Final Design Cycle ( Keiko, Gurleen And Prashant)

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WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Investigation Challenge: our challenge is to make a blog and explain our view point on Web 2.0. In this project, it is very crucial to research on what you think and also have background information on web 2.0 and mainly our task is to focus on how web 2.0 can be used with education. Importance of the problem: This problem is important because web 2.0 is a part of our everyday life, although various people use various web 2.0 tools, but still they do not know that all these come under web 2.0. So, it is very important to educate people about web 2.0 and the technology is growing so fast that the more we know about it, the better. Connection with AOIs: Human Ingenuity: This problem is connected with human ingenuity as we will be learning about the software and hardware that developed web 2.0. It is all because of human ingenuity that we can talk to a person around the world with the help of internet, so I think that human ingenuity itself is a big part of this unit. Community and Service: I think this project is connected to Community and Service because we are going to use Medias to educate people on what web 2.0 is, so, in a way we will be helping the society. Approaches to learning: I think approaches to learning will play a big part in this project, because now there are three people in the group and we need to work together as a team and come up with one design cycle. We also need to manage our time well in order to work properly. Some of the questions: What are we going to research? – This is important because this is a very broad topic and we need to narrow it to an extent. What is going to be our product? - This is a very important question. How will we test what people already know about Web 2.0? How will we test our final product? Reflection on the essential question: Essential Question: In what ways has technology influenced knowledge? 1

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Gurleen - According to me, I think in today’s life, technology plays a great role in the knowledge gained by the people. As the technology is increasing, the people are using it more and more to gain knowledge. The internet plays a major role in the lives of the people. Most of the people depend on the internet for various reasons. Even for educational purposes, technology plays a great role and it is a very good source for increasing the knowledge. I think, talking mainly about Web 2.0, it can become a very good source for the development of the knowledge, a person can just not post what he/she thinks but it can be very helpful in the discussion of the ideas and the views of the people can be put forward and therefore the knowledge is spread. Prashant - I think that it is very good to use the web 2.0 because it affect our knowledge in many good ways. By using web2.0 we get to interact with many different people and also culture. technology has developed a lot in few years. It also develops our knowledge of our surrounding too, so I think technology plays a very important role in each of our lives. Keiko - I think that all the technologies whether it is old or new, it let people's knowledge improve or develop, by giving new and more information to that person. It also lets people get used to the technology. This will effect the knowledge by getting the sources. I also think that it affects the learning style. People will able to find their own style of learning, as well as to the teachers, it will be easy for them because the students will be on their task and teachers will be needed when students ask. But sometimes it's not an easy task, because all the new technologies coming in and we have to determine how effective it is to our learning, whether it is useful or not. This is because it affects the students' learning and learning style. It is also same to the teachers. They have to find the appropriate technology to teach their students and develop their knowledge in understanding. But I think that most of the teachers find using technology helps them teach their students. Computer is a good example of technology. It allows us to learn effectively, since it has got most of the useful software and internet Essential question : Environnements - In what ways can environments influence technology choices?

Survey For teachers; • Do you know what Web 2.0 is? • What of the following do you use? – google, facebook, Wikipedia, youtube, orkut, Gmail, Myspace, yahoo, other. • Do you think it is useful? • Do you think web2.0 can be useful for teaching in the school? How? • How often do you use Web2.0?


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

• •

What would be the best media to aware people about Web2.0? – Power point, video, audio, document, others. Comments about Web2.0….

For students; • Do you know what Web2.0 is? • What of the following do you use? – Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Orkut, Gmail, Myspace, Yahoo, others. • Do you think it is useful? • Can it be used in the school for teaching purposes? • How often do you use Web2.0? • What would be the best media to aware people about Web2.0? – power point, video, audio, document, others. • Comments about Web2.0 Survey Results 1. Do you know what Web 2.0 is? Out of 58 people: 31 yes, 28 no

2. Which of the following do you use? Total 57 people Facebook – 46 Google – 53 Yahoo- 32 Blog- 13 3

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Myspace- 3 Orkut- 2 Youtube- 47 Gmail- 31 Wikipedia- 38

Do you think web 2.0 is a good development or not? Why? Total 41 people replied:


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

3. Do you think Web 2.0 should be used in school? (ONLY STUDENTS) 24 People replied in total. YES: 21 NO: 4


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

4. Do you think that Web 2.0 can be used at school for educational purposes? 43 people replied. Yes – 35 No- 8

5. How can Web 2.0 be used in school for educational purposes? 29 people replied.


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

6. What would be the best medium to aware people about Web 2.0? 42 people replied out of 58 people. Video - 30 PowerPoint - 22 Audio- 11 Microsoft document- 16


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7. Comments on Web 2.0 (only teachers) 12 teachers replied:

Research 8

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

What are some of the tools in web 2.0? These are 2 of the tools which come under the tree of web 2.0: YouTube. It is a video sharing website where, an individual can upload or share his/her video and view other videos. YouTube is another example of Web 2.0, this is because it is a way of communicating, as we look at each others videos and get to learn more things. Youtube was introduced to people in 2005. According to a site, which show that YouTube ranks no. 1 in the largest web 2.0 sites. About 80,600,000 visitors monthly. Disadvantages • Crappy content • Fake content • Low quality • Annoying tag in videos • Sometimes there are inappropriate stuff

Advantages • You can become famous • Tons of uses • Tons of users mean Tons of content Social impact. We get to interact with many people and also get to know their dislikes and likes. It makes you learn more thing and develop yourself. You can also find the TV shows which were missed by you and also for educational purposes. Facebook. It is a social networking website. User can share photos, videos, chat, play games, add friends and many more. According to one of the website, which shows that Facebook ranks no. 2nd among the top web 2.0 sites. Advantages • Allows finding new and old friends and being in contact with them. 9

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• Easier to join group and have the same like and dislike. Disadvantages • Overcrowded • Stalking is possible • Acquaintances be labeled as friends • In Facebook networks, people can look at your profile and therefore there is no privacy. Social impact Due to the interesting things that Facebook provides the users, make them very addictive to it. Therefore they spend hours on Facebook chatting and interacting with other people around the world. Wikipedia “Web 2.0 tool will be part of the formal curriculum, or for special class / group projects or simply an extra-curricular activity. With that said, and with several general assumptions in mind, we can say something in terms of group activity on subject matter. Because web 2.o is a collaborative (and networking) phenomenon, the wiki might be the top choice for educative application. It provides students the basis for: •

independent and collaborative research

studying, and learning

critiquing or critically reviewing researched materials

structuring content

composing process


composition approval and final sign-off

There are still other activities not noted here. A wiki project can go a long way in developing new knowledge, skills and abilities as well as understandings of the human component behind, within and in front of the technology the students are using (that they are an integral part of the 'system'). And a concomitant outcome of a wiki project can / may be the facilitation of improved or increased social maturation of the students.” *phenomenon = any observable occurrence (from wikipedia) 10

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How can Web 2.0 be used for Universities? I have been researching about Web 2.0, and I found one university that discussed about how effective the web 2.0 can be, and the pros and cons. "Kansas State University, in United State, investigated to find out what Web 2.0 could mean for universities. Harriet Swain, the education guardian of the Kansas State University talked about the survey he’s given to the students and weighs the pros and cons. Created from an online text edited 367 times by 200 students, it involved students surveying themselves, demonstrating how useful web 2.0 can be for universities in market research. At the same time, this is an example of how effective web 2.0 technologies are in projects involving collaboration. Brian Kelly, UK web focus at UKoln, the national center of expertise in digital information management says that two years ago everyone was wondering whether web 2.0 had any relevance for higher education. Also says, “I think that’s generally accepted now.” Les Watson, interim director of information services at Royal Holloway, University of London and a consultant for the Joint Information Systems Committee, which supports universities’ online activities goes further. “Anyone who thinks about learning and teaching and looks at these technologies cannot avoid taking advantage of them.” Universities are taking advantage of web 2.0 in a uniform way. Some are allowing students access to podcasts and videos for their lectures. Some others are encouraging students to collaborate through wikis and using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds to organize their own work. And many others are now giving feedback on their students’ essay through Skype and using social networking sites both for their own research and to encourage student debate. Watson set up a Facebook site asking for suggestions from students what they would like to see provided in the new space. 200 students have given comments and they were constructive, however Watson admits: “You also had a few people with an axe to grind.” – this highlights the fact that web 2.0 presents dangers too. One institution reported three examples of serious problems in one year involving students' use of the new technology including the victim of a student scuffle using Facebook to identify the address of his attacker, and getting his revenge. There is also a fear that if students have access to podcasts and YouTube videos of lectures, they may not bother turning up to the real thing. This may affects their education and grades. These dangers are surmountable. Institutions are issuing guidelines to students about how to keep safe while social networking, but students are still turning up to lectures. However, copyright and intellectual property issues involved in web 2.0 remain vague, and it’s not yet entirely clear how far students want universities invading their online space. 11

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

A survey carried out for Jisc last year showed that 65% of sixth formers hoping to go to university used social networking sites, but most failed to see how they could be used for teaching and resented the idea that academics could interfere in a forum they saw as primarily social. Most of those involved in universities’ use of web 2.0 nevertheless insist that institutions should not become overcautious. Kelly says; ‘Universities should be risk-taking organizations. Learning is a risky process.’” What are the pros and cons of using social media? "Determining the advantages and disadvantages of particular activities for people and organizations is an important task. Why else would education, books, think tanks, and presidential debates exist." The followings are the advantages and disadvantages might be instructive in determining “the truth” about social media, web 2.0, and blogging technologies. Advantages of Social Media; • Democratization of media. • Relationships and conversation. • Creativity and re-mix culture. • Embrace your passion and identity. • Community, sharing, and connecting. • Increase transparency in government and organizations. Criticisms of Social Media; • Lots of great content still gets overlooked. Current lack of good filters creates problems finding the best content. • Writers have problems delivering content consistently. • Anonymity can engender polarization and hate. • Information overload and social networking overload. • Work/Life balance is hard to achieve. How can web 2.0 be used for maths? Using web 2.0 tools for MathsOur group decided to focus on the details of how web 2.0 can be used in specific subjects and we 12

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decided to look at each subject in particularSo, I found web 2.0 tools for mathematics: For that I have decided into various sections: Wikis – it is a page or a collection of web pages where we can contribute and get the information from. 7th grade math wiki from Alabama - Mathematical Association information on math club GeoGeBra Wiki – includes Algebra and geometry for middle school Algebra 1 wiki page - Question Point homework help - Mathcasts and ExamView Wiki (Math247) - Blogs- there are also various blogs related to maths. Video- Screen casts mainly focus on mathematics and they are screen movies with writing and voice. And the screen casts are further organized according to each topic , type and course Social networking groups – There is a Middle school math teacher community Podcasts – they are a series of audio or digital media files which can be subscribed for. The Educational Podcast Network is the place where teachers can look for the content to be taught and also to explore the issues of teaching and learning - Then, one can also go to iTunes stores and search for middle school maths and find various math series. Free math homework help – The math teachers are there to help if one is stuck with any math problems. Math mentor, produced by the Santa Clara Country Office of Education, helps students with their math problems. Students can receive help either live from the teachers or off air - . 13

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Other web 2.0 resources on maths – Real World Math – this is the website for the people who want to discuss something beyond the textbook. •

Word Press Math Publisher – it allows publishing math equations by blogger.

For those who need the English terms to be translated into Spanish, there is a bilingual mathematics dictionary which does that.

So, we can see that there are many tools available only for a single subject and these tools can help the children to not only discuss their ideas but also to get help when they are stuck. Educational Blogging “Blogging has quickly become one of the most effective learning tools in education today. It introduces students with new methods of communicating, improving their writing, and helps motivate them to find their voice. Educators generally blog about school news, philosophies, and class activities. On the other hand, students tend to write about current events, personal beliefs, and topics related to their education. Many teachers have noted this as well, that the students would publish to their school blogs even when not instructed to. Students really enjoy reaching out to the world and they are so motivated by it that they want to write even more. They would describe how their day was, what they learned in class, or even things they learned or read on the news that day. Many students became so attached to their blogs that they made it a responsibility to keep consistent. When they found they have been lacking in posts or that they haven’t been instructed to post for class in a while, they would often apologize and feel as though they deserted their readers. It’s pretty interesting, although expected, to see that kind of connection with students and their blogs. Most of the students refer to other posts by other students in their writing, but do not appear to take advantage of trackback or pingback functionality. Students testimonials; “At the beginning of the year when we started blogs, I didn’t really feel like doing these, and I thought that they were just a waste of time, but I was WRONG! I have loved having these blogs and I learned a lot about writing, people, things happening with my friends, I met new people, I have learned ALOT about things going on in the world, and I learned that I can be free to write what I want, and I like how people would disagree with me, becasue it just encouraged me to 14

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write more.” – Hillary. “When I wasn’t in the weblog group I would still be writing one paragraph essay. Now I’m writing a page essay.” … “Weblogs are helping me a lot.” – Jhonathan. General testimonials; “Never in 25 years of teaching have I seen a more powerful motivator for writing than blogs.” … “And that’s because of the audience. Writing is not just taped on the refrigerator and then put in the recycle bin. It’s out there for the world to see. Kids realize other people are reading what they write” – Mark Ahlness. “The response has been tremendous. Students seem so much more willing to blog in their own space and time. They seem less inhibited and more enthusiastic.” – Beth Lynne Ritter-Guth. Some teachers noticed something in their students; “Even when they’re out sick, students work on their blogs.” – Carol Barsotti. IBM and The University of Arizona are teaming up to teach about Web 2.0 and Social Networking to give students skills in creating and managing online communities. What’s interesting is that it’s not just a presentation or learning event – it’s an actual full course! Seems like students from The University of Arizona are learning about Web 2.0 products and social networking from a business standpoint to give leadership, communication, and communitybuilding skills.One UA student in a Digg comment thread provided readers with the official course description from the university website: “Online social networking and communities have become a big role in how organizations interact within themselves as well as with external partners. Developing a healthy community can lead to new business opportunities, improved customer relations, as well as improved communications to the world. Online social network sites already claim over 300 million members worldwide in public sites that are starting to turn into a new generation of b2b and b2c business collaboration and brokerage sites. This course investigates the technologies, methods and practices towards developing online communities, and how this knowledge and these skills are applied to businesses. The course will involve lectures facilitated by the instructor and corporate representatives. Also incorporated will be experiential exercises and skill development assignments” The press release also states, “The class will culminate in a final project where each student from the class will work with their own separate group of students from Howenstine High School in Tucson, Arizona, to organize into many micro-communities.”Sounds like a fun and informative 15

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class. And according to Torrentfreak, The Univeristy of Arizona will be the first to offer “Web 2.0 courses”. It will certainly open up a new world of technology to students.” *IBN = Instance-Based Network What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of web 2.0? There are some advantages and disadvantages of using web 2.0. Advantages – with the use of web 2.0, information can be received from various places. People will have their freedom of speech and can express their ideas freely. Web 2.0 has made the internet more personalized and now you can talk all over the world. Now the people with low levels of computer skills can also use it easily. Disadvantages- it leads to low quality of the actual content. As most of the services are free, the security is very low and the websites can be easily targeted by the hackers. Web 2.0 and technology: Ajax technology is behind Web 2.0. It is creating the desktop experience in the browser again. It consists of writing JavaScript that manipulates the Document Object Model (DOM) of the host page, uses Xml Http Requests and callback objects to send and receive data asynchronously. Maintaining a JavaScript code base for large- scale applications is a major concern In web 2.0, you require things instantly, for that we can think of tools such as Joomla or Drupal which allow to establish a web 2.0 website quickly with all sorts of functions in it such as blogs, forums, surveys, Google gadgets. This functionality is already prebuilt and minimal effort is needed to set up and run the site but you need to have complete control over the user interface (UI) and also need to configure fine – grained security. How can web 2.0 be used in education? Web 2.0 is now being used in education as well and some of the Web 2.0 tools used are – · Blogging- Blogging is increasingly being used by the students. Its journal format helps students to keep a record of their thoughts over time. This also allows comments from people and they can be by the teachers, peers or a wider audience. The result is finally a truly democratic learning space. 16

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· The other option adopted is podcasting, as it pushes education content to learners. For example, Stanford University along with Apple has created Stanford iTunes University and the students can subscribe to a range of digital content by using Apple’s iTunes software. · Flickr, the photo sharing site has also found a place within education as it allows students to search for images to be used for their presentations and coursework. The tagging of images makes it much easier to use. It can also help the students to publish their digital photography to a wider audience and then it also allows getting people’s feedback.

discussion on flickr.. The various other tools that can prove to be very useful for education purposes are: · – it helps students to writ public notebooks in an outline – format, store files for classes, create a schedule, track their grades, manage to-do list. It also allows them to connect with their friends. · Gradefix: students that use this feel less stressed and it also improves their grades. This allows them to create a study schedule to prioritize and organize their homework throughout the week. It is described by Gradfefix as, “Gradefix intelligently organizes and prioritizes all of your homework so you are always on top of it.” · Chalksite: it is made for the teachers, parents and the students providing the teachers with an opportunity to communicate with the students, parents, send messages, manage a website for their course and post grades and assignments. 17

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· MynoteIT: this allows students to take online notes including to do lists, grade management, WYSIWYG note editor and assignment reminders. The students can also share their notes and get feedbacks from their friends. · Backpack is another nice one and it includes file storage, calendars, to do lists, note taking. The students can create pages in their organizer for each class and also manage notes on class discussions and they can also class documents. what is web 2.0 and how is it different from web 1.0? What is web 2.0? Web 2.0 is the popular term given to the advanced applications and internet technology. It is the second generation of World Wide Web that basically works because of people sharing their ideas online. The two major technological advances that constitute web 2.0 are enabled by Ajax and others such as Eclipse and RSS. But critics commenting on web 2.0 say that it becomes too easy to affect online that web content could suffer a lot but the defenders defending it say that these problems have existed since the beginning. The final judgement however is left to the users. The differences between web 1.0 and web 2.0: Web 1.0 was computer based. Web 2.0 uses the web as a platform. Web 1.0 relied on installed software. Web 2.0 uses the browser. Web 1.0 was solitary. Web 2.0 encourages sharing. Web 1.0 was individuals working. Web 2.0 is community sharing wisdom. Web 1.0 was data in one place. Web 2.0 is the portability of the data. Web 1.0 was about consuming (data). Web 2.0 is about creating data. 18

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Web 1.0 was homepages. Web 2.0 is weblogs. Web 1.0 was tracking information down. Web 2.0 is having information coming to you Web 1.0 was badging your content. Web 2.0 is getting the answer out quickly. Web 1.0 was slow transfer rates. Web 2.0 is about broadband. Web 1.0 was about limitations. Web 2.0 is about state of mind.

what are some more tools of web 2.0?

This is a graph which shows the rise in the visitor from year Nov 2006 to Jan-2008. there has been a rapid change in the amount of visitors from Jan 2007 to Sep 2007. there is a increase of about 12,000 visitors. Posted by overseas at 9:20 PM 0 comments These are some more tools of web 2.0 Wikipedia 19

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Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. It is a multilingual encyclopedia, which means that people can have access to it in his own native languages. It also ranks 2nd Disadvantages Anyone can edit it, therefore, sometimes the information cannot be reliable, therefore teacher and professors do not recommend Wikipedia. Advantages. More sources means the information can be accurate. Quick and easy to find the desired information. Great for finding facts and general knowledge. Information is clearly explained and also very well distributed. Social impact Wikipedia help the users to find a variety of facts and history. It help children in their education, therefore it increases their general knowledge.

MySpace It is also a social networking place, just like Facebook. It provides users with blogs, personal profile, photos, music, and videos for teenager and adults internationally. MySpace was the most popular social networking website in United States in June 2006. Advantages You can find your old friends on MySpace. You can also communicate. Disadvantages People spend hours socializing Social impact. It does effect the once social life. As this is a social networking site. Therefore children which are amazed by this spend a lot of time on these sites. This affects their education also. How can web 2.0 be used for art? Web 2.0 in Art - Maccaca


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant; "The premier site for people with artistic talent. Maccaca is an online network for connoisseurs of artistic talent and artists. It provides a platform for all artists – actors, dancers, musicians, singers, lyricists, writers, painters, photographers, etc." The picture on the left is the image of the website. Posted by overseas at 9:25 PM 0 comments Labels: Keiko Web 2.0 in Art - DoodleIsArt

DoodleIsArt; this is "a place where young artists can display their drawings. Adults and children can enjoy drawings from the world." The picture on the left is the screen shot of the home page of "DoodleIsArt". Posted by overseas at 9:23 PM 0 comments Labels: Keiko Web 2.0 in Art - Artgonia


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Artgonia; this is an art portal where independent artists can publish their work for the world to see. The picture is the screen shot of the website (; Connection between ECONOMY and web 2.0? These is a list most of the web 2.0 tools which can be used to help people in economy and also understanding economy in depth. 1. Aid page – This is a web 2.0 tool which helps people understand economy in more

detail. 2. Associated content – this web 2.0 is also for economy. It contains most of the

vocabulary which helps people in understanding economy with ease. 3. Democracy2.0* - This is contains information on the economy subject. Prashant’s Works cited “YouTube.” 28 April 2009. . 26 April 2009 “Facebook” 28 April 2009. . Arkin, Eran. “Movers 2.0.” . 26 April 2009 “Wikipedia.” 28 April 2009. . 25 April 2009. Findlay, Lorna H. "Facebook Advantage and Disadvantages. 29 Apr 22

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2009 .26 April 2009 “Yahoo Answer.” . 25 April 2009. Mayaud, Christian. “Scared Cow Dung” 10 March 2006 . 26 April 2009. Keiko’s Works Cited“Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media and Web 2.0”. 1 February. 2008. Boyd, J. Ritchie. “Helpful Resources for Web2.0 tools in Education II: Tutorials and Examples”. 21 October. 2007. Cornell, K. “Technology Influence on Education”. “Educational Blogging”. 29 November. 2006. Kimura, Shoji. “Web2.0 の世界その1-Web2.0 とは-”. 17 May. 2007. “New to web development”. 10 July. 2007. O’Reilly, Tim. “What is web 2.0”. 30 September. 2005. Shokubo, Naoto. “「Web 2.0」を知っていますか?” 21 October. 2005. 23

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Swain, Harriet. “Web 2.0: boon or bane for universities?”. 12 May. 2008. Umeda, Mochio. “Web 2.0”. “Web 2.0”. “2.0: Info pros, library communities, & web tools”. 31 October. 2007. “第 48 回話題になった Web2.0 系サービスについて語る”. 14 March. 2008. Gurleen’s Works Cited – "ADVANTAGES VS. DISADVANTAGES OF WEB 2.0 «." So what is Networked Learning? 13 Apr. 2009 . "Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 1." Solution Watch - Your Descriptive Source of Solutions. 18 Apr. 2009 . "Developing Web 2.0 Apps with the Google Web Toolkit |." Linux Magazine. 7 Apr. 2009 . "Math Web 2.0 Resources." CTAP Region 4. 12 Apr. 2009 . "The software development life cycle for Web 2.0." IBM - United States. 10 Apr. 2009 .


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

"Web 2.0 for schools." Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. 17 Apr. 2009 . "What is Web 2.0? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary." Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions. 15 Apr. 2009 . "YouTube - Web 2.0." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Mar. 2009 .

Design brief: To solve this problem that whether “web 2.0 is good for education purposes or not” we are going to make a presentation and a blog. Our presentation and the blog will contain most of our research in them. “In what way has technology is influencing knowledge” This is the essential question and our group has done a lot of research on it. We took a survey of the teachers because teachers are going to be the one who will be affected. We asked the teacher and the student if they even knew what is web 2.0. We have also research on some of the web2.0 tools which can be helpful in education (subjects). Due to our research we learned many things. We learned what web2.0 is and what were its advantages and disadvantages of using it. We got to know some of the web2.0 tools which can help us in our subject studies. We have included citation of the site from where we gathered our research in order at the end of our investigation. In our research we have two different types of resources to help our gather our research. In our blog and research we have some graph which shows the increase or the decrease of the visitors in some web2.0.

Design specification. These are the following thing that our product should contain. 1. Solution of whether web2.0 can be used in education purposes 2. Basic information on web 2.0. 3. Presentation should be not exceed more than 5 minutes 25

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4. 5. 6. 7.

It should be attractive. Easy to understand. It should convey a clear message. Should not be boring.

The best test that we have chosen to conduct when we are done with our final product is that, we will just as for some comments of some of the students in OSC. By doing this we will get to know whether our product was good or not. First we will show them our design specification and then tell them to comment on our product so that they could compare our product with the design specification.

DESIGN We as a group have come up with at least three designs which meet our design specifications. They are as following. 1. Internet blogging We all thought that it would be a nice idea if we use a blog as one of our first designs. Following are some of the advantages and the disadvantages of uses a blog as one of our product. Advantages • • • • • • • •

More people can have access to it, as it will be available to everyone on the internet. It can be updated and edited anytime and also very easy. It can be used as a diary It is not necessary to use formal language It is easy to understand as everything is in front of you. Will not be boring. People can also access only the information that they want. Will have all the information.

Disadvantages 26

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• •

Not very easy to maintain it. A bit hard to present it to a group of audience.

2. Power Point Presentation This is our second design that we as a group have chosen, which can be one of the products. Following are some of the advantages and the disadvantages of using a Power Point. an example of how it will


Advantages • • • •

Put images and very easy to understand and use it. Different new feature which makes the presentation look more attractive. Very good for presenting and also very easy. Will have all the information in it.

Disadvantages •

Not much people can get accesses to it but it would be helpful if we can upload it on a web 2.0 tool such as, then the people can not only have a look at it but also comment on our work.

3. Video This is our last design which can be one of the products. Following are some of the advantages and the disadvantages of using a Video. Advantages •

Will have all the information. 27

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• Students like it. Disadvantages • • • •

It is hard to present in front of people. Might take more than 5 minutes. The message may not be very clear. The people might get bored

We have decided as a group that it would be better to used a blog and power point as our two final products. Looking at the advantages and the disadvantages of all the three designs, we can say that it is better to use our first two designs. We think that the first two designs meet most of the points of the design specification and they would also keep the people interested and convey our message clearly to the people.


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Plan This time for my plan, I have decided to use Gantt chart as we learnt that we can actually see the distribution of time in front of us, so it becomes easy for us to plan over things. Gantt chart would help us a lot as it would help us plan and actually think of how much time it will take us to finish our project and accordingly, we can plan the other things as well.

For the Gantt chart, I have basically divided the work into 8 main parts – the research, completion of the investigation, sending the survey and collecting the responses, making of the plan, making of our products – the power point and the blog and finally the evaluation. We had to put the time needed for each in minutes but I think it could have been much easier if I could put it in days.

After seeing this Gantt chart, the first thing that we notice is that research takes most of the time. In total, our whole thing takes 34000 minutes which is equal to an estimate of 24 days and if we move according to the planning then I am sure that we can finish the project on time. The research is given the most time as everything is based on it, but there are also parts such as the 29

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

evaluation and the making of the blog that take very less time. The making of the blog will probably take less time than the power point presentation because as told, we need to have the same information in both of them, so, I think it would be easy if we have the power point already made. A step by step plan of how the project would be carried out•

Research on the various things about web 2.0 such as what is it, what are the disadvantages and advantages of using it, how can it is related to education, what are some of the tools available in web 2.0. • Then analyze the results of our survey, and finally finish our entire investigation, the whole process should not take more than like 12-15 days. I think that surveys can take a bit time because not many students check their email regularly and then we will be waiting • The next step would be to do our designs and then select 2 out of them for our final product; this should not take more than 2-3 days. • The next step would be to do the plan and we think that it would take a day or two to do so but it is going to be detailed. • Then, we have to make the presentation with the help of our research which should probably just take 3 days or so and then with the help of that the making of the blog would be easy and that should take like a day or two. • Then the last thing would be the evaluations which I think we can do in a day. Evaluation of the plan- I think that the plan was not very detailed enough and it could be made more detailed but our main idea was to just show how our decisions spread over time. But I still think that if someone was to follow it, then it would be very hard for that person as what I just did was to like give an outline of what we are going to do rather than explaining each step in detail. I think our planning lacked various points, the major thing lacking was the use of our resources, I understand the fact that we had access to various books in the library and even some were shown to us but I think our group was very lazy and did not bother to but I think we made a very good use of the internet. I don’t think we have made any changes to our design.

Create 30

WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

We did not upload our process journal on the blog, but we have been writing it on the Microsoft Word as a group, therefore we do not have the special process journal which is written by each person. Therefore what we’ve done and changed things are all there, so please check. Our Create was not exactly followed by our Plan. We were working on this project very slowly and we took so much time with the research. Even though we made a Gantt chart, but it was not very useful. Partly because we could not find information that satisfies us, also it took time to find the right website and the information. It was a difficult task, of course. But if we found the information earlier, then we’d have finished many things faster and have been able to follow the time plan. This was the reason why we had to like work till the last day. We took much more time on every single thing than we had actually expected to. For our products, we did the power point and the blog. Now, that we got used to a blog, this blog was not difficult to use and we selected blogger because it is the easiest to make blogs. For the documents that we uploaded, we used but it was not very nice as the pictures often did not come out after uploading. In the power point, we kept it pretty simple and with no animation because our main focus was to finish it rather than first focus on the presentation. I think by uploading on , now more people can see it and have information. We had few options for the final products. Since we had to make 2 products, we were discussing about it. We looked at the survey result, which were; video and power point. We were thinking to make these 2 as our final product, but then Gurleen came up with a sudden, but great idea. She had an idea to make another blog and to put exact same thing we put in the power point on the blog. When people visit our blog and look at our information, they will understand what Web 2.0 is, plus, they will understand it by seeing the information through the blog, which is one of the tools on Web 2.0. on our products, we did not use all the information that we had researched on that was probably because it was a lot and most of it was not really important. Prashant working.


WEB 2.0 Gurleen, Keiko and Prashant

Gurleen and Keiko working on the blog.

The final power point

presentation . Our blog on web 2 and



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