February 2009 Issue

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February 2009 Valentine’s Day Issue

Happy Valentine’s Day From The Beat




Some strange facts about kissing.

A BRHS student witnessed the Inauguration. Read about his trip.

Page 6

Pages 4


IN THE HALLS See what your friends said to a Valentine’s Day question.

Page 7

February 2009



QUOTE OF THE CONTENTS Month TEN THINGS NOT TO DO.......3 THE INAUGURATION..............4 “Jesse, get over here, and keep your pants on.” VALENTINE’S DANCE……......5 KISS AND TELL.......................6 -Ms. Mellor to Jesse, at the IN THE HALLS.........................7 dress rehearsal. PHOTO PAGE……...................8

Harold Jones and Jeremy Malvich at the dance

Reporters Needed!

Kaci McCrea and John Oulton.

Having some fun.


Hmm… What’s going on here? Auna Springer and Carlin Lupie. ●THE BEAT●PUBLISHED BY JUNIOR HIGH CLASSES●LOCATED IN PORTABLE A●


February 2009 Ten Things Not To Do To Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend


By Wyatt White

1. Talk badly about his/her friends. 2. Complain about the way he/she dresses. 3. Act jealous. 4. Not letting him/her spend time with his/her friends. 5. Try to be in his/her face. 6. Focus on the things you dislike about him/her.

Anna Vanasse getting ready to hit the pinata.

7. Argue with him/her about trivial things. 8. Call him/her constantly. 9. Violate his/her personal space. 10. Focus on what he/she can do for you.

George + Sugar= CRAZY

The Royal Court of the Valentine’s Day Dance

Just sitting.

About The Photos These photos were taken at the Valentine’s Day Dance on February 6.

Prince: Ito Naneng Princess: Alicia Oscar King: Charles Strikland Queen: Ashley Achee



FEBRUARY February 2009 2009


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Does anyone recognize those words? Those words are the Oath of Office said by the President-elect taking the position of Commander-in-Chief.

I recently heard Barack Obama say those exact words. Yes, I was there, at his Inauguration.

It was a long trip, 9 hours of flying on the way down there. When I arrived there, it was a day before the conference. So, the next day the conference started, and I was off to the Hilton in Gaithersburg, where I was staying. From my previous experiences from the organization’s conferences, I knew this week was going to be fun, but exhausting. ___________________________

“I was there, at his Inauguration.” ___________________________

First Day: We did some registration stuff, such as checking in, getting our hotel rooms, and then going to different stations and they brushed up conference policies. After all of that was done in the afternoon, we went to the Hilton Washington to to hear Erik Weihenmayer. He had a really inspirational story to tell, since he was the first blind climber to climb Mount Everest. But the downside about that night was that since there were a lot of buses in my conference (68 to be exact), it took us a long time to leave because there wasn’t parking space and there were a lot of buses.

Second Day: It was an early morning: Breakfast at 5:45 that morning. We got on our buses and we were on our way to go hear Colin Powell speak at the University of Maryland. He had some very wonderful things to tell us. He talked us that, as leaders, we need not dwell on the past and to have a vision has to what we were going to do. We then had Presidential Group Meetings. After that, we went to eat lunch, and then we got on our buses. We were supposed to go to the concert at the Lincoln Memorial, but they said it was too cold outside. I also think it was partly that there

were so many people out there that they didn’t think it would be very safe. So, we were able to stay in our hotel rooms and watch the concert on TV. We then went to a restaurant called Sequoia, a fairly fancy restaurant, Then it was back on to the buses.

Third Day: It was the latest we ever got to sleep in: 6:30. We had a cruise on the Potomac River. It was actually fun. But what I thought was sort of amusing was there were a total of four Coast Guard troops. There were two snipers, and all of them were loaded with weapons. But please keep in mind that this was the day before the Inauguration, so there were many security precautions. We then boarded our buses and were off to have lunch at the University of Maryland. After that, we heard former Vice President of the United States Al Gore speak. He said he was going to give an unbiased talk about working together, but it was mainly about global warming. After that we had Presidential Group Meetings then we had dinner. After that, we were briefed about Inauguration Day, then we watched a documentary called “The Third Monday In October”. It was a documentary about student politics. I found it quite interesting. After, it was back on the buses to go back to the hotels to end another busy day.

Inauguration Day: January 20, 2009: The Inauguration of Barack Obama. Now this was a very early morning: breakfast at 5:30. We got on the buses and soon were deep into the mess of traffic. Now we sat in traffic for a long time. We were moving very slowly. And we saw all kinds of security precautions. We saw two SWAT vans, a SWAT bus, an army truck, three more army trucks each pulling canyons. It was interesting. We then went to the National Air and Space Museum to wait for the swearing-in ceremony to begin. After that, we walked outside into what people thought was “the cold”. It was 29 degrees. I thought it was warm because it had been cold here in Bethel. It took us forever to get down to the National Mall. There were so many people. I realized that on the National Mall, there were more people than 5 times the population of Alaska. We stood outside and watched the swearing in. I couldn’t see the actual Capitol Building, but i had a good view of a screen and I could hear well. Then, we had to get out of there, which was insane. Just imagine 3 million people trying

to get out of one small area. It isn’t pretty. People shaving and bumping into people. We were then supposed to get on our buses and go view the Inaugural Parade from inside. This didn’t go as planned. We were re-routed by the police, so we had to drive around D.C. again, then for some reason when we were going through Georgetown, we had to drive around it twice. After sitting on a bus for two and a half hours, we finally got to where we were supposed to eat lunch, but it turned out to be more like dinner. After that we got on our buses to go to our hotels to get ready for our Inaugural Ball. After that, we were off to the ball. We were there until 11 that, but we had to wait for our bus to be called. So, we got to our hotel about 1 in the morning.

Departure Day Breakfast was at 6:15, and the first shuttles to the airport left at seven. I was supposed to on that seven o’clock shuttle, but since it was such a late night and an early morning, I slept until 8:50. There was a nine o’clock shuttle that I was able to get on, but since my shuttle was the last to leave, we had to wait for a few kids. Because of that, I missed my flight by five minutes. luckily, my dad was meeting me at the airport, so he there to help us try to reschedule our flight. We could not get on the later flight that was leaving on the same airline, so we went to five more different airlines trying to get seats, but we couldn’t. Since we couldn’t get a flight out of Baltimore, we rented a car and drove to Chicago to catch our next flight. It was a long drive: eleven hours to be exact. But the rest of our schedule worked out.

So that was my account of my trip to the Inauguration. I had lots of fun and I learned a lot of things.


“On The National Mall, there were more people than five times the population of Alaska” ________________________________

Quick Recap: Top 3 Things From The Trip 1. The Inauguration 2. Hearing Colin Powell Speak 3. Hearing Al Gore Speak





Four BRHS junior high students each received their own pizza during lunch on February 11. The pizza was a reward for being the only students to enter the Patriot’s Pen Essay competition sponsored by the Bethel VFW Post 10041.

Winning the competition was Brandi Brown, 2nd place Christina John, 3rd place Orion Starr, and 4th place Annie Lee. They and their parents are invited to a dinner at the VFW April 4. They also receive money: $200 for 1st place, $175 for 2nd, $150 for 3rd, and $100 for 4th place. The winning essay represented this area at State

Students had to type an essay not over 300 words on the theme of “Service and Sacrifice by American’s Veterans Benefits Today’s Youth By. . .” The competition is open to 6th-8th graders every fall.

Back Row: VFW Commander Tim Albright and Buck Bukowski From L to R: Orion Starr, Annie Lee, Christine, and Brandi Brown.



and at the end of the day we were proud to say that we had made it to the five top teams in every category and made it to the final round in the robot mission’s category.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get any trophies; neither were we picked to go to the international competition in Georgia or as the runner-up. But, we did get to go to Anchorage, take our robotic skills to another level, and represent the LKSD school district. For me, just getting to go to Anchorage was more than enough.

On January 16-18, I went to Anchorage for the State Robotics Tournament with Mack Lincoln, Ryan Hunter, Alfred Wallace, Carlin Lupie, Reed McWillams and David Evon. We had won at the district competition along with one of the Kilbuck teams, The Tundra Techs were going to see if we could beat the State’s top teams. We arrived in Anchorage on Friday afternoon, after the day of anxiously waiting and hoping the flight wouldn’t be canceled due to high winds. The competition was all day Saturday at the Dimond High Schoo1. We showed our stuff

Science Fair Results

The science fair judges have chosen the following projects to represent BRHS at the district fair March 17 and 18: Atlatl by Rianna Joseph and Francin Nicholai Rabbit Snaring by Katrina Leary and Mary Kernak Semi-Underground Barn by Alfred Wallace and Carlin Lupie Pilot Bread Testing by Elizabeth Lindley Good job to everyone who participated.



February 2009 Valentine’s Day Maze


Kiss & Tell Strange Facts About Kissing You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss. The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing. Romans kissed each other on the eyes or the mouth as a greeting. In Russia, the highest sign of recognition was a kiss from the Tsar. Victorian etiquette required a man to kiss the back of a ladies hand. A standard greeting in Europe is a kiss on both cheeks could be two… could be four.

African tribes pay homage to their Chief by kissing the ground where he walked. In Ireland, you will have good luck if you kiss the Blarney Stone. Longest kiss- 29 hours by the contestants in the “Breath Savers Longest Kiss Challenge” in New York on March 24, 1998.

Most kisses in a single movie - 127 in the movie “Don Juan” (1927). Mary Astor and Estelle got all those kisses from Barrymore. Longest movie kiss - 3 minutes and 5 seconds between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey in, “You’re In The Army Now”.

Longest underwater kiss - 2 minutes and 18 seconds in Tokyo, Japan, on April 2, 1980. First movie kiss- John C Rice kissed May Irwin the the film called “The Kiss”.



February 2009

IN THE HALLS... How did your parents meet? Autumn Miller- “ It was Christmas, and there was a big star on the mountain. My Mom and my sister wanted to follow the star like in the stories about The Nativity, when they got there my dads house was underneath it. That’s how they met. After meeting him she stalked him. She followed him to Krispy Cream, and on his birthday she would put candles in his doughnuts and stuff. That’s how the fell in love.” Auna Springer- “ In college,”

Katrina Leary- “They met in kindergarden, and my dad was in love with my mom.”

Alfred Wallace- “ She would always call for her cab and he would give her rides and stuff.”

Brandi Brown- “They met at work. One day when they were in Las Vegas they were going to go get some laundry done and they just decided to get married.”

Janlynn Jimmie- “They were friends since childhood,”

Charles Strickland- “They met at the school campus.” Mary Kernak- “In Anchorage, in a hotel lobby at the vending machine, they were buying a pop,”


Battle Of The Books Congratulations to the junior high Battle of The Books team (Janlyyn Jimmie, Mitchell Forbes, and Orion Starr) for winning the district championship. They will represent LKSD at the state competion next week.

(Fear of Friday the 13th)

By Jesse Klejka Friday the 13th. Supposedly the unluckiest day of the year. But why is it considered that? What are some of the Superstitions? Here is some of the following • On Friday the 13th the Pope ordered the Knights Templar to be killed, seeing them as a threat. • Japans Unlucky numbers are 9 and 4. 9 +4=13!! • 900 million$ is lost on Friday the 13th in America cause some people won’t Fly, travel, or even work. • Apollo 13 failed to go to the moon. • 13 steps to the gallows. • Jesus’ last supper, Judas was the 13th guest. • 13 is a prime number, and a Fibonacci number(Don’t ask the writer, it confused him too……..)

Facts that may disprove this idea……

• Less car accidents & fires happen on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays cause people stay home.

• 13 is when a Jewish boy becomes a man. • Lance Mackey won the Iditarod wearing # 13 bib.



February 2009

PHOTO PAGE Science fair photos by Mitchell Forbes. Dance photos by Nate Sidell.

The title says all...

Clarence Kalistook and his project.

Students (and Ms. Mowbray) dancing.

Marissa Soots and her project.

Makayla Goodwine and her project.

Messing around with iPods at the dance.

THE BEAT Published by the Junior High classes. Articles and comments are welcome. Contributing Reporters: Brandi Brown, Janessa Warren, and Wyatt White. Editior-In-Chief: Mitchell Forbes Editor: Nate Sidell

Junior High Newspaper Friday Club: Avery Coplin, Mitchell Forbes, Jesse Klejka, Patrick Nagasiak, Nate Sidell, and Wyatt White.

Supervised by Mrs. Wasierski.


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