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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 My web-sites are Reg6.com, HenryPotter.org, and WBNS.US February Y2K+7


sins have

reached unto heaven, and God hath

remembered her iniquities. . .

for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall

see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day,

Mother Superior

death, and mourning, and famine; and she

shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is

the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, . . . saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.” Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter. Then come back here, and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: Why are you showing these ladies playing pool with the fire of hell burning behind them? Hope: Does the reflection of a skull on the ball mean anything? Are they trying to teach church members how to get the ball into the hole so they won’t burn up in hell? Pastor Jan: I feel like a teacher teaching calculus - when all of a sudden, in walks a group of students who haven’t finished algebra. Charity: What does that mean? Pastor Jan: It means that I know that there are quite of few people who are starting to receive these letters for the first time, and they’ve missed documentation that I’ve given for years, which is a foundation for what we’re going to learn today. So what should a person do? Should he just ignore the new people and speak to those who have the foundation? Or should he just talk about the ABCs for the new people and let the advanced students be bored? Faith: So what will you do? Pastor Jan: I guess I’ll tell the new people where they can find documentation that will help them understand what we’re going to talk about, and then proceed with the material. That way, those who want to understand it, will understand it after they study the documentation. So are you ready? Here we go.

2 The first one is 1) Revelation 13 - 18, noting chapter 18:24 which says, “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” In literature class, the teacher told us to almost never use the word “all” because if we do, and anyone ever finds the smallest exception, it will show that what we said is not correct. It’s mind boggling that in this verse - referring to spiritual Prince Adrian - 6 months old. He hasn’t yet used his little wings to fly to the tops of Babylon of the last days, the mountains to pick the never-fading flowers. But it won’t be long. our kind Father used the word “all!” The A) Interlinear Greek New Testament, B) The Zondervan Parallel Greek New Testament, C) the NIV - from the Greek text of Hort and Wescott - and the Vaticanus and Siniaticus manuscripts {held by Vatican officials and papal monks}, and D) the King James version; all agree that the word “all” means “all.” Isn’t that amazing! And remember that the verse refers to those who have been “slain,” and not to all who have died from every cause. 2) The next documentation which new students need to understand is the inspired quote - “All need wisdom carefully to search out the mystery of iniquity that figures so largely in the winding up of this earth’s history. . . . In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called His people and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to expose the wickedness of the man of sin who has made the Sunday law a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws, and to oppress the people of God who stand firmly to honor Him by keeping the only true Sabbath, the Sabbath of creation, as holy unto the Lord.” Testimonies to Ministers, p. 118. This statement is packed with meaning. There’s that word “all” again! Jesus Himself through His prophet is telling us that “all” - that includes you and me - need wisdom to search out this “man of sin” papal power that figures “so largely” in the winding up of this earth’s history. By now, the advanced students know that this power figures far more largely than most church members have ever dreamed of! I’ve been bringing to view some of the largeness of it in recent letters - showing documentation of its involvement with world secret societies, world pharmaceutical companies, world Mafia networks, Naziism, Fascism, Communism, the “Islamic connection,” etc., with wars around the world. You may view and download these letters from my web-site WBNS.US. To a new person, the documentation of what’s going on may seem as bizarre as what Noah, Jesus, Martin Luther, and William Miller were telling the people in their Jesuit “Father” Francis Browne day. The three angels’ messages themselves, with their warnings against the beast, the image, and the mark, also seem so “preposterous” that most of God’s people refuse to Exhibit #1 give it. And that’s one reason why Jesus has not yet returned! It must be given before He comes, and I thank our mighty God that it will be given, and the devil can’t stop it! Praise God. It’s also telling us that every one of us must “expose the wickedness” of this corrupt power which is bringing the Sunday law. That command of Jesus in itself is shocking to new people - but when you study it, you find that the command is a vital part of the loving three angels’ messages. We must work with dear Jesus to call His people out of this “man of sin” power called “Babylon” - to become faithful Seventh-day Adventists. Those who don’t care enough about souls to try to help save them from sin will perish with them. To wisely and lovingly do this very thing is why the book National Sunday Law was written. Hope: Has our kind Father given so many thousands of conversions of people and entire churches from the use of the little NSL preachers, because it fulfills this command of Jesus? Pastor Jan: Yes. It was made to lovingly do it so clearly that even a child can see it. God gets all the praise. He gets all the glory because only He can save anyone. I thank Him that in view of the shortness of time, He is pushing them out so that as of this month, there are 31.4 million in print in 60 languages. Since He is no respecter of persons, anyone who does what our Lord Jesus said to do in the above quote, will have success. 3) Another piece of documentation that new students can study to “catch up” is to read Great Controversy, pages 565, 566. In these pages is clearly outlined the three main goals of Rome. Within these three dangerous goals lie the horrible and secretive attack against God’s SDA church, as well as on governments, peoples, and institutions. These two pages of Great Controversy reveal that Rome’s three goals are to - 1) “regain control of the world, 2) re-start persecution, and 3) undo all that Protestantism has done.” When a person comprehends the awesome meaning of these goals, it’s shocking - but the testimony of Jesus has revealed it. If people could see things like God sees them, they would count it a high honor to get His last message of love and warning to the world. And what joy it is to see people accepting it! It means eternal life to them! 4) Another piece of documentation that new students need to help “catch up” is to read GC 234,235. This is what the testimony of Jesus says about the Jesuits and their deadly, secretive work which they do in order to help fulfill the above three goals of Rome. In this quote, Sister White reveals that they infiltrate governments and institutions around the world. Of the demon possessed Jesuits, the prophet said, “There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. . . Lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. . . It was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.” GC 234, 235. You will soon see this fulfilled. The world will see it also. 5) Another piece of documentation that will help new students to “catch up” is my 15 part CCA video/DVD series which exposes Rome’s attack. 6) Another piece of documentation they can use is to view back issues of my monthly letters on my web-site, and download and print them out for themselves and others. The web-site is WBNS.US. They will open blind eyes. 7) The last piece of documentation I’ll recommend to help new people catch up is my newest DVD entitled, “Behind Church Doors, (A Shocking Glimpse).” I’m not going to sell these 16 DVDs to them. I’ll say that before the end of this month, they may get them free for just sending a note to my office with anything to help cover the shipping. With this seven-fold assignment, we’ll now proceed. If you are one of the new students, and this material you’re about to see sounds “preposterous” to you now, remember that it will become more clear as you study the documentation in the seven-fold assignment. So are you ready? Here we go Exhibit #2

3 In harmony with GC 565, 566, Rome has been seeking to “regain control of the world” partly by instigating wars. The “final” world war hasn’t happened yet. In it, God’s dear SDA people will be targets as we see in the last chapters of GC. The papacy secretly hates America and has been trying to weaken it in order to take it over in harmony with GC 565. You’ve already seen documentation of what Abraham Lincoln said about how the Jesuits instigated the civil war, and you’ve learned how they instigated the first two world wars in order to accomplish this goal while indirectly killing as many Protestants as possible, [like in the Protestant city of Dresden, Germany, which advanced students know was fire-bombed in violation of the international agreement] along with a number of Catholics as “sacrificial lambs.” During the civil war, agents of Rome didn’t have the money to do what they wanted to do, so before they instigated World J.P. Morgan War I, they were desperately trying to get a central bank in He died in Rome, Italy with his friends the U.S. - a Federal Reserve Bank - {a corporation} working for the government and holding their money for them. The Jesuits can infiltrate a central bank and use it to help finance wars and other horrors in harmony with their three goals. We see how they accomplished this in Russia. On a video I have by James Arrabito entitled “Behind the Door,” Hiram Dukes, an SDA man who was a spy for the U.S. government in WWII, learned that the Jesuits wanted to get a central bank operating in Russia in the early 1900s, but the Czar was too smart for them, so they said, “We’ll just get rid of the Czar.” He told how they trained 300 men to go up and murder the Czar and his innocent little family, which changed everything in Russia. In the U.S., plans for a central bank were progressing nicely, but certain rich and influential men stood in the way. Jesuits had infiltrated the institutions of the millionaire J.P. Morgan, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers. But people like Benjamin Exhibit #3 Googenheim, John Jacob Astor - possibly the richest man in the world, and Isador Strauss were against it. What could Vatican agents do to get rid of these powerful men as they had gotten rid of the Czar of Russia - in such a way that no one would know that Rome had anything to do with it? Here’s what happened Plans were made to 1) build a super “hotrod” with 50,000 horsepower - - the most powerful vehicle the world had ever seen, 2) invite these three men to take a ride in it. 3) Their servant J.P. Morgan would also be invited to ride in it [one of his companies would actually own it], but at the last minute, he would back out. 4) The vehicle would accidently crash, killing as many of the three men as possible, 5) and the Jesuits could then hopefully use their forces to get a central bank in the U.S., and would have the financing they wanted to help instigate a “world” war. Who would ever believe such a preposterous thing? Hopefully nobody. It’s almost as preposterous as the devil picking God up in his arms and flying with Him to the top of the temple in Jerusalem and telling Him to jump off! Read about it in Matt. 4:5,6 cf. I Tim. 3:16. It took years, and many people to help prepare the vehicle, but two main people come into focus. One of these two men was a “Jesuit tempore coadjutor” by the name of Edward Smith. Like the loveable Bill Clinton and J.P. Morgan, he was also a member of a Protestant church. He was a Jesuit “of the short robe.” That means that he was not a priest, but was “a Jesuit who served the order while working in his own profession.” The other man was a Jesuit priest. The encyclopedia says his name was Francis Patrick Mary Browne. You see him on page 2. He was born in 1880 in Cork, Ireland. His mother died of a fever when he was 8 days old, and his father died from a swimming accident when he was a boy. So he was raised by his uncle, Benjamin Robert Browne, bishop of Cloyne, who bought young Francis his first camera Googenheim when he was 17. Jesuit “Father” Francis Browne died on July 7, 1960 after taking thousands of pictures in his life. Can you imagine a vehicle with 50,000 horsepower! Most men would just love to take a ride in it. This wasn’t the last time agents of Rome would use this tactic. Would this be “the perfect crime?” But they don’t always use vehicle accidents. Sometimes they’ve just dissolved the person’s body in sulfuric acid in the bottom of a Catholic convent, church, or winery like they did with Sister Charlotte - whom you heard with your own ears giving her testimony on my CCA video #9. I’m going to just quote now from a “National Geographic” program made in 1986 telling of this amazing vehicle. You’ll see that Isador Strauss the devil’s plans are very intricate, long range, and big - really big. Watch closely “Three thousand men would labor here for more than two years. They were building a monster. Each of her colossal engines was the size of a three story house [As you see in exhibit #2.] It was the largest moving object ever made by man. May 31st, 1911, R.M.S. Titanic slipped gracefully into Belfast harbor. The Titanic was designed for the rich passenger trade on the North Atlantic. It was not only the biggest ocean-liner, it was by far the most luxurious. It’s displacement was 66,000 tons, and it was four city blocks long. Aboard Titanic it was hard to remember that this was indeed a ship. The White Star Line called Titanic a ‘floating palace.’ She was said to be, ‘Unsinkable.’ “On April 10, 1912, Titanic’s maiden voyage began. In an age that worshiped wealth, the 325 first class passengers were an awesome assembly. [The wealth of the three men mentioned was about 15 billion dollars by today’s standard.] Titanic was like a time capsule, laden with the spenders of the “gilded age.” Titanic sailed from Southhampton at noon. She was expected to reach New York in just seven days with 2,228 people aboard. [Various documentation differs slightly, listing from 2,223 to 2,228.] “There are a few authentic pictures taken aboard Titanic on her first and last voyage. A John Jacob Astor vacationing priest, [Jesuit] Father Francis Browne, caught these poignant snapshots of his fellow passengers [one of them is shown in exhibit #3], most of them on a voyage to eternity. The next day, Titanic made her last stop, pausing off the coast of Ireland. Here, tenders [boats] brought out the last passengers, and here the lucky Father Browne disembarked - taking these pictures on his way. Father Browne caught Captain Edward Smith peering down from Titanic’s bridge [in exhibit #4] - poised on the brink of destiny. Then, Titanic sailed into the twilight zone of legend. She would not be photographed again for 73 years.” Hope: Who was J.P. Morgan, and what did he have to do with trying to get a central bank in America, and with the Jesuits, and with the White Star Line, and with the Titanic, and with Rome, Italy? Charity: More than three sources {Vatican Assassins, p. 247; The Secret Terrorists, pp. 54-61; & “The Perfect Crime,” by Doug Yurchey}, say that J.P. Morgan was taking orders from the Jesuits in order to help get a central bank in the U.S., and that his company bought the White Star Line that owned the Titanic, and that he was ordered by the Jesuits to have it built to indirectly get rid of those who Exhibit #4 stood in their way, and that the Jesuit General ordered Jesuit Browne to instruct

4 Captain Edward Smith what to do to accomplish Rome’s objective before he got off the ship in Ireland, so that “‘Guggenheim-Strauss-Astor’ could be eliminated” “by a means so preposterous that no one would suspect they were murdered, and no one would suspect the Jesuits.” Furthermore, they said that Smith was “the world’s most experienced master” in these cold waters, who had been traveling the North Atlantic for 26 years. They said that Captain Smith knew where the icebergs were, and under orders from the Jesuits, he propelled the Titanic at full speed on a moonless night through a huge ice field of 80 square miles. They said that he had been “given orders from his god in the Vatican, and nothing would turn him from his course.” What do you think of these things? Pastor Jan: Some of these things can be readily substantiated. Some cannot. Therefore, I like to just look at evidence and facts to see the big picture. I learned that before the sinking of the Titanic, a book was written describing the largest ship in the world sinking after crashing into an iceberg in the north Atlantic. The name of the ship was the “Titan.” To try to exalt his own intelligence, the devil likes to reveal in movies and books what he is about to do. He’s a good guesser. Hope: Will you quote evidence and facts for us now? Pastor Jan: To get a really good picture of the documentation and the smokescreens, I would have to quote thousands of pages from piles of books and articles. So I think the best I can do with the space we have is to 1) list many of the references, 2) give you pertinent quotes, and 3) share with you in a nutshell what we find therein. Then, anyone who wishes to, can look these references up. Here are 24 of them -

1) Father Browne's Titanic Album: A Passenger’s Photographs and Personal Memoir by Browne, Francis M. and E.E. O'Donnell; Wolfhound Press, 1996; 2) Father Browne: A Life in Pictures by Browne and O’Donnell; Irish American Book Company, 1997; 3) Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy, by John P. Eaton and Charles A. Haas; 4) Walter Lord, A Night to Remember (1955, reprinted 1988); 5) The Night Lives On; 6) Michael Davie, Titanic: The Death and Life of a Legend; 7) The Titanic: The Full Story of a Tragedy; 8) Donald Lynch and Ken Marschall, Titanic: An Illustrated History; 9) Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy, 2nd ed. (1994); 10) Titanic: Destination Disaster, rev. ed. (1996); 11) A first-hand account by the oceanographer who found the ship’s wreckage in 1985 is Robert D. Ballard and Rick Archbold, The Discovery of the Titanic; 12) Leo Marriott. Titanic; 13) David Bryeson. The Titanic Disaster as reported in the British National Press, AprilJuly 1912; 14) Geoff Tibballs. The Titanic: Extraordinary Story of the “Unsinkable” Ship; 15) Wyn Craig Wade, The Titanic: End of a Dream; 16) Geoffrey Marcus, The Maiden Voyage; 17) Titanic Voices: Memories from the Fateful Voyage; 18) Paul J. Quinn. Titanic at 2 A.M.; 19) The Captain of the Titanic: The story of Edward J. Smith; 20) Vatican Assassins, by Eric Jon Phelps; 21) The Secret Terrorists, by Bill Hughs; 22) article by Doug Yurchey, entitled, “The Perfect Crime.” 23) “J. P. Morgan.” from Wikipedia; 24) “Edward Smith,” From Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

Hope: Now please tell us in a nutshell what we find in the documentation. Pastor Jan: Point #1 - The website entitled, “J.P. Morgan” says, “James Piermont Morgan was the owner of the Titanic. His International Mercantile Marine had purchased the White Star Line’s parent company in 1902. He was going to go on the maiden voyage of Titanic, but didn’t make it. . . This saved his life. He died in 1913 in Rome, Italy.” Point #2 - Another article says that J.P. Morgan was going to go on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, but backed out, “claiming to be unwell.” Point #3 Jesuits still like to join his organizations. The website, “Catholics @ work,” said, “Prior to joining J.P. Morgan, Lowney was a Jesuit seminarian for seven years. During that time, he taught and studied at Jesuit institutions in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.” Point #4 - The “Discovery Channel” website said, “There are records proving that fire control teams were present at the ports of Southampton and Cherbourg because a fire was reported to have been burning onboard the Titanic.” Captain Smith knew it was burning before ever leaving the port in Southampton, and he filled out the legal papers saying that everything was fine, and that the ship was ready to sail. The documentation revealed that after his vast experience of 26 years of sailing across the oceans of the world, and after having recently sailed across the Atlantic on the Olympic, Captain Smith was considered to be ‘a safe’ Captain. For his safety, he had received many awards. Though the fire might be small in 800 tons of coal, would the safest Captain in the Atlantic say in the legal papers that everything was fine, and take over 2,000 people on a voyage to sea for a week when he knew the ship had a fire in coal bunker #6? Point #5 - There are many smokescreens. One man brought forth the idea that the ship had to go fast through the icebergs because the ship was on fire, and that they had to go fast to get the passengers to land. His theory falls apart because, knowing that the fire was burning in coal bunker #6 before they ever left the land, if the captain was anxious to get the passengers to land, he would have never left the land in the first place. The documentation says, “Wednesday, 10 April, Sailing Day. Shortly before 7AM, Captain Smith left his home at Woodhead, a red-bricked, twin-gabled home on Winn Road in Southampton. Smith was wearing a bowler hat and a long overcoat. The local newspaper boy Albert ‘Ben’ Benham remembers him coming out and saying to him, ‘Alright son, I’ll take my paper.’ The boy gave the departing captain his paper. He then entered his waiting taxi. His ride from Westwood Park took him through the center of Southampton and down the hill to the docks. Boarding the vessel at about 7:30AM, he went directly to his cabin to receive the sailing report from his Chief Officer Henry Tingle Wilde. While he signed the final documents, Captain Steele received the formal Captain’s Report from Captain Smith, stating ‘I hereby report this ship loaded and ready for sea. The engines and boilers are in good order for the voyage, and all charts and sailing directions up-to-date. Your obedient servant, Edward J. Smith.’” As it turned out, documentation reveals that the fire in coal bunker #6 finally went out on Saturday, April 13, the day before the crash, so the day of the crash, there was no need to go fast for that reason. Point #6 - Some say that the Captain was careless or reckless. The documentation reveals that Congressman William Alden knew Captain Smith well, and was taken on a tour of Titanic by him. After the crash, he was on the congressional committee that investigated it. He said, “E.J. Smith was no fool, nor was he ‘reckless’ as some editors would suggest after the Titanic disaster.” He wasn’t careless or reckless. He just had a mission to carry out. Point #7 - Near the point in Ireland where “Provincial” Jesuit Browne got off the Titanic, the documentation reveals that in a telegram, he received a message from his Jesuit superior saying - “GET OFF THAT SHIP - PROVINCIAL” His message was emphatic. You can see why. Point #8 - The encyclopedia says, “Captain Smith had said [to his friend Dr. Williams,] ‘We do not care anything for the heaviest storms in these big ships. It is fog that we fear. The big icebergs that drift into warmer water melt much more rapidly under water than on the surface, and sometimes a sharp, low reef extending two or three hundred feet beneath the sea is formed. If a vessel should run on one of these reefs half her bottom might be torn away.’ Dr. Williams asked Captain Smith what would happen if the ship struck a concealed reef of ice and was badly damaged. ‘Some of us would go to the bottom with the ship.’ was the captain’s whimsical reply.” Point #9 - Knowing all this, the documentation reveals that after ignoring no less than 6 warnings from other ships, with no radar, with no binoculars for the lookout, with no moon, in a vast field of icebergs which appeared “as black objects against a black background,” being in the most dangerous position, having the most dangerous size, going the most dangerous speed, at the most dangerous time, in the most dangerous water, with a man at the wheel who would do the most dangerous maneuver to cause the most dangerous damage, with a terrible crash nearly inevitable at any time - the most safe, experienced Captain rams the giant mammoth forward with 50,000 horses, and turns it all over to poor William Murdoch at 9:30 p.m., and goes to bed!!!!!!!! Within sight was the Californian - which was sitting still in the starry blackness, after its captain had cut off the engines until daylight. To do what he did was intelligent safety. To do what the safest captain did was intelligent murder. “And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” Yes, it’s hard to believe, but the word “all” means “all.” Edward Smith

5 Point #10 - Lloyd’s of London newspaper reported that “A higher Dear Pastor Jan, proportion of First-Class men survived than Third-class women and The book “National Sunday Law” is what children.” Documentation reveals that about 35% of all the 1st class men the Holy Spirit used to draw me into His were saved - yet witnesses revealed clearly that John Jacob Astor was truth, to become a Seventh-day Adventist. specifically forbidden by the Captain’s men from getting into a lifeboat May the Lord bless your work for Him. In while boat 5 had 30 vacancies, boat 8 had 37 vacancies, boat 1 had 53 His service, S.L. White North Carolina vacancies, and boat 2 had 35 vacancies. The documentation said that the Captain seemed anxious to hurry up and lower the lifeboats whether they were full or not. Documentation said, “At 1:10AM, a Mrs. J. Stuart White observed that the captain seemed to be in a hurry to have the boat leave. Boat #8 was loaded with all the women and children he could see, but there were still about 30 empty places. The wives began begging Captain Smith, who was standing nearby, to let in some of their husbands to row. But the captain backed Lightoller to the hilt. The rule was ‘Women and children only.’” Amazing! The rule of the sea under God is “Women and children first” - not “only.” Who would refuse life to anyone if he could save them? Hope: With his rule of “woman and children only,” was officer Lightoller able to save his own self in a boat? Pastor Jan: Before it was too late, he got into a boat and was saved. So did J. Bruce Ismay, the director of the White Star Line. But it reveals that after he got on the rescue ship, he never came out of his room for 3 days until they got to New York all drugged up and doped up. With dear Jesus, death with honor is far less painful than life without it. And poor rich J.P. Morgan perished the very next year in Rome with his poor rich friends. Point #11 - Emergency rockets were red. White ones were used for parties. Why would Titanic only bring white ones? The Californian saw the white rockets, but didn’t pay much attention. If red ones had been used, hundreds might have been saved - including the three men. Do you think that church members today like white rockets more than red ones? There’s so much more, but I’ll stop for now, and give you the 7-fold conclusion. Faith: Before that, will you share with us just one real life experience of a survivor? Pastor Jan: Here’s her picture. Her name was Anna Sophia Turja. She was an 18 year old girl from Finland. I’ll let her tell the rest - “The ship was a floating city. The main deck, with all its shops and attractions, was indeed bigger than the main street in my home town. The atmosphere in third class was quite lively: a lot of talking, singing, and fellowship. Here, men were kept in the front part of the ship, and the women in the rear. Late that Sunday night, I felt a shudder and a shake. Shortly thereafter, my roommate’s brother knocked on the door and told us that “something was wrong,” that we should wear warm clothing and put on our life jackets. Our little group started heading for the upper decks. A crew member tried to keep us down and ordered us back – but we refused to obey and he didn’t argue with us. I clearly remember however, that the doors were closed and chained shut behind us to prevent others in third class from coming up. The others of my group continued up to a higher deck, ‘where it will be safer,’ they said, but out of pure curiosity and chance, I remained on what turned out to be the boat deck. I thought it was too cold to go up further, and I was intrigued by the activity and by the music being played by the band. I also remember seeing the lights of another ship from the deck. They saw our rockets, but thought we were having a party. It was on the deck that I met the Panula family from Finland. Mr. Panula was waiting for them in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Panula posed the question, “Must we all die by water?” Grandma Panula believed that the ship was unsinkable, and she didn’t fully understand what was going on because she did not know the language. Eventually a sailor physically threw her into a lifeboat. “Our lifeboat was fully loaded when it was launched; it was not one of the ones that got caught up in the cables. The oarsmen of our boat immediately rowed away from the Titanic, fearing that we would get sucked down when it went under. I heard loud explosions as the lights went out. My lifeboat was so full that as I held my hand on the edge of the boat my fingers got wet up to the knuckles. For the first five or ten minutes in the water the men in our boat beat people off who were trying to get into the boat. We were in the lifeboats for eight hours. It was so black that the men burned any scraps of paper they could find – money or anything else, so that the boats could see each other and stay together. My most haunting memory was that of the screams and cries of dying people in the water. Every time I get to this part of the story I start crying. They were in the water, and we couldn’t help them. I can never understand why God spared a poor Finnish girl like me when all those rich people drowned.” Anna Sophia Turja died in Long Beach, California, in 1982 at the age of 89. This is just one experience of many hundreds. I read of one godly man who couldn’t get into a life-boat. People saw him after he had jumped into the water, swimming on boards or something to one person and then another - pleading with them to give their hearts to dear Jesus Who died for them on the cross of Calvary that they might live forever. They would be dead in a few minutes. What did they have to lose? He was joyful. He continued this until, paralyzed with cold, he went under the water. I believe that there will be precious souls in heaven forever because of what he did. “All things work together for good to them which love God.” Romans 8:28. “The dead know not anything.” Eccl. 9:5. As in a deep sleep, when a person dies, it seems to him that he instantly jumps beyond our day to the moment when he wakes up, and instantly sees his Maker - ready or not. In as little as 90 seconds under water, the person knows “not anything” and has no more pain or sorrow in this old life - forever. But when dear Jesus died for us - to pay the penalty of our sins, it was different. His death really meant something. To us, it meant “everything.” “The spotless Son of God hung upon the cross, His flesh lacerated with stripes; those hands so often reached out in blessing, nailed to the wooden bars; those feet so tireless on ministries of love, spiked to the tree; that royal head pierced by the crown of thorns; those quivering lips shaped to the cry of woe. And all that He endured – the blood drops that flowed from His head, His hands, His feet, the agony that racked His frame, and the unutterable anguish that filled His soul at the hiding of His Father’s face – speaks to each child of humanity, declaring, It is for thee that the Son of God consents to bear this burden of guilt; for thee He spoils the domain of death, and opens the gates of Paradise. He who stilled the angry waves and walked the foam-capped billows, who made devils tremble and disease flee, who opened blind eyes and called forth the dead to life, – offers Himself upon the cross as a sacrifice, and this from love to thee. He, the Sin Bearer, endures the wrath of divine justice, and for thy sake becomes sin itself.” Desire of Ages, p. 755. Wonderful Jesus! “Sin itself!” Our sin was put on Him. So much sin was put on Him that He turned into “sin.” He became “sin itself!” He was the “snake on the pole.” And it died. Therefore, “if you will have Him,” your sins are gone. God says so! {Rom. 5:1.} Praise God! Charity: Please tell us the seven-fold conclusion. Pastor Jan: 1) The Titanic did indeed sink on April 15, 1912. 2) After that date, the three rich, influential men on board did not oppose the Dear Author, making of a Federal Reserve System in America. They were dead. 3) The It was indeed a privilege and a pleasure documentation reveals that in December of the very next year, certain to read your most enlightening book “National Sunday Law!” Over the years I forces were able to start the Federal Reserve System in the U.S. 4) And have drifted from God’s word. Your book just eight months after that, certain forces were able to start World War I. has rekindled a coal in my soul. I sincerely 5) In view of all of this, the word “all” in Rev. 18:24 means “all.” 6) In thank you. Your direct and definitive view of all this, the verse at the top of page 1 is immutable. It says, “Her approach to determining the seventh day of sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” the week is very heartwarming to me, as I Rev. 18:5. 7) Notwithstanding all the devil and his forces can do, God’s have worked on Saturdays and rested on kingdom will come. His will will be done “on earth as it is in heaven.” And Sundays. I commend your use of language by His mighty power, His work will be finished; His people will give His – that of the people! The content is well mighty three angels’ messages, and “through fire and through water” they documented, allowing one little adjudication will be perfected by His grace, and King Jesus will come and take them to of the information. I won’t challenge you, as heaven to live happy - forever! Praise God! your stance and teachings are foolproof and fully believable, and I am compelled to dwell Faith: In view of all the documentation, would you say that Mother on the astounding proclamation! Superior got another 8 ball into the hole? Respectively, Robert Williamson Pastor Jan: She got another 8 ball into the hole. But you know, God is

6 in control. He only allows the devil’s forces to do things to help wake Dear Pastor Jan, people up and bring them to His great heart of love before the devil can A Seventh-day Adventist friend of mine kill them and it’s forever too late. Like poor rich Belshazzar, many on gave me a book entitled “National Sunday the Titanic were still partying when they learned that they were lost. Law.” In anger and disbelief I threw it into the “When the voice of God turns the captivity of His people, there is a trash. One Saturday afternoon a man came terrible awakening of those who have lost all in the great conflict of up to me and said “I have something for life. While probation continued they were blinded by Satan’s you.” He handed me a copy of “National deceptions, and they justified their course of sin. The rich prided Sunday Law.” I was shocked. I was angry that themselves upon their superiority to those who were less favored; but this thing wouldn’t leave me alone. I determined to go home and sit down with my they had obtained their riches by violation of the law of God. They had Bible and let the Holy Spirit show me neglected to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to deal justly, and to everything wrong with keeping the Sabbath. love mercy. They had sought to exalt themselves and to obtain the After 12 hours of studying your book, and homage of their fellow creatures. Now they are stripped of all that comparing everything with the Bible, I was made them great and are left destitute and defenseless. They look with converted and am now a Seventh-day terror upon the destruction of the idols which they preferred before Adventist! Praise the Lord! their Maker. The gain of a lifetime is swept away in a moment. The rich bemoan the destruction of their grand houses, the scattering of their gold and silver. But their lamentations are silenced by the fear that they themselves are to perish with their idols. . . “The world see the very class whom they have mocked and derided, and desired to exterminate, pass unharmed through pestilence, tempest, and earthquake. He who is to the transgressors of His law a devouring fire, is to His people a safe pavilion. “The people see that they have been deluded. They accuse one another of having led them to destruction; but all unite in It’s planned for me to speak Sabbath, February 17 at heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. the SDA church at 556 W. Glenoaks Blvd, Glendale, CA. 91202 Directions - from the corner of I-10 & I-5, go N. on Unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things; they have I-5 for 8 miles, then go east on Ventura Frwy. {Rt. 134} led their hearers to make void the law of God and to persecute for 1/10 mile. Get off at the exit going to San Fernando those who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these Rd. & go 2/10 mile to Doran St. Turn L onto Doran St. & teachers confess before the world their work of deception. The go 1/10 mile. Then turn L onto Concord St. & go 4/10 multitudes are filled with fury. ‘We are lost!’ they cry, ‘and mile. Turn R onto W. Glenoaks Blvd. & go 3/10 mile to you are the cause of our ruin;’ and they turn upon the false the church at 556 W. Glenoaks Blvd, Glendale, CA 91202 {meeting in the Methodist church.} The title of the shepherds. The very ones that once admired them most will message at 11 a.m. is “Jonah and the Three Whales.” pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them. Everywhere The title of the big meeting with the two screens at 3 there is strife and bloodshed. In the mad strife of their own p.m. is called, “The New World Order, the Sunday Law, fierce passions, and by the awful outpouring of God’s and the 144,000.” Bring food for a fellowship dinner. unmingled wrath, fall the wicked inhabitants of the earth. . . . With the urgency of the shortness of time and the love “Christ takes His people to the City of God, and the earth is of the lovely Jesus, it will move you. Don’t miss it! emptied of its inhabitants. ‘Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and Below, you’ll learn how you can get scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.’ Isa. 24:1.” GC 654some free NSL preachers for soul657. But for God’s dear people, things are different winning. I praise God that He is moving “There is the throne, and around it the rainbow of promise. [Just look at His people to put the little preachers on it!] There are cherubim and seraphim. The commanders of the angel hosts, door-steps, phone booths, benches, the sons of God, the representatives of the unfallen worlds, are assembled. laundromats, under car door handles in parking lots, in rest rooms, and anywhere . . . Satan is vanquished. Christ’s toiling, struggling ones on earth are people sit, walk, wait, or go. By the grace ‘accepted in the Beloved.’ They are declared justified. ‘Mercy and truth of God we now have over 80% of what we are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.’ Ps. need to reach another million souls in the 85:10. . . With joy unutterable, rulers and principalities and powers 40 Million Man March in the great city of acknowledge the supremacy of the Prince of life. The angel host prostrate Phoenix. Our Lord Jesus gets all the themselves before Him, while the glad shout fills all the courts of heaven, praise! If He impresses you to help us ‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and reach this goal, just mark it below. wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.’ Rev. 5:12. “Songs of triumph mingle with the music from angel harps, till heaven seems to overflow with joy and praise. Love has conquered. [Praise God!] The lost is found. Heaven rings with voices in lofty strains proclaiming, ‘Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.’ Rev. 5:13. “From that scene of heavenly joy, there comes back to us on earth the echo of Christ’s own wonderful words, ‘I ascend unto My Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your God.’ John 20:17. The family of heaven and the family of earth are one. For us our Lord ascended, and for us He lives. ‘Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.’” DA 834,835. Praise God friend! Praise God.

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

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