Features Of Java

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 440
  • Pages: 13
Chapter -2



Features of Java Compiled and Interpreted Platform Independent and Portable Object Oriented Robust and Secure Distributed Dynamic and Extensible Scalability and Performance Supplementary Character Support.

How Java differs from C++ Java does not support Operator Overloading Java doesn’t have template classes Java doesn’t support multiple Inheritance. Java doesn't support global variables Java doesn’t use Pointers Destructor function is replaced by finalize() No header files in Java

Java Environment JDK comes with a collection of tools that are used for developing and running java programs includes Applet Viewer javac (Java Compiler) Java (Java Interpreter) Javap(Java disassembler) Javah (for C header files) javadoc Jdb (Java debugger)

Process of Building and Running Java Application Program Text Editor

Java Source Code

javac Java class file


Java Program o/p

Application Programming Interface Java Standard Library (API) includes many classes and methods grouped together in to functional packages Language Support Package Utility Package Input/Output Package. Networking Package AWT Package Applet Package

Overview of Java Java is general purpose programming language we can develop 2 types of java programs: Standard Java Application. Web Applet.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) All language Compilers translate source code into machine code. Java Compiler (JVM) Produces an Intermediate code known as a bytecode. This Byte code can be executed on any machine or any OS to get desired output. Java Program


Java Compiler (JVM)

Java Interpreter


Machine Code

Simple Java Program File: HelloWorld.java class HelloWorld { public static void main (String args[ ]) { System.out.println(“Hello World!!”); } }

Simple Java Program public static void main (String args[ ]) : public: Access Specifier defines main as public type. (Unprotected). Static: Method belongs to the entire class and not a part of any object. void: main method does not return any value. String args[ ]:Accept Command line arguments of String type.

Simple Java Program System.out.println(“Hello World!!”);: This sentence is similar to printf() statement in C and cout<< construct of C++ Every method in Java must be part of an object println method is member of out object Which is in static data member of System class Which prints string Hello World!!.

Simple Java Program // File: RoomArea.java class Room { float length; float breadth; void getdata(float a ,float b) { length=a; breadth=b; } } Class RoomArea { public static void main (String args[ ]) { float area; Room r1=new Room(); r1.getdata(14,10) area=r1.length*r1.breadth; System.out.println(“Area=“+area); } }

Simple Java Program 1. Write a program in java to display nos. 1 to 50 with some Text message. 2. Write a program in Java to display nos. divisible by 4. 3. Write program in Java to display fibbonacci series.

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