , femoral vein c) femoral vein , lacunar ligament

d) superior pubic ramus , lacunar ligament


Observe the following figure then answer the following questions : I-The muscle labeled by A is innervated by ….. and acts to … a) femoral nerve , flex the knee joint b) obturator nerve , flex the hip joint c) femoral nerve , flex the hip joint d) obturator nerve , flex the knee joint II-The structure labeled by B represents …. a) popliteal fossa b) patella c) femoral condyles d) tibial condyles III- The structure labeled by C constitutes an …. For …. Muscle a) origin , Sartorius b) insertion , Sartorius c) origin , rectus femoris d) insertion , rectus femoris


The pectineus muscle is supplied by…….in the anterior compartment a) sciatic nerve b) obturator nerve c) femoral nerve d) B&C


The action of the hamstring part of adductor magnus muscle is….. a) extending hip b) adduction of the thigh c) lateral rotation of the thigh d) abduction of the thigh


All the following are actions of Gracialis muscle except… a) adduction of the thigh b) flexion of the leg c) lateral rotation of the leg d) Medial rotation of the leg


All the following structures originate from the pubic body except: a) Adductor longus b) Adductor brevis c) Pectineus d) Gracilis


Both femoral nerve and obturator nerve have the same origin a) True b) False


The following muscles receive dual nerve supply : a) Pectineus b) Adductor longus

c) Adductor brevis d) a-c 103) Adductor longus and magnus are considered as the …. wall of the subsartorial canal a) Lateral b) Posterolateral c) Anteromedial d) Posterior


The nerve supplying the hamstring part of adductor magnus is : a) Femoral nerve b) Obturator nerve c) Tibial nerve d) b-c


All of the following are of the contents of adductor canal EXCEPT a) nerve to vastus medialis b) saphenous nerve c) femoral vein d) inguinal ligament


Adductor brevis of the thigh is supplied by… a) tibial part of sciatic nerve b) posterior part of obturator nerve c) anterior part of obturator nerve d) b & c


Lateral wall of adductor canal is formed by….. a) adductor longus and magnus b) sartories muscle

c) vastus lateralis d) vastus medialis 108) The insertion of gracilis is….. a) middle third of linea aspera of femur b) superior part of medial surface of tibia c) superior part of lateral supracondylar ridge


Pectineus is attached to……. a) body of pubis b) superior ramus of pubis c) inferior ramus of pubis d) ischeal ramus


All of the following form the roof of the popliteal fossa except: a) superficial fascia b) deep fascia c) small saphenous vein d) great saphenous vein


The begining of tibial nerve is .................. a) larger terminal branch of sciatic nerve. b) larger terminal branch of common peroneal nerve. c) smaller terminal branch of sciatic nerve. d) smaller terminal branch of common peroneal nerve .


Tibial nerve runs with .................... a) anterior tibial artery.

b) posterior tibial artery. c) peroneal artery. d) none of the above. 113) Common peroneal nerve end as ........................ a) medial&lateral planter. b) superficial&deep peroneal. c) between 1st & 2nd toes. d) at skin of dorsum of foot.


We can find all the following in the lateral boundary of the popliteal fossa except a) biceps femoris b)medial head of gastrocnemius c) lateral head of gastrocnemius d) all the above


One of the following is considered as both content and roof of the popliteal fossa a) popliteal fossa vessels b) small saphenous vein c) popliteal fat d) none of the above


The right arraignment of the following from deep to superficial is ….. a) popliteal vessels – lateral popliteal nerve – medial popliteal nerve

b) common peroneal nerve – tibial nerve – popliteal vessels c) popliteal vessels – medial popliteal nerve – lateral popliteal nerve d) tibial nerve – popliteal vessels – common peroneal nerve 117) All the following are true about medial popliteal nerve except a) it’s also called tibial nerve b) it’s the larger of the two terminal branches of sciatic nerve in the lower limb c) it has articular branch to knee joint d) all the following are true


All the following muscles are supplied by the medial popliteal nerve expect a) flexor halluces longus b) short head of biceps femoris c) soleus d)tibialis posterios


The following structures pass through greater sciatic foramen EXCEPT: a) Tendon of obturator internus b) Nerve to obturator internus c) Pudendal nerve d) A & B


Which of the following muscles pass through the lesser sciatic notch a) Quadratus femoris

b) Gluteus minimus c) Piriformis d) Obturator internus


The nerve supply of Short head of biceps femoris is a) Common peroneal nerve b) Lateral popliteal nerve c) Common fibular nerve d) All are the same


Sciatic nerve emerges through the lower part of lesser sciatic foramen ? a) True b) False


While sitting position , the examiner has the patient to squeeze the thighs with resistance placed at the inside of the knees, so weak thigh adduction indicates … nerve injury a) Sciatic b) Femoral c) Obturator d) Ilioinguinal


All of the following are important foramina in the gluteal region EXCEPT: a) Greater sciatic foramen

b) Lesser sciatic foramen c) Obturator foramen d) A & b


All of the following are from the actions of tensor fascia lata EXCEPT: a) Lateral rotation of the thigh b) Medial rotation of the thigh c) Flexion of the thigh d) Non of the previous


Sciatic nerve supplies all the following muscles EXCEPT: a) Biceps femoris b) Hamstring part of adductor magnus c) Adductor brevis d) Semimembranosus


.......... forms the floor of popliteal fossa a) Back of the knee joint b) Popliteus muscle c) Popliteal surface of the femur d) All of the above


Sural nerve is present at the … of the popliteal fossa a) Floor b) Roof c) Lateral d) Medial


All of the following are actions of gracilis muscle EXCEPT a) flexion b) adduction c) medial rotation d) lateral rotation


Which of the following muscles is inserted into the upper part of the medial surface of tibia? a) Biceps femoris b) Semimembranosis c) Semitendinosis d) None of the above


The tibia gives insertion to all of the following except a) Biceps femoris b) Gracilis c) Semitendenosis d) Semimembranosis


All of the following are actions of the biceps femoris EXCEPT a) Extension of hip

b) Flexion of knee c) Medial rotation of knee d) Lateral rotation of knee


Semitendinosis is supplied by……. a) Femoral nerve b) Obturator nerve c) Common peroneal component of sciatic nerve d) Tibial component of sciatic nerve


All of the following originate from the ischial tuberosity except a) Short head of biceps femoris b) Long head of biceps c) Semitendinosis d) Semimembranosis


Tensor fascia lata is supplied by……. a) Superior gluteal nerve b) Inferior gluteal nerve c) Sciatic nerve d) Obturator nerve


The nerve supplying the skin of labium majora is ..... a) Sciatic nerve

b) Obturator nerve c) Common peroneal nerve d) None of the above


All the following structures can be found in both Greater and Smaller sciatic foramina EXCEPT : a) Nerve to obturator internus b) Pudendal nerve c) Internal pudendal vein d) Nerve to quadratus femoris


The nerve supplying Piriformis muscle is : a) Superior gluteal nerve b) Inferior gluteal nerve c) Ventral rami L1-L3 d) Ventral rami S1-S2

Essay Questions 139)

Discuss the causes of the Radial nerve injury.


Compare between nerve injury in upper and lower roots of

brachial plexus


Differentiate between bracial peuxs ,median nerve injuries


What is the sensory effect of carpal tunnel syndrome?


Mention motor effects of radial N. Injury


Mention the definition, boundaris &contents of the femoral



In the oposite diagram:

Compare between the actions of the muscles that take origin from (1) and (2) mentioning insertion of each.


Some of the transverse processes

are origins to muscles in both upper and lower limb. Enumerate these muscles and state the type of the vertebrae of these processes.


Name the structure situated in the following sites

I- 1 and half inches below and lateral to pubic tubercle II- 1 and half inches below inguinal ligament

148) i.

What does the opposite diagram represent?


Mention all nerves passing through it


Mention its muscular boundaries only


Enumerate the contents of the femoral triangle.


Mention the nerves present in subsartorial canal


The superior part of medial surface of tibia is a special

area. Mention structures attached to it and the nerve supply of each.


Mention 5 contents of the Adductor canal


State the contents of popliteal fossa from deepest structure

to most superficial.


State 4 structures exit the greater sciatic foramen


Compare between tibial and peroneal nerves (according to

root value)


Mention the contents of the popliteal fossa .

Compare between greater and lesser sciatic foramina


Enumerate the posterior cutaneous nerve branches


Mention 4 nerves found in the gluteal region


Mention 4 lateral rotators of the thigh

Histology 160)

All the following penetrate all the connective tissue components of the muscle except: a) Blood vessels b) Nerves c) Lymphatic vessels d) None of the above


The structural unit of muscle is ……while the functional unit of muscle is…….. a) Muscle fibers, sarcomere b) Myofibrils, sarcomere c) Sarcomere, sarcomere d) Sarcolemma, sarcomere


The Z line is composed of filamnts of ……. a) Myosin b) Tropomyosin c) Alpha actinin

d) Troponin


The M line is …… a) Formed of myosin filaments only b) The site where transvers filaments connect thick myofilaments together c) The site where ends of thin myofilaments of adjacent sarcomeres attach d) It is formed of actin filaments only 164) saturation of …… prevents the action of …… a) TnT, TnC b) TnC, TnI c) TnI, TnC d) TnC, TnT


Each sarcomere is incircled by …….. terminal cisternae.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


During muscular contraction there is no change in the length of ........ a) the sarcomere b) the I bands c) the A bands d) the H zone


The troponin C is responsible for.............. a) binding to tropomyosin b) inhibiting actin-myosin interactions c) binding calcium d) none of the above


..............surrounds each muscle fascicle. a) Endomysium b) Perimysium c) Epimysium d) Perineurium


In longtudinal section each skeletal muscle fiber is a) Uninucleated b) multinucleated c) long cylindrical d) b&c

170) a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Each sarcomere has ............ triade


Which of the following muscles do not attach to the skeleton a) Biceps b) Tongue c) Triceps d) Brachialis


Which of the following C.T has relation to the C.T that surrounds the bones a) Epimysium b) Perimysium c) Endomysium d) All of the above


Changes do not occur to each of the following EXCEPT a) The length of A bands b) The length of actin filaments c) The length of myosin filaments d) The site of Z lines


Epimysium is formed of …. Meanwhile endomysium is formed of …. a) collagen fibers , elastic fibers b) collagen fibers , reticular fibers c) reticular fibers , collagen fibers d) reticular fibers , elastic fibers


Birefringent bands are characterized by being …. a) Anisotropic

b) Isotropic c) dark bands d) A&C together


During muscular contraction , all of the following occur except …. a) the length of A band is maintained b) sarcomere is reduced in length c) A zone is shortened and may disappear d) H zone is shortened and may disappear 177) In cross-section , each muscle fiber is …. In shape a) triangular b) polyhedral c) circular d) pyramidal


In the neurons muscular junction, the sole plasm contains all of the following except…… a) Mitochondria b) glycogen granules c) ribosomes d) myofibrils


Myofilaments present in leiomyocytes are ……to the long axis of the cell a) parallel b) perpendicular c) oblique


…are fixing site for the thin myofilament a) synaptic vesicles

b) dense bodies c) junctional folds of postsynaptic sarcolemma


Smooth musculature is found in…. a) hollow organs b) tubular structures c) internal sphincters d) all of the above


….are limited extensions of the sarcolemma of the smooth muscle fiber into the srcoplasm a) caveolae b) sarcoplasmic reticulum c) gap junctions d) dense bodies


Leiomyocytes are …. a) uninucleated b) multinucleated c) binucleated


Sole plasm appears granular due to the presence of : a) Mitochondria b) Lipid granules c) Myofibrils d) All the above


Nerve fibers innervating skeletal muscles originate from :

a) Sensory neurons of cranial nerves b) Motor neurons of cranial nerves c) Motor neurons of anterior horn cells of spinal cord d) B-C


Skeletal muscles differ from smooth in all the following EXCEPT: a) Presence of Gap junctions b) Absence of sarcomeres c) Absence of Z lines d) Absence of mitochondria 187) The functional equivalent of the caveolae in the skeletal muscle is a) I -band b) Z-lines c) desmin intermediate filaments d) T-tubules


The structure that is responsible for initiation of contraction of smooth muscles is: a) Sarcoplasmic reticulum b) T-tubules c) sole plasm d) caveolae

Essay Questions 189)

Compare between histological structures of skeletal muscle

in L.S. and T.S


(at least 3 points)

Compare between the thin &thick myofilaments


Discuss the role of Desmin intermediate filaments in the


192) i.

In the following diagram:

The structure referred to by A is ….

and its function is ……….. ii.

Mention types and functions of the structure refered to by B


Collaborate the structure of the troponin complexes with

the function.


Discuss the functional changes occurring in sarcomere

during muscular contraction


Tabulate 4 histological differences between smooth and

skeletal muscles


Mention the function of nexuses at smooth muscle

The answers Physiology 1.C




11.A 21.C 31.B

12.A 22.C

13.D 23.B

14.C 24.D


6.i.C ii.A 15.D 16.C 25.B 26.C

7.i.D ii.D 17.B 27.B




18.B 28.D

19.B 29.A

20.C 30.A

Essay Questions: 32.Refare page 129 34.Refare page 129 36.Refare page 163

33.Refare page 129 35.Refare page 128 37.Refare page 163



Anatomy 39.A


41.B 42.A 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.B 47.D

48.i. A 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.D 53.D 54.C 55.C 56.C

48.ii. D 57.D 67.C 77.C 87.A

48.iii. C 58.D 59.A 60.D 61.A 68.C 69.D 70.C 71.D 78.B 79.A 80.C 81.C 88.C 89.A 90.A 91.D

62.D 72.C 82.B 92.B

63.D 73.B 83.C 93.D

64.D 74.B 84.D 94. C

65.B 75.B 85.C 95. A

96.ii. 96iii. 97.D 98.A 99.C 100. B D C 105.D 106.D 107. 108. 109. 110. D B B D 115.B 116.C 117. 118. 119. 120. C B A D 125.A 126.C 127. 128. 129. 130. D B D C 135.A 136.D 137. 138. D D

101. B 111. A 121. D 131. A

102. D 112. B 122. B 132. C

103. D 113. B 123. C 133. D

Essay Questions:

66.C 76.A 86.B 96.i. C 104. C 114. B 124. C 134. A

139.Refer page 126 141. Refer page124,125 143. Refer page126 145. Refer page137,138

147. i. Saphenous opening ii. Femoral nerve (termination))

140.Refer page 124,125 142. Refer page 125 144. Refer page139 146. Levator muscle (transverse processes of C1:C4) Psoas pf iliosoas muscle (transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae) 148. i. Femoral triangle ii. Nerves: Femoral nerve & it's branches Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh iii. Boundaries medial border of sartorius Laterally Medial border of adductor longus The floor by iliopsoas, adductor longus and pectineus

149. Refer page139



Saphenous nerve Nerve to vastus medialis The terminal part of obturator nerve 152. Refer page151 Sartorius femoral nerve Gracilis Obturator nerve Semitendinosus Tibial nerve

153. Refer page162 155. Refer page160 157. Refer page156 159. Refer page159

154. Refer page156 156. Refer page162 158. Refer page159 160. Piriforms Superior gamellus Inferior gemellus Quadratus femoris Obturator externus

Histology 161. C 171. B 181. B

162. A 172. B 182. D

163. C 173. A 183. A

164. B 174. D 184. A

165. B 175. B 185. A

166. D 176. D 186. D

167. C 177. C 187. D

168. C 178. B 188. D

169. B 179. D 189. A

170. D 180. C

Essay Questions: 190. Refer page144 192. Refer page 146

191. Refer page 146 193. i. Tropomyosin, reinforcement ii. Troponin, page 146

194. 195. Refer page147  They are attached to the tropomyosin filament at regular intervals regulate muscle contraction  Composed of troponin C (Tn C ) to bind calcium Troponin T ( Tn T) to

bind to tropomyosin Troponin I (Tn I) ti inhibit actin-myosin interaction 196. Refer page 144,145,153

197.Refer page155

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