Ezits First Half 2008 Newsletter

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Make IT Happen

First Half 2008

AA NNeewwsslleetttteerr ffoorr tthhee EEm mppllooyyeeeess ooff EEZZIITT SSoolluuttiioonnss

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Greetings! This is the third edition of what we hope will continue to be a new and improved way of keeping EZITS’s news updated and informed about what’s happening on the company, employee activities, such as the employee picnic or holiday party and much more. Since this is the third newsletter, feedback would be greatly appreciated. We hope you’ll enjoy this edition of the newsletter and you are welcome to forward to your friends who might also enjoy it.

E EZ ZIIT TS Soolluuttiioonnss N Neew wss & &E Evveennttss EZIT Solutions Second Anniversary Mai Trần January 18, 2008, EZIT Solutions Second Anniversary Ceremony was celebrated at Tan Cang Resort – nice place located along Sai Gon river. It was special event to state “a successful year of developing, improving and extending the company”. With great food and homemade shows by our own employee, our invited guests, associates, colleagues and friends were really enjoying the night. Ms. Hien Nguyen, Director of EZIT Solutions and Mr. Hoang Nguyen, Technical Advisor, in the opening speech, showed their appreciation to all guests as well as the representatives of EZIT Solutions’ managers and employees for their presence. Then, she gave a brief report of the company accomplishments in year 2007; she highlighted the most expected goals archived in both software development and other company activities, also emphasized and encouraged the wonderful joint effort, contribution from every members. At the end of opening speech, Mr. Thao Vo, Manager of Widows Division, represented for all groups of EZIT Solutions, handed a little gift, a frame of EZIT Solutions logo and its slogan to wish for the strong growth of the company in the future. The celebration party was fantastic, “cheers” in every table, “home-celebrities” singing and acting on the stage. Gifts for good shows were decided by company director and managers. Also, there was the exciting “drawing game” for employees and guests with many “unbelievable” prizes. The night was great and enjoyable. The second anniversary was successful to show the strong, rapid but compact development of EZIT Solutions and give confidence to a great future.

From left to right: Mr. Hoang Nguyen – Technical Advisor, Mr. Phuong Tran - MC, Ms. Van Nguyen - MC and Ms. Hien Nguyen – Director.

Mr. Thao Vo handed the EZIT Staff present to Mr. Hoang Nguyen and Ms. Hien Nguyen

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Second Anniversary was full of gifts

Full of delicious food, beer and laugh as well

Window group with “Đến Với Con Người Việt Nam Tôi”

QA group with “Mùa Xuân Trên Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh”

Java group with “Mùa Xuân Ơi”

iPod winners

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Camera winners

iPhone winner

Suggestion Box – One more step to be close together Thảo Võ You want to have professional working environment? You have good idea that can make your colleagues work better and better? You have something to share but it is hard to say in person to Management Board (MB) and to your colleagues? Let’s Mr. Suggestion Box (SB) know. Now, listen to Mr. SB: “Hello, I am Mr. SB. I am living in eating area where you really want to come as lunch comes. I’m on behalf of you guys to work with Management Board. You can feed me with any comments, question or request. My mouth always opens. Your input will be solved at the end of every month with the try of MB and yours as well. MB told me that they highly appreciate your helpful inputs. MB, you guys and I now let try the best for the bright future of EZIT Solutions.

Your input is our development!

In addition, in case that you are lazy to feed me with paper, please feed my beloved brother who is living at http://www.ezitsol.com/SuggestionBox.html.

We are proud to serve you guys and we think we are your good assistants in transferring your inputs to MB and your colleagues. Hope you all successful and don’t forget to feed me! My mouth always opens.” We all want to do things that would be beneficial to the community of EZIT Solutions.

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Sport Activities Swimming team Nam Dương Swimming activity has been started few months ago with just about 5, 6 members. Now we have nearly 20 swimming at a standard 50 meter-long swimming pool every Saturday morning. Since the swimming activity performed, EZIT members have more time being out together. After swimming time, we also have breakfast, coffee together. There are a lot of funs during swimming time. Mr. Nghia, iSeries manager, now can swim half of pool (25 meters) after many cheers from other members. We said “swim for your wife, Mr. Nghia, you can last as long as the time you swim”. Remember that at the first time, he swam out about 5 meters off the pool’s edge then turned back. He feared that he would not have enough energy.

Swimming for your health!

Some people swim the way that you can not call its name: breast-stroke, butterfly, ect. It is really funny. Some other people improve their swimming skill a lot after a few months, including me (haha). I usually tell others that I found a secret formula: breathing. But until now nobody gets it/. So far, we don’t have any competition among members, but after a very excited competition in the recent company trip, there will be some in the near future.

Football teams In our lives and daily works, having strong power will surely bring us success. But, sometime, we forget about the most important element that can bring more success besides our tries: Solidarity. This is not only our success, but also our pride cause EZIT family always and forever lives and works under this strong solidarity. At weekends, we usually play soccer at Phu Tho Sport Club. At the first time, everybody seemed to be like a fish out of water as most of us had never ever play football before. So the open match between Windows and Java teams made all footballers nearly exhausted. Each round has only 30 minutes but they often had to take 5-minutebreak after each 10 minutes. In the end, although all team felt quite tired, they still show happiness on their faces and began interested in playing this king sport.

Ý Huỳnh

A bitter conflict phase between Windows and Java players

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Later, in order to make all teams close-knit together as well as maintain a better relationship, we decided not to play with separate teams but mixed together and set up only 2 formations: Manchester EZIT vs. Real EZIT that included all members in Windows, Java, Iseries, etc. We believed that with this special arrangement, solidarity and team-work spirit will develop to a higher degree during each match.

After some four internal matches, EZIT players seem to be improved and play better so we decide to have external competitions with other companies. It is time for us to show our strong solidarity as well as our high team spirit. Weekly competitions are still organized, and we, EZIT members always work, play and enjoy our lives within each match.

Smiling and friendship after a very fierce battle

English Courses Hải Trương English is currently considered at a universal language; this alone should convince us of its importance in our lives. It is a major language used on the internet, which has in the last decade become a major and vital tool in the way we access information, conduct business transactions and communicate in general. Imagine not Make It Happen! - 5 EZITS Newsletter – Your Timely Information Web: http://www.ezitsol.com – email: [email protected]

being able to understand English while conducting a search on the history of the America's for instance, your whole purpose would be defeated since most of the history would be written in English. Even computer languages are based on the English language and all of the internet's URLs are based on the English alphabet. In today's world not having at least a simple understanding or knowledge of the English language would leave one considerably handicapped. With English we are able to bridge cultural, economic, and even social gaps, in turn we are able to better understand and tolerate each other. Therefore it is not just important but in fact crucial that the English language be learnt by all individuals. Understanding the importance of English, EZIT frequently offers English courses for all employees by inviting good teachers outside for training them. There are two classes –one for beginners and another for intermediate persons- last from three to four months taken place in turns to all people. Employees will be trained all skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. Beside the purpose of improving English skills for employees, EZITS would like to exchanges its members with ACOM’s –a partner of EZITS from America- for business in the future. Hope that the English classes are not only helpful for employees to improve English skills but also contribute to strengthen solidarity between them in particular and are the significant means of building solid bridge between EZITS and ACOM in general.

Annual Summer Vacation Mai Trần As soon as the summer coming, EZIT offers a trip for its members and their families with the aim of enhancing team-work, self-confidence and strengthening solidarity among employees, which benefits the company in terms of higher efficiency and productivity. One year has been elapsed since the previous trip and we all have been looking forward to having the 2008 trip which we can sit down together to have beer, to overlook the colleagues rivalry, to share happiness, sadness and to wish good future for the company as well as for ourselves. 2008 trip took us to a wonderful place, which owns one of the most nine beautiful beaches in Vietnam, Ninh Chữ, Phan Rang – Tháp Chàm town, Ninh Thuận province. We together spent three days and two nights in a three starts resort facing Bình Sơn beach with full of exciting beach games, matches and, of course, cheery laugh. Bình Sơn is a completely beautiful long white sandy beach, where we can warm up ourselves such as jogging along or soaking our bodies in swimming pool with warm freshwater or in the fresh sea, curving close along as the green-belt of the resort. What’s a wonderful place! However, space factor was not important at all as we considered time of being out together at the most worthy issue. Time was not long enough for our activities, our shows. There are still unsolved “enmities” and unexecuted “plots”.

We are a big family!

Long Thuận resort with green-belt

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At 4:00 AM, 26/7/2008, buses picked us up at Hòa Bình Tourist Company – too early but it is not a problem. We were very eager for the journey. It took us eight hours from Hồ Chí Minh to Ninh Chữ on buses with history stories about the places along the road, funny quizzes, and games. No one could sleep with such a happy case and no one felt tired. We arrived Ninh Chữ at 12: 30 PM. After having lunch at Hoàn Cầu, checking in resort and taking a break for tow hours, we were ready for beach competitions. The first day passed with full of activities and with…committee leader’s worries: “Are our colleagues strong enough for tomorrow activities?” Surprisingly, the second day began with cheerful smiles on all of members’ faces. We were all ready for Vĩnh Hy Bay Discovery Journey and the evening plan. Vĩnh Hy is really a virginal natural bay with white sand beach, steep rocky mountain ranges, miraculous caves, and spectacular waterfalls, streams babbling in the innumerable and extensive forest. Moreover, we could see colorful corals and fishes through boat glass bottom. (I just heard from my colleagues. Because at that time, I got sea-sick and saw nothing! Haha) Anyway, Vĩnh Hy is a beautiful bay.

Hi there! Is Vĩnh Hy bay beautiful?

The second evening was competitions of our soccer players and swimmers. They practiced and that was time for their shows. We are proud of our athletes – want to have contest with them? EZIT Solutions, 180-182 Lý Chính Thắng Str., Dis. 3, Hồ Chí Minh City. Finally, the night we were waiting came, Gala Dinner, which considered at the first half 2008 assessment ceremony, and once again, the night was very great with interesting information from Ms. Hiền Nguyễn, Mr. Hoàng Nguyễn and tough of well-prepared shows. “The activities provided were fun, the singing contests were tough since too many good singers, the fashion shows were too fashioned, the nights were short, the songs were too lovely, the drinking was… not fair (I drank too much) and the atmosphere was memorable.” said, Mr. Hoang Nguyen, EZIT Technical Advisor. Well, let wait for the next trip, sir!

Three days and two nights seemed too short to us with numerous of memorable events. We all enjoyed and look forward for such a wonderful vacation next year.

26-7-2008 Photos Make It Happen! - 7 EZITS Newsletter – Your Timely Information Web: http://www.ezitsol.com – email: [email protected]

Drying up the ocean with your…hands!

Four people with a couple of slipper –how can you walk?

Row, row, row your boat…

Who is the longest?

Come on honey…shoot!

Whose buttock is biggest?

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Touch your friend shoulder, touch your friend back and touch your friend…buttock!

Drinking and singing together

1, 2, 3…zô

Truly moment!

27-7-2008 photos

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What’s a beautiful bay!

EZIT soccer players showing their talent

How long can you last under the water? 2 minutes, can you?

“Dear colleagues, please slow down your…eating speed! There is no thing left for me, hixhix.”

Who can touch the shore first?

Whose man can break the balloon down first? (Please don’t think the” balloons” on their bodies!)

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Mayan clan – so sexy you are!

The Robinsons on fallow island – fuel seeking journey!

Come with us to have fashionable raincoat!

Come on baby, just one more…hour! Stand me for a while or stand me for your whole life?

Acom Bowling Challenge 2009 – Team Vietnam Linh Trần Ping pong … ping pong… It is time to bowl together… Let's head for the day and show our team spirit, Team Vietnam!

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ACOM Bowling Challenge 2008 has witnessed the glorious victory of team Florida and the impressive level of participation of Team Long Beach (25 bowlers, 8 non-bowling fans and unknown number of paparazzi) on last April, 2008. And now, as part of our annual sport activities, ACOM Bowling Challenge 2009 will be time for us, team Vietnam, to show strengthen and solidarity. After official member list is finalized, two practice sessions and one main contest will be held in April, 2009. Long Beach team, Atlanta team, and Florida team nice to compete with you guys!

Long Beach team

Is it hard to beat Long Beach team, Atlanta team and Florida team? Don’t worry, Make It Happen! Play & Win’; hence you are greatly welcomed to join, to win prizes. Furthermore, this is chance for us to enhance our internal strong connection, to get fun and to show EZIT’S spirit.

Vietnam team, come win come shine!

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New hires Warmest welcome new members joining EZIT Solutions since January, 2008: Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn

Java group


Hùynh Minh Khoa

Window group


Nguễn Thanh Quan

Java group


Lữ Phúc Quang Huy

Window group


Nguyễn Vân Phương

QA group

Technical Writer

Lê Quốc Chương

Window group


Lê Vân

QA group


Phan Xuân Nguyên

Window group


Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Thi

QA group


Thái thị Mai Lan

QA group


Nguyễn Châu Huyền

Window group


Nguyễn thị Nhật Minh

Window group


Trần thị Oanh



Hoàng Kim Bảo Trân

QA group

Technical Writer

SSppeecciiaall TThhaannkkss

That are what we had done for the first half year. Special thanks to Committee Leaders for their great contributions and assistances in the trip. In addition, thank to members those who helped with getting the games ready. First half 2008 has been elapsed and we are hand in hand trying our best for the second one. Make It Happen! - 13 EZITS Newsletter – Your Timely Information Web: http://www.ezitsol.com – email: [email protected]

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