Fall 2007 Ywam Chicago Newsletter

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  • Words: 1,382
  • Pages: 6
Colors of Chicago!


Reaching the City to Reach the World! "#$#%&'()*+!,-!.#'&/!01!2)*)/(&.!(0!(3#!*'()0*/!)*!"3)4'+05

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4th Annual Arts With A Mission Summer Camp

“Raising up an army of artistic ambassadors!”


City Scape !"#$%&'()*+,% -.%/,0%123453% &'()*+,6%78%25212! B%5?4.0456*Y5*'G4*?! %%%GB%5?4.0456*G*)6% 9(:;)<,:=%/:*>%?<*@A;B% !,C<'%"(<'%#%$(DD(,@% ?<*<;E;@<%,F%-C:G,D;! ,/"1!0&!52! 02($)25(0*25'!1*A$?$2(! *+!3.)0&(052&!+)*?!?52B! <$2*?025(0*2&!<$<045($0&!E*
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“I don’t know if you believe in this or not, but I think I had a vision of you last night.” A welldressed woman looked at me with tears in her eyes. I had just walked up to her, after sending our team out to offer people prayer in the plaza. I had seen her come out of the courthouse building about 15 yards away and felt led to go and talk to her. As I approached her, she stopped and stared at me with a look of surprise. I said, “We are out here praying for people, do you have anything I could pray for you about? The Lord has sent us here to give people hope.” It was at this point that she told me about her vision as tears began to form in her eyes. She told me how she had recently gone through a difficult divorce, had lost her job, and was now in court losing custody of her kids. The night before I had met her, she was contemplating suicide. Just before she took an overdose of pills she had an overwhelming feeling that God did not want her to go through with it. She told God that she didn’t know whether He even existed, but that if He did, He needed to show himself to her somehow. Immediately she saw a picture of someone who looked like me coming up to her and telling her that God had sent him to give her hope. She told God that if that was Him then he needed to make it happen the next day while she was going to court. After seeing her vision come true, imagine how open she was to hearing about the Lord’s heart for her. After some time, we prayed together and I encouraged her with God’s commitment toward her. At the end of the encounter, with tears in her eyes, she told me that I could not understand how much our meeting had changed her life. Every year more people move into cities around the globe. Over half of the world’s population is now living in urban centers. According to a recent Associated Press report, in less than 25 years over 5 billion people will live in cities. Already nearly 80% of Americans are city dwellers. Yet our cities still represent the least evangelized areas of our culture. This has produced an urban generation who is very post-Christian in its orientation and worldviews. Where does this generation turn to deal with its overwhelming circumstances, interpretation of reality, and the increasing need for meaning and significance? For the past 10 years, the Lord has led us in taking teams of people year round to the main Courthouse plaza in downtown Chicago for what we call prayer evangelism. Daley Plaza serves as a large gathering place for the city’s business community during the lunch hours everyday. Since that time we have prayed with over 11,000 people. It is unfortunate that many of those that we meet on the streets of our cities rarely, if ever, go into our church buildings. There is an increasing feeling that the church is irrelevant in the modern world of pluralistic thinking and is unable to adequately answer their deepest questions. I could tell you many stories like this, where God had divinely created the opportunity for this woman to hear His heart for her. I cannot help but wonder if there would be more such appointments if we were more actively available to the Lord to go outside our church walls and take our faith into the public arena. What could our cities look like if a generation of believers reclaimed the relevance of the church by lovingly and sincerely taking the Gospel to the streets? (Rom. 10:14-15) - Brad Stanley, Director

Chicago News


SAVE THE DATE! March 15, 2008


Take Action (a multimedia missions experience) came to Chicago this year! For over 20 years, Take Action has been a yearly event that ministered to youth at YWAM Tyler (Texas) and called them into the plans of God for their lives! We were so excited to have them bring this dynamic event to our city. As the scenarios played on the screen in this multimedia gospel presentation, the youth attending seemed to relate to every circumstance. They snickered when the teens were kicked out of a restaurant. They nodded when a rich girl’s mom was unavailable. They muttered while watching a boy using drugs. They were on the edge of their seats as a couple snuggled on a sofa. Then, when a young woman left alone on stage cried out to heaven, “I’m not as strong as everyone thinks; I spend my whole life looking after everyone else! Isn’t there anybody who will take care of ME?” There was a responding wail from the depths of the crowd, from an invisible girl in the audience who sat sobbing. The Lord had touched another heart. Over 200 young people were ministered to and most came forward and made various types of commitments to the Lord. Thank you for your prayers; please continue to pray that the Lord will minister to those who attended, that they would know His best for their lives. Pray with us as we make plans for next years Take Action, bringing the message to youth that God has plans and a destiny for all of us.

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Chicago Ministries! !"#$%&'()*+,(-%&%$.#/(0123.,!

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Indians from around the world, uniting to bless London!

Impact London 2007: A Global Bridges Outreach

Summer of Fun 8


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Giving a fresh start to residents In Chicago Public Housing Units!

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