Final Exam Review Spring 0506

  • November 2019
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Name: __________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________ World History Final Exam Review Directions: Review your notes, previous review guides, and the appropriate chapters of the textbook to answer each question in complete sentences (noun/verb agreement and proper nouns only) on a separate sheet of paper. Unit I: What is History? – due Friday, 5/5 * Covering “Chapter 1: the First Humans, Prehistory–3500 BC” 1. What type of tools did humans use during the Paleolithic Age? 2. What was the real change during the Neolithic Revolution? 3. What are the six characteristics of civilizations? 4. What is the name for the period before writing was developed? 5. Which lines circle the Earth parallel to the Equator and measure the distance north or south of the Equator? 6. What types of maps show the location and the topography of the earth’s physical features? 7. What did fire provide Old Stone Age people with? 8. What types of food did Old Stone Age humans gather? 9. What is the basic distinguishing feature of the human species? 10. Why were Paleolithic people nomadic? Unit II: the River Valley Civilizations – due Monday, 5/8 * Covering “Chapter 2: Western Asia and Egypt, 3500-500 BC” and “Chapter 3: India and China, 3000 BC-AD 500” 11. What did an abundance of food in Mesopotamia cause to emerge? 12. What was the first empire in world history? 13. What happened in Egypt in 3100 BC? 14. Which leader in the Persian Empire extended it to become the largest empire the world had yet seen? 15. What did Sargon, the leader of the Akkadians, do around 2340 BC? 16. Who is credited with the invention of cuneiform? 17. What is the importance of the Phoenician alphabet? 18. Ancient Israel was at the height of its power under which king? 19. What were the Assyrians known for? 20. What did the Aryan’s create in India? 21. Which empire traded with China, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean? 22. What was the Silk Road? 23. Who were the Aryans? 24. Who is considered the greatest ruler in the history of India? 25. When do historians traditionally date the beginning of Chinese civilization? 26. Who was the founder of the Han dynasty? Unit III: The Classical Age – due Tuesday, 5/9 * Covering “Chapter 4: Ancient Greece, 1900-133 BC” and “Chapter 5: Rome and the Rise of Christianity, 600 BC-AD 500” 27. What is another word for city-state? 28. What was the first Greek state? 29. What is an oligarchy? 30. What happened at Thermopylae? 31. What did the conquest of Alexander the Great create? 32. What were the Iliad and the Odyssey?


33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Who is considered by most historians as the greatest historian of the ancient world? Which four kingdoms emerged following Alexander’s death? What is a republic? What happened to Julius Caesar? What was a period of peace and prosperity that lasted almost a hundred years? What is another name for the Augustan Age? Who was the first Christian emperor? Who were the first invaders to sack Rome? What was the name of Rome’s body of laws? Who made up the First Triumvirate? What happened to the paterfamilias? Who was Constantine?

Unit IV: the Age of Transitions – due Thursday, 5/11 * Covering “Chapter 9: Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire, AD 4001300” and “Chapter 10: Europe in the Middle Ages, AD 1000-1500” 45. Under Germanic law, what was another name for a physical trial? 46. What was the Carolingian Renaissance? 47. What was the most important gift a lord could give to his vassal? 48. What was the code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold? 49. What was the Magna Carta? 50. Who led Muslim forces to retake Jerusalem from the crusaders? 51. What is the name of “money for a man” paid to the family of someone who had been injured or killed? 52. What was the heart of feudalism? 53. What was the Domesday Book? 54. What was Justinian’s codification of Roman Law called? 55. What was a heavy wheeled plow with an iron plowshare? 56. How were serfs different from peasants? 57. What was the struggle between Henry IV and Gregory VII called? 58. What was the chief task of scholasticism? 59. What is literature in everyday speech called? 60. How did Joan of Arc bring the Hundred Years’ War to a decisive turning point? 61. What was a tithe? 62. What was the name of the merchants or artisans living in walled cities? 63. What was lay investiture? 64. What was the Inquisition? 65. What was a result of the Black Death? Unit V: A World of Beliefs – due Monday, 5/15 * Covering parts of Chapters 2, 3, and 6 66. What are the ten lost tribes? 67. What was the Jewish name for God? 68. What was the name of the contract that Jews believed God made with them? 69. Who was Siddhartha Gautama? 70. What is reincarnation? 71. What is karma? Unit VI: the Rise of Islam – due Monday, 5/15 * Covering “Chapter 6: The World of Islam, AD 600-1500” and “Chapter 15: The Muslim Empires, AD 1450-1800” 72. Why did Muhammad meditate in the hills? 73. What is hajj? 74. What do Muslims believe Muhammad is? 75. What is shari’ah?


76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

What was Europe’s largest city after Constantinople? What was a crucial part of every Muslim city or town? What impact did the Crusades have on Southwest Asia? Who were appointed officials in the Ottoman central government? What was the name of the group of Ottoman religious advisers that administered the legal system and schools for educating Muslims? What were “gunpowder empires”? What was the Islamic law code? What were Islamic achievements? What were the Arabian Nights? Who did the shiites believe the shah was?

Unit VII: A Whole New World – due Tuesday, 5/16 * Covering “Chapter 12: Renaissance and Reformation, AD 1350-1600” 86. How did the war between France and Spain end? 87. Why was Leonardo da Vinci an excellent example of Renaissance Italy’s social ideals? 88. What was the first Protestant faith? 89. What did the Peace of Augsburg do? 90. Who founded the Society of Jesus? 91. What movement had a profound effect on education? 92. The High Renaissance in Italy is associated with which three people? 93. Who was the best-known Christian humanist? 94. Who did both the Catholics and Protestants consider to be dangerous radicals? 95. What was the Renaissance? 96. What did Machiavelli encourage rulers and would be rulers to believe? 97. Who made up the third estate? 98. Which lands did Charles V rule? 99. What recognized the division of Christianity in Germany? 100.What did Luther teach? Unit VIII: Asian Nations – due Wednesday, 5/17 * Covering “Chapter 8: The Asian World, AD 400-1500” and “Chapter 16: The East Asian World, AD 1400-1800” 101.What was the worship of the sprits of Kami called? 102.How did Korea begin? 103.What did Samurai do? 104.Who was in the Japanese warrior class? 105.Who was the first Jesuit missionary to come to Japan? Unit IX: Expanding Horizons – due Thursday, 5/18 * Covering “Chapter 11: The Americas, AD 400-1500” and ‘Chapter 13: The Age of Exploration, AD 1500-1800” 106.Which Native American group lived in the Southwest? 107.Why did the Aztec practice human sacrifice? 108.What were the Hopewell people known for? 109.What did the Plains Indians use the buffalo for? 110.What did Pizzaro do after he conquered the Incan capital of Cuzco? 111.Why was Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a route to India by sea so important? 112.Who went to his grave believing he had discovered a westward passage to Asia? 113. What was the name of the set of principles that dominated economic thought in the 17th century? 114.Why were African slaves originally brought to the Americas? 115.What did Portuguese explorers call the southern coast of West Africa? 116.What was the name of the journey of slaves from Africa to America?


117.What is the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time? Unit X: Shifting Powers –due Monday, 5/22 * Covering “Chapter 14: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe, AD 1550-1715” and “Chapter 17: Revolution and Enlightenment, 1550-1800” 118.Who was the “most Catholic King”? 119.What is absolutism? 120.The Thirty Years’ War involved all the major European powers except which nation? 121.What was the “Glorious Revolution”? 122.Who was the first to argue that the sun not the earth was the center of the universe? 123.What did Newton’s universal law of gravitation show? 124.What did Francis Bacon believe that scientist should use? 125.Which was the first country to grant diplomatic recognition to the new American state? 126.What did the Constitutional Convention began as? 127.What did Adam Smith mean by laissez-faire? 128.What was the American nation’s first constitution called? Unit XI: the Age of Revolutions – due Tuesday, 5/23 * Covering “Chapter 18: the French Revolution and Napoleon, AD 17891815” 129.What was the Tennis Court Oath? 130.Who did Napoleon overthrow to set up his consulate? 131.What were the three parts of Napoleon’s Grand Empire? 132.Who defeated Napoleon in his final battle? 133.Which of France’s estate was NOT exempt from the taille? 134.Which was Napoleon’s most important of his seven legal codes? 135.Did the Second Estate side with the peasants? 136.What was the Paris Bastille? 137.Who did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen proclaim equal rights for? 138.What did the National Assembly’s Constitution of 1791 do? 139.Who toppled the directory? 140.What was Napoleon’s military force called? 141.What was promotion within Napoleon’s government and military based on? 142.How did Napoleon’s Civil Code treat women? Unit XII: the Modern World – due Wednesday, 5/24 * Covering “Chapter 19: Industrialization and Nationalism, AD 1800-1870” and “Chapter 20: Mass Society and Democracy, 1870-1914” 143.What invention allowed the textile industry to become fully mechanized? 144.Which areas of production did the Industrial Revolution create new jobs in? 145.Who improved the steam engine? 146.Which countries had revolutions in 1848? 147.Who was the first president of the Second Republic in France? 148. What was a major threat to American national unity during the 19th century? 149.How did Britain avoid revolution in 1848? 150.What elements made the second Industrial Revolution possible? 151.Who owned the means of production according to Marx? 152.Who were the new wealthy elite in Europe?


Unit XIII: Into Africa – due Friday, 5/26 * Covering “Chapter 7: Early African Civilizations, 2000 BC-AD 1500” and section 2 of “Chapter 21: the Height of Imperialism, AD 1800-1914”. 153.What is direct rule? 154.What were the only independent states remaining in Africa by 1914? 155.Who were the Boers descendants of? Unit XIV: Global Domination – due Friday, 5/26 * Covering “Chapter 21: the Height of Imperialism, AD 1800-1914” and “Chapter 25: Nationalism Around the World, AD 1919-1939” 156.Who set up a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and grant independence to India? 157.What was the “White Man’s Burden”? 158.How did Gandhi protest British laws? 159.Who led the People’s Liberation Army on the Long March? 160.What was Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy? 161.What is a more modern term for genocide? 162.What is an oligarchy? Unit XV: the Great War and Russian Revolution –due Tuesday, 5/30 * Covering “Chapter 23: War and Revolution, AD 1914-1919” 163.What was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand? 164.What was considered an act of war in 1914? 165.What was the Western Front characterized by? 166.Who were the central powers? 167.What was the Treaty of Versailles? 168.What guided France’s approach to peace? 169.What was another name for World War I? 170.What was the aggressive preparation for war? 171.What was the Schlieffen Plan? 172.What caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War I? Unit XVII: The Second World War – due Wednesday, 5/31 * Covering “Chapter 26: World War II, AD 1939-1945” 173.Hitler demanded what area in northwestern Czechoslovakia? 174.How many days did it take for France and Britain to declare was on Germany? 175.What was blitzkrieg? 176.What happened on December 7, 1941? 177.What was the turning point of the war in the Pacific? 178.Who administered the Nazi’s Final Solution? 179.What was agreed to at the Tehran Conference? 180.What was Great Britain’s policy of appeasement? 181.Why was the Battle of Stalingrad so crushing for Germany? 182.What was the period of political tension following World War II? 183.The slaughter of European civilians, particularly European Jews, by the Nazis became known as what? Unit XVIII: A New World Order – due Friday, 6/2 * Covering “Chapter 27: Cold War and Postwar Changes, AD 1945-1970” and “Chapter 28: the Contemporary Western World, AD 1970-Present” 184.A civil war in which country in 1946 contributed to tensions between the Soviet Union and Great Britain? 185.What was the Marshall Plan designed to do? 186.Which nations were the original members of NATO?


187.What does the “Bay of Pigs” refer to? 188.In 1970, four college kids were killed by the Ohio National Guard at what university? 189.What did the Truman Doctrine state the US would provide to nations threatened by communism? 190.Why was the Berlin wall built? 191.What weakened the Soviet economy during Brezhnev’s leadership? 192.What was one of the most serious problems facing Gorbachev’s reforms? 193.What was one of the European Union’s first goals? 194.What did the North American Free Trade Agreement seek to do? 195.Which president was forced to resign to avoid his impeachment for his involvement in the Watergate Scandal? 196.US president Jimmy Carter faced a serious international crisis when 52 Americans were held hostage in which country? 197.How did MTV change the music industry? 198.What did funding by President Kennedy enable the US government to do in 1969? 199.How was the concept of “feminism” redefined in the 1990s? 200.What did the spending policies of the Reagan administration in the 1980s included?


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