Ferline C. Chua 2009 Fourth Year/ Bs-is Isprac

  • May 2020
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Ferline C. Chua 2009 Fourth Year/ BS-IS ISPRAC

August 15,

Reaction Paper 1. Describe your role in your OJT comany. What were your responsibilities? How did you feel about doing that kind of work? The company where I have taken up my IS-PRAC subject is in San Miguel Information Technology Systems. I am assigned in Network Services Group which is more about managing projects of San Miguel subsidiaries or properties owned by San Miguel itself. At first, I thought that my role would be doing some technical stuff like maintenance and cabling, but after thorough orientation with my supervisor, I learned that it fits very well with my thesis – a project management system. The tasks which were given to me are the creation of project proposals, monthly report of the groupd, project acceptance, project status, create template for the group, assessment of project, project creation, technical evaluation of different equipments used in the project, billings, update the database of the network services group and etc. I am happy because I really don’t want to be assigned in developing programs. I don’t want to feed myself to multiple of codes which I am also doing in my thesis. I feel very accomplished after doing some work because I believed that I am able to help them in the best way I could. 2. Were you able to apply concepts you learned in school? Which ones? Yes, I am able to apply concepts I learned in school. First all about networking terms like the cables,other networking equipments and etc. which were mentioned by my professor in my ITINFRA subject, Mr. Jobet Claudio. The seven layers which were tackled by Mr. Jobet Caudio were also mentioned by my supervisor. I did also some network diagram. I was never surprised or get puzzled by different networking terms like FOC or fiber optics cable, since each of networking terms were discussed comprehensively and briefly by Mr. Claudio. So whenever my supervisor asked me to do some networking proposals, I easily understand what he is trying to say to me. I also did some networking diagram which I have met during my completion of my thesis part 1. I also applied what I learned in SYSANAL like the process flow or activity diagram. In my work, I was tasked to make a process flow for the group and also have it in narrative. While doing that process flow, I remember doing my thesis part 1, where I was overwhelmed by creating use case diagrams, activity diagrams and use case narrative. I believed that I am also using my being analytical and what I learned in SYSANAL in doing some reports since my supervisor would just say his needs, and I will also do it or make any suggestions based on what he needs. One example of this is, he would say I want to have an excel file which will be based on my needs so that any time I could easily see what is happening in the group expenses. I was able to capture his needs because of the concepts I learned in 1 | Page

SYSANAL like interviewing the client, analyzing his needs and etc. I can say that it is not really programming or developing a project, but it is like a basic way of developing because I am trying to do the needs which the client wants to have in just a simple excel. I also appreciated what I learned when I was first year from Ms. Dacanay, because I was able to used my technical learning in Microsoft word, powerpoint and excel. 3. What is something you did in OJT that you are proud of? The truth is there are many things I did in OJT that I am proud of. But if I can only choose one, I think, I am proud of creating their monthly report. The monthly report or also known as MOR shows the report of all the projects, projects status with their respective amounts that shows the profit they have gain and contributed to SMITS. For me, this is something different because a person to be able to create monthly reports for the group should have also knowledge in math and also should analyze the projects very well. I see to it that all the amounts are exact based on the data I got from their database and if I have questions to them, I don’t hesitate to ask in order to avoid wrong conclusion. I did compare the last month and the present month in order to know if the project is completed, for approval, approved, billed or not yet billed. In addition to that, they are really using the monthly report in order to be updated with what is happening in their group. So with that, I am proud because I really did it with the best and with efforts. Also, I am proud of itbecause this only means that they trusted me so much because this reports are confidential. 4. Do you think the OJT experience is an important part of your education? Why or why not? Absolutely yes, OJT experience is a vital part of my education because in OJT, a graduating student will be able to apply what he/she learned in school. From first year to fourth year, I am able to absorb what I have learned in school but still there are many questions left because I still have no experience. But because of OJT experience, I learned that the concepts are really valuable. During my training, I appreciated all the concepts I learned like use case diagram, use case narrative and activity diagram because in that I have proved to others that I really studied and understand the concepts based on what the professor is trying to comprehend day by day. A person will not know the importance of what she/he is learning if he/she don’t know where he can apply what he has been learning. For me, OJT experience is like the beginning of a person’s career because in that he will learn where he is suited in the industry, knowing the best practices or knowledge about the industry. As a graduating student, it makes me become ready to step in the world of industry or businesses. I believed in the quote that states “experience leads to success”. Thus, OJT experience is an important part of my education.

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