Fallen Star

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  • Words: 50,595
  • Pages: 197
1.First sight Another day of my junior year. Not that this was my firt time being a junior in high school, far from that. This was all very boring and repetitive aside from the social part - not that anyone would even come near us.- humans weren't that stupid, But I liked showing off my perfect outfits not that they would ever understand my sense for fashion anyway. We always sat at the same table and tried to pretend to be normal and try to blend in. Emphasis on the “try” part. Today was not a nice day. I was uneasy trying to find any hint that could make Jasper's sttuborness turn into a catastropy. I didn't need one of my ubnormal, not always accurate, visions to see that jasper was in grief and pain, the burning pain of thrist. Not the same pain that burnt in the back of my throat for instance- which I had grown used to- which made us who we were. Different from the others of our kind. Not the pain that we had to deal with everyday when a human walked by or something blew their sent ou way, not that pain. It was a scruciating pain that made it impossible to resist temptation, and even more impossible to control our natural instincs which were part of who we were as much as our own choices. I hated to see him like this, but in the last fifty years or so that we were together we had learned to respect eachother's boundaries. This was a boundary I could not cross. Selfsteem. He needed to reasure himself that he was strong, that he control is thrist like the rest of us. It really didn't matter. For us how long he could go without hunting made no difference at all it didn't change anything. But seemed to

be too important for him. We knew it was harder for him then it was for us. Carlisle's compassion made him capable not only of never drinking humam blood but he could also be in the presence of it and not lose his control the least tinny bit. Esme was born to be a mother and being so she would never have someone go through the same pain as she once had – Losing her newborn baby. Rosalie hadn't chosen this life and would do anything to be more human. Emmett loved Rosalie and our family. Edward could read his victims thoughts, and among us he was the one that believed Carlisle's theories- If he could have a possibility of having a soul he would give it a shot. As for myself I didn't want to ever again see my victim's future disapear in front of me or dissapoint our father. Jasper, well... Before I saw that he would be looking for me - and I found him before he could even be aware of it. He had led a different life, a life where hope didn't exist and he didn't know any better – Just like me before I had a vision of Carlisle and what then would be my future family. He had chosen this life because he'd follow me wherever I might go, and because he as able to feel exacly how his prey felt. He had to show he was good at it, he had to show he was made for this life style, and above all he had to show he was ment to be with me. Another boundary I couldn't cross, even to show him how unnesessary this really was. He was my soulmate; if we actually had a soul... my lover, friend, caring husband, protector, my existance, my future. Here he was next to me as rigid as a stone, as I kept on monitoring every second. Trying to find any danger. I had to focus hard. I was trying to predict what woud happen every second or so. I tried to pretend as if I were in my regular mood, I didn't

want to give it away that I was monitoring him. But I couldn't hold my own anxiety. I needed help. I glanced at my brothers; only to see Edward in his usual boredom, I knew he hated this coming to high school more than any of us... Rosalie enjoyed the deep breaths, stares and crashes as she went by. Emmet , well he was just Emmet – he was always unusually happy with everything. I enjoyed helping humans with my little; not always accurate predictions. I couldn't always interfere, I couldn't see them as well as I could our own kind. Looking at my brother even made me feel worse than I already was... Edward was the odd one out. I wanted so bad to know what was going on in Jasper's mind. I also couldn't let him catch me thinking about him- and his loneliness. I was usually good at hiding some of my thoughts from him, not that I minded his psychic talent. I had grown used to the “lack of privacy” as he sometimes named it. As it happens it came in handy in times like this when we needed to have a “private conversation”. We were rarely caught doing this, and right now I had to be extra careful I didn't want to hurt jasper's feelings. So, without looking in his direction and trying to seem as if I weren't doing anything in particular, and also playing a little with my prop tray, I called his name in my mind. Edward? Even though he kept his eyes on the plater and didn't look at me and I knew that he had heard me, everytime someone called his name, he had to try hard not to turn his head at once. How's he holding up ? He frowned very slightly so that no one else would notice our little chat. I knew as if he'd said it out loud “not so good”. I aready knew but I still hoped I'd been wrong. I dared to look at Jasper from the corner of my eyes seeing his pained

expression. I felt a lump in my throat. I felt helpless. I hadn't had any visions about any disasters today; as a matter of fact the only vision I had some time ago was from a new girl, Chief Swan's daughter to be precise- that was moving into town, today was actually her first day, Isabella Swan. I swallowed the lump hoping Jasper hadn't noticed the change in my mood – from horrible to worse. Is there any danger ? I though; it was another question for my brother. And wentback to scanning Jasper's future for any mishappening. Edward's expression – even if unoticed by the others didn't fool me- it was troubled. I scanned again, but there was nothing, nothing important... dangerous I mean. All I could see was a vague Jasper and I hunting this afternoon. Vague because he hadn't made the decision yet but I had made mine; There was no point in making him suffer like this. He didn't have anything to prove specially not to me, and Carlisle would be very understanding as he always was. Edward looked at the bricks as if he were following some pattern on them, but I knew at once he was shaking his head. I relaxed a little. If Jasper lost control I don't know how we'd deal with it, besides I didn't wanna move from Forks. I liked it here.We all did. He'd already been through too much suffering he'd had his fair share he deaserved no more. I tried to focus on my mood, before he could feel my concern and almost dispair. Let me know if it gets too bad. I asked Edward in my thoughts. He nodded with his eyes. And I allowed myself a short look at my beloved brother

and realised I owed so much for this him. He didn't like to steal our privacy whenever he could. He tried not to focus on our thoughts, to even things out, and not seem rude. He was always a gentleman. I felt so glad that he had done this for me even not liking it. Thanks for doing this. If I could had had a brother in my human life – which I don't know because I don't remember anything what so ever - Edward would have been exacly what I would have wished for. I Tried to focus on these thoughts because they made my mood a little better. I saw a girl walking and standing near us - No problem there – orso I thought. Either way we wouldn't have much time she was already coming in our direction she had decided to come exchange gossip with her friends supposed. About a human later – Humans are so slow! Here she was. Closer then I'd expected. Too close! She decided to comb her hair with her fingers. oh please don't ! I ordered in my thoughts. I could hae ceised her and dragger her out of the room in the blink of one eye but then I guessed it would call someone's attention and at human speed there was nothing I could do. It would be only a tenth of a second before she actually did it. As she ran her thin fingers through her hair the heater sent a wave of her strainght onto us. I felt Jasper harden beside me and a terrible image washed y mind. It wasn't a decision more like a wish, The image was still faint. I lifted my hand to put on his knee - to hold him there if I had to, but Edward was faster he kicked his chair and Jasper glaned at him - even not seing his eyes I knew what they looked like – Shame – the cloud that crossed them erytime he felt weak.

“Sorry” he muttered. I had to comfort him. My instincts here stronger then me I forgot the boundary line. “ You weren't going to do anything” I said under my breath. I didn't like to lie, but this was a white lie no harm done “ I could see that” I noticed a little curl at the corner of Edward's mouth that I knew he was trying to hide. I prayed it wouldn't scape him. I had to double thank him now, do something for him to pay back these two favors this morning. Maybe a little gift. And I pushed that thought away before he could read it on my mind. He was protecting my secret. He were buddies. Hoping I was not making things worse I turned to Japer once more. “It helps if you see them as people” I said too low for anyone but my brothers to catch. “Her name is Whitney she has a baby sister she adores. Her mother invited Esme to the garden party. Do you remember?” “I know who she is” he said as he looked away from me. Yes I had made it through the borderline. Happy now, Alice ? I thought. I shouldn't have pushed him any further. I trying to cheer him up had been a bad idea. Too much for him to handle at the moment. I stood up pretending to put my tray away - desperate to get out of there. I usualy managed to swallow at least a bite of something, but today I wasn't in the mood for pretending to be human; with jasper being like this put all my efforts in getting away from them. Before I picked a fight with Jasper or before he would notice my even worse mood and blame himself for that. It was hard to keep a normal pace as I walked out of the

back door. I hoped no one was looking, because if they were they might have noticed I was a little too graceful or too fast even if I happened to be a ballarina. As I walked out of the back door I couldn't help overhearing a conversation about us. “That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." I recognized Jessica Stanley's voice she was giving the scoop on the “weirdos” to the chief's daughter. I kept on walking and her voice became faint and then dissapeared when I was half way through the parking lot. I Needed some fresh air before my next class I let the moist air come into my lungs and then I took a gulp of it to see if it would clear the lump in my throat. It felt nice. I closed my eyes hoping to stop thinking of what I had done. I tryed to scan my future to make sure I would never make Jasper grow tired of me. The thousand possibilities made me feel good. It did't matter what route we took; we'd always be together. I focused harder trying to taste each one of them. Jasper and I, all of them were quite pleasent. Then I noticed one particular image – one possibility in my own future I hadn't seen before today. “Oh..” I gasped for air as I held on to a car – to prevent myself from falling on my face – a vampire falling? - that's how bad it was a vampire falling how insane! I hadn't really paid much attention to the new girl but in my dim vision this girl was a ... I couldn't even think straight. This simply couldn't be! Was my gift playing a joke on me? Could I have missed something this big coming? Could she be ... Could she be a ... Could she be one of us? No! Of

course not! Our scent was easy to recognize, besides if a vampire there was a vampire at our school – in the same room us- I would have noticed it for sure, so would the others. I would have had a vision. Here she was on this hideously pleasant image, taking my darkest secrets and combining them with my worst nightmares. She had chalky pale skin and red eyes. No mistake about it she was a gourgeous breathtaking vampire. Holding my hand as if we were best friends. Her smile was so wide and I couldn't belive seen my own smile in return it was like... like... this was not possible; it couldn't be Isabella. A vampire. My best friend. Had she noticed anything about us? I has washed by the mixed emotions this image brought to me. Deep down inside I felt ... Relief?... From kiling a human? No! I just couldn't. I had to run from there before Edward could read my thoughts, and find out the monster I really was. The moster this image proved me to be. A minute ago we had been worried about jasper killing a human and here I was breaking the treaty and making a new vampire; taking her human life away. Get away from here, Alice. Now! I ordered myself – Not completely recovered. I did not worried enough to check if anyone was looking. I was at the edge of the forest anyway. I ran passed the moist trees and let the water splash on my face when I was in the forest far enough - hopping Edward wouldn't hear me this far – I brought myself to a stop, sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree for support. He would be in his biology class right now.

I tried to make some sence of the image in my head. Fact one: Isabella was a vampire. No doubt about that. I tried to rember the other vision,The first one I'd had. Isabella arriving in Forks. Her father's hapiness. This brought me to fact two; She wasn't a vampire. Yet. Fact three: This vision was not very solid. Some decisions had to be made. My decision? I continued to think. And then realised I had already made my decision. I was sure I would never be selfish enough to take her life away just so to fulfill something I have wanted so much for the last fifty years; A friend. I had Rose and Esme and Tanya but they really didn't count. Esme was more like a mother than a friend. Rose.. well she was Rose.. too self absorbed to be a real friend and Tanya... that hardly qualified as friendship. She only stuck to me whenever she visited - or we visited - because she hoped I would have a vision of Edward and her together; Which was very unlikely – I didn't need a gift to figure that one out. He never even had a doubt on his decision not even one tiny one not even lust. No indecision, and belive me, if there was the faintest possibility my beloved brother would no longer be a grumpy old man and enjoy his life - or non life - as he called it, I would have bet all my chips on it. Rooted for it as much as I could, at the top of my lungs. But that would never be. Not even the faintest possibility. I wanted a friend more than anything. No one knew this appart from Edward, of course. I didn't have memories of my human life I couldn't think of something I could miss from it, like Rosalie or Esme. Being a vampire was all I knew. This was my secret. But I would not do this to that girl.

what if she missed it? It was one thing to use our vemon to save someone's life, like Carlisle had done with Rose and Emmet and even Edward and Esme another diferent thing was to end a person's life like it had been done to Jasper. It was someting brutal, and unforgivable and I couldn't do such thing to fulfill a selffish wish. I scaned her future to see if I could make any sense of the image. Her future was like the transmission of a horrible television. There was nothing. She hadn't noticed anything. Isabela and Mike Newton would be going to their gym class. I suppose she was safe now – I was far from her and I should keep my distance. Make the chances of frendship more slight. I felt like I had made my decision. I would not kill Bella. Most certainly not! So I scanned her further future maybe the image would have gone away. But that would have been too easy. There it was a little less faded than before but not solid yet. Was there enought time to stop this vision? To prevent the other decision from being made? What if this decision was Isabella's? The questions kept on coming, my head kept on spinning. I let my head fall in my hands. The image would not dissapear. I sat there an hopped the ground would open and take my in. Then it occured to me. While I was here hiding myself like a whimp. Jasper could be in trouble. Bigger imediate troubble then his mostrous girfriend – Wife. I rushed back to the school. When I reached the edge of the forest I tried to keep a human pace and at the same time tried to keep the image from my mind. Jasper! Maybe he would have a lapse in control and bite her. No! He wouldn't hurt anyone. I mean he wouldn't. Would he?

Jasper wouldn't hurt the girl. He's not the moster, Alice. You are! I though to myself. She was about to go to gym class scorted with mike newton In just a minute. As soon as the bell rang, I walked into the school and went to hide near the gym just to make sure the girl really would make it to her next class. It didn't take too long. Bell was talking to Mike Newton; who seemed to be very happy at her side. But she looked.... so sad it was heartbreaking. Why was she sad? What had happened to her? Another miss. This face was so different from the one in my hideous thoughts. The beautiful delighted face. If the decesion that was supposed to be made was hers, then it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Again I tried to push that image away as I went to my own class. It was the last period. English class. I rushed to my classrooom and sat on my desk. I turned my focus to Jasper. Again, I knew that he wouldn't hurt her. But it was the best way to keep me busy. The English class most certainly would not. I kept on checking on Jasper every second checking his every move, everybreath. I wasn't nice to blame my own faults on someone else, but while I didn't know what the turns would be to make Isabella a vampire, I wanted to keep the fact that I was a moster to myself. Monitoring him wasn't purposeless; He really was not well. I trembled as I saw his pained expression in my vison. We would have to hunt tonight. Then I would do something to make up for the boarderline incident on the cafeteria. The hour went by too slow. And something inside of me kept on telling me there was some change coming. Some enormous change coming. You bet Isabella Swan- This girl I

din't even know- a vampire that was certinly some change. When the Bell rang I went straight to the parking lot to meet the others. I was awfully anxious to see Jasper, I didn't like it when we had this kind of small discussion; I knew this one would mean nothing but I still felt uneasy. We rarely argued, never argued would probably be a better way to put it. My own anxiousness meant nothing when I saw Edward's face. It was even worse than Jasper's had been. What had happened to my brother while I was trying to focus on Jasper? Had edward heard that someone had found out about us? Had found out what his own sister really was? Why was Edward like this? He was always so controlled. “Edward?” I managed to ask when I was next to him. But the way he shook his head at me was enough to make me swallow the rest of the question. My brother was a mess. Emmet had most certainly noticed it also. “What the hell happened to you?” He said as we all hopped onto the car. Emmett was very to the point most of the time. Edward didn't bother to anwer him simply got out of there; as soon as Rosalie got into the car. He sped out of the parking lot and drove like he usuall did when no one could see. whatever had happened had been too much for him to keep up with the “look human” thing. I felt all eyes on me. they were all questioning me If I knew what was going on. I didn't have any answers for them. None at all. At that moment I envied himfor being a mind reader. I couldn't read his mind, I couldn't know had led to all of this. I was helpless once more. Then the obvious finally occured to me. I couldn't read his mind but I could see what he was going to do. This could maybe give me a hint of what had

happened. I looked at him, I was on the back seat right behind him, I searched for my aswers; and they were even more puzzling. An image of Edward laying on the snow, or in the snow, actually, since he was partially covered by it crossed my mind. My brother was leaving. I couldn't hold back the words “you're leaving” I whispered, conclusively. Three pairs of eyes were on him at once. I wished I hadn't said anything. “am I ?” he asked through his clentched teeth. I tried to make some scense of what would bring my brother to making a decision of leaving us. Leaving our Family. For all I knew I was the one who should leave, after what I had seen. I was a coward. I tried to ornanize my thoughts, There was a possibility I hadn't though about. Edward! The possibility was Edward. Would he be the one that would... I wasn't the one who would hurt Isabella. It was Edward who would. “Oh” I let out. With this piece of information I could piece it together. The image flashed in my mind. Isabella's body lifeless and My brother next to it, his eyes glowing red. The eyes of the moster my brother was not! No My brother wouldn't do this. He couldn't! She was going to be my friend. It was better for her to be a vampire then to die. To be gone forever. I was going to love this girl. Someday. Another image crossed my mind. What I supposed what Isabella's father's house, Isabella in a small yellow kitchen. And my brother watching her from the shadows. Creaping out on her. She was so still while she watched him. Her years were wide with some puzzling emotion. I was not

quite fear... it was the look had in my eyes when I looked at Jasper. Dazzle. Was she dazzled? At the face of death? Wouldn't she even try to run?Was she insane? No she couldn't be not if she knew what Edward was about to do. He raised his hand and held her neck. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was going to kiss her. Then as I had explected the light refected his teeth as they were sinking in her delicate skin - “Oh” venom was flowing in my own mouth. I felt my own muscles harden with the almost solid image of my brother murdering the new commer to our school with no sense of fashion. “Stop!” He groaned. The images on my mind were too explicit for him. They were hurting him beyond what he was able to bear. “Sorry” I really was, for both. Making him feel bad, and also for what he was maybe going to do. I thought of the other image I had seen and showed him the other way around. He didn't have to do anything he had a choice. A highway and the snow falling and blowing everywhere. My relief didn't last long. “I will miss you.” knew he needed to do this but I didn't want to be away from my brother. “No matter how short time you are gone” Jasper's eyes were on me. Emmett and Rose were staring at eachother trying to make some sense of it all. I would miss him, not to mention what it would do to Esme. I wanted him to think it wouldn't be long. But I wasn't so sure myself. We were almost at the house and I didn't want him to face Esme, and he would have to tell Carlisle he was leaving. “drop us here” I told him. “You shoud tell Carlisle yourself.”

He nodded and stopped the car at once flingling my rigid body foward a little. I reasured him before I got out “you will do the right thing, she's Charlie Swan's only family it would kill him too” I knew this a was a little too cruel to say I knew he was already ashamed enough with one life on his hands. It was true though. Chief Swan had been abandoned by his wife – Isabella's mother - Isabella was his most valueable possession. He loved his daughter more than his own life, in fact she was his life. “yes” He anwered as I got out the car. I knew he would do the right thing. Carlisle would also be hurt if he murdered her. He wouldn't blame Edward but he would be hurt. Edward fled towards town speeding all the way. My visons couldn't make me sure. I was too anxious to go inside. I sat by the lake anticipating something. Maybe he would need me to stop him or even clean up evidence afterwards. I couldn't think like this. I knew he would do the right thing. if any of us had a soul Edward and Carlisle were most certainly the one that did. I had fed on humans but only when I didn't know any better but as soon as I had the vison of Carlisle and his family- my family- I noticed I had another option. But I had been to one to see all those futures and possibilities dissapear right before my eyes. Dissapear because of what I am. After two minutes of a thousand controversial visons flashing thogh my mind, a solid image appeared My brother would really be going to Denali, but on the way he would be given time to think because he would run out of gas. Time to think- more time to think- was not a good idea. Not when Edward was fighting his insticts.

I reached for the phone in my backpack and dialed the number while still scanning the images in my head. The phone didn't even ring once. “Carlisle, Edward is on his way to see you. He will need you car” I am sure he had alot of questions, but by the tone in my voice he noticed there wans't enough time for them. The image was as bright as the sun. My brother burried in a snowbank in Denali. No one dead at least not in the next few days. No one dead, at least not murdered by any of us. Wouldn't Tanya be so happy with these news? She would have time to hit on my brother trying unsuccesfully to make him chage his mind. I went inside to face Esme and the thousand questions from my family. 2. Open Book The House never felt so empty. After I faced my family's questions, glad they couldn't all read minds, because I hadn't told them the whole truth. I hadn't told them about Isabella becoming a vampire which was still a possible future. I am not sure this would be a good Idea. I myself was having problems reasoning with what I had seen. I went into my brother's room to capture a little of his sent just so I felt a little closer to him. I was alone upstairs. Rose, Emmet and Jasper had gone on a hunting trip. Esme and Carlisle decided to stay in case of any news from Edward. I decided not to go because I didn't want Jasper deal with my emotions. Sadness for my brother not being here, confusion with the images in my head, and fear of

what was to come. It was too much for him. He didn't need to deal with it. By the time he was back I would have controled myself a little better. Esme was downstairs woking on some project for Isle Esme; a gift from Carlisle. She wanted to re-do some of the decorations. I tried to amuse myself cleaning everyone's closets but that didn't take long enough so I went for a swim in the lake and I decided to borrow Edward's car for something that always cheered me up. Shopping! I hopped onto the car and went to Seattle I didn't want to go too far, even though I loved to shop on the Hills. And I promissed Myself a visit to Milllano Disneyland for fashion lovers. While driving I had a vision one that made me deviate some 8 feet on the road. No cars were coming – if there were cars coming I would obviously nt even have a scratch, I can't say the same for the humans involved, or for the silver Volvo. I pulled over to think about what I had just seen. I wasn't lookin for anything in particular, just wondering if there would be any news from Edward tonight, even though I knew there wouldn't. Edward out on the sun in the meadow. His bare chest shapparklig under the sunight. My brother was delighted, different from the grumpy lonely old man he was. E was not alone. Next to the blurry figure of a girl. Isabella. They were both happy. They looked as if they were very close. Edward would someday be delighted to be near Isabella, someday. Here was the faint possibility Tanya had never had. Here was the possibility I had been looking for. Edward would enjoy the presense of Isabella or at least he would be someday, and someday soon. Edward! I couldn't hide my smile. I let out a small laugh.

My musement was taken away by the complications this would bring about. Her blood was appealing to him. He woud have to like this girl very much to stand being that close to her. “Ah” Isabella was adding more vampires to her friend collection. I turned the key on the ignition and speed delighted by the new conclusion. Isabella becoming or not a vampire wasn't bugging me so much anymore. My brother would like her. It was enough for me to feel hopeful. I sang along to the tune as I drove; some happy music. It was amazing how my mood changed due to this little hope. The hope I would have a friend, the hope my brother wouldn't be so grumpy. I wondered when he would be coming back. Soon I knew at once. Soon. The night was nice a clear sky. I could hardly wait to get to the mall. The parking lot was not so crowded I packed in a spot fairy close to the main entrance. I got lucky! I had just seen couple driving out of a spot five minutes before they did. Oh joy! There would be a happy couple tonight! The tall gentleman was going to propose, as soon as he could take her to somewhere more private with candlelight and the smell of flowers. I couldn't help but to think about how the night would be long without jasper. I wasn't used to spending the night alone. I frowned. I missed him. Already. My existancemate being that the term soulmate was hardly appropriate. I walked in the mall as a couple people stared at me. I was used to the reactions humans had to us, but since I was rarelly alone I hadn't noticed them towards me so much. I guess humans are more suttle about their emotions when

ladies were sided by a tall gentleman - I never noticed their reactions were so bad. I laughed to myself when I though of what would have happened if they saw rosalie- Without Emmett of course. If jasper was intimidating, Emmett was fear itself. What images Edward would see in their minds! Rosalie would have enjoyed this so much! Attention, devotion, crashes and a couple more tiny desasters. I was laughing again. My family. I was missed them. All of them. It was so strange to have our family appart like this, we had very strong bonds. Our peculiar way of living- peculiar to those of our kind that chose to lead a different life- made it easier for our relationships to be based on love and I loved my family. Unconditionally so. I went into several stores shopping for girl stuff. All the laces and clivages and extravagant clothes Rosalie loved to wear. Some of the “stylish” things I liked to wear. Shoes! I picked a bunch of them up too. Salvatore was the best! Nothing here was too appealing for myself – just a couple of dresses and a pair of vintage pants. As I said I needed a trip to a fashionable place desperatly. I went back to the car a few times to drop the bags. I could carry all of them just fine, they weren't heavy at all. Only imagined it would call too much attention. Then I picked up some accessories for the boys. It was harder to shop for them then it was for Rosalie. So this took only one run to the car. Each thing I picked for them made my heart grow smaller. I was deep in my thought when something called my attention. Wow! A nicely set window with some very nice light colored clothes. The boys would love this! I am in heaven; or maybe a five

star hotel in hell. I thought I went in. A tall brunette walked towads me screening me from head to toe. I supposed she thought I didn't have money to buy even a pair of socks at that store. Oh, if she only knew. I thought Not that she could make any comment on my clothes. Or should I say my art? I prefered new ascending designers because that was when they were at their hightest level of artistic inpiration. I was wearing a black dress made of a light fabric with some tiny very detailed handmade designes made out of gray and back shiny crystals, some jeans, a thick black belt over the dress and a pair of shiny black shoes with a bow on them. It had “fashion statement” to it. Different from the window which had plain but very elegant clothes just the type Emmett loves. She greated me from under her breath with a touch of an arrogant tone. I din't bother to answer her greeting. I sort out five shirts, 4 sweaters and pullover, 6 pair of jeans, a cap, 2 belts and 7 T- shits, she kept on staring at me never worring to be awfully nice. I didn't need to have Edward's gift to know that she still though I was shopping at the wrong store. Maybe I was! I had never shopped at this store before. What was the name of it again? Some three letter store that was now popular among teenagers. I don't care they had what Emmet liked. I also found some jeans for jasper and some khaki pants. The salesgirl decided she would talk to the manager because she was begining to think I was mad and would break her store - I could if I wanted to. If I pressed the hangers a little harder they would turn to nothing beneath my fingers. That

wasn't the funniest part though, the part that amused me. I was delighted when I saw the image of the manager in her near future. Angelina. What a small world! Let her talk to Angelina. This would be interesting. I grinned at the thought of Angelina's face when she saw the troublemaker. The sales girl took a deep breath as I set some more clothes aside for jasper and some white clothes for Carlisle, and walked towards the back going to call reinforcement. It wasn't long before Angelina was out. She came towards me looking and my pile of clothes which was even bigger now. A smirk – wih wouldn't last long – on the girl's face. When Angelina saw me and recognized me at once, of course - I was the one who got her the job at the gown store she was a designer who had just come from London at the time, not that much had changed she wasn't famous yet but someday she would be - An image flashed through my mind. The sales girl in a tiny trailer two room home. Seven figures were all crumpled in the small space, a fat shirtless man shouting at her. She was crying and a holding a blue note, on her hands. The trailer house was very humble; not to say worse. The fat man raised his hand and flung it on her across the face. I tightened my fists. This beautiful girl, with all her arrogace led a miserble human life and needed the job very much. She had though I wouldn't be able to buy a sock at that store, and here I was looking at her reality. I couldn't help feeling sad with all her poverty. Disgusted for the monster she had to live with, sory for her. This beautiful arrogant human girl. Would be fired. Her faith was in my hands. “Alice Cullen, It's an honor to have you here” Angelina said with a very cheeful and delighted voice.

“Angelina isn't it nice to see you. And look at you! You look great! I didn't know you weren't working with Pierre anymore.” I managed not to make my voice it's normal high pitch. “Yes, Pierre. He is fine but I was offered a better position here. I am saving money to open my own atelier. It's great to have you here, Alice. I still couldn't thank you enough for what you did for me, helping me find my first job almost two years ago. You were so nice when we met in London and you -” “Stop Angelina you can't you don't have to thank me thank yourself and your charisma” I glanced at the girl. She also would blame her charisma - or better her lack of charisma for her own desaster. “If you say so then. I won't mention it. Have you found something interesting?” she asked pulling some pants from a rag. “these have just arrived they are gonna be the trend for the season” I had no interest on what she was showing me. Her sense of fashion didn't appeal to me. “Well I think I will help myself, thank you very much” I smiled to reasure her. “Ok then, make yourself confortable. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Kristen some champagne for Miss Cullen. Fast!” She ordered a girl who was just bringing some clothes from the changing rooms to put them back into the shelves. The girl almost tripped and she tried to get rid of the clothes to get me the chapampagne. “That's hardly nescessary. Thank you very much but I am driving tonight.” No sense in telling her that her cheap champagne tasted like mud to me. “Are you sure, Alice. Water, coffee, tea, maybe some soda?”

I noded “positive” The girl was so tense she looked in shock. She looked as if she were not going to be able to move for the next decade. Humans were never as still as she was right now. The image was now more solid on my mind as Angelina turned to face her. “Becky can we please have a chat?” The girl looked as if she was about to faint. I couldn't let this happen she needed the job. Besides I thought she had learned her lesson. Angelina faced me again “Once again please let us know if we can help you with anything. I am sure you would like someone to help you with your bags.” There it was my chance to help the girl. The girl who was far too quick when judging me. But who could blame her? I hardly looked 17. I was so small I could pass for a very mature 15 year old any day. “Angelina, If you don't mind,as a matter of fact, I am alone. If you would be so kind and let Becky help me, it would be very nice. She has been so helpful and I would really enjoy it if she could help me.” I could see confusion running through her eyes. “er.. Humn. Great then.” the image in my mind was fading. She wasn't sure of what had happened. In the back of her mind she thought the girl- whose name now I knew-had mistreated one of their best clients, and also someone to whom she thought she owned a favor. “Thank you Angelina, you have a very nice set of girls here. I am very impressed even better than Pierre's” she was flattered by the compliment and the image dissapered at once! Finally. The greenish looking girl with a pained expression was saved. I knew Angelina would never deny

my request. “I expect to see you around more often!” “certainly” She really would it was hard to find clothes for Emmett. He was the one who ruined his clothes the fastest. She went away with a wide smile on her face. The girl was still looking sick and in shock but I didn't bother. I Picked up the clothes I had separated. Two girls were helping me at once. “Let us get that.” one of them with short red hair said smiling. I handed the My credit card to the cashier. She stared at the credit card and then at me for a little while. With her mouth hanging open. “Did you find everything you needed?” she asked trying to be helpful. “yes, thank you.” Actually I hadn't I still needed to buy Edward a gift. Something to make up for two special favors that I felt very grateful about. Edward was a difficult person to choose something for. I got some bags and the girl got the rest of them. Maybe they were too heavy for her. Of course they were not heavy at all for me. I thought about the scene for a moment the arrogant girl looked like a mule at the moment a packing mule. I counted the bags. There were 16 of them with her. Yes that would be too much weight for a human. I headed for the car with the mute girl following behind me. I crossed the doors and couldn't help but to think of this girl's living situation. What if I had had a pauper life like hers when I was a human? She obviously needed the job. I had done the right thing not getting her fired. Every movement form her body showed shame. We got to the car at a slow human pace. I opened the trunk and fit the bags I was carring there. I put the rest of them on the backseat.

The girl cleared her throat and swollewed hard taking one more deep breath before speaking. “Thank you, I mean. I am sorry for-” “Are you, really?” I wasn't being ironic I just had hoped she had learned her lesson. “You have no idea. But why did you do that? I mean I didn't -” “I don't know” I stopped her. This was actually true I don't know why I did that, but her life was already too miserble, I wonder who the fat guy was. He was so rude and violent. I don't know why I did it I guess the image was too shoking. “I shoudn't have-” “Hey it's ok no big deal no harm done” “Thank you If I lose this job my step-father would kill me” Her whole body shook when she said step-father. The fat mosnter who liked to hit women was her step father. I looked down away from her eyes and unberable pained expression. “You see, Ms Cullen. I really need this job I pay for my three sibblings' education. My mother is sick and she drinks and smokes all the time. I take care of our house. I also work as a waitress at a club at night. We are not very fortunate and I am the only one employed at the moment. Joe got fired from his job” her whole body shook again. Joe must be the step father. What horrible things did he do to her that made her whole body shake? In disgust? Did he always ht her? I was right to think he was violent. “who's joe?” I asked even though I was pretty sure I knew who he was. “He's my step father. I know you don't have anything to do with this and that I don't deserve what you did for me back there but, I really apreciate it. I know this all must seem like

a lie because my behavior was unexcusable, but I am so sorry, I was so frustrated that I hadn't sold much this month and here was another teenager to-” I had to stop her. She was almost breaking into tears now. I couldn't handle this. “as I have said no harm done, hold your peace. I understand, I understand more than you know” I did I had seen her home and all the people crumpled in it. And the gruesome guy her mother dated. Confusion crossed her face. I suppose she was trying to imagine how a rich kid could relate to her troublesome life. I scanned her far future hoping there would be some hope for her. And praying I wouldn't find some tragic future... No drama here it was like a bad television not very solid but there it was there. Becky receiving her university diploma. She would be happy and far from here. The lanscape looked like california somewhere warm. She would be fine. “You are going to change you own destiny, believe me. Just hold fast to your dreams. There are stars,even in the cloudest night” I turned and got in the car. I wasn't in the mood for more shopping. I slamed the door behind me and the girl looked incredulously at me. I could still see her when I got out ot the parking lot. She had learned her lesson but I also had learned mine. I needed to make a stop on my way home. I went to the poor part of the town. There were kids on the street and they kept on staring at the car as I drove. It wasn't hard to find my guy. He was in front of the trailer home drinking. Talking to some of the neighbors. I opened the window a little. He would go for a pleasant ride. “hey, joe.” shouted. He got up and came why way.

“what's up hunnie? Came to buy some joint?” As if disgusting violent pig wasn't enough he was also a drug dealer. “No, I'm a friend of Becky's and she told me you enjoy a party, if you know what mean.” I tried to sound seductive. It was disgusted. “You got the right men.” he blinked and bit his lips. I could taste the vemon in my mouth, but If I was going to do this I had to do it the right way. I had to control myself. “Hop in!” I tried to fake a smile. He walked around the car. “Nice ride you have here.” I hit the road we wouldn't be going to far. He was already scared he held on to his seat. “Wow! Slow down! What's the rush?” his voice trembled. “Where are we going?” “Didn't your mother ever tell you to not ride in a car with strangers?” He laughed nervously at my comment. I pulled up in a dirt road where no one would bother us. I got out and used my normal speed to go to his side of the car. I oppened the door. “what the fu-” I didn't let him finish I flung him out of the car, hi into the air some ten feet. He fell on his back I heard some of his ribs break. “So I heard you like to hit women? Why don't you hit me?” “whatta hell are you? What do you want? Keep away from me” “You are right I come from hell to make your life a living nightmare. I want to give you the respect you don't have and, I will not keep away from you.” He punched e and I hear his hand breaking. He cursed some more when it did. I kicked him in the ribs then made him

stand up. “Get it over with kill me, make it fast. Kill me” he was begging and crying. “No. That would be too easy for you. You will not die tonight. You will go back home and never speak of our little party. I am sure you noticed I am a little different. I will know if you tell anyone. If you ever do I will come pick you up, for a great three day dope party. With a couple friends of mine. They would love to meet you, but you see they might not be as kind as I am, joe.” “ I ain't gonna tell. I ain't” he shouted as I twisted his arm. “Are you ever gonna hurt anyone again?” I pressed his arm a little more. “Noooooo!” he screamed I scanned the future to make sure he wouldn't. I saw him coming home from work. The Family would be living at a different house. Humble but comfortable. All of them would sit around the dinner table. Things would be normal. I scanned my own further future to make sure. The same images of Jasper, our family Isabella and I. Great! Things worked out as I planned. Let's go home. I took him home. There was no one on the street. As I had seen no witnesses. “Remember if anyone asks you, you were run oer by a car and you don't remember the car.” He nodded and got out of the car. I went home thinking about what I had done. It wasn't right I had nearly expossed us all. He wouldn't say anything though. He wasn't very brave, when facing a fair opponent. It was almost one in the morning when I pulled up the familiar drive way. It felt nice to be home. I longed for my refuge. I went straight upstairs to my room. And flung myself on

my bed... not that I ever slept but the bed was very convenient part of looking like a human. I separated the clothes I had bought and quickly put them on the closets they belonged. When I got out of rosalie's and Emmett's room I felt his fresh sent in the air. He was back! I oppened my bedroom's door and there he was. My love. Jasper. He was already in front of me staring into my eyes as we usually did. Our most private moment. His eyes were like a river, deep but clear and when I allowed myself to be taken by them I swear I could almost fly. It felt as if all my weight was non existant, it felt like the only thing holding me here was this pair of eyes staring back at me. “I am sor-” “don't you dare finish your sentence” “If you wish it to be so” “I have missed you” “likewise” he touched my elbow and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Wrapping me with his arms. The place where I belonged. Tracing the lines on my back with the tips of his fingers. I wrapped my arms arround him holding him close. So that we wouldn't be appart. He pulled back a little. “where were you?” “I wasn't expecting you so I did a little shopping and had some distractions on my way here.” “distractions?” “yeah, a sales girl at the store needed some help with her future” He laughed and kissed my forehead. “You and your obsession with fixing the best future for everyone.” “Hey it worked well for you, didn't it?” I teased. “Most certainly. It brought me a fallen star.”

“Fallen star” I repeated liking the sound of it. “Yeah a pleasent shiny suprise. Talking about suprises, I have done something for you, but I am sure you already know.” I had been so busy with everything else and so sure he woudn't be home that I didn't check my immediate future. I could see it very clearly now. There were candles, Rose petals and a huge bathtub. The bathtub just on the other side of the wall. “Oh” I smiled “What? You hadn't seen that?” but he didn't give me anytime to anwer. He pulled me back into that one kiss and then my vision came true. The school day was long. Impossibly long. Isabella glanced at our table many times during lunch period and I knew what she was looking at; my brother's empty seat. It was so strange to see that empty seat. I still wasn't sure exacly when my brother was coming home. My visions kept on changing everytime he changed his mind. I kept on hoping it would be soon, school was even more boring without him here. Did Isabella miss my brother? What exacly had happened that would make her glance so ofter at our table? Did they get close? It didn't seem so. When Edward left because of her - he seeemed troubled and he didn't know how he would felt about her. I was the only one who did. I felt a little bit of anoyment because that girl was the reason why Edward wasn't here and the eason why our mother was upset beyond any explanation. Esme saw all of us as her children, but there was no doubt she was more attached to Edward. That doesn't mean he she loved him more just that she worried more about him. All the time alone, unhappy, incomplete. The anoyment went away when I thought that this girl would soon be my best friend. She also represented a

chance to end my brother's loneliness. The chance of that made my mood better and Jasper felt it at once. “What's on your mind?” he asked as we walked to class. I couldn't explain but I didn't want to lie so I gave him a half truth. “Just looking at some human's futures. I feel happy when I see some happy endings you know me” He looked at me and grimanced. “happy endinds” he whispered “not everyone is as lucky as I am” he said too low for anyone to hear, except maybe Emmett and Rose but they were not paying any attention. There it was, our private moment, as he layed his eyes on mine. We weren't fond of public displays of affection. There were not nescessary. We didn't need any reasument of how we felt. Jasper was my existance and I was his. My lips curled into a smile when I though that my brother could have a future existance. Was it such a long wayy between feeling delighted in being with a person and lovng this person. I didn't want to think so. I allowed myself a quick glance at her. The bell would ring in three minutes. Rose would steal Jasper this afternoon- shopping for the upgrades she would give the cars. The bell rang and we got up and headed to our next classes. “Alice are you really excited for your next two classes?” Emmett asked me in a sarcastic tone. “why?” I was surprised I hadn't seen where Emmett was going with this. I hate last minute decisions. I can't see them. “Well if you don't mind I would like to hang by the house. Maybe we could duel. What do you think little dwarf?” he gave my a wide smile.

“Fantastic” I wouldn't battle him but I was in no mood for more classes today. The run home was short Emmett tried to race me and I won. He wanted to go for a second round of course. Emmett could never just lose he had to always whine about it. “You little cheater! Why can't you compete fair at least once in your existance?” “I am competing fair” I argued. “Are you? Then I bet you didn't see this coming.” He pounced,may repeated times trying to catch me. And I was always getting away. I pretended to be yauning, when he landed with a huge pout on his face. “Cheaters are never winners you know.” He hopped on top and me and he was able to get me. I had some fashes that froze me into place. I supposed this meant Edward still hadn't made up his mind. I kept on seeing different things because of his indecision. “Emmett, get off your sister now!” Esme called from the house. Breaking my “daydream” “Oh come on. It's just gotten fun and we'll have to stop?” “Emmett, now!” Emmett pounted even more but did as she said. “Why aren't you both in school” “Come on, give us a break. It's not like we are gonna get bad grades.” “You better not! But it's good that you are here. I need some help. Alice? What is it?” She worried when she saw I was still on the ground. “Nothing, Esme. Emmett just caught me off guard. That's all.” I let out a forced laugh, as I got on my feet. The vision was nothing too serious. It was just Edward standing next to a narrow bed, watching Isabella in her sleep. He looked looked similar to a guardian angel in my vision. I had only

frozen into place because I was afraid of what coud come of such proximity. Death for instance. In my vision it never came he only kept his distance watching as she dreamed on. Probably hearing some of her dreams. “Are you sure?” I nodded. “I caught the cheater, I caught the cheater.” “hey young men. You are grounded!” Esme called. I couldn't prevent myself from laughing. “What?? That is so unfair you know? When am I gonna stop getting grounded anyway? I am already a sennior citizen, if you are counting human years, besides I wasn't dueling alone you know. Why won't the cheater get busted too?” “You already have one week. Do you wanna go for two?” He groaned as he went inside. Like a stubborn teenager. I laughed some more. Esme was supressing a smile too. The situation was too funny. A huge guy being grounded by our “mother”; who looked more like a sister then a mother. “Alice, will you join us?” Esme asked. “What are you working on?” “I was scanning some photos of our family, I am going to make a surprise for Carlisle.” “Photos?” “You didn't know?” She asked astonished. “Not really, guess I have had alot on my mind.” She was now at my side. She put both hands on my shoulders. “Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to share with me?” Esme was even more motherly than the usual – due to Edward's abcensse. “It's nothing too serious, personal stuff you know? The matters of the heart.” Looked down. I wasn't lying, but I was close enough. She brushed her delicate thin fingers on

my cheeks. This made me wonder what my mother had been like in my human life. This sent a strange sensation through my body. I was feeling overly emotional today, I supposed. I looked up to see the face of the woman that represented much more then a person who carried a baby for nine months. Esme still carried us somehow, and we weren't even her children. Whoever my human mother had been she could never fit the shoes of the this woman standing in front of me. I felt the urge to hold her next to me. So I burried my face in her chest and swung my arms around her waist. She kissed my head and held me tight brushing my hair with her fingers. This moment was so magical. It was as if my heart could feel warm because of this wave of emotions. Edward's absensse had changed me too. I wanted to show everyone how I felt. Something I didn't always do. “There, there” she said asif she were southing a baby. I realized I was sobbing. “If you don't want to tell me, I am going to respect your privacy. But know that I am here in case you change your mind. I am always here” She kissed my head once more. If I could produce tears her shirt would have been wet. I pulled away to look at her once more. “Thank you, thank you so much, Esme. For everything you have done for all of us. For me specially.Thank you for everything you and Carlisle represent to me.” “You are my children, Alice. You and Edward are my babies. Emmett is my boy. Jasper and Rosalie are my teenagers, they require less attention. I haven't done anything for you my baby girl. Maybe I have done too little compared to what you have done for me.” “Esme...” “Let me explain. I though my life was over because my

child had been taken from me. The child I lost can never be replaced. This wound I will have for as long as I shall live. I can't complain of the gift I was given though. The darkeness was taking over me but instead of being dragged into darkness I was given another chance. I was rewared a loving husband, and a great son. Later, a beautiful daughter and another son. But I was chosen by them. But you Alice when you showed up here bringing Jasper with you. I knew If I ever had a daughter in my human life I wanted her to be exacly like you. I knew I wouldn't let you leave, even before you said you were staying. I chose you, Alice. I chose to love you. And I do. Don't missunderstand me, I love everyone of you. I guess you and your brother keep me on my toes. But you are my baby girl.” I took both of her hands and kissed them. “You are more then I could ever have asked for... Mommy” we laughed together. “let's go inside?” She asked smiling at me. “Do you mind if I help you with the pictures later?” “Of course not.” I went to my room and put on some music.It was almost time for school to be over. Edward's indecision kept on making images in my head appear and dissapear, giving me a headache. With him being away I was also responsible for monitoring anything that could be a threat for our family. This made me use my gift more often then I usually did. That means every split second intead of every second. Edward's mind was a mess right now. I decided to do some background research. I jumped out of the window without thinking of what I was going to do. As I I flew throgh the florest. It was easy to find the my way.

It took me about two minutes to get there. The house was humble but cozy. Chief Swan's house. I had to be careful Isabella would be home soon. I was just curious to know more about this girl. My future best friend. I checked the door it was locked, of course. A broken door would draw to much attention. So I looked for another way in. I found an oppen window. I scaned to see which room it would be. Bingo! It was the same room from my vision. It was easy getting in. Her small room was messy. There were books and cds pilled up. I looked at the cds and the top one was a linkin park cd. I let out a little laugh. I checked the books. Romeo and Juliet and a very worn out copy of wulthering heights ;our english assignment . Classic reading was most certainly not my kind of thing! I guess she was a romantic girl, even though wulthering heights could hardly be a romance. If you really want to know a person you have to see their closet. I opened its doors and wished I hadn't! I had described her as having no sense for fashion but this was beyond belief! The first piece of clothing I laid my eyes on was a hideously heavy and ugly green sweather. If she was ever going to be my friend she needed some major fashion make over. Major! Everything in this closet screamed out “help me” I am a fashion nightmare! Oh isabella what would you do without me? I felt an urge to tear it all up and maybe burn so no remains would be left to prove the existance of such disasters. She would probably notice if I re-did her whole closet, right? Bummer! I would have to wait. The thought of it made me pout. Wait for the fashion lessons and also wait to be her friend. I heard her loud truck on the turn of the road. And ran and hid in her closet. Then it occured to me. What if she wanted

something from it? And caught me there? It would expose us, wouldn't it? I scanned the future for any hint of danger but all I could see was Isabella talking to her father. So it would be safe for me to stay in the closet. Isabella came in and I could hear her foot steps downstairs and alot of noise coming from the kitchen. Then I heard her foot steps as she climbed up the stairs and threw her backpack in the opposite corner of the room. There was something else I hadn't planned. A last minute decision. Her clothes were damp because of the rain she would change clothes. I was very rigid as I waited in the closet. The image of Isabella oppening the closet started to form itself in my mind. Way to go, Alice. Really nice! Whatta hell are you gonna do now? I thought to myself and waited for the screaming to begin. She looked towards the bed for a moment. The image became faint she had changed her mind. She saw a pair of sweats on top of her bed. That was close! Too close, I was risking too much doing this. She slipped into them, pulled her air up in a pony tail, sending the sweet smell of her blood stronger because of the rain in my direction. She smelled sweeter then most humans but it didn't bother me at all. She sat by the computer. And I heard the noise it made as it was starting up. The computer was not even a computer anymore. It was some jurassic equipment that should be in a museum. I covered my mouth not to laugh. She typed something. When she was done typing, She laid on her bed reading wurthering heights, with an amused expression on her face. The boring english assigment pleased her. This girl was at the very least insane! I watched as she laid there reading for a while. I was happy when I heard chief Swan's car on his way. I

didn't want to be stuck in her closet all day. What if she changed her mind and decided to get something from it? When she heard her dad pull up she rushed downstairs tripping a few times on the way there. I had to manage not to laugh again. How could only one human being be so clutsy? Fashion desaster was not a proper term... walking nightmare was more like it. “Bella?” he called as he opened the door. So people didn't call her Isabella as I had thought. She was called Bella. “Hey dad, welcome home.” More noises from the kitchen. “What's for dinner?” his tone was a little worried. I wondered if she was that bad of a cook. Then the image of her father eating the steak and potates she would make crossed my mind and I knew she was a good cook. “Steak and potatos” she answered. I got out of the closet. I noticed she had left her email opened. I read the message she had just typed. It was for her mother. She was trying to calm her too worried mother. Reasure her everything was absolutely fine. She was telling her dad about school mentioning the new friends. That was when I heard our name. “Do you know the Cullen family?” she asked in a lower tone as if she were embarassed for some reason. Had she noticed anything about us? Had she guessed my brother was away because of her? I went rigid next to the door. “Dr. Cullen's family? Sure Dr. Cullen is a great man.” her father was right but he only new very little of how truely unbelivably amazing my father really was. "They… the kids… are a little different. They don't seem to fit in very well at school”

She had been paying attention to us. How much did she suspect? Not much, I guessed. If she did, Edward would have seen it in her thoughts. “people in this town.” He sounded upset. "Dr. Cullen is a brilliant surgeon who could probably work in any hospital in the world, make ten times the salary he gets here. We're lucky to have him — lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town. He's an asset to the community, and all of those kids are well behaved and polite. I had my doubts, when they first moved in, with all those adopted teenagers. I thought we might have some problems with them. But they're all very mature — I haven't had one speck of trouble from any of them. That's more than I can say for the children of some folks who have lived in this town for generations. And they stick together the way a family should — camping trips every other weekend… Just because they're newcomers, people have to talk." He was dead right again; and wrong. Forks was a very nice place for us, we all like it here. The tons of rain and rare days of sunlight were deafinitely a plus. We could be almost normal. It wasn't Esme who had chosen it, It was Carlisle. Rosalie and Edward both liked it here too - Esme would be happy to be anywhere Carlisle was. He was right because Carlisle - my father, for anything the word counted for - was exacly what he thought of him and way more compassionate then he would have thought being that he had to fight his instints to do what he loved. Save people's lives. "They seemed nice enough to me. I just noticed they kept to themselves. They're all very attractive," We were beautiful to humans, I knew that but most of them were intimidated by us. She didn't seem the least bit so. I grimmaced because I knew who, she though was the most

attractive. "You should see the doctor," Her dad was laughing "It's a good thing he's happily married. A lot of the nurses at the hospital have a hard time concentrating on their work with him around." I let out a litle silent laugh. If Esme heard this she would probably pay more visits to the hospital. It wasn't like she had anything to worry about, Carlisle loved her with every cell in his body. Our kind was very intense with their relationships most of us spent all their existance with only one mate. Like Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Jasper and I. If I got lucky maybe someday Edward and whoever he chose. Maybe Edward and the beautiful vampire girl in my vision. If I got lucky Edward and Bella would be part of the list. This chance was wicked! I would not only have a friend but a sister too. I smiled widely. I will love you someday, Bella. I thought as I took a deep breath to memorize her smell. It was nice and flowerish. My brother will also like you, If he comes home. As of right now nothing was decided. The thousand pictures were still crossing my mind. Come home Edward. I pleaded in my thoughts as I jumped out of the window without making any sound and rushing through the forest. A couple days went by and things got worse. My mood wasn't on it's brightest level because I wanted my brother back. Jasper kept on trying to make me feel better. Today today my visions seemed to be changing a little less. He was almost making his decision. He wanted to come home, but he kept on fighting it. Why? “you can face it Edward” I said from under my breath as if he could hear me. I realised I was in my spanish class and hoped no one had heard me. I looked around just to make

sure. We had a surprise test not a surprise for me, I knew about it since monday when our teacher had decided about it. I did well, of course - We could all teach spanish. I wasn't even an expert in languages like Edward and Carlisle. During my last period the vision of a conversation among Tanya and Edward occured to me. She didn't give up easily I had to give her that much. She would again have no success and would again face heartbreak. Like all the other times before. As we were driving home one of my visions became solid. And I couldn't fully control myself. “AH!” I cried out. And started laughing. The pairs of eyes were questioning wheater I had lost it. “Step on it Rose. Edward Is coming home!” Rosalie rolled her eyes but did as I said. I wanted to talk to everyone, and ask them not to give him a hard time. Let him be. At least for a while. Specialy me. Which wouldn't be so difficult Jasper had special plans for tonight. The car turned on the drive way very fast. Esme was at the edge of the stairs. I knew she wouldn't do as I had asked. As he opened the door I heard her cry. “Edward!!!” and fly down the stairs and spring her arms around him. “my son, don't you ever do that to me again” if she could produce tears his coat would have been wet. “ I missed you too.” He said as he held our mother. I was at the edge of the stairs. He raised his face to look at me. “you couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?” he asked teasing me. I flew down and sprund my arms around him. “I got new clothes for you they are in your closet. Things have been boring without you around. Everyone refuses to play

anything with me.” I frowned. He let out a small laugh. “welcome home son, welcome home” Carlisle's voice was shaken also. “Thank you.” Edward said looking in his eyes. He was thanking Carlisle for more than his words, there was something way more meaningful behind that “thank you”. “Finally the other less anoying cheater is here. Get your butt outside and let's have a little fun. Shall we?” he gave Edward a punch on his arm. Edward pulled him and they hugged. My brother had missed us all the way we had missed him. Our home was a home again. “Emmett...” Esme reprehended. “ I need to hunt tonight wanna join me?” Edward asked Emmett. “You bet” Emmett was happy with the possibility of his kind of fun tonight. Away from Esme they could battle all they wanted. Emmett headed for the door. “Where do you think you are going?” Esme questioned. “Oh come on.” Emmett complained. “One week remember? That includes hunting away from home.” “What is this about?” Edward asked me. “Well... Emmett has been grounded.” I giggled. Edward was laughing. Everyone turned to look at him. “Esme, if you allow him to come I will chaperone him” Emmett was deranged by the word chaperone. “Ok he may go. We are celebrating after all.” “I am waiting for you outside.” Emmett told Edward. “Welcome home, freak” Rosalie said with a smirk on her face as she walked out. “Missed you too Rosalie! Are you coming?” he asked the

rest of us. “we have gone yestarday.” Carlisle said. He turned to face Jasper and I. “how about you?” “Edward, I would love to win against you tonight. But as it happens. Jasper has carefully planned a surprise for me.” “which is obviously not a surprise anymore. I advise you Edward when you choose you mate. Make sure she cannot see the future. It takes all the fun out of it.” We all laughed together and they were off. We got home with the sun. Jasper's attempt to a surprise had been great. We hunt, then we went for a swim and stayed out watching the stars and spending time together. I could never have enough of him. An existance wasn't enough to share these amazing moments by Jasper's side. I needed this because I would have a hard time keeping my thoughts from Edward. But I had something to focus on. Something I was actually worried about. Trying to keep him from murdering Bella. With a real issue to worry about It shouldn't be too difficult. Time for school! We all got in the car. Emmett was still happy about defeating Edward last night on a wrestle. I knew Edward had let him win. He had too much on his mind and he didn't want a re-match with Emmett. Today was a snowy day. School would be very much out of our routine. None of us could complaint about boredom since Bella arrived. I monitored my brother to make sure everything would be ok. “Hey Edward, You never anwered me. Was the new girl afraid of us?” I could see Edward tightening his hands on the steering wheel. When Emmett said his question outloud. What was this all about? Was she? She didn't seem so.

“I don't know” he said so low it was almost a whisper as if he were ashamed of something. “what do you mean you don't know?” Emmett's voice was high and surprised. “I haven't been able to read her mind, yet.” he explained and his hands were even tighter now. I had never seen someone whose mind Edward couldn't read. Who was this girl and why did she have to be so enerving for my brother? A sweeter blood, a private mind. Knowing him this would make him very frustrated. Edward never left an unfinished puzzle. “This is a first” Rosalie let out a sarcartic laugh “isn't she the lucky one?” she continued. I felt my brother burn with frustration. “This is not the least bit funny Rosalie, it would be better if He could read her mind don't you think?” I was not in the mood for her sarcasm. “I don't care, he's going to kill her anyway. It's better for him not to be able to read her mind” I felt Like ripping her face. Jasper felt it, of course, and tried to calm the nerves down without much success. I was not going to let her make Edward miserble. He already felt guilty - he didn't need her bullshit - I let out a groan as I spoke. “nothing is going to happen. Rosalie. Edward was brave enough to come back, and he's the most centered of us all. If anyone can deal with this he's the-” “Alice don't waste you time. Ignore her. When she became immortal her brain cells died with her womb” Everything went silent. I froze into place. Expecting the image of a war but it never came. This was very mean of Edward. To go for Rosalie's weakest point just like she had

gone for his. This was not much like him, in fact it wasn't like him at all. They were even now. She had hurt him and he was only evening things out. Where had this irational behavior como from? We all slammed our doors as we walked towards the school, the silence was still remaining. We would go to our homerooms and then to our first classes. My first class was with Edward - American history. I sat next to him monitoring his future. He was too silent, He also felt he hadn't been fair. Rose had desearved it though. I scanned lunch period to see if they would fight, but everything seemed fine. We would be laughing and Emmett would try to hit me with a snowball. He would try! Not succed though. I would most certaily get him back for trying. Edward I called in my head. Everything is going to be fine. Rosalie deaserved it. He frowned. “No, I shouldn't have lost it.” He said too low for humans to listen. And shook his head. “I stuck a hot iron right into her wound there's no excuse for this” Stop it, Edward! She got what she asked for, besides everything is going to be ok, even Rose. I promisse I can see that. He didn't say anything else. He just nodded. He probably knew she wasn't that upset. He was probably hearing her thoughts. She knew she had pushed him too far. He nodded once more anwering my thoughts. So she really hadn't taken it too hard. I am proud of you, you know? I know how hard this is for you. But you are going to be fine. You are not going to do anything. If anyone can deal with this, You are the one who can,and you can count on me. I am here for you.I will give you strength. I love you. I am here! You can count on me.

He nodded again reasuring me he already knew. Good thing none of the teachers botheres to ask us questions anymore, they would have caught me abssent minded today. At the end of every single class I rushed to walk Edward to his next class. He kept on saying it was hardly nescessary but I kept on doing it anyway. Our big test was about to come. We all met on the hallway. Rose was quiet but not hostile. Emmett was on guard for any danger. Like a friendly sibbling fight, or in case he needed to hold Edward. The first case was not nescessary, since the subject was never going to be brought up again. As for the second - even though I hadn't seen anything, my visions were not always accurate - I was glad he was on guard. Jasper was guiding me because I was focussed on details like knowing if we could sit at our regular table if nothing would send her scent our way, if she wouldn't walk too close. She would arrive after us and wait at the lunch line with her friends, buy a soda and then sit at her table no problems this far. No one killed today. “it's going to be ok. She's not here yet, but the way she's going to come in... she won't be down wind if we sit at our regular spot.” I said from under my breath. And took Jasper's hand. “Of course we'll sit at our regular spot. Stop it Alice You're getting on my nerves. It'll be absolutely fine.” I had over done it. He didn't like to be babysat. I blinked once. I wasn't expecting his reaction. Then Jasper Pulled the chair so I could sit. I looked at his face. I spoke being careful not to let my mind betray me “Hmm I think you are right.” “Of course I am”

I went back to bella's future she was on her way here I didn't want to be caught off guard. I wanted to warn them before she came. “anything new?” Jasper asked Edward. He must had been searching through people's thought's for anything Bella might have told them about their desasterous bio class. “Nothing... she must not have said anything.” I shouldn't have been so surprised. I guess, I wasn't surprised puzzled was more like it. I noticed everyone had the same expression on their faces. I really didn't understand this girl. but my reasons were different from theirs. “Maybe you are not was scary as you think you are. I bet I could have frightened her better than that.” Emmett said laughing. He didn't mean his words, he was only trying to break the horrible mood; as he usually did. “wonder why..?” he continued and was interrupted “We have been over that. I don't know.” he didn't want to bring that subject up again. She was close now two minutes maybe, I had to give Emmett time for his little show. “she's coming in. Try to look human.” I warned. “human, you say?” He showed the snow ball that he had kept and then pressed it into a block of ice. He pretended to aim at Jasper but I new he would chuck it at me. And he did. I carelesly waved it off with my fingers and it flew across the cafereria too fast for humans too see. All the students at the far end of the cafeteria turned to see where the noise was coming from when the ice hit the wall. And shattered all over the place. They would never have imagined it had come from all the way here. Humans never got these kind of things right. “Very human, Emmett. Why don't you punch through a wall

while you are at it?” Rosalie lectured Emmett. That didn't seem to break his joking mood. “It would look more impressive if you did it baby.” I laughed with them. Even Rosalie was laughing. I realised Jasper must have been using his talent. But I couldn't help wondering if Emmett was being his usual self or if he was trying hard to make it look like nothing was bothering him. Edward's grin was off. He wasn't really grinning he was concentrating. He never looked at the line of the cafeteria where she standing was with some friends - Jessica and Mike Newton. She would get just a soda. Was she on some kind of weird soda diet? Humans had some crazy diets. I thought that was unlikely since she looked fine. Maybe she just wasn't hungry. Even I wasn't - again - in the mood for pretending to be human an apple remained untouched in front of me. Emmett was still hoarsing around. Rosalie was laughing with him I wasn't paying atention to them. Jasper joined in but I knew he was also trying to easen Edward's mood. “it's not working” he said whispered in me year. I frowned staring at my brother's stiffness. “Ease up Edward, Honestly. So you kill one human. That's hardly the end of the world.” Emmett played. “You would know” Edward's answer would have upset anyone else but Emmett was trying hard to make a joke out of everything. “You've got to learn to get over things. Like I do. Eternity is a long time to wallow in guilt.” He wasn't helping. He needed to shut up. Time for my own little show. The one I had planned when saw Emmett would throw snow at me. It would also be nice if the girl could see our family playing together and would never imagine how we really felt. I tossed the Ice block

straight on his face hopping he would shut the hell up. Nice! I hit him right on! As already knew I would. He grinned and I knew this would not be the end of it. “You asked for it” He said as he leaned my way and shook hit hair like a dog would. Splashing all over Rosalie and I. “Ew” Rose complained and I managed to not get soaked. She got most of it. My plan worked just like I wanted it too. I laughed they all joined in. Bella was watching us. To her we looked amused, delighted, unworried, playful. If she only knew. I held up my tray in case of anymore splashings. Bella was still watching us. Then she was chatting with her friend. Edward was looking at her again I had to fight pictures out of my mind. Concentrate Alice. I thought. and looked for the girl's future minute by minute. she would chat with friends antend her classes- her next class was with Edward- so I guessed he had made up his mind that he would infact go to class. “stop looking at him” I heard Bella tell Jessica. Jessica glanced at him quickly before looking down. Bela would check if she had done as se asked in about one second. If she hadn't done as she said she had decided to take measures. She raised her head to check. This was so girlish. The boy – Mike- was going to invite them for a snofight in the parking lot after school- that wouldn't succed so well since the snow had already turned to rain. Bella wouldn't have taken part on it even if the weather hadn't changed. She kept her eyes down for the rest of the lunch period. She seemed shy. The image of their next class became clearer in my thoughts while she stared at the table. And this caught me by surprise.

Edward wasn't the only one wondering if biology class would be such a good idea today, Bella was wondering the same thing. Why? Wht was in it it for her? Unless... I didn't dare to begin that thought. It was too risky my mind could betray me. At our Table, evryone kept watching, Emmett continued to hoarse around and Jasper continued trying to keep the nerves under control. But most important we kept on trying to look human and Edward was his rigid self, not worring too much about about keeping up the human gestures. The bell would ring in two minutes I decided it would be better to remain seated and wait for Edward's final decision. I knew he had made up his mind he would go to class. But it was never too late to try to persuade him. How far would be too far today? He was already uset by my baby sitting but I didn't want him to hurt my... to hurt Bella. Concentrate Alice! That had been to close. The bell finally rang and I noticed everyone in our family had made the same decision. We all remainded seated. I watched as Bella went to her next class with Mike Newton. Here it was the hardest moment of the day. Edward would have to go and sit by Isabella. What if he wasn't strong enough? What if he slipped maybe he would have had enough for today. I hoped he would be reasonable and fake himself a note for the nurse. But he wouldn't. He had made up his mind. He would suffer through the Biology class as I had seen and everything would be fine. What if he couldn't? He had made up his mind he didn't want to hurt her. I hadn't seen anything, besides we had to move. “I think it's ok” I hoped what I was saying was true. It

seemed enough like it to me. “I think you will make it though the hour” “Why push it Edward? Go home take it slow” Jasper said the words he was told all the time. “what's the big deal? Either he will or he won't kill her. Might as well get it over with, either way” Emmett was always practical at solving a problem. And I felt and urge to have his strenght to smack him. “I don't wanna move yet. We are almost out of high school, Emmett. Finally” Rosalie only though of herself like the usual. The image of Edward and bella flickerd in my mind, he wasn't so decided. What Rosalie had said made him reconsider. Was this what he was worried about? Us? Then whatever his next thought was made my vision flicker a little less. I wasn't so sure but he needed encoragement he needed to feel strong. I didn't want him to leave again. “No, Rose, I think it will be ok. It's firming. I am ninety three percent sure that nothing bad will happen if he goes to class” I couldn't say one hundred Edward could catch my lie. I looked at him to concentrate in his face and next class's image so my mind would betray me. I was too curious about what his thoughts had been. The vision really was more solid. “Go to class” he ordered us, as he turned and walked to his next class. I couldn't help but to worry. I could tell Jasper and rosalie didn't aprove. Rosalie was about to rip her own skin with her fingernails. Jasper touched my shoulder and guided me to my next class- English. Nothing to worry about. Another lecture on

literature. I could live through it or so I hoped. Images kept on popoing in my mind and I tried to keep them away which gave me a head ache. I tried to focuss on Edward and what he would be doing and I saw Edward and Bella talking. Bella looked blushed Edward looked amused. Another image poping in my mind I tried to push it away. They were talking while they peeked through a microscope no harm done. Edward was strong enough. I am pround of you. I thought. Even though I knew It was too far for him to hear me. With all his concentration on acting human, and not killing Bella. Poor Edward I guessed he was holding his Breath, fighting his instings. That would be pretty close to hell wouldn't it? “Miss Cullen?” shoot! A teacher had decided to ask me something. “I am sorry Mr. Mason” “I am just wondering what writer you have chosen to do your project on .” Yes that's right! He was probably telling the students about the project he would ask Us to do. I had seen it two weeks ago and I had chosen Shakespeare as Anne Rice was Hardly appropriate but it would be at least funny. “Shakespeare” “Good choise Alice. I Look forward to seing it.” It wouldn't be too hard to write about shakespeare's life and five of his works and make an outlife of them. Othello,macbeth, comedy of eros, midsummer night's dream and Henry the 5th were all on my short list bearable literature. he went on to draw down whatever the other students had chosen. I looked and noticed we were supposed to be

answering some questions. Thankfully I had already answered them. An easy assigment. I continued to concentrate on my brother. Fighting any unwanted image I might have. But I couldn't help it. The image was too vivid in my mind a decision had been made not Edward's but Bella's I supposed It stayed there for a quarter of a second before I was able to force it out. My mouth fell open and I was there for another two seconds trying to recompose myself. “Alice are you ok?” Mr Mason asked. Double mistake in less than one hour. I better leave the room. There were still twenty minutes to go. Twenty minutes should not seem alot to an imortal but since this girl arrived things where upsidedown. “I am sorry Mr Mason But I feel a little Ill might I be excused.” We were so often well behaved that he shouldn't offer any resistance. And he didn't. “Are you ok to walkt yourself to the nurse's office?” “Sure I must have eaten something that didn't do me so well” He made a face I guessed he didn't want anyone pucking in his class. I was amused by the thought of a vampire pucking. Or eating something that gave me a stomach ache,specially since my stomach had not able to diggest anything for a long time. I fleed to the bathroom and sat at the corner trying to concentrate and the overlod made my head hurt. I hoped with all my soul that Edward had not seen that and guessed he hadn't because if he had he would have already found a way to be here. He was too busy. I concluded, and scanned their next twenty minutes. They would still be talking I kept on scaning. Everything was fine. My brother's

expression changed among delighted, amused, frustrated, interested, curious I could tell he was trying to put the puzzle together. I could also tell he was holding his breath and that would feel unconfortable. Someone was comming I got up and walked to the mirror and pretended to be washing My hands and checking my hair. The girl went in checked herself in the mirror then out again. Humans and their vanities. I glanced at the clock, but I couldn't see it. The image tore my insides-five minutes before the torture's finalle- in less than one second bella would toss her hair. I flung myself towards the door expecting the worst and ready to help my brother clean up the mess. Yes there it was the flickering image of Bella's dead body. It was hard to keep a human pace as I walked too fast to the science building. What would I do? Get him out of there now? I scanned again almost in pain because of the vision and what would happen to my brother because of it. Edward don't do it. Don't think of who you are. Please Edward think of Carlisle. I knew he hadn't heard me but the image that came to my mind was of my brother's pained expression and then a couple senconds later the bell would ring and he would charge out of the room. I let myself breath again. That was close. But I din't stop monitoring him I know how fast a mind can change. Thrity seconds He would still be burning. Hold on, be strong. Twenty. Not much more hang on! Ten Almost over. Almost, hang on, hang on !

Three, two . Solid vision. Edward would Leave in a half second. I didn't want him to catch me here. I ran fast out of sight and hoped no one had seen me disapear. The bell rang. I monitored his near future. I saw Emmett would be waiting for him outside Spanish class. Before any human could come out and see me “teletransport” as they would probably describe. I tried my hardest to walk at a human pace and guide myself to my next class intead of getting away from there as fast as I could. Time for Art class. Finishing the day with an Elective wasn't so bad except that I din't want to be caught wondering off to wompa-land again so I was much more careful. We would be drawing a shoe. Our shoe to Ilustrate Depth. Another easy assingment. I laid my things on my desk and then waited for intrusctions, stariting right away would give something away. There was no need to keep an eye on Emmett and Edward I had an hour's rest. Or so I thought. The freetime betrayed me and the images sprang to life inside my head. The future was there more solid then ever the two futures wanting to make themselves known. No! I am not giving in! I Though to myself and fought the images out. I needed to keep my mind busy so I focused on Bella, and on my brother and on Jasper also. Those three were enough to keep my mind busy. “You might all start, I am gonna go around to make sure you

are all doing fine” I heard Mrs. Pot say. I took off my shoe. And I felt the girls next to me stare at it. I loved these shoes. They would be hard for to draw because they had so many details,at least for me. Of course. For humans all they could see were patterns so I just had to draw some patterns. “Wow Alice! That's nice! Is it vintage?” Mrs Pots was dead on but I don't think she would take it nicely if she knew these shoes were older than her. I bought then at a tinny store in Paris, about 40 yeas ago. Would she? “Yes,I got them at an antique store.” “Those little flowers and details might be hard to draw you can do them as if they were plain if you wish.” She hadn't seen the details. The shoes had a florest drawn on them. Stiched on them actually. And the little pattens she saw were misture of trees and a lake and the thousand little fairies. I neer kept my shoes for long, but this pair was a very special one. I doubted it had been done by a human. No human could stich such small figures with their blurry vision. Mrs. Pots said something but both her words and my vision of my shoes were gone only to see Emmett running after Edward. What had happened? Would this day never end? I was about to have a break down already. I saw My brother's face in my mind and at once I felt ashamed. I was here worried about my overload and didn't think of Edward he would most certanly be way worst then me. I am sorry. I thought. In a few minutes another vision Edward alone in his car. Waiting for our classes to end. The next few minutes also dragged by I finished my assigment put on my shoe and then stuck the drawing of it

it in my porfolio. The bell rang and I walked out, from far away I saw Edward standing next to his car. Bella was in her truck, He was looking at her. No, staring was more like it. She drove right by him looking straight ahead and that set him laughing like a moreon. Had I missed something? First: Why in the world would he be standing out in the rain? That was stupid! The girl could try to come and talk to him. Then it hit me. Was that what he wanted? A picture tired to come to my mind but I shook my head as if that could help. Second: what was so funny? This second one I would have to most certainly ask. “What's so funny?” I asked when I was nexto to him. He only shook his head and got in the car. He would play the mean older brother that keeps secreats from the little sister, up to the point I knew I was his best friend. I got in the car slammed my door and the others were all staring at my frown. It was enough to set Edward laughing again. And then everyone was looking at me questioning where that sudden good humor came from. I shook my head and tightened my fists. As Edward drove along the road.

3. Phenomenon It had been a long night. To match the day I suppose. Jasper's words crossed my mind as I tried to piece all the new information. “I don't know, what it is, but I know you are hiding something from me. I Also can't make myself understand why you would keep seacrets from me, because something keeps on telling me that whatever you are hiding is far too serious.” “Jasper... I can't...” “Don't say you can't tell me Alice you are only going to make things worse. If you cannot trust me, tell me, why I should I trust you? I feel like I don't know you anymore. I can see you someting is up. I can feel it. Your emotions it's like you cannot withhold then any longer.” I had to remain silent. He was jealous. His idea of what I was hiding was nothing like what I was actually hiding. I had been so busy monitoring everything that this little argument had caught me by surprise. This was probably one of the worst arguments we had in... I dunno... maybe fifty years. Aguments were really rare among people so desperately in love.

I just moved my shoulders I couldn't argue with him. I knew he wouldn't be able to control his thoughts around Edward and I didn't want to lie. “That's what I thought” I felt a light breeze and he ran out of the room jumping through the window. He had left me. He needed time to think. If I hadn't so much in my mind and If I didn't know thi was so foolish,I would have had a breakdown. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't allow myself even that much. I also couldn't make myself run after him I was too tired from the full day and too heartbroken from the night's episode. I wanted to tell him what was going on more then anything but how wold he handle the news? This morning, when he came in, the sun was already out, I was still lying on the bed deep in my thoughts like I had been all night long. Something told me we would have another full day, but it was someting intuitive. I hand't had a vision. “Good morning” I had told him. He just stood on the widow sill staring at me. “Good morning. Look, Alice, I am sorry. I am really sorry.” But I was the one who should be apoligising. “No Jasper, Just please understand that what I wanted most was to share this with you but-” “It's ok really, some running knocked some reason into me, made me see things straight. Besides the night without you was unberable.” I flung myself in his arms and I felt at once that I could absolutely face the storm that was coming. The storm I could sense but had not seen yet. Jasper was by my side I could face anything. “what's this? you haven't changed yet? I can hardly

recognize you Mrs. Whitlock” Mrs, Whitlock the way he called me privately. Mrs. Because I was his wife of course. Whitlock because that was his last name before he embraced the Cullen family becoming Jasper Hale. I laughed delighted, he had been more understanding then I could ever have asked for. “thank you” I said and burried my face on his chest. “no, thank you, Alice. You have always made all the difference.” we laughed together. “You better change, It's time for school.” “School” I repeated disgusted. “Maybe battle field is a more appropriate name” “Maybe” I was pretty sure watever was coming would qualify it that way. “Ok!” I ran to my closet and picked a stretchy deep purple blouse to match perfectly with a skirt two tones lighter and some stalkings to go with it. I threw a coat on top of it and then I was next to Jasper in no time. He was holding a silverish headband on his hands and slipped into my hair. “Perfect” he whispered and kissed my forehead. Someone knocked on the door. “coming!” “Will you two get over your love scene I need help!” We got out of the room and I found Rosalie having troubles. “Alice could you help me?” she pleased holding out the sweater I had recently gotten her. “sure, put your arms here. Now we twist this aroung like this and then tie it like this then this goes on the top and then we put this strap over here. There you are!” “thank you!”

He leaned to look at her sweater “You make it seem simple” she walked off beaming with new flashy sweater. A rosalie thing. Jasper an I exchanged a funny look. Rosalie was unique. For the lack of a better word. We were all on our way to school, even though the night had been long the early morning had seemed normal enough, almost pleasant actually. Something was still off, something big was coming and none of my visions told me what it was. This feeling blind made me uneasy. I kept on stting a scared from anything. As we drove I noticed every human seemed tense today. I could sense someting coming bacause I was sensitive... but them? Why were they so tense? Then I noticed that Edward slowed down a bit. The ice! I though. Maybe this sisth sense of mine was tricking e after all. Nothing was wrong, maybe it was all because of the ice. Silly me I had seen Bella's dad had gotten her new chains for the truck. He worried so much about her. Edward drove in the parking lot. I could hear her truck as we got out. She had little trouble parking,but alot of trouble standing up. I watched her little dance. She would stop to look at the chain her dad had put on her tires while she was still asleep. This would catch her by surprise and bring some emotion to her eyes. Emotinal because of a set of chains. A Bella thing I am not gonna pretend to understand this girl. Edward was staring at her like he had been before, so I had a vision of Edward going and offering her his hand so that she could balance herself.

I stared at him letting he know I could see that and didn't approve of it. He ignored me. You are the one bringing this upon yoursel. You better not complaint about it later. I advised in my thoughts but he wasn't listening again. I was a little amused, I would be able be free to think anything I wanted fairly soon. Since Edward had decided to help te furture I was routing for. I looked away from him to allow one quick look at Bella before going in I couldn't see her. My amusement was replaced with shock. “No!” I gasped outloud. I a saw a student make a sharp turn and lose control of his van. The vehical would go straight for Bella. There wasn't much time the boy was already at the corner. What would we do? If he didn't make a run for it, I would. I wan't letting amything hurt my friend. My muscles went rigid ready to spring but Edward was faster than me. He was already gone and I was froze into place trying fo foretell the outcoe of this. Then the vision shifted and I could see he would stop the van, exposing us all. She would be watching as he held the van with his bare hands. The vision came less then a second before the real scene. They were safe! At least she was I couldn't say the same of my brother nor of the rest of us. Then I had another vision less then a half second after he stopped the van. It would keep on going for them and smash her leg. Blood! Eward would deafinitely expose us all feeding from her in front of everybody. I wanted to jump in and help. I ordered my muscles to move but they didn't seem to. I Would make things worse tring to help them. More

exposition from our family. The vision changed. I almost collapsed. Again I saw him stopping the van,liftng it up so it wouldn't crush her legs. Alot of shouts and screams and gossips followed. I was not prepared for the two visions that followed. Visions as solid as rock. Actually It wan't more than one vision. It was like two possilble complusions to the same vision. The first was Edward out in the clearing with Bella. He leaded towards her. I was preppared for the flow of vemom in my mouth but it never came. Edward leaned down and kissed Bella. They were in love. This would lead to Bella being a vampire and also my best friend. Since not everything are flowers. The other possible endding wasn't so pleasant. Edward would Kill Bella. I shurgged considering wat this tragic ending would to do to me.I would lose this girl before I could love her. My own pain was noting campared tothe images of Edward in my mind. He had waited too long for this girl. He had befriended loneliness for too long. Edward would lose his only love. His true love. Edward would do it to himself. I imagined what it would be like if Jasper were a human with a sweet blood. This was too painful to picture. Poor Edward. My head was spinning. More shouts an yells broke my daydream. Edward! We have been exposed. I looked around. He was still with her. She was safe. People around didn't seem to notice much. We could pretend my brother had been next to her all the time and pushed her out of the way. A lucky shot. What if someone had noticed him coming out of nowhere?

Had things happened fast enough so no one would know? I scanned and I only saw Edward talking to Carlisle in the hospital and then Carlisle examining Bella. No harm done, She would be ok. We would be ok. Or so I thought. A few more issues to consider. Bella knew too much. She knew quite a bit about us. Enough to begin a hunt against us. The unhuman,strenght and unhuman speed were already scary enough she didn't need to know the part about living dead and blood based diet to be freaked out. Think, Alice! Think! Would she tell? I had seen her just talking to Edward,with some harsh expression.the same expression on both of their faces. Was this a potential risk? Of course not, she's in love with him. He could be freaking Frankestein and she wouldn't care. Even if she did? Would someone believe her? I knew the answer. She would never do such thing. The first vision that set this whole madness - Bella as a vampire - wans't so faint anymore. I scanned Edward and Bella one more time to make sure they were not injured, or better to make sure she was not injured. I wan't too worried about keeping my thoughts secret anymore. “Will you promisse to explain everything to me later?” I heard her ask. Edward wasn't getting out of this flawless. Was he? “fine” I heard him snap. “fine” she snapped in return. She wouldn't tell but she wanted to know who she was in love with. I was less rigid but more worried as I knew that in a couple seconds we would have company. How would they react? What should I do? We hadn't been exposed had

we? Edward had promissed an explanation of how the hell he had nt hold stopped but also lifted a full size heavy – at least for her - van to a girl who would possibly be a vampire in the future . I could reason through it because I knew the possibilities of the future but they would be enranged with Edward. I would probably have my share of responsability too it was only fair. What should I do? I kept on asking myself. Without any asnwers. I realized it was too late, Jasper's hands touched my sholders. Making te image of Bella as a vampire disapeare at once. Whatta ... ???? Rosalie was so angry her breathing was changed. Her eyes were also very dark. Pitch black was a much better description. Another vision. Edward would try to fix the dents he had made with his hands and shoulders but some would be left behind. That would cause some questionings. I would clean it it for him. The first good news of the day Brett, was the one who would care for them so my brother would not be examined, which would most certaily be a problem. This was hardly good compared to the flow of bad news that followed. The decisions being made from our family, Rose and Jasper in particular. I felt a chill down my spine thinking of what these decisions would mean. But I would have some time to work on then and reason through them. First things first. I had to focus on more importabt things now. Make sure no

one would say my brother teletransported for instance. They were putting a neck brace on her. Edward fixed the dent with the back of his foot. Good Job. I though. while I though this the image that crossed my mind told me we were not alone. Emmett would fix whatever was left. I was glad not to be completely alone supporting Edward. He would need all the help he could get when he got home. They loaded Bella in the back of the ambulance and Edward climbed in the front. Bella's dad arrived and he was so worried he looked as if he would have a heart attack. I coudn't help but to think the risk of exposure was a low price to pay compared to what that man would have had to live through if Edward hadn't been fast enough. I wanted to get in the car and go to the hospital but then I decided that staying here would be easier for both hiding my thoughts from Edward and also reasoning through my family's decisisons and finding a way to avoid these tragic endings. So I allowed myself to be guided inside by Jasper and as they drove away. If yestarday had a been a long day. Today couldn't seem long enough. I had so many things in my mind I didn't know what I should do first. Priorities. I thought so I tried to monitor the next moments in the hostital to make sure evrything was fine. I could see that carslisle would be happy with what Edward had done. It wasn't such a big change for me since I knew Edward and Bella were in love but It was a big change for Carlisle to whom it must have seemed like Edward must have gone crazy. For Carlisle Edward was the only thing that could harm Bella. Now right in from of him, Edward had just comfessed almost exposing us to save her life. He didn't

seem shocked. Maybe he knew Edward so well that he didn't need a gift to tell what was going on. I let out small giggle when I realised Carlisle knew the truth all along. The girl sitting next to me in my calculous class stared at me, when I stared back she looked away. I suppoed she though I was losing it, but was too afraid to question or even continue looking. I stuck out my tongue. And giggled again. She was not so wrong. I was almost there. I was finding amusement in a tragedy. I could not be in my right state if mind. I made myself concentrate again then I saw That soon Carlisle would be examining Bella, touching her head to make sure it was ok, and Edward's face as he watched this would be... unpleased? Why would he look at our father like that? I tried to find a referece to that expression.I had never seen this on Edward' face. But I had seen it on Emmett's very often, and from time to time on Japer's. His expression was the same expression Jasper had when he caught Edward and I having our private conversations. It was jealousy. Jeaslousy? Not the bad destructive jealousy more like a small hint of envy. Jasper was jealous because he couldn't hear what I was telling Edward. I realised Edward was jealous because Carlisle could touch Bella and he couldn't. Edward was already on a one way dead end road. He just hadn't realised it yet. He was in love with Bella. Irrevocably so. I would have a friend after all. I felt sorry for them remembering how hard it would be for him to be by her and imagining again Jasper as a human who had sweeter blood to me. What would I have done?

That was the simplest anwer of them all. The one which the answe didn't even take a heart beat. I would have done anything on earth, heaven or even hell to be with him. I tried to remember the first vision - that was now gone from my mind – it felt good to look at it. It didn't cause me the pain it did the fist time I saw it. Now Bella had a reason to be a vampire we weren't ruining her life. This would be her decision, and Edward's. This pleasant vision had been substituted for a vision of Bella absolutely terrified and Edward crouched defensively in front of her, he was protecting her from. I gasped. I couldn't work this out in my mind. It was too hard to see my brother and my future best friend being attacked by... Jasper. Jasper's Image was then substituted by Rosalie's this wasn't any easier to watch except this time I was there with Edward protecting Bella. Is this what would happen? Our family would be shattered and destroyed because of what happened today? How could they? I could only think of Esme and what this would do to her. Carlisle... he was our role model, he had received all of us as his children. No! I screamed in my thoughts, Trying to make these visions dissapear without much success. The bell rang and I ran to the florest eactly the way I did when I had the vision of Bella and I holding hands or the first time. Smiling like best friends, like sisters. I remembered how I felt back then, and how much had changed. I would have to do something. But what? Rosalie and Jasper would try to kill Bella. Rosalie wouldn't do it without warning I guessed. Besides Edward could read her mind he would tell Carlisle.

An image of us all around the dining room table occured to me. That was it! Carlisle would convince Rosalie and she wouldn't betray his trust, Carslisle would never let anyone kill and innocent girl. Bella was innocent. On the other hand there was only one thing could stop Jasper. Me. If I made this about me- and it was, not as much as it was about Edward but I also loved Bella., I did or would. It was all the same - he couldn't touch her. I had to give him a half truth and also make it about me. I also had to be careful enough so that Edward didn't see the image of Bella and him - nor the image of Bella and I together. His reation to Bella as a vampire would probably be the same as mine had been. He would think I was a selfish, saddick, disgusting non living thing. Most importantly he didn't see his two possible endings. The delightful one nor the terrible one. I brushed the image out of my mind. I could pull this off. Would have to. I headed back to the school I had spent all of luch period There. I saw Edward would be back soon I rushed to the english Building. I saw that Edward would go to his class. I was trying to live through my own. I already had a plan. It shouldn't be too hard to make it work. I hopped. When the last Bell rang it sounded like a war was about to begin perhaps the storm I had mentined in the morning it was caused by the ice afterall. Jasper was waiting for me outside my class. “Where were you at lunch today? You had me worried sick about you!” “I am fine” that was all I said. He didn't continue asking he touched my shoulder's

protectively and led me to the car. Rosalie was already there Edward and Emmett would arrive soon. I sat there I was worried about what I was doing to out relationship. Worried how much more jasper could handle before he thought this was not worth it. I flickered through the images I had already seen of Jasper trying to attack Bella. Like before Edward always protecting her. On Rosalie's fight I could choose a side on this one I simply couldn't. How could choose between true love and te love of my brother and his future his pain and the life of my friend. I couldn't be on either side of this fight. This could not be a possibility. Edward got to the car and drove off. Everyone kept quiet. He watched my visions and because of this they kept on changing I kept on seing their fight further and furter from Isabella's house. he was making his plans of stopping Jasper sooner. The two of them fighting wasn't a possibility for me. I was about to explode in pain. Stop it Edward! It can't happen this way I won't let it. I ordered in my thoughts. I flickered though safe and vague images of the future, evrything was vague right now, nothing was decided. Just as if we were at the eye of the twister, the second half was still to come. The strongest- more devastating half.

4. Vision Carlisle was already home when we got there and I was glad my plan wouldn't work if he weren't here we were all very tense. Rigid was more like it. I couldn't see what would happen after this conversation there were many faint images

dancing in my head and no way to tune them out. Carlisle must have had a sense of what was coming when he spoke with Edward at the hospital he sat at the head of the table, like he always did and held hands with Esme.He was serious he looked concerned. Our mother was staring at Edward her expression was so worried it was heartbreaking. Edward sat next to Carlisle, Esme put her hand on his shoulder. Rosalie sat across from them and Emmett sat next to her. Jasper leaned up against the wall behind then I was the last one in I sat next to Esme still flickering through the pictures. Holding my temples I had a headache and also needed to concentrate. No one spoke. Edward Took a deep breath and started out. “I am sorry. I didn't mean to put any of you at risk. I was thoughtless, and I take full responsability for my hasty action.” If this all depended on him he would leave.Or so he thought that image didn't even touch my mind. “What do you mean take full responsability? Are you going to fix it?” Rosalie had her eyes fixed on him. She couldn't predit the future but she knew he was not going to harm Bella. “not the way you mean. I am willing to leave if that makes things better.” I could feel more conditions to his sentence. But he was not willing to leave,this was one future that wasn't among the thousands of futures for us all in my mind. Some better some worse, but all of them a little tragic. “No!” Esme couldn't hold her mothely instincs “No Edward” she pleaded. “it's just for a few years” she said as he touched her hand. I t would be even worse for him hearing in her thoughts how she would be hurt if he felt. “Esme is right though, you can't go anywhere now. That

would be the opposite of helpful we have to know what people are thinking now more than ever.” Emmett had found reson through his own feelings. Emmett was like our guardian a big, big brother. I am sure he wouldn't like to be apaart for Edward also. “Alice will catch anything major.” He was trying to convince himself. I couldn't see anything right now. Actually I could see too many things. “I think Emmett is right, Edward. The girl is more likely to talk if you disappear. It's all of us leave, or none of us.” The images kept on dancing in my mind. It was too frustrating to not trust my own future, but at this point I was in the dark. I couldn't tell if my plan would work. But it was the only solution, I had to wait for the right time. I had to wait for Rosalie to change her mind. “she won't say anything” This was the only thing Edward could be sure of and I was also feeling optimistic about this one fact. “you don't know her mind” Carlisle stated. “I Know this much. Alice, back me up.” That was one thing I could be sure. But I had to choose my words wisely. Exposure wasn't what I was worried about, but I couldn't see what would happen. I forced myself to look for a future where something would come as a result of something Bella said. There were too many images dancing in my head. Then tried to scan for what would happen if we looked the other way and acted as if nothing had happened afraid my mind would betray me, but there was nothing. This wasn't a possible future right now. “I can't see what will happen if we just ignore this.” I unconsiously looked at Rose and Jasper. They were too decided. I couldn't see what would happen.

This simple fact had done it! The Other side of the twister was about to come. I saw it just seconds before it acually happened. Rosalie hit the table making a loud noise. Esme was fond of this table- she wouldn't like it so much if we dammaged it. It was more like a lound puch then a strong punch, though. Get ready I told myself as she burst. “We can't allow the human a chance to say anything. Carlisle you must see that. If we decided to all disappear, it's not safe to leave stories behind us. We live so differently from the rest of our kindyou know there are those who would love to point fingers. We have to be more careful than anyone else.” I half knew what was to come of this, but i was gad to actualy see the terrible image become dimmer in my mind. Carlisle had finally understood what she wanted and made his decision - I should have known better – Rosalie was not going through with this. “we've left rumors behind us before” I heard Edward say while I was still concentrating. “Just rumors an suspicions, not eyewitnesses and evidence.” “evidence!” Edward was trying hard to control his temper. These rummors were more about or not agging then anything else. Something more like Tuck everlasting rather then Interview with the vampire. “Rose-” Carlisle tried to state what he'd already decided, that made her favorite future almost not existant. “Let me finish, Carlisle. It doesn't have to be a big production. The girl hit her head today. So maybe that injury turns out to be more serious then it looked. Evey motal goes to sleep without a chance of never waking up,” I couldn't see where all this was coming from but it had to be more

then just plain concern about a girl who probably wouldn't say anything about us at all. “The others would expect us to clean put after ourselves. Technically, that would make it Edward's job, but this is obviously beyond him. You know I am capable of control I would leave no evidence behind” “yes, Rosalie, we all know how proficient an assasin you are.” Edward was a jerk once more, and she desearved it for being ... a bitch! No better way to put it, and do excuse my language. What Rosalie had done hardly qualified as murder. He knew that. She hissed at him, this kind of thought should never have been brough up in such serious conversation, but their “egos” were too much for them to deal with. She wasnt a murderer. Those beings – they weren't worthy of being called humans – had started what would turn out as the shattering of her biggest dreams. She most certainy wasn't a murderer. Doing what she had in mind would most certainly make her one. A could, thoughtess and heartless one. I coundn't recognize her. Or him for bringing this up. If they continued their nonsense this could really get out of hand, bringing about the destruction of our family sooner than I had thought. Emmett and I would be forced jump in, making it a full party. I started to freak out. Get a hold of yourself, Alice! I just had to, I had to play it right, it was our only chance. This argument was taking us down a dangerous road. Caslisle could sense it too. “Edward, please,” Carlisle and Edward rarely needed many words to understand one another. He looked at him, reasuring in just two words that he wouldn't allow this, also repremending him for acting like

an ass whole, bringing up our sister's deepesnt wounds through such painful memories “Rose, I looked the other way in rochester,because I felt you were owed your justice. The men you killed had wronged you mostrously. This is not the same situation. The Swan girl is an innocent.” “it's not personal Carlisle. It's to protect us all” she wasn't happy about Carlisle's point o view. But the image was even dimmer now. I contined to question if her reasons really weren't personal. I was too busy to notice the silence right away, there was something changing. The images were rearenging themselves. Carlisle would give his verdict, and I already knew what it would be, of course. “I know you mean well, Rosalie, but... I'd like very much our family to be worth protecting. The occasional accident or lapse in control is a regretable part of who we are. To murder a blameless child in cold blood is another thing entirely. I belive the risk she presents,whether she speaks her suspission or not, is nothing to the greater risk. If we make exception to protect ourselves. We risk something more important. We risk losing the essense of who we are.” It was because of things like this I had to say charlie Swan had no Idea how great Carlisle really was and I was glad to see the dim image disappar once and for all. Rosalie would never go against Carlisle's wish. Not because she couldn't, but because following Carlisle's lead was something we did out of devotion, not because we had to but because there was no other leader that could arouse this much devotion with a set of words. My daddy. I thought proud. That's what he stood for anyway.

“It's just being responsible” Rosalie tried to defend herself. “it's being callous. Every life is precisous” Rosalie wan't happy, her face turned into a pout. “It'l be fine Rose” Emmett assured her. I would have had a huge grin on my face in a different situation, but the time was aproaching and I continued not sure if it would really work. “The question is whether we should move on” The possibility was there but very faint. “No! We just got settled. I don't want to start my sophesmore year in high school again” For Rosalie everything was always about one supreme individual Rosalie. This didn't used to irritate me as much as it was right then. “You can Keep your present age of course” Or she could burn herself to death. who cares? Selfish little brat. I would care and I knew I would. When I wasn't so mad, but Rosalie was getting on my nerves and breaking my concentration. “and move again that much sooner” she continued to whine. I could tell Carlisle wasn't in the mood for her complaints. He wanted the best for our family but he wouldn't sacrifice the girl's life. If he wasn't so compasionate about human life I would say he... Heavens ! Carlisle knew! “I like it here. There's so little sun that we get to be almost normal.” “well, we certainly don't have to decide now. We can wait and see if it becomes nescessary. Edward seems certain of the Swan girl's silence.” Rosalie snorted. I knew there was something more then just plain survival instint on this. She loved our family but this was too ridiculous.

Either way the image of rosalie killing Bella was no longer existant on the other hand, Jasper's had become more clear. I scanned the near future but then again. The thousand images crossed y mind giving me no hope. I would have to do this without my gift. “Jasper” Edward said. At once I went rigid. What would happen now? Please don't argue, please, please I can't bear this. “She won't pay for my mistake I won't allow that” “she benefits from it, then? She should have died today, Edward. I wll only set that right” He was 100% sure of his decision the image was vivid in my mind I tried to push it away and concentrate but it kept on coming back. “I will not allow it.” He really wouldn't even at the cost of his life, or our family. That was also clear in my vision vision, I just kept brushing it away because I didn't want to know who were the winners or losers. “I won't let Alice live in danger, even a slight danger. You don't feel about anyone what I feel about her, Edward, You haven't lived through what I have lived through, whether you've seen my memories or not. You don't understand.” As much as I loved to hear this and as much as I had to argue on his thoughts, I had to take my chance since now I had a faint vision of Bella and I as friends. This image was so welcome so sweet, unlike the first time it came even though it was just a very dim possibility. “I am not disputing that, Jasper. But I am telling you now, I won't allow you to hurt Isabella Swan.” They were staring at eachother. If I didn't make my move now I woud never have another chance at preventing Edward from killing or injuring Jasper. “Jazz” I called trying to choose the right words to say. “don't bother telling me you can protect yourself, Alice. I

know that. I've still got to-” “That's not what I was going to say” This was it I had to keep it personal a risky manuver, but my only choice. “I was going to ask you for a favor” Edward gasped, he had heard what I would say in my thoughts. I stared at him to check what his reaction had been. Not too hostile. “I know you love me. Thanks. But I would really appreciate if you didn't try to kill Bella. First of all Edward's serious and I don't want you two fighting. Secondly she's my friend. At least she's going to be” it was so good to say it, Her name evoked the image of us as friends to life, except that now she was stil human, these turns would make us friends sooner. I held my Human friend on that image. “But, Alice...” Jasper tried to argue, he didn't know what this was actualy about, he must have though I sounded like a crazy person trying to protect someone I didn't even know yet. “I'm going to love her someday, Jazz. I'll be very put out with you if you don't let her be. It was already personal enough, he was in doubt. I felt bad for playing him like this, but it was true I would be annoyed if he kept me from having this chance. Something was happening as he delt with his thoughts, the future was rearranging again, showing me our family's secret would be kept. “ah, see?” no he didn't! I would have to explain, not everyone could read minds. “Bella's not going to say anything. There's nothing to worry about.” He would never hurt me, he didn't couldn't figure out what it al actualy meant, athough he was somewhat used to his crazy future telling companion and had learned to take my advice. As they all had.

I wasn't really prepared for what came next though. Images of all sorts, I pushed them away, I could analyse them later in a room free of psychic brothers directly involved in the matter. “Alice, what does this... ?” I tried not to think as I answered. “I told you there was a change coming. I don't know Edward” I tried to concentrate on Jasper and fight against the images that were trying to pop up. I clentched my teeth together trying to keep strong. “What, Alice? What are you hiding?” Of course he had noticed I was fighting a war against my own mind. Damn it! I concentrated harder, I ad to think of something before he could see it in my mind. Uno, dos, tres... Not working! “Is it about the girl? Is it about Bella?” Ik ben, Jij bent, hij is, zij is, wij zijn, jullie zijn, zij zij zij.. no it was supposed to be zijin. I slipped the image, - actually the images- danced there maybe for a half second. It was too long anyways. Great! You can't do anyting right, can you? The two possibilities were there. I would be friend Bella sooner – as a human – or later – as a gourgeous vampire. No use on pushing it away he had already seen it. Interesting, all these events could make Bella and I become friends sooner and while she was still human. Not too bad, not that bad, it could be worse. He won't freak out, no reason to right? No sense in lying, Of course he would – just like I had. I was sort of expecting what came next. “No!” he knocked over his chair as he stood up.

Ok, bad, but not that bad. I had lost my balance mysef te first time I saw it. “Edward” Carlisle stod up as well trying to support him. What's the big deal we are going to be friends with human, so what? His overeaction told me e aready knew I wouldn't be the one to change her. “it's solidifying, everymoment you are more decided.” he knew that more than I did, no sense on fooling him. “There are only two ways left for her, It's one or the other, Edward.” “No” It was more like a whisper. He leaned on the tabble for support. “Will someone please let the rest of us in on the mistery?” Emmet was frustrated. “I have to leave.” he whispered. I concluded then he also knew what would lead Bella to these possibilities. “Edward we have already been over that. That's the best way to start the girl talking. Besides, If you take off, we won't know for sure if she's talking or not. You have to stay and deal with this.” Emmett meant well. He was trying to help but he really had no idea how much more complicated this sitution really was. I tried to see him leaving but I knew he wouldn't. “I don't see you going anywhere Edward. I don't know if you can leave anymore.” Think about it. Think about leaving. I thought. Edward wouldn't go anywhere but he needed a stronger reason to stay, so he wouldn' torture himself for staying. I had one. It was selffish but I didn't care I wanted my family to stick together, and I wouldn't let Esme suffer. My reason for him staying wasn't actually a lie. I didn't know if my future friendship with Bella would be enough to hold Jasper

if Edward left. If Edward though she could ever be in danger he wouldn't go anywhere. I am not entirely sure of Jasper, Edward. If he thinks she's dangerous to us... “I don't hear that” He was right but I continued anyway. Not right this moment. Will you risk her life leave her undefended.” This was a low blow. But I had to play with the cards I had been delt. I wanted my brother near, I wanted my friend, I wanted the happy Edward in my vision. Why was this so wrong? “Why are you doing this to me?” He was in despair. I felt a little guilty, but didn't let that ruin my efforts. I wasn't doing anything, he was the one who had brought this upon himself. Either way It was painful to see my brother with his head in his hands as if it woud explode with the load of information. I had to comfort him. I love her too. Or I will, It's not the same but I want her around for that. I coffessed my own selfishness. “Love her too?” he whispered as if my words were something absurd, He wasn't exactly sure of how he felt. It was all new for him. This was one of the stuppidest things I had done thus far. Damn it! I normal self woldn't think nor say so many profane words but I really had no patience to be lady like i this kind of situation. Once in hell you might as well befriend the devil right? I was in too deep, there was no turning back, I dove in. You are so blind, Edward. Can't you see where you are headed? This wasn't the truth he had also dived in, – head first - he couldn't turn anymore than I could. Can't you see where you already are? It's more incevitable then the sun

rising in the east. See what I see... I ran the pictures in my mind once more, exposing all the details, even the horrific image. “ No” He shook his head as soon as I showed him the less fortunate outcome. “I don't have to follow that course. I 'll leave. I will change the future” “You can try.” He could that doesn't mean he would succeed. “oh come on!” Emmett made me aware we weren't alone and the others had heard part of our conversation. “Pay atention, Alice sees him falling for a human. How classically Edward.” Rosalie hissed at him. So the iritation wasn't just protection, or love for our family, it was jealousy. She had caught on faster then anyone else, faster than me even. “what? Is that what's been going on? Tough break Edward” He put his hands on Edward's shoulder. Eward shook it off. No mood for Emmett's jokes right now. “Fall for a human ? For the girl he saved today? Fall in love with her” Esme tried to organize her thoughts out loud. “What do you see Alice, Exactly?” Jasper was also tired of being left out. “It all depends on whether he is strong enough or not. Either he will kill her himself, Which would really irritate me, Edward.” I looked away from Jasper so he could see I was not joking about this. “Not no mention what it would do to you” I coudn't keep looking at him, if I did the dreadful image would come up again. I looked at Jasper once more. “Or she'l be one of us someday” Esme gasped, I looked to make sure she was ok, then continued explaining what would happen. “It all depends, He might be just strong enough not to kill

her – but it will be close. It will take amazing amout of control. More even than Carlisle has. He might be just strng enough.” I felf hopeful, I wanted this to work out. “The only thing he's not strong enough to do is to stay away from her. That's a lost cause.” Everyting was still and Edward's reacting could have been taken out of one of those bad mexican soapoperas. He was petriffied. Carlisle was the first to break the uneasyness. “Well ths... complicates things” “I'd say” Emmett voiced my own thoughts. “I suppose the plans remain the same, though, We'll stay and watch. Obviously no one will... hurt the girl.” I suppose the thought of “killing the girl was both too much for Carlisle's compassion and way too much for Edward's weakened knees. “No, I can agree to that. If Alice sees only two ways...” I felt thankful and relived. Jasper would allow my favorite future to happen. “No, No!” Edward kept on saying. Poor him, I knew this would be complicated but how could he be so pessimistic. There is always hope even for people like us. Life owed it to him. He had earned it. He looked at each one of us, maybe reading our thoughts. His face was something absolutely impossible to describe. He turned to leave and Esme extended her hand to touch him. He was out before any of us could reason throught it. “Where, Alice? Where is he going? Is he leaving? Oh my son, I can't take this anymore” Esme's dispair. Carlisle hugged her, she burrie her face to his chest. “He just needs to think, He'll be back by sunrise, he's not going anywhere.”

“ Alice, would you trust this future for him? We can stay, but can he stay?” Carlisle was now worried about him. “I don't know I am not sure. As much as I'd like to believe that, and think he would be no longer lonely an bitter. There's always the possibility that he might just slip and kill her, it's like dating a soap bubble. Something could happen at an moment, a car, violent, some desease it's enough to drive anyone crazy.” “His own damn stupidity. Fall for a human.” “What is it that you are so mad about Rosalie?” I knew she would understand my understatement. “Am I the only one who can see clear? I'm off! Let's go Emmett.” He followed like the good doormat he was. “You are right, but can we have hope?” Carlisle asked. “I would think so, fifty percent is a good probability afterall.” “If you think, we shall belive it as well” Carlisle sometimes did this, he would ask me for my opinion and not go against it as much as his reason told him to do otherwise. I was the one who could see the future afterall, even if my gilf was sometimes subjective. Jasper touched my sholders and I turned to leave. “Where are you going?”Esme's voice as hysterical. “Just upstairs I need some time to think and see how we can help him. For now let's bet on it.” “With all my heart” Esme did mean it. She really was betting her heart at it, once her heart was her husband and children. I walked over to her, and kissed her forehead. “It's gonna be ok.” “This is what you mentined that day isn't it?” she seemed deep in thought.

“excuse me?” I didn't know what se was talking about. “When you said what was upsetting you were matters of the heart.” “Oh,” There was no fooling them. “I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you ll just then, It wasn't mine to tell.” I looked at Jasper. I hopped he understood how sorry I was for almost ruining our relationship. I really couldn't tell though. “I guess I understand, even if don't like it.” I kissed her hands and headed upstairs followed by Jasper. I opened our bedroom door and flung myself on the bed. I wish I could turn my thoughts off it had been such a terrible day. My head felt lighter and heavier at the same time. I was free to think, I wans't free to move on though. We had to help our brother. Jasper sat by my side and touched my back then leaned down and wrapped me around his arms. I burried yself there feeling a little better for the first time today. I just stayed there feeling my skin burn where he had touched me. I imagined Edward and Bella together and the image of the clearing came to my mind. This would be the climax of this mess. He would give in to it and over her, or maybe e would... destroy himself. What are you thinking about? He asked me after a while. “Nothing in particular just this whole situation.” “Humn.” “Too complicated. Would I be too sadic to say I like it?” “That depends.” “On what?” “On why you like it.” Why did I feel happy about this? I suppose because he had a chance I had a chance. I wouldn't wonder what it would be

like anymore, to have a friend. Maybe even a human friend. Human. Fragile. Would she ever miss it? I guessed Jasper did, at least something. We had never realy spoken about this but I knew he did, I just didn't know what.” “Do you miss it?” “What you being sadic?” he chuckled a little at his own joke. “No, being human.” He paused, then took a deep breath before he answered. “Yes.” Did he suffer because of this? Was he miserble? He wasn't really fond of sharing his weaknesses. My heart sank a little thinking i didn't make him complete. “What is it that you miss?” “Chocolatte pecan brownies.” “Brownies? From your whole human like that's what you miss?” I sat up to face him. I would have thought he would have a grim on his face but he was serious. “Really?” You can still have them you know? “Nah, they don't taste like they used to. Besides my gradma is not around to made them anymore.” I felt a lump on my throat. He noticed the change in my mood and then continued. “Besides I found something that tastes much better.” Human blood... I thought, It really was alluring. I didn't regret my choice of living but somedays were better than others. “What? You are not gonna ask me what it is?” He had a grim on his face. “What is it?” “This.” He pulled me from where i was sitting on the bed and put me on his lap. He kissed me very passionately. This

was no delicate kiss as the ones we usually shared in public, it was a feverish, smolethering kiss that would have knocked me right off my feet. He grasped my neck and then kissed me a few times lightly on the lips, then on my forehead. “what did you think it was?” “Was what?” I didn't care about Edward murdering humans anymore, I wanted the world to colide as long as I could still have that kiss. “What did you think was the best thing i had ever tasted?” “It doesn't matter.” “'course it does.” I felt a little self consious. I didn't want to upset him. “Blood” I said in a low tone of voice. “Oh that's good too but, this... I wouldn't miss it for the world. If I had a soul, I would sell it to have it.” “That's absurd! I would't let you do that” “It's still a small price to pay.” He ganced meaninfully at me. “Brownies...” I mumbbled. “What is it?” “I wonder what they tasted like...” “You are not mising much, of course I don't miss the brownies themselves. I miss home, or a different kind of home. One's got to give to receive though.” “Was it worth it?” “The kiss?” “No, Your choices to join us and all.” “I had no choice before you, Alice. You know that. What happened to me wans't chosen by me, but you gave me hope.” “I wonder...” “What? Don't you care question my dev...”

“Yo devotion, is nothing compared to my own. That is not what I was wondering though. Bella will have to choose, I wonder if she will... miss it. Being human.” “That's completely different.” “How so? She being offered love, immortality and youth, That's hard to resist. Do think I would have thought twice if you had found me human and given me the choice?” “what would you have chosen?” “Screw the brownies.” “Are we still talking about brownies?” “I don't think so” He pulled me to him once more, with the firstfulness of my lover. He Kissed me once again and I wrapped me legs around his torse trying to diminiush the distance between our bodies. He let ot a little moarn when I did, showing me he ached for me too. He tore off my dress and soon every inch of our skin was touching.

5. Detention Time for School! Wasn't that exciting? The occasion called fot something great. Why? No special reason! Something just felt right! It has been a few days since I had this kind of feeling. Edward was being a real pain in the neck! Bella didn't even look at him. She was getting a lot of attention from some boys I wondered if Edward minded that. There was actually a new routine in the house. As soon as we got home Edward would Start running and was only to be seen the next day most of the time. He didn't want to hear our thought being them supportive or not.

“Alice?” “Coming!” “You have said that five times already!” “I need to look perfect.” “You've always been perfect.” I put on some more red lip gloss and headed out of the bathroom. “Good grief!” “What you don't like it?” “That's the probem I do. You look stunning Mrs. Whitlock.” “Well thank you” I said giving him a light kiss on the lips. He pulled away holding my eyes string down at me. “What?” “You are sure it's all gonna be ok? Because There's no way you're-” “going into that school if you'll be in danger. I know, Jaz. We really are going to be ok. I promisse.” He didn't say anyting instead he just stared at me, I supposed he was trying to catch any nervousness in my mood that might be the hint of a lie. “Shall we?” I said pointing the door. E followed close being me. I hopped along the hallway and then slip on the handle of the staircase. When I reach the botton Jasper was already there to catch me. I laughed softly, he joined me with a smile. “Someone is in a good mood today...” Rose said, using her annoying sarcastic tone. “Morning, Rose. I see you are betting bitchier by the second. Emmett You know woman get stressed due to lack of sex and you are clearly not doing your job.”

“Last I checked my name wasn't Jasper.” “Cut it all of of you. Has any of you seen your brother?” Esme said as she reached the bottom of the steps. “If I were a stupid moreon how would I spend my night? Let me see running of course! He hasn't been back yet.” Yup, she was bitchier than usual. “Rosalie give him a break this is being really har for him. We need to be supportive.” “Hell is more likely to freeze over, before I am supportive of this bullshit.” She didn't wait for the lecture she was out in the car before Esme could stop her. “What's gotten into her.” I Lift my shoulders not knowing what to say. “Have a good day at school, and protect them.” She said kissing Jasper. “You look stunning what's the occasion?” “I need to cause an impression, I am going to see my future best friend.” She chuckled with me. “Have a good day, my darling.” She kissed my forehead, and I kissed her hand as a sign of respect. We headed to the Car I found Edward sitting on the steps outside. “Morning, Edward!” He didn't bother as much as looking up. He went into the driver's seat and three minutes flat we were at school. Good thing we were Immortal we was driving like a maniac. Even for himself. I noticed many stares and we went in. I suppose I really did look good. It was embarassing to think as mysef as

beautiful or stunning. Rose was the one who always got the attention. I was petit and delicate. I didn't call much attention. I was beautiful to human. We all were. My sense for fashion was what made me different I had thick white stalkings on, gray checkered shorts, a black long sleeved top, a black and white scarf, and a beautiful back Armani coat over it. To finish it all up O wore red Ray Ban sunglasses. Like I said, I had a gift for my art. My first class was with Edward. He didn't acknowledge me much - not at all was more like it. If I hadn't known better I would have thought he was paying attention to class but I knew he'd heard it all over and over again far too many times. We were aroung during world war two – seriously humans could be so stuppid sometime, WWII should never have gone that far. They said Hitler actually killed himself but we knew it wasn't so. The “food supply” was going down and vamps had to interfere. He had received a visit from a Volturi that night who made it look like suicide. Voturi were the essence of our being, our ancestors the crème de la crème of the vampire society, they were responsible for keeping order and also the welfare among vampires all over the globe. They represented Power, glamour, supremacy, status and above it all they were royal - we had our own history to worry about. During the whole perriod Edward stared straigt ahead. Not even glancing my way. I didn't know if my Cheerful thought were hurting him and I knew that every now and ten when I scaped out and started thinking of certain moments with Jasper, he would eventually get a fash of our privacy. I knew he tried to

not mention but it was embarassing having your bother know all details of your sex life. Thank god neither Esme nor Carlisle had psychic habilities. I laughed on the inside not wanting anyone to think I had gone loony. “Bella is going to stare at Edward in one minute. Look normal.” I blurred out, at lunch time. I noticed all of them started blinking and shifting their weight so they wouldn't look, dead. She looked at him and I caught somthing in her eyes I couldn't quite make out. She missed him. Oh my hood! She missed him! I wish you weren't suck a lame brainless stubborn spoiler. Ok I didn't mean it, at least not the brainless part. “Stay out of this, Alice. It's not going to happen.” I pounted. He had just prove my point he was a big fat spoiler. Fudge! I didn't like this. I missed her. I missed my clear vision of the both of us holding hands. Deep down inside I wanted her to be a vamp. I'll admit, You're better than I thought.You've got the future all snarled up and senseless angain. I hope you are happy. I most certainly was not! “It makes plenty of sense to me” I thought of saying you're only fooling yourself but he really had done it. So instead I snorted. Do yourself a favor and stop this nonsense. You are hurting only yourself with this. And me. Well a bit. He wasn't listening to me anymore. He was impatient. I knew this was becoming harder and harder for him. He was going through all this troubble to run away from his own happiness. I scanned his nea future and I could

only make out hs mood growing darker and darker. What? Why? I scanned my own to make sure I wasn't gonna piss him off but I saw I'd be in a better mood. Like I said senseless, unless... I scanned Bellas future and there it was the reasn why Edward's mood would go so dark. Jealousy. I kept myself from a histerical laugh. No wonder my mood would be lighter this was great. He really was at the verge of giving in he only needed a little push. Bella's personal human stalker was going to ask her to the girl's choice dance. Talk about not reading between the lines. It was a girl's choice, if she didn't ask. She didn't want to go with him. I woundered if she wanted to go at all. Maybe with Edward. He was such a good dancer. I wish he would be a little more reasonable and ask her. They would make such a nice couple. Good thing Edward was purposly locking me out. I let my lips curl just a bit. Bella ws going to fling the boy right on his but. Oh boy he was not used to rejection. I have always hated brainless jocks. You go girl! I thought cheering Bella on. Michael had already aproached Bella and she looke unconfortable. Edward was... to say rigid would have been an understatement he was posessed. As they talked along I watched amused and Edward curled his fist. He might have thought he was making progress but now I could see how much this “progress” was actually costing him. Perfect sense he had said. Bullshit! Through the perriod he continued like that. Before the Bell rang I saw he would be speaking to her. We got up

as the bell rang. He rushed to his class witout saying a word once he was out I said “Have fun in bio” We all laughed. “You are my hero” said Emmett. “I was about to say that but I imagined he would have me torn to pieces and burnt, nice job sis.” I stole one last glance at Bella. On my way to English lass. She was on my mind most of the time. I didn't even know what the lecture was about. She was her dull usual self always. She was so different from me, but I felt incredibly conected to her. Now and then she always looked at our direction, trying to be discrete. She didn't want to give in but she missed him, as much as he missed her. I had been right, to think she wouldn't say anything. Nothing had been said about my brother's “super powers” we were safe. Thank you for protecting our secret. I though and as if she could hear. The bell rang, my mind continued examining the facts. Jasper was waiting for me outside my class. I took his hand. My mind on Edward. There's no way out like I have said. You are in too deep. She might just be the best thing that ever happened to you if you only gave yourself te chance. Stop fighting this. It's pointless. The pain you'll cause yourself is far too deep you can't be away from her anymore than I can be away from you, anymore than I can be away from our family. Edward take it bite into it. It's the flavour of life and your lips have tasted nothing but loneliness and vein things. You obsess yourself with your studies and make up excuses. You haven't tasted it.

You haven't bitten into it. You know nothing of, love, pleasure, hopes, plans dreams. Therefore you are not living. I half thought half warned him, in my mind. I didn't need to mention him on my list. I couldn't stand being away from my heart, from my life. “What is it?” he asked, not standing the silence anymore. I raised my head so my lips could touch his ear. “I love you” He didn't say anything except looked at me. I could see something burning in his eyes. He haised my hand to his mouth and kissed it, still looking in my eyes. I chill ran down my spine. And every little milimiter of me was incandescent. “Thanks for reminding me this is why I am alive.” I said still holding his gaze. “My pleasure” He gave me a mischivious smile. It was then he made a decision about something and I wished I didn't have my powers, because this surprise would have been nice. He didn't hint me as to wather he had caught on to the fact that I knew what he was soon going to to, and I didn't care if he had. I would just sit here and pretend to be oblivious for a change. He stared down at me, “How can someone this small be so annoying?” He marched to class and we all walked to our classes I laughed so much I nearly fainted. I kissed Jasper goodbye knowing I would soon see him and headed to the english building. As soon as we

parted I had an image of him running through the outside of the school to catch me before I reached my english class. Five, four, three, two, one. There! He came out of nowhere and grabbed me. The art gallery – where all students hung their work was completely deserted this period – was our secret hideout. “What was that for?” I asked pretending to not know. He pulled me closer and then played with a strand of my spiky hair. “God, you look beautiful.” It was a good thing I didn't need to breath because would have run out of air. He delicately ran his fingers on my skin and te coutour of my lips. “Alice” “Yes?” “There is something I want to ask you, and please don't ruin this for me, I know you already know.” knowing it wasn't the same as living it. Will you marry me, for the fiftieth forth time?” I didn't know how old I was but I know I had only been alive for fifty eight years. Since I first met Jasper. “all this talk about Edward being in love, made me think about this. Will you be my wife? Again?” he kneled before me. “Jasper there is no purpose for me if not you.” “I love you” He said puling me into a kiss. Oh the glory of that kiss. My whole being lift up and I was no longer in my body. This had to me my own piece of heaven. If I hadn' t been s caught up in the kiss I would have seen what came next. Mr O'connor, the ceramics teacher. “Aharrrammm” He cleared his throat. “Aren't you two supposed to be in class? I truely thought you two knew better than to have such reckless behavior and skip class like this.” He had no idea how many classes we

actually missed. “Busted” I whispered too low, so only Jaz could hear. “You two will please follow me to Mr. Caruthers's office?” Great we went straight to the principal. I couldn't believe we got caught! This was completely absurd! I am a “future teller” for Christ sake, or Lucifer's sake... whatever. I kept on arguing with mysef for being dumb. Beside Jasper didn't seem the least bit phased. “What's wrong with you? Esme is gonna give us hell for this.” I whispered to him, mr. Caruthers's was oblivious to our talk. “you are the one to tell that. You have to admit it's funny, it's also a new experience I have never been in detention with you.” Detention. Oh no! Let it not get that far! Esme would murder us. I stare at him in disbelief. How could he be so fascinated with this? He stared back at me and the memories of what we were doing before came back to me. He was messing with my mood to show me how he was still feeling. The fact that's I'd accepted him in my life once more was astonishing to him. I couldn't help a smile. This human pace was driving me insane I had alread been two minutes when we finally got to the Principal's office. Golden leters at the door stated: Princial's Office – Mr. Hayes. Mr hayes didn 't always mix with students. Most of the time he stayed in his own office taking care of paper work. He wasn't too scary, I hopes that held true after our chat. I couldn't see what would

really happen. Seems like any of the Cullen's getting into troubble wasn't something he tended to imagine. “Please, come in.” He called from inside the room, right after he heard the soft knock on the door. “Excuse me, Mr Hayes.” said Mr. Caruthers – He used to be my favorite teacher as of right now I wasn't too happy with him. He had interrupted our making out and gotten us busted . So much for the coolest teacher in the school. “Hello Michael, what can I do for you? - Oh Miss and Mr Cullen. ?” Confusing flashed through his eyes. I might have thought anything except we were in troubble because, the “futures” that came to my mind all showed he might have thought someone bullied us around, or we might need to be dismissed, anything except what had really happened. “Bill, I caught these two skipping class, in the art room, and ... well... they were... they were bahaving inapropriately.” He didn't feel confortable talking about making out? What was his problem? This guy needed to get laid, and I mean; Big time! I tried to hold back a laughing fit. I thought that wouldn't help much being that, me laughing at a teacher's lack of sex life was hardly appropriate. I made a mental note to fix him up with someone. Maybe if he was getting some he wouldn't ruin anyone's fifty- forth wedding proposal. “Excuse me?” Mr. Hayes clearly though that couldn't possibly be true. Mr Caruthers or “Michael” as they addressed each other in less formal manner, nodded to show him he had unserstood it correctly. “Mr. Hale? Is that so?”

“Yes, It is technicaly true.” “Technicaly?” I elbowed him, sarcasm wasn't going to get him anywhere. “I mean. Yes Sir, we were out of class.” “May I ask why your were not in class?” “I had something... personal to tell Alice.” I couldn't help curling my lip just a little. This would actualy be hilarious if it weren't happening to me. “Personal.” He shook is head, his expression became hard. He thought we had a great potencial, he thought we had a brilliant future ahead of us and that we were slaking off. “I am very dissapointed in you two. I thought you knew better. You both cutting class, not to mention the unexcusable behavior. School policy is not against relationship among students as long as it does not interfere in their academics. You are both advanced students. I really though you two knew better than that. Do you not care about college? You future depends on how well you two do here. I know your family can afford a good institution and you two do not need a scholarship but have you ever though how that would please your mother and father? You two are really...” He continued but I was no longer listening to him. I was more focused on the images in my head. He was decinding how to punish us and neither of the options were good. But one was worse thn the other. He was considering having Esme and Carlisle here. He would probably lecture then on how they were stimulating something completely against “moral rules”. Oh please don't invite them in, oh please don't invite them in.

It migt have been funny to think and two grown vampires afraid of their “Mom”, if you had a vampire mom you'd probably not talk back to her either. Our issue here was a bit bigger though. Esme was the only person we didn't ever want to hurt. Esme was to delicate, too loving to ever be dissobeyed. I was suffering in anticipation seing her sad face in my mind. Jasper sensed my mood and picked up was could happen. Then tried to fix the situation. He held te same admiration towards Esme, even if he didn't always show it. “Mr Hayes. We are really sorry. This wil never happen again. It was all my fault.” He did make some progress, but it wasn't enough. “I don't know if you are sorry, although I will make sure you are given some time to think about what you have done.” This was harsh. He didn't decide for either future instead he decided to combine both. Oh, fuck! “I will have a talk wit your parents about your inappropriate beavior.” He said conclusevely. Detention. Great! Comunnity service, even better! I thought sarcastically. Saturday was going to be a sunny day, nothing I liked more than tutoring kids on a sunny saturday. I enjoyed the sun even though no one could see us while it was sunny. Not that I would burst into flames. We were just... well... different. I had never felt so human in my life, so I did the obvious thing to to – I begged. “Oh, no please, please don't do that. You have no -” “See? That's why I need to do it. This way I know this will not happen again.” I frowned letting the subject drop. I knew he wouldn't

change his mind. “You two may wait in the main office until the bell ring and go to you last periods. I will discuss a proper punishment with your guardians.” Jasper Noticed my even worse mood and squeezed my hand. “It's gonna be fine.” he whispered too low for humans to hear. “You are both excused.” He dismissed us. I was glad to get of of his torture chamber. “Do you think someone wil notice he's missing if I go back there and rip his throat out?” I said in a sweet and Inocent voice. Jasper laughed. “You would ruin your clothes.” I frowned he was right. No ruinning these clothes they were too nice. “ok, I could go home change, and then rip his throat. Before the bell rang.” sounde like a better idea. “Would you resist the blood?” I considered that for a moment. Would I? It was too alluring. “Probably not.” “I doubt it, You are pretty good at this.” “No one could resist easy, warm blood, specially when I have a reson for it. We are gonna have a very unpleasant evening. You know that. Right? “I could have Guessed.” He lowered his head, and was deep in though. “A penny for your thoughts.” I chimmed in and he smiled. “Wouldn't it be nice to be Edward now and then?” “Probably not nice right now, he's in Bio next to the human, and from what I see in their imediate future,

She isn't being too nice to him. Actually she is pretending he didn't even exist.” I giggled. Then I noticed some new images on my head. Edwars inviting Bella to the girl's choice dance. I giggled again. “That's rough.” He held the main office door for me. “Thank you.” “Always a pleasure M'daam.” “Don't change subjects. What were you thinking?” I whispered once we sat down at the bench. Silence fell then his expression hardened again. “I am sorry.” He said after a few moments. “For what?” “For getting you into troubble.” There he was blaming himself for everything. “Don't even start” “No it really is my fault and really should have waited I haven't even purchased your engagement gift yet. It was stupid.” I held his hand. Looked at him to make sure he was paying attention. “ Fist of all it's not your fault second of all, I do not need a gift. And last It was not stupid. It was the the best way you could have propesed to me. Because you are all I need.” The bell rang and we got up ready to face our last class. Not even close to ready to facing Esme. Detention sonded “fun” right about now as the clock ticked aways it's last minutes. Couln't it have taken a little longer? Like an eternity longer? No, of course not! “what -” I tried to ask when I saw where Edward had parked his car. Emmett caught on to my reaction. “Told ya, he's lost it. Next thing you know he'll be raising a dog.”

“What is that f-” “Language, Rose.” I warned her. hissed and growled at me then started towards where Edward had parked his car. “Err, Rose.” Emmett was trying verry hard to choose the right words – something rare, very rare for him. “He told us to wait here.” She simply tossed her hair then took two steps towards the car. “You all know this is ridiculous, right? Or am I the only one sane here?” “No, but you are the one with the stick up your a-” “Alice!” Jasper scolded me. “Enough you two. Let's go.” He ordered walking slowly to the car. As we got closer, I could finally see what he was trying to do. For some Bizarre reason he was blocking Bella's way! He burst into a laughing fit. I had to control my own satisfaction, I would soon go shopping with Bella Swan. When we got in the car he was still laughing, it was nice to see him alive – if that's what we were – again. “Let's go. Stop being an idiot. If you can.” Rosalie ordered, as delicate as a group of elephants running down a hill. Jasper squeezed my hand, to question me. My lighter mood made no sense to him, being that I was about to go into a nightmare. When there was no more traffic Edward stepped on the gas, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I was dying to know. “So do I get to talk to Bella, now?” I joined my hands

and my voice came out extra high, due to my excitement. “No.” “Not fair.” I argued. “What am I waiting for?” Edward could be a real pin head when he wanted to. “I haven't decided anything yet, Alice.” “Whatever, Edward.” I crossed my arms across my chest and a huge pount took over my lips. I knew he had decided. I was the one with the ubnormal visions here! Bella's two possible futures were as clear as ever. “What's the point of getting to know her if I am only going to kill her?” He murmurred bitterly. Was he? “You have a point” I stated still annoyed, I knew this would piss him off and it did, he sped some more and turned like a lunatic, coming a hair's width of the garage's wall. You, Dummy! I thought. We are immortals but the car is NOT! “Enjoy your run.” Rosalie, put some real effort into pissing him off further, as he jumped out of the car. I put my future best friend and crazy brother issues aside, I took a deep breath, time for our veredict. Jasper sensed my tension and put and arm around my shoulder after helpig me out of the car. Both Esme and Carlisle were waiting for us. Just like my visions had told me. Esme had her arms crossed, and Carlisle had his arm around her. They stood silently by the door, We followed them to Carlisle'd office. Oh oh. This was serious. “Busted” Emmett called out when we went by him.

Esme shot him a look, making him shut his tramp. She was in a really bad mood. His eyes went wide and he quickly went to his room. Carlisle opened the door and let us in. He was the last to come in. Esme Stood by his desk he joined her putting his arm around her. His expresssion was severe but not even close to hers. She was pissed and dissapointed beyond words. “Were you two out of your minds?” She began. It wasn't really a question. More like a statement. “Have you any idea what kind of education your principal thinks we are giving you both.” No need to state we were all much older than the principal. Even Emmett was. “I thought you two knew better than that. I Know you don't like going to school, again and again, but is it that bad? Is it not worth protecting our family? You still have the afternoon the night and the dawn all to yourselves. I have always thought that wasn't too much to ask. You two made them question our virtues, our morals. I was beyond Embarassed. Isn't it enough to have people thinking it's crazy to have addoped children dating among themselves? Did you really have to make it that much worse? I thought our family meant more to you than this.” She uncrossed her arm so she could hold Carlisle. The lump in my throat grew bigger and I wished I could cry or die so the pain in my chest would go away. Her words had been too harsh. “Now please tell me whatta hell were you two doing out of class?” Silence again. I wanted to explain but I simply couldn't, we had been too selfish we hadn't thought at all about our family. Our reason wasn't too heroic.

“Oh you better give me a good reason, you had better be saving the day, preventing the school from catching on fire because you were stupid enough to get caught! How the hell did you get caught?” She was becoming more and more exasperated. She never swore. Never. She was way beyond angry she was outraged. Jasper was the one to speak. “It was all my fault. She was going to class and I held her up.” “Jasper, Alice shares the blame here. You still haven't given me a reason.” Carlisle spoke next. “Please understand we are dissapointed because we trust you and you broke our trust. If you were going through some kind of troubble you should have told us.” He was concerned something more serious migt have been happening. This made me feel that much worse. He could never have picture us as being that selfish. The imediate future changed a bit. Esme had also questioned if she wa being to severe. “Tell me what's going on? You both know you can share anything with us.” “I have proposed to Alice, again.” Jasper said Lowering his head. Esme and Carlisle burst out in happiness. What a crazy outcome to our lecture. This wasn't the reaction I expected. Not at all. Jasper had decided to tell on spot not giving me enough time to see it. Either way I wasn't concentrating. “Oh that is so nice!” She hugged me. “Congratualtions!” Carlisle also hugged Jasper. Who was as stunned as I was to see their reaction. Esme pulled away to look at me. “This was reckless

and stupid but you are getting married, again. I am so happy for you. Soon Edward -” She stopped herself mid-sentence. I giggled. That's where all of this was coming from. Edward's new love. “Alice if you could see it you would tell me, wouldn't you?” “Esme, you know me better. Do you realy think I would keep it to myself. I am not the most discrete person you know. I am famous for spilling the beans.” We all laughed. “Chances are good though, like I said, so let's hope for it?” “Absolutely.” She said with the most beautiful smile I had even seen. “What about you two, we need to get a wedding planner and flowers, are you two going to do it here? Woudn't you prefer to rent a place? Maybe a garden wedding? We have to tell Tanya and our cousins so they come and -” “Esme,” I hatted to stop her but that wasn't really what I had in mind. Not given the “Edward situation” N one loved a part more than me lots of glamour, music, flowers and all. This really wasn't the case though. I wanted all that stuff but I wanted it a little more private. Maybe just our family. “we wanted to do something more private.” “I was actually going take Alice away this time.” Jasper cut in. “I don't think A big party would be apropriate. Edward is really not in the mood.” Esme nodded. Carlisle shook his head with concern. “Where is he?” I whispered. It wasn't really a question, more like spoken toughts. I felt guilty for wat I said back in the car.

“I thought to ask you the same question.” Observed Carlisle. I scanned thought the pictures of Edward. “He's in canada. Well at least right now he is.” “What is he doing in Canada?” Carlisle asked in Surprise. “Running” The three of them concluded together. “Hunting actually. Making sure he is well norished so his future girlfriend will not become a nice Roast Beef diner.” “She's too skiny!” “Jasper!” “What?” He asked putting his hands up sarcastically. “Not funny!” We all burst into laugher. I was happy to not be the only one losing it. “We'll speak in private later, Jasper.” Carlisle winked and him. “You too know I am going to find out, anyway, don't you?” “It won't kill us to try.” Jasper said jokinly. “Jasper and I are going to watch a movie, Do you want to join us?” “Oh, are we?” He asked amused. “Yeah, you were going to ask me in five minutes anyway.” “You never stop suprising me, you know?” He said grimmacing. “Same here.” Joked Carlisle. “So, Alice I did happen to buy a DVD you seem to like, why don't we watch it?” There was a general laugh. “Oh come on, already.” I threw my hands up then grabber him by his shirt and dragged out of Carlisle's

Office and down the hall. “Small, unpreddictable and deadly, just how I like them.” I laughed at his comment. “You have no idea how -” I didn't finish my sentence and I didn't see anything else. “Alice! What is it?” I heard jasper's voice in the back of my mind. I rose my hands to my temples and concentrated hard on my vision. I could see Edward at the edge of the forest, right next to Bella's House. “Oh no!” I murmurred. “Alice?” Jasper tried again. He was watching the house, his every move smooth and controled, just like te hunter he was. No! Edward, don't to it. You are going to be so sorry if you do! It will destroy you! He dashed across the yard then climbe the house and stopped by her room's window. I had used that same window search her room a few weeks ago, when I had a vision. He didn't go in, instead he staye there looking through the glass. That's it come home. Come home. I could sense he was about to turn and leave but suddenly he changed his mind. The vision was so clear in my mind. I knew it hadn't happened yet, but it would, as certain and the stars in the night sky it would, and very soon. It was a matter of seconds. There was no time to stop him. He opened the window and let himself in. “No, you can't do this to me” I whispered holding on to my chest and sinking to the floor, feeling a sharp pain

in my chest. “Carlisle!” I hear Jasper scream. Exasperation in his voice. “I am ok.” I told him holding his hand. “Alice?” Esme's voice was shaken. “What is it, Alice?” Carlisle seemed concerned. I shook my head. No sense in telling them about it. It would only hurt Esme and Carlisle. “Here, bring her here.” I thought I heard Esme order. Then someone lift me and put me on a chair. Edward took a few steps around the room. Bella was asleep, well kind of she wasn't sound aleep, she was restless. Wake up, Bella! I have no clue why I ordered her that. She couldn't hear and he would kill her either way. You are better than that, Edward. I know you are. He stood there observing her, looking around the room. He never really approached her. Then he took a seat on a rocking chair in the corner of the room. He never took his eyes off her, his expression was slowly changing into fondness. I felt the tenssion leave my own body slowly. Bella seemed to be a bit calmer, with him there. Maybe she felt safe. That was crazy, feeling safe with a vampire in your bedroom. Her lips parted and she said something, this made Edward go all tense. Why was he so tense? What had she said? Why did't my visions come with a remote to control the sounds? I pounted a little, but continued to concentrate. Edward was still and Bella turned on her bed once again. Oh My! What's up with those pijamas? They are the

ugliest thing I have ever seen! They even beat the green sweater! Bella needed me. It was a matter of life or death. Edward was perfectly still watching her even more carefuly now. I could see something new, something I had never seen in his face before, I couldn't really tell what it was, this new glimse was like a spark adding some light to his dead face. The question kept on coming to me. What had she said? I shift my attetion to Bella. She seemed to be a little quieter in her sleep now. She looked so fragile, almost like a beautiful soap bubble, beautiful and breakable. I noticed Edward and I must have shared the same view of her. I sighted. “Alice?” I had almost forgotten I had company. “I'm fine.” Bella whispered something else. I could see the little spark in Edward's eyes become a full blown fire, is heart was on fire, his life was on fire. Just like I had told him. There was no where to go, there was no running from it. His faith had caught on to him and he had finally given in – or would. I felt the corner of my lips curling as I whispered. “Unbeliavable.” I decided it was time to let him actualy live those moments, privately, Bella wasn't in danger – Immediate danger. I opened my eyes and saw five worried faces surrounding me. “Alice, What did you see?” Esme was at the verge of a heartack, that is, she would be if that were possible. “Nothing!” I beemed standing up.

The five pair of hands sat me back down. “Spill it, little midget!” Ordered Emmett. “Is it Edward?” I nodded. My smile grew wider. “Is the human still alive?” Emmett had a huge grin on his face. Esme gasped. “Sorry, to break it to you but yes! She's ok, more than ok, I'd say. She's... very well protected.” I let out a small laugh. They all continued staring at me as if I were lunatic – maybe I was. I got to my feet before they could stop me again then danced cheerfully to the window sill. “The night is too beautiful to stay inside, are you coming?” I glanced at Jasper but the invitation was for all of them. I leaped from the window onto the ground like a feather, then I jumped onto a tree and took a nice swing letting the winds touch my body, letting the night be my veil, letting my spirit free as the stars up above were witnesses of my happiness. I was thankful for my family, I was thankful for my loving husband, I was thankful for my Edward's strenght, but most of all I was endlessly thankful to this girl I felt I knew so well and hadn't even spoken to. Thank you bella. I said gazing at the brightest of the stars.

6. Drawings “Rose! Hurry up, or we are gonne be late!” I shouted

from the bottom of the stairs. “Oh, finally!” I murmurred when she joined us. “Are you deaf?” She scolded me. “I have already said the pin hea is not here!” “He has his reasons.” I stated getting the car keys and tossing them at Jasper. “You drive.” I gave him a wink. “Don't forget it's showtime tonight.” Emmett had a crazy shine to his eyes. He exchanged a glance with Jasper. “You mean bear time?” Jasper said laughing. Tonight we were scheduled to go hunting and like the usual, Emmett would run his clothes and try to beat anyone at anything. Poor him! I alreay knew the outcome. “Come on.!” I pulled Jasper towards the car. “Someone is anxious!” He joked. “Want me to fix that?” “Don't you dare, mess with my mood!” “Not fair, you know?” He whispered in my ear. “Why not?” “You always spoil my suprises.” “Believe me, I can never get tired of spoiling them!” The drive to school was pleasent, Rose was in a better mood. Emmett made a joke about how he envied Jasper, because controling a woman's mood is every guy's dream. That was so classic of Emmett. I sometimes wondered if he had always been like that. He enjoyed is non-life very much. Besides me I think he was the only one who didn't miss human things. “Edward is going to be almost at the edge of the woods by now. Leave him alone and don't stare. Does everyone understand?”

“Nope, not really.” Rosalie raised her eyesbrows. “Whatta hell is he gonna be doing there?” I raised my sholders, and made a helpless but sarcastic face. “I hate it when you do that.” “I know” I grimmaced. “Oh, one more thing. Today is a good day to skip biology.” “We have already done that lab” “No, you dummy, he's going to use you cheek cells, and, obviously, he would faint at the sight of it, and send you immediately to a lab.” “Not really, Emmett flashed his teeth, and curled his arm. “See you at lunch.” Jasper steered me inside. I knew I couldn't dodge his questions any longer. “Today is important because Edward, is making decisions that will change everything. He's already jumped in, today is a survival test.” “Are you reading minds now?” “What do you mean?” “How did you know- Oh, Never mind.” He smiled looking down at the fondly. “What?” “Have I told you you look beautiful?” “Not, today.” I joked. “Well, you do.” He squeezed my hand. “You are not a reliable source.” “I am the only source. No one checks out my wife and walks out of it alive.” He smiled dangerously. Then walked down the hall to his own class. I couldn't help but laught.

I didn't pay any paticular attention to my classes – like usual. I was off in my own little world. I was analysing the vision I had had just and we came into school. More visions kept on coming. The future still had many possibilities, but the new visions gave me more hope. My reaction to them was the most natural, of course. I count down the seconds to break time. Is it just me or has everyone else gone immortal and time isn't working properly in Forks? I complained mentally when I got tired of waitting. I got up three seconds before the bell rang, and dashed out of the door. Sensing my anxiety Jasper was, naturally, waiting for me. “Anything new?” He had a concerned expression. It wasn't until I saw it that I noticed I wasn't just excited, I was afraid, too. “Let's meet Emmett and Rose. I will tell you all.” “Where to?” “This way!” I guided the way, scanning Rose's near future to see where se would be. “Guys listen up.” How was I gonna say this? “ Well, I think Edward will prefer to be alone today, at lunch, I mean. He'll be sitting by himself, so we'll go to our regular table.” “Oh that's really great!” Rosalie threw her hands up in the air and went ahead in front of us. She bumped into one of the football players – she wasn't being careful – He had been distracted and looked around to see who had nearly knocked him over. He shook his head, when he saw her, he would rather believe he had gone mad than to think a girl that pretty and delicate could possibly be that strong.

We all laughed. “What's gotten into her?” Emmett whispered, trying to catch up to her. Edward was in fact sitting alone. Rosalie shot him a murderous glance as she went by. I noticed Jasper giving him a shy smile. I was glad he was also trying to help, and I knew it was because of me. Can I talk to Bella, now? I asked cheerfully. “Keep out of it.” How predictable. He was such a party pooper. Fine. Be stubborn. It's only a matter of time. I thought smuggly. He sighted. I remmembered I hadn't warned him about blood testing, even though he must have read it in the teacher's mind anyway. Don't forget about today's Biology test. He nodded. Our table was extra silent, not doing anything in particular. “Bella is about to come in, She'll look at us. Don't stare.” Rosalie rolled her eyes. I noticed Jasper was trying to ease her mood, unfortunately so did she. “You better stop it, or I will scratch your eyes out.” She whispered with a smile. “He was just trying to help.” Jasper squeezed my hand. I knew there was no sense in trying to argue some sense into her. Rosalie sometimes reminded me of snowhite's stepmother. She had to be the fairest of them all. Edward's rejection had always botthered her. She was

the fairest, the only problem is that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Rosalie was stunning, supernaturally pretty, more than any other vampire I'd seen, that didn't bug me. Nor did the fact that Jasper only complimented me bug her. He was mine. Things were different with Edward, she thought if he hadn't liked her there was absolutely no one he would like. Bella was snowhite. I hopped Rose wouldn't go as far as trying to poison Bella. She would never do such thing, Alice. She's your sister. I was actually very fond of Rose, she was only going through a rough path right now. “How did you spend your third period?” Jasper brough me back to reality. “Well I went to the forest to draw.” “New clothes designes?” “Actually, no. This.” I oppened my binder and took a couple sheets of paper I had drawn. “Yeah, I know. I don't know why I drew it. I just felt like it.” “This is interesting. Beauty, fragility, protection...” He paused then pointed to the girl's face. “Happiness.” Then pointing at the eyes. “Sacrifice.” I had't thought about it, but he was completely right. The next one was of Jasper asleep. I knew we didn't sleep but I imagined what that would be like. “I miss this.” He said as he examined the picture. “Sleeping?” “Yeah, I guess.” I had the feeling I didn't make him complete again. “On second thought -” He stopped mid sentence to look up at me. Then gave me a mischivious smile, sending

an eletric wave through my body. I knew exactly what he ment. We had more time together due to the fact we didn't sleep. The third picture was of Bella, from Edward's point of view, that night she had whispered something I still didn't know. I felt someting fuzzy and looked carefully at their table. Things seemed to be going well. I noticed Jasper has shifted his attetion to them as well. “Do you really think it might work out?” “I do, with all my heart. It has to.” “Then I'm with you.” We exchanged one of our private glances. The ones we used when words weren't enough to express what we felt. Bella was opening a bottle, Edward was burning, but he was holding up. I felt my heart sink. “He is so strong.” I whispered to Jasper. “Must be difficult for him to stay that close to her, to fell her sent so strong.” “Huh...” His eyes fell. Time to change subjects, I didn't want to push him. “So you are competing with Emmett tonight?” I grimmaced. “Am I?” “You will beat him.” I whispered in his ear. “I'll help you!” I winked. “I love it when you cheat. He nibbled my earlob, as he whispered, sending another eletric wave through my body. Edward and Bella's coversation drew my attention, once more. Rosalie had pulverized her pencil. Emmett was trying to control her, so was Jasper.

Oh, no! She was taking guessed at what he was. This was the same as playing with fire. Not a safe game. “Can you believe what he's doing” Rosalie said through clentched teeth. “Rose, he's not said anything” Emmett was actually serious. Hell was about to freeze over. Edward reached across the table and took, her bottle's lid. I scanned the future. “Rose, relax. We are going to be just fine.” “What is your definition of fine? Miss clutz of the century living in our house?” I ignored her not wanting to take the argument further. Selfish. “The bell is about to ring. Let's get out of here.” Before Rosalie kills Bella, herself. Jasper walked me to my English class. He was glad to notice how my mood had improved. “See you later.” He said. “See you soon” I said pointing to my head. I never stopped seeing him, just like he never stopped sensing me. He smilled and walked to his own class. “Miss Cullen, could you continue reading where Miss Hutter stopped?” “My pleasure.” Luckly I was actually paying attention “Lysander: Ay me! for aught that I could ever read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth; But either it was different in blood Hermia:

O cross! too high to be enthrall'd to low. Lysander: Or else misgraffèd in respect of years Hermia: O spite! too old to be engag'd to young.

Lysander: Or else it stood upon the choice of friends. Hermia: O hell! to choose love by another's eyes.” “What did he mean by “The course of true love never did run smooth”, Alice? Midsummer Night's dream has always been one of my favorites. I didn't care much for literature, but this passage I didn't even have to read I knew it by heart. So I answered without hesitation. “They are talking about their troubbles. How they are meant to be together and are not. Lysander and Hermia, have since the begining shared a forbidden love. Hermia's father has decided that she must marry Demetrius, not Lysander; if she refuses, she'll have to face the law of Athens. Which stated that she will die or become a nun. Lysander is trying to soothe her when he says “The course of true love never did run smooth”. He's trying to say that they are facing troubble, but what they share is so much stronger than that. Their Love is true and they can face anything together. Apparently, comparing their romance to a river's current. His examples elicit parallel replies

from Hermia, they include examples such as complicated differences in their so called classes or blood if you wish. They are slaves of their relationships with their so called friends. The rest of his complaint which has not been read will only further ilustrate the same. Hermia compares marriage to Hybridization.” “Wow! Alice I wish more young people could so thouroghly understand Shakespeare, I am impressed. So just as you classmate has said...” He continued lecturing the class. There was mroe to it than just that he was talking about a vampire and a human. He was talking about Bella and Edward. Maybe this had happened before. Maybe they are not such coupple. There were plenty of vampires who had sex with humans, but they generaly ended up as lunch or supper, could a vampire have loved a human so much before? Could Shakespeare have loved a vampire? Interesting. Just like the passage said their path was not smooth but there were recompenses. I wish he could see that as well as I could right now. My visions answered my wish. They were actually together. Ditching class. He was pleased and she was safe, he wouldn't harm her. I decided not to concentrate on their near future. Thei deaserved a little privacy, this was their first proper conversation. The path of true love never did run smooth.

I continued thinking about it for the rest of the school day. Until it was finally time to go home. 7. Melody Edward the knight in the shiny armor rescuing the damsel in distress. I laughed on the inside as I held out my hand and waiting for Edward to hand me the keys to Bella's truck. “I only saw that I was. You will have to tell me the whys” Oh you bet you will Edward Cullen. I was so not driving this humongous, ugly, noisy thing for nothing. He should have known I would know my own future, but he did seem surprised. “This doesn't mean...” la la la whatever! “I know. I know. I'll wait. It won't be long.” He sighted, and gave me the key. No sense in arguing about this. I was always right. Literaly! I put the key in the ignition, and heard the humongous metal monster come to life. The engine was absurdly loud, even for a human – I am not even mentioning my sensitive ears – things only got worse as I drove along, the humongous moster was as quiet as a bulldozer and as fast as a snail. Will this ride never end? Oh come on, already. Go! I kept on telling the truck in my mind. The good point was that the truck smelled just like

her, the nice smell with a hint of sweet flowerish to it. I allowed myself a genuine smile while ran the images of the future through my mind. Pleasant, dreamy, complete. I stopped carying about the escessive noise or even the lack of spee of her truck. I was actually driving her truck! Bella's truck! I was a step closer. This simple fact was solid proof that Edward had surrended! Inevitable. Oh how I love this word! Or so I thought. When I climbed out of the truck and back onto the car I was in a great mood. Jasper held my hand, I returned the pressure, then we shared a secret smile. It was funny how neither of us needed to to psychic to pefectly understand one another. We were connected, had always been, would always be. Two bodies, one heart, one mind, one soul – if we had one. I wanted to spend the whole time with him – the whole afternoon – but I knew Emmett would steal him from me. I knew time was a problem we would never have to face, but when you have as much time was we do, you start carrying about each little second. You learn that it's not the big things but the little things that can mean the world. Things like laying in a field together, carving your initials on a tree, looking into the eyes of those you love without needing to withdraw yourself from them, because you know you have time, you

have forever to touch that person, taste that kiss, hear that voice, feel that touch, to look into those eyes. I had forever to love Jasper. I could share him for one afternoon. “Go ahead Emmett.” I told him before he even invited Jasper. “What?” Emmett was always dull to these things. Like Bella's truck big and slow – at least mentally. I laughed. It wasn't true. Emmett had a child's innocence and a big heart. He was a good brother a protector. He was Emmett. “I mean. Have fun playing chess you two.” I said going to my computer. They raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances. They had gotten used to it by now. I wasn't nearly as suttle as Edward with my gift. I turn on my computer and went back to working on the “Rosalie Project” as I called it. It was a special collection I was designing just for Rose. She wasn't in the mood to give suggestions today, so I traced the designes with my fingers. I loved doing this kind of project for Rosalie. The boys weren't nearly as passionate about their appearance and she had the perfect body for my designes, just right. I also liked to feel as if I had made a different in her non-life, as if I had made it a little less painful. Rosalie had many issues, most of the time was also missundertood.

Rosalie had been wronged very bad, I couldn't imagine living forever with that kind of feeling. Not knowing about my past sometimes seemed like my biggest gift, not my curse. I loved my life. I shift my attention a little back to the boy's chess game. Emmett had found a genius set of movements I had to warn Jasper not to allow him to do them, he had to sacrifice his Tower, so his Queen could put Emmett's king in check. Emmett would act on impulse. He wouldn't calculate five movements ahead. No one would except me. Leaning back I caught Jasper's attention. I mouthed his movements to victory. Emmett had his back to me – not something smart to do. “His knight!” I only moved my lips. He acted so naturally, I had to hold back not to laugh, and make known our shameless cheating. Ah! I gasped when I saw the vision in my mind. Edward walking shyly to his beautiful grand Piano. He hadn't played in so long. I couldn't hear the melody in my vision so I grew a little anxious as I watch him in running his fingers through the keys. He started playing a beautiful song, and imeiately had everyone's attention. I had saw Esme coming down in about three seconds, as she did. The song was sweet, it was something secret, something he wanted to say but couldn't express in

words. The song told the story of his fascination and devotion to Isasalla Swan. It was delicate, sweet yet strong like what he felt. This was the first time I could fully understand how he felt. The music spoke more than any long and tiresome speech. It showed a changed man, a man who saw the world with different eyes. Just like it had once happened to me, my world was never the same after I predicted Jasper coming into my life, nothing made sense without him. This song expressed exactly that: Bella you are my everything. I understood he would never be the same, I understood how he wanted that future as much as I did, I also felt deep within me how much this feeling pained him. Soap bubble. Was the only word that could come to my mind at that time. Suddenly he stoppped playing and burst into a laughing fit. Mind reading, but whose? I questioned myself. What was so funny? The answer came quick as Rose got to her feet and out of the room, she was exhaling bitchyness, or anger. Whatever. Esme was downstair the same second the music stopped, she begged him to continue so he did, before letting out a small laugher again.

Rosalie would break a whole lot of things today. “What's wrong, Rose?” Emmett always so worried about her. She didn't bother answering. “What's that all about?” He asked Edward oblivious to the fact that Rosalie was mad jealous. “I don't have the faintest idea.” Liar! “Keep playing.” Esme urged him. I was so glad to see her like this. The pieces were finally falling where they should. “It's charming! Does it have a name?” She asked him. “Not yet.” The same spark was there again, as vivid as ever, the one I had seen in is eyes, through my vision, when we was next to a sleeping Bella. “Is there a story to it?” She couldn't even hold back, she was glowing. “It's... a lullaby. I suppose.” Of course there was a story, I had seen parts of it. It was the story of how a dead, cold, rock heart started beating again. It was the story of a desire stronger than anyone could understand and a will beyong anyone could imagine. “A lullaby” She whispered. I got up and sat next to him, trying to help him with some keys, that didn't seem to be working so well.

“I like it. How about this?” He ran his fingers skillfully tought the keys, they even seem to fly. I hummed to the tune, it was absolutely perfect. “Yes, perfect” He said as if reading my mind – maybe he had. I let my voice free, it felt good to share this feelings with Edward. Music really is the language of the soul. He ad ond it te most convinient way to express himself. My voice filled the whole room and the piano echoed off the walls all around the house, then the melody grew a little bit slower, Edward grew a little dimmer. I followed his mood still sharing his feelings, until my voice was nothing but a humming sound, as if I was worried not to wake the sleeping girl. Edward played one last note letting is head drop. The tune was exactly his story, beautiful, perfect, joyous, loving, yet mpossible and dangerous. Fifty percent chance was nice. I had always been an optimist, but now seeing things his way... Fifty percent chance of failure was also a big challenge, something he though not worthy of facing. Not because of him – nothing could hurt him more than keeping away – He was only thinking of her. She would move on with her life, her kind tends to forget things too easily, but he... He would feel something different. Once our kind was touched, we would never be the same. Never look at someone else the same.

Our life style only made these bonds stronger, because the good things are supposed to last forever. Literally. “Thank you.” He whispered next to me. I was confused at first but then I noticed he was actually having one of those private conversations with Esme. No one knows a child like a mother. Of course she hard caught on to the whole story, she didn't need to see it like I had to undestand. She knew all of us like the back of her own hand. He let out a small bitterous laugh. In response to whatever she had said. I felt my heart sink further. How could I have been so blind? How could I not even once have seen his point of view? I had, kind of... but not like this. “Stop it, Mom, you are making me blush.” I laughed, Esme had made some progress. He wasn't so gloomy anymore. This was my cue. I played – not nearly as well as he did – a bit of a song I had always liked. Heart and soul. How ironic. Then he showed of playing Chopsticks. I could never follow his fingers like that. Mine were too small. “So I wish you'd tell me what you were laughing at Rose about, but I see that you won't” He wouldn't, but that didn't mean I coudn't try.

“Nope” Bummer! If it were possible for a vampire to chew their nails I probably would. I was very curious. I flickered his ear, trying to cause a little bit of pain, the same pain he was making me suffer from my own damn curiosity. “Be nice, Alice. Edward is being a genttleman.” Mom scolded me. “But I want to know!” I could be very whiny when I didn't get my way. Edward laughed but didn't pay any attention to my pout or my plee. Instead he said: “Here Esme” and started playing Esme's favorite song. Edward had composed it himself a while back, even before I had joined them. “Thank you dear.” I wondered off in my thought and questions, questions about myself, questions about my past, the only thing I didn't really question was my future. It's not that I didn't want to have my gift, but I sometimes wondered what it would be like not to know. I guess it was easy, I saw some bad things sometimes, but the way things were going I could be pretty optimistic about my future, our future. “Oh!” I said when I 'got' the news. “Jasper, guess

what?” Edward stopped playing, all turned to me. I knew Edward had seen it in my mind, I couldn't understand his tension. “Peter and Charlotte are coming to visit next week, they are going to be in the neighborhood, isn't that nice?” I knew he would be happy to see his old friend. He had been very close to Peter. “What's wrong Edward?” Esme had also felt the change in Edward. “Peter and Charlotte are coming to Forks?” He almost bit my head off, as if it were my fault. I rolled my eyes. This was where he was getting at. How silly! “Calm down, Edward. It's not their first visit.” not to mention that they were the closest Jasper had to a family – appart from us, of course. This only seemed to upset him further. What was the problem? They were our own kind. Oh... not really, they hunt... well... they were not “vegetarians”, but they would never ... “They never hunt here. You know that.” Seriously did he think I wasn't scared of Bella becoming vampire breakfast? Get real! She was in my future too. “When?” He barked out at me.

Monday morning. No one is going to hurt Bella. Seriously, it wasn't even a possibility. “No.” He said drily. “You ready Emmett?” “I thought we were leaving in the morning.” I was as surprised as he was. Edward could really be a spoiled brat sometimes. I saw the near future rearranging itself and Emmett made his decision. “We coming back by midnight sunday. I guess it's up to you when you want to leave. I got up from the piano bench and went back to my computer. “Okay, fine. Let me say goodbye to Rose first.” “Sure.” “I suppose I have.” He stated when Emmett was leaving the room. I foun I couldn't reallly concentrate on my designs. “Play the new song for me one more time.” Esme asked with sparkly eyes. “If you'd like that.” He was a little hesitant at first but then he reached and took someting out of his pocket. Oh My Gosh! It was the lid he had been playing with

at luch period, when he had sat with Bella for the first time. Why had he kept it? Edward was going crazy. He sat back down and then reaching for the piano he nodded as if to reasure himself. I felt my annoyance slipping away. I couldn't be mad at him, not for long anyway. He played the delightful song anyway and again I felt my hear sink at the End of it. I was glad he was spending the weekend with Emmett, they got along so well. Time with Emmett would do him some good. As for me I was growing more and more excited about Peter and Charlotte's visit. I was also looking forward for a whole weekend with Japer and nothing but Jasper, I trembbled just thinking about it, and felt every inch of my skin come to life. He looked up from where he was sitting by the TV obviously noticing the change in my mood. She gave me a questioning look, with a touch of jealosy to it. I looked around the room, Esme was back upstairs. “Don't worry. That's how you make me feel.” He was next to me at the blink of an eye. His skin as eletric as my own. “Perhaps we should follow Edward's lead and leave earlier. What do you think??” I didn't answer I only got to my feet and made it to the door, dragging him with me.

“watch this.” I told him, using my gift to predit where the small gazelle was going to be. They were fast but no match for us... obviously. I caught on quick, I didn't like playing with my food like Emmett nor did I like looking savage when I gave into my wild side. I cleaned the corners of my lips with my tongue once I finished, then I found Jasper, sitting thouthfully next to the carcass of a lion. “Why so down?” I said softly, touching his sholders. “My memories have caught up to me.” He seemed to be still far away, but he looked at me and gave a half hearted smile. “You past is part of you, no one can change what's happened.” He had suffered too much. I tried hard to make his world complete, but somedays were better than others. “What you, I mean we can do is leave it behind us, you don't need to live it on your mind again, Jaz. You are different.” I took his hand and faced him forcing him to lift his sad eyes dirrectly at me. “We can start fresh, every singgle day. Peter's visit wasn't mean to bring you down. You should be proud of what you've done for him.” “No it's not that. It's just that I could have chosen. I had a gift. I felt it, in everyone of them. Why did I wait so long...” His voice was breaking. “Because, we never know what the future holds. I took the chain I had around my neck and unlocked it.

Holding the seautiful saphire ring in my palm. This had been our first engagement ring. He had it specially made for me. At the time we didn't have anything, he didn't have a lot of money so he sold all he had to buy me this ring before we came looking for our family. This was the sign of our love, the first sign I belonged to him. “Things happen so other things, can happen. Maybe this would never have happened. Would it?” He gave me no answer he only took me into his arms and we stayed there for a while just holding eachother. I knew I had reached his borderline. I knew there was nothing I could do to change the past and no matter how much I tried to made up, his scars were al over his body to remind him everymoment of how he had been made, what he was now. Silence is sometimes worth a thousand words. This was all we really needed to know it would be all right. We needed a hug, a touch, someone to make us feel safe. We needed eachother. So we didn't do or sayanything we just watch erything arround us, while we caressed eachother's skin. When you don't have time to worry about there's no need to rush things, you can fully enjoy the company of the one you love, doing absolutely nothing but being there when they needed, if they needed. I drew his face with the tip of my fingers, He closed his eyes. He was in a much lighter mood. I kissed his forehead lighly then his

neck, and the thousands of maks on it. No matter what I do, they'll always be here. I thought. He opened his eyes then kissed me lightly on the lips, his hands strong on my back. Then he whispered with his lips touching mine. “You are my reason to keep on struggling, you are the reason for what I've become, you make me better, you give me more credit than I deserve.” Then he pulled away just a little to make me stare at his eyes. “Alice, you are my everything.” I was both wordless and breathless.

8. Memories “It's good to see you, Brother.” Peter greeted Jasper with a tight hug and a pat on the back – which would have broken all the ribs of a human. They arried monday morning, just like I had seen. “How did you know we were co -” Chalotte looked suprised at first then stopped mid sentence. “I'm sorry I never did get used to your mate's rare talent.” She smiled narrowing her Ruby eyes at me. Peter and Charlotte led a different life style. They did not see things the same way we did, even though the bond between them was strong, they could never live in a big 'family' like we did. Carlisle and Emse were both very kind to our guests. Charlotte was intrigued by how Carlisle could overcome his nature to the point of performing operations. Peter, Emmett and Jasper were engaged in stories about battles and more battles. When Carlisle left for work – after a thousand appologies – Esme started showing, Charlotte, her projects and drafts. “This is amazing!” She called looking at a particular design, made for Isle Esme.

“Oh, Thank you my dear. I did put some time into it.” Esme loved working at making Carlisle's gift them both. “Where is this located?” “It's a private Island.” She didn't mean to make it sound conceided but it was inevitable. Few people received islands as gifts, as a matter of fact Esme was the only one I knew to receive such gift. Very little changed in our household due to our visit. Peter and Charlotte seemed to fit well among us, they were interested in our activities. I was a graceous hostess trying to give them both some attention, even though my heart was else where. In two places to be exact. First: I had hardly seen Edward, and this pattern would go on for a while. Second: Peter had decided to have a private chat with Jasper. This second one was the one to bug me the most, because I knew Edward had good reasons to stay away – he couldn't stand being away from Bella until wednesday, when the sky would be covered again with a thick layer of clouds – I was actually glad he was looking over Bella. I knew Peter and Charlotte would not harm her, but she wasn't known to be the most delicate thing out there. As for Peter and Jasper

talking alone, even though I couldn't foretell exactly what he would say, I knew the look in Jasper's face. Pain, suffering and maybe even doubt. I hated it. Peter had known Jasper, before I actually met him. They had been though a lot together. Jasper valued Peter, and I knew Peter also had a big debt with Jasper. This kind of “favor” was always taken very seriously among our kind. What I didn't like was the fact that Peter brought back, memories, too many of them actually. Memories Jasper didn't like to share, not even with me. We had spoken about it very few times, just like my past was nothing but darkness, since I didn't remember any of it. He had chosen to 'forget' his past, only it always found a way of catching up to him. I knew Jasper was happy with the choices he'd made. Choices like coming with me and changing his way of life, choosing not to harm humans since we had another way of sustainance. Choices like leaving Maria and her plans behind him, so he could forget his regrets and enjoy this what we called non-life. I knew he was happy, I knew I made him happy, but I also knew this wasn't always easy for him. I tended to ask myself how much would be too much? How much was enough to make him give up? Give up on evrything, even on me. I couldn't help but to question, what would happen if Peter offered him another option, what if he had to choose. Who would he

choose? Would my gift tell me in advance if Jasper did someday decide to leave me? What was worse to suffer in anticipation, or not to be prepared for it when it came? I excused myself from the living room – Our guests were well taken care of and I needed a moment on my own. I had no right to spoil Jasper's moment. He was so glad to have rejoined his old friend. He was so glad to share his memories with someone who really understood them. I follewed a path in the forest to a place where I knew no one would bother me. I sat on the branch of a tree trying to get over my jealousy. I couldn't accept the fact that someone understood Jasper better than I did. I felt the smell before I heard the sound of the wind through her hair. I would recognize her smell anywhere. “How did you find me, Rose?” She looked up and me, leaning against a tree's trunk opposite me. “You are fairly preditable, besides, you left a trace of your cologne all the way back to the house.” She climbed up the threem then sat on the branch next to me. “I know what you are going to say.” “Do you?” She raised her perfect eyebrows at me. “That's funny because I wasn't going to say anything.”

“You never stop surprising me, you know.” I murmurred. “Why? Because I care if you wonder into the forest by yourself of of a sudden, trying not to be caught.” “It's a beautiful day, I didn't want to miss it.” I said stifly. “sure you didn't.” She rolled her eyes at me. “You don't have to tell me, but please cut out the bullshit. You all have the right to think I am egocentric, but don't bullshit me with this 'I don't give a shit atitude' because I know there's something wrong. I am not here to lecture you or anything. I am just here, in case you need me if you don't wanna talk I will just keep yu company, so you don't look as suspicious, bt if you wanna talk I am here. Once you get over your self pitty party we can go back to the house and enjoy ourselves.” “Pitty party? Is that what you think this is?” I was extremely offended. “Alice, I know you better than that. I bet a lock of my hair that you are concerned about what Peter's visit will do to Jasper's self steem. You are because you know how hard it is for him, and how much he hates to have such low self control. You have to get over it Alice! He didn't choose you. You chose him, you went to him, you changed his life, can't you see he's mad about you? How can you be so blind? He tries so hard

and makes it even harder on himself because of you. Peter is always going to have a connection with him, but that's his past. You are his future. Gosh! I don't even need to tell you that, you are the one with the annoying psychic talent.” She threw her amrs up then looked the other way. She didn't like seeing any of us down, not even Edward. Rose put on an act everysingle day. She played the heartless bitch, but she really was caring and loving, this was the Rose I had always known the Rose I loved. I didn't anwer. One action was woth a thousand words. I hugged her and she ran her fingers though my hair as if calming a child. “If you tell anyone about this, I will scratch your eyes out.” she whispered in my ear. “I love you, Rose.” “Don't go all mushy on me now come on, let's go back.” She jumped from the tree. “There you are!” He stopped then examined both of our expressions. “what's going on?” “Nothing, Emmett.” I said as I pounced onto him, holding my arm arond his neck and fangs dangerously close to his neck. “gotcha!” “The hell you do.” He tossed me bac onto the grass, and the three of us played 'tag' until nightfall, when Jasper and the others joined us.

“Where were you the whole day?” Jasper eyed us supuciouly as we went in around eight o'clock. “Just playing out in the field.” Rosalie told him as she threw herself up agaist the couch. Emmett joined her. “Where are Peter and Charlotte?” I asked joining him and taking his arm. His familiar sent felt so nice, after a whole day away from him “They will be back with in the unrise, they didn't want to bother us in our privacy.” “Jaz, Alice told me earlier she needed to talk to you.” Tow things happened at once I shot Rose a murderous glance and Jasper looked at me with hurt eyes. Oh thank you so much, Rose. Damn it! So much for a caring sister. “Let's go outsie then. It's a beautiful night.” “Sure!” I tried to fake a smile. We walked hand in hand to the edge of the lake. I felt four pair of eyes watching us from the house. Geez. I thought bitterly. “What's wrong'' he asked me. ''What do you mean'' I tried my best to sound casual. ''You know what I mean. First you spend the whole

day away, then you show up and don't talk to me, and your mood keeps n chanving like crazy... Alice, you need to tell me what's going on.'' His tone was getting a little anxious. ''Jaz, it's nothing really...'' ''Did I do somethng wrong'' ''Of course not!” “You better tell me what's going on then'' I tried to find a way out of this conversation, I tried even rellying on my gift to see if this would result in an argument. “Alice, the truth.” He looked away from my face, My trying to get out of this conversation had only hurt him further. ''Fine!” I snapped. “Peter has told you he'd like to talk to you, hasn't he” “Yeah, so...” “Well this is part of the reason why I have been acting so weird.” I admitted. “I don't see where you are trying to get at.” “Jaz.” shook my head helplessly. “Well, you know how we don't discuss our pasts... well I was wondering... Peter is part of your past and I don't

mean to push my luck but since you really want to know-” My voice was starting to break, I couldn't control myself anymore. It was time to face my fears. “ Jaz...” I lift his face with my fingers forcing him to look at me. “ I know these choices you made, were not – are not eay for you. I know you have to struggle every day. I am afraid Peter might offer you an easier way, I am afraid you wil choose him and you will leave us, I am afraid you will get tired of me, I am afraid of losing you, I am afraid of being alone.” The pain my my chest was too much to bear – It was the vampire way of crying. “Oh Jaz.. I a so sorry, I can't help it... I am jealous... I know I am being selfish but I am so jealous of him, I am jealous he is shared things with you that I haven't I am jealous you talk him about certains things and you don't feel confortable talking to me... Oh jaz... I am so sorry...” I started to sink to the ground but then I felt his arms holding me up, then I was leaning into him, my face boried in his chest we were both silent for a moment, then he kissed my head and held me tighter. “ Alice, I will not lie. My choices aren't always the easiest but never, not even for a second do I regret making them. Peter is my brother and yes we have shared many things, sme of which would rather forget. If you ever want to talk about it, there's absolutely nothing I wanna keep from you, nothing I denny you and nothing I wouldn't give you. You just have to say the words, My love. He is part of my past,

smething that unfortunately cannot be changed but you are my future. Really you should know better than that... Do you see me going anywhere! That's not possible. Alice, I didn't choose you. You chose me! You saved me. You gave me hope when I was lost, you gave me a way, you freed me you showed me love and gave me a reason to be better, you showed me beauty and I shall forever be changed and it's all because of you. No Alice. I am not going anywhere, not now, not ever. I am yours, for as long as you shall keep on choosing me.” I could be very dumb at times, being like this with him, his words made perfect sense. I shoud never have been jealous. Jasper and I were one sould dwelling in two bodies. One soul – If this feeling was not worthy of a soul I dare say I do not know what is. “The path of true love never did run smooth.” I murmurred. “What are some bricks and rocks along the way, when I get to keep the star?” Jasper was the perfect lover for me. Had always been, would always be. I didn't care about my past, he was my present and future. That's all that really mattered. The night drifted away – too fast – After our little chat we joined the others in a football game. Football is a bizarre sport I must tell you, but making sports' outfits for the whole family is great fun. Watching Peter and

Charlotte's expression when they noticed how well I actually played was great! Predicting where and when Emmett was gonna try to unsucesfuly tackle you is absolutely priceless. The following morning I was in a exceptionally bright mood. It was a glorious tuesday morning, Too beautiful, for words. Not even Peter nad Jasper's conversation could change my mood. I knew Jasper would never change his mind. He had told me so. I had to believe it, didn't I? I even found it a little heartbreaking to say goodbye to our guests. Even though I hadn't completely gotten over my jealousy, I knew Jasper was enjoying their company, all I wanted was to make him happy. It had prevent myself from having a laughing fit and being more inconvenient and annoying than I usually was, – At least that's what they tended to say, I knew they liked me just the way I was, but still... - when Edward got home and didn't really pay much attention to our guests. At first I thought it was plain rude but then I accepted he might have had too much on his mind... four days away from Bella, Ouch! But that was not the funniest part. Peter and Charlotte exchanged glances trying to understand his behavior. They had met him before, of course but they had never met this new Edward and deafinitely not met his grumpyness. They must have come to the same conclusion we all

had... Edward had gone loony. So loony he would be going to Port Angeles tonight. This was so unfair, Why could he stalk her like a maniac when I couldn't even take her shopping. Oh well It's inevitable. The though conforted me. Have fun in Port Angeles tonight. Let me know when I'm allowed to talk to Bella. I told him in my thoughts, Grimmacing, obviously. “If you see Maria again, tell her I wish her well.” Jasper told Peter. I knew he meant more than just those simple words. This was meant for Peter and for me. I had once wondered if he regreted being a vampire. It was his way of saying he didn't. He held no grudge against Maria, even after all she had done afterall if she hadn't turned him, our paths wouldn't have crossed, along this crazy journey calledlife, or non-life for this matter. “I don't imagine that will happen soon, but, should it happen I certainly will.” He laughed a sarcastic laugh. So much for no hard feelings. He sure held a grudge agaisnt “Peter, Charlotte.” Edward bid them farewell after we all shook hands. “It was nice to see you again, Edward.” Or not seeing you. I imagined Charlotte added silently. She hadn't seen much of him and this was the most he had

actually spoken to them this last few days. They are going straight east to Seattle. No where near Port Angeles. I told him silently, I knew this was his biggest concern when he heard we would have guests. He didn't seem to notice, He simply dashed to the garage getting into his car and speeding towards Port Angeles, to meet Bella - not really meet, it was more like stalking – She would be shopping with the girls and wouldn't really see him. Her friend Jessica had horrible taste, by the way. She would have the nerve to pick the uggliest and sluttiest dress in the whole store.

9. Port Angeles I was having fun laying with my head on Jasper' lap while he caressed my air and we watced a new DVD he had gotten me. I loved this movie. I actually knew every single line by heart. Rose and Emmett no longer watched movies with us, due to the fact I often spoiled the movie. I was after all the ultimate spoiler, and talking about spoiling I was also concentrating hard on finding out what Jasper and I would be doing for our anniversary. This movie had many messages within it. There was

faith, change, chooices and loss. Everythig we could expect from a great movie. “I might kiss you.” Jasper quoted the movie. I got into his game and answered with wide eyes. “I might not be -” My words trailed off when the images crossed my mind. “Cell phone!” I ordered in terror. He got to his feet in one motion and out of the room, I had left my cell phone in my purse downstairs. He handed me the phone I hit the Edward' speed dial number. The phone rang but he never really picked it up. “Too late.” I said fighting back my own fear. “What is it, Alice?” “Bella.” I didn't really look at him while I answered I was trying to figure out if I had been too late, I saw that Edward would soon find her. She would be safe. I allowed myself to breathe again. Maybe even too soon. I saw Edward would ave them for trying to hurt her. “Alice, please tell me what's going on.” Jasper's voice was alarmed. He took my hands. “ Don't really know.” I admited the truth.

“ What did you see then” “ I saw some men... doing terrible things to Bella. Terrible things.” I felt my body trembble, as the images hit my mind once again. “Disgusting, terrifying men, Jasper. They tried to -” “It's okay.” He held me when my voice broke. “Edward, found her in time, but I cut it too close. Something absolutely terrible could have happened and I didn't see it fast enough.” “Nothing happened. Nothing. There's no reason to be so upset, be reasonable, Alice. This human has some really bad luck, that's not your fault.” “ The only problem is, as it happens, Edward's fate depends on her fate.” I think he guessed my unspoken words, he spoke no more. Edward was not a murderer. What those men had meant to do to Bella was absolutely unforgivable. I could hardly blame him for what he wanted to do. I even pitured myself helping him, breaking their necks. No they deaserved soething slower, soething more painful. Something more like what they had meant to do to her. Slow, terrible and painful. I shook that idea away. No! Edward was not a murderer, nor was I. They twists and turns would actually come to a nice

end, Edward and Bella would have dinner together. At least she would have dinner. He would watch. When I decided they would be afe I decided to give them a little privacy. So I stopped focusing on the images of their near future and came back to my own reality and to an awfully pale and speachless Jasper staring wide eyed at me. “They are going to be fine.” I told him cheefully. “I can't quite keep up with you, even though I do try.” He shook his head. I didn't feel like explaining. Edward would probably have me terminated when he got home if I actually tod everyone about this. I decided he would be the one to tell so I shut my tramp and went back to the movie with Jasper. “Do you believe in stories like that.” He asked me, when the movie ended. “Sure I do.” I said meaninfuly. “I have seen it up close and personal.” “Huh” “Edward and Bella. She's changed him and he hasn't even noticed.” He grimmaced. “ I suppose so.” “I have to go wait for him.” I told Jasper. “He'll soon be here. I think he might need me.”

He nodded. I went to the porche and sat there waiting for him to get home. Images flickered in my mind. Yes he had changed. He had not killed those scums. He had come home for help. I already knew the outcome. They wouldn't hurt anyone else. Carlisle would make sure of that. I heard him turn in the drive way. Then he parked the car. His eyes had a different shine to them, it was the post Bella effect. They were now closer than ever. “Carlisle is in his study.”I informed him. “Thank you.” He played with my hair as he went by. Thank you for returning my call. I would have apppreciated, knowing from him everthing had ended well. “Sorry I didn't even check to see who it was. I was... busy” I bet he was. I felt the venom flow in my mouth as I thought of it again, so I brushed the thought away as fast as I could. “I know I am sorry too.” I felt ashamed. “By the time I saw what was going to happen you were on your way.” “It was close.” Sorry.I thought again. I knew how close it had been. I had seen it happen to her. He was just fast enough.

“Don't be. I know you can't catch eveything. No one expects you to be ominicient, Alice.” “Thanks.” He had deafinitely changed. I had always known he was a loving brother, but he hardly ever demostrated it out in the open just like he had. Amazing. “I almost asked you out to dinner tonight. Did you catch that before I changed my mind” “No I missed that one too.” Damn. I would have loved dinner with Edward and Bella. Specially with Bella. “I wish I'd known. I would have come.” “What were you concentrating on that you missed so much” That was a good question, what was I concentrating on Jasper, our anniversary and the movie. Jasper is thinking about our anniversary. He's trying not to make a decision on my gift but I think I have a ´´retty good idea... I had seen a new tiffany's bag in one of my visions. “You're shameless.” “Yep.” I joked.

10. My wish I bit my lip, even trying to give them privacy I had seen some of their ride back. I had seen a tear run down her cheek. Most importantly. My other vision was as solid as ever. Putting it all together. Bella knew about us. I paid bettter attention later. I was trying to find the right words to say. Are you going to tell them she knows. “Yes, Later.” ouch! Not good. Well Esme and Carlisle wouldn't mind... I couldn't say the same about Rose. I tried not to think about it. I didn't want him to see the images in my head. I won't say anything. Do me a favor and tell Rosalie when I am not around, okay. I tried to sound as normal as possible but he flinched. “Sure.” It wasn't gonna be pretty, she would know I had kept it from her and her fisrt reactions were never good. I didn'r want her practicing midget tossing with me. Bella took it well. I observed. “Too well” Don't underestimate Bella. I ran the image that proved

my point in my mind. She would take it well, she would be one of us. She would be my friend. She would be family. “Alice, ...” He didn't really need to say it. I knew he didn't want to leave Bella alone, even while she slept. He wante me to make sure she would be fine while he too care of his... well... business with Carlisle. She'll be fine tonight. I am keeping a better watch now. She sort of needs twenty-four hour supervision, doesn't she? “At least.” “Anyway, you'll be with her soon.” I didn't even need to relly on my visions to know as much, he would go running – literaly - to her as soon as he had the chance. He took a deep breath. He was longing for her already. Now that she knew everything, it probably felt so right to be near her. I grimmaced within. “Go on – get this done so you can be where you wanna be.” I incouraged him. I tried not to see the guys face in my mind again. If it was difficult for me to keep control of myself because of my anger, I could only imagine what it would be like for him.

I had already filled Carlisle in on the story before coming to the porch to wait for my brother. I kept close watch on Bella, I didn't want to be on Edward's bad side. True he was my brother, but that didn't mean he couldn't sometimes be utterly scary. He was too fast, and rather leathal when he wanted to, we all were that's what we were made for. Doomed souls as some called us. The natural predators. Hunters. 'come on Alice, Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. My gift was sometimes a curse. Sometimes I wanted to control what I did, or didn't see. I saw what would happen, but all the other possibilities too. Edward and Carlisle would lock the guy up, but if they failed he would harm more women. I knew that was nearly impossible, the vision was really faint, but it was there. I shrugged. It's not happening. Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts. In minutes Edward and Carlisle were in their way, then I saw Edward with Bella, and since there was no other possibility. I knew she would be safe. I stopped focussing on her. Not able to control the smile on y face. I liked the image of Edward as a guardian angel. He was so tall and protective near her. She looked so fragile an innocent in her sleep, they were perfect, they were meant to be, they were one. I felt hands on my shoulders. My smile grew bigger.

“Do you have some time for me, now?” “Always.” I opened my eyes and held my breath when I realised his proximity. His eyes could see into my soul. His lips curled when he sensed my good mood. “What would you say if I invited you for a walk in the forest, maybe a swim and some star gazzing?” “You know that's not fair, right?” “What?” He made an innocent face and raised his shoulders helplessly. “Using my weaknessed agaisnt me is not fair.” I whispered. He clame closer and then he whispered in my ear. “And what exactly would that weakness be?” He grinnaced looking into my eyes. “You.” I copied his motion. Then bit him lightly on the neck. “Yuck! Can't you two get a hold of yourselves?” Rosalie caught us. We got up quickly, trying to not look suspicious. “I will leave you two alone.” She rolled her eyes and tossed her hair turning on her heels and dissapearing into the house. “Shall we?” I asked him, I couldn't wait for our date.

We squeezed my hard and we ran into the forest, leaving the shaken day behind us. I put everything else out of my mind. The only thing I could think about was Jasper and me, and of course on the back of my mind I was waiting for him to slip and make a decision on my anniversary gift. I was also thinking about something to get him. Our wedding anniversaries were always too special. I never got sick of the memories of the fisrt one, or the others that followed, for instance. As we laid on the glass looking at the beautiful stars up above, we said nothing. We only enjoeyed each other's presence. Sometimes silence was more significant than a thousand words. Those who's feeling are shallows use words and displays of affection to proove their love, but we were foul proof. We didn't need any of that. I didn't need a jewl or anything to proof that I was Jasper's, because I had something so more meaninful. I had his heart and he had mine. The sky was beautiful and clear today. There were thousands of little twinkly lights. Then suddenly a star came dashing throught the sky, making eveything around it bright. “Look!” I told him excited. “A fallen star. Did you see it.” “No, I think I missed that one.” He smiled warmly.

“Make a wish.” “Humn.” I had one wish... But what would I wish for? There was so much I wanted right now. I wanted Edward and Bella to be fine, for them to find a way of making this thng work. I was always supportive, but deep inside I didn't like to see Edward suffering from something that was meant to be wonderful. Love was wondeful, but it didn't always come in the most confortable package. Their packege was more like a burden. Difficult to carry, but I knew it would be worth while. No I wouldn't wish that. I knew it would be fine. It had to be. I wanted Jasper to let go f his past and not ache from it ever again. I wanted it to be easier for him to restrain from hunting humans. I didn't want him to push himself too much. I wanted him to be happy, forever. There was also other things I needed. Not for myself, but they were really important anyway. I wanted Esme and Rosalie to feel complete. Specially Rose, she was so bitter sometimes. I wanted Rose to let go of the past and simply enjoy the turns that had brought her here. I frowned. “What? Is it that difficult?”

“I can't decide...” What was more important? What was I missing. I realised they all had a past, I realised they all were who they were cause of their past. They didn't need to forget, they needed to understand, this wasn't something you could wish on a fallen star, this took a lot of work. Jasper seemed happy, so did Rose – at times – of course it wasn't always easy but their past made them who they were. I realised what I was missing. I had love, a fantastic family, I would have a friend. I couldn't wish for anything else. I had more than most people could ever have asked for. There was only one thing I didn't have. A past. I want a past. “There!” I smiled at him. “What did you wish for?” “If I tell you, it won't come true, will it?” “It might.” He kissed me and I forgot everything about fallen stars, I didn't even care about having a past. 11. Out burst

The nights were always too short. Something on Tv caught our attention a little lated. CNN was cvering how the police had found Alonzo Calderas Wallace, a rapist and murserer had been caught cue to the fact that someone gave them an annonimous tip. I could feel Edward a little tense, but I knew no one would trace this back to us. “The coverage here in town would be light. It's too far away to be considered of interest, it was a good call to have Carlisle take him out of the state.” I loved Carlisle's methods. I was trilled by how well their plans had succeded. “Alice do you mind -” I knew exactly what he wanted to do. Edward was so preditable, or maybe I wa good at preddicting. Right, I could see the future. “ Rosalie will drive.” I simply stated. “She will be pissed, but you know she'll enjoy the excuse to show off her car.” I laughed. Rosalie's car was basicaly as catchy as she was. “See you at school.” He said with a grin. I sighed. Not fair. I wanted so bad to talk to her. The wasn't grinning anymore. It's was a mean grimace. I know, I know. Not yet I'll wait until you are ready for Bella to know me. You should know though, It's not

only me being selfish. Bella's going to like me too. He didn't answer he only dashed to the door. I rolled my eyes. He was being silly, now that Bella knew what we were and she didn't mind the least bit, there was no reason for him to worry. She was ready, it was him who wasn't. He was afraid that would prove me right. Not that he hadn't already proved me right. He was the only one who couldn't see it. “Rose! Get your baby ready or else we are going to be late for school.” I called from the bottom of the stairs. One minute later she apeared at the top of them, looking gourgeous. Her shiny blonde hair was up expossing her neckline. She would be prettier if she had a smile on her face, but she was really annoyed and Emmett follower trying to keep up. “Rose, what's wrong baby?” He reached her and tried to hold her. “Arghhhh!!!” She hissed getting hi hands off her. Then puching his chest a couple times. “And I though vampires didn't go PMS” He said when she wa within safe distance. She turned to him in an almost crouch.” “I'll be in the car.” He said, not wanting to push her any further. When he reached the door, he looked around

surprised. “Where's the car?” The closest thing to Rosalie was a heavy iron clandlestick she picked it up and tossed it at him. He caught it, so she picked up a crystal vase. “Easy Rose.” He said concerned. “Put that down, right now. Rosalie Hale.” Esme's voice made everyone shrug. She came down the stairs and took the vase from Rosalie and the candlestick from Emmett. We all got our bags and made it for the door in silence as fast as we could, before we irritated Esme any further. I hadn't really noticed Jasper in the scene, but he wa in the car when we got there. How had he gotten there? “Dude, you missed all the fun.” Emmett told him, when he noticed he was there. Emmett could be so dull sometimes. “I know, I tried. I even came out through the window when I was Rose was praticing archery on you.” I laughed. Rose looked at us and unfocussed on the road, we almost hit a tree. “Road! I am suposetly immortal, but I don't want to test that theory!” Emmett told her. She swore but kept her eyes on the road.

When we got to school, Edward wasn't there yet. He would be getting there soon though. We each went our separate dirrections. I had gym today. It was nice because I would see Edward, it was hell cause it was gym. I loved sports and competitions, but this lame thing humans called badmintton could hardly be called fun. Edward and I walked to it as if we were walking to our execution. I got a racket and started laying with it. Imagining a coreography in my mind. It had been a while since I had danced. I made a mental note to do it soon. Dacncing was one of my passions, one I shared with my mother, Esme. The bell took to long to ring. I though I would become ashes out of boredem, but thankfully I didn't. I realised Edward was enven more anxious than I was – believe me that was really saying something. I see. I smiled a little when I saw where the exciment was coming from. I should have known. Bella. Enjoy yourself. Jusst a few more days to be patient. I suppose you won't say hi to Bella for me, will you? He shook his head, but I remembered something import I hadn't told him. I saw he had made plans with Bella for saturday, but these plans wouldn't really work since it would be a beautiful sunny day.

FYI, It's going to be sunny on both sides of the sound this weekend. You might want to rearraange you plans. We went to meet the our halves. “He's not joing us for lunch, is he?” “Wow!” I said smugly. “It's like you can see the futue sometimes.” “Nah he's fairly predictable.” “Is Rose still pissed?” “You bet and speaking of the devil there she is.” “This can't be good.” She never waited for Jasper and I. She always et Emmett first. “Does she know?” She said though clenthed teeth. It wasn't good at all actually. “Excuse me?” I said, trying to do my best to look surprised. Unfortunately, I knew exactly what she was talking about. “She knows he doesn'r eat. What else does she know?” She took my arm, for a moment I thought she might break it. I was thankfull we had an audience. I felt guilty, but If I lied, things would get worse. I had to break the promisse I had made. I had to tell her myself. “Yes.”

Emmett was right behind her and for the fisrt time ever, he was actually sensible and didn't go off making stupid comments. “He's going to be sorry.” “I can't believe he told her.” Jasper hissed when Rose, was within safe distance. “Get over it. It was gonna happen sometime.” Edward and Bella were coming from the lunch line, he put enough food on their tray to feed a whole starving family in Africa. I was amused by two things, how close they had grown and Bella's aghashed expression. “It's not nice, to get a kick out of other people's disasters.” Jasper whispered jokinly, when he sensed my mood. “Oh, shut up.” I laughed. He gave me a warnning smile that said: Not good to be in such great mood when Rosalie is having a fit. “Listen, what do you think about going away or the weekend?” He asked when we sat down. “Where to?” “That's something you will not know, will you?” “Eventually.” I said pointing to my head.

“We'll see, I am actually getting good at this.” He leaned back on his chair. “I already know the options.” I crossed my arms. “I know you do, but how many are there?” He grimaced. “About one hundred.” I pouted. “Yes!” He celebrated how well he had been able to sabotage me. “They make a nice couple.” He said shifting his attention to Edward and Bella. “Sure do.” I leaned closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hand with his fingers. They were talking, very intinately. They were even joking at one another. “Oh No.” Jasper whispered elbowing me. I saw Rose. I bit my bottom lip and remembered telling Edward I didn' t wan to be anywhere around when she figured it out. I could see a destroyed Aston Martin, a burned collection of cds and whipped books, which was not as bad as the mass disturction, she would do if he had told her at home, where we didn't have an act to keep. I shruggged. She started getting up, but Emmett put his arm around her. “Easy Rose.” He warned her.

Sorry, Edward. She could tell Bella knew too much from your conversation... and, well, it would have been worse if I handn't told her the truth right away. Trust me on that. Things were already bad enough. I mean get real he would have to hide his freaking car in another coutry if she was this crazy by the end of the school day. The fact that she was in her own car made things worse, her car was much faster than his. I guessed we would walk – run- home today. Jasper was still a bit moody, but at leat he woudn't break anything. He was only worried about my safety. Edward seemed to ignore the situation on our table. He only paid attetion to Bella. Suddenly I noticed the images in my mind were changing. They woudn't go to seattle, but the horrific image was becoming clearer in my mind. She was too breakable too much like a soap bubble. It was too soon for him to decide for thi kind of thing. It wasn't safe for him to be alone in the forest with her, it wasn't safe because he would be temped to kiss her and this kiss could end up being the first and last one. Edward. I tried to warn him so he would change plans. I showed him my vision. It was the same one I had shown him. Except before the vision wasn't solid and it had been clear he wouldn't be alone but I hadn't seen

then who would be with him. Now the ame image was clear, and it was plain to see it was Bella who wa with him. I knew this place. It was Edward' hide out. It was way too far, too dangerous. A risk he couldn't take, not yet. It's the same place. I was so scared anticcipating what was to come. The same vision I had managed to keep from him. The horrific one, except now it was solid, one of my worst fears come true. It happened just it had before. He leaned down and... Edward! I love her Edward. Please don't do this. Not yet, it's too soon, too much risk. Don't do this to me, don't do this to yourself. I could tell he was trying hard not to hear me. “Alice? What's happening? Why are you so upset?” “I need to get out of here.” I got up there was no point in staying there and the bell would ring soon anyway. I had to make up a plan to stop Edward. He couldn't do this. He wouldn't I wouldn't allow him. “Fine.” He got up and threw my things away. Edward and Bella were discussing our hunting habbits. Rosalie twisted the iron under the table as if it where soft pastic. I wasn't the only one who needed to get out of here. “Rose, let's go.”

“I am not going anywhere.” “Yes you are, right now.” I told her as manacingly as I managed, then I looked at Emmett pleading him to help. The bell finaly rang, Edward walked slowly with Bella to their Bio class. I never though I would say this, but I hate you! I did at least at the moment.

12. Complications “What upset you in there?” Jasper was still trying. “What?” Rosalie, asked picking it up. “Nothing.” “The hell it's nothing. What did you see. Spill it!” Rosalie pinned me to the wall. “We are going to be late for class.” “We are not going to class, we need to talk.” The light reflected from her teeth. Was she scary or what? “Sounds good to me.” Jasper said pulling her away from me and taking my arm. We all went to the forest. I told them everything I had seen. I felt Jasper's concert. Rosalie hadn't said

anything. “Damn!” Naturally it was Emmett who broke the silence. “Don't worry, Alice.” Rose said though clentched teeth. “He not gonna live until saturday.” “Rose, You know you don't mean that!” I snapped. “Don't I?” I wasn't so sure Myself. “This has gone too far.” Jasper stated. “You are all over reacting. She is going to be one of us. He's not done anything wrong. This would happen sooner or later.” “Do you realise what will happen if he does kill the stupid human, like you have seen.” Rosalie was nearly scratching my face off. “Rose, nothing is going to happen. I will not let it happen. I have a plan.” I lied. “Now let's go back to school before the bell rings. I was half way throgh the parking lot before they caught up to me. “I hope you know what you are doing.” Jasper told me outside my art class. “ Trust me.” I hoped I could trust myself.

Art class was rather fun. It was by farthes my favorite class. We were working with charcol. I tried to put my feeling and fears down onto the paper. Then I had an idea. I would follow then and stay out of site just far enough so that he woudn't catch my thoughts and if something happened I was close by, to get there in time to prevent it from happening. That was it! He could go on his date. He wouldn't be completely alone. Oh, Jasper wanted to go away for the weekend... But it's still early our wedding anniversary is on wednesday we could celebrate it next week. I could probably use some help, I only had to wait until the right moment to tell him. He had made some progress in sabotaging my talent, I didn't know if he was as good at sabotaging Edward as I was. I decided it was better to play it safe. I would tell him just before it was time to go. “Those of you who haven't finished, may take your porfolio home, but don't forget to bring it tomorrow.” Mrs. Potts told us just before the end of class. I looked at my own paper. I had only made a rough draft, I would work on it later. I had drawn a rose without torns, to represent Bella and how she has no defenses. One of the rose petals was falling, representing. This was actually what I wished would happen, her mortality. The petal represented the

solution to it all. To her fragility, to my fears, to Edward's pain. This was the solution, but was the price for it too high? It just might be. I gathered my things and went slowly out of the building. Rose, was a little less stressed. She was in her the car with Emmett waiting for Jasper and me. There was a small crowd staring at the car. I could now understand why Rose's mood had gotten a little better. “You really shouldn't touch the piano.” I told her when she decided she wasn't gonna burn his car – probably because she had put too much time into it – instead she would pulverize the piano. “You would upset Esme more than him.” “Buzz out!” She hissed at me. “What is your plan, Alice?” “I need to talk to Carlisle before. You will have to trust me on this, I promisse I will tell all of you when it's best, but for now I would thank you all if you didn't think about it. I don't want him to know I have a plan.” “Makes sense.” Emmett was surprisinly racional today. I was impressed. “Are you sure about this?” Jaspe asked once more, his tone was even more worrie than before.

“I think I deaserve a little trust.” I told him with a pout. He simply nodded. “I got to go to the hospital to meet Carlisle.” I informed them when we got to the house. “It would be really helpful, if none of you staked him before I got back, actually it would be even more helpful if you kept to yourselves. You will all have to trust me on this.” I said pointing to my head. Rosalie didn't answer she simply turned on her heel and tossed her hair. Emmett nodded. “You know I will do my best, but she is scary.” He followed her in, like a puppy dog. “I am going with you.” “Sure, but I need to talk to him in private.” “That won't be a problem.” “Let's go then.” We ran to the hospital, it didn't take us more than two minutes to get there. “Alice, Japer?” Carlisle greeted us with worried eyes. “What are you doing here?” I looked at jasper, he nodded, telling me he understood this was the private part.

“Can we talk? In private?” “Come with me.” He rest his hand on my shoulder and guided me to his office. “So, what's going on?” He asked once we were inside, then he took a chair behind a desk full of papers. “As you know, Bella knows about us.” I was trying to choose the right words to explain my worries. “Well... Everyone knows Bella knows about us. As you can probably guess, they are not too happy about it.” I pointed to a picture of the whole family he had on his desk. I knew he understood that by them I meant Rose and Jasper. “They will understand it soon, I don't think you need to worry about that.” “I am not. What I am worried about is the fact that Edward and Bella ere together publicaly. To tell you the truth that's not really the problem. The thing is... I had a vision... I had seen something alike it before... but it wasn't as clear as it's now. Edward has decided to meet Bella on saturday. They are going to be alone in the forest.” “He has changed, Alice. I don't think he will harm the girl.” “I know, I understand that, but what worries me is that he might be tempted I see he will be tempted and we

have a fifty percent chance that this date will end in a disaster. He will not listen to me so, I made up a plan. I think he should go, but Jasper and I we are going to watch him, from far. He will not be able to listen to our thoughts, but I will be close enough so that if I see something I can run and stop him before it happens.” He was thoughful, some lines appeared in his forehead. “I think it's our best option.” “Please try not to think about this, ok? I don't want him to -” “I know he would be upset, don't worry I will not let him know he will have company.” “One more thing. You will need to talk to Rosalie, she's really upset.” “Rosalie...” He shook his head. “ I will.” “I am not going to hold you up any longer. I will be going now.” “You are never a hold up, that's for coming to see me about this.” “I wouldn't do it without your approval that way if he catches me you can always jump in.” He laughed at my joke, not really realising how serious this was, If he did catch me, He would probably never speak to me again.

“See you later.” “Take care of yourselves.” He told us. “So, any progress?” “A lot actually.” “Good.” We went back to the house. I was glad to know Rosalie and Emmett weren't there. Emmett had probably taken her away so she wouldn't destroy anything. “Edward!” I called as soon as I went through the door. “We need to talk.” He hit the piano keys violently, So much for preventing Rose from destroying it. He was keen to do the job himself. “What do you want?” He hissed at me. “You know what I want, and if it's any comfort you are not my favorite person in the world right now.” I rxpected him to explode but instea he just turn to look at him. “So?” He said impatienly “So, I think you should go on saturday but we'll take precautions. We are going to hunt tomorrow. I think you can do it. I know you can, but you need to be extra careful, you shouldn't touch her. It might be too

much.” “Yeah, I think hunting is a good idea.” There was more implicit in what he said. Something along the lines of ask the sun not to shine, it's easier than asking me not to touch her. “We'll go tomorrow after lunch period, I will ask Esme for notes. We have a dentist appointment tomorrow.” “Okay.” I turn to leave. “Alice?” “Yes?” I turn to face him again. “Thank you.” I am doing this for her. I do love her. Upstairs in my room I could still hear the music while I finished my picture. It was actually surprisinly soothing. It gave me some more inpiration to finish my picture. I drew some watching eyes in the backgroung. They served two purposes. Me watching them so that nothing bad happened, and Edward's guardian angel image. The one I liked so much. There was something still missing. I tried to figure out what it was, but didn't. I stopped drawing for a while to get my inspiration back.

What's missing? The question kept on coming back to me. Jasper came into the room. “That's beautiful.” He said when he saw the picture. “Thanks.” He touched the picture, then made a face. “Oh sorry. My hards where dirty.” I came closer and I saw a small mark next to the eyes. “Tears...” I whispered. “What?” “I think you just gave me an idea.” I drew tears coming from the eyes and running down the rose. They meant life, for the rose needed water to survive. They meant sorrow, for this love story was a challenge, but which love story wasn't? They also meant joy, hope and faith. Specially faith. This was our biggest challenge if we got over this we could get over anything. “Thank you.” I told jasper once I finished. “Anytime you want someone to stain your drawing tou know you can count on me.” He joked. “Not funny.” I raised my dirty fingers and whipped

then on his face. “Oh you shouldn't have done that.” He said tossing a pillow at me. “Pillow fight.” “Vampire style.” He grimmaced right before my pillow hit him, exploding and sending tiny white feathers all over the place.

13. Spies “Don't forget, We leave right after lunch period.” I reminded Edward right before he left to pick Bella up. “Like I could...” He told me with a grin on his face. “I don't even know why he bothers coming home in the morning.” I told Jasper while we watched the volvo dissapear among the trees. “He needs clean clothes.” We laughed. “ So, when are you gonna tell me your plan?”

“Soon.” “Are you sure you don't want to to come along today?” “Positive, besides it's only Edward.” He rolled his eyes. “Shall we?” Rosalie called getting into her car. “So, Alice what's your brilliant plan to keep Edward from murdering Bella?” Emmett looked back at me from the passenger seat. “Argh... I will tell you when the time is right.” “Alice...” “No, Emmett. No. I know what I am doing.” “Geeze fine!” He crossed his arms on his chest making them look even bigger. The way to school never seemed so long. “Stop messing with my mood.” I snapped once I noticed Jasper was trying to soothe my mood. “I was just trying to -” “Help I see that, but I have the right to be annoyed once in a while. See you at lunch.” I simply walked ahead of him. I knew I was wrong and that I had been rude. I even felt little guilty, but I

was worried about my plan, what if Edward found out through their thoughts? He would probably never speak to me again. “Miss Cullen.” Called Mr. Caruthers from behind me. “Yes?” “You and Mr. Hale have community service this saturday, to make up for the classes you skipped.” “That's not possible!” “Excuse me? As long as I am the principal I will be the one to tell you what is or isn't possible at my school. I expect you and Mr Hale to be here at nine sharp.” “We will be here.” “Great. You will tutor kids at our sister school.” Tutoring, how awsome! On saturday.. I can't believe it! How did I not see this coming? Had he decided it just now? I needed Carlisle to get me out of this. I called him right before lunch period and he promissed he would make up an excuse to get us out of community service, or at least post pone it. Jasper was waiting for me outside my lab class. I was crushed when I saw his face. He was hurt. I had hurt him.

Way to go, Alice! I thought to myself. “Jaz, I am so sorry.” “Don't worry, I shouldn't have pushed you. I know you are under pressure.” He was finding a way of turning it against him, he always did. I didn't want to start a new argument, I was going to be away from him the whole afternoon and part of the night. It didn't seem like a lot, but it sure was. “ He's with her again.” He pointed out Edward and Bella's table. ;“ I guess he won't be sitting with us so soon” “You guess... That's ironic.” “ Can we not talk about that now, I will be leaving soon, and I will not see you until tonight.” “ What do you want to talk about then” “My anniversary gift.” “No, we are not discussing that, I have my mind set on surprising you this time.” “You can delay it but, it's not gonna happen. You ] might as well get it over with.” “Like you said I can dellay it. I will give it my best

shot.” I rolled my eyes at him... “ There's no point you know.” ] ]“You will find out about it on saturday.” “Oh, I've been meaning to talk to you about saturday, do you mind if we celerate it next saturday or maybe on sunday” “Does this have something to do with your plan” “Kind of.” “Whatever you say.” ] ]I saw a fash of the eifel tower but it didn't last long he was sabotagging my gift again. He must have noticed it because He had an enoumous grin on his face. “ Arghhh.” I hissed, and he laughed – of course. “ The afternoon is gonna be unbeable.” He murmurred. “ I will be back soon.” We held each other's glance. Y heart was sinking within me. I didn't want to be appart from him anymore than he did.

] I noticed some tension coming from Rosalie, then I saw in a minute Edward would introduce Bella and I. “I have to go meet Bella.” I whispered to Jasper. When I got to their table Edward had just raised his head, probably noticing I had gotten there. “Alice.” Yup he had noticed, obviously. “Edward.” I could hardly control myself, I had neve been this close to her. I could see the blood flowing under her delicate skin and her cheeks slightly blushed, her hair fell on her sholders and she smelled like... shampoo. Stop being rude and silly and introduce us, will you To my surprise he did as I asked. “Alice, Bella – Bella, Alice.” “Hello Bella, it's nice to finally meet you.” We would be a lot close by now if Edward wasn't s damn stubborn. “Hi, Alice.” She wasn't much of a talker was she, she even seemed shy.

“Are you ready” ] ]I know you don't wanna leave but let's get this done with, I am also leaving my other half behind if that's any comfort. “Nearly, I'll meet you at the car.” Whatever. Thanks for finally introducing us. Better late than never. I leaned up agaist the car waiting for him. “Took you long enough.” “]; Shut up.” He took me and pretended to waltz around a little. When he opened the door for me I thanked him we were both laughing lightly. It felt so nice to be like this, I my day hadn't been the best. “Listen...” “ I know! I will wait in the car while you break into the house to ind the keys they are in the left pocket of a pair of jeans these are in the laudry room, inside of a basket, then I will drive the truck back to school and we'll drive home from there.” crossed my arms in ]; front of me. “'Come on, you have to admit it... I am awsome!”

“Do you have any idea of how annoying you can get” “Nah, I know you love me.” “Don't hold your breath.” “As it happens I don't need to breathe, do I” He groaned, and rolled his eyes. I had won. This was a pefect day. I had met Bella. She woud soon care for me as much as I cared for her. I noticed Edward shot me a glance, But he didn't comment on my thoughts. “Wait here.” He sai getting out of the car and then climbing through her bedroom window. I got out of the car after two minutes just at the same time he landed on the ground next to me. “ Here you go.” “Do you think she'll mind if we burn her car and get ]] her a new one” “That would be more dangerous than thickiling Rose, when she is mad at Emmett.” “That bad” He simply nodded.

“It doesn't even have to a a sports car, just something ] not jurassic.” “Not happening.” I got in her truck,with a pout on my face. “Geeze!” I murmurred when it came to life. Would I ever get used to it's horrific noise. It didn't seem like it. Maybe if I crashed it on purpose, I would have to give her a new one. “ Don't even think about it.” “Bummer!” “Do you have some paper” He asked me when I was hopping out of the truck ar school. I foud some paper in my purse, and handed it to him. ]] She 'be safe' on it. I thought it was very proper. That girl was a walking jinks. I decided not to comment on it. I didn't want to press my luck. We both got back into the car then dropped it off at home and ran to the park, to hunt.

“You have lost your touch.” I teased Edward when he took a ];little longe to track down the gazelle. He simply grimmaced. I guess he was just killing time. I likes the croner of my lips and got away from the carcass of the gazelle I had caught myself. “Are you done” He asked. “Not even close.” I danced to my purse that lay at the bottom of a tree trunk and took two beautiful crystal glasses from it. Then usuing my gift predicted where I could easily catch something. The nearest thing was a skunk. Not my favorite thing but it would have to do. I bit into it and drainned the blood onto the glasses. I handed one of them to Edward. “No, you haven't ...” He started at me wide eyed, and in disbelief. “ As it happens, I have.” He took the glass from me, still wide eyed. I let out a small giggle. “Here is to life.” I raise my glass making a toast. “To life.” The crystal made a somewhat magical sound. I knew I would remember this sound forever.

I noticed Edward had grown little gloomy... maybe gloomy wasn't really the right word, he was more like thoughtful. “Missing her” “Yes, but that's not what I was thinking about...” “What were you thinking about” “I was wondering if I had made the right choice, if I am not pushing it. She desearves better than she's getting...” “Edward you were meant for one another. She feels the same as you do, you should see the way she looks at you.” a vivid image of the first time they had luch together came into my mind. Edward sitting by hiself then, Bella coming shily towards him, her eyes sparkly like a clear crystal, as beautiful as a summer sunset. They looked so right, so perfect... “You should see the way she looks at you.” I murmmured. Then I raised my eyes to look at him. “That's not what I am worried about, this would be easier for me if I knew she didn't feel the same... Can you believe she thinks she cares more about him, than care about her” “Jaz, always says the same about me, I guess I think I cae more about him... but there's no way to know for sure, love isn't somthing you can measure. It's something you feel. It's falling in love again at each

sunset, and the next day again, again again as long as you shall both live. Love is not something you measure, isn't something you choose. Love chooses you.” He was silent, then I saw a little curl forming itself at the corner of his lip. I stayed there watching the breeze move his hair and the sunrays reflect on his skin. I had compaed him to a guardian angel he sure looked like one right now. All this talk about love made me miss Jasper. I ached for him right now. “Edward, have you had enough.” It was a retorical question, he had had enough blood to last him two weeks. Three gazelles. It was more than enough. “Almost.” I laughed when I saw what he would do. The flash happened only two seconds before the actual scene. He ran down a trail dissapearng in the woods. When he came back he had a buch of flowers. “These are for you.” “Tiger lillies my favorites.” “You should get Bella some.” He considered the idea for a second. “No, she doesn't need flowers.”

He pick one flower from my bouquet. Then he tossed it into the air. “making a wish” “It can't hurt can it” “I wished upon a fallen star myself the other day.” “Fallen star, what did you wish for” “If I told ya, I'd have to kill ya.” I smirked then started counting in german, so he wouldn't read my thoughts. “German, nice!” “Isn't it” “Come on let's go home.” He said playing with my hair as he went passed me. The way back was long. I kept on counting the milimeter that were still separating Jasper and I. As we got to the edge of the lake my the house, I noticed Edward was running a little slower. “Alice, do you think they'll-” “No, I'll deal with them.” Enjoy yourself. Wish Bella sweet dreams for me,will you. “ Not gonna happen.”

“If you haven't noticed, we have met. We are already friends.” “It doesn't count if she doesn't know.” Does she know tomorrow is your first official date. Oh.. well I guess it counts either way... I smiled and ran to the house before he could stop me. When I crossed the lake I saw Jasper on the window, then he dissapeared. When I reached for the door it opened by itself. He was right in front of me and I felt my knees giving in. I almost colapsed, but he was fast and caught me, bringing me close to his chest. “I missed you.” “You are comparing a drop of water with a whole ocean.” “What” “I have missed you more.” He smiled. “What did you hunt.” “Skunk.” “Yuck!” “It was actually suprisenly tasty.” I flashed my teeth at him. “I think I'll pass.” He laughed carelessly. “I want to play uno!”

“I should have known, you would see that... Alice, Carlisle asked me to tell you he got us out of detention tomorrow but we wil have to go next week...” “What about our anniversary celebration” I whinned. “We'll figure something out.” We went to the living room to join the others in a tight uno game, we played with five decks of cards, that made the game a little less preditable... Not for me of course. Emmett was never a good loser he would always make a scene or ask for revenge. After four revenges in a role I noticed it was almost five in the morning, it was still dak outside but the sun would come out soon. I excused myself, taking Jasper with me to explain what we wuld be doing today. “Seems easy enough, at least in theory.” He said when I finished telling him the whole plan. “So, are you in” “You know that's a retorical question, of course I am.” “Edward will be here soon so we better leave before he gets here, so our minds don't betray us.” We rushed out, and waited till the sun was up. I kept a close watch on how what he would be doing, I had to

concetrate hard, I was trying to predict minute by minute. This was quite tiresome, mentaly at least. We gave them a head start, and we followed them always keeping anough distance so that Edward couldn't read our minds. “How did you know to find this place so easily.” “I cae here to meet Edward once.” I remembered a while back coming here to find a different Edward, in this meadow, lost in dispair. Back then he had no reason for his life, he didn't see why our kind treasured immortality so much, I knew almost everyone in our family would hampilly trade it for a normal human life, at least in theory, well I guess it was easier said then done, or maybe I was different because I didn't know anyother way of life. “ I need to focus.” I told him when we got to the right place. They had finally stopped climbing. I laughed at the images of Bella climbing. Jaz looked at me questioning. “Bella, is not the daintiest thing out there.” “Danty, a greeze bear can walk more graciously than her. I have always liked my girfriends gracious.” I punched him a little jealous. “ You have loads of experience, don't you.” “Was that supposed to hurt” “I need to focus!”

“ Sorry” He put his hands up as if I were trying to rob him.

14. The first kiss

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