Final Individual Evaluation

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Hanem Ibrahim – Final Individual Evaluation sets

Individual Evaluation Final Assignment Submitted by Hanem A. Ibrahim ILS 504- Fall 2009 Dr. Elsie Okobi


Hanem Ibrahim – Final Individual Evaluation sets


Table of contents Introduction p3 1- Evaluation 1 ( Bibliographies- Library catalogs ) 123456-

National Union Catalog Pre-1956 imprints p5 Books in Print. P5 Reference Sources for small and medium –sized libraries. . p6 Guide to reference books p7 New Walford Guide to Reference Materials p8 Public Library Catalog guide to reference books and adult nonfiction p9

2- Evaluation of Directories 1.

American Book Trade Directory, 2000-2001. P10 2. American Library Directory, 2000-2001. P11 3. Associations on the Net p11 4. D&B Million Dollar Directory. P12 5. Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. p13 6. The Foundation Directory. P14 7. Literary Market Place p15 8. PhoneDisc p15 9. Standard & Poor’s Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives. P16 10. Thomas Register of American Manufacturers p16

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11. The World of Learning. 50th ed. London: Europa, 2000. P17 12. AnyWho Directories p18 3- Evaluation (Handbooks- Factbooks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) p19 Statistical Abstracts: State and Metro Area Data Book (2006) p21 County and City Data Book (2007) p22 CIA World Fact Book



4- Evaluation – Government resources) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications p23 Official Congressional Directory p23 Statistical Abstract of the United States. P24 Statistical Reference Index p24


This is a compile of my Individual Evaluation for 27 reference works, I evaluated these resources using evaluation criteria for print and electronic references. It was a great experience I had through this evaluation. The first set of the reference was the bibliographic reference works that needed by reference librarian and users who seek information about all kind of published materials. The purpose of these bibliographic references is to help in reference services, and collection development , beside that it could be used by bookseller or publishers and also by researcher who need this bibliographic information that help them to find what they need for their

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searches. I learned about how to use these bibliographic resources and also the scope of each one of them, that will help me if I work at libraries , also it will help me when I’m looking for resources for my researches in the future. The second set was the Almanacs, Handbooks, and yearbooks, they are so fun to search for facts and current events. I learned a lot by evaluating these references , I owned a copy of one of the almanac for 2009, I don’t know that I’ll evaluate this work when I bought it for my kids, all what I know about it that it ‘ll help them on the current events assignments, but I found it more helpful than that , now I know how to locate the information I need inside these references tools, I know about the available online versions , and how it is easy to search through the internet. All type of libraries need these kind of ready reference material to answer all kind of question about quick facts and events, I learned about importance of them, and the different kind of information they deal with. All these information will help me if I need to answer any question regarding information about: How , When , or Where questions. The third set was for Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. These set of references includes two different types of reference resources , the Encyclopedias (general, or subject) they cover topics in article’s type which help users to know more information and details than dictionaries have, but dictionaries most concern is the language details( spelling. Pronunciation, origin, …)Evaluating some of these reference resources helped me to learn more about how to get information from theses reference, and I enjoyed a lot searching through theses references especially “ Dictionary of American Slang” I have fun learning the meaning of some American slang which I don’t know about them before . In this set of evaluation I evaluated 12 important references for the daily life and for specific interests, everybody use them at home or work or at libraries whether are print or online . I enjoy searching the online phone directory to locate some of my relatives' name and

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address. I used it also to locate the phone number of some local store, it was easy to use and fast. The last set of resources. we evaluated the Geographic reference resources which included maps, Atlases and gazetteer( print or online) these are very important resources, we need them in our regular life beside they are important for searching and studying, I did the evaluation with my colleagues through the Group 0ne which include me beside two from my best class group members ( Heather and Francie) I really enjoy working with them. Hanem A Ibrahim November 27, 2009.

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Evaluation 1 ( Bibliographies- Library catalogs ) This is an evaluation of the following SIX titles (Bibliographies / Library Catalogs) I used the criteria for evaluating reference sources. (citation – Scope- purposeArrangement, Entries- Currency-Over all Evaluation or Critique) At the end I submitted some question that might be answered by these titles. 1- National Union Catalog Pre-1956 mprints Citation

National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints, A Cumulative Author List Representing Library of Congress Printed Cards and Titles Reported by Other American Libraries. 754 vols. London: Mansell, 1968-1981. Scope: The National Union Catalog of Pre-1956 Imprints, a set of 754 volumes, largely superseded the older Library of Congress Catalog of printed books, and included printed works published before 1956 which are held by major American and Canadian libraries. It issued serially beginning in the 1950s. It also includes specialty catalogs such as the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC).. It is sometimes referred to as the Mansell, after its publisher. This set is a massive bibliography compiled during the period from 1968 to 1981. It contains photocopies of printed catalog cards from major American and Canadian libraries Purpose: The NUC of Pre-1956 Imprints was an important resource for verifying bibliographic information and finding copies of books before the advent of large electronic bibliographic databases, such as WorldCat; the massive size and weight of the set make it less useful now. Arrangement: The catalog was arranged alphabetically by author's last name, or by title for books that have no author, such as the Bible, The 745 volumes are the set of massive bibliography compiled during the period from 1968 to 1981. Entries The NUC of Pre-1956 Imprints is published in 754 volumes, containing over 528,000 pages It has grown to over 11 million cards which included the bibliographic information like typical library catalog card. Currency NUC of Pre-1956 Imprints was completed and published 1981. Most of the entries are now available in the WorldCat, but there are 27% still available only in the NUC volums. Overall Evaluation or Critique This huge great work are cataloged by the Library of Congress and other American and Canadian Librarians who have the authority to issue that kind of work. 2- Books in Print.

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citation 1- Books in Print. New Providence, N. J.: R. R. Bowker, 19482- R.R. Bowker LLC. (2008). Book in print: professional. Accessed October 1st, 2009 from Scope: Bowker's Books In Print is type of trade bibliography that directs user to the bibliographic information to more than 7.5 million U.S. book, audio book, and video titles, reviews; tables of content; full-text previews; cover images; author biographies; awards information; annotations as well as another 10 million international titles, making it the industry’s largest bibliographic database. It also referred to the Publisher’s Trade List Annual where more information can be found on title. Purpose: Books in Print It is an essential bibliographic tool for libraries (acquisition), booksellers, and publishers to look for information on these millions of titles and also or users looking for information on books, audio books, and videos distributed in the United States. The online professional version is available through subscription and can be used to locate bibliographic information on titles that are in print, out of print, and forthcoming. In addition to standard bibliographic information, some entries also include links so that users can purchase items. Books in Print also offers links to WorldCat so that users may check library holdings for particular items, as well as offering MARC records for librarians. Arrangement: The information about these titles listed in this work arranged in two different volumes one indexed by author and the other indexed by title. The database may be searched or browsed. When searching, results can be sorted by title, author, publication date, publisher, price, ISBN, Dewey Decimal number, Library of Congress number, and so forth. Entries This work is Available in print, CD, and Web formats. The entries in each one contain full bibliographic information with some entries containing a synopsis and/or review of the title. The source of the review is indicated. The web version has links to more information about the edition ,language , formats . In the printed version the layout of the book is fairly straight- forward . A title or author’s name is listed with the rest of information underneath . Currency The printed work updated annually , but the web formats keeping up-to-date information easy to access for fees. Overall Evaluation or Critique The print is somewhat small. And the instruction on how to use the title are only included in the first volume (covering A-D) Also , no attempt was made to reconcile varints in author’s names which could complicate the search. 3- Reference Sources for small and medium –sized libraries.

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Citation O’Gorman, Jack (2008) . Reference Sources for small and medium –sized libraries. (7th.ed.). ed. Chicago: American Library Association. Scope: This selective subject bibliography referrers librarian in small and mediumsized libraries to the information about the reference materials( dictionaries, bibliographies, almanacs …etc.) that could be the best collection of reference resources for these kind of libraries. Purpose: This guide is designed to help reference librarians, collection development librarians, and library science students to know about the reference collections that are suitable for their libraries, and to know about the changes that happened to the reference works. Arrangement: It is arranged by 20 chapters that appeared to reflect the major divisions of Dewey Decimal classification system, which started with Reference materials (General) then Philosophy, religion, and ethics -- Psychology, psychiatry, and the occult -- Social sciences, sociology, and anthropology -- Business and careers -- Political science and law -- Education -- Words and language -Science and technology -- Health and medicine -- Households -- Visual arts -Performing arts -- Music -- Crafts and hobbies -- Games and sports -Literature -- History -- Geography, area studies, and travel – Biography. The table of contents referred users to these subjects and also the sectors of each subject. There is also an alphabetical author- title index that referred to the item inside the main work. It includes author’s names and the titles of these references in the same alphabetical order . Entries In each chapter the entries included a bibliographic information about the reference and annotations and current pricing information. The annotations are designed to describe coverage, depth, intended audience, special features, and strengths and weaknesses of each title. Currency The last edition (7th ) of this guide which published in 2008 included the upto date information about the covered items . Overall Evaluation or Critique The ALA responsibility for publishing this work makes this guide trustable .librarians who want to develop, maintain, or weed their reference collections especially in small and medium-size libraries. 4- Guide to reference books Citation Balay Robert (Ed.) (1996) Guide to reference books/edited by et al.: Chicago: American Library Association. Scope:

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The eleventh edition of the Guide to Reference Books is a bibliographic reference work that guide to the leading reference books on companies, Sports, Theater , Scholarships, Mechanical engineering, Magazines. It emphasizes printed works published in North America, in English language sources predominate. These references books evaluated for authority, completeness, coverage, accuracy, and above all, usefulness." Purpose: The purpose of The Guide To Reference Books is to select and describe the most useful of the available reference sources. It is geared toward college students. For academic, public, and special libraries, primarily in North America. Arrangement: Arranged by five subject divisions 1. General Reference 1- Humanities 2- Social and Behavioral Sciences 3- History and Area 4- Science, Technology and Medicine The Machine-readable sources are flagged by a bullet, both in the main entry and in the index. There is a detailed index by author, title, and subjects Entries It includes 16,000 entries. Single volume. Print. Revised about every ten years, with a midterm update volume. Currency This edition covered Books that were published between the 1700s and 1993. The electronic version has up- to- date resources. Overall Evaluation or Critique The eleventh edition of the Guide To Reference Books addressed a perceived weakness in coverage of regions outside of Europe and North America, ethnic groups inside North America, homosexuals, and to women. Emphasis is on print over electronic sources. The Guide to References Books is more descriptive than evaluative. 2- New Walford Guide to Reference Materials Citation Walford, Albert John. (2005) Walford's Guide to Reference Material. London: Library Association .(3 Volumes Scope The New Walford (TNW) is a leading bibliographic tool across all subject areas. (TNW) guides to reference resources in Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) -- philosophy, religion, social science, biography, history-arts and literature, It offers comprehensive coverage of the range of resources available in the networked world, but is necessarily selective in the set of items chosen for each subject field. Purpose:

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The new Walford is guide to reference resources (TNW) help users navigate and find the right types of resources to meet their needs. • by identifying specific items on topics likely to be of interest • by showing how the different subjects relate to each other • by covering the full spectrum of print and digital resources • by offering a pragmatic framework to structure your search. Arrangement: TNW consisted of 3 subject parts: Volume 1 is organized into three main Subject: 1- Science Mathematics Physics & Astronomy Earth Sciences Chemistry Biological Sciences Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries & Food 2- Medicine Pre·clinical Sciences Clinical Medicine Health 3- Technology: Natural Resources & Energy, -Engineering, Information & Communication Technology Volume 2 lists works on philosophy, religion, social science, biography, history. volume 3 Volume 3 covers broad subject groupings within the arts, humanities and general reference . – If you are looking for a known item, consult the TITLE/AUTHOR INDEX under the title of the work or the name of the author or organization associated with the resource. – If you are looking for resources about a subject, browse the entries for the relevant subject part/grouping/field. using the topic index to target your search as necessary. Entries Entries of about 14,000 reference books with annotations for most titles cited. Contains more titles than Balay. Overall Evaluation or Critique Improved visual layout -TNW's new typographical design and use of the resource title as the lead term for each entry makes the volume easy to scan and quick to use. 2- Public Library Catalog guide to reference books and adult nonfiction. 11th ed. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1999. Citation Wilson, H. W ( 1999) Public Library Catalog guide to reference books and adult nonfiction. 11th ed. New York: H. W. Wilson, Scope : A selection guide to in- print titles for medium – sized libraries and undergraduate college libraries. Satisfying the needs of such a broad readership intended to serve Purpose. This selective bibliography used to guide acquisition librarians to wellchosen descriptive notes drawn from introductory statements and reviews . It is also a considered and standard tool for collection development Arrangement

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It is organized into 3 parts: 1- By classification according to the abridged Dewey Decimal system 2- By author, title , subject and analytical index 3- By a directory of publishers and distributors. Currency : Published annually and kept up- to – date with annual supplements of around 1000 titles. Entries: It includes annotated entries for 8,000 in print , English language , non-fiction books , it is complemented by Fiction distributors. Overall Evaluation or Critique The selection is made by panel of public libraries and this panel is listed at the beginning of each edition. It considered and standard tool for collection development . Some question that might be answered by those six references 1- Questions that might be answered by the NUC are: -What books were written by The Lost Generation? -Who wrote The Murders in the Rue Morgue? 2- Questions that might be answered by are:

-Is harry potter and the half blood prince trailer DVD available in my local library? -Does the new edition of 2010 almanac available in print?

3-Question that might be answered by A Guide to Small and Medium-Sized Libraries are:

I need to purchase a collection of references for my new school library how I choose them? 4-Question that might be answered by the Guide to Reference Books are:

I would like to learn more about Midwest folklore. Can you recommend some books on this subject?

5-Questions that can be answered by The New Walford Guide to Reference Materials are:

-How can I learn about Astronomy? -Where can I find information about digital resources in the an open -heart surgery operations ? 6- Questions that might be answered by the Public Library Catalog are:

-What is the Dewey Decimal Classification number for books about spectrum ? -I need to know who are the publisher of the Guidebooks?

Evaluation of (Directories)

This is my second set of individual evaluation of reference resources (set # 5) ; It includes evaluation of 12 Directories ( print or electronic) 1. American Book Trade Directory, 2000-2001. Citation American Book Trade Directory, 2000-2001.(2000) 46th ed. New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker.

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Scope This comprehensive volume profiles more than 30,000 retail & antiquarian book dealers, plus 1,200 book & magazine wholesalers, distributors, & jobbers - in all 50 states & territories, too. lists publisher , booksellers, periodicals trade organizations and wholesaler in the US, and Canada . Purpose/ Use This useful reference tool will help to: – Keep tabs on the entire bookselling industry - from the smallest specialty bookstore to the largest chains, distributors, & jobbers. – Locate wholesalers & jobbers for hard-to-find books, software & audiocassettes. – Track down foreign book dealers, importers, exporters, library collection appraisers, & specialty sidelines. – Provide valuable directory assistance for patrons in the business of selling books, software, magazines, or audiocassettes. Organized by state & city, entries include store or company size, specialties, years in business, owner & key personnel, contact information (including e-mail addresses), & notations for those businesses that also handle audiocassettes, software, & other sidelines. For added time-saving usefulness, With this directory we could answer questions like : What types of books does Sage Publications publish? What stores in the U.S. specialize in Polish language books? Arrangement/ Entries It is divided into 5 main sections: 1- Retailers and antiquarians, 2- wholesaler, 3- book trade information, 4- type of stores index, 5- phone number and main contact person as well as brief description of the organization. There are : An Index to Dealers in Foreign Language Books, arranged by language. A Types of Source Index, listing stores under bookselling categories. An Index to Wholesale Remainder Dealers, Paperback Distributors, Exporters, & Importers. An Index to Retailers & Wholesalers. Currency It’s up –to- date information, yearly updated.. Overall Evaluation or Critique Clearly printed and easy to read , with helpful user’s guide. The information is gathered directly from the organization, so it’s accurate. 1. American Library Directory, 2000-2001. Citation

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American library Directory, (2000) 53th ed. New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker. Scope American library directory is .a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data. It gives detailed profiles for more than 30,000 public, academic, special & government libraries & library-related organizations in the United States & Canada -including addresses, phone & fax numbers & e-mail addresses, network participation, expenditures, holdings & special collections, key personnel, special services & more -- over 40 categories of library information in all Purpose / Use This 2 volume set provides all information about Libraries in America--from Academic to Corporate, Public and Government. Circ stats, population’s figures, book budgets and all the contact information. it makes it easy to: *Contact colleagues, other libraries, or library organizations *Locate special collections, rare book & document holdings & manuscript collections *Find consortium libraries or networks for inter-library loans information, or membership *Compare other libraries' facilities, services & expenditures with yours *Identify libraries equipped for the disabled & other specialized facilities *Find out about seminars & in-service educational programs. Libraries are listed alphabetically by state & city & registries of library schools & library consortia are included as well. Simply indispensable for librarians, patrons, reserarchers, suppliers & anyone interested in locating libraries, library personnel & library organizations." Now in its 54th edition, this acclaimed reference guide continues to provide librarians & library users with the most complete, current & easily accessible information on libraries across North America. We could use it to answer questions like : . I would like to locate libraries with strong collections on folk dancing.

Arrangement/ Entries Arranged Geographically and alphabetically by State region, province, then by city and finally by institution, or library name. most entries include income expenditures, E-mail, subject interests special collection, automation and publication. Each library is identified by code: eg.”A” for Armed Forces, “ C” for Colleges and university and so on Additional information about the library Award recipient for outstanding librarianship,or services Currency Annually

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1. Associations on the Net Citation Associations on the Net (2009) . Accessed on Nov, 1st ,2009 From : Scope The IPL Associations on the Net (AON) is a guide to collection of over 2200 web sites of prominent organizations and associations. Purpose / Use This guide provides information about a wide variety of professional and trade associations, cultural and art organizations, political parties and advocacy groups, labor unions, academic societies, and research institutions. Abstracts summarizing information about the association and its site are provided We could use it to answer questions like : Arrangement/ Entries Arranged alphabetically into these subject headings : 1 Arts & Humanities 2 Business & Economics 3 Computers & Internet 4 Education 5 Entertainment & Leisure 6 Health & Medical Sciences 7 Law, Government & Political Science 8 Reference 9 Science & Technology 10 Social Sciences 11 Regional & Country Information For each subject it includes Sub-headings: and an alphabetical list of the Associations or Resources names in this category with their websites Currency Copyright Notice ©1995-2008 The Regents of the University of Michigan. All rights reserved. © 2009, Drexel University, All Rights Reserved Overall Evaluation or Critique Powered by The Internet Public Library is a public library for the world wide web(IPL) 1. D&B Million Dollar Directory. Citation Dun & Bradstreet (2008) D &B million dollar directory Bethlehem, PA : Dun & Bradstreet. 5 Vol. retrieved on Nov, 1, 2009. From: . Scope This directory of America's leading corporations, provides the name, address and phone number for headquarters and single locations; public/private ownership designations; D-U-N-S number; SIC Codes;

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founding/ownership dates; and, where available, information on annual sales volume, total number of employees; names, titles and functions of officers; names of directors; import/export designations; principal banking and accounting relationships; sticker symbol and stock exchange; state of incorporation; and parent company Purpose / Use Million Dollar Directory is a valuable source of information on both privately held and public companies. It also contains easy-to-use cross references, primary and secondary lines of business and the names and titles of company officers and directors. Companies must meet at least one of two inclusion requirements: $9,000,000 or more in sales volume 180 or more employees total if the company is a headquarters or single location; 900 or more employees at that location if the company is a branch. We could use it to answer questions like : 1. I am trying to locate a company in Indiana or Missouri that makes fireworks. Can you help me? Arrangement/ Entries The Million Dollar Directory series is published in five volumes – the first three volumes contain alphabetical listings, while the fourth and fifth are cross-reference volumes grouped geographically by state and by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC. The index is arranged alphabetically by geographic area and by business name. The entries include: A typical business listing may include: D-U-N-S® Number • Import / Export Indicator • Public Company and Public Family Member Indicators • Company Name / Address / Telephone Number • State of Incorporation • Trade Style • Parent Company Name / Indicator That Parent Is Listed in the Current Edition • Founded/Ownership Date • Annual Sales / Total Employment • Stock Exchange / Ticker Symbol • Banking / Accounting Relationship • Up to Six Industry Classifications / Business Description • Company Officers / Directors Currency Updated annually. Last Publication Date: January 2008 •

1. Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. 35th ed. 3 vols. Detroit: Gale, 2000. (Online through GaleNet as part of Associations Unlimited

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Citation Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.(2008) Detroit: Gale. Scope The only comprehensive source for detailed information on nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope. Each annual edition of this venerable resource features more than 25,000 membership organizations. Purpose /Use The Encyclopedia of Associations series provides detailed information on organizations around the world. Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. covers nonprofit U.S. membership organizations of national scope. We could use it to answer questions like: I am trying to locate a company in Indiana or Missouri that makes fireworks. Can you help me? I would like the address and phone number for Edmund Scientific Co. Who is the President of SAS Institute Inc.? What is the focus of their business? Arrangement/ Entries Encyclopedia of Associations has two companion volumes: Volume 2, Geographic and Executive Indexes and Volume 3, Supplement, which updates contact information from the previous edition and provides coverage of new or newly identified associations and projects. Every entry offers a valuable data including the organization's complete name, address and phone number together with the primary official's name and title; fax number, when available; founding date, purpose, activities and dues; national and international conferences; and more. Also featured is an alphabetical name and keyword index so you can quickly locate the name and address of the organization you need to contact without ever having to consult the main entry. Encyclopedia of Associations has two companion volumes: Volume 2, Geographic and Executive Indexes and Volume 3, Supplement, which updates contact information from the previous edition and provides coverage of new or newly identified associations and projects. Currency Updated Quarterly , this edition is Up- to- date information Overall Evaluation or Critique Reviewed by ARBA (2004)"This work remains a valuable addition to large public and academic libraries." Price: US $880.00 2. The Foundation Directory. Citation The Foundation Directory. 22nd ed. (2000) New York: Foundation Center. Scope

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The Foundation Directory is a leading source of information on U.S. grant makers and their grant making activities. It provides descriptions of more than 100,000 independent, operating, company-sponsored, and community foundations as well as corporate giving programs and grant making public charities. Purpose / Use The file includes descriptions of active and terminated grant makers. Indepth information on specific grants made by these organizations can be found in File 27, Foundation Grants Index. Arrangement/ Entries Arranged alphabetically by state, then by foundation name Records include entries from the following Foundation Center online and print directories: The Foundation Directory, The Foundation Directory Online Professional; Corporate Giving Online; The Foundation Directory; The Foundation Directory, Part 2; Guide to U.S. Foundations: Their Trustees, Officers, and Donors; and National Directory of Corporate Giving. Principal sources of information are voluntary reports to the Foundation Center and information obtained from IRS returns filed each year by grant makers Currency Updated annually for the print. 3. Literary Market Place Citation Literary Market Place, 2000. (1999). New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker. 2 vols Also accessed on Nov.2nd 2009 , from: Scope Literary Market Place (LMP) is the directory of America and Canadian book publishing. For more than 50 years.Featuring listings on more than 30,000 companies, books, periodicals, awards, courses, or events (to name just a few categories), no matter what -- or who-- you are looking for in the book trade. Purpose /Use LMP has been the resource consulted by practically everyone looking for industry data--whether they are publishing professional, authors, industry watchers, or those seeking to gain entry into the world of publishing. Helpful for anyone in the publishing trade especially those who work in marketing and promotion . Arrangement/ Entries The directory is arranged by type of organization, entries are extensively abbreviated, but the index to abbreviation and acronyms is easy to use. The yellow pages section is particularly well organized and easy to use

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Currency Annually updated. Overall Evaluation or Critique The International Literary Market Place (ILMP), begun in 1965, provides a similar scope of publishing data for more than 180 countries around the world. Now, online today, you have access to the world of Publishing combining Literary Market Place and International Market Place 4. PhoneDisc Citation PhoneDisc (1996-) Bethesda, MD : Digital Directory Assistance, Inc. Scope It a CD-ROM Phonebook. it features the most listings (100 million), equivalent of the 5,600 white and yellow pages phone numbers covering the US residential and business. Purpose / Use PhoneDisc is the fastest way to look for phone number of persons and new business contacts in seconds. Arrangement/ Entries Integrates millions of business and residential listings into several regional discs : Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Central, Western it is arranged in alphabetical order under the section of the US states which includes 1. Western (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) 2. Central (CO, IA, KS, MN, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX) 3. Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT) 4. Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, GA, MD, NC, PA, SC, VA, WV). Currency Annually updated. Overall Evaluation or Critique "Easily the Best CD-ROM Phone Directory you can Buy" - PC World 12/94 "PhoneDisc 95 had an overall accuracy rate of 90.1%...SelectPhone from Pro CD had a dismal accuracy rate of 68.2%" - Computer Technolgy Review 6/95 1. Standard & Poor’s Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives. Citation : Standard & Poor's register of corporations, directors and executives (2000) Charlottesville VA: Standard & Poor's Corp Scope It’s an essential source for company identification. It contains over 75,000corporations, the names and titles of 290,000 executives, and 68,0000biographical sketches of top level managers.. Purpose /Users

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Businessman and investors use that directory to identify subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates to obtain background information on potential employee , to locate companies by geographic location and find supplier or business prospects by product or service. It could be used to answer questions like: I need to find contact information for the publishing firm Peachpit Press. Do they have an e-mail address or an 800 number? Arrangement/ Entries This is 2 volumes directory , the first volume is arranged alphabetically by names, volume 2 is an index organized by North American Industrial classification number, there is another index organized Geographical by the State , and city , corporate family indices, an obituary section , and two sections that identify individuals or companies new to edition. Entries include: Company Name, Street Address: City, State, Zip Code, Country, Year Business Started, Telephone Number, Toll Free, Web Site, E-mail, The firm is a subsidiary or division, Name of Parent Company, Company is in following industries: Mining and Oil ,Construction , Manufacturing ,Wholesale ,Retail , Services, Import ,Export ,Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ,Transportation, Communications, Electricity, Gas, Sanitary Services ,Banks, Finance, Insurance & Real Estate, Other. Currency Updated quarterly Overall Evaluation or Critique The publisher is one of the most authoritative voices in business information. 2. Thomas Register of American Manufacturers Citation Thomas Register of American Manufacturers. 93rd ed. (1905/06-2003) 20 vols. New York: Thomas Publishing. Accessed on Nov. 2nd, 2009 from: Scope This basic source for identification of U.S. manufacturers is arranged by product in a large multi-volume set. more than 67,000 categories to choose from. Purpose / Use This basic source for identification of U.S. manufacturers , distributors and service . it could be used to answer questions like : What company owns Banana Republic? How many people does Banana Republic employ? Arrangement/ Entries Arranged by Products & services listed alphabetically in a large multivolume set vol. 1-17, - from Actuators to Zirconium. Product index included in vol.. 17. Trademarks and brand names index included in volume 17. –

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Vol.. 18-19: Company profiles listed alphabetically with addresses, zip codes, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and URL addresses, branch offices, asset ratings and company officials. v. 20: Catalog file bound alphabetically by company names and crossreferenced in the first 19 volumes. Products and services are listed alphabetically and serve as a "yellow pages" for the entire United States. Also contains a directory of over 173,000 U.S. companies and catalogs of selected companies. A Trademarks and Brand Names Index accompanies the set. Online access available at sid=&uuid=TRGuest Currency Annually Overall Evaluation or Critique Thomas Register®, industry's trusted resource, is now part of 3. The World of Learning. 50th ed. London: Europa, 2000. Citation The World of Learning.(50th ed.) (2000) . London: Europa. Scope An authoritative reference work on academic institution around the world. It is a non-profit organization with operations in 77 countries committed to fostering global citizenship and addressing some of the most pressing global issues of our times. Purpose Used to find information on international organizations and individual chapters on academic institutions in countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Use Useful for students and scholars. We could use it to answer questions like : Where is Chulalongkorn University located? What is the size of the faculty and student body at that institution? Who is the President of SAS Institute Inc.? What is the focus of their business? Arrangement/ Entries Arranged alphabetically by the name of the countries Volume 1. International organizations Afghanistan-Norway Volume 2. Oman-Zimbabwe, Then a comprehensive index in both volumes Within each country section the entries appear in the following order: Learned societies , research institutes, libraries and archives, museums an art galleries, and colleges. Currency was first published over 60 years ago Overall Evaluation or Critique

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widely acclaimed as the premier source of information on the academic sphere world-wide. 4. AnyWho Directories Citation AnyWho Directories (2009) accessed in Nov.2nd 2009 form: Scope This is Web site is listing information about people’s address and phone number and some other different information, this web is disclaimer, means nobody can file lawsuit against them . Purpose/ Use The personal identifying information available on AnyWho is provided solely by Intelius, Inc. and is derived from Public Records, Publicly Available Information and Commercial Records. Public Records consist of information that is maintained by government agencies and is generally available, such as property title and lien documents, birth and death certificates, business records, Securities and Exchange Commission filings and court records. Publicly Available Information consists of online and offline information that is generally available but is not maintained by a government agency, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers of individuals and businesses, professional licensing and trade organization information, press releases and newspaper articles. Commercial Records consist of records maintained by enterprises that are available for purchase, such as mailing and telemarketing lists, phone connect and disconnect information, and business profile data. It could answer any question regarding phone number or address for some people who didn’t restrict sharing information about themselves. Arrangement/ Entries The web page organized to make it easy to find information about names , last name is required you could chose the city and initial if you know it . White Pages (Find a Person/Reverse Lookup) Yellow pages for finding information about business. All listing information appears as it was provided by Intelius. If you feel that residential information you have found is inaccurate, it may be due to relocations or telephone number changes that occurred since the last update. These listings will be made current in our databases with the next scheduled update. For more information on updating listings, Yellow Pages listings (searches by category or name) are obtained from YELLOWPAGES.COM and Currency Information are updated on a regular basis. Individual business listings can be updated at any time. Overall Evaluation or Critique It referred to another commercial website that receives money for additional information about persons.

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Evaluation (Handbooks- Factbooks) This is my second set of individual evaluation of reference resources (set # 3) ; It includes 5 Electronic Sources, which are great sources of facts, and statistical information. 1. Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) Citation U.S. Bureau of Labor - Statistics Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections (2008). Occupational outlook handbook: 20082009 edition Retrieved on Oct. 17, 2009 from Scope: This handbook provides hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse. It is source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives Purpose/ Use : It’s very useful tool to help job seeker to search for the job available in the US, it provides them with information about each job, and gives a job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more. It can help answering questions like these : 1- what is the nature of the librarian work ? 2-What is the training, other qualifications, for the nurses? Arrangement: All occupations are listed alphabetically from A-Z on the bottom of the home page of that website. It’s easy to access through the hyperlinked litters. There are two other ways to help user to search through this site of that handbook as followed: 1- To find out about a specific occupation or topic, users could use the Search box that is on every page , they could enter their search term in the box. 2- To find out about any occupations, user could browse through listings using the Occupations links that are on the left side of each page some of them has submenus that help to list all types of listed jobs. Currency . The Handbook is revised every two years. Entries : For each occupation they listed the information about it under these headings: • Nature of the Work • Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement • Employment • Job Outlook

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• • • •

Projections Data Earnings OES Data Related Occupations Sources of Additional Information Overall Evaluation or Critique This electronic Handbook is a very useful tool that published an authorized information from The Bureau of Labor Statistics which is the principal factfinding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. 1. Statistical Abstracts: Citation U.S. Census Bureau. (2009). The 2009 Statistical Abstract: the National Data Book (128th ed.). Washington, DC. Retrieved from Scope: The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Purpose/ Use : Use the Abstract as a convenient volume for statistical reference, and as a guide to sources of more information both in print and on the Web Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations Arrangement: The abstract main is arranged alphabetically into 30 sections, each section topic has sub sections (drop- down menu) that help to specify the search topics these are the main sections: Accommodation, Food, & Other Services, Agriculture ,Arts, Recreation, & Travel, Banking, Finance, & Insurance , Births, Deaths, Marriages, & Divorces , Business Enterprise Construction & Housing, Education , Elections, Energy & Utilities , Federal Gov’t Finances & Employment . Foreign Commerce & Aid , Geography & Environment , Health & Nutrition , Income, Expenditures, Poverty, & Wealth , Information & Communications , International Statistics , Labor Force, Employment, & Earnings , Law Enforcement, Courts, & Prisons , Manufactures , National Security & Veterans Affairs , Natural Resources , Population , Prices , Puerto Rico & the Island Areas , Science & Technology , Social insurance & Human Services , State & Local Gov’t Finances & Employment , Transportation Wholesale & Retail Trade) Users could also search for abstract through three other ways : 1- the PDF version which is listing the title of each section and a link to the PDF file of that section. There are also files for the Appendixes. 2- there are

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also a searching box, where users could search through it with t he keywords 3- beside that there are links to the popular sections (Population , Income , Births & Deaths , Labor Force) and also summary statistics (USA Statistics in Brief , Historical Statistics , State Rankings ) and there are other resources links (State and Metropolitan Area Data Book , County and City Data Book , USA Counties , QuickFacts , Map Stats ) Currency . It is updated continuously but each year edition cover the statistics of the last five or more past years. The earlier edition of Statistical Abstract of the United States as 2008 edition covers statistics abstracts from 2001- 2005, and 2007 edition covers from 1995- 2000 Entries : All entries in two formats either PDF files, or Excel files Overall Evaluation or Critique This an authorized source of statistics of any topic concerning the Unites States , anyone could log into this site and print any of the statistic files or they could order a print or CD-Rom version of the abstract through the order link . 2. State and Metro Area Data Book (2006) Citation U.S. Census Bureau. (2009) Uncle Sam’s reference shelf: State and metropolitan area data book: 2006 .- Retrieved on Oct19 2009, from: Scope: The State and Metropolitan Area Data Book is a Guide that features more than 1,500 data items for the United States and individual states, counties and metropolitan areas from a variety of sources. Purpose/ Use : This authorized Guide provides users with Information in the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book covers the following topical areas: age, agriculture, births, business establishments, communications, construction, cost of living, crime, deaths, education, elections, employment, energy, finance, government, health, households, housing, immigration, income, manufactures, marriages and divorces, media, natural resources, population, poverty, race and Hispanic origin, residence, retail sales, science and engineering, social services, tourism, transportation, and veterans. It can help answering these questions: What is the rates of births, deaths between the Hawaiian people? What is the Transportation of San Francisco, California? Arrangement: This Guide starts with a Map of the United States Showing Census Regions and Divisions, then Preface, Guide to Tabular Presentation, Major Federal Data Contacts> there are 4 main tables(States, Metropolitan Areas,

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Metropolitan Areas With Component Counties, Micropolitan Areas. Then there are 5 Appendixes ( Source Notes and Explanations, Limitations of the Data and Methodology, Geographic Concepts and Codes, which includes 3 maps, Guide to State Statistical Abstracts and State Information, and the Ranking Tables. There is a Subject index Currency . This Guide covers information till 2006, the section of Metropolitan and Micropolitan area last updated in February 4, 2009, Information in some section last updated in 2008, The fifth edition covers the period 1997-1998. Entries : PDF Files format contain a collection of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other federal statistical bureaus, governmental administrative and regulatory agencies, private research bodies, trade associations, insurance companies, health associations, educational associations, and philanthropic foundations. Use This is one of the useful statistic Guide that help all searcher in companies, or academic educational searches by providing all kind of statistics that connect with people( age, reace, population…etc. ) they could help public librarian working in special program dealing with their communities. Overall Evaluation or Critique This is one of the helpful statistics guide that issued by U.S. Census Bureau, although some of the statistics takes long time to be updated, but at least it will be cited as the last up- to- date information till the new statistics released.

3. County and City Data Book (2007) Citation U.S. Census Bureau. (2008). Uncle Sam’s reference shelf: County and city data book: 2007 Retrieved on Oct. 19, 2009 from: Scope: The County and City Data Book is the most comprehensive source of information about the individual counties and cities in the United States. Purpose/ Use : It provide users with data for all U.S. states, counties, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more. It contains additional data for places with a population of 100,000 or more. Also included is a complete set of state maps showing all counties, places of 25,000 or more population, and metropolitan areas. What was the population by age, race, sex, and education in Shelton Connecticut? Arrangement: Information in the County and City Data Book covers the following topical areas: age, agriculture, births, business establishments, climate,

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construction, crime, deaths, earnings, education, elections, employment, finance, government, health, households, housing, income, labor force, manufactures, population, poverty, race and Hispanic origin, social services, and water use. Currency . This site was last updated in 2008. It covers information up to 2007. Entries : Files contain a collection of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other federal statistical bureaus, governmental administrative and regulatory agencies, and private research bodies. Overall Evaluation or Critique It one of the best sources for trustable statistics about the counties and cities in the USA. It’s easy to use. 4. CIA World Fact Book Citation The Central Intelligence Agency (2009) World fact book.- Retrieved from Scope: The World Fact book provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.. Purpose/ Use : This is an important fact book easy to search by just clicking on the place where you need information about , it can answer any questions about any country , and gives details ,and pictures , last updated statistics. The World Factbook can be used to answer the following questions: • What is literacy rate among the male in Egypt? • What are the geographic boundaries of Nigeria? • How does the population density of India compare to China? Arrangement: The Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map . on this map user could click on the continent then all the names of the countries of this continent appeared he information about this country in alphabetical order with a big map of the continent , then by clicking on the country name or location on the map, the information arranged under this political map of the country and the flag , and new photos have been added for this countries this information covers all the details about these main headings(Background, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues Currency . It is up to date information about each country , the new updated information added almost each 2 weeks , there is a feature called “ What’s New” has the date of adding new information or pictures for each country. Entries :

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Under each of the main subject entries for each countries there are information paragraphs, or statistics about that subject for the geography entry it lists lots of information including :Location Geographic coordinates, Area Land ,Climate, Environment - current issues Geography - note, Population growth rate…., and lots more. Overall Evaluation or Critique This web site for the World Fact Book online is a perfect source of trustable information authorized by the CIA.

Evaluation – Government resources) 1. Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (1895-) Washington, D.C.: GPO. . Retrieved on Nov. 12, 2009. From: Category It’s a Catalog of U.S. Government publication. It includes a bibliographic citation in each record. Type This is print, or online catalog Covers all type of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents; issued by

executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.). Uses Help users (Lawyers, politicians, congressmen, students, and states departments, or public) to select publication they need from U.S. Governmental publication. Description It’s a U.S. information resource of U.S. publications, covers 507,000 records. From 1976 to present, updated monthly, produced by Government Printing Office., Library Programs service. Its index allow users to search with ( keywords, access methods, authors, author phrase, conference name phrase, dates…. etc) 2. Official Congressional Directory.( 1888) .- Washington, D.C.: GPO. . Retrieved on Nov. 12, 2009. From: Category) The Congressional Directory is the official directory of the U.S. Congress, it’s primary source of information. Type It’s a federal or office directory ( print and online ) the current Directory Only -- 110th Congress (2007-08 -- August Online Revision) Uses Federal members, and General public use this directory to locate the Congressional short biographies of each member of the Senate and House, listed by state or district, and ant additional data, such as committee memberships, terms of service, administrative assistants and/or secretaries, and room and telephone numbers. It also used to list officials of the courts, military establishments, and other Federal departments and agencies, including D.C. government officials, governors

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of states and territories, foreign diplomats, and members of the press, radio, and television galleries. Description The Congressional Directory is the official directory of the U.S. Congress, prepared by the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP). Published since 1888, According to the U.S. Code (44USC721), the Congressional Directory is made available during the first session of each new Congress. In addition, the database for the current Congress is updated irregularly, 3. Statistical Abstract of the United States. (1878-) Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census. Retrieved on Nov. 12, 2009. From: Category It is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Type It is a convenient volume for statistical reference, and a guide to sources of more information both in print and on the Web. Uses This abstract used by officials or public to guide them to statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. It’s also a sources of other data from the Census Bureau, other Federal agencies, and private organizations. It includes statistics about Retail Prescription Drug Sales, Selected Notifiable Diseases--Cases Reported, U.S.--Canada and U.S.--Mexico Border Lengths, and Participation in Selected Sports Activities. Description The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, updated aannually. The sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations. 4. Statistical Reference Index.( 1980-) Washington, D.C.: Congressional Information Service. Retrieved on Nov. 12, 2009. From: Category The Statistical Reference Index (SRI) is a guide for statistics contained in State, Municipal & Private Sector Publications. Type The Current Service (2009) available for subscribers to LexisNexis Statistical to the 2006 index. The subscription includes 2007 paperbound issues (11 issues per year, Jan.-Feb. issues combined) plus the 2006 ASI Annual edition. Beside the paper index, there are Microfiche index, or Index & or The Retrospective Hard Bound Volumes which cover statistics in publications from 1980 to 2008, it is available for Individual Years, and also for Multi-Year Sets. Uses

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College and Universities Libraries users could use The Statistical Reference Index (SRI) to identify statistics contained in publications from more than 1,000 leading sources: associations and institutes, businesses and commercial publishers, state government agencies, research centers, and universities. This index covers publications of all types, including periodicals, annuals and other serials, and one-time publications. SRI Microfiche Library provides a file of basic statistical information which is fully accessible through the Statistical Reference Index Description The Statistical Reference Index (SRI) is one of the product of Congressional Information Service. Published monthly; quarterly cumulative index; and annual since 1980 to the present LexisNexis is the representative of the (SRI) Subscriber to LexisNexis Statistical receive a 50% discount.

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