Final Eq+iq Mrs

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E.Q. + I.Q. Effective Learning / Teaching A Presentation By Erum A. Jafri Principal Hyderabad Schools

Introduction to EQ

What it Means to You

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) 

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) measurement of a person’s intelligence that is calculated from the results of special tests. It measures the person’s cognitive abilities. Intelligence Quotient  Inherited  Up

to 14 years  7% influence

Emotion Emotion : In its most general definition, is a neural impulse that moves on organism to action, promoting automatic reactive behaviour that has been adapted through evolution as a survival mechanism to meet a survival need. Examples are joy, anger, fear, disgust, surprise and empathy

EQ (Emotional Intelligence) EQ : The expression emotional intelligence or EI indicates a kind of intelligence or skill that involves the ability to perceive, assess and positively influence one’s own and other people’s emotions. Emotional Quotient (EQ)  Developed individually  No age bar  93% influence

IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non

IQ + EQ. If IQ represents the intellectual raw material of students success. EQ is the set of social – emotional skill that enables intellect to turn in to action and as expressed by Danial Goleman ‘accomplishment’


90/10 Principle 10% of life is made up of what happens to you.... ....90% of life is made up of your reaction to whatever happens..!

Story time! 

Breakfast with family. Running out of time for work!

Daughter spills coffee on your shirt.

Story time! 

You harshly scold your daughter.

She breaks down into tears! 

After scolding, you criticize your spouse.

Story time! 

You rush upstairs to change shirt. On coming back, you find daughter isn’t ready for school as she has been busy crying. Daughter misses the school bus.

Story time! 

Spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car to drive your daughter to school. You are fined for speeding up on the way.

Story time! 

Daughter reaches school 15 minutes late. You arrive at work 20 minutes late. After arriving late, you find you forgot your briefcase at home.

Story time! 

Boss is angry. You look forward to going home. On reaching home, you find your spouse and daughter angry.

Causes of reaction     

Coffee? Daughter? Spouse? Policeman? YOU..???

Story time! – The other picture! 

Breakfast with family. Running out of time for work!

Daughter spills coffee on your shirt.

Story time! – The other picture! 

You gently ask your daughter to be more careful next time. Your rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to kiss your daughter goodbye as she leaves for the school bus.

Story time! – The other picture! 

Meanwhile, your spouse has quickly cleaned up the spilled coffee from the table. You then say bye to your spouse as she leaves for work.

Story time! – The other picture! 

After seeing them off, you get into the car and leave for your work. You arrive 5 mins early. Boss comments on how punctual you always are, and asks others to follow your example.

Moral… 

Difference is evident!

2 scenarios: Same starting. Different ending.


Because of how

YOU reacted!

Other real life implications… 

“Personal experience is the best example.”

The great birthday mess-up!

Your experiences..??

Getting stuck in a traffic jam 

Common reactions: • Do you lose your temper? • Pound on the steering wheel? • Do you curse yourself? • Do you curse others? • Does your blood pressure skyrocket? • Do you try to bump them?

We cannot stop.... 

The car from breaking down.

The plane from arriving late, thus messing up your schedule for the day.

The boss from firing us.

We can... 

Get the car fixed and think of an alternative meanwhile. Relax, study your surroundings. Call the person who will receive you to save him from the inconvenience of waiting. Use your worrying energy in trying to find another job.

Some useful statistics!

Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. We must understand and apply the 90/10 principle. It can change our life!

The Impact of Emotional Maturity

out-of-control emotions can make smart people ineffective

Identify Core Characteristics of E.Q

a. Self awareness b. Management and self-regulation of emotion c. Self-motivation and performance d. Empathy and perspective e. Social skills

EQ in School 

No true academic and social skills without emotional/social learning . School must address children’s social and emotional skills. Adhere to group guidance, advising periods, modifications for usual discipline systems . Classroom programs that allow time for group problem solving and team building. All schools have the same type of Administration / Program. It is only the social and emotional learning component that would distinguish you from others.

“People in mental hospital are easy to understand because they suffer from extreme conditions. The mental health of senior executives is much more subtle.”

Why educator must care about social and emotional learning intelligence?

Reason 1. Academics learning and performance are linked to social and emotional skill development.

Reason 2. Social and emotional skills are essential skills for citizenship in a democracy – in classroom, school, families, workplaces, teams and communities.

Reason 3. Promoting EQ + IQ is an essential task for educational leaders and teachers.

Whereas cognitive intelligence is fixed by about the age of fourteen, emotional intelligence increases with age.

Feelings  How well do I know my own feelings?  How well do I know the feeling of my staff?  Think of a recent problem in the school. How were your feelings?  How were your children feeling?  How were others involved feeling?

Empathy  How much empathy do I have for the others, and how do I express it to them?  When was the last time I expressed empathy?  Am I sure others are aware of my concern for them?  Am I able to understand another’s point of view, even during an argument?

Stress Management     

How do I cope with anger, anxiety and other stresses? Am I able to maintain self-control when stressed? How do I behave after a hard day? How often do I yell at others? When are my best and worst times, and do these vary on different days?

Goals  What goals do I have for achieving for myself, my staff/my students?  What plans do I have for achieving those goals?

Social Behaviour  How do I deal with everyday, interpersonal problem situations?  Do I really listen to others, especially by reflecting back to people what they are saying.  Do I approach social conflicts in a thoughtful manner?  Do I consider alternatives before deciding on a course of action?

Self-Awareness.  Recognize and name one’s emotions.  Understand the reasons for feelings as one does at various times.

Management / Self-Regulation of Emotion  Verbalize and cope positively with anxiety, anger, depression.  Improve impulse control, and reduce aggression, selfdestructive, revengeful, antisocial behavior.  Recognize strength in and positive feelings about self, family, support network.

Self-Monitoring and Performance  Focus clearly on tasks at hand.  Set short-and-long-term goals, modify performance in light of feedback.  Mobilize positive motivation in self and others.  Activate hope and optimism in self and others.  Work toward optimal performance states, flow, and manage.  Inverted U relationship between anxiety and performance in self and others.

Empathy and Perspective Taking    

Listen carefully and accurately. Increase empathy and sensitivity to others’ feelings. Understand others’ perspective, point of view and feeling. Develop feedback mechanisms to improve the use of skills in everyday life.

Social Skills in Handling Relationships  Manage emotions in relationship, harmonize.  Express emotions effectively.  Exercise assertiveness, leadership, persuasion, working as part of a team / cooperative learning group.  Show consistent sensitivity to social cues.  Display everyday social decision-making and problemsolving skills  Respond constructively and in a problem-solving manner to interpersonal and task obstacles.

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned


Time to exercise what we have learned! Get in groups and act out the situation given  First – Poor Emotional Intelligence  Second – Ideal Emotional Intelligence

I do not want a new generation of children with high intelligence quotient and low caring quotients; with sharp competitive edges and dull cooperative instincts; with highly developed computer skills but poorly developed consciences; with gigantic commitment to the big “I, “ but little sense of responsibility to the bigger “we.” “Marian Wright Edelman”

A winner…

Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic Everyone wondered, If God is a God of love, why would he let something like this happen to anyone? God had a reason behind it…

Nick Vujicic “One of the first

lessons I learnt was never to take things for granted”

Nick Vujicic

In all things, God works for the best of those who love him. (Quoted from Bible)

Nick Vujicic Currently 22 yrs old Bachelors in Commerce. Talks to and encourages students while using personal example.

Nick Vujicic Purpose in life: – To become the best witness of God’s love and hope. – To become a motivational speaker, both at the national and international level. – To become financially independent by the age of 25. – To be interviewed at “Oprah Winfrey Show”. – To write several best-selling books.

Nick Vujicic Purpose 1: To become the best witness of God’s love and hope.

Nick Vujicic Purpose 2: To become a motivational speaker, both at the national and international level.

Nick Vujicic Purpose 3: To become financially independent by the age of 25.

Nick Vujicic Purpose 4: To be interviewed at “Oprah Winfrey Show”.

Nick Vujicic Purpose 5: To write several best-selling books.

Nick Vujicic I believe that if you have the desire and passion to do something; if it’s God’s will, you will achieve it in good time. God is using me just the way I am and in ways others can’t be used.

Recap… Daniel Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as:     

Knowing your emotions. Managing your own emotions. Motivating yourself. Recognizing and understanding other people's emotions. Managing relationships, i.e. managing the emotions of others.

 We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." (Albert Einstein)


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