Faithfully Yours

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 6,113
  • Pages: 12
My first time writing……….Plz comment…….Thx!

Faithfully yours Alex: I sighed audibly as I looked out of my window towards the still world stretched outside. It was 49 degrees and every living creature declared the day too hot and preferred to stand still. Inside my room the three of us tried to concentrate on our history homework while an ac buzzed overhead. “This is hopeless!” Danny cried with frustration. My athletic friend hated being locked up inside while there was still solid ground outside. “Come on guys, lets go out and play ball or something” He pleaded trying the puppy dog pout I had taught him. “I m sorry Dan but my plans for today don’t include getting burned alive!” “Oh the pretty little cheerleader afraid of breaking a perfectly manicured nail?” Danny replied to me with a mocking smile stretched across his handsome face. His black eyes twinkled with amusement as he dodged the book I threw at him. “Why oh why does Mr. Fraser hate us so much?” Alice complained about the homework, totally oblivious of our little fight. “He doesn’t hate us, he just loves history” I logically decided “If only he kept his love to himself and not try to force it upon us”. “Speaking about love, who are you going out with this Saturday?” Alice asked. “Hmmm……. I don’t know, Bobby asked me but there is always the open proposal of Brad. I can’t really decide. What about you Danny?” “M going out with Jennifer again” Danny replied curtly, already bored with the topic. “Alice?” “No date. Rather a quiet evening with my books” “Oh come on! Do u really prefer a couple of yellowed pages over a hotty?” I playfully teased my friend. “Please Alex! Reality check: everyone does not have guys drooling over them like love-sick puppies!” “Now now Alice dear, guys drool over Alex because she tends to wear short and skimpy skirts and low-cut shirts. If you start dressing up like that, I guarantee you that you will get your much loved drool” He was cut short by the two pillows that landed on him with quite some force. “I can’t believe you insulted both of us in just one sentence! That has gotta be a record” Alice narrowed her eyes while trying to cover her

giggles. “Ah ladies, you should really have thought twice before messing with a football player. Have you forgotten that we hurt for fun?” From there started a pillow fight which had us all body-slamming into each other. Even though we were 16, sometimes we acted like major 6 year olds. The blondie of our trio, Alice, had met us a year ago while Danny and I had known each other for the last 10 years. We were both dark-headed and popular in our school. I had bullet green eyes while Dan gazed upon the world with his sparkling black eyes. Alice, according to Danny, was the regular blue-eyed blonde you find at every corner. She despite being extremely cute in her own way, preferred to stay behind the scenes. We had no secrets between us….well…….accept one……..I would have told Danny but Alice had made me swear not to. The thing was that Alice had a humongous crush on Danny but she refused to tell him that directly for reasons best known to her. So I was left to get them together without being direct and trust me that’s not an easy job. “So are you going to Brad’s birthday party?” Danny asked me suddenly. “Well I have to; his parents are inviting the whole city! It’s going to be a big party” “Big but boring” Alice added. I had to agree. Brad’s parents liked to throw parties with traditional dances and the same old punch served at the sides with dinner latter on in their huge dining room. “I heard that after the formal party Brad is gonna throw a real party at The Hang” Danny grasped our interest with that little tid bit of information and I began to look forward to the big day. Looking in the mirror with my new blue summer dress held before my curvy body I sang along the faint music in the background. It was another day of school and that meant spending a lot of time before the mirror to decide what looked just right. As I inspected my new earrings critically from every angle I heard shouts from my parent’s room. I immediately snapped to attention as I was not used to my parent’s raised voices. Even if they had an argument they always held it behind the closed door of their room and in hushed whispers. This is new, I thought as I tiptoed across the hall towards my parent’s room to eavesdrop. I was halfway there when their door flew open and a very angry man emerged. It was while before I made the connection between this red-faced man and my calm and composed father. My father stormed down the stairs without even noticing me. After I heard the slam of the front door I went back into my own room musing about the various reasons for this early morning drama. The wild thinking stopped as soon as I approached my friends who as always took my mind off anything important. “Hello there Alex” I heard my name and turned behind to look at the owner of the now familiar voice. “Hi

Brad” I replied as coolly as possible. He was not really a bad guy but give him one little signal and in a minute he will be all over you. “I wanted to introduce my cousin, he is new here. Alex, meet Jason”. As if on a cue, a guy emerged from behind Brad and my heart missed a beat as I took in the person before me. I stared openmouthed as I soaked up his chocolaty brown eyes and matching messy hair. Clad in a light blue sweater and blue jeans with pulsating muscles threatening to tear through the soft material of his sweater. “See something you like?” Brad asked teasingly as he gently closed my mouth “Dear cousin, I m starting to think that the ultimate beauty of our school fancies you”. “Shut up Brad” I growled and then without a moment’s hesitation, switched to my low sexy voice and continued “Hi Jason, nice to meet you”. A curt Hi was his only reply as he shook my hand in cold courtesy. “You have gotta lemme show you around……everything” I winked as I added the last word and opened a great world of possibilities to him. Before Jason could reply I turned and walked away, swaying my hips a little more than necessary. “Slut” Jason mumbled under his breath and hid his face in his locker. “May I have your attention class” Ms. May had to repeat her sentence twice before a dozen or two wearied eyes turned towards her. “I will like one of you to volunteer to help Mr. Jason cover the syllabus he has missed” She continued in her monotone voice, sounding as bored as we felt. “I will love to help him Ms. May” I jumped up before anyone had a chance to protest and plopped down beside Jason with a million dollar smile. “Well now that that’s settled, class dismissed” Her last words acted like a trigger and suddenly all around us chairs were pushed back, unwilling feat were dragged, books were collected and conversations were picked up as the small mob moved out of the room. “How about today afterschool? You can come over my house or we can go to burger palace and study or whatever” I suggested, fixing my huge green eyes on his irritated face in open challenge. “I will meet you at burger palace at 5” He replied in a controlled voice. “It’s a date” I declared looking at his retreating back with a wicked smile glued on my face. “Alex Russo report to the vice principal’s office please” The speaker announced and I thanked God for the golden opportunity of missing German class. Unhurried, I walked through the corridors and found my way to the office. “Come in” The authoritative voice from the other side of the closed door replied as an answer to my knock. “Alex dear I got a task for you.” Now this was a man who hated beating around the bush. “You ofcourse know about the big game in our school this Friday. I want you to decorate the gym. I want everything: streamers, balloons, glitter,

cheerleaders etcetera etcetera” I winced as I heard him classify cheerleaders as a thing but was sensible enough to keep my big mouth shut. “So can I count on you?” “Ofcourse sir” I replied, fully aware that this was my only choice. As I walked back to my class I thought about the big task which lay ahead. Today was Wednesday and so I had just one and a half day till the deadline. I made a mental note of all the supplies I would need and the total cost. During class, as my teacher rambled on and on about God knows what, I made rough drafts of the charts to decorate the gym. I wrote down slogans, color combinations and everything else that came into my mind. The creative side of my brain worked in full speed and soon I had filled 5 whole pages with ideas. In my next free class I got started on the charts, willing my friends to help. Once my friends understood my ideas they had no problem in finishing the charts all by themselves. I soon left them and rushed to the gym to practice the new cheers we were gonna perform in the game. An hours workout with the cheerleaders was enough to drain my leftover energy. During the ride home the sound of sneakers stomping on the polished gym floor still throbbed in my head. The prickling cold water from the shower eased my coiled up nerves. As I took in the strawberry scent of my shampoo I went over the list of things I still had to do. The busy and not so smooth traffic of thoughts in my brain was interrupted by my ringing cell phone. I reluctantly left the comforting waters and trudged into my room slipping my bathrobe. “Hello?” “Hey Alex, I am in big trouble!” I recognized Alice’s timid voice at once and wondered how my dear goody-two shoes friend got in trouble. “I told Jennifer that I like Danny!” “What!” I cried, horrified “Of all the people in the world you choose Jennifer to open your heart too! You know Danny and Jennifer are going out and she will definitely tell Danny what you said!” “I don’t know what I was thinking” Alice sobbed inconsolably. “Oh don’t cry Alice! Dan will get over it” I hope, I added to myself. “Alex where the hell are you?” Danny’s deep voice boomed downstairs. “Alice I will talk to you later. Bye” I hurriedly switched off my phone and put on my denim jeans and a clean pink shirt. “M in my room Dan. Bring some chips with you” I called out and tried to act casual. “I can’t believe Alex!” He yelled as soon as he caught sight of me. He came in my room, devoid of any chips, took a seat by the window and continued “Why the hell did she tell Jennifer that she likes me. It was bad enough to find out that she likes me, to make matters worse I found out from the mouth of my girlfriend! How dare Alice cross the line?” Too out of breath and control to continue he turned to stare out the window and hide his red face from me. “Alice can’t help it if she fell head over heels for you, Dan. The only reason she never told you this was that she didn’t want to

lose your friendship. To her….” “You knew!” He cut me short “You knew all along that she likes me and yet you never told me rather you encouraged her! How could you!” Anger gleamed in his eyes and then they became steel cold. “I am sorry I kept a secret from you, I shouldn’t have. But please don’t be angry at Alice. You will break her heart and she is not strong enough to bear your wrath!” “I don’t love her Alex” He silently replied. The anger in his eyes had been replaced by a very confused and defeated look. Same old Dan. He could never stay angry at me for more than a minute. “I know you don’t love her but I can’t allow you to hurt her” “I don’t wanna hurt her Alex! She is my friend too you know!” He replied heatedly. “Why don’t you go out with her? Maybe, just maybe, you will see a spark” I suggested softly and expected him to blow up by the mere idea. “Okay” His soft reply surprised me and catching my dumfounded expression he gave a chuckle. “I am a nice guy Alex. Don’t you ever forget that” “You are late” Jason said when I showed up at burger palace “Is this another of your cheap ways to snare a guy?” “If it worked then my answer is yes” I retorted “Why don’t we start with Maths? I was thinking of English but seeing how good you are with your words I have changed my mind.” He winced at my comment but opened his book anyways. We studied, taking in the oily aroma of the restaurant. By the end of our little study session, which lasted one and a half hour, we had finished three chapters and one large pizza. “I have never met a girl who looks like an angel yet eats like a truck driver.” Jason observed, smiling good-naturedly. His mood had taken a shift towards the better during the first hour. “I will take that as a compliment” I replied reaching for my glass of soda. “It was given as one” he answered and left. As I collected my books I came across a folded pieceof paper.

Smiling, I stuck the note in my pocket. “I ran up the door, opened the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers, turned off my bed, tumbled into my light, and all because he kissed me good-night!” “Huh?” I said when I heard the words my late night caller whispered into the phone.

9923568 Call me

*Giggles* “Alex it’s me, Alice! Danny took me out tonight”. “On a school night?? What time is it anyways?”. “It’s almost midnight. My parents are at a party so I didn’t even have to sneak in the house”. I laughed and silently thanked God that everything had turned out right between those two. “Ok spill girl! I need every detail”. Our conversation went on till 1:25 and I woke up the next morning with bags under my eyes. I sleepily put on my black shorts and a dark green shirt and dragged myself to the kitchen. I was surprised to find Mr. Smith, my mom’s lawyer sitting in the kitchen with my mom and a thousand papers stacked in front of them. “Good morning mom, good morning Mr. Smith. What brings you here at such an early hour?”. “Morning Alex, how are you? I m here to umm….iron out some kinks from your mother’s newest deal”. “Oh, in that case I think you guys will be better off without me hanging around” I replied to Mr. Smith. “Thanks honey. Your toast is at the counter and your juice is in the fridge. Have fun in school” Mom gave me all the required info hurriedly as only a working mom should. “Btw mom, where is dad?” “He has gone to work early today”. “Oh k” I replied and raced out with my breakfast tray balanced dangerously in one hand. I drove to school in my showy little convertible with speed a little over the legal limit. I at once headed to my locker, eager to finish the preparations for the big game. I was buried deep in the avalanche of CDs, smelly gym clothes, books, cosmetics and old snacks when someone waved a white rose in front of my face. I glanced beyond the beautiful flower to stare at the smiling face of Jason. “This is for helping me with my studies. I really appreciate it. Thanks Alex”. “Oh Jason, it’s beautiful! Thank you soooo much!” I said and tucked the half bloomed rose behind my left ear. “Well? How do I look?”, “Stunning” He said simply and giving my cheek a soft caress, left. Alice’s sudden hug brought me back to earth from the seventh heaven I had reached because of Jason’s touch. My cheek still burned but I put aside my happiness to share Alice’s. She was practically buzzing with excitement as she recounted her drive to school with Danny. She had a lot to tell and I didn’t get a chance to meet Dan before class to hear his side of the story. I was surprised at his 180 degree turn. Just yesterday he was red faced to know about Alice’s little crush and now he was acting like any perfect boyfriend should. The class passed uneventfully and painfully slow. As soon as the bell rang I was up and out of my class like a flash of lightning. Jason was shared my algebra class and the next 45 minutes passed with high flirt rates. Deplorably, I was too busy the rest of the day to see him again but this did not mean that I didn’t think about him. Every time I blew a red balloon I thought of him, every time I blew a white one I thought about his

rose. I was behaving childishly, I knew this but they say adrenaline works best in a teenager in love. I missed lunch and so Danny brought me a sandwich and an apple. As we set on the bleachers nibbling on our lunches I asked him about Alice. “You said you didn’t want me to hurt her. Becoming her boyfriend seemed like the only solution to me”. I stared down at my sneakers as I took in what he just said. He was only dating Alice because I had told him to. I could imagine how heartbroken Alice would feel if she ever knew. Another secret to keep. “Green or red?..hmmmm…..maybe white” I mused as I stood in front of my closet. I had another study date with Jason and he had hinted that study was not his priority this evening. Downstairs a door slammed and I hurriedly went out to see who the intruder was. “Hey dad, how come you are home so early?”. “I have to go out the city for a few days hon, I am home so that I can pack and get outta here” He said with a grin that looked just a little forced to me. “Where are you going?”. “Texas. Business calls.”. “Oh. I will miss u dad” “I will miss you too hon” This time his smile was genuine and a little sad too. I went back into my room and after taking a deep breath resumed my previous task. An hour later I was still in front of my closet but it seemed like dad had worked faster. “I am going hon, I will be back soon but till then be a good daughter. Ok?”. “K dad. Love you”. “Love you too” He wrapped me up in a bear hug and then after releasing me and give me a kiss as he left, dragging his big brown suitcase behind him. I waved until his car disappeared from my sight. “White” I mumbled and went in to change. This time Jason came to pick me up. I settled into his black Corolla and at once noticed the nice smell lingering in the car. “I can definitely get used to being driven around in this baby” I said as I sniffed around a bit, literally. “I can definitely get used to driving you around in this baby” He grinned exposing his fine teeth. A little color rose on my face and I hurriedly changed the topic. “So which subject do you wanna start with today?”. “How about Chemistry?” He winked. “Keep your head in the game Jason, we are here to study”. “Oh we are? I thought I will take you to a movie and then dinner” the amused grin never left his face. “I don’t know” I said bringing a fake pout on the surface. “Then it’s a good thing that I have already made the plans or else we would be stuck in this car all evening waiting for you to make up your mind. Not that I would mind sitting here with you but trust me you will be more comfortable outside”. “Hmmm…..I don’t think so” I purred as he rested his hand on my thigh. The rest of the evening was a blur and that night as I switched off my bed side lamp I remembered the heat that had spread inside me with his touch and

I remembered the feel of his lips on mine. His face was the only thing I dreamt of that night. “Go Wildcats!”. “Yaaaayyyyyyy!”. “2 4 6 8, winning is our fate!” We danced, yelled and performed stunts at the sidelines as the two teams fought for the possession of the ball. The round orange prize changed hands repeatedly and finally went through the basket which was a good thing I presumed by the jumping fans. At half time we, as in the cheer squad, performed a difficult routine which included a series of splits and back tucks leading to our famous pyramid. As I took my place on the top of our mighty pyramid the crowd went wild and claps and stomping feat shook the gym. Our team won after a hard and sweaty battle. As soon as the final whistle blew the cultured students of East High became an uncivilized and uncontrollable crowd. I was everywhere, wired for action. I hugged the players, performed acrobatic stunts, kept a watchful eye on the decorations and as soon as I pulled the string, a mass of red and white balloons tumbled down unto the unsuspecting throng. This was the finale I had dreamt of. If it was even possible, the shouts grew even stronger, the feet began to impinge on the gym floor even more. I got a little crazy too and danced and chanted along with everyone else. In a corner I saw Danny dancing with Alice. I smiled as I watched my two best friends. Suddenly two strong hands grabbed me from behind and the next thing I knew I was two feet above solid ground and everything started to blur around me. I realized that someone was swinging me around; I turned my face around expecting Jason to be the cause of this embarrassing yet really funny and sweet experience. Instead I found Brad smiling broadly at me. I gave him a smile and hug in return but I wondered why Jason wasn’t with me at this moment. Everyone with their special someone except me. It’s not like we were officially going out or anything but then again there were those very personal boundaries he had crossed yesterday. Those must have meant something. He must be just searching for me wondering the same thing. “Why am I making excuses for him!” I cried out with sheer frustration. Danny: “I will be right back Alice, gotta check on Alex”. “Oh k, no prob”. I tried to elbow my through the crowd to where I had last seen Alex. After a couple of tries I decided to stick to the sidelines because pushing through this untamed mob can seriously re-arrange his face and truth be told, he liked the current arrangement of his face. As I snuck out of sight behind the bleachers, I thought of Alice and how happy I had made her. My thoughts were broken when I saw a kissing couple tucked safely behind the bleachers. I was mischievous by nature and I hesitated

just a moment before sneaking behind the busy couple. In my best imitation of our vice-principle’s voice, I barked “What the hell are you doing! You two are here for studying not kissing! Now get your arm out of her shirt young man!” I was behind the vending machine so they couldn’t see me but that didn’t mean I didn’t scare the shit out of them. For my big finish I jumped out of my hiding place and yelled “boo! Scared ya!” My big goofy grin was wiped right out off my face when I saw who the blonde was nuzzling with. “Real mature, Danny!” The blondie yelled but with a smile. “You!” I pointed an accusing finger at Mr. I-kiss-every-girl-I-meet aka Jason. “How can you stand being tucked in a corner with a blonde when a girl is out there waiting for you!”, “Back off Danny, my personal matters are none of your business”. “Maybe not yours but I most certainly mind Alex’s personal matters and buddy, frankly speaking, you are neck deep in her personal matters and that makes takes you neck deep in trouble with me”. “Now now Danny, don’t do something you will regret later” He said while backing up. “I won’t regret this. Now you listen and listen good” His collar was in my hand “Alex doesn’t deserve a piece of rotten shit like you but somehow she likes you. Now you go out there, make her happy, forget about all the other blondes you have tucked away behind other bleachers and concentrate on making her happy” I leaned in closer so that he could feel the vapor coming out of mouth “Remember buddy, I m watching you and the next time I catch like this, this pretty face of yours aint gonna be so pretty no more” With this I left him. Anger welled up inside me at the mere thought of this worm with Alex. I wanted to tell her what happened but then I remembered how happy she had looked when she had told me about him. I knew that if I told her she would stop seeing that two timing creep for good but in doing that she will break into a thousand pieces on the inside. No, I can’t tell her. Not now anyways. Alex: “I am home! Where are you mom?” “In the kitchen sweetie” I half expected the crickets to answer me coz mom was not home most of the time. “Hey mom, we had the best game ev…” I stopped short when I noticed Mr. Smith. “You again?” I said with an easy grin. “Yeah well I will be intruding quite much these days. Your mom’s got me working hard” He replied, imitating my grin. “Hmm……new deal mom? What’s it about anyways?” “Oh sweetie don’t sweat yourself on these complicated matters and enjoy your non-tax paying life to the full” Her answer earned a chuckle from Mr. Smith but I was a persistent cookie. “I better start learning before I have to face the bull in the face, right? So brief me please” My grin was there but if one looked closely enough, he could spot the steel determination in my eyes. “Honey, this is adult business. Now why don’t you watch a movie or something in your

room and I will bring your dinner to you. Dinner in bed. Sounds good, right?” “I m not 6, mom. I can’t be lured out of this room with promises of candy anymore” Stating my opinion in a monotone I quietly left the room. I resisted an urge to slam the door because I knew that doing that will just cement mom’s opinion about me being nothing more than a wild child. Tears never came easily to me but I don’t why but today they started to well up inside of me. I looked in the mirror and saw a 16 year old in a skimpy cheerleading outfit with shiny straightened black hair and huge green eyes full of unshed tears. I took a deep breath and told my reflection that I was a strong little trooper and that 16 year olds don’t cry coz their moms don’t share their business with their kids and that it was stupid to miss dads so much when they were scheduled to come back so soon. That night the trooper went to bed with her teddy bear. I woke up the next day with a splitting headache. It took me a while to relate my headache to the fight with mom last night. I was still not feeling too well emotionally and this headache didn’t help. My fingers automatically moved towards the phone and I called Danny. “Hello?” A groggy voice replied. “Dan, I got a headache, can’t move, had a fight with mom, miss dad, help me” If anyone could understand my incomplete sentences, that person was Dan. “Hang in there sweetie. I will right over”. I hung up and thought of how lucky I was to have a friend who understood me so well. Dan never asked unnecessary questions. I was engrossed in my thoughts when Danny came. He had a spare key so I never had to go through the trouble of opening the door for him. “Hey baby. You look terrible.”. “Gee did I forget to powder my nose for your visit?” He threw back his head and laughed. “Considering your red nose, I think you should powder it after all.” “You are lucky that I don’t have enough strength to beat you into a pulp”. “Sorry baby, I brought a tablet, here you go” He gave me a tablet and poured some water for me. “What’s up with Mr. Smith? He is here pretty early.” “They are working on a deal or something which they refuse to tell me about.” “Am I wrong in assuming that this was reason for the fight?” “Nope.” “You have flu, baby. Bet you it’s because of all the work you have lately been doing. You are over worked and then the party after the game was the last straw.” “When did you become a doctor?” He took my hand in his and said “Not doctor, but a friend. Now you better change. Cheerleading uniform barely qualifies as an outfit to sleep in.” He helped me change into a pair of shorts and a sleeveless pink and grey stripped hoody. My phone rang just then. “I will get it” Danny said and reached for my cell. “Hello?” “Umm…can I talk to Alex? Tell her its Jason” “Its Jason, I will be more than happy to tell him you are busy and can’t talk

right now” “Shut up Dan and hand me the phone!” He reluctantly gave me the phone. “Hi Jason, sorry to keep you waiting. What’s up?” “I wanted to meet you, somewhere private. It’s important.” Jason’s husky voice breezed through the phone. “Sure, where do you wanna meet?” “How about the Rose garden?”“I will meet you there in an hour. K?” “It’s a date” He replied and from his tone I could tell that a smile has crept up his face. I hung up looked at Danny, pleadingly. “Help me get ready; I have to meet Jason in an hour.” “Are you out of your mind? You are sick and in n condition to go anywhere. Why didn’t you just ask him to come here?” “Because he wanted to go to Rose garden” I replied, my face filled with innocence. “You love him, don’t you?” He asked softly. “Yes, I think so. Now be a dear and help me get ready. Get my jeans skirt and baby pink jersey out of my cupboard please.” “This is not a good idea, Alex. You are sick. Just look at you!” He yelled and I turned to look in the mirror. “Nothing a little makeup can’t fix” “God help her”. Danny helped me dress up, forced a boiled egg and mango milkshake down my throat and even drove me to the Rose garden. I found Jason waiting for me in a bench, partly hidden behind a large tree. “Hi there” He smiled in return and stood up. What a perfect gentleman, I thought. He took my hands and sat down facing me. “Alex, I know we have known each other for only a little while but I have to tell you this” He paused and then continued, staring directly into my eyes. “I want you to be my girlfriend” I gasped and lowered my gaze “Really?” “Why would I even think about joking about such a serious matter, darling” He gently pulled a stray strand of my hair. “What do you say? Are you ready to be mine, or do you need more time?” “I don’t need more time Jason. My answer is yes” I answered and leaned in to place a light kiss on his lip. In return he leaned in and began to nibble on my ear. He began to roll his tongue over the sensitive spot behind my ear and just then I sneezed. I mentally swore on the bad timing. Suddenly I heard a nearby bush giggle. “What the!” Jason apparently had heard the bush too. He hurriedly went and dragged a guy out of the bush before he could escape. “Danny!!” I yelled after I got over my initial shock. “You were spying on me! I can’t believe it!” “Sorry baby but I don’t trust your friend here” He brushed some leaves from his jacket “I was about to pound him but your sneeze worked just fine.” “Danny I hate you! I m 16, I don’t need someone taking care of me while I talk to a boy!” “Sorry but it’s time to go home. I am sure your

boyfriend won’t mind.” “He won’t but I will. Let go, Danny!” I tried to release my hand from his iron grip but his hand just tightened. “Your mom has to talk to you anyways. We are going home” “No! You are going home. I am staying here” I looked towards Jason for some help but he just stood on a side, silent. How was I to know

that he was scared that if he interfered Danny will reveal his secret. Jason didn’t want Alex to know about his kissing-behind-the-bleachers act. “Let’s go Alex. I think Jason won’t mind if you left without kissing him goodbye” With this he half carried, half dragged me out of the park. He practically pushed me in the car. He clicked my seat belt in place and slammed the car door. Then he entered the car and instead of starting the car he turned to look at me “What were you thinking! Necking with that creep hidden behind all those trees. Pathetic, just pathetic.” “Oh so I suppose stalking and spying on people is not pathetic at all? Interesting” I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice. “I can’t believe you ruined my moment” “Your moment? Your moment! Get a grip girl! If that guy really liked you, he would have admitted it in public not hidden behind a maple tree.” “It’s called romantic, Danny. Not that you will know anything about that.” “You are angry at me?” He asked, surprised. I turned to him and said in a barely controlled voice “Angry? No way Danny, I am not angry at you. How can you think I am angry? I am furious, I am enraged, I am infuriated! How dare you think I am just angry? The fact is that you were spying on me from behind a bush when I was sharing a very private moment with my boyfriend, you dragged me out of the park against my will, and you manhandled me! How could you!” Danny turned a very frightening shade of red. “You like facts, don’t you. Okay, let me state some. I let you cry on my shoulder when things aren’t going your way, I bring you food to eat when you miss a meal, I rock you to sleep when you can’t sleep and did I mention that I am always there when you need me?” “If I thought you will rub it all in my face later, I would never have chosen you” I softly said and got out of the car. To be continued………………………………

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