4TH LEVEL. GROUP A TESTS. TEST 1: FEBRUARY 19 and 21. (1/3 of the final test) TEST 2: MAY 20 and 22. (2/3 of the final test. You need to pass this exam in order to combine your grade with TEST 1) FINAL TEST: ORAL PART: MAY 28, 29 (you need to sign up in groups of 3 first!). FINAL TEST: JUNE 3 5.30pm (written part) only for those who didn’t sit TEST 1 or TEST 2 or the combination of both marks is less than 65 points. EXAM REVISION: JUNE 25 (from 7 to 8pm). FINAL ORAL EXAM. WEDNESDAY 28 and THURSDAY 29 (NB. These exams will be recorded ) At 5pm: At 5.45pm: At 6.30pm: At 7.30pm: At 8.15pm:
5TH LEVEL TESTS FINAL TEST: WRITTEN PART JUNE 13 at 4pm (you need to be at the school at 3.30pm). FINAL TEST: ORAL PART: June 17 and 19 (you need to sign up in groups of 3 frist!). RESULTS: JUNE 26 at 12 o’clock. EXAM REVIEW: JUNE 27 from 6pm to 8pm (let me know if you can’t make it at this time)
5B (NB. These exams will be recorded ). You should be here at least 15 minutes before your exam. CHECK THIS SCHEDULE REGULARLY SINCE CHANGES MAY BE NECESSARY. TUESDAY 17 AND THURSDAY 19 At 4pm: At 4.45pm: At 6pm: At 6.45pm: At 7.30pm: At 8.15pm: