Family Planning Methods

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Family Planning Methods

Submitted to:

Mrs. Roselyn S. Pacardo, RM, RN, MM, MAN

Submitted by:

Al Yves Roman Lascuña BSN – 3E student

Family Planning Methods

Submitted to:

Mrs. Roselyn S. Pacardo, RM, RN, MM, MAN

Submitted by:

Connan E. Mugot BSN – 3F student

a)Basal Body Temperature

Natural Family Planning Methods Description & Mech. Of Action ☺The basal body temperature is our body temperature at the time we wake up each day. Just before the day of ovulation, a woman’s basal body temperature (BBT) falls about 0.5 oF and rises a full degree at the time of ovulation because of the influence of progesterone. This higher level is then maintained for the rest of her menstrual cycle. ☺To use this method, the woman takes her BBT which is the temperature she immediately takes each morning after waking. A slight increase of about 0.2 or 0.3 oC signifies the occurrence of ovulation. She should refrain from having sex for the next 3 days. ☺98% effective

Indications ☺Indicated for clients who prefer natural and economic methods

Contraindications ☺Illness (may alter BBT) ☺Irregular menses ☺Inability to keep careful records ☺High failure rate, ore appropriate for birth spacing ☺Women with cycle lengths less than 26 days or more than 32 days because their ovulation cannot be easily predicted

Advantages ☺Perfect use of this method results in 2/year pregnancy rate ☺This method does not cost anything, and there is no need for medications or surgery ☺This method does not interrupt or alter fertility. Pregnancy is possible as soon as method is abandoned

Side Effects/Disadvantages ☺Many changes in human daily schedules or health such as starting an aerobic program or illness can influence BBT

Health Education ☺Instruct client that she should take her before doing any activity. ☺When the client works nights, she should take her temperature after awakening from her longer sleep period, no matter what time of the day.

b)Cervical Mucus Method

Description & Mech. Of Action ☺Before ovulation each month, the cervical mucus is thick and does not stretch when pulled between the thumb and finger. Just before ovulation, mucus secretion increases. With ovulation (the peak day), cervical mucus becomes copious, thin, watery, and transparent. It feels slippery and stretches at least 1 inch before the strand breaks, a property known as spinnbarkeit. In addition, breast tenderness and anterior tilt to the cervix occurs. ☺All the days on which the mucus is copious and possesses the above qualities, or at least 3 days after the peak day are considered to be the days on which the woman should abstain from sex or avoid conception. ☺Perform the Spinnbarkeit test.


☺This method requires the woman to be aware of what is taking place in her body. ☺Indicated for women who are the same reasons as ones using the BBT method

Contraindications ☺Clients having irregular menstrual cycle

Advantages ☺No side effects ☺Acceptable to all religion group ☺Failure rate: 3-20% or 80-97% effective ☺Not expensive ☺Can be performed without the need of a professional

Artificial Family Planning Methods A.)hormonal Oral Contraceptio n

Description & Mech. Of Action ☺Commonly known as the pill or COCs (Combination Oral Contraceptive) ☺These are composed of varying amounts of synthetic estrogen combined with a small amount of synthetic progesterone (progestin). The estrogen acts to suppress FSH and LH, thereby suppressing ovulation. ☺The progesterone also interferes with tubal transport and endometrial proliferation to such degrees that the possibility of implantation is significantly decreased.

Indications ☺For women having regular menstrual cycle. This will prevent conception by inhibiting the production of eggs in the ovary.

Contraindications ☺Personal history of blood clotting problems, strokes, or coronary disease ☺Personal history of cancer of the breast or reproductive system ☺Abnormal Liver function ☺Current pregnancy ☺Strong ☺Smoker over the age 35 ☺High Blood Pressure ☺High cholesterol ☺Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

Advantages ☺One of the most effective ways to prevent preganancy ☺Return to fertility after stopping pills is rapid and does not require medical assistance ☺Does not restrict sexual spontaneity ☺Increased menstrual regularity ☺Decreased incidence of menstrual cramps and flow in some women

Side Effects/Disadvantages ☺Must be taken with meticulous accuracy ☺May cause irregular bleedings ☺Less effective than combination pills ☺May cause Minor Temporary effects: --Breast Tenderness --Nausea --Spotting between periods --Mild headaches --Vaginal Irritation --Wight gain --Decreased sex drive ☺Major adverse effects: --Blood clots or thrombosis --High Blood pressure --Jaundice or abnormal liver function --Mental depression

Health Education ☺Examine the client for history of functional ovarian cyst, history of ectopic pregnancy and hyperlipidemia prior to giving medication ☺Instruct the client to visit the clinic whenever there is a presence of irregular bleeding.

Depo Provera (Injectibles)

Description & Mech. Of Action Depo provera is a hormone injection that lasts for 3 months to prevent pregnancy. The injection contains synthetic progesterone and no estrogen. It is usually given in the arm or rear, delivering a high level of progesterone in to the body. Depo provera stops the ovaries from releasing eggs. It causes the cervical mucus to thicken and changes the uterine lining, making it harder to sperm to enter to survive in the uterus.

References: Loudon, Nancy.,et al (2008).Handbook of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Fifth edition Pillitteri, Adele (2007).Maternal & Child Health Nursing, fifth edition

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning methods are those that involve no introduction of chemical or foreign material into the body. It is the application of fertility awareness in conjunction with certain rules by which couples can avoid pregnancy or achieve one. The effectiveness of these methods varies greatly, depending mainly on the couple’s ability to refrain from having sex on fertile days. There are people who believe that natural means of planning pregnancies is best for them and those who hold religious beliefs against the use of birth control pills and condoms or devices. They are candidates for natural family planning methods. The good thing about natural family planning methods is that they pose no risk on the fetus if pregnancy should occur. These methods have very low failure rates. They are reversible, economical, and promote cooperation and communication between husband and wife. And they have no side effects whatsoever. Just like any other matters, there always comes a disadvantage to every advantage. These methods are less effective than other methods; they require daily attention and high degree of motivation by both partners, and need several months of training and practice.

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