Final Exam Com 18

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Our Lord’s Grace Montessori School and Colleges Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (COMM 18) FINAL EXAMINATION March 11, 2004 (graduating) March 18, 2004 (non-graduating) 12 PM – 2 PM (Rm. 307)

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________


Right minus Wrong. Write T if the statement is TRUE. If not, correct the statement by underlining the word/s or phrase/s that make it wrong and choose (encircle) the letter that makes the statement correct. (20 points) _________1) Research in mass media can be used to verify or nullify gut feelings or intuition when making decisions. a. approve

b. reject

_________2) The higher probability of success in business comes from the decision-making approach that combines research and intuition. a. separates

b. research and authority

_________3) A research project ends after series of questions presented in the project have been answered. a. Research is a never-ending process. b. Research project merely produces a new set of questions after answering the former series of questions. __________4) The largest percentage of research conducted in the private sector relates to social development. a. money

b. manpower

__________5) All people behave in very similar ways when they encounter media messages. a. unusual

b. different

__________6) The media “survival kit” today includes information about consumers’ geographic location and demographic characteristics. a. race and religion

b. changing values and tastes, shifts in demographic patterns & developing trends & lifestyles

__________7) All research whether formal or informal, begins with a basic question or proposition about a specific phenomenon. a. objectives

b. theories

__________8) The “truth” is never found even with a series of experiments and tests. a. is found only through a series of objective analysis. b. is never found even with a series of objective analysis __________9) Researchers can plead private knowledge, methods, or data in arguing for the accuracy of their findings.


a. in arguing for the fairness of their findings b. cannot plead private knowledge __________10) The focus of communication inquiry is very limited and the contexts in which the communication process is examined are diverse and interrelated. a. similar

b. broad

_________11) Proper research is essential in business today in order to maintain or gain sustainability. a. Proper research is not required in business. b. Gain competitive edge. _________12) The method chosen in research should not become an end in itself, but rather must be appropriate for answering the question. a. Research design is an end in itself in all researches. b. Should evolve in itself. _________13) Mass media research is now a legitimate but developing field. c. Still struggling for its existence and purpose. d. Legitimate and esteemed field. __________14) The rate of scientific progress in an particular area is limited by the resources and development with which scientist can communicate their results to one another. a. limited by the efficiency and fidelity b. unlimited and explorative __________15) Research projects do always come out as one expects, the facts stand on its own. a. do not always come out as one expects, but the facts must stand and the expectations as well. b. Do no always come out as one expects though facts may stand on its own. __________16) One way of sharpening your skills for discovering and identifying problem is thinking out the possibility of research for most topics or lessons taken in content courses. a. thinking out problems in topic/lessons taken b. admitting to the impossibility of research in areas you chose and focus to other topics. __________17) Title of the investigation/research serves as a framework of analysis for the whole thesis. a. frame of reference b. serves as a direction to the answer in the investigation and problem given. __________18) Titles of research should contain the variables you will study and relationship among the variables. c. Contain also target population d. Title of research should be brief __________19) It is enough that your problem be stated and specific questions be presented.

3 c. Solutions and recommendations are given. d. Not enough __________20) Researcher should identify his hypothesis at the start of the study. a. at the end of the study b. should not identify but prove the hypothesis


Identify the appropriate term for each definition below. Choose from the box below the correct answer and write it in the space provided. (20 pts)

1. __________________ is a process by which the researcher tries to remove or at least become aware of prejudices, viewpoints or assumptions that might interfere with the analysis. 2. Surveys popularly used by researchers is known as _________________________. 3. Dominant message and themes in media content are documented by systematic procedures and a separate study of the audience is conducted to see whether these messages are fostering similar attitudes among heavy media users. This process is known as ____________________________. 4. Permanent record of the original data used for analysis and the researcher’s comments and analysis methods is referred to as ____________________________. 5. __________________ is a past-oriented research. 6. __________________ is an extended conversation. 7. __________________ means there is a statement of the problem that exists and addresses itself to the task of determining how to study that problem. 8. __________________ consists of a persistent pattern of conduct and behavior that is connected to the individual’s position in some social structure or organization. 9. __________________ is present-oriented research. 10. __________________ takes place when a group of respondents is gathered together and given individual copies of the questionnaire or asked to participate in a group interview. 11. Hypodermic Needle Theory in the field of communication was introduced by _________________. 12. Audience Fragmentation is technically referred to as _________________________. 13. __________________ searching for a theory, for testing theory or for solving a problem. 14. __________________ theory is a description of the dimensions or characteristics of some phenomenon. 15. Meaning “no existence”. _________________________ 16. The dependent variable is also known as ________________________. 17. ___________________ is another word for typology. 18. Independent variable is also called as _______________________. 19. An intensive investigation of many factors for a small group of individuals or community is known as _________________________. 20. Hypothesis may either be non-directional or _____________________.

Mass Communication Public Communication Research Private Academic Demassification Hypothesis Question Secondary Lasswell Applied Epoche Naming Theories Null

Polls Oral History Criterion Variate Longitudinal Taxonomy Response Rate Primary Case Study Cultivation Analysis Audit trail Directional Historical Close ended Scope

Organizational Communication Depth Interviews Content Analysis Personal Interview Research Design Social Role Interpersonal Communication Intercoder Reliability Survey Explanatory Group Administration Cross Sectional Language and Symbolic Codes Variable Classification


III. Matching Type. Match the definition on Column A to the appropriate terms on Column B (30 pts, 5 bonus points). COLUMN A


______ 1. follows the logic that something is true because it has always been true ______ 2. specify relations between dimensions or characteristics of individuals, groups, situations or events. ______ 3. intensive and systematic investigations of many factors for a small group/community ______ 4. Greek word for experience ______ 5. mass communication need only “shoot” messages at an ______ 6. phase or aspect of the investigation which may affect the result adversely but over which the researcher has no control ______ 7. null or alternative ______ 8. covers communication in non-mediated public settings and focuses on one-to-many communication ______ 9. private sector research ______ 10. a priori researcher/enabler ______ 11. characteristic that has two or more mutually exclusive values or properties. ______ 12. present intelligible and systematic patterns for observations ______ 13. where and when the study was conducted and who the subjects were ______ 14. reuse of social data ______ 15. description of the dimensions or characteristics of some phenomenon. ______ 16. independent variable ______ 17. “no existence” ______ 18. typologies ______ 19. allows correction and verification of previous findings ______ 20. dependent variable ______ 21. designed to gather information ______ 22. offers an easy way for respondents to rate their degree of like and dislike in terms of “hot” or “cold” ______ 23. allows respondents to choose an answer from several options ______ 24. widely used in mass media research ______ 25. often used in pilot study to refine questions for the final project

a. null b. criterion c. replication d. image e. taxonomy f. secondary g. naming h. variate i. case study j. explanatory k. hypodermic needle l. empiricism m. tenacity n. theories o. scope p. limitation q. intuition r. public s. applies t. hypothesis u. variable v. multiple-choice question w. rating scale x. forced-choice question y. checklist question z. feeling thermometer

IV. Bibliographical Entries and Endnotes. Using the information and facts of publication below, write the bibliography and note format (40 pts, 2 pts each).

1. Author: Title: Publication:

2. Author: Title: Publication

Everette B. Dennis Jon Vanden Heuvel Emerging Voices: East European Median in Transition A Gancett Foundation Report Gannet Foundation Media Center Columbia University New York City 1990. Pp. 1-3. Thomas Jefferson as quoted in Edwin Emery, The Press and America Englewood Cliffs New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1962 pp. 166-167.


3. Author: Title: Publication:

Fr. Francisco Araneta, S.J., in an article The Fragmented Society in the August 26, 1968 issue of Graphic.

4. Author: Title: Publication:

Daniel Lerner The Passing of Traditional Society New York The Free Press of Glencoe 1964

5. Author: Title: Publication:

Siebert, Frederick, et al. The Four Theories of the Press Urbana Illinois University of Illinois University of Illinois Press 1956

6. Author:

Rivers, William L. Wilbur Schramm Responsibility in Mass Communication Rev. Ed. Harper and Row Publishers 1969 pp. 29-52

Title: Publication:

7. Author: Title: Publication:

Ford, John Michael S. Latour Differing Reactions to Female Role Portrayals in Advertising Journal of Advertising Research September-October 1993

8. Author: Title: Publication:

Arboleda, Corazon R Identifying Areas of Research in Organizational Communication Bahani Vol. 8 No. 1 March 1994

9. Author:

Adanos, Aura Marianne Chua Anna Liza Garcia A Study on Effectiveness of Caucasian Models in TV Ads” Unpublished Thesis Assumption College 1994

Title: Publication:

10. Author:


Alvaran Aileen I. Christian Orientation Charismatic Outreach Ministries Foundation Incorporated An Exploratory Study on Communication Behavior Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis UP Manila 1994

V. Answer the following questions (30 pts): 1 – 3 Identify which research design (descriptive, correlational, experiment) was used in the studies. (3 points) ____________________ 1. Strumpf and Evan’s 1988 study identified the frequency and types of physical restraints used with elderly patients and classified patients’ and nurses’ reasons for and responses to use of restraints.

6 ____________________ 2. Kolanowski’s 1990 study of the effects of broad-spectrum versus warm-white flourescent lighting on activation and meteor activity in healthy elderly men and women. This study was designed to test a theory predicting the influence of lighting on restlessness. ____________________ 3. Christman’s 1990 study addressed the relationship of uncertainty, hope, preference for control and symptom severity to psychosocial adjustment in women receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer. Improve the following research titles (14 pts): Example: Before A Study of the Relationship of Self-Acceptance, Adjustment and Achievement of Children

Revised Self-Acceptance, Adjustment and Academic Achievement of Grade IV Fast Learners in Two Districts of the Division of Batangas

4. Visual discrimination behavior of Schizophrenic Subjects

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

5. The Relationship between Creativity and Music Achievement

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

6. Verbal Creativity Among Senior High School Student

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

7. The Relationship of Parental Behavior and Personality to Problem Behavior

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

8. Smoking Behavior of Fourth Year High School Students

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

9. A Study of the Relationship Between IQ, Socio-Economic Status, Personality, Work Values, and Career Preference

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

10. Homeroom Guidance and Study Habits and attitudes of Grade IV pupils.

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

11-13 Identify the variables in the title. Underline. (3 points) 11. The Effect of a Training Program on the Visual Sequential Memory of Deaf Children. 12. Age, Sex, IQ and Entrance Examination Scores on Certain Piagetian Tasks of Manila Science High School Students

7 13. The Effects of Integrating Science and Mathematics and Varying the Pace of Learning on Science Achievement of Pupils and their attitude towards the individualized set-up. 14. Explain briefly the relationship of theory and research (5pts). 15. In your thesis proposal, what is your research design? Explain why did you choose, how will you use it and the advantage and limitation of the design (5pts).


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