Final Lab

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  • Words: 701
  • Pages: 48
specimens • Edited by abu mahdi


Mention two causes ?

Give the microscopic picture

Mention 3 of the complications ?

Mention 2 of the risk factors

Mention the origin cells of this slide

Mention 2 sites of this lesion

Give the corresponding Electronic MICROSCOPY

Mention 2 of the complication

Mention 3 of the risk factors

How does this lesion appeare under microscope?

Mention 2 +ve stains

Mention the 4 causes

Mention 3 of the causes

Mention two of the complications

Mention one complication & behavior of this lesion

Mention 3 effects

Mention the classification for this lesion?

Mention the age group and main effect (symptom)?

Mention the diagnosis, 2 causes and 2 confirmatory Tests?

Mention 2 complications?


U have 10 jars. 2 minutes for each one to write only the description and diagnosis. There are 2 groups, A and B.

GIT8 : open section of loop of colon showing ulceration c hge & necrosis destroying the mucosal surface. Dx: carcinoma of colon ulcerative type

GIT7: upside down jar sh section of stomach & 1st part of duodenum c oval ulcer c sharp edges and necrotic and hge floor surrounded by area of chronic inflammation of duodenum Dx: peptic ulcer of duodenum

GIT13: loop of colon showing grayish white mass infiltrates the surround non-encapsulated causing thickening of wall and narrowing of lumen Dx: annular carcinoma of colon

GIT1: section of stomach showing oval ulcer c sharp edges and necrotic and hge floor surrounded by area of chronic gastritis Dx: peptic ulcer of stomach

UT9: section of kidney sh rounded grayish white mass nonencapsulated infiltrates the surround early toward renal passages the cut section shows golden-yellow color Dx: renal cell carcinoma

UT5: section of kidney sh rounded grayish white mass nonencapsulated infiltrates the surround early toward renal passages the cut section shows golden-yellow color Dx: renal cell carcinoma

Section of enlarged kidney sh irregular surface and multiple variable in size and shape cysts w are not connected to the renal passages Dx: Adult Poly cyctic Kidney Disease (APKD)

L10: slice of liver sh nodular outer surface . The cut section sh micronodular masses separated fibrous bands Dx: micronodular cirrhosis

Longitudinal section of vertebral column sh areas of caseous ncrosis of vertebral disc and bodies Dx: Pott’s disease (T.B)

Section of kidney and cerebrum. The kidney is shrunken and sh irregular irregularity indicating hypertension or pyelonephritis. The cerebrum sh area of hge extended to lateral ventricle Dx: intracerebral hge most probably d.t hypertension

MGS4: section of enlarged testis c grayish white mass infiltrates the surround non-encapsulated but not invade tunica albagina and epididymis Dx: seminoma

section of enlarged testis c grayish white nodular masses infiltrates the surround non-encapsulated but not invade tunica albagina and epididymis Dx: seminoma

Uterus, cervix and Rt fallopian tube. The uterus showing grayish white mass encapsulated bulged to the uterine cavity.reminants of walfian duct are seen as small cysts besibe fallopian tube Dx: 1- leiomyoma of uterus 2- gartner cysts (paratubal cysts)

The uterus showing multiple variable in size grayish white masses encapsulated c whorled appearance Dx: leiomyoma

Breast3: section of breast sh fungating mass c ulceration c edematous surrounding. The back of this section showing grayish white mass infiltrates the surround non-encapsulated Dx: cancer of breast

Breast1: edematous packaring skin (Paud’ orange appearance )c retracted niple. The cut section showing grayish white mass infiltrates the surround nonencapsulated Dx: breast cancer

FGS28:enlarged ovary c variable in size masses filled c gelatinous material. The cavities are separated by solid areas. Dx: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary

Slice of liver sh multiple variable sized cavities c irregular yellowish wall surrounded by areas of congestion Dx: pyemic abcess of liver

• slice of liver sh nodular outer surface . The cut section sh micronodular masses separated fibrous bands • Dx: micronodular cirrhosis

• slice of liver sh nodular outer surface . The cut section sh micronodular masses separated fibrous bands • Dx: micronodular cirrhosis

The cerebrum sh area of hge extended to lateral ventricle Dx: intracerebral hge

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