Facial Fatality First Act.

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  • Words: 4,616
  • Pages: 23
Facial Fatality - A Love Story by Bob Chatman

In Loving Memory of Joseph Buckley

Revisions by Stephen King, Bob Chatman Current Revisions by Bob Chatman

Gneu.org Sunnyvale, California [email protected]

FADE IN: INT. PORN SHOP - ARCADE ROOM HALLWAY - NIGHT Ten DOORWAYS line the two walls of the hallway, with HEAVY DARK CURTAINS drawn. Three of the RED LIGHTS above the doorways are on, a shallow glow bathes the hallway. TWO PORNO’s compete for audio dominance. The sound of a BOOT STUCK IN MUD overlaps with RHYTHMIC BOOTY CLAPS and SQUEELS OF DELIGHT. At the end of the hall is a door left ajar, with a FULL LENGTH MIRROR hung on it. A large smiley of smeared semen streaks down the mirror as it dries. Behind the door a YELLOW VYNYL BIOLOGICAL WARFARE SUIT drips dry and sways on its HANGER. MIKE JOHNSON, 28, walks out of the door. He wears a DRESS SUIT and pink DISH GLOVES and takes a long look at the mirror. He takes out a BOTTLE OF WINDEX and a ROLL OF PAPER TOWELS and wipes down the mirror, then straightens his BOW TIE in it. PRADEEP RAMADKUMAR, 40, walks through the storefront curtain. He carries a BOX of returned DILDOS and expired CONDOMS. PRADEEP You cannot spare 20 more minutes? Tomorrow is day for collection. Mike gives his tie a final tug, straightens it and lets loose a sigh, then lowers his shoulders. MIKE I already gave you two hours. Above and beyond, always. PRADEEP 33 is not even an important year. You don’t even celebrate your own. MIKE She only get’s one a year. I told you about this three weeks ago. Mike walks onto the sales floor. Pradeep puts down the box and follows him.


INT. PORN SHOP - SALES FLOOR - NIGHT The walls are lined with VIDEOS, sorted by genre and format and color coded. LCDs in the corners play muted porn. Soft elevator music plays from a TELEVISION behind the SALES REGISTER. The sounds from the arcade room seeps out into the sales floor as the curtains sway. Mike walks over to the New Release section and thumbs through a hand full of DVDS. He pulls out two and a smile cuts from ear to ear, “Sloppy Balls 2,” and “40 Year Old Splurgin.” PRADEEP I wish you wouldn’t do that. Mike tosses a wad of money on the counter and grabs a PAPER BAG from over the counter and tosses the dvd’s into it. Mike walks over to the front door. PRADEEP If you leave now... MIKE You’ll have to find someone else to clean those dildos for resale. Mike walks out the door. The DOOR CHIMES ring in the air. PRADEEP Just don’t be late tomorrow! INT. PIZZARIA - NIGHT GREEN PLEATHER STRETCHED BOOTHS and TABLES seat FOUR FAMILILES of dirty, grease smeared, OBESE PEOPLE and a pair of WOMEN. At a table in the corner the pair sit in near absolute silence. ADEN CHIWESI-JOHNSON, 19, rubs her pregnant stomach. She loves bright African colors, and low cut tops. DIANE JOHNSON, 32, well dressed, and conservative. Her long elegant skirt, slit up to her knee, covers her crossed legs. Diane sits opposite Aden and fingers her nearly empty GLASS of iced green tea. Aden plays with the last piece of HALF EATEN PIZZA. Aden’s eyes dart to the door as it opens.


Mike walks toward their table. He sports a sly smile, and walks with his arm behind his back, where the PAPER BAG hides. ADEN It’s about fucking time. Diane stands and hugs Mike. DIANE I don’t know why she has to be such a pistol always. MIKE How’s Mom Doin? DIANE Good, she called this morning at 4am, like always. Mike rubs Diane on the back and hands her the paper bag. They sit down together on the same side of the table. MIKE Miss Best Anal 2009! You can’t lose! ADEN Shitty! Ha, ha! A FEMALE WAITRESS walks over to the table. Her mouth drags on the floor. FEMALE WAITRESS Do you realize this is a family restaurant? Prude.


DIANE Oh, uhm, sorry. Can we just get a bottle of bigfoot for the latecomer? The waitress walks away and shakes her head. A few of the fatties around them take notice of their porn and scoff. MIKE No, no. Lets get out of here. I don’t want to cause a scene.


Diane slides the videos into her PURSE, smiles at the waitress and they walk out. EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Suzie walks ahead of Mike and Diane, towards Mike’s beat up TEAL ALTIMA. DIANE You should have never turned to mail order. MIKE Here goes, one more time will help, I’m sure. Diane puts a warm hand on his cheek and they stop. She takes the DVD’s out of her purse and signs them, then hands them to Mike. He smiles and gives her a tight hug. DIANE How about we try this again? Drinks tomorrow at uh... Droppin Deuces? MIKE You have always been great at reading my mind. We can celebrate properly. ADEN Without the ball-n-chain, that’s for sure. DIANE I’ve got a filming tomorrow morning, Ill call you later though. Mike puts his hand on Aden’s shoulder and walks her over to his car. He puts the two DVDS into his trunk and smiles back at Diane and then gets in. They drive off into the night. INT. BROKEN DOWN SHACK - DAY A SINGLE 80W LIGHT swings on its CABLE in the middle of the 10 by 10 foot shack. Its CORRUGATED ALUMINUM walls are streaked with GLAZED DONUT HAND PRINTS. STEVE GOLDMAN, 26, a wiry guy with GLASSES and a GOATEE films four guys. They all wear FAKE MILITARY CAMOUFLAGE and CHEAP SUNGLASSES.


Ron, 22, sports a MARINE TATOO and more muscle than jesus. He holds one end of the BOARD that Diane struggles on. Herman, 28, stands nearly 7 feet tall and wears berkinstocks and a TYE DYE SHIRT under his camo. He lies on his back and supports the board, and pulls on the STRAPS. Joe, 24, bounces off the walls. He sniffs a line of cocaine and returns to splashing. He splashes Diane with BUCKETS of water, but only on her tits. Carl, 30, plays the questioner. He crouches over Diane’s body and breathes heavily. They wank around Diane, as she struggles under her STRAPS on a make shift WATER-BOARD STATION. A BURLAP SACK muffles her words. A FILM CLAPPER lies on shelf - “Bukake Boarding.” They smear the sack with SEMEN. STEVE Alright, line! JOE Where is the fuckin bomb, bitch. The guys can barely keep their faces straight as they take part in this travesty. CARL Damn you whores, fuckin our men and makin ‘em into terrorists! Ron smacks Diane’s tit and she squeels. Steve pushes PAUSE on his HD CAMERA and hands Herman a JUG of MAN-JUICE, a semen like substance but in massive quantities. STEVE Alright guys, let’s get to the money shot. Diane makes a muffled affirmation. The guys just laugh, and Steve unpauses his camera. Herman takes Diane’s bindings, and pulls them tight. CARL Let it out, c’mon we know you did it!


Splash, bloorp, glug, glug, glug. The guys pour the jug over burlap sack. Diane squirms within her bindings. Joe buries his face in her tits and plays motor boat. The man Juice goes everywhere. CARL Where is the nuke, you fucking German? STEVE German? She is a terrorist. You dumb fuck. Ron picks up another jug of Man Juice and pours it onto Diane’s face. Glug, glug, glug. Diane struggles and gags under the sack. STEVE There we go guys! Keep that up! She goes limp. Joe’s motor boat continues. Glug, bloorp. RON Haha! This is fucking cool. I feel like I’m back in Guantanamo. Steve walks over and pats Diane on the face. She doesn’t respond. He smacks her again and pulls the bag off of her head. Diane’s eyes stare past Steves shoulder, her lips turn blue. STEVE Fuck. You guys better get out of here. Ill call my brother. Joe turns off his motor boat and stands. His face reflects the lights like a warm freshly glazed Krispy Creme donut. Man Juice drips off of his face onto Diane’s. Her eyes continue to stare. INT. PORN SHOP - SALES FLOOR - DAY Pradeep clears a DISPLAY of FLESHLIGHTS hurriedly. a few other DISPLAYS stand cleared next to the curtain into the curtained hallway.


Pradeep loops the VELCRO STRAPS around the curtains and walks one of the emptied displays into the back room. Mike walks in and straight over to the REGISTER. A couple of taps and the till opens. Mike counts out a couple hundred dollars, puts it into a SMALL PAPER BAG next to the register. Mike puts the remainder in a second PAPER BAG marked SAFE-T-BAG. PRADEEP (O.S.) You son of a dog. Mike smiles and walks over and puts the bag on one of the displays. Pradeep comes out of the back and picks up the display. MIKE They are always late, why do you act like this D-Day? PRADEEP I prefer to get this done before... Tires screech outside the front door, and a police horn pierces the air. Shit.


Mike takes the display from Pradeep and walks into the back. Pradeep releases the Velcro and lets the curtains fall. OFFICERS BARAK GOLDMAN, 64 with a Jerry curl looking Jew-fro, and RYAN BRUSUELAS, 29 of Scandinavian descent, walk in and straight to the Anal section. They thumb through a few DVDS. Mike returns to the floor, picks up a second display and walks it into the back. One catches Goldman’s attention, “Sloppy Balls.” His eye brows arch. BRUSUELAS Isn’t this the bitch from this morning? GOLDMAN Yep, All taken care of. Steve’ll be fine. No charges filed.


Mike sees the cover and walks up to Goldman, snatches the video out of his hand and frowns. Diane smiles on the DVD cover. MIKE No charges? What happened, was she assaulted? Goldman pushes Mike backwards into a wall of DVDS. The DVDS fly into the air, along with their shelves. Mike lands and grunts as a shelf jams him in the rib cage. GOLDMAN Who the fuck are you? That bitch died this morning, drowned. Brusuelas chuckles. PRADEEP Hey, Hey, Hey! Do not bash up my shop. I don’t want no troubles. Mike fumbles about as he fails to right himself, but he slips on the DVDS again, and again. Pradeep helps him to his feet. MIKE Drowned!? What? How? Pradeep hands Goldman the small bag of money and pushes him and Brusuelas toward the front door. PRADEEP They are probably full of shitty. (To Goldman) Please go now, no troubles. Goldman slips Pradeep a business card. GOLDMAN Don’t forget about our business plan. Mike’s brow furrows, and he picks up his CELL PHONE and dials the police. MIKE Shit, I have to take Aden to school, I’ll be back in a half hour. He better be full of shit. Mike walks out of the shop, phone to his ear.


EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY Officer Goldman walks at a hurried pace to his CRUISER. He passes a thumbs up sign to Officer Brusuelas. MIKE (To Phone) I need information about Diane Johnson... Yes, I am family. Mike gets into his car and drives off toward home. Brusuelas flips a SWITCH as Goldman leans his head into the car. MIKE (O.S.) (Over Radio) No! Why didn’t anyone try to contact... What happened? GOLDMAN Sometimes, rookie, you have to follow a hunch. Brusuelas laughs a bit, then starts the car. Goldman gets in and they drive off in the same direction. INT. MIKE’S ALTIMA - DAY The CRACKED DASHBOARD hangs over the broken SPEEDOMETER. The VENTS are clogged with CIGARETTE TAR. WIRES hang out of the hole where a radio once was. Aden pulls on her HAIR EXTENSIONS. Her KNAPSACK lies in the back seat, a couple her SCHOOL BOOKS on dance lay on top of it. ADEN She’s really dead? Did you confirm that with the police? MIKE Yes, I’m not a fucking idiot. His hands wring the STEERING WHEEL, his knuckles turn white. Aden pulls an extension out of her hair. She looks at Mike and softens.


ADEN Shit, I’m sorry. I forgot about you. Baby, are you alright? Mike’s face rolls through sadness and grimaces and then softens. ADEN How did this cop know about it? No clue.


ADEN You should find out. He has to be involved. MIKE Maybe it was an accident. Aden pierces into him, her eyes on fire. ADEN That is thin, incredibly thin. Get back with it. You can’t die doing bukake porn. Mike pulls to a stop in front of Aden’s school. Mike’s gaze lands on her. She grabs her books, tosses her knapsack over her shoulder and steps out. ADEN You have to do something, Mike. Mike pulls away. EXT. MIKE’S ALTIMA - DAY Mike pulls to the side of the road, behind him a police cruiser blares its SIREN and EMERGENCY LIGHTS. Officer Goldman and Brusuelas step out of their cruiser. Mike bends down and looks through his GLOVE COMPARTMENT for his REGISTRATION. Brusuelas walks over to the drivers side, and runs his BATON into the BRAKE LIGHT. It shatters out. Mike looks up from the glove compartment and sits up. MIKE What’s the deal? Oh shit, it’s you.


Goldman assumes the backup position at the passenger door of the cruiser, SIX-SHOOTER PISTOL drawn. BRUSUELAS It seems that you have a tail light out. Mike pokes his head out and sees the BRAKE LIGHT PLASTIC sprinkles dot the ground. MIKE Hey, you just did that. Don’t be a dick. BRUSUELAS Would you please step out of the car, hands on top of your head if you don’t mind. Mike steps out of the car and places his hands on the top of the car. MIKE I don’t know what you guys are doing here, but... GOLDMAN You have the right to shut the fuck up, I’d suggest you do it. Brusuelas HAND CUFFS Mike with his hands behind his back. Goldman joins the two. He presses his baton into Mikes ribs. GOLDMAN You are barking up the wrong tree. Brusuelas reaches into the SUNVISOR of the Altima and pulls out a TRANSMITTER. GOLDMAN We’ve been listening to you, kid. You better not be any trouble. Mike struggles a bit, but gives up when Goldman digs his baton into his ribs again. MIKE What do you want.


BRUSUELAS Find something better to do with yourself. Goldman’s brother is a good kid. Goldman smacks Brusuelas in the arm. Mike tries to get away but Goldman has him in his grip. GOLDMAN We should hang onto you for the night, assaulting a police officer and all. Brusuelas tosses Mike into the back of their cruiser. Goldman picks up the radio GOLDMAN Impound. Got a blue Altima on route 3, near the adult school. INT. NIGHT HOLDINGS - DAY A LARGE MOUNTED CREST shimmers on the wall, next to a CLOCK that tells time counter clockwise. DEPUTIES carry PAPERWORK and PERPS around the office in similar fashion. A HUGE U.S. FLAG waves in the air conditioned artificial wind. Officer Goldman escorts Mike up to the DISPATCH DESK and leans him against it. Mike winces as his ribs make contact with it. GOLDMAN Resisting arrest, assaulting an officer and possession of indecent material. Goldman tosses the two signed videos onto the desk. DEPUTY Harris, 24, shuffles papers and hands Goldman a packet of them. HARRIS Awe yea! I just got Sloppy Balls 1. That one’s great. GOLDMAN Lets put this guy on the books, we pulled him over for a broken tail light.


Goldman folds the paperwork and slips it into his back pocket. MIKE This is bullshit. Officer Young, 50, walks in from holdings and takes Mike by the arm. Young has a southern drawl. YOUNG Welcome to my shop of horrors. Right this way Dorothy. Young walks Mike into the HOLDINGS CELLS. INT. JAIL CELL - NIGHT A lone TOILET runs over with the BLUE WATER, clogged from the day before. A COT sits against the bars, streaked with a three foot smudge of shit. Young shoves Mike into the cell where he nearly vomits. YOUNG You shouldnt have brought yourself in here, youngster. Deputy Harris walks in. He carries the two porno’s with him and nudges Young. HARRIS You should see this woman with an ear of corn, She is awesome. Mike’s ears perk up. YOUNG Oh, yea. I met her once. She looks familiar.

Hey wait.

Mike walks to the bars. Young slides the DVD into their DVD/VCD COMBO Box and turns on the Television. EXT. NIGHT SCHOOL - NIGHT Aden stands alone. Her face turns from anger to disgust as she notes the time on the schools CLOCK TOWER. ADEN I fucking hate this shit. That guy always keeps him after.


Aden’s phone rings. Hello?


OPERATOR Would you take a collect call from ... MIKE (O.S.) MIKE! IM-IN-JAIL-CALL-5552313 Aden hangs up and dials the number. MIKE (0.S.) Hey! Are you alright? ADEN What did you do? MIKE Nothing, go get the car at the police impound and come get me. I’m at central holdings. ADEN Fuck, alright. See you soon. INT. JAIL CELL - NIGHT Deputy Harris reads a local tabloid, and chuckles to himself. Mike reclines in a chair opposite the deputy, coffee in hand. Officer Young rewinds a scene of Diane’s from “Sloppy Balls 2” and plays through it again. YOUNG You should have just fucking told me who your sister was. Royalty man. She was amazing. MIKE She does a mean helicopter. You should see what she can do with a candle. The deputy folds the paper down with bright eyes. DEPUTY #1 That was uhm... “Wax on Wax off 4” right?


MIKE She was a natural. Young pats Mike on the shoulder, his face saddened. YOUNG It’s a damned shame. Young hands Mike a list of five names - Steve Goldman, Ronald White, Joseph Buckley, Carl Sweet and Herman David. Goldman is Underlined. YOUNG We’ve arranged your release, We’ll keep Goldman tied up, just stay out of the limelight. The Deputy gives Mike an ENVELOPE of his HOUSEKEYS, WALLET AND PHONE and pops “Sloppy Balls 2” out of the DVD player. YOUNG Oh hang on, Do you mind if we keep this one? I’d like to make some notes for my sister. EXT. NIGHT HOLDINGS - NIGHT The aged building flakes paint and a LARGE BUST of a BIRD, which may have been an eagle at some point in time, lies on its side in what used to be a FLOWER BED. Goldman watches out of his office window, a smile from ear to ear looks like a sword has sliced into his face. Aden pulls up in Mike’s Altima and Goldman’s smile loosens grip on his ears and his brow furrows. Mike walks out of the front door and up to the car. She hugs him and he winces as she squeezes him. ADEN You had better not have done anything crazy! MIKE Watch the ribs. ADEN Goldman was the arresting officer, isn’t he the one from earlier? Mike nods his head and gestures toward the car.


MIKE Let’s go get something to drink. Aden opens the door for him and she runs around to the other side and gets in. Mike stands at the door for a moment. He gazes up into the sky then down into the office window at Officer Goldman. Goldman takes out his phone and dials a number. Mike and Aden Drive off. GOLDMAN We may have a problem. Keep your eyes open. Call me if you have problems. INT. PORN SHOP - SALES FLOOR - NIGHT The shelves beg to be straightened. The earlier raid left many titles out of their proper section. Mike walks in at a brisk pace. He stops for a moment to reorganize a shelf. PRADEEP Mike! Where have you been? MIKE Don’t give me a hard time. Can I get an advance? PRADEEP What? No. You should know better than that, Payday is only two days away. Mike walks over, opens the register, and takes out three hundred dollars. PRADEEP Hang on now, don’t go being asshole. MIKE I am having the worst day of my life and you are going to gripe with me over my wages. A CUSTOMER, 25, grossly overweight and in baggy clothes, walks out of the back, straightens up his pants and smiles.


CUSTOMER #1 Prada, you got anything with feet? I can’t get off without the feets. PRADEEP Hang on. (To Mike) Are you seriously going to jeopardize your job here? Mike walks past Pradeep and to the customer. He pulls a DVD off of the shelf and hands it to the customer. MIKE Try out Barefoot Confidential 92, Lady Dy has fantastically painted toes. Pradeep turns his nose up. PRADEEP What do you want with feets? Mike goes over and sorts out a series of videos. CUSTOMER #1 Feet man, I need to see the bitches toes. Hook me up in the arcade room. Pradeep walks into the back. CUSTOMER #1 Dude, this new director, Goldsomething, he’s got a new series out, you gots it? Mike turns to the customer with confusion carved into his face. Goldman?


CUSTOMER #1 Yea man! He is all about political bullshit really. Its good for a laugh, definitely not fapable.


INT. PORN SHOP - ARCADE ROOM HALLWAY Mike walks through the curtain and up to Pradeep in room number 1. Pradeep pages through the available porn on a TIVO LIKE digital system on an in wall LCD. He leans on the back of the chair in the middle of the room, but doesnt make skin contact. MIKE This guy Goldman’s brother is the director you’ve been asked to distribute for? Pradeep looks up from the porn list and shrugs. PRADEEP What about him? MIKE You’ve got his contact information? Pradeep reaches in his pocket and pulls out the card from earlier. PRADEEP You no making troubles. MIKE The foot fetish stuff is all under Legs and Feet, not Feet. They tend to go together. The customer joins them with a smile. CUSTOMER #1 Ah yes! You’ve found it! Goodie! Mike takes the card and walks back through the curtain. INT. DROPPIN DEUCES - NIGHT Two 1932 DEUCE COUPES hang from the CEILING. BEER pours out of the FRAYED FUEL LINES. The WHITE WALLED TIRES spin as though they still barrel down the road. Paired music from the THIRTIES, FORTIES and FIFTIES plays from a JUKEBOX. There are no TV’s in the bar.


The STOOLS are pressed out of POPPED BOTTLE CAPS and molded from years of asses and polishing from denim. BIKERS and WHORES are all around. An old mechanic, Striker, and his partner in crime, Jay, clang glasses as Mike and Aden walk into the bar. Mike and Aden sit near them. ADEN So, are you going to be alright? Mike signals to the FEMALE BARTENDER. MIKE Bigfoot, chilled glass if you don’t mind. ADEN I see, uhm. What is on your mind. Striker looks up from the bartenders ass and makes eye contact with Mike. STRIKER Hey, You look familiar? We ever fucked before? Mike turns to him with a frown on his face. The BARTENDER delivers a tall GLASS of BIGFOOT ALE. MIKE No, that was probably my sister you remember. BIKER #1 Oh, shit. You are a dude! A hearty laugh bounces off of the walls through the bar. The bikers clang GLASSES. MIKE They are right, this is all a joke. Mike thumbs the business card. ADEN Fuck those guys, you don’t need to prove anything to them. Mike looks up from the business card and smiles. He puts it down under his glass of ale and reaches across the table to touch Aden.


ADEN If nothing else, you will remember her. Mike drains his glass and puts it back down on top of the card. The magnified address reads “55 love st.” Mike pulls the folded up list out of his pocket, and hands it to Aden. MIKE Hold onto that. Mike gets up and walks into the bathroom. EXT. STEVE’S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Lots of GLASS and MIRRORS line the walls. A LONG TABLE seats Ron, Carl, Joe and Steve. They eat together as the FORTYNINERS play in the background on a 72 inch FLATSCREEN. Officer Goldman and Herman walk into the room. Herman takes up a seat opposite to Steve and gets back into the game. HERMAN This guy means business? He looks like a chump. GOLDMAN I agree, but he’s got people skills. Goldman tosses the HOLDINGS REPORT onto the table. A large red stamp over their contents says “CHARGES EXPUNGED.” GOLDMAN That was after a couple hours in holdings. Herman smiles at the other guys. HERMAN Grow up, you are just being paranoid. GOLDMAN I could give a fuck about you, I’m just letting you in on what’s going on.


STEVE With a title like “Bukake Boarding” she should have known what to expect. The guys share a chuckle. Ron laughs a little longer than the others. Ron pulls out an 8 inch Rambo type HATCHET BLADE from his BOOT. RON Even if he wants a piece... A touch down cuts Ron off. The crowd explodes into a roar and the guys join them, save Steve and Goldman. Goldman motions for his brother to follow him into the bedroom. INT. DROPPIN DEUCES - NIGHT Six empty glasses sit in triumph of drunkenness. Mike picks up a new glass of his ale, sloshes it around and a third of the glass lands on the table with a splash. Everyone slurs their words. ADEN I would love to make love to professor snape. JAY From that potter movie? ADEN Yea, he was hot. In that movie with the dead guy from the dead guy movie. MIKE You also thought that twilight was good. Aden clangs glasses with Mike. STRIKER No, but really man. You sure about this guy Goldman? Mike nods his head and gestures to the list and business card and raises his shoulders and eyebrows.


Jay points to a scar on his forehead. JAY Whatever you do, stay out of the law. STRIKER They don’t scare me none. MIKE Well you say that, but I imagine it gets pretty messy. STRIKER Just remember to wear some gloves like O.J. Laughter breaks out. A biker from the end of the bar orders Mike a drink. They cheer each other. INT. STEVE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT The WHITE CARPET and walls contrast with the DARK SHEETS on the BED, which are well lived in. The bed lies sheets wide open, unmade. The PILLOWS huddle together on the floor. Goldman and Steve walk into the room and Steve sits down. He coddles a pillow in his lap. Goldman kneels down next to Steve and hands him a SMALL PISTOL. GOLDMAN You don’t gotta use it, just take care of yourself. STEVE I am not touchin that thing. Goldman shakes his head and tosses the pistol onto Steve’s bed. GOLDMAN You had better open your eyes. If this guy gets it in his mind... STEVE Oh god, chill out. We didn’t do anything. Steve throws the pillow at Goldman and storms out of the room.

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