Female Genital System

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  • Pages: 22
Chapter 8 The Reproductive System Wang Weixi Department of Human Anatomy Medical School Xian Jiaotong University

The general description Ⅰ. Composition and function 1.Composition (1)The male and female reproductive system. (2) The system is composed of the internal and external genital organs. 2.Function (1) producing genital cells and Breeding descendant. (2) secreting sex hormone.

The female genital system internal genital organs: the gonad— ovaries; the conveying ducts— uterine ductes; uterus; vagina the accessory gland— greater vestibular glands

external genital organs: the pudendum.

1 、 Ovary A. General features:  homologous with the;  Looks like a almond in size and shape;  Located on the lateral wall of the lesser pelvis, in the ovarian fossa.

B. The shape:  Two extremities: superior and inferior (or tubal and uterine extremities)  Two surfaces: medial and lateral  Two borders: anterior or mesovarian (hilum of ovary) and posterior (free)

C.The ligaments:

 The suspensory ligament of ovary (or infundibulopelvic 1igament) ---from the superior extremity to pelvic wall ---contains the ovarian vessels and the ovarian plexus of the nerves.  The proper ligament of ovary ---from inferior extremity to the fundus of the uterus

D. The structure:

 

The surface is covered by peritoneum

from the superficial to deep: ---the epithelium ---tunica albuginea ---the cortex: superficially and has numerous follicles which are in the deferent developing stages. ---medulla: deeply and made up of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and connective tissue

2 、 uterine tube A. General feature:  Two tortuous muscular tubers, 10-20 cm in length;  On the upper border of the broad ligaments of the uterus; from the side of the fundus of the uterus to the lateral wall of the pelvis;  The lateral extremity opens into the peritoneal cavity by the abdominal orifice; medial end opens into the cavity of the uterus by the uterine orifice.

B. 4 parts: from lateral to medial

 The infundibulum part: ---a funnel shaped ---ovarian fimbriae, the fringed edges (fimbria of ovarv) ---abdominal orifice (ostium) of uterine tube

 The ampulla part: ---the largest and widest part (2/3of the entire length of the tube) ---the place where the ovum is fertilized.

 The isthmus part : ---narrow portion 25cm long ---the place where the tubal ligament is performed.

 The uterine part (or intramural part).

3 、 Uterus 

A. The features: A hallow, thick walled muscular organ  An inverted pear-shaped and flatted from front backwards about 7cm long, 4cm wide and 2-3cm thick at its superior end.  2 surfaces: anterior and posterior  2 lateral borders

3 portions: ---the fundus ---the body ---the cervix: * inferior 1/3 is vaginal part. * superior 2/3 is supravaginal part. ** isthmus of uterus (lower uterine segment), lcm in length.

 The interior 2 parts


---the cavity of uterus, superior part, triangular; ---the cervica1 canal of uterus in the cervix * internal orifice of cervical canal * ostium of uterus (anterior and posterior lips)smooth and round in multipara, transverse fissure in multipara.

B. The location:  Located entirely in the center of the lesser pelvis normally  Between the urinary bladder (anteriorly) and the rectum (posteriorly) inferior end lies in the vagina.  Connected with the uterine tubes and broad ligaments on lateral sides

 Normally, the uterus keeps a normal anatomical position.

The anteversion: an obtuse angle between the axis of uterus and the vagina. The anteflexion: an obtuse angle between the body and the cervix.

C.The supports of the uterus:

 Mainly, the normal position is maintained by the muscles of pelvic floor, neighbouring organs (such as vagina) and connective tissue.

 Ligaments The broad ligaments: uterine tube, ovary, proper ligament of ovary round ligament of uterus blood vessels etc.) to keep the uterus at the median position. The round ligaments: to hold the uterus in the anteverted and anteflected position. The cardinal ligaments: a chief ligament supporting the position of the uterus, to prevent from dropping down into the vagina. The uterosacral ligaments (rectouterine ligament): to hold the uterus in the anteverted position.

The broad ligaments, The round ligaments The cardinal ligaments,

D. The structure of uterus: 3 layers  The inner layer: the mucous membrane (endometrium), grows and breaks away during the menstrual cycle.  The middle layer: the myometrium  The outer layer: the visceral peritoneum, covers most of the uterine surface except for the cervix.

4 、 Vagina A. It consists of three coats  mucous membrane  muscular coat  external coat B. 8-10cm long C. The fornix---posterior fornix, higher part ---ventral fornix (anterior fornix) ---two lateral fornices D. Position: between the urinary bladder, urethra (anteriorly)and the rectum (posteriorly).

5. The vulva (or pudendum) ---the mons pubis ---greater lip of pudendum and lesser lip of pudendum ---anterior and posterior labial commissures. ---the vaginal vestibule: 4 orifices: * orifice of urethra (anteriorly) * vaginal orifice (posteriorly) *2 orifices of the greater vestibular glands ---the clitoris and the hymen ---two bulbs of vestibule ---the greater vestibular glands (Bartholin's glands)

In the nullipara lies within the superficial fascia over the pectoralis major muscle and the deep fascia.

From 3rd to 7th ribs; from the parasternal line to midaxillary line.

The nipple lies at the level of 4th intercostal space or 5th rib. B. Structure:

Skin: ---the nipple: orifice of 15-20 lactiferous ducts ---the areola of mamma: small eminences of areolar glands

Composed of the mamma gland and the adipose tissue ---mamma gland: *15-30 lobes, separated by the adipose tissue *lactiferous ducts (lactiferous sinus)

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