Fascist Trends In Indian Media

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FASCIST TRENDS IN INDIAN MEDIA Why Media has to apologize for comparing Mangalore to Taliban

By Deepak Kamat

FASCIST TRENDS IN INDIAN MEDIA An analysis of media’s distorted coverage of events in Mangalore after BJP’s ascension to power in Karnataka.

Pages : 55 + 5

Price : Rs. 30/-

Publisher : Jnanabharati Prakashana Mangalore

Printed at : Rashtrotthana Mudranalaya K.G. Nagar, Bangalore-19 Ph : 26612730







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1. Attack on illegal Mangalore pub 2. Kidnap of Communist MLA's daughter 3. Rape & Suicide of 15-year old Hindu girl


ANALYSIS OF MEDIA MIND 1. Is Indian media anti-Hindu? 2. Antics of anti-Hindu media. 3. Advice to Indian English Media 4. Anti-Hindu dogmas from Karan Thapar 5. Dhimmi Media bends before Muslims again 6. Indian Media & Selective Amnesia



OF HINDUTVA & TALIBANISATION 1 The Hindu solution for world peace 2. Communal seduction in secular India 3. Why every Hindu should oppose Valentine's Day 4. Replies to abuses in Satyadarshini


Appendix 1. Muslim extremists target Hindu girls 2. Koenraad Elst's article on Kafir girls



Preface There is always a difference between reality and perception. Recently, the Mangalore realities have been perceievd in a distorted manner. A few stray incidents of minor violence have been exaggerated and projected in a Talibanic manner. Somebody had to come out with the Truth. Somebody had to protest the media coverage and distortion of Mangalore ever since BJP came to power in the State.Somebody had to expose the political agenda. Somebody had to expose the jehadi agenda. Somebody had to throw light on the realities which are beyond the media glare. That is why my decision to come out with this book. While writing this book, I have had my feet firmly planted on the ground and I have tried my best to be as level-headed as possible unlike the journos and politicos who have lost their sense of balance.. Also, I delight in being politically incorrect. Mangaloreans have even slapped a legal notice on the Union Minister for Women and Child Welfare, Mrs. Renuka Chowdhury for comparing Mangalore to Taliban. Mangalore has always had a cosmopolitan outlook. To compare Mangalore to Taliban is indeed a travesty of faith. Those who denigrate Mangalore should pay for it or apologize. Deepak Kamat





Why Media has to apologize for comparing Mangalore to Taliban

2 The Indian Media has a habit of taking hasty decision. It has a habit of making mountains out of molehills. Look at its history. Experts in Character Assassination There is a particular reason why people are scared about the media and nobody wants to take on them head-on. And it is a very simple reason. They are experts in character assassination. In the Arushi murder case, they did a total character assassination and when proved wrong, they kept mum. Now this is something that had a great impact on the society. They accused the father of killing his daughter in honour killing. With this, there was a deeper conspiracy – to destroy the family bonds that keeps the Hindu society well-knit. The loss due to this character assassination cannot be estimated. In the case of the Church blasts in Karnataka a few years ago, they kept blaming the Sangh Parivar. When it turned out that the blasts were engineered by Deendar Anjuman, the Indian Media kept mum. In the Jhabua rape case, they accused the Hindu fundamentalists of heinous activities. But it turned out that the accused were Christians themselves and again the media kept mum. In the Kanchi Shankaracharya case, they kept projecting the Hindu religious leaders in a villainous mode. However, in the Abhaya murder case, the padres were not projected as villains. In the case of Gujarat, Godhra was forgotten and all the focus was put on the following widespread riots. The mass media branded Modi as a “bloody criminal”. However, the masses did not agree and voted Modi for a consecutive third time.

3 However, look what happens when the other community is involved. They keep defending Mohammed Afzal who has been convicted by the highest court of the land. They even defend Islamic terrorism on the pretext of Babri demolition. They even defend ultra-left activists like Arundhati Roy who mocks judiciary and calls democracy as a whore. In fact, this Indian media never mentioned that the Australian missionary Graham Staines had criminal cases registered against him in Australia and that he had a handgun with him at the time of his murder. There is another strange habit of fascist media. Whenever Muslims are caught in the acts of terrorism, they say terrorists do not have any religion. However, if a Hindu is caught, they immediately brand it as Hindu terrorism. In this way, the journalists are running TV channels like a fief. They act on their whims and fancies and are onesided. And they delight in character assassination without making proper investigation. The Indian English media has fast become a haven for yellow journalist of all hues. To add to the woes of Mangaloreans, an irresponsible Minister is also supporting the intolerant fascist media which delights in raping news for its own ulterior motives. Let us now examine how media converted a molehill called Mangalore into a mountain called Taliban with their hitand-run journalism. All these took place after the BJP came into power. The media has its own aversion for BJP as it is a Hindu-nationalist party. 1. The case of attack on Church: In the case of the Church attacks which were given international publicity, all that took place was a few petty case of stone throwing and lathi-charge. This was given international coverage.

4 2. The attack on Mangalore pub: This was an isolated incident involving an illegal dance bar. The activists of Sri Rama Sene barged into the illegal pub and ransacked it. In the process, girls (accused of indecent behaviour) were also beaten. The media which got a video footage of the incident repeated it incessantly as if Mangalore is full of goons who specialize in beating women going to pubs. They ignored the fact that it was an illegal dance bar. Though the Sena erred in taking law in their own hands, the illegal pub deserved to be closed as it was nothing but a nuisance in the heart of the city. This was a stray incident and it was projected as if it was a regular incident in Mangalore. Even in this case, not even a serious injury (leave alone a death) took place. And the media never focused on the illegal aspect of the pub. (see page 16)

3. The kidnap and release of Communist MLA’s daughter: On February 7, Shruthi – the daughter of Manjeshwar MLA Kunhibu– was kidnapped along with her Muslim boyfriend for behaving indecently in the bus. While she was released, her boyfriend Habeen was beaten up. Immediately, the media as well as Union Minister for Women and Child Development screamed that “Saffron Talibanisation” had taken place in Karnataka. They gave incessant coverage to the incident until it turned out that the kidnappers were Communist activists. The activists confessed that they had beaten up the Muslim youth to defend the modesty of their MLA’s daughter. Instead of apologizing to Bajrang Dal and Rama Sene for wrongly targeting them, the media looked the other way. Greater was the antic of the Communists. They said that the accused were kins of Communist activists. However, these kins of Communist activists were now in Bajrang Dal. Now that’s really laughable. 4. Rape of minor Hindu girl by Muslim youth in Mulky: The latest controversy in Mangalore is the suicide of a 15-year

5 old Hindu girl following her rape by a Muslim youth. In this case, it was evident from the post-mortem report that the girl was raped hours before she committed suicide. Yet, the media wanted to blame the suicide on the moral police of Mangalore when it was evident that the jehadi angle was very much there. The Muslim youth was subsequently arrested. 5. Just think about what would have happened if these incidents had been reported in other States. What about the murder of Rizwan-ul-Reheman and the arrest of Ashok Todi in Calcutta. The media and Renuka Chowdhury did not raise their voice there screaming Saffron Terror for the simple reason that the Communist Government is in power. Just imagine if the BJP Government was in power in West Bengal when Rizwan was murdered. They would have screamed Saffron Talibanisation. They don’t do it in Bengal. However, they have an ulterior motive – to malign Karnataka in general and Mangalore in particular for voting BJP to power. Mangalore is known as a Saffron Bastion. So the media and the UP was hand-in-glove for a bad-press of Mangalore. Renuka Chowdhury: The Femi-Nazi Priestess In Karnataka, there have been several cases where Muslim extremists have targeted Hindu girls for conversions and were taken to Ponani -- a leading Islamic centre in Kerala. And of course, the media is mum. If opposite was the case, they would have raised a howl. Now this is not an isolated incident. Such events have taken place throughout the world. (Read this article by Belgian historian Koenraad Elst in appendix 2 at the end of the book)

Now it is the duty of the Minister for Women and Child Development to look after the security of women who are targeted by Islamic terrorists. But look at the statements of this Union Minister. She is saying that the State is communalized to such an extent that Hindu girls are not allowed to speak to Muslim boys. Now

6 what is the reason for this animosity – jehadi love. However, our honourable Minister looks the other way and encourages our naïve females to walk into the jehadi trap. And she also fails to point out that even Hindu boys are beaten for speaking to Muslim girls. There were several such incidents covered by the vernacular media. But, no, for our pseudosecular media and the femi-Nazi Minister, that is anathema. Why does she defend jehadis when it is her duty to protect the women from the encroaching hands of Muslim extremists. Even Scotland Yard had set up a separate cell to deal with Muslim extremists targeting Hindu girls. Renuka Chowdhury says there is a total breakdown of law and order in the State. I have been a resident of Mangalore. I have been born and brought up in Mangalore. Mangalore is a very peaceful place. Apart from a few jehadi incursions (remember Islamic terrorists were arrested in Mangalore and Bangalore recently), Mangalore is really peaceful. And where was Renuka Chowdhury when Muslim outfits in West Bengal refused to let Tasleema Nasreen stay in Calcutta. Where was her concern for women? Why didn’t she speak against Islamic Talibanization of Calcutta? In fact, there are several who say that the Women’s Minister is brain-dead. She called for a pub-bharo andolan to protest against the Sangh Parivar. She also urged women to wear noodle straps to protest against Hindu outfits protesting against Valentine’s Day. Now we have a Women’s Minister encouraging women to dress indecently and go on a liquor binge as if it is their birth right. Don’t you think this is a mark of profligacy in a civilization that values modesty and decency? Why does the media act this way? Whenever BJP Government is in power, the anti-Hindu media is busy with its gutter-inspector report. In fact, the CNN-IBN Star Anchor Rajdeep Sardesai openly admitted that

7 he was against Hindu icon Narendra Modi. Putting all objectivity in the dock, the media is busy in its anti-Hindu tirade. Another reason for their anti-Hindu nature is their education in Convents. These Christian Convents subtly place the anti-Hindu message in their wards who are of impressionable ages. In fact, most of the English educated journalists are products of St. Stephens and JNU. So they are either Left or Christian. And they block others from entering the profession. As a Hindu who is proud of his tradition, I too was denied access to the hallowed precincts of mainstream media. There are several journalists who are wallowing in guilt about working for the anti-Hindu media. But then it is a question of their livelihood. Even when the Atal Behari-led NDA came into power, the media along with the Congress created a scare scenario as if Christians were under threat. Secularism as an artifice for cowardice: Let us also get into the psychology of those journalists who swear by anti-Hindu culture. They are always ready to defend Islamic jehadis. Why do they do these? In fact, it is called as Dhimmi mentality or dhimmitude. For instance, when The Hindu – Chennai based English daily – showed the cariacature of Prophet Mohammed, their office was damaged by Islamic miscreants and the paper came out with a front page apology. However, that apology was not forthcoming when M F Hussain denigrated Hindu deities. They defended it as freedom of expression. In fact, Indologist N S Rajaram says that secularism is nothing but cowardice and that all the journalists are running scared due to dhimmitude. In contrast, look at the way, they defended Islamic terrorists who were caught in Bangalore.

8 The News Item read that the terrorists bombed Bangalore and killed several lives to avenge the Babri Masjid demolition that took place around 17 years ago. By this silly logic, the Indian media ignores and justifies Islamic terrorism. Conclusion Not even a single person was killed or stoned to death in Mangalore. How can the media and Renuka Chowdhury compare peace loving Mangaloreans to barbaric Taliban jehadis. True, the Rama Sena took law in its own hand. And the people condemned it. But to compare it to Taliban is like describing an ordinary shop-lifter as a dreaded terrorist. The people of Mangalore are 100 percent literates and educated. They are always known to be sweet-natured. This is the place where banking activities grew. 4 nationalised banks (Canara Bank, Syndicate Bank, Vijaya Bank and Corporation Bank) have its roots in Mangalore as it is well known for business acumen. This is a hub of educational activities. The city has kept pace with change – thanks largely due to its cosmopolitan attitude. The media has maligned Mangalore for the plain and simple reason that BJP is in power. In their attempts to malign the Sangh Parivar, they have maligned the peace-loving people of Mangalore. The people of Mangalore are now seething with rage against the antics of anti-Hindu media. They demand an unconditional apology from both the media as well as Renuka Chowdhury.




Mangaloreans seethed with rage at the Minister's observation that Mangalore has been Talibanized due to collapse of law and order.

10 Date: 11-02-2009 To Mrs.Renuka Chowdhary, Minister for Women and Child Development, Government of India, New Delhi. NOTICE Under instructions from: i) Shri Ganesh Hosabettu, the Hon’ble Mayor of Mangalore City Corporation, Mangalore. ii) Shri Ramesh S, s/ o Late Vasu S, Prop. Shilpa Colour Lab, Karangalpady, Mangalore- 3. (Industrialist of Mangalore) iii) Shri Anwar Manippady, s/o MH Manippady, aged 55 years, High Point, Nanthoor, Mangalore. ( State Vice President, BJP) iv) Mr. Melwyn Fernandes, s/o Cyprian Fernandes, Kannagudde, Kulshekhar, Mangalore-5 v) Mr.Hassan Sab, r/at Laadi, Moodabidri (President of Moodbidri Zone of ‘Yuvashakthi’) vi) Mrs.Nalini Y.Shetty w/o Yashodar Shetty, Gurupur, Mangalore representing Sthree Shakthi Groups of Mangalore) And several organizations and citizen groups, I hereby issue you this notice for your immediate compliance1) You have issued public statement that ‘Talibanisation is happening in Mangalore’ and further that ‘Mangalore has been Talibanised’. You have further stated that ‘there is a clean communal divide in Mangalore where a Hindu girl is prevented from talking to a Muslim boy in Mangalore’.

11 2) Your public statement has been widely published in several print and electronic media on 7th February, 2009 and 8th February, 2009 and on subsequent dates and the same have been widely published through out the country and the whole of Mangalore city is shocked to know the imputations levelled by you against its entire population. 3) Mangalore is rich in its cultural heritage with several holy shrines of all religions. Mangaloreans are peace loving citizens. This city is famous for its educational institutions and religious tolerance. The people of Mangalore have been serving the nation in different ways and Mangaloreans are well known throughout the world for their honesty and integrity. Mangaloreans have boundless love for their motherland. 4) The words ‘Taliban’ and ‘Talibanization’ refer to terrorists and terrorist groups based in Afganisthan. To every Indian citizen, ‘Talibans’ mean anti-Indians and anti-humans. These words ‘Taliban’ and ‘Talibanisation’ represent the most abusive and degradable form of verbal assault as far as Mangaloreans are concerned. For all the people of Mangalore whether Hindus, Christians or Muslims, calling them as Talibans is totally irreligious and offending their religious feelings and beliefs. All the citizens of Mangalore, irrespective of their caste and creed, hate Talibans and Talibanism. 5) By your statements, you have thus degraded the entire community of Mangaloreans as anti-nationals by calling them as Talibans. This has offended the religious sentiments of the people of Mangalore. 6) Moreover, being a responsible Union Minister, you have acted irresponsibly by calling the citizens of Mangalore as Talibans and deliberately wounded their religious feelings. 7) From your similar repeated statements it is clear to my clients that with the evil intention of promoting enmity between different groups of people on the ground of religion and to disrupt the peace and harmony in society, you have made such statements.

12 8) Your imputations are prejudicial to national integration because Talibans are admittedly opposed to India and Talibans proclaim that they are determined to destroy this Nation. By your assertions you have questioned the faith and allegiance of the people of Mangalore to their motherland; and by dubbing them as Talibans, you have cast assertions prejudicial to national integration. Your statements that Mangaloreans are talibanised and that Hindu girls are prevented from speaking to Muslim boys in Mangalore are totally false. Isolated and stray incident cannot be generalized to call the entire population of the city as terrorists. Your public statement has caused divide between Hindus and Muslims in Mangalore and they have started suspecting and hating each other and on account of your statement, feelings of disharmony, enmity and hatredness and illwill has arisen between Hindus and Muslims in Mangalore and thereby you have disturbed the communal harmony of the city. You have deliberately issued such statement with an intention of causing communal divide and thereby to reap political benefits. 9) On account of your statements, the people from outside Mangalore have started looking down upon my clients and Mangaloreans as Talibans. You must be aware that your statement has degraded the entire Mangalore and also adversely affected the economic progress of Mangalore. 10) As instructed by my clients, I hereby call upon you to withdraw the above referred public statement about Mangaloreans, and you are also called upon to apologize to the people of Mangalore by issuing suitable PUBLIC STATEMENT, within three days from today. 11) On your failure to comply with the demand made in this notice, necessary legal proceedings including criminal prosecution shall be launched against you at your risk as to all costs and consequences thereof. (P.P. Hegde) Advocate




1. 2. 3. 4.

Denigration of Hindu Gods that led to Christian attacks Attack on illegal Mangalore pub Kidnap of Communist MLA's daughter Rape & Suicide of 15-year old Hindu girl


DENIGRATION OF HINDU GODS IS THE REAL REASON FOR ATTACK ON CHRISTIANS IN MANGALORE The Following are the list of abuses from one such book – Satya Darshini – distributed by the missionaries of New Life. This book is in Kannada and the translation of the abusive passage is as follows. · Urvashi – the daughter of Narayana– is a prostitute. Vashitha is the son of this prostitute. He in turn married his own Mother. Such a degraded person is the Guru of the Hindu God Rama. (page 48) · When Krishna himself is wallowing in darkness of hell, how can he enlighten others? Since Krishna himself is a shady character, there is a need for us to liberate his misled followers. (page 50) · It was Brahma himself who kidnapped Sita. Since Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were themselves the victims of lust, it is a sin to consider them as Gods. (page 39) · When the Trinity of Hinduism (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) are consumed by lust and anger, how can they liberate others. Their projection as Gods is nothing but a joke. (page 39). · When Vishnu asked Brahma to commit a sin, he immediately did so. How can such a “evil brahma” be a Creator of this Universe? How is it possible for both the sinner and the entity which provoked the sin to be gods? (page 39) · God, please liberate the sinful people of India who are worshipping False Gods that believe in the pleasures of illicit ‘Vyabichari’ relationships. (Page 39). 2. All the 16 incidents that took place were not attack on Churches. In fact, unauthorized prayer halls were attacked

15 where the blasphemous pamphlets were distributed and aggressive proselytisation was taking place. These 16 incidents were not localized but took place across three districts of Mangalore, Udupi and Chikmagalur. 3. The only place where attacks took place apart from New Life Prayer Halls was at a small prayer hall in the premises of Milagres Church in Mangalore, where some miscreants had damaged a Jesus idol. The VHP and the Bajrang Dal have condemned the attack at this place. Following this incident, a Christian mob gathered and the situation went out of control as the mob started pelting stones and disrupting traffic. The police was forced to intervene and this resulted in unsavoury violence. 4. Since the past two days, it is not Hindu-Christian clashes that are taking place. In fact, it is more appropriate to call it”Christian-Police” clashes since the Christians holed up in Churches have engaged themselves in pelting of stones and disruption of traffic. The Police were forced to enter the Church to clear the mob and they found arms inside the Church. 5. Incidents of Stabbing were reported in around four or five places across Mangalore district. In fact, an activist belonging to Shri Ram Sena was stabbed which led to a bandh call by Shri Ram Sena – a Hindu outfit that is not connected to Sangh Parivar. 6. The VHP and the Bajrang Dal have condemned the desecration of Jesus idol at the prayer hall adjacent to the Milagres Church in Mangalore. They have also clarified that they are not against the Catholic faith and the Churches. However, they have clarified that the public outcry would continue as long as illicit conversion activities and blasphemy of Hindu gods take place. 7. Even the Kandhmahal murder — which involved the killing of Hindu monk Swami Lakshmananda by missionaries – seems to have caste a shadow on this incident since the general public seems to have seen through Christian aggression.


MANGALORE PUB ILLEGAL It turned out that the Mangalore pub — where girls were attacked by SRS hooligans — was actually an illegal dance bar. The anti-Hindu media — in its anxiety to project Hindu terrorism — only justified women trafficking. Even the National Commission for Women demanded a ban on the pub. Read this news item below.

Women’s Commission moots cancellation of Mangalore pub’s licence Bangalore: The National Commission for Women (NCW) Friday said the license of the Mangalore pub where women were attacked last week should be cancelled as it was illegally allowing live band performances and lacked proper security. A three-member NCW team, led by Nirmala Venkatesh, visited the pub Amnesia - The Lounge, where members of the Sri Rama Sene attacked women on Jan 24. Venkatesh said “We heard there was live band performance when it had license only to serve food.” “We were also told that some girls were participating (in dancing),” Venkatesh told reporters. “We checked the pub’s documents and are not satisfied with the explanation given by its owners,” Venkatesh said. “The pub also had no security guard.” “They have no right to run the pub like that. The NCW will recommend cancellation of the license,” Venkatesh said.

17 The team met some of the 27 accused who are lodged in a jail. “They have expressed regret for their action,” she said. Venkatesh said she has asked the district authorities to take action against pubs running without licenses and proper security. Around 40 members of Sri Rama Sene (army of god Rama) barged into Amnesia on Jan 24 and bashed up several young women who were there with a group of men. The Sene justified the attack saying they were “protecting traditional Indian values”. Its vice president Prasad Attavar and 26 others were arrested two days after the attack. Attavar did not take part in the attack but defended it. Sene founder president Pramod Muthalik, who was away in Maharashtra on the day of the attack, was arrested Thursday for justifying the action. Source: Indo-Asian News Service

Why were they forced to attack the girls? At the time of the attack there were 8 youths belonging to different (communities) and four of them were girls. The raiding group found them in a compromising situation and some of them were scarcely clad and were doing nothing short of “nanga Naach”. “We did not have any other option but to chase them out of the pub as they appear to have come from good families. When they did not budge they had to beat them out of the pub”. http://www.mangalorean.com/ news.php?newstype=broadcast&broadcastid=110035


Kidnap of Commie MLA’s daughter: Anti-Hindu media bungles again First, the media defended the illegal dance bar in Mangalore while trying to project Hindu terrorism. Now, again, the media has bungled. They attributed the kidnap of Majeshwar MLA’s daughter to the “Saffron Taliban”. But now it turned out that the Communists did it to protect their Communist MLA’s daughter’s modesty. When the reality of Communist terror dawned on the media, they put on the mute effect.



‘We tried to save MLA’s daughter: Red Taliban’ Accused of the Mangalore couple attack claim they belong to CPM’s student wing -DYFI Two days after the attack on CPM MLA Kunhambu’s daughter and her friend, the accused claim to be a part of CPM’s student wingthe DYFI. More shockingly, these men say that their attempt was to protect the MLA’s daughter’s modesty. While police refused to share details of the questioning of those arrested or also confirm their affiliation to any of the saffron brigade, the arrested claim they belong to DYFI, even as suspicion loomed large over their connections to one of the Sangh Parivar groups. On asked as to which party they belonged, the driver of the bus the couple was travelling in -Arvind Das said, “DYFI.” “I didn’t do anything, people did it,” he added. Five persons, including the driverand the conductor of the bus from which the daughter of a CPI(M) MLA was dragged out and kidnapped, were arrested yesterday and two others are being questioned by police in connection with the incident, which evoked sharp protests across the country.Surprisingly, the accused claim they were keeping the MLA’s daughter out of harm’s way. “The accused were angered by seeing their CPM MLA’s daughter with the boy and they were oly trying to protect the girl’s modesty from being compromised,” defence lawyer PP Hegde told TIMES NOW. However, the victim - Shruti, a plus two student of St Aloysius College in Mangalore, said she boarded a private bus from Kasargode to Mangalore at 1615 hours last evening. As her friend and brother of her classmate, Habeeb, entered the bus from a nearby point, she casually asked him where he was proceeding to. Later, he sat in a separate seat. “I came for an exam from Kasargod. One woman told me that Hindu girls should not speak with Muslim boys. She said Hindus should not talk to other castes. (From Official News Agencies)



Love jehadi arrested. But media screams moral policing. In a shocking incident, a 15-year-old Hindu girl was lured by a Muslim man in a deserted area and “raped”. She later committed suicide. But our fascist media has its own way of distorting news. They screamed moral policing again. The rape was confirmed in the post-mortem report. This is how The Hindu.reported the incident. http://www.hindu.com/2009/02/12/stories/ 2009021256500100.htm

Schoolgirl commits suicide MANGALORE: A 15-year-old schoolgirl hanged herself to death at Mulky in Dakshina Kannada on Wednesday morning after she was publicly humiliated by a suspected Hindutva fringe group, according to eyewitness accounts. Superintendent of Police N. Sathish Kumar, however, denied the involvement of any group in her death. According to Rafique, a helper in a bus, the victim and another girl boarded the bus at Kinnigoli village at 12 noon on Tuesday. The girls, both students of the Aikala PU College, got off at Moodbidri along with Abdul Salim, with whom one of the girls was friendly. As they were walking towards Venoor, a group of suspected Hindutva youths allegedly accosted them. T he girls were berated for being friendly with someone from another religion and all the three were beaten up. The bus, on its return journey, was stopped by another group that dragged Rafique out and thrashed him. He was taken to the place where Salim and the girls were

21 held. The captors then called Moodbidri SI Bharathi G., who took the four to the police station. The parents of one of the girls were summoned and Salim was allegedly forced to write a letter of apology. The girl and her family were said to have been humiliated at the station by a mob. The next morning, the girl committed suicide. After her death, Salim was arrested following a complaint by her father of rape and abetting in the suicide of a minor.

This is how the DNA Reported it. http://www.topnews.in/mlore-shamed-again-2124034

Mangalore shamed again Barely had the city come to grips with moral policing and allegations of unsavoury activities taking place in its back alleys, that the social fabric of Mangalore was tarnished yet again on Wednesday. In a case that has been registered as rape, a 15-year-old ended her life after being caught in a compromising position with a 26-year-old local youth, both belonging to different communities. The youth has been absconding after the incident, which took place in Kinnigol, Mul, within Mulky Police station limits, in Mangalore Taluk on Wednesday evening. “Two girls - one of them, the deceased - were found with the boy in an isolated place. This happened after a few local elders, on sensing that something was wrong, went in search of the girl. They found her with the youth even as the other girl was keeping guard,” said the superintendent of police (Dakshina Kannada), N Satheesh Kumar. “When the elders wanted to hand both of them over to their respective parents, the boy gave them the slip.” However, after returning home, “the girl was given a thorough thrashing by her parents. She later consumed poison and killed herself,” added the SP. Sources in the forensic department, who carried out the post mortem, have confirmed that “she was raped hours before she killed herself”. Satheesh Kumar says that “since she was a minor, even consensual sex was considered rape”. The police are now looking for the boy. (DNA-Daily News & Analysis, 3D Syndication)




1. Is Indian media anti-Hindu? 2. Antics of anti-Hindu media. 3. Advice to Indian English Media 4. Anti-Hindu dogmas from Karan Thapar 5. Dhimmi Media bends before Muslims again 6 Ignore this genocide, we are secular


Is the Indian Media anti-Hindu? There are several who say that I am being too gross and generalised in stating that Indian media is anti-Hindu. Their contention is that the term Indian media is too vast and covers a wide range of persons and mediums Yes, I agree. It is not fair to paint the entire media with the same paintbrush. For instance, the internet media is free and fair although there have been attempts to regulate it. That it has been a failure is another matter. Besides, there have been several cases in the print media where Truth with a capital T is projected. For instance, India Today published excellent covers on Islamic terrorism and it has also not hesitated to bring out the positive features of Hinduism at times.. There have been stalwarts like Arun Shourie and M V Kamath. There are columnists like Chandan Mitra and Swapandas Gupta who bring out regular expose of the anti-Hindu forces in the media. But there is a lot to be desired when it comes to the electronic media. It seems as if the ELM (English language media) protagonists are only too interested in TRP ratings. All else is secondary. Overall, the way the media projected Christian attacks in Mangalore as well as Orissa only makes the Hindu firm in his opinion. No amount of criticism and observations can make us (Hindus) believe that the Indian media is free and fair. Of course, there are exceptions. But exceptions only prove the rule.


ANTICS OF ANTI-HINDU MEDIA The problem with the Indian media is its inferiority complex when it comes to white skin. So anything that reeks of Hinduism deserves to be sneered while anything from Western masters should be revered. The following are the antics of the great Indian media which delights in raping news to suit its own end: 1. Always blame Hindus for communal violence ignoring the mass of evidence against Islamic and Christian perpetrators. 2. During communal violence, don’t send your cameras to the scene of minority violence, focus the archlight on majority violence only (read Modi and Bajrang Dal). 3. When Hindus react, give them generous advice like preserving peace and brotherhood — Two wrongs do not make a right. 4. When Muslims attack for any flimsy reason, give a direct apology as in the case of Muslim attack on Hindu and Deccan Herald. 5. Project the Hindu Gurus in a bad light and project them like villains even when there is not even a shred of evidence against them — Read the Shankaracharya. 6. Ignore the criminal charges against priests and missionaries - Read Graham Staines and the Church. 7. Ridicule Hindu emotions as superstitions while project the same superstitions as personal faith when it comes to the minorities. 8. Always make it a point to undermine all that which makes Hindus proud of Indian tradition. 9. Make it a point to throw the spotlight on dark side of Hinduism only like caste, sati, untouchability et al.


Advice to Indian English Media First and foremost, stop thinking of yourself as “enlightened”. You are also born of woman. You are also no different from the man on the street. In fact, in Swami Vivekananda’s words, you are no less then parasites and traitors who having been brought up at the countrymen’s expense pay the least heed to them. 2. Learn to respect the virtues of Hinduism. Also make it a point to learn Sanskrit. If you don’t know Sanskrit, you can never appreciate the beauty of Hinduism. Remember, it is not just a question of language. It is a question of a paradigm shift. 3. Learn to cultivate intellectual honesty. 4. Don’t be one-sided. 5. When a Hindu is caught in criminal activities, it is Hindu terrorism. When a Muslim is caught in terrorist activities, terrorists do not have a religion. Stop this hypocrisy. See things as it is. Samasatti. 6. Stop terming Hindus as illiterate barbarians steeped in superstitions. There are Hindus steeped in wisdom too. 7. In your bid to be progressive, also stop a while to look back and appreciate your glorious heritage. And for heaven’s sake, don’t call me a jingoist. 8. Realise that pseudosecularism and communism are dead as a mutton. 9. Hinduism is alive and kicking. Try to find out the secrets of the world’s oldest surviving civilization. 10. Remember, if not for Hinduism, we would have been stuck in the medieval ages with Koran and Bible as our textbooks. Finally, I am well aware that those who need advice the most listen to it the least. Yes, I know that the anti-Hindu English Media in India is incorrigible.


Anti-Hindu dogmas from Karan Thapar Great men make great mistakes. Karan Thapar is not a great man. However, he has made great mistakes in his article “Who is the real Hindu” published in The Hindustan Times. Here are the Karan Thapar dogmas and my replies. Dogma 1). “Does the VHP have the right to speak for you or I?” Reality: Yeah, VHP has done a lot of service to Hindu activities unlike armchair intellectuals like you. They have gone deep into the forests and have saved a number of Hindus from the proselytising arms of Islam and Christianity. If Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi were alive, they would have been proud of VHP. By the way, what have you done for Hinduism, Mr. Thapar, why should you have the right to speak for you or I? Dogma 2. Do they reflect our views? Do we endorse their behaviour? They call themselves the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, but who says they represent all of us?” Reality: They represent authentic Hindus and not pseudosecular Hindus like you. Dogma 3. “This Sunday morning, I want to draw a clear line of distinction between them and everyone else. My hunch is many of you will agree.”

27 Reality: So you want to divide Hinduism. I don’t agree with you. I agree with VHP which wants to unite Hindus. So what is your problem. Dogma 4. “Let me start with the question of conversion - an issue that greatly exercises the VHP” Reality: It greatly exercised not just the VHP. It also greatly exercised one Mahatma Gandhi and one Swami Vivekananda. It also greatly exercises the common Hindus. Dogma 5. “I imagine there are hundreds of millions of Hindus who are peaceful, tolerant, devoted to their faith, but above all, happy to live alongside Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Jews.” Reality: Now I have to agree with you. You are imagining things. The history of Islam and Christianity is soaked in blood. The American historian Will Durant described Mohammedan conquest of India as the bloodiest story in the history of mankind. No Hindu is happy to live alongside Muslims. Why don’t you move over to Taliban, Regarding Christian atrocities, you would do well to read Bertrand Russell, Mr. Thapar. Besides, Sikhs and Buddhists are a part of the greater Hindu Samaj. Your pseudosecular moves at dividing Hindu society does not impress anyone. Dogma 6. “If any one of us were to change our faith how does it affect the next man or woman? ” Reality: Great. Now our progressive Karan Thapar is supporting medieval Christianity and Islam. And he has now proved himself to be a greater fool. Well, Christianity and Islam are medieval faiths and converting to these faiths not just makes us one man less but one enemy more. Remember, Hindus are Kafirs in Islamic parlance and heathens in Christian parlance. So Islam and Christianity are intolerant faiths and they just cannot tolerate the idolator Hindu. If you don’t understand such a simple logic, you are

28 unfit to call yourself an intellectual, Mr. Thapar. I will now quote Thomas Jefferson, the former US President “Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. …were the Pope, or his allies, to send in mission to us some thousands of Jesuit priests to convert us to their orthodoxy, I suspect that we should deem and treat it as a national aggression on our peace and faith.” Dogma 7. “And even if that happens with inducements, it can only prove that the forsaken faith had a tenuous and shallow hold.” “So why do the VHP and its unruly storm troopers, the Bajrang Dal, froth at the mouth if you, I or our neighbours convert? What is it to do with them? Let me put it bluntly, even crudely. If I want to sell my soul - and trade in my present gods for a new lot - why shouldn”t I? ” Reality: Well, Mr. Thapar, authentic Hindus are not cheap like you. They value their soul and don’t sell it. So when the Islamists/Christians try to dupe our innocent brothers with allurements, we are bound to stop them from getting denationalised. Surely, we don’t want ISI agents and FBI agents in our neighbourhood. Besides, Hinduism is a noble way of life and not a killer-cult like Islam and Christianity. We are proud of our tolerant faith unlike you who seems to be paid by medieval cultists. Dogma 8. “Even if the act diminishes me in your eyes, it”s my right to do so. So if thousands or even millions of Dalits, who have been despised and ostracized for generations, choose to become Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, either to escape the discrimination of their Hindu faith or because some other has lured them with food and cash, it”s their right. ” Reality: If you can support conversion, you should also support prostitution. A prostitute sells her body for cash, a converter sells his soul (I am sure you don’t have one,

29 Mr.Thapar). Or else, you would not write so cheap. Regarding poverty among Dalits, I would like to tell you that poverty is a hang-over of Islamic-British-Nehruvian rule in India. They impoverished the entire Hindu soceity during their rule. And cheap intellectuals like you have the temerity to abuse Hindu faith while it is a historic fact that Muslims, Christians, Colonialists and Communists have been responsible for nation’s poverty. Dogma 9: “Arguably you may believe you should ask them to reconsider, although I would call that interference but you certainly have no duty or right to stop them. In fact, I doubt if you are morally correct in even seeking to place obstacles in their way. The so-called Freedom of Religion Acts, which aim to do just that, are, in fact, tantamount to obstruction of conversion laws and therefore, at the very least, questionable.” Reality: Mr. Thapar, you want the Hindus to be sitting duck to Christian/Islamic poachers. No way, get out of your dream land. We did not bend during the past 1,000 years of Islamic/Colonialist/Christian/Socialist rule. Nor will we bend in future. We have something called as self-respect which you seem to have sold somewhere down the line. Dogma 10: “However, what”s even worse is how the VHP responds to this matter. Periodically they resort to violence including outright murder” Reality: When compared to Islam/Christian violence in India, the VHP violence is a damp squib. Dogma 11: What happened to Graham Staines in Orissa was not unique” Reality: Staines was a cheap missionary who abused Hindu Gods. The masses gave him a fitting tribute for his action. That’s all. Staines had criminal record back home in Australia. He had cases against him registered by the Orissa police. He had a handgun with him during the time of his

30 killing. Of course, the pseudosecular media did not report this because a white man’s life is more dear than a brown man’s life. Is it not? Dogma 12: Last week it happened again. Apart from the utter and contemptible criminality of such behavior, is this how we Hindus wish to behave? Is this how we want our faith defended? Is this how we want to be seen? I have no doubt the answer is no. An unequivocal, unchanging and everlasting NO!” Well, the Christians started it through their aggressive proselytisation and the killing of Lakshmananda. So educate yourself, Mr. Thapar. Dogma 13: The only problem is it can”t be heard. And it needs to be. I therefore believe the time has come for the silent majority of Hindus - both those who ardently practice their faith as well as those who were born into it but may not be overtly religious or devout - to speak out.” Reality: Yes, the time has come for the ordinary Hindus to speak against pseudosecularists in Indian media like you. You people have sold your soul to the west and are very keen on ditching Hindus and Hinduism. You only speak against Gujarat riots while ignoring Godhra. You only speak out against Hindu violence while ignoring Islamic/Christian/ Communist genocides. The common Hindus should kick pseudosecularists like you. The time has come for that. Dogma 14: “Indeed, they do not defend but shame Hinduism. That”s my central point.” Reality: Shame. What kind of shame? Didn’t you feel ashamed when the Government twiddled its thumbs during jehadi attacks? Didn’t you feel ashamed when terrorists backed by Christians are running amok in North-East? Didn’t you feel ashamed when 3 lakh Kashmir Pandits were driven out of Kashmir? Why is your shame restricted to a few stray Hindu attacks? Why don’t you direct your shame to worthy issues?

31 Dogma 15: I”m sorry but when I read that the VHP has ransacked and killed I”m not just embarrassed, I feel ashamed. Never of being hindu but of what some Hindus do in our shared faith”s name.” Reality: So, you felt happy when 3 lakh Kashmir Pandits were driven out of Kashmir. You felt happy when 58 Hindus were killed in Godhra. Why is your “Sorry” selective? Dogma 16: “This is why it”s incumbent on Naveen Patnaik, Orissa”s Chief Minister, to take tough, unremitting action against the VHP and its junior wing, the Bajrang Dal.” Reality: Why don’t you demand strict action against those anti-national proselytisers? Sure, you don’t have the balls to demand action against the violent minorities. Dogma 17: This is a test not just of his governance, but of his character. And I know and accept this could affect his political survival. But when it”s a struggle between your commitment to your principles and your political convenience is there room for choice? For ordinary politicians, possibly, but for the Naveen I know, very definitely not. So let me end by saying: I”m waiting, Naveen. In fact, I want to say I”m not alone. There are hundreds of millions of Hindus, like you and me, waiting silently - but increasingly impatiently. Please act for all of us.” Reality: So now you are trying to emotionally blackmail Naveen Patnaik. Well, I would like to say that 100s of millions of Hindus are with Bajrang Dal and VHP. They are supporters of masculine Hinduism and have rejected the namby-pamby pseudosecularism that Karan Thapar endorses. Finally, an advice to Karan Thapar: Grow up Soon. You are full of grey hair. Unfortunately, you stop short of wisdom.


DHIMMI MEDIA BENDS BEFORE MUSLIMS AGAIN See how the media bends over backward when jehadis are on the prowl? 2o hurt as protestors clash with police Statesman News Service

KOLKATA, Feb. 9: More than 20 people, including four policemen, were injured in a clash that broke out when police tried to clear Lenin Sarani where Muslim agitators had put up a road block for four hours in protest against an article published in The Statesman a few days ago. Forty-four people were later arrested in connection with the attack on police and blocking traffic, said Mr Pradip Chattopadhyay, joint CP (administration). According to police, trouble broke out around noon when the agitators tried to block CR Avenue in protest against an article ~ a comment piece ~ from The Independent that was published in The Statesman in its 5 February edition. Police chased away the mob and arrested seven people. The agitators regrouped and blocked Lenin Sarani throwing traffic out of gear. They demonstrated in front of Statesman House and damaged a taxi, two private buses, and a tram. Commuters complained of being severely inconvenienced due to the roadblock. Some protestors forced local traders to shut down their shops and join the agitation. Long queues of vehicles were seen on either side of CR Avenue, Dorina Crossing, SN Banerjee Road due to suspension of traffic on Lenin Sarani. Senior police officers, led by additional commissioner (I) Mr Ranjit Kumar Pachnanda, rushed to the spot and appealed to the agitators time and again to withdraw the blockade. After agitators refused to call off the blockade,

33 additional forces were deployed in the area. Later DC DD (I), Mr Jawed Shamim, DC (Central) Mrs Damayanti Sen, DC (Traffic) Mr Dilip Banerjee, Joint CP (Traffic) Mr Ranvir Kumar reached the spot and urged agitators to call off the blockade. After all their pleas fell on deaf ears, leaders from some Muslim organisations and even imams of Shahi Tipu Sultan Mosque came to the spot and tried to pacify the mob. Meanwhile, Rapid Action Force and Armed Police jawans were deployed to prevent any further violence. After several requests of police officers and religious leaders to call off the blockade went unheeded, police chased away the mob and resorted to a mild lathi-charge to clear Lenin Sarani. Demonstrators threw stones, soda bottles and shoes injuring four cops. Some agitators later took shelter in a nearby mosque and threw stones, empty bottles and shoes targeting policemen. These people later left the mosque. The situation came under control around 5 p.m. A police picket was posted near the mosque. Later in the evening, a group of people belonging to some Muslim outfits blocked AJC Bose Road near Rajabazar for one-anda-half hours on the same issue. The blockade was later withdrawn. In a Press release, the Indian Union Muslim Leage (West Bengal) condemned the lathi-charge on protestors and accused The Statesman of “obstinacy” with regard to issuing an apology for carrying the comment piece by Johann Hari. (In fact, The Statesman has, already expressed its deep regret if the publication of the article had caused hurt to any community or religion.) Pamphlets call for agitation Later in the evening, unsigned pamphlets and posters were being distributed in the Esplanade area urging members of a particular community to “continue the agitation” and stating that the “protests were not against the state government or police administration”.


INDIAN MEDIA AND SELECTIVE AMNESIA The genocide of Kashmir Pandits were ignored while others are exaggerated Chauvinism, revivalism, obscurantism, Hindu backlash, Hindu fundamentalism and plain insanity? This is the way the Indian media describes Hindu nationalists. The hypocricy of academic sophistry is matched by double standards of the Indian elite. There is a moral and intellectual degeneration when it expresses solicitous concern for minorities. No fear of the Press Council, no respect for the majority sentiments, no shame in voicing undemocratic views – the aim is undiluted appeasement of segments which have taken advantage of the assymitrical secularism in India. The real problem is that those in the Indian media are dimwits and are suckers for the propaganda of the MullahPadre-Comrade-Corporate brigade. Let us analyse the way the English media in India covered a major event in the post-independent India – the ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir. More than three lakh Kashmiri Hindu pandits were driven out of their homeland by Islamic militants and were forced to live in refugee camps under inhuman conditions. This tragedy was practically ignored because the victims happened to be Hindus. However, a communal riot that took place in Gujarat (involving a thousand death to the maximum) was internationalized as a case of State failure all because most of the victims happened to be Muslims. There you are – Hindu genocides can be ignored as the media has a secular licence.

35 The matter did not end here. The media and its cohorts demanded the arrest of the democratically elected Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi under laws. This only showed their lack of faith i n the Indian faith and their transnational loyalties. Of course, the case was ignored but the secular howls did have its ramification as the Gujarat Chief Minister was denied a visa to USA. When Narendra Modi was given a thumping majority by the electorate, the mainstream English media sneered stating that he cannot travel to the US on a valid visa. Their contempt of democracy was evident. Islamic rampage in the media There were several other instances. When The Hindu published a cartoon of Prophet Mohammed, their office was ransacked. All that the newspaper did was to come out with a front apology. However, the same apology was not forthcoming in the case of insult to Hindu deities. But it seems that the Hindus have taken a cue from their jehadi counterparts. The latest that took place was in the case of M F Hussain – who is given to insulting Hindu faith by depicting Hindu deities nude on the pretext of artistic licence. However his artistic licence does not come in the domain of Islam as his Islamic figures are fully clothed. When the NDTV news channel nominated M F Hussain for Bharat Ratna – the highest civilian honour in India – the NDTV office in Ahmedabad was ransacked. Atleast the Gujarati Hindus have realized that the only way to silence the English language media is to attack in an Islamic manner.




Of Hindutva, Media Talibanization and Communal Seduction

Why media protagonists are wrong in comparing inclusivist Hindus to exclusivist Talibans.



The world is reeling under the impact of hate ideologies like Islam, Christianity, Communism and global-imperialistCapitalism. Before I offer the Hindu solution, I would like to better define those hate ideologies so that you will be in a better position to judge the merits of the case. For those who are new to the terminologies, I would first like to give a brief refresher course on the dangers of these totalitarian ideologies. ISLAM: Islam is a belief system where Allah is the only God and Mohammed is the last Prophet. Those who agree are called Mommins and those who disagree are called Kafirs. The Koran and the Hadiths (Islamic scripture) enjoins the believer to wage a relentless war (jehad) against the nonbelievers until the whole world becomes Dar-ul-Islam (where the whole world is Islamised. The results have been devestating. American historian Will Durant termed

39 Mohammedan conquest of India as the “bloodiest story” in the history of mankind with barbaric death to the tunes of crores. Even the recent Mumbai terror strikes and the WTC are a result of this hate ideology. To quote history, Islam spread with sword in one hand and the Koran in other. Today, it has overtaken Christianity as the world’s largest cult. A very dangerous sign for mankind at large. CHRISTIANITY: Many are of the mistaken assumption that Christianity is about turning the other cheek. It is true that the Sermons on the Mount are a classic. But the Bible as a whole is a belief system which reeks of fanaticism and genocides by the angry Gods. For instance, there are lines which exhorts the faithful not to worship any other Gods. It is the angry God. It directs its ire against the heathens (polytheists/Hindus / Pagans). It says that anybody worshipping any other Gods will boil in the hottest fires of hell. It considers man a sinner and says that the only redemption is the unwavering faith in Christ and to be a zealous follower of the Book. Finally, it is a case of the Bushy line – Either you are with me. Or you are against me. The result has been equally devastating as Islam. The Church brainwashed its followers to kill the heathens and take over the land. Christianity until recently had the world’s largest following. However, Christianity did one good thing. It put the Islamic cult on the defensive through its crusades. Christianity lost much of its tooth due to Industrial revolution and renaissance thanks largely to Galileo. Today, the Roman Catholic Church and WASP (Western Anglo Saxon Protestants) do dominate world affairs like never before. In India, Christian violence came via Portugese inquisitions in Goa and it still continues through aggressive proselytisation in regions like North-east and the rural belts in the guise of service. In terms of death toll, inquisitions matches jehad with not less than a few crores killed. The Whites had wiped out

40 the native American population so did the Australians with the aborgines. COMMUNISTS: This is also a belief system where there is no God and just a question of economic domination. These are some of the core beliefs of the Communist system. It still dominates the minds of some of our best brains. 1. There is no God and religion is the opium of the masses. 2. The world is a continous fight between the haves (bourgeoise) and have-nots (proleteriats). After a bloody struggle, the proleteriats will set up a classless stateless society. The death toll of Communism matches the Semitic religions. The former USSR President Stalin used Communism as an artifice for aggression and killed crores of people. In India, this ideology still creates havoc through the Naxalites and Maoists. They are experts in intellectual terrorism and are the main defenders of Islamic jehadis in India. Global-Imperialist-Capitalists: This is not much of a belief system. But it plays on greed. The capitalists (call them corporates or globalisers) have denuded the world of its natural resources and have pushed the world on the brinks of ecological disaster. The US consumes 40 percent of world’s resources although it has a minimal share of world’s population. Even the recent Iraq war was a result of the US economic domination as Iraq threatened to trade oil in Euros. The Hindu solution: Several are of the mistaken belief that Hinduism is all about idol worship and gross superstitions. They can’t be more mistaken. A Hindu is a person who observes his own faith without troubling others. This can be gauged with the first line of the Rig Veda.

41 Aa no bhadraah kratavo yantu vishvatah (May Noble Thought come from all directions) This thought effectively puts an end to narrow fundamentalism. Vasudaiva Kutumbakam (The world is a family) This thought enlarges your vision towards caring and sharing for the whole world. Ekam Sat Vipra Bahuda Vadami (Truth is one but the wise call it by several names) This thought encourages diversity of thought. Krunavanto Vishwam Aryam (Ennoble the whole world) This thought is a call to uplift the entire world to nobility. Finally, there are practical yogic and tantric techniques to still the mind, relieve stress and tension as well as explore the divine within and without. Overall, history has thrust two great responsibilities on Hindus 1. They have to check the fanatic ideologies of Islam, Christianity, Communism and capitalism. 2. They also have to preserve spiritual tradition as well as foster universal brotherhood.


COMMUNAL SEDUCTION IN SECULAR INDIA What is disorienting is the open call by Mullahs to the faithful to abduct women of other faiths! The most obnoxious feature of Islam is the open call to its member to abduct women from other faiths to increase their numbers. For instance, the Mullahs in UK openly exhorted the Muslim youths to seduce, entrap and convert Sikh women to Islam. The Muslim youths — it is said — were also rewarded in terms of 10,000 pounds for converting a single Sikh woman. This obviously is a stark remainder of jehadi days where the strategy was to kill the men and take the women. However, with times, the jehadis have changed and the present strategy is to seduce. The foxy jehadis know that the modern women from other faiths are least obsessed with religion, brainwashed as they are by secularism, multiculturalism and humanism. So the strategy is to seduce them with wealth and wine, entrap them and finally force them to convert. Now this strategy is not just reduced to Sikhs and Hindus. Even Princess Di was no exception. There were deeper conspiracy theories that Dodi planned to foist his yetto-be-born son on the British throne. The British Intelligence which sensed the danger of the situation finished the story in a planned car accident. If this be the case with the Princess — who was seduced by Muslim men well within the security reach of the Palace, then God save the plane Janes. Anything connected with sex is no doubt secular. However, it becomes a touchy issue when it comes to intercommunity faith.

43 Consider secularism in India. Akbar’s Hindu wives are a proof of his secularism. Sultan’s harems filled with Hindu women are also proofs of their broadmindedness. What they do not factor is that these women were taken at sword point, they were subject to harassment and conversion. Even today, the same harem mentality continues. Take the case of the murder of Rizwan-ul-Reheman following his marriage to a Hindu girl, Priyanka Todi. The case is still under investigation. Rizwan Ul Reheman had promised to convert to Hinduism and that perhaps led to his killing. Now seduction is secular and there can be no faulting there. However, it is a question of honor for any Hindu or for that matter any white man who would have quite a heart burn if he sees a white woman with a black man. There is also the question of secularism. God is one and all religions are the same. The Hindu girls are taught. So they find it a convenient excuse to elope with Muslim men..Babu Bajrangi — who has made a living saving Hindu girls eloping with Muslim men – in an interview to Outlook had remarked that saving a Hindu woman from Muslim is a million times more virtuous than saving a cow. In India, women and cow are holy issues. Land, Women and Wealth are a cause for all disputes. The easiest way to insult a man is to either insult his God, take away his woman (wife, daughter or sister). This is exactly what the minorities specialize at. It is not that seduction is unknown to Hindus who also happen to be the author of Kamasutra. But Hindu seduction is secular. Muslim seduction is communal. In that the married woman becomes a breeding cow in the demography game. Rather than wait for those naïve girls and women to elope, it is better to tell them about the facts. Inform them about the cruelties involved. Ask her whether she is willing to be a willing breeding cow in the service of a medieval faith.

44 These days, the film industry (especially bollywood) also preach the values of secular love over narrow communal consideration. Muslim men take advantages of the liberals secularism to hoodwink naïve Hindu girls who are anyway reeling under the impact of increased testerstones. Consider also how much hue and cry a Muslim man raises when a Hindu man flicks a Muslim girl. The film Bombay created a ruckus when it showed a Muslim girl eloping with a Hindu man. However, films like Jodhaa Akbar — which is a distortion of history — portrays Akbar as genuine and subtly encourages women of other faiths to consider inter-religious marriages. Such movies are canon fodder for jehadis. For the west, sex is just like a sneeze. It is a release from the other end. But in India, virginity is equated with family honour. Deflowering a virgin from the other community is sufficient to spark a communal riot. Muslims do it all the time and they have it coming towards them. Hindu girls should also be taught the values of Hinduism, which are quite modern and secular. In fact, it is eternal. The secularism of Sarva Dharma Samabhava (all religions are equal) should be done away with. Will she eat beef? Will she spend her entire life in purdah? Ask her? Educate her on the dangers of Muslim ways. Will she end up in a brothel? Educate her on these aspects – not on Sarva Dharma Samabhava and the docile secularism of the liberal society. It is better to do so before she elopes. After all Mullahs exhort the true Muslims to flick women from other communities. Don’t they? Finally, I have never seen a single secularist who is happy to see his sister or daughter elope with a Muslim man? If you have, do tell me?


WHY EVERY HINDU SHOULD OPPOSE VALENTINE’S DAY These days, the media with its one-sided propaganda is aggressively promoting Valentine’s Day. Not only that, it is also performing a character assassination on those who oppose Valentine’s Day. They say that those who oppose Valentine’s Day are anti-love, Talibanic and stuck in the past. Now let me give you some valid points on why every Hindu should oppose Valentine’s Day.

1. Family Values: India / Bharat is known for its family value. We are not individualistic. We still stand by the institution of arranged marriage where the entire family takes the decision of marriage. That does not mean the individual is ignored. It only means that everyone is taken into consideration. 2. We have our own Holi: Now even if it were in defence of love, we have our own Holi Festival. Holi actually stands for Kama Dahan — where Shiva is said to have reduced Kamadeva to ashes for disturbing his meditation. However, Shiva revived him as the whole world would stop and become barren without love. 3. Crass Commercialisation: This is the most important reason why I am against Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is nothing but an orchestrated attempts to increase sales and engineer profits. The youths are seduced with brands and it seems as if those youths who are not using the particular in-

46 brands have everything to lose. Now love is a free gift of nature. Why should it have a price tag? 4. Public Display of Affection: Now, love is a private affair. Why should it enter the public domain. There are several persons who are proponents of not just free-sex but public sex. They say that they should be given police protection to make love in public. This is the way Valentine’s Day is held today. Now that is silly. Love should be restricted to bedroom and not in public domains. 5. No need for love lessons in the land of Kama Sutra: I am no prude. All that is to be know about reproduction is there in our Kama Sutra. And we don’t need some foreign Saint from some foreign land for a lesson in love-making. 6. Love-Jehad and public nuisance: Plus there is also a lot of trouble from the Love-jehadis and the immoral, antisocial brigade. It is a real public nuisance — this Valentine’s Day. I don’t need to explain this in detail. So Mr. St. Valentine, lay off. We are happy with our own culture. Also read: http://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/ campaigns/religious/valentine-day/


REPLIES TO ABUSES IN SATYADARSHINI Here is a reply to the typical padre denigration of Hinduism Abuse No. 1: Urvashi – the daughter of Narayana– is a prostitute. Vashitha is the son of this prostitute. He in turn married his own Mother. Such a degraded person is the Guru of the Hindu God Rama. (page 48) Urvashi is not a prostitute. She is a celestial nymph. Secondly Vasistha was one of the Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in the seventh, i.e the present Manvantara,[1] and the Rajpurohit / Rajguru of the Suryavamsha or Solar Dynasty. He was the manasaputra of Brahma. He had in his possession the divine cow Kamadhenu, and Nandini her child, who could grant anything to their owners. Vashisht is credited as the chief author of Mandala 7 of the Rigveda. Vashisht and his family are glorified in RV 7.33, extolling their role in the Battle of the Ten Kings, making him the only mortal besides Bhavayavya to have a Rigvedic hymn dedicated to him. Another immortal treatise dedicated by him to the humanity is “Vashisht Samhita” - a book on Vedic system of electional astrology (Muhurtha/ Muhurt)- based on which theory & principles of electional astrology have emanated & followed through millenniums & which have withstood test of the time. Abuse no. 2: When Krishna himself is wallowing in darkness of hell, how can he enlighten others? Since Krishna

48 himself is a shady character, there is a need for us to liberate his misled followers. (page 50) Lord Krishna is considerd as an Avatar in Hindu pantheon. He is supposed to have lived around 5,200 years ago. Accordingly, he is supposed to reincarnate whenever adharma increases. There is no reference anywhere which says that he is in hell. I wonder, what divine wisdom the missionaries have when they can see somebody wallowing in hell. Abuse no. 3: t was Brahma himself who kidnapped Sita. Since Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were themselves the victims of lust, it is a sin to consider them as Gods. (page 39) First of all, Ramayana can be interpreted anyway you want. In fact, the world is a divine illusion. Secondly, creation needs lust. Even the divine missionaries are a product of lust. Everyone has doubts about immaculate conception. I wonder how Jesus was born without pregnancy. It is all fancy stuff. Is it not? Abuse No. 4: When the Trinity of Hinduism (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) are consumed by lust and anger, how can they liberate others. Their projection as Gods is nothing but a joke. (page 39). Hinduism is not a single prophet/single book cult like Islam and Christianity. There are 84 schools of thoughts in Hinduism – of which even atheism is a part. Then there are other concepts like duality, non-duality and achintabheda tattwa (where the soul is neither dual nor non-dual). In Hinduism, worship and liberation is a personal affair. Nobody has the right to interefere in other’s mode of worship. There is something called as Vyakti Dharma. It is highly personal. No conversions and interference please.

49 Abuse No.5: Vishnu asked Brahma to commit a sin, he immediately did so. How can such a “evil brahma” be a Creator of this Universe? How is it possible for both the sinner and the entity which provoked the sin to be gods? (page 39) First of all, there is no sin and no sinner. Sin is a Christian concept. Majority of Hindus consider the universe as leela (divine play). Though there are other variations too, most of the Hindus have pantheistic overtones. They don’t differentiate between the creator and the creation. Most of the Hindus are believers in oneness and pantheism. Note, it is not monotheism of the zealous semitic Gods. Abuse No. 6: God, please liberate the sinful people of India who are worshipping False Gods that believe in the pleasures of illicit ‘Vyabichari’ relationships. (Page 39). Swami Vivekananda described the people of India as children of immortality. (Amritasya Putraha). These are the lines from the Upanishads. The soul is not a sinner. It is a spark of the universal divinity. So there is no question of liberating sinners because sin does not exist in the first place. As for the so called “Vyabichar”, it is simple logic to say that the world would stop without sex. Sex is nothing but nature’s mechanism to ensure that individuals reproduce. In fact, we have a deity for sex (Kamadeva or Cupid) in Hinduism. Per se, sex is natural. However, Victorian sensibilities ensure that a lot of guilt is associated with it.


APPENDIX 1. Newspaper report in Metro UK 3. Koenraad Elst's Article on Kafir women

UK: Hindu Girls targetted by Muslim Extremists Muslim extremists who try to force teenage Hindu girls to convert to Islam are being targeted in a new police crackdown. The recruiters – often paid £5,000 for each success – are stepping up ‘aggressive conversion’ tactics, especially around universities, religious leaders believe. The Metropolitan Police have stepped in after commissioner Sir Ian Blair said many Hindus felt neglected by Scotland Yard. Some young students have been beaten up and forced to abandon their courses by extremists, Hindu leaders told a security conference. Islamic extremists invited the girls on dates before beginning campaigns of ‘terrorism’ until they converted, they claimed. Ramesh Kallidai, from the Hindu Forum of Britain, said: ‘Extremist Muslims make life miserable for Hindu girls. ‘Some are petrified; they feel these men have complete hold on them. One girl was beaten up in the street and others have been forced to leave university.’ The problem was most common in cities such as Birmingham, Leeds and Bradford, he added, while London universities had ‘at least two or three cases’ each. Mr Kallidai estimated hundreds of girls had been targeted, with some reports of Muslim boys being offered £5,000 ‘commissions’. The National Union of Students said it did not want to discriminate against Muslims but agreed some extremists were causing concern.

51 They have managed to infiltrate Brunel University in West London, Bedfordshire University, Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University, according to a Muslim charity. Sheikh Musa Admani, a ‘troubleshooting’ imam, fears many radicals are easily by-passing university bans on extremist sects such as Hizb ut Tahrirs and Al-Mujahiroun. Scotland Yard is to set up a Hindu Safety Forum with ‘aggressive conversion’ as its top priority. Sir Ian said: ‘There is a feeling in the Hindu community that we have not given them as much attention as other groups.’ (Courtesy: Metro.co.uk) http://www.metro.co.uk/news/ article.html?in_article_id=38548&in_page_id=34

Using Kafir women in the service of Muslim demography by Koenraad Elst http://koenraadelst.voiceofdharma.com/books/demogislam/ appendix.html One of the most painful aspects of Muslim demographic warfare is the open attempt by Muslims to grab non-Muslim girls to use them for their own demographic ambitions, meanwhile also inflicting a good dose of humiliation on the accursed kafirs. In Bangladesh and in Muslim-majority areas inside India, this often takes the form of simply kidnapping girls, or of threatening their families to marry them out to Muslims. In the open market-place of the West and of westernized circles in India, it takes the form of normal courtship, with the limitation that in case of a Muslim girl befriending a nonMuslim, family pressure is used on her, or physical threats on him or on both, to stop the affair; since the same is much less likely to happen in the reverse case, the net result is a considerable traffic of non-Muslim girls into Muslim households. For example, after summing up some discriminations imposed

52 by the Muslim state and district authorities on the Buddhists of Kargil (in Jammu & Kashmir), representatives of the Ladakh Buddhist Association complain: “As if this is not enough, there is a deliberate and organised design to convert Kargil’s Buddhists to Islam. In the last four years, about 50 girls and married women with children were allured and converted from village Wakha alone. If this continues unchecked, we fear that Buddhists will be wiped out from Kargil in the next two decades or so. Anyone objecting to such allurement and conversions is harassed.”[1]? In NRI papers, you can occasionally read the testimony annex warning of Hindu women who sorely regret their mistake of having married a Muslim. E.g. one Hindu woman from the West Midlands (UK) warns Hindus to be alert when “some undesirables (...) who cannot tolerate a Muslim girl marrying a Hindu boy even in a movie, let alone in real life (...) try to take advantage of the innocence of Hindu girls to trap them in marriages.” When a Hindu girl is approached by a Muslim, “she should be immediately alerted that he is actually fulfilling the Islamic command of grabbing and converting non-believer women by all possible means. It is not a reflection of my personal bitterness, I remind you of fatwas issued by Mullahs in England for Muslim boys in colleges and univer?sities to marry Chris?tian, Hindu and Sikh girls”.[2] In late 1995, “the Chalvey Muslim boys” in the Chalvey area of Slough (between London and Oxford), circulated a “notice” in and around the Slough & Eton Secondary School, informing the public that: “We Muslims don’t want Kafirs such as Sikh and Hindu children to mix with our children, specially our girls. Two years ago a Sikh boy was friendly with a Muslim girl and we made his life so difficult that he committed suicide. If your children come to this school, we will bully your boys the way we did to the boy who committed suicide, and we will make your daughter pregnant and change them into Islam. We mean what we are saying, and if you ignore it you will be very sorry.” A Sikh youth writes to the editor, lamenting yet another case of a girl trapped in a Muslim marriage and about to be taken to Pakistan: “It seems to be fashionable amongst some misguided members of our community to think that the Muslims aren’t really out to convert and brainwash young Sikh and Hindu schoolgirls. They think that all these Sikh-Muslim fights are about young hotheads

53 and extremists just out to cause trouble.(...) What I want to know is what these people are going to do about this schoolgirl. Is their idle chit-chat about Asian unity going to return her to her family (...) Brothers and sisters, don’t take anybody’s word for it but see for yourself what the Muslims are doing to us.(...) Just talk to the schoolboys who have been bullied and terrorised for years by Muslim gangs. Just talk to schoolgirls whom the Muslims have threatened with rape. Just talk to the parents of Sikh and Hindu girls who have run off and converted.(...) These problems are real and becoming worse.(...) time is not on our side and the number of Sikh and Hindu schoolgirls who are running away and converting is increasing each day.” I know plenty of Westerners who married Muslim girls and converted to Islam as the conditio sine qua non. Mostly workingclass people with little knowledge about Islam, they believe that, just like so many church weddings these days, it is merely a formality without consequences. But once there are children and their religious education is decided on, these converts find that the entry of the new family into Islam was not just a matter of giving in to the sentimental obsession of the parents-in-law, but a firm commitment guarded by every Muslim around. These people usually have more children than their brothers with less exotic marriages, in obedience to what a Muslim calls “one of the fundamental tenets of Islam — namely, to multiply the tribe.”[3] This way, they add a little extra to the numbers of immigrant Muslim communities, which are already growing fast enough without them. One more additional factor of numerical growth is new immigration through marriage, i.e. young immigrants getting a bride or groom from the homeland. In a little country like Holland, with about 400,000 Muslims, some 8,000 marriage partners are brought in every year, mostly steeped in the good old ways, including the expectation of having many children. The population surplus is transferred from countries where Muslim hegemony is unchallenged to countries or regions where fresh numbers may tip the scales in favour of the Muslim community. This way, Islam tries to usurp both the women and the land of the infidels as its own breeding-ground. Even Mohammed’s prohibition of infanticide (post-natal abortion) should be seen in the same light. It is well-known that people living in extreme ecological circumstances, like the Inuit

54 (Eskimoes) until recently, limit their numbers by means of infanticide. The logic behind it is that the alternative would be overpopulation relative to the scarce resources, hence civil war and far more destructive suffering than is caused by infanticide. Precisely the same argument is used by ecologists in favour of birth-control: like rats in an overpopulated cage, mankind on an overpopulated planet would self-destruct, not just back to a sustainable population level, but entirely. Islamic sources allege that the Pagan Arabs also practised infanticide, and if this is true, Mohammed’s prohibition of the same would be one of his more humane interventions in Arab custom. But that should not make us overlook its intentional demographic impact: the Arabs in their in?hospitable desert environment could only be encouraged to drop all populationcontrolling practices because the Islamic conquests provided an outlet for the population surplus. While Arabia itself remained as thinly populated as in the days before Mohammed’s natalist policies, the neighbouring countries (Syria, Iraq, Egypt) were not just culturally and linguistically but even biologically arabicized to a large extent. So, is Islam's demographic offensive inevitably leading to the demographic islamization of the whole world? Not if Hindus and others challenge the Muslims’ adherence to Islam. They should make sure that Islam loses its teeth before it can swallow their country. In most of Europe, Christianity is no longer dangerous to the unbelievers, neither by numbers nor by ideological commitment. Similarly, before the demographic presence of Islam becomes too strong, there is time enough to neutralize the political threat which Islam poses. Hindu society will be alright if it resolves to mentally liberate that section of Indians whose ancestors have fallen prey to Islam and who have been con?ditioned since childhood to revere the Quran as exclusive revelation and to consider the non-Muslims as enemies. A short version of this approach is sometimes suggested by Hindus as a solution to the problem of infiltration from overpopulated Bangladesh: mass conversion of the Bangladeshi immigrants. But like so many Hindus making schemes, they do not reflect on how this is to be done. It would have been much easier if at the time of Partition, the Congress leader?ship had accepted the oft-heard proposal of a full exchange of population: in that case, a Bangladeshi crossing the border would know that he is entering territory vacated

55 by the Muslims, where he has no place except by converting. But now, it will be the long road of freeing the intellectual atmosphere from the morbid compulsion to praise Islam, replacing it with a frank criticism of Islam, and making sure that not a single Muslim remains ignorant of it. Learn from the way the Christian stranglehold on Western society was broken: make them think again about their ideological commitment by exposing its irrational basis. A piece of practical advice to conclude with: before you start teaching Muslims, teach your own community first. Your daughter will think twice about becoming the breeding cow of a Muslim family if she is properly informed about Islam. And to get a proper perspective on Islam, she should first know what mighty heritage she is carrying, what treasure she would throw to the wind if she were to drop her native tradition in favour of Islam. [1] Tundup Tsering and Tsewang Nurboo, representing the, Maryul Tsogapa, Kargil: “Ladakh visited”, Pioneer, 4/12/1995. They suggest: “Therefore, to protect the religious and cultural identity of the Ladakhi people, an anti-conversion law must be enacted for Kargil as is presently in force in states like Arunachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.” [2] Pratibha Bhambri: “Hindu Girls, Don’t Get Trapped!”, India Post, 26/7/1996. The line about Muslims not tolerating a Muslim girl marrying a Hindu boy even in a movie refers to Mani Ratnam’s movie Bombay, a target of Muslim protests for showing just such an affair. [3] Saeed Naqvi: Reflections of an Indian Muslim, p.32.

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