
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,201
  • Pages: 2
Whenever you f ee l l i ke you need a hand to hold… When you need someone to talk to… When everyone else seems to have forgotten about you… Don’t worry, I’m still here… It may not seem like it, but believe me, I ‘ am…

Whenever you f ee l l i ke you need a hand to hold… When you need someone to talk to… When everyone else seems to have forgotten about you… Don’t worry, I’m still here… It may not seem like it, but believe me, I ‘ am…

Whenever you f ee l l i ke you need a hand to hold… When you need someone to talk to… When everyone else seems to have forgotten about you… Don’t worry, I’m still here… It may not seem like it, but believe me, I ‘ am…

Whenever you f ee l l i ke you need a hand to hold… When you need someone to talk to… When everyone else seems to have forgotten about you… Don’t worry, I’m still here… It may not seem like it, but believe me, I ‘ am…

Whenever you f ee l l i ke you need a hand to hold… When you need someone to talk to… When everyone else seems to have forgotten about you… Don’t worry, I’m still here… It may not seem like it, but believe me, I ‘ am…


Deep f r i endsh ip doesn ’ t depend on how many t imes f r i ends spend t ime t oge the r on how happy t hey a re . I t ’ s t he t imes when you never see t hem and yet you keep on be l iev ing t ha t t he f r i endsh ip wi l l s tay…

Deep f r i endsh ip doesn ’ t depend on how many t imes f r i ends spend t ime t oge the r on how happy t hey a re . I t ’ s t he t imes when you never see t hem and yet you keep on be l iev ing t ha t t he f r i endsh ip wi l l s tay…

Deep f r i endsh ip doesn ’ t depend on how many t imes f r i ends spend t ime t oge the r on how happy t hey a re . I t ’ s t he t imes when you never see t hem and yet you keep on be l iev ing t ha t t he f r i endsh ip wi l l s tay…

Deep f r i endsh ip doesn ’ t depend on how many t imes f r i ends spend t ime t oge the r on how happy t hey a re . I t ’ s t he t imes when you never see t hem and yet you keep on be l iev ing t ha t t he f r i endsh ip wi l l s tay…

Deep f r i endsh ip doesn ’ t depend on how many t imes f r i ends spend t ime t oge the r on how happy t hey a re . I t ’ s t he t imes when you never see t hem and yet you keep on be l iev ing t ha t t he f r i endsh ip wi l l s tay…

…A bright and smiling countenance. Get a sparkle in your eye, the corner of the mouth upturned, and some little crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes,

…The bes t f r i endsh ip a re made i n t he hea r t…

…The best friendship are made in the heart…

S i len t Unwr i t t en Unbreakab le by d i s tance Unchangeab le by t ime

Silent Unwritten Unbreakable by distance Unchangeable by time

… Once a f r i end , A lways a f r i end….

… Once a friend, Always a friend….

Thanks f o r be ing one

Thanks for being one

…The best friendship are made in the heart…

…The best friendship are made in the heart…

Silent Unwritten Unbreakable by distance Unchangeable by time

Silent Unwritten Unbreakable by distance Unchangeable by time

… Once a friend, Always a friend….

… Once a friend, Always a friend….

Thanks for being one

Thanks for being one

…The best friendship are made in the heart… Silent Unwritten Unbreakable by distance Unchangeable by time … Once a friend, Always a friend…. Thanks for being one

Spec ia l pe rson a re pa r t o f our memor ies t ha t t ime can never e rase and when I ’m b lessed wi th a pe rson l i ke you , my memor ies a re wor th keep ing f o reve r…

…physiologist say it takes only seven muscles to smile while it takes about 375 to frown. …So don’t overwork the 375 muscles…

…A bright and smiling countenance. Get a sparkle in your eye, the corner of the mouth upturned, and some little crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes, …physiologist say it takes only seven muscles to smile while it takes about 375 to frown. …So don’t overwork the 375 muscles…





…A bright and smiling countenance. Get a sparkle in your eye, the corner of the mouth upturned, and some little crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes, …physiologist say it takes only seven muscles to smile while it takes about 375 to frown. …So don’t overwork the 375 muscles…

…A bright and smiling countenance. Get a sparkle in your eye, the corner of the mouth upturned, and some little crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes,

…physiologist say it takes only seven muscles to smile while it takes about 375 to frown. …So don’t overwork the 375 muscles… September Zodiac nature-kind and helpful. She has an artistic inclination, which tends to be pessimistic. She is also indecisive and too passive, yet she has fantastic luck in her life.

…A bright and smiling countenance. Get a sparkle in your eye, the corner of the mouth upturned, and some little crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes,



Protein dish Meat, Fish or poultry Rice or bread Milk or chocolate

Protein dish Meat, Fish or poultry Rice or bread Milk or chocolate

…Lunch and suffer…

…Lunch and suffer…

Protein dish Meat, fish or poultry Leafy green and Yellow vegetable Rice Fruit or dessert

Protein dish Meat, fish or poultry Leafy green and Yellow vegetable Rice Fruit or dessert



…Break fas t…

Protein dish Meat, Fish or poultry Rice or bread Milk or chocolate

Protein dish Meat, Fish or poultry Rice or bread Milk or chocolate

Pro te in d i sh Meat , F i sh or pou l t ry R ice or bread Mi lk or choco la te

…Lunch and suffer…

…Lunch and suffer…

…Lunch and su f fe r…

Protein dish Meat, fish or poultry Leafy green and Yellow vegetable Rice Fruit or dessert

Protein dish Meat, fish or poultry Leafy green and Yellow vegetable Rice Fruit or dessert

Pro te in d i sh Meat , f i sh or pou l t ry Lea fy green and Ye l l ow vegetab le R ice F ru i t or desse r t

…physiologist say it takes only seven muscles to smile while it takes about 375 to frown. …So don’t overwork the 375 muscles…

Spec ia l pe rson a re pa r t o f our memor ies t ha t t ime can never e rase and when I ’m b lessed wi th a pe rson l i ke you , my memor ies a re wor th keep ing f o reve r…

Spec ia l pe rson a re pa r t o f our memor ies t ha t t ime can never e rase and when I ’m b lessed wi th a pe rson l i ke you , my memor ies a re wor th keep ing f o reve r…

Spec ia l pe rson a re pa r t o f our memor ies t ha t t ime can never e rase and when I ’m b lessed wi th a pe rson l i ke you , my memor ies a re wor th keep ing f o reve r…

Spec ia l pe rson a re pa r t o f our memor ies t ha t t ime can never e rase and when I ’m b lessed wi th a pe rson l i ke you , my memor ies a re wor th keep ing f o reve r…

September Zodiac nature-kind and helpful. She has an artistic inclination, which tends to be pessimistic. She is also indecisive and too passive, yet she has fantastic luck in her life.

September Zodiac nature-kind and helpful. She has an artistic inclination, which tends to be pessimistic. She is also indecisive and too passive, yet she has fantastic luck in her life.

September Zodiac nature-kind and helpful. She has an artistic inclination, which tends to be pessimistic. She is also indecisive and too passive, yet she has fantastic luck in her life.

September Zod iac na ture - k ind and he lp fu l . She has an a r t i s t i c i nc l i na t i on , which t ends t o be pess im is t i c . She i s a l so i ndec i s ive and t oo pass ive , yet she has f an tas t i c l uck i n he r l i f e .

…A l ady ’ s cha rm i s n ’ t seen i n he r f ace… i t ’ s re f l ec ted i n he r hea r t …it i s t he ca r ing t ha t she l ov ing ly g ives and compass ion t ha t she shows…

…A lady’s charm isn’t seen in her face… it’s reflected in her heart …it is the caring that she lovingly gives and compassion that she shows…

…A lady’s charm isn’t seen in her face… it’s reflected in her heart …it is the caring that she lovingly gives and compassion that she shows…

…A lady’s charm isn’t seen in her face… it’s reflected in her heart …it is the caring that she lovingly gives and compassion that she shows…

…A l ady ’ s cha rm i s n ’ t seen i n he r f ace… i t ’ s re f l ec ted i n he r hea r t …it i s t he ca r ing t ha t she l ov ing ly g ives and compass ion t ha t she shows…

Recommended da i ly se rv ings Food groups  Energy foods Rice and other starch food Protein Root crops Sugar Fats  Body building foods Milk Fish Meat poultry  Regulating foods Green and leafy yellow vegetables Vitamin C rich foods (papaya,guava,atis,etc) Other fuits Recommended da i ly se rv ings Food groups  Energy foods Rice and other starch food Protein Root crops Sugar Fats  Body building foods Milk Fish Meat poultry  Regulating foods Green and leafy yellow vegetables Vitamin C rich foods (papaya,guava,atis,etc) Other fuits Recommended da i ly se rv ings Food groups  Energy foods Rice and other starch food Protein Root crops Sugar Fats  Body building foods Milk Fish Meat poultry  Regulating foods Green and leafy yellow vegetables Vitamin C rich foods (papaya,guava,atis,etc) Other fuits Recommended da i ly se rv ings Food groups  Energy foods Rice and other starch food Protein Root crops Sugar Fats  Body building foods Milk Fish Meat poultry  Regulating foods Green and leafy yellow vegetables Vitamin C rich foods (papaya,guava,atis,etc) Other fuits Recommended da i ly se rv ings Food groups  Ene rgy f oods R ice and othe r s ta rch f ood Pro te in Root c rops Suga r Fa t s  Body bu i ld ing f oods Mi lk F i sh Meat pou l t ry  Regu la t ing f oods Green and l ea fy ye l l ow vegetab les V i tam in C r i ch f oods (papaya,guava,atis,etc) Other f u i t s

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