
  • November 2019
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Soil Sampling (Matt. 13:1-13, 34-35) Parables From the Greek paraballo, “to cast beside”, a comparative story for the purpose of instruction. Dual Purpose: To conceal & reveal (Matt. 13:11-13, see also Matt. 11:25 & 1 Cor. 1:20-29) The meaning of the parable of the sower is revealed to the disciples in Matt. 13:18-23 The Parable of the Sower The Seed is the Word of God planted in the hearts of people (Luke 8:11) The Path/Hard Soil is the unresponsive hearer. (Matt. 13:4 & 19, Luke 8:5 & 12) Like hard packed, untilled soil, the heart of these people is hardened, totally indifferent to anything spiritual. The Word makes no penetration and no impact upon this kind of person. It is then quickly stolen away by Satan before it has a chance to grow in or influence the heart of the person. This type of person tends to be self sufficient, self satisfied, self serving and often self righteous The Rocky Soil is the superficial hearer. (Matt. 13:5-6, 20-21, Luke 8:6 & 13) Like soil on limestone bedrock, the initial response is quick, often emotional, but the commitment is shallow. They appear to receive the Word gladly. The change that takes place occurs only on the surface, not in the heart. When the trials of the Christian life hit and the true cost of discipleship is made known, this person quickly falls away, abandoning God’s Word. They have no firm root and they do not have the indwelling spiritual strength to stand. These people may come to church and hear the gospel week after week. They may seem warm and sociable. They may seem to respond positively to everything. They may join in activities of worship without any deliberation or reflection, because they would prefer not to have to examine things too deeply. They tend to associate with God’s people because they enjoy the warmth and security of Christian fellowship. They may be the type of people who fall in love at first sight. They may marry quickly, but at the first sight of the problems, they bail out. These people readily confess Christ, but when they lose their jobs or the doctor says they have a serious illness, or whatever else it is, it never occurs to them to go to God and fall at His feet. Such people don't understand repentance or the nature of sin. They want forgiveness and readily accept God’s grace, but they don't make a sincere effort to either understand or obey the will of God for their lives. They don't understand what it means to “deny yourself, take up the cross daily and follow Christ. They don’t seek answers by examining the Scriptures, but they quickly adopt “popular” opinions. To them, worship may be a form of entertainment. They may quickly embrace “spiritual” doctrines that promote wealth and “success”.

The Thorny Soil is the worldly hearer. (Matt. 13:7 & 22, see also Luke 8:7 & 14) In a large American city, a man was walking late at night. He wandered into a

construction site and fell into a large hole and was injured. He filed a lawsuit against the construction company. The attorney for the construction company argued that the site was well marked - there were plenty to signs saying "keep out", and "danger construction site". The man argued that the signs were insufficient because he was too drunk to read them. Like soil infested with thorns, the response to God’s Word is at first positive, but as concerns of the world creep in, they gradually choke out the life giving impact of the Word like a boa constrictor. Their hearts and minds are intoxicated/preoccupied with worldly concerns. This soil may at first look clean on the surface, but below ground lies a hidden agenda. These people come to church regularly, hear the gospel and receive it. The seed of the word sprouts in them and grows for a while, but the seeds of thorns also grow and become intertwined. These are the people whose hearts are divided. These are people who try to do the impossible. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters, both God and mammon, but they desperately try to do just that. Of course, as Jesus said you will end up loving and serving one and despising and hating the other. These are people who strive for money, power, pleasure, fame, the “golden rings” of this world. Their “riches” deceive (1 Tim. 6:9-10), distract (Luke 12:29-32, 14:18-20 & 24) and in time, reclaim (2 Tim. 4:10) and enslave them. The Wall Street Journal , reported that in the marriage of Disney and Capital City/ABC, billionaire. Warren Buffett made $2.25 billion. Far from finding contentment with this, Buffet remarked "If only I had more money, all my problems would be solved." The Good Soil is the receptive hearer (Matt. 13:7-8 & 23, Luke 8:8 & 15): Like good soil, the response is given and the word is allowed to take root and to grow in the person. These people hear the word, understand it and accept it, not just intellectually, but spiritually. Formerly worthless soil can be made fertile with care & diligence. Who tills/prepares the Good Soil? The Holy Spirit (Matt. 16:17, 1 Cor. 2:10-13) Perhaps, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, even we can play a part in this (see Acts 8:26-39, Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch) How can you recognize this type of person? By their yield! (Matt. 7:16-20, 13:8) He who has ears = He who has a desire to hear (Matt. 13:9, Rev. 2:29, see also John 10:7, James 1:22) Have, given more = diligently seek/apply gain more (Matt. 13:12) Have not, lose = apathetic (Matt. 13:12)

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