Field Book Mire Pr

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  • Pages: 37
“Myths & Paintings” Project Fieldbook

IES Menéndez y Pelayo


Name: MIREIA PLANAS Group: 6 London, 2009


My London experience This is your big chance to learn about a new country and a different culture. To make the most of this experience you should make good use of your time! You will visit a lot of places, see a lot of things and meet many people. This experience will become part of your life and this booklet will always remind you of the good time you had…many years to come. It’ll be a nice souvenir and a pleasant memory. Therefore try to make it nice…the nicest you can.

You will find a blank page for each day of your trip: every day write a short paragraph describing what you did. You should also add pictures, photographs, tickets, leaflets or any other material related to that day. You may keep this workbook for you, of course! But once you are back home, you will have to use your ideas to write a similar one in digital format to be given to your teacher (maybe not as “private” as this one, but absolutely personal, in any case!).


The Project

Subject of the project: Myths & Painting

Names of the teachers involved in the project: GISELLE DUBOIS NIEVES MONGE

Expectations: Learn and practise the oral expression and meet friends.

Fears: The family and the food. 3

My Host Family

Family name: Address: Area in London: Telephone: Birth date/s:


Composition of the family: Name



This is a description of my house in London: My house is very big & very comfortable. There are a lot of rooms and a big garden.

Picture or drawing of the house


Family favourite...

Hobbies: dancing, listen music Sports: swim Books: twilight Films: the pianist Actors/actresses: brad pitt Kind of music: classic Food: Pizza Drink: tea


I have a question Make a list of 10 questions you would like to ask your English family about their home, life, activities, country ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What is your hobbies? What is your favourite type of music? Have you ever been in Barcelona? Do you like the London food? What do you do in your free time? Do you have pets in home? Do you like travel? Do you like cooking? What is your favourite food? Do you like dancing?

These are their answers...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dance Classic music No, i haven’t been yet Not much Listen classic music or go to the swimming pool No Yes, i like 7

8 Yes, i do 9 Pizza 10 Yes, i do


My partner/s

Name: Maria fargas Age: 16 YEARS OLD email: [email protected] Birth date: 24/XI/92 This is a description of my partner/s: She’s a good and social girl, she’s always joking & smiling.

This is a picture of my partner/s and me:



My group Number:GROUP 6 Name of my group leader: LORENA Names of the members of my group: 1: Lorena lopez 2: Laura herrero 3:Carlota Celma 4:Maria Fargas 5:Mireia

Something I liked...very easy work with them

Something I did not like...anything


My London school

Name: THE HAMPSTEAD SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Address: 553 FINCHLEY ROAD Area: HAMPSTEAD Telephone: 2077943535 E-mail: [email protected]

What does the name of the school refer to? The area in which it is located What type of school is it? (technical, comprehensive, vocational, language...) language school What is the average number of students per class? fourteen

Every day I come to school (walking, by tube, by bus...) by bus


It takes me about..............30minutes. I usually come to school with...maria fargas This is a description of my school: My school it seems small, but is not very big its okey. There are some toilets and a dinning room. There are a lot of rooms, but the room is not very good. The room has a blackboard, two big tables and a lot of chairs. The school lunch was not very good

These are other pictures of my school:


My teacher/s at school Name/s: TONINO Age:24 Position at school: TEACHER OF ENGLISH Hobbies: SPORTS Kind of music: INDIE, ROCK’N’ROLL Food: ITALIAN & INDIAN FOOD Drink: WATER

This is a description of my English teacher/s: Tonino is a very nice person. He’s always joking, and the classes were great fun.


My class Names of my classmates: Angie, Sonia, Elena, Carlota, Maria, Regina,Laura,Jose, Ana, Javi, Harold and Alba

Subjects we studied: English

Activities we developed: Grammar,Vocabulary, Speaking

I liked....the class and the teacher

I did not like... anything

This is a picture of my class:



Population: I think 12 milions What is the origin of its name? Londinium How old is it? 2500 years old


Who were the first settlers? Celts Which is the oldest part of the town? The City of Lonfon, the Hyde Park, the Green Park What are the most important parks? Green Park, Portsmans park What are the most important buildings? (make a list) - Big Beng - The Millenium Dome - The Thames Bamier - Tower Bridge - The Globe Theatre - St Paul’s Cathedral

This is a picture of the building (and me) I liked most:


This is another picture of a place I liked in London:


List of Activities Week 1: diumenge 6

dilluns 7

dimarts 8

dimecres 9

dijous 10

divendres 11

dissabte 12

MATÍ: Arribada a l’escola i trobada amb les famílies (11)







Classes a l’escola(2)

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Excursió a la ciutat d’Oxford de dia sencer.


TARDA: (4) Oxford Street Picadilly Circus Trafalgar Sq. The houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey






Trafalgar Sq.

The London Museum

Recorregut pel riu Thàmesis fins Greenwich Visita al museu Naval i al meridià 0

The National Gallery (ses. 2)

Passejada per conèixer l’àrea de l’escola

Week 2: diumenge 13

Dinar a l’escola (3)

The National Gallery (ses. 1)

the City of London

Campden Town

dilluns 14

dimarts 15

dimecres 16

dijous 17

divendres 18

disabte 19

MATÍ: Lliure amb les famílies







Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola

Classes a l’escola



TARDA: The British Museum

TARDA: The National Gallery (ses. 3)

TARDA: The Natural History Museum

TARDA: Barbican area

TARDA: Tate Modern Gallery

TARDA: Tornada a Barcelona

Kensington Park & Palace, Knightsbrigde Buckingham Palace 1


Barbican Art Gallery

List of activities and groups in charge GROUPS



GROUP 1: Ana Cumbal


Trafalgar Sq. The National Gallery Barbican area Barbican Art Gallery

GROUP 2: Hui Zhang

The London Museum

Boticelli Tiziano

The City of London London weekend

GROUP 3: Marc Martínez

Tintoretto Boucher

Recorregut pel riu Thàmesis fins Greenwich Visita al museu Naval i al meridià 0

GROUP 4: Marc Giró

Turner Ingres

The British Museum

GROUP 5: Alba Giró

Subleyras Carracci

Kensington Park & Palace, Knightsbrigde Buckingham Palace

GROUP 6: Lorena López

Velazquez Tiepolo

The Natural History Museum


Sunday, 6 September 2009 This is what I did today: At 9:00, we were in the Prat del Llobregat airport and at 11:00 we took a plane to Madrid and at 3:30 we took a plane to go to london and we arrived at home at 6:30 and we meet our family.

Something I really enjoyed: I liked to arrived on London

Something I didn’t like at all: The hours in the airport


Monday, 7 September 2009 This is what I did today: Today at 7:50 a.m. we was in the school meeting for do an exam. Maria & me lose and do not make the first examen. In the afternoon, we went to Picadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square and the houses of Parlament, Westminster Abbey and they gave us free time to go Picadilly. Later we went to house with the family and we meet with some friends.

Something I really enjoyed: I like so much Picadilly Circus.

Something I didn’t like at all: The food in the school


Tuesday, 8 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning at school, and later we went to Trafalgar Square and saw this and later we went to the National Gallery for see the paintings and work.

Something I really enjoyed: The National Gallery is a very big and beautiful gallery.

Something I didn’t like at all: nothing


Wednesday, 9 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning, we had class and later we went to the City of London, and we saw the St Paul Cathedral and later we went to the London Museum to see the London History and later we went to the Bank Station in England.

Something I really enjoyed: The London Museum

Something I didn’t like at all: nothing


Thursday, 10 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning we were studing in the school and later we took the bus to go to Greenwich and we was in the river of Tamesis, and later we went to the Naval Museum to see the swatch and later the Meridian 0

Something I really enjoyed: I like very much Greenwich

Something I didn’t like at all: Anything


Friday, 11 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning we were studying in the school, and later we went to another time to the London Museum for work with our paintings. Later we went to Leichester Square and visit the place.

Something I really enjoyed: I like buy things in Leichester Square

Something I didn’t like at all: A little bit tired


Saturday, 12 September 2009 This is what I did today: This day, with the friends we were meeting in the Portobello road and we were in Portobello shopping. In the night we were to fire park.

Something I really enjoyed: I enjoyed walking in Portobello road and the fire park. Something I didn’t like at all: Anything


Sunday, 13 September 2009 This is what I did today: Maria and me went to Camden Town for visit, we really enjoy it..After we left our house and moved on to a new better home.

Something I really enjoyed: I really enjoyed Camden Town

Something I didn’t like at all: nothing.


Monday, 14 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning, we were studying at school. In the afternoon we went to the British Musuem and we saw the momies and the antique British and a lot of interestings things.

Something I really enjoyed: The British Museum

Something I didn’t like at all: nothing.


Tuesday, 15 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning at school and in the afternoon we went at National Gallery for visit the Musuem with our teacher Burnny. This day is rainning a lot and we cancelled the activities

Something I really enjoyed: Stay at home

Something I didn’t like at all: The weather


Wednesday, 16 September 2009 This is what I did today: In the morning we were studying at school and in the afternoon we went to the Natural Historial Museum.

Something I really enjoyed: I enjoyed saw REX

Something I didn’t like at all: nothing


Thursday, 17 September 2009 This is what I did today: Today we went to Buckingham palace and Kensington park and palace and we went to tha National Gallery for take a photo with the group.

Something I really enjoyed: I enjoyed visit the Buckingham palace

Something I didn’t like at all: Anything


Friday, 18 September 2009 This is what I did today: Today we have had two presentations, one about the individual painting and other about the groups painting Afternoon we went to the Modern Museum.

Something I really enjoyed: The Modern musuem

Something I didn’t like at all: The presentation,


Saturday, 19 September 2009 This is what I did today: Today we left london at 3:00 o’clock.

Something I really enjoyed: Left London

Something I didn’t like at all: I was sad because we left london


My partners’ and teachers’ telephone and address in London Host: 1168 Nicholas Bird Addr: 42 Grampian Gardens, London, NW2 1JG Tel : 020 8455 4873 54762 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Marc Martinez 54771 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Bernat Sopena Host: 462 Celia Blackler Addr: 34 Kingsley Road, Kilburn, London, NW6 7RJ Tel : 0207 624 4872 54758 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Regina Gonzalez 54770 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Helena Soler Host: 980 Brigette Krafczyk Addr: 35 Cricklewood Broadway, London, NW2 3JX Tel : 020 8452 0135 54746 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Giselle Dubois (gl) 54747 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Nieves Monge (gl) Host: 986 Carmel Burke Addr: 9 Kingscroft Road, Kilburn, London, NW2 3QE Tel : 0208 2084822 54751 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Carlota Celma 54759 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Laura Herrero 54760 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Lorena Lopez Host: 991 Angela Chiriaco Addr: 26 Cotswold Gardens, Golders Green Estate, London, NW2 1QU Tel : 0208 455 9524 54768 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Cristina Salas 54772 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Hui Zhang Host: 621 Marie Clarke Addr: 20 Cavendish Avenue, St Johns Wood, London, NW8 9JE Tel : 0207 266 3995 54753 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Ana Cumbal 54766 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Berta Riba Host: 237 Marc Dillon Marc Addr: 27 Ulysses Road, West Hampstead, London, NW2 1ED Tel : 0207 435 1276 54756 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Marc Giro 54767 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Marc Riera Host: 1039 Frances Green Addr: 37 Westcroft Close, Westbere Road, London, NW2 2RR Tel : 0207 431 3259 54761 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Luis Maldonado 54763 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Francesc Morell Host: 546 John And Maria Kearney Addr: 60 St Gabriels Road, Willesden Green, London, NW2 4SA Tel : 0208 450 4742 54755 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Maria Fargas 54765 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Mireia Planas Host: 94 Emelda Kilkenny Addr: 63 St Gabriel's Road, London, NW2 4DT Tel : 0208 208 1349 54750 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Javier Camara 54754 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Harold Del Castillo Host: 789 Maura Monaghan


Addr: 163 Ellesmere Road, London, NW10 1LJ Tel : 0208 208 2656 55227 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Anna Baras Villar 55228 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Julia Van Der Voort Jo Host: 1120 Marisa Murad Addr: 52 Armitage Road, London, NW11 8RD Tel : 020 8731 7056 54748 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Jose Alavedra 54764 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Alexandre Oya Host: 533 Rita O'donnell Addr: 10 Prayle Grove, Cricklewood, London, NW2 1AT Tel : 0208 455 8581 54749 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Angelica Bartolozzi 54752 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Sonia Corchero Host: 984 Betty Tye Addr: 22 Helena Road, Willesden Green, London, NW10 1JA Tel : 079 849 31554 54757 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Alba Giro 54769 06/09/09 - 19/09/09 Anna Salva




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