False Prophets

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 340
  • Pages: 1
There are too many false prophets out there preaching falsehood seeking the lost coin instead of preaching the truth and seeking the lost souls .These false prophets have false visons and preach lies and gather riches unto themselves. Like Gehazi of old they seek riches of this temporay world and bow down at the temple of mamon.The leprosy of Naman the leper will cleave unto them because now is not the time to seek riches but to now is the time to repent and pray and to seek the will of the Lord. Achan lusted after the treasures of babylon and coveted Babylon's gold and the garments of Babylon. He perished in the valley of Achor. Balaam lusted after the riches of the the wicked and was slain by the sword of the righteous.Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver and hung himself and went back to his own place for he was the son of perdition. Cain offered up the wrong sacrifice and his sacrifice was rejected. The harvest is ripe and labourers are few. Where are the intercessors that are pleading before the throne of God for a lost and dying world pleading with the Lord to send labourer's into His harvest for the harvest is ripe and labourers are few? Where are the Ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ with the ministry of reconciliation to reconcile the world back to Christ through thre preaching of the true Gospel of the Kingdom? Where are the believers of the Word of God that stand for truth and live the life ? The Lord God knows where they are and He watches them and protects them and blesses them and keeps them out of the glare of the corrupting influence of the world's cosmos system . The Word of god dwells in the heart of evry true believer and will grant them victory over all the afflictions of the enemy. The gates and the counsel of the wickeed one shall not prevail against them. Errol Smythe.

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