Feminine Gender (ﺚ ﹸﺆﻧ )ﺍ ﹸﳌ a) The usual feminine ending, as said in the first lesson, is
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Ta – ﻮ ﹶﻃ ﹸﺔﺮﺑ ) ﺍﻟﺘﺎ ُﺀ ﺍ ﹶﳌ, e.g. ﻤ ﹸﺔ ﻃ ﻓﹶﺎ, ﺮ ﹲﺓ ﺑ ﹶﻘ a cow, ﻳ ﹲﺔﺮ ﹶﻗa village, ﻣ ﹲﺔ ﻼ ﺳ ﹶ safety. However, two feminine nouns have a long
( ﺕopen Ta – ُﺔﻮﺣ) ﺍﻟﺘﺎ ُﺀ ﺍﹶﳌ ﹾﻔﺘ
at the end. They are: ﺖ ﺧ ﹸﺃsister, ﺖ ﻨ ﹺﺑdaughter. b) The second feminine ending is known as alif maqşũrah ( ﻮﺭﺓﻣ ﹾﻘﺼ ﻒ) ﺃﻟ short alif which is ﻯpronounced as ã , e.g. ﻴﻠﹶﻰ ﹶﻟ, ﻰﺳ ﹾﻠﻤ ( names of women ), ﻯﻐﺮ ﺻ ( smaller,f. ), ﻯﺒﺮ ( ﹸﻛgreater,f. ). c) The third feminine ending is called alif mamdũdah ( ﺓﻭﺩﻤﺪ ﻣ ﻒ ) ﺃﻟ, long alif which is hamzah preceded by alif, e.g. ﺎ ُﺀﺳﻤ ( ﺃname of a ﺣ ( beautiful woman ). woman ), ﺎ ُﺀﻤﻴ ﻋ ( blind woman ), ُﺎﺀﺴﻨ d) There are, however, feminine nouns that do not have any of these endings. They may be classified in the following categories: 1. Names of women, e.g. ﻢ ﻳﺮ ﻣ ، ﺪ ﻨﻫ ، ﺐ ﻨﻳﺯ 2. Females, e.g. ﻡ ﹸﺍmother, ﺱ ﻭﻋﺮ bride, ﺎ ﹲﻥ ﹶﺍﺗshe ass. 3. Parts of the body that are double, e.g. ﻦ ﻴ ﻋ eye, ﺪ ﻳ hand, ﹸﺍ ﹸﺫ ﹲﻥear, ﻉ ﺭﺍ ﺫarm, ﺟ ﹲﻞ ﹺﺭfoot, leg ﻕ ﺎ ﺳshank. 4. Names of towns and countries, e.g. ﺮ ﺼ ﻣ Egypt, ﺎﻮ ﹺﺭﻳ ﺳSyria, ﺪ ﻨ ﳍ ﺍIndia. 5. Some everyday words, e.g. ﺭ ﺩﺍhouse, ﺭ ﺎ ﻧfire, ﺢ ﻳ ﹺﺭwind, ﺎ ٌﺀﺳﻤ sky,
ﺲ ﻤ ﺷ sun,
ﺏ ﺮ ﺣ war,
ﺽ ﺭ ﹶﺍearth,
ﺲ ﻧ ﹾﻔ soul,
ﻖ ﻳ ﹶﻃ ﹺﺮway,path.
All the nouns that do not fall in these categories are masculine. You may also say that all nouns are masculine except those that belong to these categories. Feminine Gender.doc
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