Fault Study 09

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 470
  • Pages: 2
Name: _______________________________________

Date Due: ____________________

California Faultine Research Project For this project, you will be responsible for choosing and researching one fault in California. At the end of this research, you will create a PowerPoint or Keynote, which will be published on the class website for others to view. Files can be emailed to Mrs. Heinke or brought to class on a USB stick. In your PowerPoint, you should have the map of your fault, at least two related photographs, a bibliography to cite your sources, two data tables THAT YOU HAVE CREATED (not downloaded), and information on one major earthquake on your fault. Please make your PowerPoint visually pleasing, by using color, graphics, borders, transitions, etc. USE YOUR PLANNING WORKSHEET! Map: Your map can be drawn and scanned, drawn using a computer program, or a modified image from the internet. The map needs to have the fault and at least 3 major cities/metropolitan areas that the fault runs through. Your map must also include Sunnyvale, Sacramento, a key, and a compass rose. Data Tables: These can be drawn and scanned, or created using a computer program, like Excel. Information that should be included in each table is the date, time, epicenter, and rating (Richter scale). 1) Includes at least 3 major earthquakes on record 2) Includes 5-10 most recent seismic events. This rubic shows how you will be graded: 15

Planning worksheet is complete. PowerPoint is visually pleasing, and the information is neatly organized. There are two data tables that each include the date, time, epicenter, and magnitude rating of the required number of earthquakes. There are at least two photographs that relate to the chosen fault. There is good info on one major earthquake. The map is neat and includes Sunnyvale, Sacramento, a key, a fault, and at least 3 major cities that the fault runs through. Bibliography is complete.


Planning worksheet is mostly complete. PowerPoint is somewhat visually pleasing, and the information is organized. There are two data tables that each include the date, time, epicenter, and magnitude rating of the required number of earthquakes. There are at least two photographs that relate to the chosen fault. There is some info on one major earthquake The map is somewhat messy, but does includes Sunnyvale, Sacramento, a key, a fault, and at least 3 major cities that the fault runs through.


Bibliography is complete. Planning worksheet is incomplete. PowerPoint is not visually pleasing, and the information is not neatly organized. There are two data tables, but they are missing some of the required information. There are at least two photographs that are somewhat related to the chosen fault. There is little or no info on one major earthquake The map is somewhat messy, and is missing some of the required elements. Bibliography is missing or incomplete.

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