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  • Words: 3,679
  • Pages: 52
This is an easy to follow Feng-Shui application book with self-explanatory three dimensional diagrams. I have not decided on the name of the title. The total number of pages should not exceed 160 pages. If successful, I plan to write about commercial building such as office, store, restaurant, factory, etc. The outline is as follow: Chapter A is about Feng-Shui in general, what instruments are used and and what basic terminologies are adopted in this book. Chapter B is about the interior of a house. Each compartment or partition is discussed in length. For example, what specific furniture we should avoid having in the house. How do you place a piece of furniture properly within a room? The order of presentation is as follow: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, stairs and elevators. Throughout this chapter, special topics such as doors, religious symbols, and layouts on condominium are discussed as well. Chapter C is written for people who are about to purchase a real state, and who is interested in the macro environment of the real state. For example, how do neighboring buildings and streets affect the place in question? The presentation methods are quite consistent throughout the book, with vivid color demonstrations to augment short paragraphs. Precise contents are shown on next page.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


BRIEF 3 CHAPTER A…………………………………………………………………………………………………………6 RULER, MEASUREMENT THEORY AND DIRECTION THEORY ………………………………………….…6 RULER AND COMPASS ……………………………………………………………………………………...6 MEASUREMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……9 DIRECTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 SESSION 1. BEDROOM …………………………………………………………………….………………12 SESSION 2. IN THE LIVING ROOM ………………………………………………………………...……………62 SESSION 3. KITCHEN ……………………………………………………………………………………………70 SESSION 4. IN THE BATHROOM ……………………………………………….……………………………100 SESSION 5. STAIRS AND ELAVATORS ……………………………...………………………………………105 SESSION 6. CONDO AND APARTMENT …………………………..……………………………………….…108 SESSION 7. RELIGIOUS SYMBOL ………………………………………………………………………….…118 SESSION 8. DOORS ….…………………………………………………………………………….………….…118 THREE DOORS ON ONE STRAIGHT LINE……………………………………………………………………119 CHAPTER C. …………………………………………………………………………………………………120 WHAT TO BEWARE OF WHEN BUYING OR RENTING A HOUSE, APARTMENT OR CONDOMINIUM ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………120 INSIDE OF THE HOUSE ………………………………………………………………...…………………121 OUT SIDE OF THE HOUSE …………………………………………………………..……………………….126

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


Chapter B. Everywhere in your place Session 1.


1. Avoid positioning beams over the bed, either horizontally or vertically. Think of a beam as a knife that may slice you while you are sleeping. A beam over the bed can easily result in stress or illness.

Think of this edge as a knife that can slice your head. Such an arrangement must be avoided.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


2. For the bedroom two important doors must be considered: the bedroom door and the front door. a. Bedroom doors: The door opening cannot be behind the head of the bed or directly face a side of the bed. One can easily be frightened when someone enters the room. Positioning the bed here may cause sleeplessness.

X X: The door is directly facing a side of the bed or is behind the head of the bed. Such an arrangement may cause various health issues, so either the bed or the door must be repositioned. √: Correct positions for a door



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David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076




b. No bedroom door should be positioned in a straight line with the front door of the apartment or house.

Never position a bedroom door in a straight line with the front door. Such an arrangement can cause serious health issues.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


c. The bedroom door opening should not be in a straight line with your head while you are sleeping. Such an arrangement may cause health problems and nightmares, and therefore must be avoided.


David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


d. The bedroom door must not directly face the foot of the bed.

There are some important issues here. a. The door opening must not directly face any side of the bed. In other words, one must not be looking directly at any side of the bed after one opens the door. Such an arrangement may cause feelings of insecurity and nightmares.

b. There should be only one door per bedroom. Avoid having two entrance doors to your bedroom, as such an arrangement may cause relationship problems.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076

Positioning the door in this way may cause nightmares and reduced energy in children, kidney illness and nightmares in adults, and bladder illness in the elderly. 7


Windows and bed a. Windows should not be positioned behind the head of the bed. Such positioning may cause career issues or unstable relationships.

If you position your bed here, you won’t have enough energy when you get up in the morning even if you sleep for more than ten hours. This is more like a psychological issue.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


2. The Mirror a. . A mirror cannot face the bed or the bedroom door. Such an arrangement will cause thinking problems, tension and nightmares. (An incorrectly positioned mirror can cause chronic fatigue or exhaustion.)



This mirror is positioned correctly, but the dressing table is not at the right height. It should not be higher than the bed at this particular location.


Hypertension problem

A mirror facing the bedroom door can lead to arguments.




Hypertension issue David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


This is the wrong position for a mirror in your bedroom. A mirror should not be behind the head of the bed. Such positioning can cause stress. David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Air conditioners a. It is better try to have air condition on your left side of the bed. b. The worst position for an air conditioner is over the head of the bed.

X X An air conditioner to the right of the bed can cause health issues. For example, such positioning may cause a person to catch colds more easily than other people.

This arrangement can cause headaches.



√ X

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076




√ √


√ Always position an air conditioner to the left of your bed.


√ √

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076








Bedroom furniture and bed. a. If you have bedroom furniture then you need to locate it properly in your bedroom.


It would be so wrong if you move the air-condition to here The most important thing is


This air-condition is on top of right. If this air-condition move to the left is better.

√ √ David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076

not to have a dresser or nightstand beside your bed.

√ X

√ 13

The edge of a dresser or nightstand is like a knife cutting into your bed. Fengshui tells us to avoid this kind of arrangement. Furniture may be positioned opposite the foot of the bed, but it must be as wide as or wider than the bed.

b. If you have a dresser or nightstand beside your bed, its top surface should be lower than the sleeping surface of your bed. This is not a proper dresser or nightstand because its top surface is higher than the sleeping surface of your bed. This is a proper dresser or nightstand for your bedroom because its top surface is lower than the sleeping surface of your bed.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Electronic items. a. Electronic items should be positioned to the left of the bed. If you have a television set in front of your feet, you are just like a plug that is plugged into a plug socket. Try to offset your stereo system to the left a bit.

If a stereo or television set is positioned to the right of the bed, it may cause sleeping issues.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076





Lighting system a. Never position a chandelier over your bed, even if it is made of very expensive crystal.

Pendant is on top of the bed. Beside the pendant there is noting wrong of this room.

If you can move the pendant to here that would be perfect for this bedroom.

Pendant on top of your bed may raise many health issues. Sometimes cause unnecessary b.surgery health issues.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



A chandelier and a fan together over the bed is the worst layout. Such an arrangement is like five blades grinding and slicing up the person on the bed.

These chandeliers should be removed. We call chandeliers positioned in this way "surgery lights."

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


b. Lamp or Night Light beside a bed. This is the correct arrangement for a lamp or night-light beside a bed.


c. Many people like to read in bed before going to sleep, but where to position a lamp is a complicated problem. I suggest positioning it to the left of the bed. If lamps or night lights are needed on both sides of a bed, they should be positioned as low as possible. 7.

Color a. Simple and relaxing colors should be used for walls and ceilings. Pink, red and complicated colors should not be used, as they may cause depression according to research by feng-shui specialists. White and ivory are relaxing colors for your bedroom. b. Geometric shapes on the ceiling are not recommended. c. The same issues apply to curtains. Seeing geometric shapes or improper colors every day can influence a person's thinking processes. Also, feng-shui theory recommends against hospitals using geometric shapes or any color besides white.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Pictures and status in the bedroom a. Pictures present some complicated issues. For example:

two cockerels cannot face each other like in the arrangement below. Such an arrangement can cause arguments.

b. Do not hang a large wedding picture in your bedroom, especially over the head of the bed. According to Chinese psychological theory, such an arrangement can cause arguments. c. Avoid positioning any picture over the head of the bed.


d. Do not hang pictures of wild animals (tigers, eagles, etc.) in your bedroom. e. Some people like to place nude pictures or statues in the bedroom. I recommend against doing so, because such positioning, from my experience, raises the risk of arguments and marital problems. wind chimes should not be placed in any in any room.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


10. Bed a. Some people like to use a round bed. We do not recommend this.. Round beds are good for love hotels, but not for your home. b. Think of a bed like the one in the picture below as having many knives to slice you. Do not buy a bed like this one.

Sleeping on this kind of bed can cause headaches and shoulder pain.

Think of each board as a knife.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


c. Keep the area underneath your bed clean. Some people like to squeeze lots of things underneath their bed. Doing this is not a good idea, especially if you want a baby. (Stowing too many improper things under your bed can cause skin problems.) d. Two beds’ headboards should not be positioned against each other even if they are separated by a wall. For example:

The people sleeping in these two beds will surely have arguments and relationship problems.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


11. It is very bad to position a bedroom directly over or under kitchen.


a. In particular, the fireplace or cooking stove should not be positioned directly over or under a bed. I have found that such arrangements can cause liver, stomach and lung problems. If a bed must be flush against a wall, then the left side of the bed should be against the wall. a. Stick the wall on your left side of the bed.



Natural human magnetism theory states that human beings are susceptible to physical pressure from the right. Therefore, the right side of your bed should not be against the wall.


David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Let sunshine into your room. a. Do not allow your room to be dark 24 hours a day. If your room does not have direct access to sunlight, use lights to light up your room. Darkness causes depression.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


14. Do not share one bathroom between two bedrooms. a. Some bathrooms have two doors for sharing between two bedrooms. This kind of arrangement can cause relationship problems. If your house or apartment has such a layout, close one of the doors and do not use it.

This kind of layout may cause relationship problems. To solve this problem, close one door and do not use it.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Some beach houses have the type of design pictured below. I do not recommend this kind of arrangement.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


16. Desk in bedroom. (If your child is having problems with his or her studies, try adjusting the location of your child's desk.) a. Where should a child's desk be located? i. The desk should not face a wall.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


b. The back of the chair may be against a wall. But not if a bathroom is on the other side of the wall.

1. You won’t be healthy sitting here. 2. The risk of food poisoning is increased.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


c. This is a good arrangement for a child’s bedroom.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


d. The desk facing the window is a perfect arrangement. If the room is big enough, you may place a divider behind the chair. If one is sitting with one's back to the bedroom door, a divider is necessary to protect against direct airflow and sharp energy flow from the door. The window may allow a person to study more efficiently.

Divider can support your back while you seat not to backup by bedroom’s door. In this situation the divider can support the back and also against the door’s airflow.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076

Window may enhance study efficient.


e. A desk should not be positioned against a wall if a bathroom is located behind the wall.

A desk facing a wall may cause learning difficulties. If behind the wall is a bathroom, the situation may be even worse.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


f. The desk is not supposing facing any door.

Stress occurs when people come into the room. It is good to have some space in front of a desk, but a desk facing a door is not a good arrangement.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


g. A chair's back should not face a door.

This arrangement can cause stress. A person can easily be startled.

This problem can be solved with a divider. The line of the divider must not cut through the bed.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


17. Children’s bedroom a. A clean and orderly room can keep your child calm. b. Get rid of broken toys. Put unused toys in a drawer. Do hot hang pictures of violent characters on the wall. c. Do not hang musical toys over a baby’s bed. d. Do not hang toys from the ceiling. e. Do not hang idol posters on the walls. (In fact I recommend no posters on the walls.)

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


18. Do not position one bed's headboard against another bed's headboard, even with a wall between them. a. This rule especially applies to parents' and children's beds, because such an arrangement can cause severe relationship problems.

This point comes up with many of my clients.

A David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076




If possible, position your bed so that your feet point toward the center of the house.

√ √ 100% √ 50% X 0%

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David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076

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Stairs should not be located behind the head of a bed.

Such an arrangement can cause chronic fatigue or exhaustion.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


21. Do not use bunk bed. a. Sometimes parents who have two children sleeping in the same room try to save space by using a bunk bed. Try not to do so, because one of the children might have learning difficulties.

This type of bed can cause relationship problems, respiratory problems, stress and headaches.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


22. No bedroom should be positioned above or under a garage, a laundry room. (i.e., with a washer and dryer), a kitchen or a bathroom. It doesn’t matter which bedroom, which either top or under the bedroom is not suppose to be garage, machine room, kitchen and bathroom. In each of these pictures, the third floor would be a good place for a bedroom. But bedrooms should not be placed on the second floor, as in these pictures, with a laundry room or a garage directly below. (The electrical appliances and the garage may cause magnetic vibrations beneath the bed.) Such an arrangement can cause health issues.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


In each of these pictures, the third floor would be a good place for a bedroom. But bedrooms should not be placed on the second floor, as in these pictures, with a bathroom or a kitchen directly below. The magnetic influence of water or fire can cause health issues.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


23. Two children sleeping in the same bedroom. a. Two two beds must face in the same direction. Beds facing in different directions may cause arguments.


David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


√ X David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


24. Skylights. a. Do not position a skylight over your bed. b. Sunshine is very important. Rooms that are too dark cause depression. 25. Airflow and fresh air are important. The smell of new furniture should be avoided in a bedroom as it can affect a person's thinking processes. Do not using pink for your wall, furniture and curtain. 26. Because of pink cause depression, insecure, anger...etc. Arguments are easily rising. a. The color of your bedroom floor. Not too dark for your floor and also not using red, pink. b. If you like to have a baby girl like me. (i don’t have one yet.) Get pick color sheet for your bed. Such as red curtain, red sheet for your bed but not on your wall. After pregnant get the color back. c. Left side is fine to get close. Usually the chance to get a baby boy is higher. d. Any side of bed is not good for closed to the French window, because of too bright when you sleep.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


27. A bathroom door facing any side of a bed may cause health issues.

It doesn’t matter which side has bathroom, but either side of your bed are negative for it.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


28. A bathroom door should not face any side of a bed. A bathroom door... 1. ...facing your head can cause strokes. 2. ...facing your chest or belly area can cause shoulder problems and other problems. 3. ...facing your kidneys can cause bedwetting in children and back pain in adults. 4. ...facing your feet can cause accidents.


√ David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076

Avoid allowing a bathroom door to face any side of a bed.


This bedroom door directly faces the bed. This problem is critical.

This bathroom door is set off from the bed. This situation is better.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



The head of a bed should not be positioned against a wall on the other side of which is a bathroom.

Such an arrangement can cause sleeping problems and nightmares and may increase susceptibility to strokes and migraines.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


30. A bathroom door should not directly face the foot of a bed.

Such an arrangement can increase the risk of lower body illness.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


31. Bedroom’s door shouldn’t directly face a bathroom door.

A layout in which a bathroom door faces a bedroom door can cause ear or eye discomfort.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Do not hang large wedding pictures over a bed’s headboard. Such an arrangement can cause stress and nightmares.


Be aware of corners and edges of furniture positioned on either side of the bed.


David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

A relaxing ceiling is very important. Do not paint any complicated geometric designs on your ceiling. Some people like to paint shiny little stars on the ceiling; this is not a good idea. Each bedroom must be smaller than the living room. There should be a maximum of one window on each wall in a bedroom. Do not place more than one window on the same wall in a bedroom. Each bedroom must have at least one window. A stove should not be in a straight line from a bedroom door. Such an arrangement can cause thinking problems and irritability

Thinking problem and Crossness.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



The head of a bed should not be positioned against a wall on the other side of which is a kitchen.

Irritability and susceptibility to stroke are major problems that may be caused by this sort of arrangement. A person whose bedroom is arranged in this way is very likely to have temper problems. Any of my readers who happen to be psychiatrists: you might consider taking a trip to your patient’s home to see if anything is wrong with their bedroom’s setup.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076



Do not divide your bedroom to create an extra bedroom.

Such an arrangement can cause heart disease and stress.

David Hu [email protected] Tel: 416-818-6076


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