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INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY A performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an individual employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives. Other aspects of individual employees are considered as well, such as organizational citizenship behavior, accomplishments, potential for future improvement, strengths and weaknesses, etc. To collect PA data, there are three main methods: objective production, personnel, and judgmental evaluation. Judgmental evaluations are the most commonly used with a large variety of evaluation methods. A PA is typically conducted annually. The interview could function as “providing feedback to employees, counseling and developing employees, and conveying and discussing compensation, job status, or disciplinary decisions”. PA is often included in performance management systems. Performance management systems are employed “to manage and align" all of an organization's resources in order to achieve highest possible performance. “How performance is managed in an organization determines to a large extent the success or failure of the organization. Therefore, improving PA for everyone should be among the highest priorities of contemporary” organizations. Some applications of PA are performance improvement, promotions, termination, test validation, and more. While there are many potential benefits of PA, there are also some potential drawbacks. For example, PA can help facilitate management-employee communication; however, PA may result in legal issues if not executed appropriately as many employees tend to be unsatisfied with the PA process. PAs created in and determined as useful in the United States are not necessarily able to be transferable cross-culturally.

A major concern of every organization should be to contribute positively towards the achievement of its objective. Organizational effectiveness is often equated with managerial efficiency. A manager can ensure organizational effectiveness only by guaranteeing the full utilization of human resource available through individual employees under his guidance. Hence, it is always required for a manager to monitor and measure the performance of employees. Moreover, since the organization exists to achieve the goals, the PA of success that individual employees have in reaching this individual goal is 2

important in determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goal to come a critical part of human resource management. This leads to concept of performance appraisal. A performance appraisal system functions as definitions of performance.

Assessment can be used to: 

Provide a 'gap analysis' between personal perception and others' perceptions of individual and team performance.

Focus managers and staff on performance areas that need development.

Recognize and maintain areas of individual and team strength.

Approach performance issues in a non-confrontational, constructive manner (due to the confidentiality and anonymity of the process).

Develop performance improvement plans for individuals and teams.

Develop individual or team based training needs analysis programmers. Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior

of employees in the work spot, including both qualitative and quantitative aspects of job performance indicates how an individual is fulfilling the job demands and it is always in terms of results. Under performance appraisal not only the performance of an employee but also his potential for development is evaluated. “Performance Appraisal is a systematic description of an employee’s job relevant strengths and weaknesses”.

In performance appraisal or merit rating refers to all the formal procedures used in working organizations to evaluate the personalities and contributions and potential group members. In appraisal system the employee’s merits like initiatives, dependability, personality etc., are compared with others and ranked two rated. Appraisals might be based on the criteria of employee’s skills, educational Qualifications, knowledge, abilities to delegate plans, supervise; assume responsibility, exercise leadership, personal qualities, creativity, decision making and interpersonal skills.


An appraisal motivates an employee into increased effort aimed at enhancing the outcome of the assessment. It tells an employee what set of activities or what qualities are considered desirable by the organization. It is the systematic method of obtaining, analyzing & recording information about an employee that is needed: 

For effective management of business.

By the manager to help him improve the jobholders performance and plan his career.

By the jobholder to assist him to evaluate his own performance and develop himself. In performance planning and review, the Reporting Manager is

expected to set targets or tasks for the appraise in the beginning of the year. In the middle of the year, the appraise fills the self-appraisal form, indicating the extent which the target or task has been completed, the difficulties faced and the suggestions for improvement. At the end of the year, there is the annual review and targets/tasks set for the next year. Both in the mid-year review and annual review, the self-appraisal is supplemented by a performance review, discussion, the problems are discussed and the appraiser is given feedback on how he is doing. The appraisal system is an instrument for improving the work culture by convincing employees that their career growth is linked with the performance of the company.


NEED FOR THE STUDY: The need of the study of performance appraisal is to determine what aspects of performance are required to be evaluated. 

To identify those who are performing their assigned task well and those who are not and the reason for such performance.

To provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decisions regarded salary fixation, conformation, promotion, demotion and transfer are taken.

To provide feedback information about the level of achievements and behavior of an employee.

To provide information and counsel the employee.

To compare actual performance with the standards and in out deviations (positive and negative)

To create and maintain satisfactory level of performance.

To prevent grievance and in disciplinary activity.

To facilitate fair and equitable compensation.

To ensure organizational effectiveness.

It guarantees useful information about employees and the nature of their duties.

We can briefly say that performance appraisal systems are necessities to assess performance at regular intervals with consistency to study improvements, deviation and to take corrective actions to bride gaps and improve performance over a period of time.


OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The objective is to know how effective is the execution of appraisal system in HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD. Hyderabad.

The aim of most performance appraisal programming is to encourage the employees to set his own objective for the next time period following the review of his past performance. It enables the management to make effective decisions/ to modify earlier decisions based on the evaluation of the existing plans, information system, job analysis, and internal and external environment factors influencing employee performance. The objectives is to identify the common goals of the organization, define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms results expected of him, review the individual performance progress in a job and his potential for future improvement. It aims at providing data to managers with whom they may judge future job assignments and compensation.

To establish an objective basis from the different levels of performance and to identify executives with potential to grow in the organization.

To counsel the employees appropriately regarding their strengths and weaknesses and asses in developing them to realize they are full potential in line with the company’s objectives and goals. Always emphasize that the role of a manager is to offer constructive support and not condemn. Give the employees many opportunities to ask guidance to air grievances and discuss anxieties


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The research methodology is a systematic way to solve the problem and it is an important component of the study without which researcher may not be able to obtain the facts and figures from the employees.

SOURCE OF DATA: The study is based on primary as well as secondary data collected from different sources: A). Primary Data: The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires, which consists of twenty questions each. The questionnaires are chosen because of its simplicity and liability. Researcher can expect straight answers to the questions. The respondents are informed about the significant of the study and requested to give their fair opinions.

B). Secondary Data: Secondary data is collected through the documents provided by the personnel department of HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD. (Formerly HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD. The documents include personnel manuals, books, reports, journal, etc.

SAMPLING PROCESS: A). Sample Unit: The executives and employed at HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD. Hyderabad constitute ‘universe’ of the present study. A part of it is taken as sample unit for the resent study. It includes JGMS, AGMS, manager and other employees of HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD. Hyderabad. B). Sample Size: The sample size consists of 100 respondents employed in HIGH NOON CONSULTING PVT LTD, Hyderabad. Of these 30 are executives, 20 are senior executives and the remaining 50 are employees. 7

Statistical tools used

Percentage method:

Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more series of data. This is used to describe relationship. Percentage of respondents =

No of respondents x 100 Total respondents

The method of study followed in this project (in brief):

Sample size

: 100

Data collection method : Primary and Secondary. Duration of study Analysis

: 45 days. : Through percentage method.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY: In the present study an attempt has been made to know the actual implementation of performance appraisal techniques in general and some other aspects such as awareness of the workers, effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in particular. Human resource projections are valid on appraisals. By improving job skills, the employees have lot of scope for development and prepare themselves for higher responsibilities. A thorough analysis of the performance appraisal system will help the management to know the short comings, if any. It also help the company in knowing whether the performance appraisal techniques are used to full extent or not, there by the researcher can understand the effective implement of the performance appraisal system.


LIMITATIONS:  Due to time constraints the study was limited only for 45days.

 Random sampling method has been adopted and all limitations applicable to that method are applicable here also.

 The authenticity of information provided by the New Entrant Manager cannot be assured.

 Analysis of the data has been done based on the assumptions that the information provided by the respondents is genuine.

 The sample size is small when compared to total universe, Hence the capability of study to the whole universe is constraint.




PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he is then appraised for his performance.

Performance appraisal is the step where the

management finds out how effective it has been hiring and placing employees. If any problems are identified, steps are taken to communicate with the employee and remedy them. Performance appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest and most universal practices of management. Performance appraisal often provides the rational foundation for the payment of piecework wages, bonus etc. the estimates of the relative contributions of employees help to determine the rewards and privileges rationally.

Performance appraisal serves as means for evaluating the effectiveness of devices used for the selection and classification of workers. Performance appraisal has been considered as a most significant and indispensable tool for an organization, for the information it provides is highly useful in making decisions regarding various personal aspects such as promotions and increases. According to Ronald Benjamin, “performance appraisal determines who shall receive merit increases, counsel’s employee’s ob their improvement determines training needs, determines promotability, identifies those who should be transferred”. performance appraisal appraisal has four integral components:

1. Self appraisal 2. Superior’s appraisal 3. Subordinate’s appraisal 4. Peer appraisal.

Self appraisal gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her strengths and weaknesses, his achievements, and judge his own performance. Superior’s appraisal forms the traditional part 11

of the performance appraisal performance appraisal where the employees’ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior. Subordinates appraisal gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like communication and motivating abilities, superior’s ability to delegate the work, leadership qualities etc. Also known as internal customers, the correct feedback given by peers can help to find employees’ abilities to work in a team, co-operation and sensitivity towards others.

Self assessment is an indispensable part of performance appraisal appraisals and therefore performance appraisal Performance appraisal have high employee involvement and also have the strongest impact on behavior and performance. It provides a "360-degree review" of the employees’ performance and is considered to be one of the most credible performance appraisal methods.

performance appraisal performance appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool because when conducted at regular intervals (say yearly) it helps to keep a track of the changes others’ perceptions about the employees. A performance appraisal appraisal is generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and managing styles. This technique is being effectively used across the globe for performance appraisals. Some of the organizations following it are Wipro, Infosys, and Reliance Industries etc. 12

Once a Year Overview Self Appraisal

Performance appraisal feedback

Performance Review - Preparation

Performance Consulting: Moving

Performance Review - The Meeting

Beyond Training

How to Complete a Performance

Writing performance appraisal

Appraisal Form

Performance Appraisal Training

Analysis for Improving Performance

How to Measure Employee

Active performance appraisal



FAQ about Performance Appraisal

The basic concept in 360 Performance Appraisal makes obvious sense -- soliciting performance feedback not only from our supervisor but also from our customers, employees, peers and all whom we interrelate with in the course of doing our job. We all should do this as a matter of course to ensure that we're living up to the expectations others have of us (the psychological contract) and to see that we are playing the right role in the minds of our associates. There is much to be learned from the opinions of those we serve and work with. This "full circle" of feedback results in the 360 (degree) name. But I have concerns about the 360 feedback concept in the context of a performance appraisal. Many people have jumped on this bandwagon without sufficient consideration. In no particular order my concerns are: [1] Performance "appraisal" is better called performance "review" since it is the closing stage of a performance management process which begins with the clarification of performance direction and expectations. A Performance Review is a review or comparison of actual performance during the review period, with the past direction, and an opportunity to set future direction (reviews are also used for formal documentation and for use in employee development, promotion and compensation decisions). A Performance Review is never the occasion for the employee to discover how well he's performed or to find out what was 13

expected of him during the review period. The employee should be aware of that (his individual performance related to the performance expectations) continually throughout the review period. A Performance Review is principally between the employee and whomever the employee is responsible and accountable to. Realistically, in most organizations this is the "boss." At the review it would be insightful, and for some jobs essential, to review how the employee met client and/or peer expectations. But, the degree to which an employee meets client, supplier, peer or subordinate expectations is not what an employee comes to a Performance Review to discover. It's too late to learn that information at the end of the review period. That feedback should be solicited continually by the employee throughout the review period, and then the results of this feedback activity reviewed at Performance Review time. If knowing how others perceive you is important for the performance of your job, then measuring that and taking appropriate action on that feedback should be part of your job and included in your job's performance requirements. It seems irresponsible to abdicate that to a third party, like an HR department or a survey company to do for you. Do effective salespeople rely on someone else to tell them, at year's end, whether their customers were pleased with the service? And if relationships are so horrid that management can't get honest feedback directly from its employees, then the real problem won't be solved by implementing a 360 Appraisal process. [2] A common approach to 360 Appraisal is to administer confidential surveys, especially so people can rate their peers and supervisor. Anonymity is ensured and employees can comment in confidence about the performance of another employee or the boss. Aggregate data is then given to the employee in question and used as input to the appraisal and eventual rating of that employee. Notwithstanding the substantial research evidence warning of the dangers associated with peer evaluations and their low validity, my basic concern about this process can be summed up with these questions. Do you really want to have a company with a culture that promotes the use of secret reports to assess and judge its employees? How can your organization pretend to be open, honest and forthright when it uses secrecy and anonymity to measure the value of employees? Is this the way you want your business to run? 14

I have met many employees who resent being asked to judge their peers anonymously, wondering all the while, who is writing things about them, and is it any of their business. Supervisors are also frustrated not knowing the actual source of employee concerns so that they can attend to the problem effectively. When we set up a system which assumes it must protect against deceit and retribution, it can become self fulfilling. And as with suggestion boxes, the anonymous survey unfortunately symbolizes that not only do employees take a risk if they raise problems or concerns directly with the supervisor; but also that it's not the supervisor's job to solicit such information. Essentially, any employee feedback process which requires secrecy risks damaging healthy working relationships, especially between employees and their supervisors [3] The most common rationale used to justify the use of the 360 Appraisal process is that everyone else is doing it! There isn't much research showing the usefulness and validity of the concept as part of performance appraisal. Sales literature from many 360 Appraisal vendors essentially promotes the idea as the thing to do. I would hope potential users of the concept do a little deeper analysis, especially since for many, the process becomes an administrative nightmare and an unnecessary expense. [4] If you really want your employees to get performance feedback from the circle of people they work with, including their customers, peers and subordinates, try the following simple process: (a) make "soliciting performance feedback from significant others" a part of all employee jobs and therefore a performance requirement; (b) determine what sort of feedback is required, and if possible develop tools to capture this information; (c) teach employees how to use the tools (or questions) to get feedback from their subordinates, customers, peers, etc.; (d) teach employees how to give performance feedback to their supervisors, peers or suppliers, etc.


(e) teach employees how to make use of the feedback they receive, and, for example how to follow-up on their subordinates and customer concerns; (f) require employees to regularly review (perhaps monthly) the results of getting feedback from others, with their own supervisor, so that the process becomes a priority and so that employees are held accountable for doing so. Many organizations that go out shopping for performance appraisals, 360 or other versions, have already taken a step in the wrong direction. They typically have forgotten to diagnose their real needs. If your business has a desire for the 360 Appraisal process make sure you ask yourself "Why?" What is your organization's or management's real need? Don't do it because everyone else seems to be doing it. Make sure the process and philosophy are appropriate to your organization and its values

METHODS,TECHNIQUES FOR APPRAISING PERFORMANCE Several methods and techniques of appraisal are available for measuring the performance of an employee. They are: 1. Straight rank method 2. Man to man comparison method 3. Grading 16

4. Graphic rating method 5. Forced choice description method 6. Forced distribution method 7. Checklists 8. Free from easy method 9. Critical incidents 10. Group appraisal 11. Field review method

Modern Methods: 1.Assessment center 2.Appraisal by results or management by objectives 3.Human asset accounting method 4.Behaviorally anchored rating sales

TRADITIONAL METHODS 1. Straight Rank Method: It is the oldest & simplest method of performance appraisal, by which the man and his performance are considered as an entity by the rater. Then ranking of a man in work group is done against may also do that of another member of a competitive group by placing him as one or two or three in total group, i.e. persons are tested in order of merit and place in a simple grouping. 2. Man –To-man Comparison Method: The USA army during the FIRST WORLD WAR used this technique. By this method, certain factors are selected for the purpose of analysis and a scale is designed by the rater for each factor. A scale of man is also created for each selected factor. The each man to be rated is compared with in the scale, and certain scores for each factor are awarded to him. This method is used in job evaluation, and is known as the factor comparison method.

3. Grading Method:


Under this system, the rater considers certain features and marks them accordingly to a scale. The selected features may be analytical ability, cooperativeness, dependability, self-expression, job knowledge, judgment, leadership and organizing ability, etc. they may be A – Outstanding, B – Very good, C – Good or average, D – Fair, E – Poor, -B (or B-) very poor or hopeless. The actual performance of an employee is then compared with these grade definitions; such type of grading is done in semester examinations and also in the selection of candidates by the public service commissions.

4. Graphic or Linear Rating scale: This is most commonly used method of performance appraisal. Under it, a printed forms one of each person to be rated. According to juices, these factors are employee characteristics ad employee contribution. In employee characteristics are included such qualities and initiative, leadership, cooperativeness, dependability, industry, attitude, enthusiasm, loyalty, creative ability, decisiveness, analytical ability, emotional ability and co-ordination. In the employee contribution are quantity and quality of work, the responsibility assumed specific goals achieved regularity of attendance, leadership offered, attitude towards supervisors and associates, versatility etc. The rating scale method is easy to understand and easy to use, and permits a statistical tabulation of scores. A ready comparison of scores among the employees is possible.


Forced Choice Description Method: This method was evolved after great deal of research

conducted for military services during World War II. It attempts to correct a rater’s tendency to give consistently high or consistently low ratings to all employees. The use of this method calls for objective reporting and minimum subjective judgment. Under this 18

method the rating

elements are several sets of pair phrases or adjectives (usually sets of

four phrases two of which are positive, two negative) relating to job proficiency Or personal qualifications. The rater is asked to indicate which of the four phrases is most and least descriptive of the employee. 6. Forced Description Method: Joseph Tiffin evolved this method after statistical work. This system is used to eliminate or minimize rater’s bias, so that all personnel may not

be placed at the higher end or at the lower end of the scale. It requires the rater to appraise an employee according to a predetermined distribution scale. Under this system, it is assumed that it is possible and desirable to rate only to factors, viz., job performance and promotability. For this purpose, a five point performance scale is used without any descriptive statement. Employees are placed between the two extremes of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ job performance.

7. Check List: Under this method, the rater does not evaluate employee performance; he supplies report about it and the personnel department does the final rating. A series of questions are presented concerning an employee to his behaviour. The rater, the checks to indicate if the answer to a question about an employee is positive or negative. An example of check list is given below:

1. Is the employee really interested in his job? Yes/No 2. Is regular on his job?


3. Does he follow instructions properly?


4. Is he always wiling to help other employees? Yes/No 5. Does he ever make mistakes?


8. Free Easy Method: Under this method, the supervisor makes a free from, openended appraisal of an employee in his own words and puts down his impressions about the employee. He takes not of these factors. a. General Organization and planning ability. 19

b.Job knowledge and potential. c. Employee characteristics and attitudes. d.Understanding and application of company policies and procedures. e. Production, quality and cost control. f. Physical conditions. g.Development needs for future. 9. Critical Incident Method: The essence of this system is that I attempts to measure workers performance of certain ‘events’ or ‘episodes’ that occur in the performance of the rate’s job. The supervisor keeps a written record of the events that can easily be recalled and used in the course of periodical of formal appraisal. Feedback is provided about the incidents during performance review session. Various behaviors are recorded under such categories as the type of job, requirements for employees, judgment, learning ability, productivity and precision in work, responsibility and initiative.

10. Group Appraisal Method: Under this method, an appraisal group rates employees, Consisting of their supervisor and three or four other supervisors who have knowledge of their performance. The supervisor explains to the group the nature of his subordinates duties. The group then discusses the standards of performance for that job, the actual performance of the job holder, and the causes of their particular level of performance, and offers suggestions for future improvement, if any.

11.Field Review Method: Under this method, trainer employees from the personnel department interview line supervisors to evaluate their respective subordinates. The appraiser is fully equipped with definite test questions, usually memorized in advance, which he puts to the supervisors. The supervisor is required to give his opinion about the progress of his subordinates, the level of the performance of each subordinate, his weakness, good points, outstanding ability, and promotability, and the possible plans of action in cases requiring further consideration.


MODERN METHOD OF APPRAISAL: 1) Appraisal by Results Management by Objectives(MBO): Peter ducker has evolved this method. MBO is potentially a powerful philosophy of managing and an effective way for operationlising the evaluation process. It seeks to minimize external controls and maximize internal motivation through joint goal setting between the managers and subordinate and increasing the subordinate’s own control of the work. It strongly reinforces the importance of allowing the subordinate to participate actively in the decisions that affect him directly. Management by objectives can be described as a process where by the supervisor and subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contributions of each of its members.

Objectives of MBO: MBO has an objective in itself. The objective is to change behaviour and attitudes towards the affecting getting the job done. In other words, it is result oriented; it is performance that counts. It is a management system and philosophy that stresses goals rather has methods. It provides responsibility and accountability and recognizes that employees have needs for achievement and self-fulfillment. It meets These needs by providing opportunities for participation goals setting process. Sub ordinates become involved in planning their own careers.

MBO Process: This method emphasizes the value of the present and the future instead of that of the past, and focuses attention on the results that are accomplished and not on personal traits or operational methodology. An employee is not judged in terms of operational methodology, or in terms of initiative, cooperativeness, attitude, emotional stability, or any other human quality, but on the basis of the achievement of the targets that have been set. This method is largely applied to technical, professional, supervisory or execute personnel and not to the hourly paid workers because their jobs are usually too restricted.


Under MBO programme, an employee and his supervisory meet and together define, establish and set certain goals or objectives which the employee would attempt to achieve within the period of, prescribed time. It consists of five basic steps: 

Set organizational goals i.e., establishment of an organization wide strategy and goals.

Joint goals setting i.e., establishment of short term performance targets between the management and the subordinate in a conference between them.

Performance review i.e., frequent performance review meetings between the manager and the subordinate.

Set check points i.e., establishment of major check points to measure progress.

Feed back.

1) Benefits of MBO Programme: The benefits of MBO programme are: 

MBO helps and increases employee motivation because it reveals overall goals to the individual goals and help to increase an employees understanding of where the organization is and where it is heading.

MBO reduces role conflict and ambiguity. Role conflict exists when a person is faced with conflicting demands from two or more. Supervisors and role ambiguity exists when a person is uncertain as how he will be evaluated, or what he has to achieve. Since MBO aims at providing clear targets and their order of priority, it reduces both these situations.

MBO identifies problems better and early. Frequent performance review sessions make this possible.

MBO forces and aids in planning. By forcing top management to establish a strategy and goals for the entire organization and by requiring other managers to set their targets and plan how to reach them.

MBO helps he individual manager to develop personal leadership especially the skills of listening, planning, counseling, motivating and evaluating.

2) Assessment Center Method: Under this method, many evaluations join together to judge employee performance in several situations with the use of a variety of criteria. The purpose 22

of this method was end is to test the candidates in a social situation using a number of assessors and a variety of procedures. The most important feature of this is job related simulations.

3). Human Asset Accounting Method: This method refers to activity devoted to attaching money estimates to the value of a firm’s internal human organization and its external customer goodwill. If able, well trained personnel leave a firm, the human organization is worthless if they join it, its human assets are increased. If distrust and conflict prevail, the human enterprise devalued. If team work and high moral prevail, the human organization is a very valuable asset.

4) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales(BARS): This is a new technique for appraisals. It provides better, more equitable appraisals as compared to other techniques. Though bars technique is more time consuming and expensive than other appraisal tools. Since bars is done by person’s expert in the technique, the results are sufficiently accurate. It has got certain advantages: 

More accurate

It clearly clarifies what we extremely good performance, average performance & so forth.

More useful in providing feedback to the people being appraised.

Helps in making dimensions more independent if one another.

The technique is not biased by the experience and evaluation of the rater.




ABOUT US Adept in Functional Business Needs and Technical Design. HIGH NOON CORP. is a leading provider in professional technology consulting and software development services. We provide high quality and cost effective strategic solutions to our clients. We offer a wide range of services in the areas of analysis, design, development and maintenance of various information systems. We excel in providing solutions to the clients through dedicated and knowledgeable professionals with proven industry experience. We are committed to building long term relationships with our clients through quality service and concrete results, so that our clients are able to achieve greater excellence. Total customer focus, commitment to quality, and multi-technology expertise are our key focus to satisfy our customers. Superior project management skills, extensive experience in managing multi-location development combined with continuous process improvement efforts, are the traits of our delivery methodology. HIGH NOON CORP. started its operations in the year 2005, with its focus on becoming a complete Custom Software Solutions provider for growth oriented businesses world over. With its global head quarters in Hyderabad – India and Sales & Support offices in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. High Noon Consulting Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 20 October 2015. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Hyderabad. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100,000. It is inolved in Business activities n.e.c.

High Noon Consulting Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 29 September 2018 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate 25

Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2018.

Directors of High Noon Consulting Private Limited are Sitwat Rauf and Syed Samiuddin Quadri.

High Noon Consulting Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U74900TG2015PTC101296 and its registration number is 101296.Its Email address is [email protected] and its registered address is 81-21/A/2, 2nd floor, Sana Chambers Complex Surya Nagar, Tolichowki Main Road HYDERABAD Hyderabad TG 500008 IN , - , .

Current status of High Noon Consulting Private Limited is - Active. SAP ERP Business Transformation Made Simple with SAP’s Enterprise Resource Planning Software Improve alignment of your strategies and operations. Enhance productivity and insight for your enterprise. That’s the power you get with enterprise resource planning (ERP) software from SAP – the power to adapt quickly to changing industry requirements SAP ERP addresses the core business software requirements of the most demanding midsize and large organizations – in all industries and sectors. . SAP ERP includes four individual solutions that support key areas of enterprise resource planning: 

SAP ERP Human Capital Management – Transform the role and value of HCM.

SAP ERP Financials – Turn finance into a strategic business partner.

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SAP ERP Corporate Services – Streamline business processes and costs. 26

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS STUDY Our consultants indulge in intense interactions with the core user community of the client to determine the finest points of the systems requirements. Thereby ensuring a high degree of perfection in recording the systems requirements. The result is delivery of a successful implementation of the product with least customization without budget and cost over-runs. IMPLEMENTATION Our ERP/SAP practice provides rapid, high-quality, cost-effective SAP implementation assistance, as well as support for on-going operations. Our unique combination of people, processes, and products (i.e., knowledge assets and tools) ensures you get the most from your SAP investment. Our philosophy is to implement the basic system quickly, so our clients can immediately begin using the system for hands-on configuration, prototyping, and training. This approach minimizes the risks associated with ERP, reduces the implementation time-frames, and accelerates the realization of benefits. SAP Offerings: SAP Functional Consulting 

Work on client pain points and recommend best possible solution

As-Is process study and Business Process Re-engineering services

Suggest technical landscape and system landscape for automating business processes

Determine project scope and size SAP Implementation

End- to- End SAP implementation across modules 27

Change Management

End-user Training and documentation

Roll-out across the enterprise Upgrade and Consolidation

Module upgrade and enhancement

Upgrade planning as well as consolidation assessment Extension and Integration

Integration of SAP product with legacy system Post-implementation Support Services

Post-implementation maintenance and support service

Offshore support service using help-desk Post-implementation Support Services

Business Intelligence (BI)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)

Enterprise Portal (EP)

Advanced Planner and Optimiser (APO)

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Special Service Offerings on NetWeaver

Design and Development following Enterprise Services Architecture (ESA)

Application Integration between SAP & non-SAP applications utilizing NetWeaver Exchange-Infrastructure (XI)

Customized Solution using different NetWeaver component tools 28



1. AGE Table 4.1 Sr. No.


No. of Respondents



25-35 years




36-45 yeras




46-55 years




56 above






CHART-4.1 60 50 40 30



No. of Respondents

10 0 25-35 years

36-45 yeras

46-55 years




56 above

Total 4

Interpretation  About 20% of employees comes under 25-35 years of age group, Where as 35% comes under 36-45 years of category, 30% under 46-55 years category,& 15% comes under 56 & above.


2, GENDER Table 4.2 Sr. No.


No. of Respondents












50% Base 100 respondents


60 50 40 Percentage


No. of Respondents

20 10 0 Male



Total 2

Interpretation From the table and graph above it can be seen that  30% respondent’s are married.  20% respondent’s are unmarried.



Table 4.3 Sr. No.


No. of Respondents


















100% 100% 100% 99% 99%



No. of Respondents

99% 99% 98% UG





Total 3

Interpretation  In this 35% of employees are non- metric, 35% have done only metric, where as 25% are intermediate  e, and only 15 % are graduate ..




TABLE 4.4 No. of Respondents

















CHART-4.4 100% 100% 100% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98%








No. of Respondents


Interpretation 30% of employees are operator, where as only 10% are auto electrician, 25% are over man and supervisor and 35% includes explosive carrier, general majdoor, and greaser helper.





No. of Respondents



0-5 years




6-10 years




11-15 years




>15 years







Interpretation: From the graph shows that 5% of respondents says that they have an 0-5 years Experience in that organisation, 10%of respondents says that they have an6-10 Years of experience in the organisation,15% of respondents says that they have an 11-15 years experience in their organisation.20%.15 years above.


Data analysis has been done by arranging the data in a simple table form and percentages are calculated. The quantitative data has been represented by drawing out the charts where ever necessary.

1. Do you think performance appraisal is needed in a company? (a ) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 100 0 100

Percentage 100 0 100

% of respondents 120 100 80 Percentage

60 100 40 20 0 1 yes

0 2 no

Interpretation: To above question, almost 100% of the employees thought that the performance appraisal is needed in a company.


2. Performance appraisal rating is used to (a) Identify areas of improvement (b) Identifying quality for unit of work (c) Set performance target (d) All the above

s.no 1 2 3 4

Options Identify areas of improvement

No. of Responses




48 10 10 100

48 10 10 100

Identify areas of training & development Set performance target All the above Total


4 10%

1 32%

3 10%

2 48%

Interpretation: About the useful of Performance appraisal system, 32% have said that appraisal system helped them to identify areas of improvement, to 48% it helped in identifying training & development needs, to 10% it helped in setting performance targets and to 10% it was helpful in all the above areas. By this we can say that P.A is helpful in one way or the other for the employees.


3. In your experience the outstanding Performance of an employee is due to: (a) Actual Performance

(b) Qualification

(c) Experience

(d) All the above

s.no 1 2 3 4

Options Actual Performance Qualification Experience All the above total

No. of Responses 28 0 52 20 100

Percentage 28 0 52 20 100


4 20%

1 28%

2 0%

3 52%

Interpretation: Above 28% of the employees responded that the outstanding Performance appraisal is due to Actual Performance, 52% of the employees is due to Experience and 20% of the employees is due to all the above.


4. Do you think that a good workman gets motivated with frequent Performance Appraisal? Is conducted? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 84 16 100

Percentage 84 16 100

% of respondents

16% NO

84% YES


A majority of 84% of the employees said that a good workman gets motivated with frequent Performance Appraisal and 16% of the employees are not satisfied with above.


5. What are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an individual? (a) Interpersonal effectiveness

(b) Team building skills

(c) Self motivate skills

(d) leadership



No. of Responses



Interpersonal effectiveness



2 3 4

Teambuilding skills Self motivate skills Leadership Total

24 44 8 100

24 44 8 100

% of respondents








20 0






Interpretation: About 20% of employees considered interpersonal effectiveness while appraising an individual, 24% of employees considered Teambuilding skills, 22% of employees considered self motivate skills and 8% of employees considered Leadership. By this we can say that these are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an individual.


6. In your opinion an employee should be: (a) Effective

s.no 1 2 3

(b) Moderate

Options Effective Moderate Both A & B Total

(c) Both A & B

No. of Responses 80 0 20 100

Percentage 80 0 20 100

% of respondents 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



20 1 effective

0 2



both A&B

Interpretation: About 80% of the employees opinion is that the employee should be effective and rest 20% of the employees opinion is that the employee should be effective and moderate.


7. Which method you are using for evaluating Performance? (a) performance appraisal appraisal (d) BARS

s.no 1 2 3 4 5

(b) MBO

(c) Assessment centre

(e) Any other

Options performance appraisal appraisal

No. of Responses




Mgmt By Objects Assessment centre BARS Any other Total

24 8 12 8 100

24 8 12 8 100

% of respondents

4 12% 3 8%

5 8% 1 48%

2 24%

Interpretation: About 48% of the employees using performance appraisal appraisal method for evaluating Performance, 24% of the employees using Mgmt By Objects, 8% of the employees using Assessment centre, 12% of the employees using BARS, 8% of the employees using other method.


8. Is Appraisal process expensive and time consuming? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO

Options YES NO Total

No. of Responses 64 36 100

Percentage 64 36 100

% of respondents

No 36% yes 64%

Interpretation: About 64% of the respondents said that the performance appraisal is expensive and time consuming. And 36% of the respondents said that the Performance appraisal is not expensive and time consuming.


9. Do you agree with the assessment of your reviewing/reporting officers? (a) Agree


(b) Disagree


No. of Responses







Disagree Total

8 100

8 100

% of respondents

Disagree 8%

Agree 92%

Interpretation: Majority of 92% of the employees responded that reporting officer was good at grading the performance. Nearly 8% were disagreeing his duties as per the guidelines laid down.


10. Do you want any change in frequent between the appraisals? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO

Options YES NO Total

No. of Responses 72 28 100

Percentage 72 28 100

% of respondents

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

72 Percentage 28

1 yes

2 no


About 72% of the employees want to change in frequent between the appraisals. And 28% of the employees don’t want to change between the appraisals.


11. Have you been able to express all difficulties & problems which you have been facing Regarding your job & achievement of your performance area? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO

Options YES NO Total

No. of Responses 100 0 100

Percentage 100 0 100

% of respondents 120 100 80 60

Percentage 100

40 20 0 1 yes

0 2 no


About 100% of the employees are able to express all difficulties & problems which they have been facing regarding their job.


12. Frequency at which merit rating/Performance appraisal is conducted? (a) 1year

s.no 1 2 3 4

(b) 2years


(c) half yearly

No. of Responses 36 0 52 12 100

(d) Quarterly

Percentage 36 0 52 12 100

% of respondents

4 12%

1 36%

1 2 3

2 0%

3 52%


Interpretation: About 36% of the employees conducted merit rating/performance appraisal at the frequency 1year, 52% of the employees conducted at half yearly,12% of the employees conducted at quarterly.


13. Are you satisfied with present Performance appraisal system? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 64 36 100

Percentage 64 36 100

% of respondents

2 36% 1 1 64%



About 64% of the employees were satisfied with present Performance appraisal system. Rest 36% of the employees was not satisfied with present system.


14. The appraisal is an opportunity for self review & reflection? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 80 20 100

Percentage 80 20 100

% of respondents

No 2



yes 1








Interpretation: About 80% of the respondents have agreed that its an opportunity to review themselves. About 20% of them said that it does not help them in reviewing themselves.


15. Do you think the reward system is fair and adequate? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 72 28 100

Percentage 72 28 100

% of respondents 72

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


1 yes


2 no


About 72% said that the reward system is fair and adequate and 28% responded that it is not fair.


16. Do you have a good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 96 4 100

Percentage 96 4 100

% of respondents

No 4%

1 2 96% yes


A Majority 96% of the respondents have the good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal. Rest 4% of the respondents is not having a good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal.


17. Do you feel Performance appraisal promote you? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO


No. of Responses 76 24 100

Percentage 76 24 100

% of respondents 80 70 60 50 40



30 20 24

10 0 1





About 76% of the respondents feel that the Performance appraisal can promote the employee. Remaining 24% of the respondents are not agreed with the above sentence.


18. In your opinion PIDS is necessary? (a) YES

s.no 1 2


(b) NO

No. of Responses 96 4 100

Percentage 96 4 100

% of respondents

4% No



Interpretation: Majority of 96% of the respondents opinion is that the PIDS is necessary. About 4% of the respondents opinion is that PIDS is not necessary


19. By which way you are consistent for Performance appraisal in organization? (a) Individual

s.no 1 2 3

(b) Group

Options Individual Group Both A & B Total

(c) Both A & B

No. of Responses 8 56 36 100

Percentage 8 56 36 100

% of respondents 60 50 40 30





10 8


1 Individual

2 Group

3 both A&B


About 8% of the respondents were consistent as a Individual for Performance appraisal, about 56% of the respondents were consistent as a group for Performing appraisal and 36% of the respondents were consistent as both individual and group for Performance appraisal.


20. Is Balance Score Card helps in improving the Performance? (a) YES

s.no 1 2

(b) NO

Options YES NO Total

No. of Responses 88 12 100

Percentage 88 12 100

% of respondents No 12%

yes 88%


About 88% of the respondents agrees that the Balance Score Card helps in improving the Performance. About 12% of the respondents disagrees that the BSC helps in improving the Performance.




FINDING 1. It is revealed that the executive are getting feedback on their performance though which they can review their performance. Sort on the problems and can overcome the difficulties. 2. The management has a clear understanding about the problem that the workers are the best with moreover, they are eager to solve the problems of the workers as and when they arise. 3. The management was giving requisite training to workers in the areas where they are weak. 4. Workers awareness about the fact that the appraisal is one of the factors for promotion was cent percent. 5. Performance appraisal system is considered as a means that aim at identifying the areas of improvement, identifying areas of training and development setting performance target for future. 6. The management desire having cordial relations with the work to hold mutual discussions. 7. The performance appraisal system it exists as it exists now is properly worked out and appropriately evolved. This revealed from the opinion given by the majority of the employees.


SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings of the study and personal discussions held with various executives

and employees




LIMITED(HIGH NOON)., Hyderabad possible suggestions and recommendations are given: 

It is recommended that employees should be immediately communicated.

The result of the appraisal particularly when they are negative.

It is recommended that the supervisor should try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an employee and advise him on correcting the weakness.

It is commended to counsel the employees appropriately regarding their strength and weaknesses and assist in developing them to realize their full potential in line with the company’s goals.

The top management is very much committed in implementing the performance appraisal system as it is. The performance appraisal system is consider as an essential tool for bridging gap between the top management and the executives it thus helps them to develop cordial relations and mutual understanding.

It is recommended that the employees should be communicated information about his performance, again his acceptance of it and draw up a plan for future improvement, if necessary.

It is recommended that the rater must be thoroughly well versed in the philosophy and of the rating system. Factor sales must be thoroughly defined, analyzed and discussed. To conclude, it is imperative to immunize of the problems or hindrances to

strengthen the system.


CONCLUSIONS  Because of lack of communication, employees may not know how they are rated. The standards by which employees think they are being judged are sometimes different from those their superiors actually use.  Proper communication of these ratings can help the employers achieve the level of acceptability and commitment which is required from the employ.  From the survey we can also derive that the appraisee’s expect a post appraisal interview to be conducted wherein they are given a proper feedback on their performance and they can also put forward their complaints if any.  The appraisal should also be followed up with a session of counseling which is often neglected in many organizations.  Counseling involves helping an employee to identify his strengths and weaknesses to contribute to his growth and development.  Purpose is to help an employee improve his performance level, maintain his morale, guide him to identify and develop his strong points, overcome his weak points, develop new capabilities to handle more responsibilities, identify his training needs.




2. Age: a) b) c) d)

25-35( ) 36-45( ) 46-55 ( ) Above 56 ( )

3. Gender: a) Female ( ) b) Male( ) 4. Qualification a) Ug( ) b) Pg ( ) c) Others( ) 5. Designation: Executive a) Supervisor( ) b) Manager ( ) 6. Years of experience a) 0-5 years ( ) b) 6-10 years (


c) 11-15 years ( ) d) 15 years ( ) 1. Do you think Performance appraisal is needed in a Company? (a) YES

(b) NO


2. Performance appraisal rating is used to (a)

Identify areas of improvement


Identify areas of training and development


Set performance target


All the above

3. In your experience the outstanding Performance of an employee is due to : (a) Actual Performance (c) Experience

(b) Qualification (d) All the above

4. Do you think that a good workmen gets motivated with frequent Performance appraisal is conducted? (a) YES

(b) NO

5. What are the factors taken into consideration while appraising an individual? (a) Interpersonal effectiveness (b) Teambuilding skills (c) Self motivate skills

(d) Leadership

6. In your opinion an employee should be: (a) Effective

(b) Ineffective

(c) Both A & B

7. Which method you are using for evaluating Performance? (a) performance appraisal appraisal

(b) MBO (c) Assessment centre

(d) BARS (e) Any other

8. Is it expensive and time consuming? (a) YES

(b) NO

9. Do you agree with the assessment of your reviewing/reporting officers? (a) Agree

(b) Disagree

10. Do you want any change frequency between the appraisals? (a) YES

(b) NO


11. Have you been able to express all difficulties & problems which you have been Facing regarding your job & achievement of your performance area ? (a) YES

(b) NO

12. Frequency at which Performance appraisal is conducted (a) 1year

(b) 2years

(c) half yearly (d) Quarterly

13. Are you satisfied with present Performance appraisal system? (a)


(b) NO

14. The appraisal is an opportunity for self review & reflection (a) YES

(b) NO

15. Do you think the reward system is fair and adequate? (a)


(b) NO

16. Do you have a good relationship with appraiser after Performance appraisal? (a)


(b) NO

17. DO you feel Performance appraisal promote you? (a)


(b) NO

18. In your opinion PIDS(Project Initiation Document) is necessary? (a)


(b) NO

19. By which way you are consistent for Performance appraisal in (a) Individual

(b) Group (c) Both A & B

20. Is Balance score card (BSC) helps in improving the performance? (a) YES

(b) NO









Personnel/Human resource Management.




Human Resource Management




Appraising Performance


Human Resource Management.





WEBSITES: www.highnoon.com WWW.hrindia.com www.heroindia.com www.autolindia.com www.hrcouncil.org


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