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FILIPINO VALUE SYSTEM IN BUSINESS Filipino value system is defined by the way of people live their life as an influence of one's culture. In whatever part of the country, one may find the same hospitality that the filipinos are known as many other values that have originated from our forefathers. It refers to the set of value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. DIFFERENT FILIPINO VALUES DIFFERENT FILIPINO VALUES BAHALA NA Trust in God or the concept of Bahala Na is a principle used when a person does not know what to accomplish or is to slothful to do anything to all. UTANG NA LOOB 

Gratitude or utang na loob is a very fashionable Filipino characteristic.

They may request favors or things that may either be difficult to deal with.

NINGAS COGON Ningas cogon means the fast burning of cogon, which signifies filipino's way of eagerness only at the beginning but then quickly losing enthusiasm soon after to continue it, or the lack of follow-up. PADRINO SYSTEM In the Filipino culture and politics is the value system where one gets support, endorsement, or political appointment through family affiliation (repotism) or friendship ( cronyism) as against to ones worth. DIFFERENT FILIPINO VALUES MAÑANA HABIT  

The word mañana means tomorrow or specified future time. it is also known as procastination in plain english and mamaya na in filipino. This habbit has made filipinos become lazier and less efficient in doing tasks.

AMOR PROPIO/ SELF-RESPECT A spanish word which means self-love. It includes sensitivity to personal insult or offends. A minor remark of offensive gesture, though insulting should not prompt a sense of amor propio. DELICADEZA  

It is defined as an act of being retired or delicate in tastes or manners or sense of good manners or how to behave rightly in all situation. Perhaps it can be better understood by saying that those who dont have it meaning Walang delicadeza or makapal ang mukha or thick-faced.

HIYA   

Shame or hiya is a very common filipino value. It is a sense of social propriety and conforming to societal norms of behavior. Because of this value, a filipino would do something stupid in order to save face.


Loyalty or pakikisama is another filipino value. It is treating others with respect and dignity as an equal and not someone below the individual.


The filipino family is a central unit around which social activities are organized. The family is always of vital importance in the Philippines not surprisingly, most business organization have the filipino family as their model. The filipino put a being close to one's family members.


It refers to the relationship between guest and the host. Their attitude towards other people is said to be exceptional. The host entertains and gives relieve to the guest while staying the house of the host. For filipinos, serving other people the best of what they have is an honor and a promise of true friendship.


This famous trait is the ability of filipinos to find joy and humor in everything. Filipinos have a cheerful, optimistic and fun- loving approach to life and its ups and downs. Joking and laughing at everything perhaps give them relief and make them see things more positively.


They are known to follow a natural clock or organic sense of time- doing things in the time they feel is correct. This allows the filipino to adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a particular schedule or timeframe. This allows them think on their feet and be creative in facing whatever challenge or tasks they have even when it is already right in front of them.


Filipino businessmen placed God as the center of their business. A business man with faith and religious for instance serves not just his customers, but all of humanity and the planet. Managers also demonstrate servant- leadership which is an attitude and set of practices that deepenes the lives of individuals, creates better organization and eventually builds a more just and caring humanity.


The filipinos as a people who have been constantly under the rule of numerous powerful countries has over times developed a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they have.

They have the extraordinary ability to make something of basically nothing.


Filipinos are very determined and preserving in accomplishing wghat ever they set their minds to.

Filipinos over the years have proven time in time again that theyare a people with an industrious attitude.


Filipino time is a coined phrase for the embarrasing affliction of tardiness among Filipinos. It has become a phenomenon impression for filipinos schedule, making it a characteristic of Filipinos to be generally late.

Obviously, this trait was also an influence from the spanish occupiers for people would rather give more attention to their amor propio(hiya) in some events than going there as early as possible. This trait is also a root of the mañana habit.

Filipino Family Values 1. Paggalang (Respect) 

The English translation of paggalang means to be respectful or to give respect to a person.

Filipinos are accustomed to using the words “po,” “opo,” and “ho” when they are conversing with older people or, sometimes, with those who are in a high role or a prestigious member of society. Using these words is customary in the Philippines, and it shows a sign of respect if you do so.

Paggalang can also be shown toward your elders by kissing their hands before leaving/to say goodbye and upon arrival/to greet them.

The younger members of the family can show respect toward older siblings by calling them kuya (older brother) or ate (older sister).

2. Pakikisama (Helping Others) 

Pakikisama has the connotation of getting along with people in general.

There is a general yearning to be accepted and well-liked among Filipinos. This applies to one and his or her friends, colleagues, boss, and even relatives. This desire is what steers one to perform pakikisama.

The word pakikisama literally translates to "helping others." Therefore, this trait usually fosters general cooperation and performing good or helpful deeds, which can lead to others viewing you in a favorable light.

3. Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude) 

Utang na Loob means to pay your debt with gratitude.

With utang na loob, there is usually a system of obligation. When this value is applied, it imparts a sense of duty and responsibility on the younger siblings to serve and repay the favors done to them by their elders.

4. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya (Prioritizing Family) 

Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya. In other words: putting importance on your family.

This implies that a person will place a high regard on their family and prioritize that before anything else.

For example, this is why it's not uncommon for a father or a mother in a Filipino family from the Philippines to seek employment abroad or a job they don't want just to earn a decent wage for their family. They've placed the utmost priority on meeting the family’s basic needs and toward practicing pagpapahalaga sa pamilya

5. Hiya (Shame) 

Hiya means shame.

This controls the social behaviors and interactions of a Filipino. It is the value that drives a Filipino be obedient and respectful to their parents, older siblings, and other authorities.

This is also a key ingredient in the loyalty of one’s family.

The “Five Core Filipino Values” Mapagpasalamat This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for “Pamumuhay” (Life) and “Pananalig sa Diyos at Kapwa” (Faith in God and people). Filipinos know how to enjoy life. We have many holidays, feasts, occasions, and reunions. Filipinos are cheerful and naturally sociable. We wear smiles on our faces even in depressing situations. This is because we always look at the bright side of life. We always have a positive outlook because we always find things to be thankful for, even in the smallest things. We would always say “Salamat sa Diyos” (Thank God) whenever good things happen because Filipinos, from whatever religion, would attribute life’s blessings to the Higher Being. We also acknowledge the good deeds of other people towards us and we do our best to return the favor. Matatag Being in a country prone to natural disasters, Filipinos have adapted and learned to be strong in times of need and in hard situations life throws at us. This strength is drawn from our love for our family and to the higher being we believe in. This is based on Filipino’s aspiration for “Kaayusan” (Order). In fact, Filipinos’ common expression is “Ayos Na”. When we are able to get through difficulties, we say “Ayos Na”. We, Filipinos long for “Kaayusan” and we will endure everything and be strong amidst hardships and challenges until we surpass the obstacles. Masigasig When Filipinos dream of something, we do everything possible to get it. We do it for our families and loved ones. This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for “Kasaganaan” (Abundance) and “Ginhawa” (Relief). A Filipino aspires for abundance not for himself but for his family. The Filipino translation for Happy New Year is Masaganang Bagong Taon (Bountiful New Year) because we equate happiness and celebration with abundance. In Bisaya, “Ginhawa” means breath. And the smooth flow of breath is the smooth flow of life which we call “Ginhawa”. “Ginhawa” according to lay theologian Dr. Jose de Mesa is the feeling of well-being in a Filipino. An example would be Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who endure being away from home to give their families a good life – abundance and relief from hardships. Mapagmalasakit It is because of our love for the family extended to friends, neighbors and other people that make Filipinos naturally compassionate. This compassion enables us to help other people without asking for anything in return. This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for “Loob at Damdamin” and “Kapwa” (Other People). “Loob” is the seat of Filipinos’ dignity. The personhood of Filipino is manifested in his “kalooban”. Filipinos tune in each other’s “kalooban” by checking on each other’s condition and chatting about each other’s lives. Due to our familistic culture, Filipinos use “kapwa” to refer not just to a stranger but to a relative, a next-door neighbor, a distant relative or a friend. Our “Mapagmalasakit” trait makes it easy for us to champion the Bayanihan spirit – to unite and help each other during calamities and celebrate together during special occasions. Magalang The use of po, opo, and pagmamano (kissing of the hand) are distinct Filipino ways of respect. We say these words and use this gesture to show our respect and love for the elderly. The Filipinos’ respect is not just limited to the elderly but also to other people’s properties, emotions, and ideas. We are polite people. Our language itself is also respectful because it does not have any gender bias. Examples would be the words kapatid (brother / sister) or asawa (husband / wife) or biyenan (father-in-law / mother-in-law) or anak (son / daughter) which do not manifest differences in gender. These words are uniquely Filipino definitely respectful of the sexes. Our respect for other individuals is embedded in our culture and in our language. This is based on our aspiration for “Lakas ng Loob” or “Kagandahang Loob”.

Positive Traits 1. Hospitality This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone to the Philippines find themselves falling in love with the warm hospitality they are shown. It's a different kind of value system, which has existed for thousands of years. Here are some examples of the hospitality that Filipinos show, not only to foreigners, but also to their fellow citizens: 

When a person visits a friend's house, the host greets him or her with a very warm welcome. The host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will prepare a meal or a snack plus drinks for the visitor. The host will insist that the friend not leave the house with an empty stomach. A host will always make sure you had a great time visiting them.

People offer their guest room to visitors if they're going to spend the night.

Meals offered to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to prepare great tasting food that her visitor wants to eat.

2. Respect This is often observed—not just by younger people—but also by people of all ages. 

Children respect elders by saying "po" and "opo," which mean "yes," when answering their elders.

Children or young adults also show respect by putting their elders' hands on their foreheads.

Filipinos also show respect at work by making a bow to their employers.

3. Strong Family Ties and Religions Yes. Filipinos value their families so much that they tend to keep families intact through the generations. 

Families go to church and pray together because their religion is important and creates a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives.

Families make sure to have quality time together especially after a day's work. Just watching television or eating a family meal will be valued and prioritized in everybody's schedules.

4. Generosity and Helpfulness Filipinos are generous people. Even when we have very little, we always share with those around us. 

During special occasions such as birthdays or "fiestas" —parties when people from other places visit your home to celebrate with you—there are lots of foods specially prepared for everyone! Friends, family, friends of friends, and even strangers can gather and they are always willing to share food and help out.

When a neighbor is in trouble, Filipinos are always ready to help them.

5. Strong Work Ethic Yes, we are hardworking people to the point that we are willing to work almost the whole day just to feed our families. That's how Filipinos are. 

One example of a hardworking person is a farmer. They earn so little but they still work very hard for not much compensation.

Filipinos always find creative ways to earn a living, like creating a small business from their home where they sell foods or other items for the convenience of their neighbors.

6. Love and Caring This is so true! Filipinos are the sweetest and most loving people in the world. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Filipino; if you know us well, you will soon figure this out. 

Men are so sweet and romantic when it comes to love. They will send their beloved flowers, bring her to a very romantic place, text her sweet quotes, and tell often how special she is to them.

Filipino women are also romantic and very caring, which often makes foreigners want to marry them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their husband comes home. They are loving, and value the relationship, always staying faithful to their husbands. They love deeply and sincerely.

Negative Traits of Filipinos I don't want to sound totally arrogant. Awesome as Filipinos are, we are not perfect. Here are a couple of more negative traits which also really represent Filipinos. 

Fatalism: An attitude of "what goes around, comes around" or "come what may." We have a tendency to surrender our future to fate. We often accept bad news or circumstances without trying to stop or change them. This can sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can also keep us from finding ways out of situations. Also, constantly expecting the worst can get pretty depressing.

Crab mentality: This is prevalent in politics where people tend to push each other down to clear the way for their own gain. Politicians, especially, try their best to ruin each other, but this can also happen among regular people. I think it goes to the point of selfishness.

So these are just a few common Filipino traits I can give. There are so many out there, but these are the ones that really stand out from the rest. If you wanna know more about the Philippines and Filipinos, you can travel to our country and discover the beauty of my land and people for yourself. I hope you enjoyed this article! Here are some of the values that Filipinos have historically held important: The family The family is at the center of the Filipino community. Children are not expected to leave their parents’ house until they themselves get married; and even after then, many couples opt to stay with or close to their or their spouse’s parents. Also, they’re expected to care for their ageing parents instead of sending them to a retirement home. This is why it’s common to see different generations or multiple families living in a single residence. The value that Filipinos put into caring for one’s family can also be seen as one of the reasons why nurses and caregivers from the country provide their patients and clients with a high level of care. Humor and positivity Optimism, humor, and positivity are valued traits in the Philippines. The country has a long list of national holidays, and many provinces and cities have their own sets of local holidays. At the same time, in the face of difficult or challenging situations, members of the community are encouraged to look at the brighter side of things. The inclination for finding the good in the bad can be traced to the country’s location, which lies in the path of typhoons and sits along the Pacific Ring of Fire. In a place where natural calamities are commonplace, humor and positivity work as a coping mechanism, much like how some children laugh to hide their embarrassment after slipping or falling. Flexibility and adaptability The term bahala na, which can be translated to whatever happens, happens, is one of the more familiar phrases used in the country and is perhaps the most representative of how Filipinos value adaptability and quick thinking. It exemplifies one’s belief in a higher power and submitting one’s fate to elements that cannot be controlled. People who use the term bahala na do not see anything wrong with it, as it serves as a sort of positive affirmation that allows them to deal with a problem right then and there. However, those who do see it negatively often view it as a form of fatalistic submission or a way to absolve one from the responsibility of their actions. Faith and religion Spirituality is deeply ingrained in Filipinos. A form of animism was already being practiced in many precolonial societies and Islam has been firmly established in the southern islands even before the Spanish brought Catholicism to the country. These days, religion still plays a big part in society and in the everyday lives of Filipinos. The Catholic Church’s views still affect the passing of some laws, most towns still hold fiestas to honor their patron saints, and many regular non-working national holidays are dedicated to celebrating various religious activities and events. To many Filipinos, religion helps shape their values and principles. Filipino hospitality Filipinos in the country and around the globe can be expected to extend a warm welcome to their guests regardless of where they come from, how well they know their host, and why they’re visiting someone’s home. Hosts typically provide their guest with food and entertainment and, if there’s time, a tour around the local destinations. Before they leave, guests are entreated to take home pasalubong or souvenirs, which often come in the form of delicacies and local sweets.

Filipino Values System Cultural values are shared assumption of what is right , good or important in a certain society. Filipino Values System is defined by the way of people live their life as an influence of one’s culture. It is the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipinos have historically held important in their lives consisting their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies , moral code , ethical principles , etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society. Pagkakabuklod-buklod The Filipinos recognize their family as an important social structure that one must take care of. They give importance to the safety and unity of one’s family. It is also common to find the whole clan living in the same area and have extended family structure. Utang na loob It is a technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others within the family circle or primary group , sometimes unlimited in nature , emotional rather than financial or rational. Galang Filipinos are taught to become respectful individuals. This is mainly due to the influence of Christianity that tells us to honor both our parents and our elders. The use of ‘’po’’ and ‘’’opo’’ in conversation and “mano”. Pagkarelihiyoso Filipinos are religious. They believe so much in supernatural powers and taught them to trust prayers rather than hard work in the realization of their dreams. Succes is considered a blessing from above. Damayan/Balikatan Denotes a good relationship among the people in the family or within the group or community and connotes helping one another in time of need. Filipinos engage themselves in mutual cooperation. Malasakit In Filipino Family each of the member have the adherence or the willingness to help the other member who is in need more than they do , emotional or financial needs. They have this care to their family member and this is the way they show their love to each other.

5 unique Pinoy values children should learn-- and never forget

Breeze Posted at Oct 13 2017 06:24 PM | Updated as of Oct 18 2017 04:33 PM People come and go, but values never die. Our concepts of good and bad have been emblazoned on stone and shall prevail in generations after us. As Filipinos, we have our own set of values our parents have instilled on us. And while some of us would dare say we "never forget," it wouldn't hurt to remind ourselves of these values every once in a while. This, to ensure that our values will live on in the years to come. Here are some of the unique Pinoy values every child should learn and never forget: 1. Respect for elders (Paggalang sa nakatatanda) Elders are a human library of wisdom-rich experiences that may come in handy during tough times. That's why we should honor them, listen to their words, and follow their examples. 2. Empathy (Pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba) Putting yourself in one's shoe is the best way to understand a person. We are not experiencing the same situation and emotion at the same time. Thus, we have to be careful with our words and actions. The best thing to do is smile, ask, and be a friend. 3. Deep regard for fellow humans (Pakikipagkapwa-tao) Sacrificing your own comfort for other people is one of the most gratifying deeds a human can do. And it also sets an example to other people, who might remember you when they encounter the same situation.Essentially, albeit unconsciously, you are spreading good vibes by pakikipagkapwa-tao. 4. Patriotism (Pagiging makabayan) There's more into pagiging makabayan than memorizing Lupang Hinirang and Panatang Makabayan. It also means patronizing our own products, being faithful to the law, and ensuring that we fulfill our obligations as citizens of the country. 5. Cultural continuity (Pagpapatuloy sa kultura) In line with pagiging makabayan, we should also promote our own culture. And by promoting, we mean not just practicing it but also ensuring its continuity amid challenging times. Let's not forget that our culture is the soul of our humanness. It is composed of traditions, morals, beliefs, and everything that keep our community from falling apart. One of the main Filipino beliefs, if not culture, is “pagiging matulungin sa kapwa”. It has been taught to us since we were kids—to help those in need. It is every mom's wish for her child to grow up with these values. However, no matter how how hard we try to teach our children, sometimes we're not sure if they really absorbed everything. Breeze Philippines tested the values of Pinoy kids by conducting a social experiment titled "THE FIELD GOOD TRIP." The participants were brought to a farm in Antipolo, where hidden cameras and microphones have been earlier installed for surveillance.

Enumeration of Filipino Values Human activities[edit] Family orientation[edit] The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. Unlike in Western countries, young Filipinos who turn 18 are not expected to move out of their parents' home. When a Filipino's parents are old and cannot take care of themselves, they are cared for in their children's homes and are very rarely brought by their children to Homes for the Aged. The practice of separating the elderly from the rest of the family, while common in Western countries, is often looked down upon in Filipino society. Family lunches with the whole clan with up to 50 people, extending until the line of second cousins, are not unusual. The Filipino puts a great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one's family members. Joy and humor[edit] This famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humour in everything. It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same way a child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to hide his/her embarrassment.[6] Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity[edit] Studies show that Filipinos often have an aversion to a set of standardised rules or procedures; They are known to follow a "natural clock" or organic sense of time—doing things in the time they feel is right. They are presentoriented: which means that one attends to a task or requirement at the time it is needed and does not worry much about future engagements. This allows the Filipino to adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a particular schedule or timeframe. This allows them think on their feet and be creative in facing whatever challenge or task they have even when it is already right in front of them. Faith and religiosity[edit] The Philippines is approximately 85 percent Christians (mostly Roman Catholics), 10 percent Muslim, and 5 percent 'other' religions, including the Taoist-Buddhist religious beliefs of Chinese and the 'indigenous' Anitism belief of peoples in upland areas that resisted 300 years of Spanish colonial rule. [7] This is a reflection of the Filipinos' strong faith in God as seen in their various practices. This includes the numerous church holidays they observe, the customary (and obligatory) Sunday Mass, the individual's basis of their moral standpoints, the influence of the Church on the minds, actions, and opinions of the majority, importance of the Sacraments, praying at almost any possible time of the day, the extreme practices during Holy Week. [8] Ability to survive[edit] The Filipinos as a people who have been constantly under the rule of numerous powerful countries has over time, developed a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they have. They have the extraordinary ability to make something out of almost nothing. If a Filipino was given just a screwdriver, plastic bagseut, and some tape, he would still be able to build a bird tree, especially for the sake of survival, and provided that he be allowed to hunt for some needed surrounding material.[9] Hard work and industriousness[edit] With resourcefulness comes hard work. Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. Filipinos over the years have proven time and time again that they are a people with an industrious attitude. Sadly, this is seen by others as Filipinos being only useful as domestic helpers, working abroad to help their families in the country. This is also present in the country’s workforce particularly the farmers. Even with little support, technological weaknesses and the country’s seasonal typhoons, the Filipino farmer still strives to earn their daily meal.[10] Hospitality[edit] Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost, or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. Meanwhile, most foreigners who attend Filipino gatherings abroad (which are frequently organized for hundreds of reasons) testify to the warmth and friendliness of Filipinos as they experience that feeling of “belongingness.” Indeed, the legendary Filipino hospitality is not limited to the Philippines. It is everywhere wherever there are Filipinos.[11]

Filipino values 1. Kate S. Magpo 2. Values are integral part of every culture. With worldview and personality, theygenerate behavior. Being part of a culture that shares a common core set of valuescreates expectations and predictability without which a culture would disintegrate andits member would lose their personal identity and sense of worth. Values tell peoplewhat is good, beneficial important, useful, beautiful, desirable, constructive, etc. Theyanswer the question of why people do what they do. Values help people solvecommon problems for survival. Over time, they become the roots of traditions thatgroups of people find important in their day-to-day lives.Filipino values may be attributed into many influences. These can be from itsancestors or influenced fro its colonizers. Some values are bipolar, meaning it can bepositive or negative. 3. Positive Filipino Values 4. 1. Bayanihan system or spirit of kinship and camaraderie- A Filipino community spirit and cooperation wherein a groupof individuals extends a helping hand without expecting anyremuneration. It is characterized by communal work towardsone goal exemplified in carrying a nipa house or pushing apassenger jeepney. 5. 2. Damayan system- sympathy for people who lost their love ones. In caseof death of a certain member of the community, thewhole community sympathizes with the bereavedfamily. Neighbors, friends, and relatives of thedeceased usually give certain amount of money astheir way of showing sympathy. 6. 3. Familism or close family relations- a Filipino trait of giving highest importance tofamily above other thing. A trait wherein familymembers should be taken care and supportedregardless of whether he/she did somethingwrong, a family member must given attentionand should not be abandoned. 7. 4. Fun-loving trait- a trait found in most Filipinos, a trait thatmakes them unique that even in time ofcalamities and other challenges in life, theyalways have something to be happy about, areason to celebrate. 8. 5. Hospitality- a Filipino trait of being receptive andgenerous to guests. 9. 6. Compassionate- a Filipino trait of being sympathetic to others evenif the person is a stranger. An example of this isgiving alms to beggar. This is observed when wehear Filipinos saying “kawawa naman or nakakaawanaman.

10. 7. Regionalism- a Filipino trait of giving more priority orpreference in giving favors to his provincemate before others. 7. Friendly- a trait found in most Filipinos. They aresincere, loyal, kind and sociable person. 11. 9. Flexible or magaling makabagay- the ability of Filipinos to ride on or adjust to thenorms of other group jut to attain smooth andharmonious relationship.Example: OFW 12. 10. Religious- most Filipinos possess strong conformance oftheir religious belief in action and in words. 13. 11. Respect to elders- a Filipino trait of being courteous both inwords and in actions to the people of olderpeople. 14. 12. Remedyo attitude- a Filipino trait of being creative and resourceful. The ability to dothings that are next to impossible. Example in fixing appliances thatlook impossible to repair.13. Matiyaga- Filipinos re known for their tenacity and strong determination inevery undertaking.14. Utang na loob- a feeling of obligation to repay someone who extended assistanceto another which may take place in undetermined time and inwhatever way. 15. Negative Filipino Values 16. 1. Bahala na atitude- a Filipino trait characterized by retreating or withdrawal fromcertain undertaking and leaving everything to God to interfereand determine the outcome of his deeds.2. Colonial complex or blue-seal mentality- a Filipino value of showing high admiration and preference toforeign produced goods over local ones.3. Crab mentality- a Filipino attitude characterized by an attempt to “pull down”someone who has achieved success beyond the others. This Idone out of jealousy and insecurity. 17. 4. Euphemism- a Filipino way of substituting a word or phrase that is thoughtto be offensive or harsh with a mild and acceptable one inorder to not offend or hurt another person.5.Filipino time- in reality, it means “always late”, a Filipino attitude ofimpreciseness towards time.6. Gaya-gaya attitude- a Filipino attitude of imitating or copying other culturespecifically in mode of dressing, language, fashion or evenhaircut. 18. 7. Jackpot mentality- a “get rich quick” mentality of some Filipinos who would ratherengage in fast ways of acquiring money than through hardwork andsacrifice by getting in lottery, joining raffle draws and other.8. Kapalaran values- a Filipino trait of accepting his fate by believing that everything iswritten in his palm. Such traits contributes to lack initiative andperseverance among Filipinos.9. Mañana habit- delaying or setting aside a certain task assigned on the next dayalthough it can be done today. 19. 10. Ningas-cogon- being enthusiastic only during the start of new undertakingbut ends dismally in accomplishing nothing. A commonpractice observed in some politicians who are visible onlyduring the start of certain endeavor.11. Oversensitive- Filipinos have the tendency to

be irritated easily or hurtupon hearing some criticisms or comment.12. Lack of sportmanshipnot accepting defeat in competitions but rather putting theblame either to their opponents or to the sport officials. 20. 13. Pakikisama- submitting oneself to the will of the group for the sakeof camaraderie and unity. Failure to comply with thegroup demand, the person will be called “walangpakikisama or selfish”. The adherence to group demandshave taught our young to engage in bad habits likesmoking, alcoholism and even drug addiction.14. Tsamba lang attitude- simplicity by declaring that his/her accomplishmentsare results of luck and not from perseverance and ability.

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