Faculty Web Listing Fall 09

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 537
  • Pages: 3
Faculty Schedule Faculty Name Bachmann, Beth Baker, Houston Barsky, Robert Bell, Vereen (Assoc. Chair) Briggs, Gabriel Cervantes, Gabe Chapman, Rebecca Childress, Sarah Clayton, Jay (Chair) Cosner, Kin Daniels, Kate Dayan, Colin Dever, Carolyn Dicker, Rory Earley, Tony Enterline, Lynn Fesmire, Julie Fusco, Katherine Garcia, Humberto Girgus, Sam Goddu, Teresa Gottfried, Roy Guralnick, Peter Hilles, Rick Hoffer, Lauren Hunter, Lyn

EXT. # ROOM 3-3187 BN 321 3-7358 BT223 2-6900 FM219 2-3324 3-4291 2-2296 2-6979 2-4958 2-2542 2-2330 2-2175 2-2348 2-2851 3-5729 2-2334 2-3705 2-3112 2-2075 2-2328 2-2271 3-8724 2-2326 2-2330 2-3704 2-2268 2-3704

E-MAIL beth.bachmann houston.a.baker robert.barsky

BN 325 vereen.bell FM 220 gabriel.a.briggs BN 422 gabriel.cervantes BN 423 rebecca.chapman AL 309 sarah.childress BN 332 jay.clayton BN 300 [email protected] BN 319 kate.daniels BN 322 colin.dayan KH 301 carolyn.dever BT 127B rory.c.dicker BN 413 tony.l.earley BN 323 lynn.enterline BT 127A julia.a.fesmire AL 117 katherine.fusco BN 425 humberto.garcia BN 318 sam.b.girgus BT 132 teresa.a.goddu BN 412 roy.k.gottfried BN 300 peter.guralnick BN 424 rick.hillis BN 302 lauren.hoffer BN 424 evelyn.s.hunter

Fall 2009 Office Hours (*and by appointment) MON TUES WED THUR 2:30-4:00 2:30-4:00 3:10-5:00 2:30-3:30 2:00-3:00



3:00-4:00 1:00-2:00 10:10-11:00 10:10-11:00 10:10-11:00 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 10:30-11:30 3:30-4:30 11:00-12:30 11:00-12:30 By appointment. Contact Sara Corbitt # 2-2542 2:00-4:00 9:00-11:00 11-12:00 11-12:00 Dean On Leave Fall 2009 1:00-3:00 1:00-2:00

1:00-2:00 12:00-2:00 12:45-2:15 3:00-4:00


2:00-3:30 Not teaching Fall 2009 On Leave Fall 2009 1:00-3:00 9:15-10:15


12:45-2:15 3:00-4:00 2:30-4:00


Jarman, Mark, Director, MFA Program Jellerson, Donald Kasibhatla, Jaya Kim, Jeong-oh Kinard, Amanda Krause, Jenn Kreyling Michael Kutzinski, Vera Lamb, Jonathan Levy, Ellen Lopez, Lorraine Marcus, Leah Moore, Roger Nelson, Dana Nesler, Miranda Nwankwo, Ifeoma Orr, Bridget Ostrowski, Wade Pierce-Baker, Charlotte Plummer, John Porter, Dahlia Randall, Alice Reisman, Nancy Rejack, Brian Schachter, Allison Schoenfield, Mark ( DUS) Schwarz, Kathryn (DGS) Solomon, Sandy Spillers, Hortense

2-2618 2-6979 2.2347 2-6026

BN 400 BN 423 BN 419 BN 421

2-7332 2-2370 2-2286 2-2272 2-2325 2-2369 2-5036 3-2239 3-3185 2-4958 2-2329 2-2368 2-3704 3-7808 2-2317 3-3186 2-2325 2-2335 2-7332 3-3186 2-2173 2-2367 3-3187 2-2445

FM 229 BN 320 BN 303 BN 310 BN 321 BN 403 BT 140 AL 415 BN 313 AL 309 BN 401 BN 411 BN 424 BT 121 BN 402 BN 410 BN 321 BN 418 FM 329 BN 410 BN 327 BN 301 BN 427 BN 315

mark.jarman 1:00-2:00 1:00-2:00 1:00-2:00 donald.jellerson 11:30-2:00 11:30-2:00 jaya.n.kasibhatla jeongoh.kim 9:30-11:00 9:30-11:00 amanda.m.kinnard jenn.krause 4:00-5:30 4:00-5:30 michael.p.kreyling 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 On Leave Fall 2009 - Spring 2010 vera.kutzinski jonathan.lamb 10:00-1:00 ellen.s.levy 3:00-5:00 lorraine.lopez 11:30-1:00 2:30-4:00 l.marcus 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 roger.e.moore 3:00-4:00 2:00-3:00 by appointment. See sign up sheets on door. dana.d.nelson miranda.nesler 9:30-10:30 9:30-10:30 i.nwankwo 3:00-4:00 3:00-4:00 bridget.e.orr 10:00-1:00 wade.ostrowski 2:00-4:00 charlotte.pierce-baker Not teaching in English this semester. john. f.plummer 10:15-11 10:15-11 10:15-11 dahlia.j.porter 2:30-4:00 2:30-4:00 By appointment alice.randall nancy.b.reisman 2:30-3:45 2:30-3:45 brian.rejack 9:00-11:00 9:00-11:00 On Leave Fall 2009 - Spring 2010 allison.schachter mark.schoenfield 8:00-10:00 kathryn.schwarz 4:00-5:30 sandy.solomon 1:30-3:00 hortense.j.spillers 1:30-4:00

Spoth, Daniel Teukolsky, Rachel Tichi, Cecelia Thompson-Spires, Nafissa Wollaeger, Mark Young, Paul

2-4958 2-6026 2-2268 2-2268 2-7469 2-2327

AL 309 BN 421 BN 302 BN 302 BN 414 BN 308

daniel.spoth rachel.teukolsky cecelia.tichi nafissa.d.thompson mark.a.wollaeger paul.d.young

10:00-12:00 2:30-4:00 On leave Fall 2009 3:30-5:00 3:00-4:00 2:45-4:00 12:30-1:30 in BT 132 in BT 132

3:00-4:00 12:30-1:30 in BN 308

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