Family Backgound

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PROFILE OF PROJECT REPORT Family business is a commercial organization in which decision-making is influenced by multiple generations of a family, who has both the ability to influence the vision of the business and the willingness to use this ability to pursue distinctive goals. They are closely identified with the firm through leadership or ownership. Owner-manager entrepreneurial firms are not considered to be family businesses because they lack the multi-generational dimension and family influence that create the unique dynamics and relationships of family businesses. My father he is businessman my father is doing business from the beginning and his business is still in the clothes. It has started to work very well, now the market of the law and we are happy with our business. In my house I live my brother my sister and my father and grandfather Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mum, my dad and my big sister. We live in Raipur. My mum’s name is Shristi. She’s Raipur and she speaks Hindi. A family is the first school in which a child receives the basic values of life. He learns good manners in the family. The morals and the values learnt in family become our guiding force. They make our character. They lay the foundation of our thinking, I feel fortunate to be born in a family where values are inculcated in early child hood. Should you ever meet him you will be struck by his bearing. That’s such an old fashioned word, but my father has it in spades. His presence fills a room. You will then be amazed to learn that he is 45 years of age. You would think him to be a man in his good, Then you will notice his voice. It will entrance you. You may disbelieve every word he says but you will be drawn to his voice, struck by the strength of his conviction and his authority. His words may affect you in ways you don’t expect. I have a dear colleague who is a Hindu. She wandered into office one morning while I was listening to my father on a CD. She returned moments later to tell me how his voice had brought 1

comfort to her. She went out of her way to meet him as he travelled through the Airport where we both work. My father prayed with her. She is still a Hindu; he is still a Baptist — yet they hold each other in great regard.

INTRODUCTION ABOUT HEAD OF FAMILY:My father is doing business from the beginning and his business is still in the clothes. It has started to work very well, now the market of the law and we are happy with our business. I belong to the middle class family. I am my mom my father and sister and grandfather head of were family in my grandfather. My father name is Ravindra Kumar Dawani My brother and sister is still studying. Parents are among the most important people in the lives of young children. From birth, children are learning and rely on mothers and fathers, as well as other caregivers acting in the parenting role, to protect and care for them and to chart a trajectory that promotes their overall well-being. While parents generally are filled with anticipation about their children’s unfolding personalities, many also lack knowledge about how best to provide for them. Becoming a parent is usually a welcomed event, but in some cases, parents’ lives are fraught with problems and uncertainty regarding their ability to ensure their child’s physical, emotional, or economic well-being. At the same time, this study was fundamentally informed by recognition that the task of ensuring children’s healthy development does not rest solely with parents or families. It lies as well with governments and organizations at the local/community, state, and national levels that provide programs and services to support parents and families. Society benefits socially and economically from providing current and future generations of parents with the support they need to raise healthy and thriving children In short, when parents and other caregivers are able to support young children, children’s lives are enriched, and society is advantaged by their contributions. To ensure positive experiences for their children, parents draw on the resources of which they are aware or that are at their immediate disposal.


In this report, ―parents‖ refers to the primary caregivers of young children in the home. In addition to biological and adoptive parents, main caregivers may include kinship (e.g., grandparents), However, these resources may vary in number, availability, and quality at best, and at worst may be offered sporadically or not at all. Resources may be close at hand family members, or they may be remote government programs they may be too expensive to access, or they may be substantively inadequate. Whether located in early childhood programs, school-based classrooms, well-child clinics, or family networks, support for parents of young children is critical to enhancing healthy early childhood experiences, promoting positive outcomes for children, and helping parents build strong relationships with their children. The parent-child relationship that the parent described in Box 1-1 sought and continues to work toward is central to children’s growth. This parent’s story is one of persistence and resilience, which makes her both similar to and different from many other parents experiencing the same problems. She found information through a program from which she learned the cost of child care for her son, was introduced to the supports and services available to her as a low-income parent, and was assisted in navigating the various services and programs. Her participation in a number of services required appointments in different areas of town. Without convenient transportation, she spent much of her time commuting on the bus with her son. The stressors in her life were compounded when her son began exhibiting symptoms of asthma, which made her ―dread‖ returning home to be with her son. Depressed, lonely, and afraid, she faced struggles ―every single day, dealing with these challenges on top of just trying to make a living‖ while trying to build a strong relationship with her child. This parent’s story illustrates how many parents who are uncertain about their ability to care for their children face multiple issues in having to use different services, all with distinctive points of entry.


BUSINESS AREA/SERVICE AREA:My father's clothes are business and my father and I sit in the shop and handle both business Clothing also known as clothes, apparel and attire is a collective term for items worn on the body. Clothing can be made of textiles, animal skin, or other thin sheets of materials put together. The wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is a feature of all human societies. The amount and type of clothing worn depend on body type, social, and geographic considerations. Some clothing can be gender-specific. Physically, clothing serves many purposes: it can serve as protection from the elements and can enhance safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking. It protects the wearer from rough surfaces, rash-causing plants, insect bites, splinters, thorns and prickles by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. Clothes can insulate against cold or hot conditions, and they can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. Clothing also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation. Origin of clothing See also: Evolution of hair and History of clothing and textiles There is no easy way to determine when clothing was first developed, but some information has been inferred by studying lice which estimates the introduction of clothing at roughly 42,000– 72,000. Functions A baby wearing many items of winter clothing: headband, cap, fur-lined coat, scarf and sweater. Four types of women's clothing which end above the knees: (clockwise from top) minidress, miniskirt, shorts and romper. The most obvious function of clothing is to improve the comfort of the wearer, by protecting the wearer from the elements. In hot climates, clothing provides protection from sunburn or wind damage, while in cold climates its thermal insulation properties are generally more important. Shelter usually reduces the functional need for clothing. For example, coats, hats, gloves and other outer layers are normally removed when entering a warm home, particularly if one is living 4

or sleeping there. Similarly, clothing has seasonal and regional aspects, so that thinner materials and fewer layers of clothing are generally worn in warmer regions and seasons than in colder ones. Clothing performs a range of social and cultural functions, such as individual, occupational and gender differentiation, and social status. [5] In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status. Clothing may also function as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style. Clothing can be and has in the past been made from a very wide variety of materials. Materials have ranged from leather and furs to woven materials, to elaborate and exotic natural and synthetic fabrics. Not all body coverings are regarded as clothing. Articles carried rather than worn (such as purses), worn on a single part of the body and easily removed (scarves), worn purely for adornment (jewelry), or those that serve a function other than protection (eyeglasses), are normally considered accessories rather than clothing, except for shoes. Clothing protects against many things that might injure the uncovered human body. Clothes protect people from the elements, including rain, snow, wind, and other weather, as well as from the sun. However, clothing that is too sheer, thin, small, tight, etc., offers less protection. Appropriate clothes can also reduce risk during activities such as work or sport. Some clothing protects from specific hazards, such as insects, noxious chemicals, weather, weapons, and contact with abrasive substances. Conversely, clothing may protect the environment from the clothing wearer: for instance doctors wear medical scrubs.


In most cultures, gender differentiation of clothing is considered appropriate. The differences are in styles, colors, and fabrics. In Western societies, skirts, dresses and high-heeled shoes are usually seen as women's clothing, while neckties are usually seen as men's clothing. Trousers were once seen as exclusively male clothing, but can nowadays be worn by both genders. Male clothes are often more practical (that is, they can function well under a wide variety of situations), but a wider range of clothing styles are available for females. Males are typically allowed to bare their chests in a greater variety of public places. It is generally acceptable for a woman to wear clothing perceived as masculine, while the opposite is seen as unusual. In some cultures, sumptuary laws regulate what men and women are required to wear. Islam requires women to wear more modest forms of attire, usually hijab. What qualifies as "modest" varies in different Muslim societies. However, women are usually required to cover more of their bodies than men are. Articles of clothing Muslim women wear for modesty range from the headscarf to the burqa. Men may sometimes choose to wear men's skirts such as togas or kilts in particular cultures, especially on ceremonial occasions. Such garments were (in previous times) often worn as normal daily clothing by men. Clothing designed to be worn by either sex is called unisex clothing. Unisex clothes, such as Tshirts, tend to be cut straighter to fit a wider variety of bodies. The majority of unisex clothing styles have started out as menswear, but some articles, like the fedora, were originally worn by women.


BUSINESS AREA We are having Shop:Mansi Shop:Baijnath Para, Raipur (C.G) Clothing in India changes depending on the different ethnicity, geography, climate, and cultural traditions of the people of each region of India. Historically, male and female clothing has evolved from simple garments like kaupina, langota, dhoti, lungi, sari, gamucha, and loincloths to cover the body into elaborate costumes not only used in daily wear, but also on festive occasions, as well as rituals and dance performances. In urban areas, western clothing is common and uniformly worn by people of all social levels. India also has a great diversity in terms of weaves, fibers, colours, and material of clothing. Sometimes, color codes are followed in clothing based on the religion and ritual concerned. The clothing in India also encompasses the wide variety of Indian embroidery, prints, handwork, embellishment, styles of wearing cloths. A wide mix of Indian traditional clothing and western styles can be seen in India. India's recorded history of clothing goes back to the 5th millennium BC in the Indus Valley civilization where cotton was spun, woven and dyed. Bone needles and wooden spindles have been unearthed in excavations at the site. The cotton industry in ancient India was well developed, and several of the methods survive until today. Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian described Indian cotton as "a wool exceeding in beauty and goodness that of sheep". Indian cotton clothing was well adapted to the dry, hot summers of the subcontinent. The grand epic Mahabharata, composed by about 400 BC, tells of the god Krishna staving off Draupadi's disrobing by bestowing an unending cheera upon her.better source needed] Most of the present knowledge of ancient Indian clothing comes from rock sculptures and paintings in cave monuments such as Ellora. These images show dancers and goddesses wearing what appears to be a dhoti wrap, a predecessor to the modern sari.The upper castes dressed themselves in fine muslin and wore gold ornaments The Indus civilisation also knew the process of silk production. Recent analysis of Harappan silk fibres in beads have shown that silk was made by the process of reeling, a process allegedly known only to China until the early centuries AD. Kimkhwāb is an 7

Indian brocade woven of silk and gold or silver thread. Word kimkhwāb, derived from the Persian, means ―a little dream,‖ Kimkhwāb, known in India from ancient times, was called hernia, or cloth of gold, in Vedic literature (c. 1500 BC). In the Gupta period (4th–6th century AD) it was known as puṣpapaṭa, or cloth with woven flowers. During the Mughal period (1556– 1707), when kimkhwāb was extremely popular with the rich, the great centers of brocade weaving were Benares (Varanasi), Ahmadabad, Surat, and Aurangabad. Benares is now the most important center of kimkhwāb production.. When Alexander invaded Gandhara in 327 BC, block-printed textiles from India were noticed. According to the Greek historian Arrian: "The Indians use linen clothing, as says Narcho’s, made from the flax taken from the trees, about which I have already spoken. And this flax is either whiter in color than any other flax, or the people being black make the flax appear whiter. They have a linen frock reaching down halfway between the knee and the ankle, and a garment which is partly thrown round the shoulders and partly rolled round the head. The Indians who are very well-off wear earrings of ivory; for they do not all wear them. Narcho’s says that the Indians dye their beards various colours; some that they may appear white as the whitest, others dark blue; others have them red, others purple, and others green. Those who are of any rank have umbrellas held over them in the summer. They wear shoes of white leather, elaborately worked, and the soles of their shoes are many-colored and raised high, in order that they may appear taller." Evidence from the 1st century AD shows the Buddha’s were portrayed as wearing saṃghāti that forms a part of the Masaya of Buddhist monks. During the Maura and Gupta period, the people wore both stitched and non-stitched clothing. The main items of clothing were the Anta Riya made of white cotton or muslin, tied to the waist by a sash called Kayabandh and a scarf called the Uttariya used to drape the top half of the body. New trade routes, both overland and overseas, created a cultural exchange with Central Asia and Europe. Romans bought indigo for dyeing and cotton cloth as articles of clothing. Trade with China via the Silk Road introduced silk textiles using domesticated silk worms. Chanakya's treatise on public administration, the Arthashastra written around 3rd century BC, briefly describes the norms followed in silk weaving. 8

A variety of weaving techniques were employed in ancient India, many of which survive to the present day. Silk and cotton were woven into various designs and motifs, each region developing its distinct style and technique. Famous among these weaving styles were the Jamdani, Kasika vastra of Varanasi, butidar, and the Ilkal saree.[citation needed] Brocades of silk were woven with gold and silver threads. The Mughals played a vital role in the enhancement of the art, and the paisley and Latifa Buti are fine examples of Mughal influence Dyeing of clothes in ancient India was practised as an art form. Five primary colours (Suddhavarnas) were identified and complex colours (Misra – varnas) were categorised by their many hues. Sensitivity was shown to the most subtlest of shades; the ancient treatise, Vishnudharmottara states five tones of white, namely Ivory, Jasmine, August moon, August clouds after the rain and the conch shell. The commonly used dyes were indigo(Nila), madder red and safflower. The technique of mordant dyeing was prevalent in India since the second millennium BC. Resist dyeing and Kalamkari techniques were hugely popular and such textiles were the chief exports. Integral to the history of Indian clothing is the Kashmiri shawl. Kashmiri shawl varieties include the Shahtoosh, popularly known as the 'ring shawl' and the pashmina wool shawls, historically called pashm. Textiles of wool finds mention as long back as the Vedic times in association with Kashmir; the Rig Veda refers to the Valley of Sindh as being abundant in sheep,[citation needed] [b] and the god Pushan has been addressed as the 'weaver of garments', which evolved into the term pashm for the wool of the area. Woolen shawls have been mentioned in Afghan texts of the 3rd century BC, but reference to the Kashmir work is done in the 16th century AD. The sultan of Kashmir, Zain-ul-Abidin is generally credited with the founding of the industry. A story says that the Roman emperor Aurelian received a purple pallium from a Persian king, made of Asian wool of the finest quality.[citation needed] The shawls were dyed red or purple, red dye procured from cochineal insects and purple obtained by a mixture of red and blue from indigo. The most prized kashmiri shawls were the Jamavar and the Kanika Jamavar, woven using weaving spools with coloured thread called kani and a single shawl taking more than a year for completion and requiring 100 to 1500 kanis depending on the degree of elaboration.


Indian textiles were traded from ancient times with China, Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea mentions mallow cloth, muslins and coarse cottons. Port towns like Masulipatnam and Barygaza won fame for its production of muslins and fine cloth. Trade with the Arabs who were middlemen in the spice trade between India and Europe brought Indian textiles into Europe, where it was favored by royalty in the 17th–18th century. The Dutch, French and British East India Companies competed for monopoly of the spice trade in the Indian Ocean, but were posed with the problem of payment for spices, which was in gold or silver. To counter this problem, bullion was sent to India to trade for the textiles, a major portion of which were subsequently traded for spices in other trade posts, which then were traded along with the remaining textiles in London. Printed Indian calicos, chintz, muslins and patterned silk flooded the English market and in time the designs were copied onto imitation prints by English textile manufacturers, reducing the dependence on India. The British rule in India and the subsequent oppression following the Bengal Partition sparked a nationwide Swadeshi movement. One of the integral aims of the movement was to attain selfsufficiency, and to promote Indian goods while boycotting British goods in the market. This was idealised in the production of Khadi. Khadi and its products were encouraged by the nationalist leaders over British goods, while also being seen as a means to empower the rural artisans.


Q.1. What is your opinion about Family Business? opinion about Family Sum Business Excellent


Very good








Excellent Very good Good


INTERPRETATION Out of 50 person opinion about Family Business is 44% excellent and 32% Very good and 24% Good.


Q.2. What is your overall opinion about Family Business? Opinion about


Family Business Excellent


Very good








2% 5%

Excellent 50% 43%

Very good Good Bad

INTERPRETATION Overall opinion about Family Business out of 50 person - 49% is Excellent, 44% is Very good, 5% is good and 2% is bad.


Q.3. How do you know about its new Family Business? Opinion about New


Family Business Excellent


Very good








15% 7% 48%


INTERPRETATION 48% comes to know through Television, 30% through radio, 7% through magazines and 15% through others. 13

Q.4 How much do you like Family Business & joint Bossiness ?

Yes No

INTERPRETATION Out of 50 persons - 50 % People are like to family business and 50 % people are like join business


HIGHLIGHTS OF EMERGENCE Business emergence stresses the importance of entrepreneurial process as set of actions or behaviors lead to creation of organization. Emerge means something becomes known or starts to exist. The emergence of business information resources and services on the internet is discussed and its impact on business librarianship. Important resources in various business area are identified such as economics , finance marketing, international business and real estates. It is the argued has become every important part of business information services and that poses great challenges to business librarianship. Subject knowledge in business has becomes increasing crucial for business librarians to effectively identify, evaluate, select, and organized business information on the internet. Without subject of knowledge or with lack of subject of knowledge in business, business librarians will not be able to maintain the quality of business information services. There is a parallel between the emergence of business and the emergence of self is both fascinating and highly instructive in understanding the narrative of conscious capitalism. Both the evolution of self and the evolution of business and the evolution of business go through five core stages , in which large measure parallel each other. These five stages unfold in the historical emergence of business and even as they may unfold in the life of the individual person business. This highly are conceptual account is necessarily quite simplified. Nevertheless, this framework is offered as way of looking at conscious that adds to the discussions. At the first level : Business begin in what we might call pre-personal stage. At this stage, business form identity in relation to large context that holds them. In pre-modern business the idea of an individual business which served its own prosperity did not exist. Nor was there a notion of self as self justifying unit. At level two: 15

Business emerge from the shadow of king and evolve into their own independent identity. Self emerge from the pre personal to personal stage. The individual destiny journey and life become self evidently valuable in the eyes of the society and the individual himself. At the same time. Business emerges as a self justifying activity which seeks its own fulfillments. Adam smith is writing about the invisible hand of the market which the self regulates and guides the market place towards its fulfillments. The corporation serves itself which is constituted by its owners or shareholders . The healthy corporation serves the financial interest of the shareholders. The healthy ego of the self serves the productivity and the happiness of the individuals self. The self interest of the individuals is to promote the survival and flourishing of the individuals. The independent separate self and the self independent separate business have emerged and their creative force is unleashes in the world. At level three: Shadow of the elements of the individual and the business emerge and the legitimate cause for concern. The self of the individual person and the individual business show sign of pathology. At the level four: In this various strategies are developed to deconstruct the ego of the individual business. As the result, of the excesses of both produced by greed as described above the self validating person and business are demonized as the person and social evil theories are introduced old and new which support the complete undermining of the personal self and shareholder driven business. The independent business context is said ignores the larger context of shareholders in its action and moves only to satisfy its own most pressing needs for gratification. It seeks to fiil the shallowest needs for power and status, which are disconnected from genuine realization or achievement. At the level five: 16

The evolutionary emergence of level is form pathology and mythology. At the fifth level the movements is form the pathology of business person to mythology of the individual person and business. At the consciousness level we witness the evolutionary of unique business. At the level true self one self experience is as being as inextricable. The unique business has a unique perspective on the world which creates its ability to give unique gifts. Unique business does not superficially imitate competitors but rather turn inwards and outwards to self understand its own unique gift of service or goods to the market places. The sense of that unique gift is essential that guides and directs the business. The unique business cultivates its particular set of eyes to gain the unique insight into the market place And the customer which yield new opportunities to give to unique gifts in the ways which serves the highest interest of all parties involved . The market place feel the signature uniqueness of the business and reward it with the kind of attention and loyalty which creates the prosperity. From the moment you make the decision to set up a business, you’re in the ―business lifecycle.‖ This will see you journey from idea to startup, and if successful, through to the growth and maturity phases. While its fair to say that business is never not challenging, a look at each of the stages of the business lifecycle highlights a unique set of obstacles to deal with and overcome. You will have to be flexible in your thinking and adapt your strategy as you move along. Indeed, different approaches are required for market penetration versus, for example, what may be required to achieve growth or retain market share. According to the recent startup genome report , an estimated 90% of those startups that fail do so primarily due to self-destruction. It was their founders own bad choices or lack of preparedness rather than so-called


―bad luck‖ or market conditions that were out of their control. Understanding your position in the business lifecycle just might help you stay a bit ahead of the game here and defy the odds, as you anticipate the potential challenges and obstacles that are upon you or are on the way depending on what phase you are in or about to transition to. Simply put, as your business grows and develops, so too do your business aims objectives priorities and strategies — and that’s why an awareness of what stage of the business lifecycle you are currently in can be helpful. Stage 1: Seed and Development This is the very beginning of the business lifecycle, before your startup is even officially in existence. You’ve got your business idea and you are ready to take the plunge. But first you must assess just how viable your startup is likely to be. At this stage, you should garner advice and opinion as to the potential of your business idea from as many sources as possible: friends, family, colleagues, business associates, or any industry specialists you may have access to. Ultimately the success of your business will come down to many factors— including your own abilities, the readiness of the market you wish to enter and, of course, the financial foundation in place. In some ways, this is the soul-searching phase. Its where you take a step back and consider the feasibility of your business idea, and also ask yourself if you have what it takes to make it a success. Stage 2: Startup Once you have thoroughly canvassed and tested your business idea and are satisfied that it is ready to go, its time to make it official and launch your startup. Many believe this is the riskiest stage of the entire lifecycle. In fact, it is believed that mistakes made at this stage impact the company years down the line, and are the primary reason why 25% of startups do not reach their fifth birthday. 18

Adaptability is key here, and much of your time in this stage will be spent tweaking your products or services based on the initial feedback of your first customers. It can even get to the point where you are making so many changes to your offering that you start to feel a bit of confusion. That’s just noise, and the main advice here is to power through the blurriness, because extreme iterations upfront will naturally seem confusing. Rest assured the clarity will once again come. Stage 3: Growth And Establishment If you’re at this stage, your business should now be generating a consistent source of income and regularly taking on new customers. Cash flow should start to improve as recurring revenues help to cover ongoing expenses, and you should be looking forward to seeing your profits improve slowly and steadily. The biggest challenge for entrepreneurs in this stage is dividing time between a whole new range of demands requiring your attention— managing increasing levels of revenue, attending to customers, dealing with the competition, accommodating an expanding workforce, etc. Hiring smart people with complementary skill sets is necessary to make the most of your company’s potential during this phase, and so any good founder will be spending a lot of time directly involved in the recruitment process. It is essential that you start to come into your role as head of the company in this stage. While you’ll still be on the front lines often enough, you need to be aware of how your expanding and highly qualified team is going to be taking over a great deal of the responsibilities that were previously tightly under your control. It is your job now to start establishing real order and cohesion as you mobilize the teams according to clearly defined and communicated goals. Navigating The Business Lifecycle: Not all businesses will experience every stage of the business lifecycle, and those that do may not necessarily experience them in chronological order. For example, some businesses may see


astronomical growth right after startup, and the founders may decide to cash out right away, jumping straight to that ―exit‖ stage. For many companies, though, there will be some sort of resemblance to the stages defined above, and awareness may help you anticipate what is coming next and how you can best prepare yourself and your team to maximize your chance of success. Making the right decisions at each stage is another thing altogether, however, and that will require your usual mix of gut instinct and practical business sense.


PAST EXPERIENCE my father he is businessman My father used to do the job first but the job was not going well with the house, so father decided to do his business.After that my father's life changed and the house started walking well and today the house is happy My father is a very good builder today and his life has changed completely. The past experiences was good also and bad also. Many difficulties have been faced to come at this point. When things have been faced to earn for family to run up the business to over come to the problem. When we wants some good from anywhere the transportation problem was very high. When we want to delivered some good to one place to another many problem arise. Many things were faced by grand father and father to earn money let us get studied. Many a times when works dont came grandfather , father and uncles work in factory. And also they go for deilivering the goods. Nowadays the world is more interested about community whenever the people intend to make a purchase decision. The current religious, ethical, and environmental regressions have compelled the people to think carefully of anything is serious or not, if it bear lies or truth Intention to purchase is a kind of decision made by the buyer in which he/she verifies a brand in particular and neglect other brands. Constructs like trust in something before purchasing a brand and continuing to purchase a brand aids the scope of consumer s intentions to purchase found a type of loyal buyers whose purchasing decision is insensible to pricing, and buyers investing money in the brand that satisfy their needs which they extremely trust. The intention to purchase is one the main drivers that tend buyers to continue in payment transaction and finishing with buying products or services. Intention to act is a psychological behavior. Starting a successful business is not always strongly related to your entrepreneurial experience. Historically, you can find that many of the most successful companies today are started by inexperienced entrepreneurs. I always say that you need the right competence when you want to start a business. Your entrepreneurial competence is a combination of your entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial


skills, and entrepreneurial experience. So, now as you can see, you already have knowledge about something, and you already have skills about something. You have no business experience and you are afraid to start a business with no business experience. If you do the simple math, you can conclude that you already possess 2/3 of something that brings potential energy for your future startup. When you succeed to mix this three things in the right way with your business idea you want to transform into the successful business, you will be much closer to launching this business. So, here are some guides that will help you to start a business with no business experience. Business processes entail a large number of decisions that affect their business performance. The criteria used in these decisions are not always formally specified and optimized. The paper develops a semi-automated approach that improves the business performance of processes by deriving decision criteria from the experience gained through past process executions. The premise that drives the approach is that it is possible to identify a process path that would yield best performance at a given context. The approach uses data mining techniques to identify the relationships between context, path decisions, and process outcomes, and derives decision rules from these relationships. It is evaluated using a simulation of a manufacturing process, whose results demonstrate the potential of improving the business performance through the rules generated by the approach.


FUTURE PROSPECTS Next we will have lots of branches and we will grow our business well. A prospect is someone (be it a person, a department in a company or a whole company) who has an interest in your business and your product. A prospect is someone who has a need, desire and/or interest in what you offer. How to Find Prospects for Your Business? Prospects can be obtained in a variety of ways such as online (e.g. Social media), in the physical world (at a trade show for example) or they can approach you first (visit your website or fill in a web form) Social Media Networking platforms are the manna of the business world. Not only do they offer a great way to connect with customers, but also a new place for you to grow your list of prospective customers. It is a great way to start creating and nurturing relationships through engaging in conversations, sharing relevant content and generally getting to know the people who are keen followers of your brand. 2 Influencers Connect with influencers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ and communicate with them. Share some of their content and by the law of reciprocity, they will share some of yours. This way they will be showing your business and ultimately recommending your brand and your product to their entire audience. Once your message has had the seal of approval from an expert influencer in your industry, potential customer would feel so much more confident to go ahead and follow you, share your content, subscribe to your newsletter and potentially purchase from you. 3 Social Proof


Post case studies and success stories of people and companies who have experienced success thanks to you and your product.

Make use of positive feedback and learn from negative

comments. This social proof would give people the confidence to check out your website, like you on Facebook, maybe sign up for a free trial and they will become leads in your sales pipeline. 4 Content Good content is one of the easiest and most effective ways to finding prospects for your business. Good content that is relevant to your target market is the key to people subscribing to communications from you, sharing your content with others and ultimately helping you build a loyal audience. And this loyal audience is your prospective future clients that could potentially be nurtured to become your loyal customers. Look at something as simple as a blog post or an info graphic; they get shared a ton! Why? Because sharing knowledge and information is something we all do and the business who gets their content shared becomes somewhat of an expert 5 Networking Events and Trade Shows Mingle! As effective and handy some of the digital approaches to finding prospects are, good old networking should still be an essential part of your weekly routine. Engage with people face-toface, tell them about yourself, your business and your product and ask about them. Exchange contact details, add them to your database and keep in touch. There is another prospect in books. 6 Customer Referrals Make existing customers your brand ambassadors! The cost of retaining a customer is much lower than that of acquiring a new one, loyal customers tend to buy more and spend more. So treat them well and they will recommend you. Word-of-mouth is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools any business can employ to attract prospects, so make sure your clients have something good to say about you. 7 Email


Use emails, follow ups and automated communications to keep in touch with your prospects and turn them into solid leads. Expand your audience and get your message across to more and more people; nurture leads and navigate them through the sales funnel using targeted content distributed via email. The best thing about email is that it can be used together with other tools such as social media (add a sign up form to your Facebook page for example) or networking events (collect emails and add them to your database). 8 Optimize Your Website Chances are that your website will be the first point of contact between a prospective customer and your business. So make sure that your website (and I mean every single page, not just the landing page) live up to the task. Make the whole experience user friendly, check if it is easy to find information and the navigation on the website is good, use key words and don’t forget the sign up form! Make sure every page gives the option to the visitor to sign up to receiving your content. 9 Don’t Ignore the Small Stuff Some of the ways you can find prospects are so small that we tend to omit them, but we shouldn’t. For example do you have a fish bowl on your counter where people can put their business cards if they want to receive communications from you? 10 Focus on Long-term Relationships Its easy to focus on where your next sale is coming from, but unless you have a long-term vision and orientation, you are doomed. You are finding prospects that would potentially turn into leads and then sales, but don’t forget that during that time you are also nurturing a relationship. A relationship between you and a prospective customer, and ideally you would like them to stay with you for the long run, not just purchase and go. If nurtured well, a large proportion of your prospects can turn into valuable leads. But how do you do that? How do you find prospects and nurture leads? I hope this post answers the first half of the question and in another blog we will discuss the nurture part of the equation. Also have a look at this comprehensive guide on How to Manage Your Sales Pipeline: 6 Simple Steps to Optimizing your Sales Pipeline for Maximum Results and Efficiency. 25

A review of financial documents, industry trends and the state of the current economy helps with analyzing the future prospects of a company. A key to the most accurate analysis is having access to complete financial data. People considering purchasing or investing in a business should not do so without a thorough review of profit-and-loss statements and related documents. Startup companies without an established track record are judged on their business plan and the overall opportunity based on the state of the specific industry and success of similar, established companies. Balance Sheets: A balance sheet is a financial document providing a broad look at a company's current position and its immediate prospects. Ohio State University reports that a balance sheet shows a company's ability to satisfy creditors; manage inventory, services and expenses; and collect receivables. People considering buying a company should review balance sheets and full financial information. That's often possible by signing a nondisclosure agreement allowing full access to the information. During the due diligence process, analyze future prospects for the company by tracking revenue versus expenses over the past three years. Future prospects for a company are usually good if revenue shows year-over-year growth and fixed expenses such as labor costs are relatively stable or declining. Also analyze the company’s debt and access to capital. A company with good revenue growth but heavy debt and little access to capital may not survive an economic downturn. Other Options: Other information on companies is sometimes available by interviewing employees of the company. While this is not always possible, access to employees can reveal an insider's view about the state of the business and its prospects. Similar information is sometimes available from employees or owners of similar businesses competing in the same market. News reports for publicly traded companies may provide even more information.


SCOPE FOR SELF The first was the business of clothing and it is still there and the next thing will remain the same. In business there are many scope. Now there are three factory and one shop. I want to earn more many to make the my business run in international level also. I want the work of my business at high level. In every part of the world there should be a branch of my business. I want to earn money and make my parents proud and name of parents should be high. Just because of them i have came to this point. He had given the knowledge of the business. I want to earn money and future would be safe. As my father take over the responsibilities from grandfather, i have the same wish to take all the responsibilities of my father and make him free from tension. There are many technical ways to earn many. I want to apply new techniques from that consumers or customers get attracted from the product and give the order or purchased the goods. I want the new techniques in the business to run up. As the generation changes the new processes of earning with new techniques are implied to the business. I will decide the new strategy in the business. To keep the self dynamic and innovative. To help the management and organization in foreseeing the impact of socio-economic changes at national international level. To keep the long term policies in the firm. The main is to earn money.


It comprises all profit seeking activities and enterprises that provides goods and services necessary to satisfy the needs and wants to the society. I want to take some risks for earning the profits. For saving the life of up coming generation after me we need to plan for the better life. We need to earn money and some investment is also required. For them saving is also necessary . We need save the income or purchase an asset for some life investment. Today i see every business is expanding in large area. It is the age of competition and everyone is trying to adopt the money-making technique. To recognize yourself in International market is one of the factors that show you are in a race. Many industries and organization are hiring the Graduates of ―International Business‖ to represent their company and business with sound and practical knowledge. Business is an integral part of modern society. It is an organized and systematic activity for earning profit. It is concerned with activities of people working towards a common economic goal. Modern society cannot exist without business. Scope of Business Economics: 1Consumer analysis focusing on demand. 2. Production analysis. 3. Equilibrium analysis focusing cost and revenue. 4. Structure of markets and its imperfection. 5. Pricing of products and services. 6. Capital and profit management


The scope is that businesses want to make money. They will sell their products to consumers in order to make money. Scope of business means what all business activities a business is going to conduct under its business brand. A business can conduct various businesses under one roof or a single activity. The scope of business defines what all will be carried out. Now a days e- business has scope. The scope of e-commerce is to transact online. Transaction through online can be either on products or services. Most of us are aware of buying products online through some sites like ebay or Almost everything from gym equipment to laptops, from apparels to jewelries, are purchased online in this age of e-commerce. While these are products, people are also buying services online.



―As coins has two faces, similarly business also have two faces strength and weakness. Every threats provides opportunities in this analysis the interrelation of threat — opportunities and strength = weakness are studied. This is also called tows analysis. Swot analysis is well tested evaluation technique of internal and external factors. This techniques is based on the experience and tests. This technique with the help of various factor received from information , works for strategy management. Swot comprises of various words viz. Weakness and strength are internal factor where as, threats and opportunities are external factor. Strength : In every organization business or individuals there are own strength. They are called specialization. They are also called positive points like individual or personal communication right pronunciation , knowledge , proper language, and in group communication presentation , proper sequential way of information are the positive points, attracting the listeners and in a discussion giving logical answer to the question are the main strength. 30

Weakness : Every individual business or individual have some weakness and the main factor indicate them. They are also known as negative points. Like in personal interaction miss pronunciation, speaking fast, incapability to attract the listeners and lack of effective listening are the main weakness.

Threats : Society and external environment give birth to threats. Every individuals business or organization which is in the path of success , has to face threats. In actual these threat only become opportunities after wards. Opportunities : In the success of a business to take the advantages of opportunities are the most important in the life of organization people and business they face many opportunities. By utilizing these opportunities only one can reach the top. On reality these opportunities play the role in the ladder to reach to the peak of success. For example: like many businessman by utilizing the e-commerce have provided the globalization of business. Swot analysis generates enthusiasm in individual organization or business towards the opportunities and threats and , make them aware of opportunities. Swot analysis by the analysis of organizational weaknesses and strengths is an analysis of over all capabilities. Swot analysis develop expertise in business men mangers and individuals and provides them mature to look. SWOT is commonly used as part of strategic planning and looks at: Internal strengths Internal weaknesses 31

Opportunities in the external environment Threats in the external environment SWOT analysis aims to discover: What the business does better than the competition What competitors do better Whether it is making the most of the opportunities available How a business should respond to changes in its external environment. SWOT Analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is a strong tool, but it involves a great subjective element. It is best when used as a guide, and not as a prescription. Successful businesses build on their strengths, correct their weakness and protect against internal weaknesses and external threats. They also keep a watch on their overall business environment and recognize and exploit new opportunities faster than its competitors.

SWOT Analysis is not free from its limitations. It may cause organizations to view circumstances as very simple because of which the organizations might overlook certain key strategic contact which may occur. Moreover, categorizing aspects as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats might be very subjective as there is great degree of uncertainty in market. SWOT Analysis does stress upon the significance of these four aspects, but it does not tell how an organization can identify these aspects for itself. There are certain limitations of SWOT Analysis which are not in control of management. These includePrice increase; Inputs/raw materials; Government legislation;


Economic environment; Searching a new market for the product which is not having overseas market due to import restrictions; etc. Internal limitations may includeInsufficient research and development facilities; Faulty products due to poor quality control; Poor industrial relations; Lack of skilled and efficient labour ; etc. SWOT analysis can be used effectively to build organizational or personal strategy. Steps necessary to execute strategy-oriented analysis involve identification of internal and external factors (using the popular 2x2 matrix), selection and evaluation of the most important factors, and identification of relations existing between internal and external features. For instance, strong relations between strengths and opportunities can suggest good conditions in the company and allow using an aggressive strategy. On the other hand, strong interactions between weaknesses and threats could be analyzed as a potential warning and advice for using a defensive strategy. Matching and converting One way of using SWOT is matching and converting. Matching is used to find competitive advantage by matching the strengths to opportunities. Another tactic is to convert weaknesses or threats into strengths or opportunities. An example of a conversion strategy is to find new markets. If the threats or weaknesses cannot be converted, a company should try to minimize or avoid them. The SWOT analysis has been used in community work as a tool to identify positive and negative factors within organizations, communities, and the broader society that promote or inhibit successful implementation of social services and social change efforts. It is used as a preliminary resource, assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a community served by a 33

nonprofit or community organization. This organizing tool is best used in collaboration with community workers and/or community members before developing goals and objectives for a program design or implementing an organizing strategy. The SWOT analysis is a part of the planning for social change process and will not provide a strategic plan if used by itself. After a SWOT analysis is completed, a social change organization can turn the SWOT list into a series of recommendations to consider before developing a strategic plan.

SUMMARY A businessman has to modify his plans and actions in the light of the moves made by his competitors. Every business has a strategy, whether expressed or implied. A strategy may be defined as gamesmanship or an administrative course of action designed to achieve success in the face of difficulties. It is the grand design or an overall plan which a company chooses in order to move or reach the mission and objectives. It seeks to provide ad optimum match between the friend its environment. It is a plan prepared for unpredictable contingencies on the basis of anticipated behavior of others. "Strategy is the complex plan for bringing the organization from a given posture to a desired position in a future period of time". As an overall plan, "strategy is the pattern of objectives, purposes or goals and major policies and plans for achieving these goals stated in such a way as to define what business is in or to be in and the kind of company it is to-be.


CONCLUSION Fashion interacts with several economic, financial, psychological, and sociological factors, which reinforce the importance and need for fashion companies to understand their customers’ behaviors. Fashion participates in, find inspiration from, and adapts to the evolution of societies as it manages the relationships between eager fashion shoppers and competitive fashion firms. Today’s fashion shoppers are more informed and, aware of companies’ practices—and more demanding too. Facing this challenging demand, fashion

At last I would like to consulate that Living in a continuously changing world, the power is to those who better and faster know to adapt, to the entrepreneurs with a great flexibility and fast response reaction to the newest and most sophisticated needs and tastes. Rooting back in the 86, there was given a framework for doing business, by the introduction of the Single Market which eased the movement with the Union and gave incentives for new business plans. Meeting these rules and regulations, enterprises are free. Interrelationship of Business Functions Executive Summary This report provides an explanation of the interrelationships of the four key functions of a business. Furthermore, it outlines the effects on the business of the inefficient management of these functions. Introduction Each business has four key functions which support the main goals of the business. These functions include operations, employment relations, marketing and accounting & finance. These functions interact with each other.



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