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2005 EDITION CONVERT WORD TO PDF http://www.pdf-convert.com/convert/DOC-to-PDF.html NOTE TO CONVERT TO PDF --IS 28 TIMES, NO-1 INSTALL IT, COPY PER PAGE AND PASTE AND CONVERT WHEN UPTO 28 REININTSALL AGAIN THEN AFTER INSTALL PDF MERGER. TO MERGE AND COMBINE ALL AND SAVE DO THE SAME WITH MY BOOK I WOULD WRITE OK FIND PDF MERGER IN MY ACCOUNT 4SHARED AND THE SENT MEASSAGE TO HRH SERIALS KEY BROAD OVERVIEW It is important to understand the reason why people leave their home land and go to a strange country. Leaving behind their relations, friends and loved ones. This is just a result of the struggle to survive and the search for greener pastures. In Nigeria today, the population is growing faster than the government or the organized private sector can provide jobs for them. Every year, less than 10% of the legible for employment are employed. For this reason, people head abroad in droves in search for economic emancipation. Most Nigerians go to UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and until (September 11, 2001) USA. The main thing about going abroad is packaging. Packaging is arranging your documents to meet the visa officers or embassy staff of the country you want to go to. Nigeria and Nigerians are regarded as poor, corrupt and as a result highly migrant. This means that given the opportunity, they will leave their home country for another. So many Nigerians have entered Europe in the last 10 years that the various embassies in Nigeria are wary of giving visas to Nigerians. For this reason, you have to go the extra mile to convince them that you will return to Nigeria after you visit to their country. In the last 10 years, more than 6,000 medical doctors have immigrated to USA. Indeed, they have an association of Nigerian doctors in the USA, which have 4,000 duly registered members. Most people who travel to Europe, earn better than their counterparts in Nigeria. For example, the minimum wage in UK is 5 pounds per hour. This is equivalent to N1, 250. This is what the least paid person in England earns. In Nigeria, it is N50 per hour, N7500 per month. It is for these reasons that people travel abroad, as anywhere is better than her (Nigeria). A list of minimum wages per hour in the world’s most developed countries can be found at www.worldfactsandfigures.com. However, if you have a good job in Nigeria in which you earn up to a N100,000 a month, then you do not have any reason to travel abroad. In Nigeria, the people are friendly, the weather is nice most parts of the year and when you earn money, people respect you. In Europe and the rest of the world when you earn money, people don’t accord that respect that is due to you, the weather is harsh and cold most times of the year. Besides, what most Nigerians in Diaspora complain is that they miss Nigeria, they miss home, their village, their friends, their families and even phone calls are not able to totally remedy this. Be it as it may, before one decides to go abroad, he would have carefully thought over the matter before proceeding with his plans. There is no doubt that when you find yourself abroad, you will earn more money than you are earning in Nigeria. But you should consider the fact that the standard of living

in these places is higher than it is in Nigeria. In England, a bottle of beer is 4 pounds, which is N1000 as against a bottle of beer that is N150 in Nigeria. The cheapest meal in UK is 1 pound, which is N250 while the cheapest meal in Nigeria is N50. For this reason, the living, the living cost in Europe is higher than in Nigeria, so this should be taken into consideration when calculating the net income of somebody in Europe. Indeed, some travel to Europe to get a good job and send money home and to come back after some time, others go to Europe to raise money to come back to Nigeria to invest their capital. Others go to Europe, and after some time may become importers, shuttling between Nigeria and one European or Asian country. These groups of people are the ones who come back to Nigeria 4 times a year. There is the last group who go to Europe or America and never come back. There are always reasons, he may be in jail or her may have married a foreign wife for real, and as such has settled into the way of life of the people of the country he finds himself in and forgets about Nigeria. There are a lot of well-developed countries that are not in Europe which have a fair share of Nigerian immigrants and are still liberal to Nigerians in giving visas. These include Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia. These countries are among the most developed in the world and are nice to immigrants from Africa, particularly if the immigrants from Africa, particularly is the immigrant belongs to the skilled labor class. It is time for Nigerians who want to travel abroad to face these countries and divert there attention from countries like Spain, Germany, France, UK, USA, Holland, Belgium and Austria which have received a fair share of Nigeria immigrants and are wary about giving Nigerians visa. So it is becoming increasingly difficult to get visa into these countries.

SELECTING A COUNTRY TO TRAVEL TO When one is selecting a country to travel to he should take the following into consideration 1Ease of getting visa 2where you know or have people 3the type of work you Want to do 4the type of business you want to do 5the social atmosphere of the country 6the minimum wage of the country 1-


Some embassies of some countries are used to having Nigerians applying for visa and as a result at the slightest suspicion of your motives, they deny you visa. Examples of these countries include, Switzerland Luxembourg, Germany, USA, and France among others.There are some others who do not see Nigerians everyday and as a result are more liberal with their visa to Nigerians. However, their generosity should not be misunderstood. They have not seen Nigerians queuing up in their embassies looking for a short 1-month visa, when in fact they want to immigrate to the country for good. They are only liberal because Nigerians have not begun to flock to their embassies in Lagos and Abuja .examples of these countries includes Australia, New Zealand, Malta, Cyprus, Brazil, the Caribean, Indonesia and Malaysia. Getting the visa of these countries is easier than that of most western European countries.

3-THE TYPE OF JOB YOU WANT TO DO If you are a skilled worker, if you have university degree or any post-secondary diploma or qualification, then it is better for you to go those countries that have a great need of professionals or skilled workers. The following countries have acute labor shortage and are seriously looking for immigrant skilled workers. these are Australia , new Zealand ,south Africa ,Canada,Ireland,Sweden,Denmark,and Germany .if you just have a secondary school cerfiticate,then only two types of jobs is open to you-unskilled labor and hustling. Unskilled labor jobs are jobs that require manual and not use of brains and intelligence. For example, washing of plates, picking of fruits, working as a security man, working as a waiter or barman etc. hustling means doing anything that is barely legal. you can find out more about what this means from people .most people in South Africa, Spain, France, Malta, Holland, Belgium, and Austria are into hustling, .however, that is not to say that people do not work in these countries in the unskilled labor group .the problem is that those in hustling make more money than those in unskilled labor occupations. However those in hustling are the ones who came back to Nigeria every Christmas; but they are also the people who came back dead from South Africa, or end up in the numerous European jails. It is always better and safer to go to Europe with some kind of qualification. Some countries accept unskilled workers as immigrant or seasonal workers examples are Sweden, Finland and Ireland. However were, most European countries will accept immigrants who have manage to enter their country as visitors to work as unskilled workers UK ha a holiday makers scheme, in which they allow citizens of most common wealth countries including Nigeria to enter their country and work with a work permit for a period of 1 year while on holiday: but recently because of the high volume of applicants, UK has banned holidaymaker from Nigeria from entering the country if they are between 18-30years. Other countries have holidaymakers’ scheme but for most of them, Nigeria are not eligible. 4-WHERE YOU KNOW OR HAVE PEOPLE. Nobody in Nigeria today can say he does no know anybody abroad. Indeed, some have brothers, uncles, and cousins, close friends or relations who are abroad. Sometimes, these people help their relations or friends they want to help cross over .these people, if they really want to help [sometimes they may not], they will arrange a letter of invitation to the country for a short visit from a legitimate citizen or permanent resident of that country. They can also help in sending the money for ticket. They can arrange a lady you can marry on contract basis, to acquire your papers in the new country to avoid problem with police and immigration. They can also arrange employment for you waiting on your arrival. They can provide a place for to staying the few weeks. They can also provide specialized advice on the immigration and police of the particular country. These two particularly are the worse enemies of any immigrant to a new country. is going to a country where you already have or know people is an added advantage but not necessarily a guarantee that you will be given visa and that you will not run into problems. It will only make it settling down easy. 5- THE BUSINESS YOU WANT TO DO there are some Nigerians who move to Europe not necessarily because they don’t have job or because their business is not lucrative, they move to Europe because they are not satisfy with their job, income or their business earnings. There have

been a lot of bankers who earn over N90, 000, who resigned and went to Europe simply because they know they will be richer than they were in Nigeria. There have been the cases of businessmen who make over N50, 000 in profit who sold up their stock or put somebody in charge and migrated to Europe and America .this is just as a result of search of greener pastures .it is an urge to earn more money. These groups of people normally go to Europe with more than N700, 000 in liquid cash or capital. Normally when they get there, they engage in business enterprises normally they don’t engage in normal work. example are people who go to brazil and import coffee to Nigeria, who go to UK and import used books from England, who go to Germany and import used cars and machinery, who go to Spain and import wine, tiles and marble, who go to china and import electronics, who go to France and export African arts works from Nigeria, who go to Australia and export African trinkets and local jewelry from Africa. The type of market that exists for the commodity you want to import or export will determine the country you want to settle in. there are a lot of Africans in London ; that means there is a market for African dishes .some go there and set up very lucrative restaurants for Africans in UK . Some just export bitter leaf and melon to UK, France, Germany, USA and all other places that have a sizeable population of African immigrants. Most countries encourage people to come and establish these kinds of business in their country. Indeed, is easier to get visa than most other type of visas. So kind of business you want to engage in will determine the kind of country you want to go to. 6- THE SOCIAL ATMOSPHRERE OF THE COUNTRY Some countries have better atmosphere than others do. By social atmosphere, we mean the attitude of the local people [the natives] to foreigners, the attitude of the police and immigration to foreigners in general and blacks in particular .the attitude of the government towards immigration, the number of black people in the country: the ratio of immigrants to local population. Germany is known to be a very racist country with bad attitude towards foreigners’ is common in Germany and in Austria to be walking in the streets and the police will ask for your papers. If they are not upto date you will be deported instantly without being allowed to take personal effect from your house. England is getting jittery and immigration has become an issue in elections. This is because the foreigners in England are increasing everyday. France is clamping down on immigration; this is because 40% of their total populations are immigrants and descendants The Scandinavian countries [Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland] are nice to foreigners; and immigrants who are able to get into those countries are generally comforted, Indonesia, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, WE overseas territories and British dependencies do not really mind immigration from Nigeria. This is because Nigerian has not really begun to go there like they go to Western Europe. Central Europe as receptive to Nigerians, the countries in central Europe is Czech, Estonia, Croatia, Poland, and Greece. Nigerians have not really started going to Eastern Europe and their people are now member of the EU and their economies have started to boom and they accept Nigerian degrees for employment. Countries in Eastern Europe are: Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary and turkey. The social atmosphere is important because it will determine whether you will be comfortable in the country like UK or you will be living like a fugitive like in Germany.



Some countries are richer than others, just like Nigeria, in spite of all its problems and poverty is richer than Cameroon, Niger or Togo. Just like Nigeria is poorer than South Africa, Egypt or Tunisia. A medical doctor in Nigeria earns more than a medical doctor in Togo but less than a doctor in South Africa. A nurse in USA earns more than a nurse in France. A measure of the wealth of most nations is the GDP Per capital income per head .it can be found at www.worldfactand figures.com. It is what the average worker in that country earns in a years, although it fluctuates, it shows roughly which countries are richer than other the others. What it all means is that if you can find yourself in USA, instead of Spain, you will make more money than you would have made in Spain. If you find yourself in Portugal instead of UK you will make less money than you would have made in UK. However, this affects only workers and not business people or hustlers.

8—THE MINIMUM WAGE OF THE COUNTRY The minimum wage of any country is the amount which will be paid to the least worker for an hour of work done. here, it is stipulated in hours normally the least paid are unskilled laborers and normally these unskilled laborers in most countries earn more than medical doctor and professors in Nigeria .for example, the minimum wage in England is 5pounds per hour .if this is multiply by 10 hours of work for 30days it totals up to 1500pound, which is N375, 000 per month. A list of the minimum wage of the countries can be found in www.worldfactand figures.com. The list of the minimum wage of the country wills invariable affect the amount you will earn in the country. A country with a low minimum wage will pay low wage; a country with high wage will pay a high wage.

THE VERY FIRST STEP When you make up your mind that you are traveling abroad. When you have decided that you will go to another country to earn money, there is only one step you can make. The very step is to go and obtain your Nigerian passport. This is easily obtainable these days at any state headquarters of the Nigerian immigration service. Their offices are found in every state capital and they can process your passport there as they all have the machines and materials. The official price is something close to N6, 000 but what they ask you to pay fluctuates from N8, 000 to N10, 000, or unto N20, 000. Rarely can you obtain a Nigerian passport at the normal price. before you go for the passport, you may need a letter of identification from your local chairman, though not in all cases .this letter of identification can be obtained in most cases, if you can get your traditional ruler to attest to knowing you, or the president of your town union or by submitting a letter from a clergy man stating that the facts written on your baptismal card which contains your town

of origin as true. You can also go to the hospital; why\ere you were born to get a letter from them. All these you can take to your local government of origin for a letter of identification. Even if you can’t provide any of these just go to the local government secretariat, there is a way things work in Nigeria. You can sort it out. The next is the Yellow Card. This card is a WHO issued card, which states that you have been inoculated against all preventable diseases. This is a preventive measure the health body has put in place to make sure nobody transmit disease across the border. However, some countries may insist that you surrender to a health check up upon arriving or at designated hospital here before traveling. From here, what you decide to do next depends on what type of visa you want to apply for. For student visa, you have start getting your academic documents together. The business visa, you have started assembling your bank statements, correspondents with business clients etc. Tourist visa you have started assembling proof of employment letter income tax clearance , proof of employment letter of appointment and other proof s that you have strong ties to Nigeria. For skilled workers visa, you need a letter of appointment by an overseas employer. All steps to follow in each individual case will be treated extensively in another section. TYPES OF VISA A visa is a stamp or a seal that permit you to cross international boundaries where such opermit are required. it comes in various forms and directions. A Nigerian has to have a visa to enter any European / American country. a visa is different from a permit . a permit is a document , seal or stamp that allowas the holder to do what the seal stipulates. TOURIST VISAS. This is a visa that allows the holder to visit a country from a period of twio weeks to three months. it has no work permit.the idea is that a tourist comes to spend his money in the country adding something into the economy of the country . TRASNSIT VISA.

MISTAKE YOU SHOULD NOT MAKE There are certain mistakes you should not make if you want to successfully travel abroad. As you already know, Nigerians are a highly migrant people. This is because of the poverty and unemployment in Nigeria. As a result wherever we go particularly in Europe, we are a highly suspect people. Until recently, when we travel to Europe, at the airports entry clearance officers will say “Nigerians, this side please!” this has been stopped but it still shows how foreigners look at us .the most important thing is packaging: for your ability to convince the embassy official depends on how you were packaged. The following are very important. Do not go to the embassy with your document incomplete .if the tax clearance

certificate is missing, it will make the difference between a visa granted and a visa denied Do not go through a travel agency unless they give you a money back guarantee. Most of these agencies are just there to rip you off, for usually there is nothing they can do for you, you cannot do for yourself. Professional advice is usually free from the websites listed which help people travel out. You can get the e-mail of a Nigerian in the country you want to travel and he will help you out with practical, realistic advice. Besides, most travel agencies don’t deliver and they don’t have money back guarantee. USE ONLY A TRAVEL AGENCY THAT HAS A MONEY BACK GUARATEE OR WHOSE POLICY IS PAYMENT ON DELIVERY. • If you have bought a visa, travel through Port Harcourt Airport, the security is less tight than in Lagos or Abuja Airports. Before you pay for a visa, make sure it is original and not fake. • Ask a lot of questions about visas, this way you will learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes • If visa is denied you, do not go to the same embassy again with a new passport unless the date of birth and the name have been altered. This is because once you apply and submit your passport name, number, and photograph are scanned into the computer. If you apply again with another passport with the same details, the computer will detect it. Not only will you be denied visa, but you are also run the risk of being handed over to the police. If the embassy stamps visa denied on your passport and you have any reason to reapply go with a different passport with slightly altered details like name and date of birth or go back with the same passport hope for the best. • Do not go to the embassy with an insufficient bank statement. This is a primary cause of denial of visa, especially for student’s visas. Try as much as possible to go to the embassy with an account statement that covers your supposed expenditure with cash remaining in excess. AMERICAN USA The USA is the richest country in the world with a per capital income of $35,000 and a federal minimum wage of $7.00 per hour. The country is located in the northern hemisphere in the continent of North America between Canada and Mexico. It has 50 states and 5 overseas territories namely; Guam, Virgin Island, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and Northern Mariana. Its population is made up of 15% blacks, 805 white and Hispanics 2% and 15% Asians. Its total population is 290 million people. TYPES OF AMERICAN VISAS B1 &B2 tourist visas duration 3month * 6months E1&E2 treaty trader’s duration 2years F1 student visa duration [1-5years] 1&1 skilled worker visa duration 3years 1&2 temporary skilled visa duration 3years J1 exchange visa duration 2years K1 fiancé visa K3&4 relative visas L1 executive and manager’s visa duration 3years O1 extraordinary ability

P-1 athletes [5years Q-1 cultural exchange R-1 religious exchange TN trade NAFTA. The best way to get into USA is to marry a US citizen. This is possible through web dates and other such dating forms on the internet. However, it is till possible to get into USA with any of the above visas, if you are well packaged. Another way is by applying for further studies of training. The cost of these varies depending on if the university or college is publicly or privately owned. If it is publicly owned, it is cheaper. But people still enter America by going to their overseas territories. These are Small Island in the pacific with very small population. For this reason, they are looking for immigrants. They use American dollar and have high standard of living. It is easy to get a visa going to these places. You have to apply at the American embassy especially for the overseas territories. The states of Alaska and Hawaii are also under populated and are looking for immigrants. It is easy to get into US if you can find a reason to such a visa into any of those low populated states. However, you must realize that since September 11, 2001, the USA was bombed, things have not been the same. It has become more difficult to get their visas .USA has a lot of churches and they are always organizing one thing or the other. There is a way of getting a visa into USA Business visas into USA are easy to get, as their government does anything to foster commerce. Transit visas are also easy to get if you can get a visa of Caribbean Islands. In fact, most of them don’t require a visa form Nigerians particular those in common wealth. Once you get a transit visa, you can get lost and disappear into the country while you are waiting for connection flight to the Caribbean. EUROPE UNIITED KINGDOM - UK UK is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe with a per capital income $24.000 and minimum wages of E5.00. The country is located in the northern hemisphere of the European Union. it has 13 overseas dependencies namely : Ascension , Island , Bermuda ,British Antarctic Territory , British Indian Ocean territory, British Virgin Island s, Cayman Islands , Falkland Island , Gibraltar, St. Helen , South Georgia , Turk and Caicos Islands. Its population is made up of 94% whites 3% Asians. Its total population is made up of 60million people. TYPES OF UK VISA Student visa Highly skilled migration program visa transit visa visitor’s visa medical visa Holidaymaker visa Relative visa Business visa

United Kingdom has so many colonies that are members of the common wealth. Most of these nations particularly those I=of Africa and Asia are suffering from

deprivation and are trooping to the UK. For this is wary about given visa; unless they are convinced that the visa applicant will return after the visa expires. However, packaging yourself well can solve this. In deciding the visa to apply for one has to check very well to see which visa category he has a higher of succeeding. UK like most European countries is not meeting their labor requirement from domestic supply. So, quite as they are not encouraging immigration they actually need immigrants. For this reason, the most popular ways of entering UK is by student’s visa, marrying a British citizen and by holidaymaker visa. whatever your qualification , you can get a student visa if you have written WAEC , you can apply for short six months course on basic skills, or you can apply for undergraduate program through UCAS [ their equivalent of JAMB ] or if you have a degree ,you can apply for postgraduate studies. You will be required to pay a minimum deposited before you will be granted visa. A lot of girls and boys in Nigeria were born in the UK when their parents went for studies in the UK, marrying any of these people are an automatic visa to the UK. If you can get proof that you are still a student in a Nigerian University and you apply for visitor’s visa during your holidays after being invited by anybody, the embassy will grant you visa believing that you will return to Nigeria to continue your education/ studies. Even if you are not a student, you can arrange the documents You can make a friend on the internet, who will invite you to marriage engagement or just for a social visit. You can be diagnosed for an illness in Nigeria and you can apply for a medical visa for thorough medical check up or treatment with supporting documents from any private hospital. But normally they will expect you to pay up front the cost of the treatment before you start coming to the UK. You can also be corresponding with social, religious, cultural and international bodies. if they have a provision for registration, register for a conference , seminar or workshop comes up, they will invite you with a valid invitation letter you can get a visitor visa into UK, but you have to prove that you have a stable job here or they will not give you visa. You can also devise your own scheme in ways to beat the UK immigration, as the more original your idea, the better You can look for a company that does business regularly in the UK, and arrange to have them send you on a purchasing visit. Visa in this way is very easy. The thing is getting a company that will aid you. LIFE IN THE UK There is an abundance of jobs in the UK, and the police do not engage in the spot checks for ID as they do in other countries like Germany. This is probably because there are so many black people in the UK and you don’t know who is who.

IRELAND Ireland is a small country with zero% unemployment and they are seriously looking for immigrants they have population of 4million and a GDP per capital of $27,000 and a minimum wages of $7.20 per hour. It is better to go to Ireland with some qualification. TYPES OF IRISH VISA Skilled visa Visitor’s visa

Medical visa Holidaymaker visa Tourist visa Fiancée visa Business visas However, because e the country is small, the police are more efficient and they deport illegal immigrants from time to time. But generally, there is plenty of work for anybody with any kind of qualification, who is willing to work. SPAIN Spain is in the southwest of Europe. It has a low GDP and a minimum wage. But it is better than South Africa. It has a population of 40million people. There are a lot of Nigerians in Spain. TYPES OF SPAINISH VISA Transit visa Territorial transit visa Stay visa Residence visa Journey visa Special visa Multi circulation visa Refugee/asylum visa

Spain is a member of the European Union and used to be a world power like England. However its power and economy declined in time. It has a low minimum wage, but still a developed country. They have different kinds of visas, which are all obtainable. Most people disappear into Spain by territorial transit visa. They first obtain a transit visa to Latin America, and then obtain a transit visa to Spain. Upon arrival in Spain, they disappear. Another way of traveling to Spain is by Trans Sahara crossing. Most people cross the Sahara and cross into Spain on rubber rafts. This is a very risky journey but it is the cheapest way of traveling to Europe. It is best donor with four other people, to create to create party of five. There is risk of running into Tuareg and Berber robbers in the Sahara. That is why it is safer to cross with other people. But people who get caught are sent to detention camps, from where they are deported back to Nigeria. If you are caught during this, on no account should you say you are from Nigeria; instead say you are a refugee fleeing conflict in Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia or any other country suffering from civil crises / strife, where they cannot take you back to. If they believe you, they will provide accommodation and employment for you as a refugee. The crossing is best done at night. To reduce to risk it is better to go through the West African coast from Lagos to Accra to Abidjan to free town to Dakar to Canary Islands. From Canary Island you can enter a plane to Spain nobody will ask you for papers. It is an overseas territory of Spain. Spain has other strings of island in the Atlantic Ocean close to the West African coast which processing a visa from there, and getting a passage to Spain is easy.

DENMARK Denmark is in northern Europe. It belongs to the group of countries called the Scandinavian countries. It also belongs to the European Union. It has a population of 5.3 million people- 95% Danish; other ethnic group comprises the remaining 5%. $30.000 and wages of $6.50 per hour. They are still liberal in giving out visa to Nigeria for there are not too many Nigerians in Denmark. It has one of the coldest weather in Europe apart from Greenland. TYPES OF DENMARK VISAS Working visa Asylum visa Student visa Short visa Immigration visa Tourist visa Denmark is a member of the European Union but it uses its own currency and it’s not a party to the scheme visa agreement. Anybody visiting Denmark must come with Denmark’s visa. The Danish people are friendly and there are a lot of jobs in Denmark. But Denmark is very cold and the winter there last longer than that in most other European countries except maybe Russian and Ireland They give visas to Nigerians readily because the migrant Nigerians have not started going to northern Europe like they go to Western Europe. There are not many Nigerians in Denmark and they have a very small population. It is difficult to settle in Denmark. All they do in Denmark is to engage in legitimate labor. They have a minimum wages that is okay. The country has produced one or two millionaires who made it big in Danish country. Denmark has an embassy in Abuja and they give visas readily because Nigerians have not started going there in doves. They are liberal with their visas. Once you have one or two supporting documents. You can apply for any of the various categories of visa. SWEDEN Sweden is in northern Europe. It is a very wealthy country and the indigenes are very friendly to black people. There is relatively no racism in Sweden and it is easy to get a job in Sweden. They have a population of 8.8million people .with $23.600 and $6.90 per hour. TYPES OF SWEDEN VISA Entry visas Visitor’s visa Business / conference visa Work permit visa Performing artist visa Au pair visa Self employed visa Research visa Sports visa Seasonal employment visa Student's visa.

Sweden is a well – planned country and they are very careful to see that immigration into their country is controlled. For these reasons some of the gimmicks people engage in other countries to get visa may not work in Sweden But visitor’s visa and business visa are easy to get, sometimes, particularly during summer they experience acute labor shortages. For this reason, they have granted a new category of visa called seasonal employment visa. But you have to be employed by a Swedish employer before you can be granted this kind of visa Au pair visa is also very popular for eastern European and African women. Other men and women work in Sweden and keeping nannies or baby sitters can be expensive. So the government makes provision for families to take in a studying towards some qualification; who lives with a family .the point of these is that the girl or woman takes care of the little children if and when the couple has to go out particularly at night. Not all these visas come with work permits, so one might get a visa, which may not allow him to work. Most Swedish people speak English. This is as a result of their long association e=with England over the years. BELGIUM Belgium is a small country in Western Europe. It is between France and Holland. With $22,300 and $7.20 per hour. They speak Dutch, Flaming and French. With 22.3million people in population. They are comprised of 55% Flemish, 33%wallon and 12% mixed. There is a lot of Nigerian in Belgium and their visa is easy to get. TYPES OF BELGIUM VISA Working holiday visa Student visa Scheme visa Van Der Elts visa Medical visa Highly skilled visa Tourist visa Visitor visa Business visa Belgium speaks French, German and Fleming but a sizable part of the country also speaks English as an international language. It is used to be save haven for Nigerians. They were generous to Nigerians with visa. Today there are a lot of Nigerians in Belgium and getting visa has become somewhat more difficult When Tokunbo cars started to enter Nigeria in the late eighties, it came from Belgium. HOLLAND Holland is a small country in Western Europe. It has population of 16million people. With $23,700 and 45.50 per hour. About 94% Dutch, 25black, 4$Asia and 3%Arabs. They speak Dutch. TYPES OF HOLLAND VISA Business / self employment visa Working visa Temporary residence visa [MMV] Short temporary visa Student visa.

GERMANY Germany is large country in Western Europe. They speak German. It has $22.400 per income and $8 per hour. And about 82.3million people. TYPES OF GERMAN VISA Permanent residency visa [Green Card] Highly skilled visa Student visa Scheme visa Working holidaymaker visa Van Der Elts visa medical visa By and large as a result of their population, Germany is one of the largest countries in Europe. For this reason, they can absorb a large percentage black without anybody noticing unlike a small country like Ireland. But Germany is a very racist country and is easy to get deported from Germany. The police in Germany carry out statutory identity checks on anyone they see that looks like an immigrant. If you have no valid ID, they put you on the deportation flight to Lagos. This is the reason why once a Nigerian gets into Germany the first thing to do is to engage in contract marriage to get papers. However, the good thing is that Germany gives Green Card to people who have been in their country for some time who have a skilled job They also have low tuition fees for education and many go for educational purposes. It is a very easy way of getting into Germany and Australia. But they are wary of immigrants and you have to be careful you convince them otherwise, they may reject your application, even if you have paid fees Germany hates immigrants who come into their country and refuse to go. So once they’re suspicious of your motives, they will deny you visa. It is left to you to produce evidence to prove that you have sufficient ties with Nigeria as to come back after your visit. A very popular way of getting into Germany is by enrolling in a language school to study German for a period of time. The German government encourages cultural exchange between their country and other countries. It is always good to put forward documents that you are married when applying to the German embassy. Besides, new concept keep coming out everyday and it is always good to be in contact with the embassy in the country while processing your visa. He will help you by giving you bits of information you may need. But like it has been emphasized throughout this work your won ingenuity is required to get a visa. The more original your concept, the better your chances. FRANCE France is in the northern hemisphere. It has per capital income of $22,130 and wages of $6.90 per hour. 60% whites, 40% Arabs and blacks. It is predominantly catholic country. About 60million people in population. TYPES OF VISA Medical visa Business visa Student visa Tourist visa

Visitor’s visa Working holiday visa Scheme visa France amended its immigration law in 1993 because of the multitude of North Africa and West Africans who poured into France from its former colonies. The result of this is that 40% of France population is made up of immigrant or their descendants. An evidence of this is the dream team of France that played France 1998 and Europe 2000 very few of them were white while most of them come from former colonies and territories of France. Today, it is very difficult to get into France. This is the reason why you rarely hear of Nigerians in France. In facts, the easiest way to get into France now is by scheme visa. But even at that, the French immigrations execute thorough checks aimed at illegal immigrants in their midst France has a lot of overseas possession in form of islands in North Africa, West Africa and the Pacific Ocean. These islands are mainly inhabited by black people or Asians who are the natives or indigenes of these islands. It is therefore easy fro Nigerian to enter their island and make his way to France. But a working or possible knowledge of French is required. It is now the least difficult way to enter France. Other ways include claiming citizenship of countries. France does not view as highly migrant these countries include, Senegal, Tunisia, Tanzania. These countries are as backward as Nigeria but there re more jobs and employment there so the people are not so keen on traveling out. So if they apply for French visa, they are given because they are level 2 countries and not level 4 countries like Nigeria or India or Bangladesh. But all these need a working knowledge of French. EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES These are Hungary, Poland, Greece, Romania and Czech, Slovakia. They are not as rich as their Western Europe counterparts but immigration into these countries is easy. this is because Nigerians has not started to remember these countries .so for not it is easy to enter these coutries since they are now members of Europe they will experience a wage increase and economic boom. Some of theses countries will soon relax internal border control between them and member states of the Europe. This is part of the scheme agreement, which gave visa to the scheme visa. There visa schemes are like those of most other European countries. People are need for jobs in these countries and they have not started internal immigration reduction. The problem with most of these countries is that most of them don’t understand English and they speak only their languages namely polish, Czech, Slovak and Greeks unless one takes time to learn this language. Communication will become an affective barrier preventing the person from doing anything worthwhile. Most of these countries have started to experience economic boom and growth. Visa will be easy to get as they are not used to the ingenuity of Nigerians when they need a visa from a country. However, embassy officials in Abuja know what is happening, that there are no jobs in Nigeria. So it is better to take your chances in the embassies of the country in foreign countries. However, some of these eastern European countries should be avoided. Some of them like, Montenegro, Serbia etc are prone to internal and external strife. It is not advisable to be in the country when there problem start. This is because nobody, not even the government can guarantee your safety. And your safety is the most important of all; more important even than the money you came looking for in Europe.

But, some like Greece, Hungary, Romania, and Estonia are stable and can make a Nigerian rich, if he plays his card well. But note that the black population in most of these countries is not much and this will influence the kind of thing you will engage in. Remember that 10% of Nigerians who went to Europe are in jails fro various crime, charges and offences. ASIAN INDONESIA Indonesia continent. population 234million

is located in the southern hemisphere in the south of the Asian It has a per capital income of $1,700 and a minimum of $2 per hour. Its made up of 3% whites 7% Malays and 90% Asians. It has population of people.

MALAYSIA Malaysia is located by Indonesia in the southern hemisphere, income $3,700 and minimum wages $3 per hour. 2% white, 59% Malays and 39%Asian. About 23 million people. TYPES OF VISA Company sponsored visa Limited stay visa Permanent stay visa Service visa Tourist visa Social/ cultural visa Business visa Malaysia is one of new boom economics in south East Asia; mainly as a result of American involvement and favorable government policies. With a population of 23 million people, they cannot provide all the support staff to sustain their economic growth the Malaysian miracle brought for them. Nigerians have been more willing to provide the short fall in staff. Malaysia accepts Nigerian qualifications and Nigerian graduates can get there and work without needing to beef up their qualification. Even WAEC holders get jobs, which are not necessarily unskilled labor. The best way to enter Malaysia is by application to a company operating in Malaysia. If the company is interest end in employing you they will sponsor your visa by applying for your work permit. This is called company sponsorship visa. Once you have a letter of appointment and work permit from the company, you simply walk to the embassy and get your passport stamped with a visa. Limited stay visa is a visitor visa and you cannot work with it. However, a lot Nigerian traders travel to Malaysia for trade since they are one of our principal trade partners. The Malaysians recognize them, so they’re liberal with visa to Nigerians the chances are that whatever visa category you apply for it is most likely that you are going to get it. Permanent visa is only granted very skilled workers or people with outstanding ability. So it is now left to you to prove that you belong to one of the two groups. In general Malaysian visas are not difficult to gets they are not yet in such high demand by Nigerians.

NEW ZEALAND New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere beside Australia. It has a per capital income of $13,100 and a minimum of $4 per hour. Its population is made up of 13% white, 21% natives and 6%Asians. It has a small population of about 4 million people. TYPES OF NEW ZEALAND VISA Holidaymaker visa Visitor visa Employer sponsored visa Business visa Most of New Zealand visas are like Australian visa. They even have an acute problem of under population. They have deregulated there economy and given visa to a whole lot of jobs. This has created a labor need. However, New Zealand is not rich as most of other developed nations. But it is one of the easiest countries to enter. Nigerians have not started to go there because of this, they give Nigerians visa. But it’s important to understand that is cost about N380, 000 in flight ticket to go to New Zealand and you have to go en route South Africa and Australia. Permanent residency and citizenship is easy to get in New Zealand. It takes only a few years if you don’t commit any offence and you have a stable, paying job. They have a booming tourism industry and a lot of hotels. One of the easiest ways to get into new Zealand is by employer- sponsored this kind of visa is easy to get once; you get an employer to send for an appointment letter or employment letter and to process your work permit. Business visa too is easy to get as they have fully deregulated their economy and are looked for investors who will add something into their economy. They are into farming and you can arrange to visit one of their farms with the view to setting up your own in Nigeria which raw materials and products from New Zealand. Nigerians are not eligible for holidaymaker scheme. But you can use your initiative to devise what to use to apply for visa. AUSTRALIA Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. It is a continent and one of the largest countries in the world. It has a per capital income of $19,000 and a minimum wages of $10 dollars per hour. Its population is made up of 80% whites, 1%Australian and 4% Asians. It is very underpouplated. Its total population is 19million people TYPES OF AUTRALIAN VISA Working holiday visa Visitor visa Student visa Spouse visa Employer sponsored visa Permanent visa Employer nominated visa Skilled visa Skilled independent visa

Australia is one of the largest countries in the world but it is under populated with only 19million people. It cannot meet its labor recruitment. So it is seriously looking for immigrants. But they want only skilled workers with post secondary qualification. They do not want unskilled workers who will become liabilities. They have Green card scheme in which they award on a point system. The minimum point is 60points. Australia is one of the largest countries in the world but it is under populated with only 19million people. It cannot meet its labor recruitment. So it is seriously looking for immigrants. But they want only skilled workers with post secondary qualification. They do not want unskilled workers who will become liabilities. They have Green card scheme in which they award on a point system. The minimum point is 60points. . To score 60 points your occupations must be listed in the priority occupations skill, immigrations skill shortage list [ISSL] occupational shortage; list [OSL]. These occupations are mainly in the sciences, engineering and technology. Artisans are also needed and this list can be found at this websites www.nationalvisa.com.au www.skillclear.com/au If your occupation is in the these lists apply for immigration visa or permanent residency, you will get it. Even if your occupation is not there, select an occupation here and arrange the corresponding papers. You can also seek for an employer who will nominate you not necessarily for employment but for visas. He will nominate you for employment on the grounds that there is a shortage of labour in your foiled. The Australian embassy will give you a visa. On entering Australia they will give a work permit and allow you to seek for a job. You can also go to Australia as a student this is the easiest way to get a GREEN CARD in Australia the immigration law allows international student to apply for permanent residency even while still studying. This website www.immigration.govt.au will also help to get you more information. You can apply for skill visa if your occupation is in the shortages occupation list {SOL} or Sydney and other areas shortages occupation list {SASOL}. Australia is a country most immigrants go to and they don’t have to start getting stressed up about getting their papers. The government will give it to you wit a big thank you. Besides, they have not started to watch out for Nigeria. So the chance to go to their embassy will get a visa. HOW TO TRAVEL IF YOU HAVE NO MONEY There is a category of people who want to travel abroad but they have no money to do so or finance it. It is not a must that you must have money you can initiate the visa application once it comes through, getting money will not be so difficult. Student visa a student who wants to go for a degree program short courses or that graduates studies should apply only to the welfare countries [England, Norway, Denmark and Sweden] these countries do not pay tuition fees and they allow international student to work because they don’t pay tuition fees all you need to get is just your ticket fee and a fat bank statement. However, it is very competitive since they don’t pay school fees. Many people are applying, Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshi, Brazilians etc. The category of student’s visa is given to everybody as long as you have written WAEC you can apply for short courses, foundations courses or undergraduate program. The most important thing is getting the admission.

Other western European countries have the tuition fess which you can afford. With as little N250, 000 you can enter Germany, France or Cyprus on a student visa. A graduate can leave Nigeria for these countries, which have little or no tuition fees to pay .the very first step is to search for schools on the internet. All schools maintain websites. You won’t really spend any money. A lot of countries offer this immigration visa. you can apply for as many as you like example are : Australia , new Zealand , Canada, Sweden, and virgin islands etc. but remember you have a skill of some sort of some secondary qualification. This type of visa is slow and steady but it is very safe and you will get it in the end. It will not cost you anything. Athlete’s visa This is the newest visa reigning now. People arrange their portfolios and assign themselves imaginary clubs in Nigeria and advertise themselves to division two clubs in Europe. Most of the time they give these clubs impressions that they are willing to play for any amount. These clubs in turn, ever ready for whom to exploit, will call them for tests and will send them invitation to come for test in Europe. once the players land they get lost after the test s. these visas are easy to get but you have to restrict the clubs you approach through the internet to ones in the country where you know somebody. This will make things easier for you. Soccer is a big thing in Europe and clubs are ever ready to shop for new players because they can make more money out of them by loans, transfer and sales. this particular risk will not cost you much just some hours on the internet contacting clubs , then your flight ticket to the country for the test which if you are not a good player will fail the test. Holiday visa There are many ways of getting invited by a white European or American for a holiday visa. This could be by web dating or any such arrangement. You may ask the girl to invite you to visit her country for a week. If she does by sending you an invitation letter, packaging depends on you. This is an easy way of getting into Europe. Most Nigeria arrange for these letters to be sent to somebody the may want to help in Nigeria to travel out. By no=w you should know that this is the commonest visa Nigerians USE TI TRAVEL OUT OF THE COUNTRY. Conference visa If you belong to any international organization; from time to time they have conferences, workshop, seminar or crusades. They will send you an invitation letter to go to the embassy. But with the problem are that most don’t package themselves well when going to the embassy. package yourself will prove to them that you will return, you can prove this by arranging assets you have here like cars , a steady job , landed investments, a marriage and maybe 2kids etc all these are just evidence t o pr=over you will return. PREPARING TO GO TO THE EMBASSY Packaging means producing documents to prove something. These documents vary but below are a lot of most of the documents taken to the embassy during visa application. 1International passport 2bank statement [ company and personal] 3letter of sponsorship


invitation letter admission letter income tax clearance certificate pay slip letter of appointment letter form bank declaration of assets assets documents certificate of in co-operation memorandum of understanding marriage certificate child birth certificate partnership agreement business corresespondence certificate of qualification letter of employment evidence of payment curriculum vitea portfolio work permit destination visa medical report yellow card

Note: nobody can take all the documents stated above to the embassy. You can only take those required in your own case or visa application. International passport: This is the documents issued to all Nigerian citizens in request the official cost is about N6, 000 but somebody who wishes to procure this should budget about N10, 000 or more. It is on this document that the visa is stamped. It contains all the details of the bearer including, passport, date of birth, height etc. Bank statement: This is the document issued by the bank, which the owner of the account banks with. It contains all the transaction for the past six months. There are two types: personal and company bank statement. Letter of sponsorship This is a letter issued to a prospective traveler by a would be sponsor that the issuer will sponsor the bearer .it starts with TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Invitation letter This is issued by a legal resident of a foreign country, inviting the bearer to the foreign country for a visit for a particular reason. It is usually sent by post and not E-mail and contains the address and the phone number of the sender. Admission letter A letter form school or training establishment, which is admitting the bearer to training or academic program. It is either international, conditional or unconditional admission letter. Only unconditional and international admission letter can be taken to the embassy and honored for visa reasons. It carries the

date of the commencement of the program, its duration, the name of the establishment. The training fees if such are required. It also carries the amount paid or payable. Income clearance certificate: This is the evidence that the owner of an account a prospective visa application has been paying his or her taxes, in his or her particular country of residence. Since most developed country like USA does not joke with tax, it is a prerequisite for visa application. It shows that you are cleared as a tax-paying citizen. Pay slip Document that states how much you earn and get paid every month for visa procedure. It is the latest one that is required. It contains your rank and step your basic salary and other allowances par month and per annum. It also states how much you have been paid for that year. Letter of appointment This letter is also the same thing as letter of employment Letter from bank This is a letter issued to the owner of a bank account that intends to sponsor a particular person or a particular venture. It guarantees that cash will be transferred accordingly when there is demand for it. Declaration of assets This is usually obtain from a court of law or registry in form of an affidavit that the bearer owns a particular assets or assets with evidence to prove. Assets documents This comes from the receipt certificates of occupancy, etc. it proves that the bearer actually owns these things. Certificate of incorporation A certificate in which a company, organization or firm is registered. It is the ultimate proof in law that such an entity exists and contains the names of the owners in directors and its address. Memorandum certificate This is a business document detailing a merge about to be gone into business agreement about to be executed. It normally bears the signatures of two parties. Marriage certificates This is a certificate that proves that a union has occurred between two people, a man and a woman, who by mutual consent have agreed to be man and wife / husband and wife. It contains the name of the two people in question. The date of the marriage and the witness of the marriage, the place and the reference number in the court registry. It valid as long as there is no divorce .it is a very important document in visa application.

Birth certificate This is a document that ultimately proves the existence of a being. It states its date of birth, place or birth, place of origin, and the names of parents, if they are identifiable. Partnership agreement A document providing that two individuals have go into a particular business together. Business correspondence These document from two parties that show that they have been corresponding to go into business together. It is normally required from people applying for business visa. Certificate and qualifications These are academic document showing what you have attained. They include WAEC Certificate, First School Leaving Certificate, Senior School, Certificates, Training Certificates, Workshop Certificates, Ordinally diploma, Degree certificates, Post Graduate Certificates etc. Proof of payment This is the same thing as receipt of school fees or payment of purchased of goods or payment for a business transaction or payment for a training, seminar, work shop or conference. Curriculum vitae This is the paper produced by you stating your details like date of birth, place of birth, school attended and certificates and qualification obtained. Lifetime achievement like marriage and children etc. Portfolio This is evidence of work done. For film director and actors. This come in form of video evidence of film directed or acted. For engineers this includes designs or the actual product itself. For other professions it includes hard evidence of achievements and awards. Work permit This is given to people applying for skilled immigration visa or employment nominated visa. It comes from overseas. Destination visa This is an already stamped visa in a passport. It is required, when applying for transit visa. Medical report This is a report of an illness dully signed by a qualified medical doctor in an accredited government hospital. It states what the patient is suffering form and

that he will get better medical services outside the country. The various categories of visa require various documents as outlined below Note: all require 1 – that is international passport Besides, the various immigration websites and the embassies of the various countries will lift categorically. ATOURIST VISA 2-4-6-7-8-14-15 B-STUDENT VISA 2-3-5-6-7-8 IF YOU HAVE JOB 9-14-18-20 C- SKILLED WORKER VISA 2-6-7-8-14-15-18-21-22-23 D- FIANCEE / SPOUSE VISA 14 E-RELATIVE VISA 3-4- AND EVIDENCE OF THE RELATIONS B/W THE TWO F- EXECUTIVE OR MANAGERS VISA 2-6-7-10-12-13-18-21-22 GEXTRA ORDINARY ABILITY VISA 4-10-11-14-15-18-21-22-23H- ATHLETES VISA. 4-8-14-15-21-22 I-


JBUSINESS VISA 2-4-6-7-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-20 KPROVINCIAL NOMINAL VISA 2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-18-21-22-23 L-EMPLOYMENT NOMINAL VISA 2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-18-21-22-23 M- TRANSIT VISA 20 N- HIGHLY SKILLED MIGRATION PROGRAM VISA 2-6-7-8-14-15-18-21-22-23 O- VISITOR’S VISA 2-4-6-7-8-14-15 P-MEDICAL VISA 20-25

Q- HOLIDAYMAKER VISA 8-10-11-14-15 R- SCHENGEN VISA 2-6-7-8-9-10-11-14-15-18 S- IMMIGRATION/ IMMIGRANT VISA 2-4-6-7-8-9-10 T- AU PAIR VISA 4-518 U-RESEARCH VISA 2-5-6-8-9-10-11-14-15-18-21-22 V- SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT VISA 4-6-8-10-11-19-22 However, it is not a must that all these documents have to be complete. This is just a guideline to work towards. Visa application vary from country to country just be ready to provide most of their documents to increase your chances of getting the visa.

GOING TO THE EMBASSY In the morning you will go to the embassy, wake up early. Prepare -, so that you will not be hassled, stresses or harassed. Cross check all your documents and make sure they are complete. DO NOT GO TO THE EMBASSY IF YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE INCOMPLETE. When going to the embassy dress like what you claim you are, do not claim that you are a student and yet you dress like a banker .dress like what you say you are. It is well known fact that businessman particularly those from eastern part of the country dress in native attire when they want to dress to the occasion. If you are a skilled worker, dress like it; short and trouser and a pair or shoes, and not in a suit or in native attire. Be self-confident, look at your interviewer in the eyes, do not furtive glances about. Is the sign of a desperate person, nervous person or dishonest person? This you must not let your interviewer know what you are telling him or she is not the same thing that you have in mind. You must carefully hide all those tale signs and body language that might give you away. Radiate self-confidence, be comfortable and do not be intimidated by your surroundings, visit the embassy and make ordinal enquires. This is to take in the environment and not be intimidated by the embassy. Have a nice hair cut and carve your mustache and goatee if you have one, wear new clothes. This is to give an impression of wealth. If you impress your interviewer, it will increase your chances of getting visa. Practice your question and answer the right things. When the embassy official asks you questions, answer confidently looking at him or her in the eye.

DO NOT BE AFRIAD, NERVOUS, OR FRIGHTENED This will make the embassy official to be doubtful of your motives of coming to his or her country. All papers can be arranged, arrange your papers; make sure they are all complete. Appear calm and make sure you give them the impression that you have something on ground. Be careful of these kinds of question which the embassy official may ask you. Do you like Nigeria? Do you like America? Would you like to live in Germany? How long will you stay in Holland? There are extremely likely and tricky questions and the purpose of these questions is to have an insight into your mind. The first one of the question is yes with a capital Y you must love your country otherwise you would want to immigrate. Do you like America? This is extremely tricky and the answer depends on you, but make sure you don’t give them the impression you want to stay in their country. You could answer that you don’t really know=w if you like America that you have not thought of it. Would you like to live in Germany? Unless you are applying for immigrant visa, the answer to this question is No. if you make mistake and answer yes, you will be denied visa. You should prefer to live in Nigeria; that you will return after your visit. How long will you stay in Holland? The answer to this question should depend on what you are going there to do and should not be as long as your visa is valid. After answering all these questions the next thing to do is to wait for the decision to be made of two things, only one will happen. You will either be granted visa or you will be denied the visa. If you are denied the visa, there are other ways of still getting visa .these processes are called rebounding. These include (1) Protesting to the embassy that you have been unfairly denied visa. Most people because of guilty conscience never use this if you are denied. You should protest. Your case will be reviewd. Rarely is any reviewed case denied the second time. (2) Going to the embassy with a fresh passport. Some people go the embassy with fresh passport with slightly altered names ads slightly altered date of birth. If you are denied visa do not lose hope, keep trying most embassies will inform you as to the reason why you were denied visa if you correct these mistake / things, you can rebound to the same embassy or another for visa. The important thing is to keep trying. Some had apply our to seven times before they were granted visa.

ARRIVING IN THE NEW COUNTRY At the Nigeria airport, the airport officials [Nigerians] check your passport and document to make sure they are upto date. If your documents are incomplete, please make sure you have ready cash on you to settle these people. If the visa and the passport are not yours, make sure can definitely settle them. Make it a point of duty to travel through Port Harcourt as the procedure and security is lesser there. When the plane lands in the country of your destination, you will all disembark from the plane and walk across the tarmac [area surface of an airfield] to the arrival lounge. There they will check your papers and your passport and stamp the

date of arrival on it .the entry clearance official will ask you some routine questions. Like how long you staying? What is your business in the country? Is it business or pleasure? please be extreme careful in answering these question as the entry clearing official has the right to turn you back if he feels you are not genuine . However, this power is rarely used, unless you are criminal or terrorist. Nevertheless, adequate care should be taken in answering these questions. Procedure varies from country to country; in some countries they will proceed to search your luggage physically or electronically or both, check out the lists of contraband goods in the immigration website of the country before traveling , that way you will not fall into the mistake most first time travelers make. If you are entering a country for the first time, please make adequate preparation to see that somebody already resident meets you there. This will save you the inconvenience of getting lost [this is possible], entering the wrong bus or train. If for any reason, you will not be met make sure you have understood the route you will take to get to your final destination in the country. It is not advisable to just go to a country you don’t know anybody or have any facilities on ground especially if you just entered with the wrong visa. This is because if you came in with one month visa, you start from the day of your arrival to run around to have your passport regularized. It is always good to have a spare Nigerian passport when traveling out just in case. But the passport should be posted to your destination. Not sent by courier. Courier companies check what they are delivering for you and none will agree to send a passport to another destination for any reason. In fact, the Nigerian postal service will only do this because they will not open the sealed envelope, and as such are not even aware what is inside As soon as you arrive, change your clothes to look like the average man on there streets: and start to learn the language intensively. This might be your only survival factor later. REGULARIZING YOUR IMMIGRATION PAPERS Many a times, Nigerians arrive another country with the wrong type of visa. Some want to immigrate and they enter with one- month tourist visa; which will expire before they know what is happening. You need the help of Nigerians abroad to regularize your papers. This will take the form of declaring yourself as a refugee / Asylum seeker. In this case you have to throw away your passport and tell a convincing tale. But you must be coherent in your story and claim the nationality of a country that is currently distressed and has been distresses for sometime. example are Sudan, sierra Leone, and Liberia etc. but if you must claim refugee status, you must be ready to do background work into the ethnic background of the country including ethnic groups [one of which you must come from etc.Another form of paper regularization is contract marriage to get permanent residency. this marriage will last as long as it takes you to get your papers. Another form is visa renewal. Some people go to Europe with 6months visas and keep renewing it very 6months .this means every six months, they are back in Nigeria and reapply for visa. Now, because they have never overstayed their visa, it will be granted them each time they come back and apply. This is a little more expensive as you will be incurring return ticket fees. ONE LAST WORD Going abroad or traveling oversea is not do or die affair; neither is it a full time job. Whatever you were doing before, the best thing is to continue doing it until your visa is granted. Do not make the mistake most make. They discard their means of livelihood all in the name of traveling abroad. If the plan fails, they find that they are in a

worse situation than they were when they started out with plans to travel abroad. Just continue doing what you were doing. So that if it doesn’t work out you will not loose much. If you borrowed money to travel out. Keep it out the back of your mind that the money must be paid back, if somebody sure tied you; make sure you relieve this person of this obligation as soon as possible. When you get there, remember it is not your country, no matter how beautiful the country may be. Remember that you will never be 100% welcome, as a result of being a foreigner or being black. Always look homeward towards Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. This is because no matter how corrupt this country might be, it is still home; and you will realize that if you are wealthy in Nigeria, you will enjoy this country. always remember to remit part of your earning to Nigeria, always remember those starving , poor and hungry members of your family, who you can help by just sending a few hours’ earning to. Always remember that you must have landed investment in Nigeria, these buildings must acts as your provision in later years as you cannot remain in another man’s country forever. Remember to save for the rainy day preferably in Nigeria here as this is the only place your money will be safe if you are deported. Always remember to stay low- keyed as in doing so less people will notice you. Always dress like the people you are in their country to avoid attracting attention to yourself. Try as much as possible to learn the language of the country you are in as soon as possible. This is because there is no better symbol of an immigrant as that who can’t speak the language of the country. And always believe and have faith in God. This is the most important of all.

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Felix Ng's_cv
April 2020 2