Fault Tolerance In Tcp

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 12
Fault-tolerant TCP S.Nagaraju M050216CS Guided by: Dr. M. P. Sebastian , Professor and Head Of The Department,Computer Engineering. April 14, 2006

Department of Computer Engineering National Institute of Technology,Calicut Kerala -673601.


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the mini project Fault-Tolerant TCP is a bonafide record of the mini project done by Mr.S.Nagaraju(M050216CS) under our supervision and guidance. The project report has been submitted to Department of Computer Engineering of National Institute of Technology, Calicut in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master Of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

Dr.M.P.Sebastian Dr.M.P.Sebastian Professor and Project Guide Head of the Department Professor and Head of the Department Dept. of Computer Engineering Dept. of Computer Engineering NIT Calicut NITCalicut


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have been very fortunate to have Dr.M.P.Sebastian, Professor and Head Of The Department,Computer Engineering, as my guide whose timely guidance, advice and inspiration helped me in the preparation of this Mini Project. I express my sincere gratitude for having guided me through this work. S.Nagaraju.


Contents 1



2 Assumptions or requirements


3 Protocol 9 3.1 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2 Opening the Initial Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.3 Connection re-establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 Performance


5 Network Configurations


6 Recovering from Logged Data


7 Conclusion


8 References



Abstract We present an implementation of a faulttolerant TCP (FT-TCP) that allows a faulty server to keep its TCP connections open until it either recovers or it is failed over to a backup. The failure and recovery of the server process are completely transparent to client processes connected with it via TCP. FT-TCP does not affect the software running on a client, does not require to change the servers TCP implementation, and does not use a proxy.




Failure of Server is within the control of the organization while the failure of Client is not.So server recovery is important. Previously fallow three approaches. 1. Application-level Approach Solution: Insert a software layer between TCP and Application layers of client and server. Checkpoint TCP connection state for TCP session recovery. Re-establish connection between old client and new server from log data. Pros: efficient, portable. Problem: Complexity of such a software and software layer must be run at both ends. This approach can be shown in the following Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Application-level Approach.

2. Proxy-based Approach Solution: Use proxy on the network path Pros: client is unchanged Problem: introduces single point of failure and potential performance bottleneck.

Figure 2: Proxy-based Approach.


3. TCP Replication Approach Solution: Modify the TCP implementation on the server to accommodate reestablishing connections. Pros: changes only to server, no single point of failure. Problem: very difficult to deterministically replicate TCP.

Figure 3: Proxy-based Approach.

Proposed Approach : FT-TCP Solution: Wrap the servers TCP driver on top and bottom. Eliminates drawbacks of the previous three approaches, i.e.. . Does not change client side software. . Does not change servers TCP implementation. . Does not use a proxy No changes to TCP, no changes to client, no single point of failure.

Figure 4: FT-TCP. Based on the concept of wrapping. A layer of software surrounds the TCP layer and intercepts all its communication. IP side South Side Wrap (SSW). Application side North Side Wrap (NSW). The two wraps communicate with a logger.Wraps and logger help maintain the current state of the TCP connection. In case of failures, they cooperate to restart the server and restore the TCP connection state.


Working of SSW SSW intercepts data between TCP and IP layers. Segments from TCP to IP maps seq # from clients connection state to servers connection state. SSW translates the seq #s to be consistent with those used in the original handshake.Packets from IP to TCP SSW does an inverse mapping on the Ack numbers. SSW also sends packets to the logger and modifies or generates ACKs from server to client this ensures that logger saves data before client discards it from the send buffer. Working of NSW Intercepts read and write socket calls from the application layer to the TCP layer. Logs the amount of data returned with each socket call (read length). During crashed server recovery NSW forces read socket calls to have same data and read lengths. This ensures deterministic recovery. Discards write socket calls to avoid resending data to the client. Working of Logger Runs on an independent processor from the server (failure independence). Stores connection state information like advertised window size, acknowledgement seq # and data and read lengths. Acknowledges to NSW and SSW after logging.



Assumptions or requirements

A restarting server has the application restarting from its initial state. Process issues the same sequence of read socket calls when replayed. Requires a mechanism allowing another process/processor to take over the IP address of a process on a failed processor. This mechanism also needs to update the ARP cache of any client on same physical network.

3 3.1

Protocol Variables

. delta seq = allows SSW to map seq #s. . stable seq = smallest seq # that the SSW does not know to be logged. . serverseq = highest seq # acknowledged by the client. . unstable reads = no. of read socket calls whose read lengths NSW does not know to be logged. . restarting = true when server is not in normal operation.


Opening the Initial Connection

FT-TCP captures and logs clients and server’s initial seq #s. SSW completes initialization of FT-TCP by assigning appropriate values to variables. On receipt of a packet from IP, SSW does the following: - Forward the packet to the logger. - Subtract delta seq from Ack#. - On receiving ack from logger, SSW updates stable seq if necessary. . On receipt of a segment from TCP: - Remaps the seq # by adding delta seq. - Sets Ack# to stable seq. - This may lead to reduction in window size. - So to compensate SSW increases advertised window size by asnstable seq. NSW does the following: . Read socket call = sends read length to the logger and increments unstable reads. . Write socket calls = Blocks the call until unstable reads = 0. . Logger Ack = Decrements unstable reads.



Connection re-establishment

. When a server crashes: - Logger detects server failure and temporarily takes over by sending TCP segments with closed window and acks upto stable seq. - Server restarts and FT-TCP reconnects with Log server. FTTCP sets stable seq and server seq from the logged data, sets unstable reads to 0 and recovering to true. - Logger implicitly relinquishes generation of Acks to SSW. - Restarting application either executes an accept or connect socket call. - SSW fabricates a SYN that appears to come from the client and has initial seq # of stable seq and passes it to the TCP layer. - Acknowledging SYN from servers TCP is captured by SSW and it sets delta seq to the initial seq # minus the new proposed initial seq #. - SSW discards this segment, fabricates an ACK and passes it to the servers TCP.



. Prototype implementation: - Client transmits a stream as bulk data to the server as fast as it can. - The server just discards this data. . Quantities measured: - Throughput of FT-TCP. - Additional latency introduced by FT-TCP. - Recovery time of the server.


Network Configurations

1. Client and server share a 10 MB Ethernet and server and logger share another 10 MB Ethernet (10-10). 2. All 3 are on the same 10 MB Ethernet (10 Shared). 3. Client and Server share 10 MB Ethernet and server and logger share 100 MB Ethernet (10-100).



Recovering from Logged Data

To avoid large latency, FT-TCP sends recovery data to logger asynchronously. Some recovery data may be lost and so recovery can restore the server to a state earlier to the one that the client knows about.E.g.. Ack seq # sent by server = asn but logger has only recorded asn-l. Now when server recovers, TCP knows only about asn-l so its next packet has an ack # less than asn. But client may have already discarded the data upto asn since it received an ack for it. FT-TCP solves this problem by making the SSW not allow the outgoing ack seq # to be larger than asn-l+1. Similar problem with amount of data exchanged. E.g.. Read returns 900 bytes. NSW sends this read length to logger but server crashes before this message gets through. On recovery, read returns 1500 bytes. This is an inconsistent state. If client can make out the inconsistency, then server failure is not masked. FT-TCP solution Delay all write socket calls from server application till all prior read lengths are known to be stored on the logger.



FT-TCP wraps an existing TCP layer to mask server failures from unmodified clients. If server-logger connection is fast the additional overhead on throughput and latency is low. FT-TCP solves the network part of the puzzle indistinguishable from non-fault-tolerant TCP.




References [1] P. M. Chen et. al. The Rio file cache: “Surviving operating system crashes”. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, October 1996, pp. 7483. [2] E. Elnozahy, L. Alvisi, Y.M. Wang, and D.B. Johnson. “A Survey of Rollback-Recovery Protocols in Message Passing Systems”. CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-99-148, June 1999. [3] D. Maltz and P. Bhagwat. “TCP splicing for application layer proxy performance”. IBM Research Report 21139 (Computer Science/ Mathematics), IBM Research Division, 17 March 1998.


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