Federal Reserve

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The Federal Reserve The Rising Of The Beast Of Revelation Chapter 13 A Little American History

1775, the American Revolutionary war began, as the American colonies sought to detach from English rule and its oppressive monarchy. The prime cause for the American Revolution being that King George III outlawed the interest free independent currency system, which the colonies were producing and using for themselves. In turn forcing them to borrow money from the central bank of England, at interest, immediately putting the colonies in to debt. As Benjamin Franklin later wrote; “With the refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution”. In 1783, America won its independence from England. However, its battle against the central bank concept and the corrupt, greed filled men associated with it had only just begun. What Is A Central Bank? A Central Bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation. Based on historical precedent, two specific powers are characteristic in central banking practice, which are; 1. 2.

The control of interest rates The control of the money supply (inflation).

The central Bank does not simply supply the governments economy with money, it loans it to them, ‘at interest’! Then through the manipulation of increasing and reducing the supply of money, the Central Bank regulates the value of the currency being issued.


The Problem The important truth that you have to understand is that the entire structure of such a system can only produce one thing – ‘DEBT’! And is designed to do just that! It doesn’t take a genius to figure this scam out, for every single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned ‘at INTEREST’! This means that every single dollar produced is actually ‘that Dollar – Plus a percent of debt on top, based on that dollar’. And since the central bank has complete monopoly over the production of all currency for the entire country, and they loan ‘each dollar’ out with immediate debt attached to it, where does the money to pay for the debt come from? The government loans more dollars from the Central bank’s reserve, to pay for debt that was accrued because of the interest that was on top of the original dollars produced for the government by the Central Bank (Federal Reserve). The end result of this system without fail or any other possible outcome is – SLAVERY! For it is impossible for the government and in turn the public to ever come out of this self generated debt. The founding fathers of America were well aware of this; “I believe that the banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”

Thomas Jefferson 1743 – 1826 “If you want to remain slaves to the bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation’s credit”. – Sir Josiah Stamp 1880 – 1941


How did America End-Up With A Central Bank? By the early 20th century, America had already foiled several illegal attempts to establish a central banking system, which were swindled into place by ruthless banking systems and corrupt corporations. At this time the dominant families in the business banking world were; Rockefeller, the Morgan’s, the Warburg’s and the Rothschild’s. In the early 20th century, they attempted to push once again, legislation to create another central bank. However, they were very aware that the government and public were very wary of such an institution.

The Rockefeller family, their Standard Oil holdings (threatened with seizure in 1942 under the Trading With The Enemy Act for continuing to provide Nazi Germany with Middle East oil a year after Pearl Harbour was attacked) and Rockefeller banks (Chase Manhattan Bank and Citibank, and into family foundations), joint-venture with IG Farben, the leading German chemical concern that built and operated a large synthetic fuels plant with slave labour inside the Auschwitz concentration camp).

They needed to ‘create’ an incident to affect public opinion. So, J.P. Morgan, publicly considered to be a trustworthy financial legend at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumours that a prominent bank in New York was insolvent or bankrupt. Morgan knew that this would cause mass hysteria, which would affect other banks also. It did! The public, in fear of loosing their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals. Consequently the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing home and business owners to sell their property and assets, and a flood of repossessions and homelessness followed.

The Morgan family and their banks (New York money centre being J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty, and Morgan Grenfell, primary beneficiary of U.S. and allied war debts; Morgan partners held directorships in 167 industrial concerns, banks, railroads, and utilities, and they controlled, through their banking relationships, the most important media in the United States, including the New York Times. Meanwhile, the House of Morgan had syndicated a $100 million loan to Mussolini's government in 1925)

Putting the pieces together a few years later, Fredrik Allan of Lifetime Magazine referring to the crash of 1907, wrote; “The Morgan interests took advantage to precipitate the panic, guiding it shrewdly as it progressed”. Unaware of this whole thing being a fraud, the panic of 1907 led to a congressional investigation, led by senator Nelson Aldrich, who had intimate ties to these very same banking cartels who headed the fraud in the first place, and later became part of the Rockefeller family by marriage. The commission led by Aldrich after completion of the investigation, recommended that a ‘Central Bank’ should be implemented, so that a panic like 1907, could never happen again.


This was the spark that the International Bankers needed and had manipulated to initiate their plan. In 1910 a secret meeting was held at a J.P. Morgan estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It was there that the Central Banking Bill, called ‘The Federal Reserve Act’ was written. This legislation was written up by bankers, not lawmakers, and the meeting was so secretive, so concealed from government and from public knowledge, that the ten or so figures who attended, were told they could only use their first names when addressing each other. After the bill was constructed, it was handed over to their political front man, senator Fredrik Aldrich, and his job being to push the bill through congress. And in 1913, with heavy sponsorship by the Bankers, Woodrow Wilson became President, having already agreed to sign the Federal Reserve act, in exchange for campaign support. Two days before Christmas, when most of congress was at home with their families, the Federal Reserve Act was voted in, and then Woodrow Wilson made it law! Years later, Woodrow Wilson wrote, in regret; “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men”. He wrote this in 1919.

Congressman Louis McFadden also expressed the truth after the passage of the Bill; “A World Banking System was being set-up here! A Super state controlled by International Bankers. Acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. The Fed has usurped the government”.

Louis T McFadden


Greed Wastes No Time During the passing of the Federal Reserve Bill, the American people were told that the creation of the Federal Reserve would prevent fluctuation, collapse and inflation in the monetary system. This couldn’t be further from the truth. From 1914 to 1919 the Federal Reserve doubled the nations money supply. Resulting in extensive loans to small businesses and the public. Then, during 1920 the Federal Reserve called in mass percentages of the outstanding money supply, resulting in the supreme banks having to call in huge numbers of loans and, just like 1907, bankruptcy, repossessions and collapse followed. Over 5400 competitive banks, outside of the Federal Reserve System collapsed, further consolidating the monopoly of the small Elite group within the Federal Reserve. Privy to this crime, Congressman Lindbergh stepped up and said in 1921; “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created, the present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out in the same way as we figure a mathematical equation.” Now Tried And Tested However, the panic of 1920 was just a warm up. From 1921 to 1929 the Fed again, increased the money supply by 62 %, resulting in once again lending extensive loans to small business, the public and private small banks. There was also introduced a new type of loan, known as a margin loan in the stock market. Very simply put, the margin loan allowed an investor to put down only 10% of a stocks price, with the other 90% being loaned by the broker. In other words, people could own $1000 worth of stock, with only $100 down of their own. This method proved very popular in the roaring 1920’s, as everyone seemed to be making money in the market. However, there was a catch to this loan. It could be called in at any time, and must to be paid back in full within 24 hours. This is termed a margin call. And a typical result of a margin call is the selling of the stock purchased with the loan. So, a few months before October 1929, JD Rockefeller, Bernard Mannes Baruch and other insiders, quietly exited the market, and on October 24th 1929, the New York fianciers who supplied the margin loans, started calling them in, in mass!

J.D. Rockefeller Bernard Mannes Baruch

This sparked an instantanious massive sell off in the market, because everyone had to cover the margin loans. This calapsed over 16,000 banks, enabling the conspiring International Bankers to not only buy up the rival banks at a discount, but to also buy up whole corporations. It was the greatest robbery in American history. But that didn’t stop there. Rather than expanding the money suppy enabling recovery from the economic calapse, the Fed Reserve contracted the currency supply, fueling one of the largest depressions in history. Once again outraged, Congressman Louis McFadden began bringing impeachment proceedings against the Federal Reserve board, saying of the crash and depression; “It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge the rulers of us all.”


After two assassination attempts ‘McFadden was poisoned at a banquet’, before he had the chance to push his impeachment on the Federal Reserve Bankers. Cash based on what?

Having reduced society to squalor, the Federal Reserve Bankers decided that the ‘Gold Standard’ should be removed, and in order to do this, they needed to acquire the remaining gold in the system. So, under the pre-tense of ‘helping to end the depression’ came the 1933 gold seizure. Under the threat of imprisonment for up to 10 years, everyone in America was required to hand in all gold bullion, offering a well below worth compensation, basically robbing the already crushed American public of what little wealth they had left. And at the end of 1933, the Gold standard, which all currency was based on, was abolished! If you were to look at a dollar bill before 1933, it says that it is redeemable in gold. If you look at a dollar bill today, it says that it is legal tender. Which means that it is backed by absolutely nothing. It is actually and in reality, worthless paper, supported by an idea, imagination or thin air! The ‘ONLY’ thing that gives the dollar value, is how much of it is in circulation. Therefore the power to regulate the power supply is also the power to regulate its value. Which by its very nature is also the power to bring entire economies and societies to their knees. “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws” Mayor Amschel Rothschild – Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty It’s important to understand, that the Federal Reserve, although it enjoys the title ‘Federal’ is in-fact a private organization. It is no more Federal as Federal Express. It makes its own policies and is under virtually no regulation by the US government. It is a private bank that loans ‘all’ the nations currency ‘at interest’. A currency which is based on nothing, and which they can simply print more of at will and loan out ‘At Interest’ to the government. Clearly consistent with the fraudulent Central Banking System model, that the country sought to escape from when it declared independence in the American revolutionary war.


The Federal Income Tax Going back to 1913, the Federal Reserve was not the only unconstitutional bill pushed through Congress. They also pushed and established the Federal Income Tax. It is worth while pointing out that the American public are uninformed regarding the Federal Income Tax, and is a testament to how easy it is to dumb down the general public to the truth. First of all the Federal Income Tax is completely unconstitutional, as it is a direct, unapportioned tax. All direct taxes have to be apportioned to be legal, according to the Constitution. Secondly, the required number of Stated required in order to sanction an amendment to allow the income tax was never met! This has even been underlined in modern court cases: “If you examined the 16th amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of States never ratified that amendment.” US District Court Judge, James C Fox 2003 At the present day around 35% of the average worker’s income in America is taken from them via this tax. That means you work 4 months out of the year to fulfil this tax obligation, and guess where that money goes? It goes to pay the interest on the currency being produced by the fraudulent Federal Reserve Bank, a system that does not have to exist at all! Not one cent of this tax goes to any governmental program what so ever. And that’s not a maybe, NOT ONE CENT! The money you make working 4 months out of the year goes almost literally into the pockets of the International Bankers, who own the private Federal Reserve Bank! Even with the fraudulent government claim as to the legality of the income tax, there is literally no statute, no law in existence that requires you to pay this tax, period! “I really expected that there ‘must’ be a law that you can point too in the law book of code that require you to file a tax return, of course there must be! I was at that point where I couldn’t find the statute that clearly made a person liable, ordinary people like me and most people I know. So I had no choice in my mind but too resign! – I have not filed a Federal income tax return since I left!” Joe Turner – Former IRS Agent “Based on the research that that I did though out the year 2000, and that I’m still doing, I have failed to find that law! I’ve asked superiors within the IRS, IRS Commissioners and helper’s, even Congress, and they can’t answer, because if they give the honest answer, the American people are going to know that this whole thing is a farce! – I have not filed an Income Tax Return since 1999!” Sherry Jackson – Former IRS Agent The income tax is nothing less than the enslavement of the entire country!


Who’s Wars? Now, to control the economy and the perpetual robbery of the nations wealth is only one side of the Rubik’s cube that these Bankers hold in their hands. The next tool used for profit and control is WAR! Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, a number of large and small wars have commenced, the three most pronounced being World War I, World War II and Vietnam. World War I – In 1914 European wars broke out centred around Britain and Germany. The American public wanted nothing to do with the war. In turn, President Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality. However, under the surface, the US Administration was looking for any excuse it could find to enter the conflict. Woodrow Wilson’s top advisor and mentor was Colonel Edward House, a man with intimate connections with the International Bankers, who wanted ‘IN’ regarding the European war. In a noted observation by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan: “The large Banking interests were deeply interested in the World War, because of the wide opportunities for large profits!” It’s important to understand that the most lucrative thing that can happen for the International Bankers is War! Why? Because if forces the country to borrow even more money from the Federal Reserve Bank, at interest! In a documented conversation between Colonel House, Woodrow Wilson’s advisor and Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary of England, regarding how they might get England in to the war, Edward Grey enquired: “What would Americans do if Germans sink an ocean liner with American passengers on board?” Colonel House responded: “I believe that a flame of indignation would sweep the United States and that by itself would be sufficient to carry us in to war” So, on May 7th 1915, on essentially the suggestion of Sir Edward Grey, a ship named the Lusitania was deliberately sent into German controlled waters, where German military vessels were known to be, and as expected German U boats torpedoed the ship, exploding stored ammunition, sinking it in 18 minutes, killing 12,000 people! To further understand the deliberate nature of this set-up, the German Embassy actually put advertisements in the New York Times, telling people that if they boarded the Lusitania, they did so “at their own risk”. As such a ship sailing from America to England, would be liable to destruction. In turn and as anticipated, the sinking of the Lusitania caused a wave of Anger among the American population, and America entered the war a short time after. The 1st World War caused 323,000 American deaths. J.D. Rockefeller made $200,000,000 profit from it. That’s about 1.9 Trillion from today’s standards. Not to mention that the war cost around 30 billion dollars for America, most of which was borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank, with interest, creating a win win situation for the International Bankers, including the said same J.D. Rockefeller.


World War II – On December 7th 1941, Japan attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbour, triggering America’s entry into that war. President Franklin D Roosevelt declared that the attack was “A day that will live in infamy, a day of infamy indeed, but not just because of the alleged surprise attack on Pearl harbour. After 60 years of surfacing information, it has become clear that not only was the attack on Pearl Harbour known weeks in advance, but it was outright wanted and even provoked! Franklin Roosevelt, who’s family had been New York bankers since the 18th century, who’s uncle Fredrik was on the original Federal Reserve board, was very sympathetic to the interests of the International Bankers, and the interest was to enter the war, for as we’ve seen, nothing is more profitable for International bankers than war. In a journal entry by Roosevelt’s Secretary of War, Henry Stimson dated November 25th 1941 where he documented a conversation he had with Roosevelt: “The question how we should manoeuvre them into firing the first shot…It was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this, so that there should remain no doubt as to who were the aggressors.” In the months leading up to the Pearl Harbour attack, Roosevelt had done almost everything in his power to anger the Japanese, showing an attitude of aggression. He halted all of Japans imports with American Petroleum. He froze all the Japanese assets in the United States. He made public loans to nationalist China He supplied military aid to the British Both China and Britain were enemies of Japan, and this was a clear effort to aggravate them. To do this deliberately is in complete violation of International war rules. On December the 4th, three days ‘before’ the attack, Australian intelligence informed Roosevelt about a Japanese task force, moving in towards Pearl Harbour. Roosevelt ignored it! So, on December 7th 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, killing 2,400 soldiers. Before Pearl Harbour 83% of the American public wanted nothing to do with the war. After the Pearl Harbour, one million men volunteered for the war! It’s important to note, Nazi Germany’s war effort was largely supported by two organizations. One of which was called I.G. Farben. They produced 84% of Germany’s explosives and even the Zyklon B pellets used in the concentration camps used to kill well over six million people. One of the unspoken partners of I.G. Farben was J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company in America. In fact the German Air Force could not operate without a special additive patented by Rockefeller Standard Oil. The drastic bombing on London by Nazi for example was made possible by a $20 million sale of fuel to I.G. Farben by Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. This is but one small point on the topic of how American business funded both sides of World War II. One other treasonous organization worth mentioning is the Union Banking Corporation Of New York City. Not only did it finance numerous aspects of Hitler’s rise to power, along with actual materials during the war. It was also a Nazi money-laundering bank, which was eventually exposed for having millions of dollars of Nazi money in its volts. The Union Banking Corporation of New York was eventually seized with violations of the trading with the enemy act. Guess whom the Director and Vice President of the Union Banking Corporation was? Prescott Bush, The father of President George H.W. Bush and Grandfather of George W Bush junior. Keep this in mind when considering the moral and political dispositions of the Bush family.


Vietnam – The United States official declaration of war in North Vietnam in 1964, came after an alleged incident involving two US destroyers being attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats off the Gulf of Tonkin, known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. This single event was used as a vehicle to justify massive troop deployment and full-fledged warfare. One problem however! The attack on American destroyers by Vietnamese PT boats ‘Never Happened!’ It was a completely staged event to have an excuse to enter into war. Former Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara quoted years later that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a mistake! While ‘many’ other insiders and officers have come forward, admitting that the whole incident was a contrived farce, a complete lie! Once in the war, it was business as usual! In October 1966 President Linden Johnson lifted trade restrictions on the Soviet block, knowing full well that the Soviets were providing upwards of 80% of North Vietnam’s arms supplies. As a result of this, Rockefeller Interests financed factories in the Soviet Union, which the soviets used to manufacture military equipment and send it to North Vietnam. However the funding of both sides of this conflict was only one side of the coin: In 1985 Vietnam’s rules of engagement were declassified. This detailed what American troops were and were not allowed to do in the war. This included absurdities such as: North Vietnamese Ante-aircraft missile systems could not be bombed until they were known to be fully operational. No enemy could be pursued into the surrounding areas. (Which means that soldiers were not allowed to pursue the enemy over into Laos or Cambodia) Critical strategic targets are not to be attacked, unless initiated by high-ranking military officials. Apart from these imposed ludicrous limitations. It’s come to light that North Vietnam was informed of these restrictions, and therefore could plan entire strategies around the limitations of the American forces. This is why the war went on so long. The bottom line is this: The Vietnam war was never meant to be won, just sustained! This war for profit resulted in 58,000 American lives, and 3,000,000, Vietnamese lives being lost! So, where are we now?


9/11 More Of The Same

September 11th was the jump-start for what is now an accelerated agenda by the ruthless elite. It was a staged war ploy, no different than the sinking of the Lusitania, the provoking of Pearl Harbour and the gulf of Tonkin. In-fact, if 9/11 wasn’t a planned war pretext; it would be an exception to the rule! It has been used to launch two un-provoked illegal wars, one against Iraq and one against Afghanistan. However 9/11 was a ploy or pretext for another war also. The war against you and me! The Patriarch Act, Homeland Security, the Military Tribunal Act and other legislations, are all completely and entirely designed to destroy your civil liberties and limit your ability to fight back against what they know is coming! Currently In the United States, unannounced to most un-informed Americans, your home can be searched without a warrant, without you being home. And in turn, you can be arrested with no charges revealed to you, detained indefinitely with no access to a lawyer and legally tortured. All under the suspicion that you might be ‘a fundamentalist, terrorist or extremist’, and the lines are becoming more and more blurred as to what ‘extremism or fundamentalism’ actually is, as more and more American’s are being accused of being so, simply because they choose to hold the conviction of their faith! Can this really be the same America, the land of the free?


Our Truth Becomes Your Truth; We’ll Make Sure Of It! If you need a painted picture of what is happening in America, let’s take a moment to recognise how history repeats itself: If February 1933, Hitler staged a false flag attack, burning down his own parliament building, the Reichstag, and blamed it on Communist terrorists. Within the next few weeks he passed the enabling act, which completely eradicated the German constitution, destroying the people liberties. He then led a series of pre-emptive wars, which he justified with the German people as necessary to maintain homeland security. Now take a look at this speech by George W Bush, in reaction and reference to the 9/11 attacks: “An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our home land.” It was after this speech that the Patriarch Act, Homeland Security and the Military Tribunal Act were introduced, all of which steel away from the freedoms of the American constitution and the American citizens. Hitler made the virtually identical speech to the German people after the Reichstag attack, when establishing and introducing the Gestapo to them! The people in power in America go out of their way to ensure you are perpetually misled and manipulated. The majority’s perception of reality, especially in the political arena is not their own, although they believe it to be! It is shrewdly imposed upon them, without them even knowing it! A good example would be, people actually believed that the invasion on Iraq went badly, as sectarian violence to this day, doesn’t seem to stop. What the public fails to see is that the destabilization of Iraq is ‘exactly’ what the power ‘behind’ the government actually wants. War is to be sustained, so that domination of the oil is maintained, continual profits reaped for the defence contractors and weapons manufacturers, and most importantly, permanent military bases and presence established which can be used as potential launching pads for any future threat in the surrounding regions and against oil bearing, non conforming countries, such as Iran and Syria. For further proof that the civil war and destabilization is purely intentional: In 2005, two elite, British S.A.S officers were arrested by Iraqi police, after being caught driving around in their car, shooting at civilians, while being dressed-up as Arab’s! After being arrested and taken to a jail in Bosrah. The British army immediately requested the release of these men. When the Bosrah government refused, British tanks came in, violating the Iraqi’s judicial system and physically broke out the men from the Bosrah Prison


“If you wish to destroy an area, how do you do it? There are two ways: You can go in and bomb it, but that’s not very efficient. Or you try to get the people of that area to kill each other, and to destroy their own territories and their own farms, and this is what has been done in that area (Iraq). The way you destroy an opponent is to get him to destroy himself, by dividing his ranks against one another. The way to achieve this is to get Agents planted inflaming both sides, and they’ll kill each other off. It’s time that some of us woke up to this reality. To understand, that people who are trying to create empires, do it by manipulating the people they are trying to subdue.” This happens constantly!


Dancing With The Pied Piper It’s worth asking ourselves, why our entire culture is now saturated with mass media entertainment from all sides, while at the same time, the education system in America continues its puzzling downward slide, since the US Government decided to take over and to subsidise the public school system! “What your government pays for it gets! When we understand that, then we look at Government financed institutions of education, and see the kind of education and the kind of students that are being turned out by these Government financed schools. Logic will tell you if what is being turned out in those government financed schools, was not in accord with what the State and Federal Government wanted, then the Government would change it. The bottom line is that the Government is getting exactly what it ordered. They do not want your Children to be well educated! They do not want you thinking too much! This is why our country and our world has become so saturated with entertainments, mass media such as television shows, amusement parks, drugs and alcohol, and any kind of entertainment which can keep the human mind entertained, so that you don’t get in the way of important people, by doing too much thinking! We need to wake-up and understand that there are people whom our guiding our lives, and we don’t even know it!” - Jordan Maxwell The very last thing, the invisible men behind the curtain want, is a conscious, informed public, capable of critical thinking. Which is why a continually fraudulent social impression is output, via infiltration and the manipulation of main stream religions, the mass media and the education systems around the world, and no where more so than the West and especially America and Europe. They seek to keep us all in a distracted naive bubble, and they are doing their job well! So well in-fact that the majority reading material such as this, just won’t believe it!


Give Away A Little To Gain The World! In 2005, an arrangement between Canada, Mexico and the United States was made. This arrangement has been totally unregulated by congress, and is set to merge the United States, Mexico and Canada in to ‘One Entity’, Erasing All Borders! It’s called the North American Union. It’s truly amazing that something so life changing, constitutionally devastating and world shaping has been so successfully kept quiet and out of the American public arena. This arrangement was never put to a public vote, nor even so much as announced to the public! Why? The background power people that ‘in truth’ control government and the direction of American politics are fully aware of what happens when change on this scale is thrown to the publics attention. There would be opposition, lobbying, rallying against, debate and so much red tape to get through that it would quite simply take a lifetime to even get the ball rolling. The same powers are equally aware that to achieve their final objective of literal globalisation and World Government would be far easier to achieve if they can first make the world a smaller place to begin with! The same Bankers have been behind the Union of nations that now make up the European Union, formally known as the Common Market, which has now even made room for nations ‘outside’ of what was formally considered to be geographical Europe. Nations from the former Eastern block area and North Africa, and the list of nations continues to grow! The North American Union isn’t some trade agreement; it is the total removal of sovereignty from these countries, which goes even further than the EU, although the same result is to be achieved with the EU, which, like the EU is to result in a completely new currency called the Amero. By default of this agreement, the American constitution will eventually become obsolete! I re-emphasize that you would expect that a situation such as this would be on every cover of every newspaper across the globe. Especially when you consider the implications for the whole world, as the United States currently being the largest world power, impacts the economy of the other nations. That is until you realise that the people behind this movement are the same people behind and controlling the mainstream media, and you are not informed on what they do not want you to know! Think about it! Why do over 90% of people around the world know little or nothing of this union or the coming Amero? There are similar unions underway between Russia, China and the rest of the Far East and also between the Middle Eastern (obviously not inclusive of Israel), and the African nations. These are often referred too as the Asian Union, the European Union, the African Union and the North American Union, with a similar union also between Australia, New Zealand and other South Pacific nations. Is it merely coincidence that all at the same time, nations and continents who have bitterly fought over hundreds of years, have now settled their cultural, religious, boundary and border disputes, power struggles etc, and are now happy to relinquish their identities, sovereignties, border controls and currencies. We have to ask ourselves, why? Who is conducting this symphony of change? These are not random global unions that by mere chance have settled their differences and by coincidence have wilfully relinquished their identities and sovereignties all at the same point in history and time!


The European Union has the same agenda and concept as the African Union, North American Union, the Asian Union and the South Pacific Union, and the same people are behind them! And when the time is right, these Unions will be merged together, forming the final stages of a plan that has been being worked on since the founding of America, as America was formed for a ‘specific and peculiar purpose!’, which we’ll go into shortly! This desire has been in men’s hearts for millennia, yet only now is this dream of the Elite powers seeing its final capstone come together. The forming of a One World Government! “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it! The only question is, whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” James Warburg, to the United States, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1950

“We are grateful to the Washington post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards World Government. The Supranational Sovereignty of an intellectual Elite and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national Auto-determination practiced in past centuries!” David Rockefeller – Council on foreign relations. One Bank, One Army, One Centre of Power! And if we have learned anything at all from history, it has to be that “POWER CORRUPTS, AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTLY!” Lord Acton – English Historian – 1834 – 1902

The person above on the left is Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former politician. On the right is Nicholas Rockefeller from the infamous Rockefeller banking and business dynasty. After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller, Aaron ended the relationship after being appalled about what he had learned of Rockefeller’s ambitions. When asked what was so bad that he felt the need to separate himself from Nicholas Rockefeller, Aaron Russo had this to say: (What you are about to read, is taken from an actual recording) He begins the dialogue by explaining how they met, and then continues to say: “We became good friends, and eventually he (Nicholas Rockefeller) began to divulge a lot of things to me. So he said to me one night:” “There’s going to be an event soon, and out of that event, you’ll see, we’re going to go into Afghanistan, so we acquire the pipelines from the Caspian Sea. We’re going to go into Iraq, to take the oil and establish a base in the Middle East. The plan’s to go into Venswala and take out Chavez’”. “Now the first two they’ve accomplished, Chavez’ they didn’t accomplish. You can see guys going into caves looking for (he laughs) people they know they’re never going to find. He was laughing about the fact that we’ve got this war on terror, yet there’s no real enemy. And he talked about how having this war on terror, you can never win it, it’s an eternal war, so you can use it to take peoples liberties away. So I asked, ‘how you going to convince the


people that this war is real?’ And he said: “Through the media. With control of the media you can convince everybody it’s real. All you do is keep talking about these things, reporting them and saying them over again and again and eventually people believe it.” You know they created the Federal Reserve in 1913, which was created through a lie. They create 9/11, which was another lie. Through 9/11, then we’re fighting a war on terror. Then they go into Iraq, which is another lie, and next they’re going to do Iran, and it’s all one thing leading to another, leading to another. I said to him: “OK, what are you doing this for, what’s the point to this thing? You have all the money in the world you could want; you have all the power, why? You know your hurting people, it’s not a good thing” And he said: “What do you care about the people for? Take care of yourself, take care of your family!” And then I said to him: “What are you doing, what’s the ultimate goals here?” He said, our ultimate goal is to get everybody chipped with the RFID chip, and have all money run from those chips and everything in those chips, and if anybody wants to protest what we do, or violate what we want, we just turn off their chip.” (So that they can’t buy or sell!)


Getting Under Your Skin!

That’s right, Micro chipped! In 2005 Congress, under the pretence of immigration control and the ‘so called’ war on terrorism, passed the Real I.D. Act. Which means, some time in the very near future, all Americans will be required to carry around a Federal I.D. card.

Which includes on it a scan-able bar code, which will open up files on all your personal information. However, as you’ve just read, this bar code is simply an intermediary step before the card is equipped with a Verichip RFID Tracking Module, which will use radio frequencies to track ‘Your Every Move On The Planet!’

If this sounds foreign to you, please note that the RFID Tracking Chip is already in ‘All’ new American Passports, and since then has been popping up everywhere and in use for a very many varied concepts, as it slowly gains public acceptance through its clear benefits and securities, which it offers. And the final step, as you’ve read above and heard from Rockefeller is the implanted chip, which many people have already been manipulated into accepting, under different pretenses:


“Verichip Corporation’s Infant Protection Systems Now Installed in More Than Half of All Birthing Facilities in Ohio” December 12 2007, verichipcorp.com news

“And another:

“VeriChip, the company that makes human-implantable RFID chips, is looking to span its equipment from newborns to the military enlisted.” Another:

Insurers Study Implanting RFID Chips in Patients A New Jersey hospital and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield are recruiting volunteers to have an RFID device implanted under their skin that can be used to monitor medical and family contact information. Another:

‘Remember Your Chips’ Earlier this year, four hospitals in Puerto Rico announced plans to implant chips in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory problems. Once implanted, people cannot control who reads the identifying number from the chip, and critics worry the chips could be used to track peoples movements and behaviour. Another:

“CIO Tests Embedded RFID Chip” The CIO of the Harvard Medical School said he became a radio-signal guinea pig so he could properly evaluate the technology. As an emergency medicine physician, Dr. John D. Halamka immediately saw the lifesaving potential of embedding tiny wireless RFID (radio-frequency identification) devices in people. The chip itself is a passive RFID device that merely transmits a 16-digit numeric identifier. Properly credentialed emergency room staff could access a secure Web site that would allow them to identify him and access relevant medical records, he said. Another: Prisoners 'to be chipped like dogs By Brian Brady, Whitehall Editor Published: 13 January 2008

Ministers are planning to implant "machine-readable" microchips under the skin of thousands of offenders as part of an expansion of the electronic tagging scheme that would create more space in British jails. Amid concerns about the security of existing tagging systems and prison overcrowding, the Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio wave technology to monitor criminals. But, instead of being contained in bracelets worn around the ankle, the tiny chips would be surgically inserted under the skin.


Another use: The tracking technology known as RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is showing up everywhere from grocery stores, to shipping containers, to gas stations, to toll roads. Now, your intestines can join in the radio wave fun!

Kodak has filed this patent application for RFID tagged capsules that could be swallowed to track activity in a patient’s digestive system. The capsules would contain a tiny tracking chip which could be used to monitor a patient’s medication history, or to transmit other medical information to a nearby RF data collector. The pills would be designed to break down over time without harming the recipient. While the idea might seem a little odd, it actually has potential to reduce the need for invasive medical procedures, as well as to ensure that patients take the proper dosage of their medicines.

A group of American people volunteered to be the first ever civilians to be implanted, after having the security benefits explained to them: “After 9/11, I was seriously concerned about the security of my family!” – Leslie Jacobs, Volunteer.

In the end, everybody will be locked into a monitored Global Control Grid! Where every single action you perform is documented. And if you get out of line, they can just turn off your chip. For in that point in time, every single aspect of society will revolve around interactions with the chips! This ‘is’ the picture that is painted for the future if we open up our eyes to see it. A centralized One World Economy, where everyone moves and transactions are tracked and monitored, all rights removed! The Most Incredible Aspect Of All! – These totalitarian and oppressive elements will not be forced upon the general public! – The people will demand them! Through the social manipulation upon society and because of a generation of fear and division, has detached humans from their sense of power and reality. A manipulative process, which has been going on behind our backs for generations! And it is this we’ll take a look at next…



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