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Is Torat Yisrael really mo ving to East Greenwich?

Are interf aith f amilies welcome at To rat Yisrael?

Yes! We broke ground for our new building in a moving ceremony on Sunday, November 15th. We were honored by the presence of US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, representatives of the East Greenwich town government, religious leaders and guests. Over 250 people attended the ceremony.

Yes! We embrace any non-Jewish spouse and/or parent who is supportive of the Jewish identity and faith of their spouse and children. Rabbi Levin, our education director, Ronni Guttin, our officers, board and general membership look forward to sharing the Judaism we love with all nonJewish spouses or parents. Indeed, we have done so for many years.

Despite the stalled economy, substantial pledges are still being made and work with our architects, landscape designers, kitchen designers and interior designers continues.

At Torat Yisrael, there are many opportunities for involvement for everyone in the family in services, educational and social events as well as family celebrations like bar and bat mitzvah.

Is is true th at To rat Y israel’ s Cohen R eligious S choo l h as moved to East Greenwich?

Wh at does the term "family"

Yes! We are grateful to St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Greenwich for hosting our Yeladon Kindergarten/First Grade class this past academic year. This pilot program in East Greenwich was so successful we sought space in East Greenwich to house all of our classes from kindergarten through 7th grade. We are delighted and grateful to announce that the Yeladon K-1 class and the entire Frederic G. and Lawrence G. Cohen Religious School now meets at the Village Lower School, 2220 South County Trail, East Greenwich! Our classes meet on Sunday mornings (Pre-K-7th grade) and Tuesday afternoons (3rd-7th grades).

mean at To rat Y israel? The more important question is "what does "family" mean to you? Single parent families, interfaith families, same-sex partners with or without children, mom, dad and kids . . . if you consider yourself a family, we embrace you as a family and we look forward to integrating you into our broader Torat Yisrael family.

Wh at are som e of th e f amilyorien ted p rogram s we migh t en joy at T orat Yisrael? The Jewish Sabbath, Shabbat, is the heartbeat of our congregation. We hold Shabbat services every Friday evening and every Saturday morning. Two services a month are especially designed to engage every generation of our congregation: The first Shabbat morning of the month is Shabbat Yachad / Shabbat Together. This special Sabbath morning program offers us varied and engaging Shabbat experience during which we choose meditation,

traditional services, contemporary ethics discussions, text study, a communal lunch and singing. It's a great time for us to attend a learner's service with our children or engage with adults in alternative liturgies.

The third Friday evening of the month we hold Simchat Shabbat / The Joy of Shabbat. We begin with an early family-oriented Shabbat dinner and then continue with an informal, interactive service. All of our holiday celebrations are family-friendly and offer opportunities for children and adults to learn and experience together.

I am no t the paren t of schoo lage children. What kind of programs are available fo r me? Each month, Rabbi Levin joins a lively group of people at restaurants in East Greenwich and Warwick for Lunch & Learn. The subject is always a contemporary issue of interest (we've discussed Jewish Anger Management; Jewish mothers; Israel and Us; Alcohol in Jews and much more). We each order off the restaurant menu and enjoy a stimulating learning lunch. The group generally meets the third week of the month, Tuesday at T’s in East Greenwich and Thursday at The Cozy Grill in Warwick. See www.toratyisrael.org for details. Shabbat Yachad, described above, is designed for every generation and every interest, which includes our young families, our empty nesters, singles, couples . . . everyone! Our calendar is full of opportunities to get together and enjoy each others company: this past year we enjoyed a Sunday afternoon art auction, a packed-house concert by pianist George Winston, a fashion show at Coldwater Creek and more.

Torat Yisrael is a Con servative congregation. A re memb ers expected to keep the Jew ish dietary law s of kosh er foo d and observe a tradition al S habbat? There are no standards of home or personal observance imposed on the members of Torat Yisrael. We hope that you will consider membership in Torat Yisrael as an opportunity to embark upon or to continue your own personal Jewish journey as well as your family's Jewish journey. You will find encouragement and information no matter what aspect of Judaism you wish to explore. You will never feel judged here for what you do or don't do Jewishly. Rabbi Levin makes sure that everything that takes place under the auspices of our congregation, on site or off site, is in compliance with the highest standards of Conservative Jewish practice. This is a point of pride for our congregation and also provides us with many opportunities to learn and practice together as we prepare for and participate in congregational events.

Is Rabbi Levin moving to East Greenwich with the congregation? Yes! Rabbi Levin has helped us to envision Torat Yisrael as a place of welcome, opportunity and energy for everyone interested in an engaging Jewish experience since her arrival in July 2004. She has also devoted a great deal of time, effort and energy to advancing our move to East Greenwich. Our rabbi is currently in the first year of a five year contract with us and she will, therefore, serve our congregation with her signature enthusiasm and warmth until at least the summer of 2013. Rabbi Levin looks forward to hearing from you: [email protected]

Who is Torat Yisrael’s Edu cation Director? Our Frederic G. and Lawrence G. Cohen Religious School, including our Kindergarten-1st Grade Yeladon program and our Cohen School classes from 2nd through 7th grades are all under the inspiring direction of Ronni Saltzman Guttin. Ronni is well-known in the Rhode Island Jewish Community as the director of Camp JORI. Ronni brings professionalism and warmth to all that she does. Under her guidance, our school flourishes as a familycentric educational resource for all our children and all their parents! Contact Ronni at: [email protected]

November 2009 / Kislev 5770


Frequently Asked Questions Temple Torat Yisrael 330 Park Avenue, Cranston, RI 02905 Frederic G. and Lawrence G. Cohen Religious School at The Village Lower School 2220 South County Trail East Greenwich, RI www.toratyisrael.org 401-785-1800

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