Family Monthly Budget Total Projected Cost
Housing Mortgage or rent Second mortgage or rent Phone and Internet Electricity Gas Water and sewer Cable Waste removal Maintenance or repairs Supplies Other Subtotals
Projected Cost $850 $0 $100 $100 $50 $0 $0 $0 $100 $0 $0 $1,200
Transportation Camry 05 Camry 07 Insurance Oil Changes for all 3 cars Gas Maintenance Other Subtotals
$270 $280 $140 $50 $200 $25 $965
Insurance Home Health Life Other Subtotals
Food Groceries Wal-Mart
$200 $300
Actual Monthly Income [Name] [Name] Extra income Total monthly income
Projected balance
Actual balance
Difference (Actual minus projected)
$2,500 $2,564