Fall 2009 Newsletter V2

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Fall 2009

Newsletter of Anne Graham Lotz

“The angel of the Lord found Hagar . . . .”


agar was an unwilling victim…a servant who had to do what Abraham and Sarah said. When suddenly her world turned upside down, she must have thought, I’m not going to stay around and take this. The pagans back in Egypt treated me better than these so-called “godly” people. I’ll just go back to Egypt. So Hagar, carrying Abraham’s unborn child, ran away. Back to pagan gods and spiritual darkness. Away from God’s people and God’s presence and God’s promises. Are you running? From someone or something? Whoever or whatever it is, don’t blame God. I understand the desperate desire to run from them, but not from Him. And besides, running away never really solves anything, does it? It just delays resolving the issue. But Hagar ran. As her sandaled feet moved swiftly over the rough, rocky terrain that emptied into an endless desert, she must have been feeling lonely and confused and terrified and angry. Her heart must have been beating out of her chest when . . . The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert. (16:7) Scholars agree that when The Angel of the Lord appeared in the Old Testament, it was a “theophany” or an appearance of the pre-incarnate Son of God . . . Jesus before Bethlehem. This is the first time we encounter Him in Scripture . . . right here, at the spring that is beside the road to Shur, (16:7) revealing Himself . . .

-- Genesis 16:7

represented the world that He wanted to bless. God loved Hagar as much as He loved Abraham!


nd God loves you, and God loves me, and God so loves the whole world that He sent The Angel of the Lord to seek those who are separated from Him, and on the run. The Angel of the Lord is no longer pre-incarnate, but post-incarnate. He is Abraham’s ultimate promised Seed, the unique Son of God, who left His throne in heaven and came down into the world to seek and to save what was lost. He finds us on the desert road…the place of emptiness and spiritual dryness, running away from our hurt and pain and grief and anger into the nothingness and helplessness and hopelessness of a world that is in rebellion and separated from Him by sin. Are you someone who is on the desert road of despair, running away into anything or anywhere as long as it’s not where you’ve been? My prayer is that you will be found by the Spirit of the same Angel of the Lord who sought and found Hagar.

to a woman . . . not a man; to an Egyptian . . . not a descendant of Abraham; to a sinner . . . not a saint; to a slave . . . not a king. What an undeserved, gracious intervention of the Creator in Hagar’s wretched, pitiful, sin-soaked life. He sought her . . . and He found her. Why did God intervene? Why didn’t He just let Hagar run away and keep on running until she was totally removed from Abraham’s life? Or let her die in the desert, or have an untimely miscarriage, or return to Egypt where she would never have been heard from again? But God did intervene because, while He had chosen Abraham as the one through whom He would bless the world, Hagar

Central Texas had been experiencing a drought until September 11 and 12 when the rains came outside the arena in a torrential downpour that closed Interstate 35. And the “rain” fell inside the arena throughout Just Give Me Jesus/Waco, ending the spiritual drought in the hearts of thousands who gathered. Almost without exception, everyone who came experienced a fresh touch from heaven!


s Hagar knelt to get a refreshing drink from the spring, did she hear a sound that was more beautiful than the sound of the gurgling water, clearer than the sound of a singing bird, softer than the sound of the desert wind, tenderer than the sound of her own mother’s voice? I wonder if Hagar’s eyes were so blinded by the dust mingled with her tears, that it took a moment for her to focus. When she did, she must have seen a rather shadowy, mysterious figure gazing at her with a compassion that reached back before the foundations of the world were laid, and reached ahead all the way to the cross, and reached up all the way to heaven, and reached down to her . . . right there . . . on the desert road that led to Egypt. As she listened, she heard Him ask, Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going? (16:8) He knew her name! He knew who she was! And He cared enough to get involved in her life that was falling apart . . . Hagar, will you talk with Me for a moment about what you’re doing and where you belong? Hagar, let’s think this through carefully . . . together. Did Hagar choke on her sobs, her breath coming in ragged gasps, as she poured out her heart to Him? I’m running away from my mistress, Sarai. (16:8) She told Him exactly what she was doing. And did He put His arms around her, pull her head onto His chest, stroke her hair, and just hold her close to His heart for a few moments until her sobs grew quieter and her breathing more regular? Then did He gently whisper as He instructed, Go back to your mistress and submit to her . . . I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count. (16:9-10) In other words, Hagar, the only way to resolve this entire mess is to repent of your sin. Turn around. Go back. If you do, I will bless you immeasurably.


o you really want to resolve the mess you’re running away from? Do you want God’s blessing to fall on you? Then the first step is to turn around in your attitude, reverse the direction of your self-will, and submit to His authority wherever He places you. Turning around is so hard to do, isn’t it? It’s painful to turn around, to admit your fault, to face the person, to pay the price, to confront your own shortcomings and sin while leaving the other person to God. But I can almost hear the applause of heaven as those who have gone before encourage and challenge us, Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you--even Jesus. The pathway to the fullness of His blessing is repentance! Turn around!

The Elim Conference in Wales drew 1500 people from all over the UK and the world. It was a blessed time of ministry, one highlight of which was to share the platform with my travel assistant and daughter, Morrow Reitmeier, as she shared her testimony.

Hagar turned around, not petulantly or reluctantly or hesitatingly, but with the joy of knowing she herself . . . not just Abraham, but a little Egyptian servant girl . . . she herself had a personal relationship with the living God, the Creator of the Universe! I can almost see her clasping her hands to her chest, eyes wide with wonder, as she exclaimed, You are the God who sees me . . . I have now seen the One who sees me.(16:14) As Hagar slipped back into Abraham’s household that night, ignoring the stares of the other servants and the glare of her mistress, was there a purpose to her steps and a light in her eyes and a glow on her face and a smile on her lips and a peace in her heart? Did she look past the stars in the sky that were not as numerous as her descendants would be, and whisper to herself, He sees me. He sees me! God sees me . . . and I have seen Him! 1


raise God! The miracle of Christmas is that God has seen you and me! He has come down to find us on our path of sin and self-destruction because He loves us! And in the Baby of Bethlehem, we have seen Him! Merry Christmas!

Adapted from The Magnificent Obsession, Anne Graham Lotz, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI 2009 , p. 120-125 1

Bible Study: God’s Christmas Gift . . . Jesus for Every Day Every year I receive Christmas gifts that I don’t know how to use. They usually wind up on a shelf, or in a drawer, or stored in the attic. And it has occurred to me . . . has God sent you His Gift, and you don’t know how to “use” Him either? The following reveals how practical His Gift is . . . every day.

Read Mark 10:46-52

From this passage, write a description of Bartimaeus. For example: He was blind, meaning he probably felt lonely . . . what else? He was sitting on the roadside, meaning he was outcast . . . what else? He was begging, meaning he had financial needs . . . what else? How do you relate to Bartimaeus, or who do you know who does? I. JESUS HEARS YOUR CRY

Mark 10:46-48

**Do you think Jesus knew Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside? **Do you think Jesus would have stopped to help if Bartimaeus had not cried out? **Describe a similar scene in Mark 6:47-50;

in Luke 24:28-29. What does this teach you?

**How was he discouraged from crying out? How are you

being discouraged from crying out, and who is discouraging you? **Would you open your heart and cry out to Him now? II. JESUS HEEDS YOUR CALL

Mark 10:49-50

**What two or more things did Jesus do in response to Bartimaeus’ cry? **Why do you think Jesus won’t stop everything He is doing, and answer your cry? **How does God describe Himself in Exodus 34:6? How is this description the basis of Nehemiah’s prayer in Nehemiah 9:5-37? Give the phrases with verse numbers that include the word “compassion” or “compassionate.” **What encouragement do you receive from Isaiah 54:10? Matthew 9:36? 14:14? 15:32? 20:34? Mark 1:41? 2 Corinthians 1:3?

**Give phrases from the following verses that encourage you

**Once he knew he had Jesus’ attention, what did Bartimaeus do? What do you need to “throw off ” in order to experience the difference Jesus can make in your life? Hebrews 12:1; Luke 5:32; Acts 3:19; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:8-10.

**What was Bartimaeus’ cry?


to cry out: Genesis 21:17-18; Exodus 3:7-10; 1 Samuel 9:16; 2 Samuel 22:7-20; 1 Kings 17:17-24; Psalm 6:9, 34:15-18, 55:16-17, 116:1-2, 145:17-19; Romans 8:15-16.

**What did Jesus ask Bartimaeus? How did Bartimaeus answer? **What does this teach you about prayer that God answers? **What reason did Jesus give for making a difference in Bartimaeus’ life? Give the same phrase Jesus uses in Matthew 9:27-30; Luke 7:1-10; Matthew 9:20-22, 15:21-28; Luke 17:11-19. **When you cry out to Jesus, what does He honor? Luke 17:5-6.

Fan The Flame in Wauchula, FL, included a county-wide I Saw The LORD rally, a church-wide launch into what we believe for many is genuine revival. Pictured above is the pastor/minstry leaders’ seminar where I shared how I read, study and teach from a passage of Scripture. One pastor commented at the end of the day that he had learned what he had been wanting to know during his entire 40 years in ministry!

**Does everyone who asks in faith receive exactly what they want, and if not, why? 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Hebrews 11:32-40. In these days of uncertainty, with terrorist threats, political polarization, economic instability, and other stress points, would you take a moment to thank God for His Christmas Gift? Then call out in faith and rely on Jesus . . . every day!

THE MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION: Embracing the God-Filled Life

Learn how Abraham’s magnificent obsession of knowing God can transform an ordinary life and lead to experiencing the fullness of God’s blessing. Hardback Book Book on CD Audio Teaching Messages (6 CDs)

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315 $ 12.00 317 $ 20.00 262 $ 30.00


In this dynamic study from John’s Gospel, you will spend time in the upper room with the disciples, absorbing the rich depth of all that was on the mind and in the heart of Jesus as He shared intimately with them during the Last Supper. Paperback Book (Formerly titled My Heart’s Cry; includes Bible 313 study worksheets) Bible Study Leader Kit (DVD + Participant’s Guide; 6-week study) 310 Participant’s Guide 311 Audio Messages (4 CDs) 312

$ 12.00

$149.95 $ 11.95 $ 20.00

I SAW THE LORD: A Wake-Up Call for Your Heart

Based on Isaiah 1-6, these revival lessons show how you can experience an authentic, deeper, richer relationship with God. (8-week curriculum) Paperback Book 300 Duo-Tone™ Leather-like Journal 284 Bible Study Leader Kit (DVD + Participant’s Guide; 8-week study) 298 Participant’s Guide 299 Single CD (65-minute audio message on Isaiah 6) 288 DVD (65-minute video message on Isaiah 6) 289

$ $ $ $ $ $

10.00 12.00 20.00 9.00 6.00 10.00


Stay focused on Jesus even in the midst of storms with this beautifully-formatted gift book. Bonus CD narrated by Anne and accompanied by Fernando Ortega’s arrangement of Give Me Jesus. Hardback Book -Special offer available until January 15, 2010

LIFE IS . . . JUST BETTER . . . WITH JESUS - A collection of upbeat and inspirational essays describing the benefits of a Christ-filled life.

Hardback Book

263 $


296 $



An elegant, leather-bound volume of morning and evening Bible readings for every day of the year, with an exclusive section of readings for special moments. Black 047 Tan 063 Burgundy 064

$ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ 18.00


A leather-bound volume of Morning Readings from the classic Daily Light with Anne’s thought-provoing question each day as well as space for journaling. Black 113 Burgundy 115

$ 15.00 $ 15.00

THE JOY OF MY HEART: Meditating Daily on God’s Word - A daily devotional with concise, thought-provoking excerpts from Anne’s first six books.

Hardback Book

233 $ 12.00

Other Resources

Item Qty


A re-release of Anne’s first four books, in paperback, each including an in-depth chapter-by-chapter devotional guide for individual or group study. Just Give Me Jesus (Survey of John) 183R Pursuing MORE of Jesus ( John 10-17) 313 The Vision of His Glory (Revelation 1-22) 038R God’s Story (Genesis 1-11) 107R Original Just Give Me Jesus Hardback (not pictured) 122 Includes devotional CD with Fernando Ortega

Price Total

$ $ $ $ $

12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 15.00

WHY?: Trusting God When You Don’t Understand

Anne shares her heart and God’s teachings on the universal problem of suffering, using the familiar story of Lazarus in John 11. Paperback Book 267 Book on CD (3 CDs) 241

$ 8.00 $ 14.00

HEAVEN: My Father’s House

Knowing where you will spend eternity takes away the uncertainty of getting there. Paperback Book DVD (includes message, a four-session Bible study on Revelation 21 and Anne’s slide show of her father’s house) THE VISION OF HIS GLORY Leader Kit - A seven-session DVD Bible study on the Book of Revelation including a “how to” workshop + six messages, a copy of the book, and a workbook with a Leader’s Guide. Participant’s Guide GOD’S STORY Leader Kit - A five-session DVD Bible study on Genesis 1-11 including a “how to” workshop + four messages, a copy of the book, and a workbook with a Leader’s Guide. Participant’s Guide Method of Payment

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* Note - Name and Bill-To address MUST match the name and address registered to the credit card you are using for payment. For a complete list of resources, including Spanish titles, please call us Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern time, or visit our website. Most orders ship within one week of receipt. Prices effective through 3/31/10. AnGeL Ministries / 5115 Hollyridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612-3111 / (919)787-6606 / Fax (919)782-3669 / www.annegrahamlotz.com


“I can’t get Him out of my mind . . . And I can’t get Him out of my heart. I can’t outlive Him . . . And I can’t live without Him.” If you loved reading passages like this one in Anne’s best-selling book, Just Give Me Jesus, you will treasure My Jesus Is . . . Everything, a collection of selected poetry and prose from its award-winning pages. This little book is beautifully illustrated with classic and ancient crosses that reinforce the timeless truths it proclaims. And like the original, this book comes with a devotional CD in which Anne narrates who Jesus is, accompanied by Fernando Ortega’s touching arrangement of Give Me Jesus. Since the CD presents a clear Gospel message and invitation, it is perfect for non-believers as well as new believers or mature Christians. My Jesus Is . . . Everything will warm tender hearts this Christmas season and beyond. And for those who still need to know Jesus, what better way to share what He means to you . . . Everything!

. . . Only $8.00* each * Special pricing does not include shipping and handling. Offer ends January 15, 2010.

Jesus for Every Day in 2010 Are you looking for a way to “use” His Gift each day of the new year? Anne’s devotionals, The Joy of My Heart and The Daily Light Journal, will help you use God’s Word to draw you closer to Him as you meditate and pray over the Scripture verses chosen for that particular day. The Joy of My Heart is a collection of daily devotions from Anne’s best-selling books while The Daily Light Journal is a leather-bound volume of Morning Readings from the classic Daily Light with Anne’s thought-provoking question each day, as well as space for journaling. During a very intense media launch in New York City for The Magnificent Obsession, I was invited to speak at The Bowery Mission Chapel. So on my 43rd wedding anniversary, I shared the Gospel in the very place that had greatly impacted my husband’s spiritual life when he was a 15-year-old who played the trumpet when his father preached there! This time, about a dozen men and women came forward at the end of the message to claim Jesus Christ as their Savior. for christmas shipping deadlines and office hours, please visit our website, www.annegrahamlotz.com

Also available in late December for the start of 2010 is Anne’s new 52-week Bible Study devotion, Into the Word. Like the disciples of old, we need to draw aside with Jesus. Anne will help guide you in a weekly retreat as she challenges you to read, study and reflect upon Scripture using this resource.


NOVEMBER 12-15 NORTH CAROLINA, Asheville - Filling Up To Overflow Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove; 1-800-950-2092 DECEMBER 2 VIRGINIA, Lynchburg - Liberty University Chapel Service JANUARY 10 NEW YORK, Northport - Northport Baptist Church - I Saw The LORD Conference www.nbc.org 15

ARIZONA, Phoenix - Leaders in Fellowship Together Meeting; www.liftaz.org (open only to women ministry leaders)


ARIZONA, Phoenix - Calvary Community Church - I Saw The LORD Conference www.calvaryphx.com


CANADA, Edmonton, Alberta - Break Forth Canada Conference www.breakforthministries.com

FEBRUARY 9 GEORGIA, Atlanta - Kingdom Advisors Conference; www.kingdomadvisors.org 20

FLORIDA, Fort Myers - FCA President’s Weekend

MARCH 7 MARYLAND, Landover - First Baptist Church of Glenarden; www.fbcglenarden.org 19-20

SOUTH CAROLINA, Greenville - Just Give Me Jesus/Upstate SC [email protected] 864-349-1039


NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh - Hearts of Hope Luncheon sponsored by Raleigh Rescue Mission; www.raleighrescue.org

APRIL 23-24

CALIFORNIA, Pasadena - Christian Ministries Training Association; [email protected]

Harry Smith graciously invited me to share a few thoughts about The Magnificent Obsession with him on The CBS Early Show. Altogether within a three-week period, I gave over 70 radio, TV, and print interviews, challenging anyone and everyone to follow Abraham’s example and embrace the God-filled life.

While we “just gave them Jesus” inside the Ferrell Center on the Baylor University campus, a group of men prayed without ceasing in a small, curtained-off area on the arena concourse for God’s Spirit to revive the hearts of those who had gathered. We know God heard their prayers, and have seen irrefutable evidence that many of those prayers were answered.

Praise and Prayer PRAISE **For the many stories of changed lives resulting from Just Give Me Jesus/Jacksonville and Just Give Me Jesus/Waco. (Please see our praise report at www.annegrahamlotz.com) **For the Just Give Me Jesus Pastors’ Meeting and Kick-off in Greenville, SC on May 5th. Both were well attended, and launched us on our revival journey that will culminate at the Bi-Lo Center March 19-20, 2010; for new leaders who have stepped in to assist in this region-wide effort. **For safe travel and blessed ministry to the Elim Conference in Wales, the UK, May 29-June 6. **For the thrilling, county-wide outreach, Fan The Flame, in Wauchula, FL, resulting in individuals, families and entire churches experiencing genuine revival! **For the positive reviews and the successful release of both the book and the audio recording of The Magnificent Obsession, and for the multiple media opportunities it has provided to extend God’s offer of a personal relationship with Himself.

PRAYER **For Filling Up To Overflow, our 4-day intensive seminar at The Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove: to be fully attended, fully blessed, equipping each one who comes to effectively present God’s Word in order to change lives. **For students to be challenged, changed and commissioned when we speak at Liberty University Chapel, December 2. **For sufficient resources to enable us to continue operating at full strength in order to seize the strategic opportunities that God keeps bringing to us. **For the I Saw The LORD church-wide experience to be held in Northport, Long Island on January 10, and in Phoenix, AZ, on January 16-17; that God would use this emphasis to bring genuine revival to the hearts of His people. **For God’s continued blessing on our preparation for Just Give Me Jesus/Upstate SC on March 19-20, 2010.

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