
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 647
  • Pages: 1

Florida Distributor ROCKETS TO DIAMOND Alan Lowe targets success and achieves it… in one month A year had passed since Jim Spencer first brought up Immunotec’s business opportunity, but Alan Lowe just felt that the timing wasn’t right and that he wasn’t interested in a Network Marketing business. On this particular Monday night, however, Alan’s girlfriend was out of town, and not having anything to do, he decided to accept Jim’s invitation to attend a meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where Dr. Jimmy Gutman would be speaking. Convinced that he was not going to be interested in anything that the meeting offered, he figured that it would at least be a way to pass the time and to see his friend, Jim Spencer. Expecting a room of 20 or 30 people, Alan was floored when he entered the meeting to see a crowd of close to 300 guests. Anticipating the usual MLM discussion, Alan was truly surprised to be completely compelled by the information given and by the strong scientific background on which Immunocal/HMS 90 is based. He not only listened through the entire meeting, but stayed an hour afterwards asking questions and speaking with people. That was on June 7th. On July 1st, Alan put aside everything else that he was working on and devoted himself full-time to his Immunotec business. Within the month he promoted to Diamond, an astonishing accomplishment in such a short timeframe.

Originally from Rochester, NY and now residing in southern Florida, Alan’s original background is real estate; he subsequently became successful in building two large international organizations with MLM companies. Given his experience in Network Marketing, Alan has a strong sense of what makes Immunotec different from other business opportunities. As he sees it, there are four key points that set Immunotec apart from the rest: 1) Immunocal/HMS 90’s credibility. In his experience, there is no other product in MLM that compares to it. It’s backed by facts, research and science. 2) Timing. Baby boomers are hungry for the products and the business opportunity that Immunotec offers. 3) A first-rate management team and healthcare professionals who support and care about the company and its distributors. 4) Support, training and a fair and lucrative compensation plan are available to anyone. Alan doesn’t feel that his success has much to do with his past experience in Network Marketing, but more to do with his ability to understand when the right opportunity is knocking at the door. “Once I saw what Immunotec could offer and how compelling the products are, I took the leap and went forward with it.” He’s coined a term for his

unique business approach: “relaxed intensity”. “I am a people person. I approach them with honesty and sincerity; never in an aggressive manner. Once they see my enthusiasm, they feed off that energy.” Success for Alan comes from three important elements. First, one must have a “burning desire” to get started and work hard. Secondly, one must be “persistent and consistent”; staying focused on the goal and working unwaveringly toward it. Lastly, one must be “teachable”; having the desire to learn and understanding the need to be trained. When these three elements are combined, success can’t be far off. What is ahead for this motivated, down-toearth guy? “I want to work with my key leaders and bring them to the Executive Diamond level. I want to help them reach their goals and make their dreams a reality. There isn’t anything more gratifying than changing someone’s life both physically and financially.” His generosity of self is more than apparent - when asked about his incredible achievement, Alan shies away from the spotlight explaining that “I didn’t go Diamond, my team went Diamond. There is no “I” in team.” That may be true, but certainly Alan’s desire, persistence and teachability are taking him and his team to the top!