
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,586
  • Pages: 6
‘Eyes’ by GoldFox <><><><><><><><><><> The eyes were closed. That was good. He shivered as he watched the boy sleeping on the floor, wearing pants but no shirt. His skin was a deep blue, covered in soft, thick fur. It would have been cool if he hadn’t learned to fear the owner of the fur-coat. He looked over the rest of the captives, all nine of them. They were all doing the same as him; huddling in a corner of the room, trying to find comfort and failing. The room itself was huge; as big as a football field. There was no furniture at all in the room. Just flat empty space. The walls were a soft creamy color, and there were no windows. The room didn’t seem all that threatening, but looking twice, there was no way of escape and he knew that that was exactly why it was like this. The eyelids fluttered and as one, they all inhaled sharply. But the young boy just inhaled and exhaled deeply, rolled over and kept sleeping, tail twitching lightly as he dreamed. They all breathed out in relief. They still had some time yet. The eyes were still shut. He shivered and got up, trying to ease the tension in his quivering limbs. The eyes were still closed. He then looked up at the one who had imprisoned them. The boy was young, hardly into his mid-teens, but in comparison to the people huddled pitifully together, he was a giant. He didn’t know how, but the blue kid had shrunk them all somehow to about three inches high and then had put them into this prison. The boy lay on his side, murmuring in his sleep, one three-fingered hand clenching and unclenching against his bare chest. He looked down at the boy’s feet, seeing the now-familiar cat-like leg with only two toes. The tail swished again, a little stronger, and his heart rate rose. Was it time? But the tail slowed, and then tucked itself between the boy’s legs, the barb brushing against the flat stomach. He found himself staring at the boy’s underside, at the fur-covered belly, and looked instead at the face. The boy usually slept with his mouth closed, but today, rolled on his back, his jaws were somewhat agape, giving them a glimpse of white fangs. The boy twitched again, and rolled back to his side, curling up and whimpering happily. The barb, bereft of it’s previous spot, now settled itself by a pointed ear, wrapping itself loosely around the boy’s neck. They watched with baited breath, but the boy kept sleeping and they relaxed, if only a little. The eyes remained closed. But then the boy stretched out fully, his legs and arms reaching far. They all huddled down fearfully, watching. The boy then curved himself backwards until he could very nearly touch his feet over his back. There were a few pops and the boy hummed in pleasure before going limp again, relaxing on the floor. A few deep breaths and the boy was back asleep. He felt cold sweat dripping down his face and into his red sunglasses as he stood up straight again. He hated this waiting! It was the worst part! Sometimes he almost, almost, wished that the boy would wake up, just so he wouldn’t have to deal with this terrible waiting any longer. He looked again at the boy sleeping so peacefully on the floor, dreaming about who-knew-what. Now he had time to think. How to escape? Suddenly one of the captives got up, saying in a strong Russian accent, “That is it! No more!” He started walking towards the object of their fears, but the others clawed at him, pleading in terrified whispers, “No! Don’t! Don’t wake him!” The man shook them off, saying loudly, “No! I am done with this! No more!” They all pleaded with him to be quiet, to sit down, but the man just kept walking towards the blue giant, talking angrily and loudly, his Russian accent echoing in the prison, “I am tired of this fear! It is time it all ended! I am going to make this stop!” The others stopped begging and huddled down, already fearing the worst. The man then turned back to them, saying, “Come! Help me! We can do this!”

But then some sixth sense made him turn around to face the blue kid and saw his worst nightmare incarnated; one yellow eye was open, blinking lazily. All his bravado and courage faded away as the other eye opened, focusing on the little man. The mouth curled into a smile as the boy slowly sat up, towering over the man, who collapsed to the floor as his knees buckled. The boy smiled wider, revealing straight white teeth and sharp fangs as he murmured softly, “Good morning.” The man shivered and switched gears to begging, clasping his hands as he cried, “No… please no…” The rest of the feverish plea was in Russian. The boy chuckled and reached for the man. The man scrabbled to escape, but was caught in the huge hand. He squirmed but the boy only smiled again and said the word that all of them dreaded; “Yummy…” The man began to howl as he was lifted up to the blue face and then placed in the eager mouth. The boy shut his mouth, trapping the man behind his teeth, ignoring the cries of terror and pleas from both his meal-to-be and the others crowded in the distant corner. He shut his golden eyes and began to toy with the man, using his tongue to shove him against his teeth and the insides of his cheeks. He giggled as the man tried to kick him but only ended up squirming around. Then he tilted back his head, exposing his throat and chest to the people in the corner and then, with apparent satisfaction, swallowed the man whole. The squirming lump slid smoothly down the furry throat to disappear into the chest, the boy humming in satisfaction as he rubbed his stomach. Some of them passed out while the others only huddled closer, knowing that they too would most likely share the fate of that poor soul. The boy then looked at them and said in what could only be called a purr, “Okay then. It’s breakfast time, guys, and I am starving. How about a nice healthy helping of live mutant protein?” They all moaned, and one of the guys, a young man with rock-colored brown hair, came forwards, saying, “Come on! Help us out, man! Don’t do this! Let us go!” The boy just grinned and leaned forwards until his face was right over the man. If the young man had wanted, he could have reached out a hand and touched his nose. Out of habit, the young man stretched his hands out to the ground, as if trying to command something, but nothing happened. The boy chuckled at his weak attempt and then whispered, “Too bad, Rocky.” Swiftly, he brought his mouth down on the man, prompting a terrified scream from the tiny man. He shut his mouth on the young man’s waist, enjoying the feeling of the young man’s upper body trapped in his mouth, squirming against his tongue. Loud slurps were heard as he swiftly sucked the young man deeper into his mouth, the kicking feet lifting off the floor to disappear between the blue lips. The boy remained bent over as he repositioned the young man and with a loud gulp, sent him to his belly, purring lightly as he felt the squirms deep inside him. He then grinned at the rest of them, lay down on his back, and called out playfully, “Who’s first?” They all moaned. They knew this game and they hated it. But then, one of them, a small girl with a thin build and brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, started to walk to the huge body, shaking like crazy. The boy smiled at him, whispering as she climbed up his body, “Good girl.” The girl didn’t respond, but just stood on the blue flesh, shaking. The boy sat up on his elbows, and smiled at her, saying softly, “They’re right under you. Feel them.” The girl shook, but did as told, kneeling and putting her hands to the furry flesh. She choked out a sob as she felt frantic movement under her palms. The boy purred in pleasure at the touch, leaning his head back and cooing, “Rub.” The girl obeyed, rubbing the flesh and fur, feeling the motions under the flesh become more frenzied. She then stood again, shivering mightily. The boy then looked up at the group and said with a gentle smile, “Another.” They all backed up, but another poor soul trudged forwards, a young woman with fiery red hair, tears flowing openly down her face. She stood by the boy’s belt, not wanting to touch the flesh before her. The boy solved this by using his tail like a snake to wrap around the woman and dump her onto his flat stomach with the other girl. He grinned at them both as the woman struggled to her feet and said,

“Rock paper scissors, ladies.” The girls looked at each other, and did as told. The brown-haired girl did paper, and the redhead did scissors. The brunette then swallowed hard and squeaked out, “I lost.” The boy smiled and then lay down, saying, “Both of you, up to my mouth.” They obeyed, both of them shaking horribly as they stood on the collarbone. They could hear the powerful heartbeat under their feet and could see the jugular vein pulsing with blood. The boy then said softly, “You both go in and the winner shoves the loser down my throat.” They both groaned, the brunette whispering out, “No…” But the boy only grabbed them both, sat up straight and shoved them both into his mouth. He then tilted his head back a little and opened his mouth as wide as he could, giving them room to move. The redhead swallowed hard and while the other was still trying to get her bearings, pounced on her. The small brunette, caught between the hot, wet tongue and the other woman’s body, squealed out, “What are you doing?!” The redhead, being the larger of the two, began to easily shove the girl along the slick muscle, away from the front of the mouth, murmuring, “I’m so sorry.” They were right at the edge of the boy’s throat, the wet muscles easily seen since the boy had kept his mouth open. The brunette peered down the vast throat, but saw only wet darkness. One shove was all it would take. She didn’t bother to squirm, but pleaded amid tears, “Please… don’t.” The redhead considered disobeying the boy, asking not to do her task, but a warning growl made up her mind for her. She muttered bitterly, “I have to. I’m sorry…” Then she shoved the brunette into the hot embrace of the boy’s eager throat. She shut her eyes immediately, but that didn’t stop her from hearing the wet slurping squelch as the boy sucked the body down, nor was she able to ignore the girl’s last wail of terror as she was swallowed whole. The woman felt the teeth come down a little, but then retreat and she remembered vaguely just how hard it was to swallow with your mouth open. Then the tears came to her eyes, but they were quickly dashed from her face as the boy crushed her to the roof of his mouth with his tongue, murmuring, “Nice job.” The redhead let herself sob a little as the boy rolled her around, tasting her. The boy then murmured, “Nice taste, too.” Then everything was crushed as the boy shut his mouth, trapping the woman. She sobbed again as the boy tilted back his head and swallowed her down easily. The boy gulped again, licking his lips, purring out, “Nice…” and looked at the remaining six treats. He stood up and walked over to them, smiling broadly. Some fell to the ground, curled up and covering their heads. The others stared in shock and disbelief at the blue giant. He then kneeled and plucked one man from the throng and then picked another and held him gently as he walked back to his side of the room. He sat down and used his tail to hold the first man he had picked, holding him so he could watch as he lifted the other man to his face. The man was short, but had a thick build, suggesting a fierce fighter, yet he didn’t have a single scar. He squirmed like mad, cursing angrily, “You f***ing traitor! Let me go!” The boy then chuckled, murmuring, “You know, you can’t heal anymore.” The man suddenly went stiff and actually looked frightened. The boy smiled and kissed the man, sucking the small head into his mouth. The man howled in terror and the boy giggled, but pulled him out. He then licked at the man and with his powerful tongue, drew one arm into his mouth. He winked at the shivering man and bit down, severing the tiny limb from the body. The man let out a scream as he put his remaining hand to the wound, trying (and failing) to stop the flow of blood. The boy watched with a smile, chewing the tiny limb. He swallowed and then popped the rest of the man into his mouth and with a sickening ease, began to chew, the cracks and snaps easily heard by the four prisoners still huddling together for vain shelter, and by the fifth, still caught in the tail. The man’s red eyes were open wide as he murmured softly, “Mon Dieu…” The boy swallowed the bloody mush and then winked at the red-eyed man. He then swiftly

rolled to be on all fours, dropped the man to the floor and leaned over him. As the man tried to stand up, he felt a thick, sticky liquid on him and upon looking up, fell over. The boy was spitting on him, but the saliva was heavy with blood and bits of mutilated flesh and bone. He was covered in the remains of the man he had been huddled against not a minute ago. He shuddered and began to tear at himself in a frenzy, trying to wipe the remains off. The boy chuckled and lay down on his side, one hand pinning the man to the floor. The red-eyed man was on his front, but his legs were trapped under one huge three-fingered hand. He squirmed, but couldn’t escape. Then, like an animal, the boy began to lick him clean. The red-eyed man tried to free himself as the hot tongue lapped against him, licking away the blood and flesh. The man cursed colorfully in French as he tried to escape, and the boy licked at him again, making the man curse louder. From his speech, it was clear he wasn’t from France, but rather from the south, a Cajun. Then, grinning wickedly, the boy bent his head down and completely lapped the small man up into his mouth. The Cajun squirmed crazily, pushing against the cheeks and tongue in an effort to escape, both pleading and swearing in French, but all for naught as he was muscled into the hot throat and gulped down whole. The boy sighed in pleasure and rolled to his back, rubbing at his belly, feeling the squirms of five living things inside him. A simple meal where six living, breathing, thinking beings had once been. He wished he hadn’t chewed up that one guy, but too late for ‘coulda-woulda-shoulda’. He licked his barb, getting the lingering taste of the Cajun, making him swallow again in pleasure. He then grinned and sat up, looking at the four survivors. He got up, walked over and reached down, plucking out one young man with snow-white hair that was slicked back. The young man didn’t squirm, but instead pleaded, talking quickly and desperately, “Look, I know things haven’t gone well between us in the past, but can’t we work it out? This is a little drastic in terms of revenge, isn’t it? I mean, come on! Let’s talk!” The boy grinned evilly and whispered, “Fine. We’ll do lunch.” The young man screamed in a surprisingly high-pitched voice as he was shoved into the hot mouth, legs kicking like mad as he screamed for help and mercy. The boy then reached up and pinched the young man by his waist, lifting him out of his mouth. The young man was confused at this action but then the boy sat down and tilted his head back as far as it could go and opened wide, suspending the white-haired young man over his maw. The young man’s struggles grew worse at seeing the dark, wet flesh, but it had no effect other than getting him dropped right into that hot mouth. The boy played with him for a bit and then tilted back his head and gulped. The kicking legs were sucked into his throat to follow the rest of the slim body down to his eager, ravenous belly. The boy then looked at the remaining trio. It was a girl and two guys. The girl had brown hair with white highlights in it while one of the guys had white wings. They had been roughly tied to prevent flight. The last guy wore red sunglasses and tears were dripping out from under it. The boy smiled and picked up the girl and the winged man, walking back to his corner, leaving the shades-guy alone, who huddled in the corner. He then looked the two of them over, judging them. He then trapped the winged man in his tail and dangled the girl over his mouth, loving her screams. He dropped her in, felt her squirm around and sighed in deep satisfaction. He played with her for a long time, drawing her deeper into his mouth, letting her crawl forwards and then repeating the cycle. She was tiring, but the survival instinct was strong and she kept going. Finally though, she collapsed, crying. The boy teased her by maneuvering her to let her see the outside world before shutting his lips and shifting her around, completely coating her with warm, sticky saliva. He let her see the outside again and this time he felt her squirm to try and escape. He chuckled and simply tilted his head back. She slid to the back of his mouth, hitting his soft palate and making him shiver delightfully. He leaned forwards, and the girl smacked against the backs of his

front teeth, making him giggle. Unable to fight it any longer, he tilted his head back, growling hungrily. Gravity slid her backwards, right to his waiting throat. A single swallow and she was gone. The winged man was crying, wings shuddering as he sobbed. The boy looked at the wings, and grinned widely. He grabbed the man and untied his wings, then opened his hand. But the man didn’t stand up; instead, he let himself collapse in the huge palm, his wings covering him like a robe as he cried openly. The boy then grinned, saying, “Why cry? You’ll be with her shortly.” This just made the man cry harder, and the boy delicately pinched one wing, lifting it up to get a good look at the man. He wore no shirt because of his wings, and the sight of bare, toned flesh made the boy’s mouth water. He then purred, “Let’s play a game. It’s called ‘Cat and Bird’. I’m the cat, you’re the bird. Fly, birdie!” He threw the winged man into the air, and instinct took over, making the man flap to stay airborne. He hovered in place, looking surprised, but then dodged aside as the boy leapt at him, fangs snapping at the air where he had just been. He flew around, trying to find the remaining man, but was knocked aside by the barbed tail. He regained himself, and flew to the ceiling, but even there he wasn’t safe. The boy just crouched and jumped, swiping playfully at him, hungry intent in his eyes. The winged man finally saw the last remaining prisoner and seeing as how the boy was on the other side of the room, began a dive. The man with the glasses smiled at him, but then his expression turned to one of horror as he cried out, “TURN!!” But the warning came too late. With a soft explosion and the smell of sulfur, the boy appeared right in the winged man’s path, mouth wide open and waiting. The winged man tried to change course, but he was going too fast. He covered his head and screamed as he plunged into the boy’s mouth, his momentum forcing him halfway into the slimy throat. He struggled to try and back out, but the powerful throat muscles had a grip on him already, and he started crying again as he heard the boy gulp and felt himself get shoved down into darkness. The boy swallowed the little angel down easily, the wings tickling him in a wonderful way. “NO!” He turned at the cry to see the last man fall to his knees. He reached out, murmuring, “Oh God no…” then he buried his face in his hands. The boy smiled at him and silently walked over, saying cheerfully, “Now, now. Why the long face?” The young man looked up at him and screamed out angrily, “You bastard! You sick demon! They were your friends! How could you do that!?” The boy shrugged, answering, “Easy. I put them in my mouth and swallow.” The man got quiet and then pleaded softly, “But… Kitty, and Jean, and Piotr… How could you? I thought you loved Kitty.” The boy smiled and purred childishly, “Pretty Kitty, tasty Kitty.” He rubbed at his stomach, feeling the squirms within, and purred again in bliss. He then looked at the tiny man, golden eyes glinting as he lay down on his front, purring, “Kitty tasted good. How do you taste?” The man stood and backed up, pleading pathetically, “Don’t do this…” The boy then stared at him and the tiny man felt himself drawn to the golden-yellow eyes. He walked forwards a little, hypnotized. The boy grinned and whispered, “You know, if I wanted, I could make you throw yourself down my throat. I wouldn’t even have to swallow. You’d claw your way down.” He chuckled softly, shutting his eyes and intentionally breaking the spell. The man blinked and yelped, leaping backwards. The boy laughed again, murmuring as he used his tail to push the boy back towards his mouth, “How does it feel, knowing that you have no power over your own life?” The young man shivered as he was pressed against the blue lips, feeling warm, slightly moist breath blowing on him. He then stuttered out, “It t-terrifies me.” The boy smiled, pulling away from the young man, who collapsed, his legs unable to support him. The boy then pinched his scuff, rolled to his back and dangled the small man theatrically over his mouth

as he muttered, “Terrifies you? Well, I guess that the idea of being eaten alive is pretty terrifying, huh?” He then licked at the young man, who sputtered in fear. He smiled up at him and used the barb of his tail to stroke the man’s head, cooing, “Thinking about being trapped behind my teeth, feeling my tongue shoving you around, feeling yourself get soaked to the bone with my spit, just so you can slip down my gullet easier. You slide in hot, wet darkness until I get to have you down inside my tummy, feel you squirming around. And as if that weren’t bad enough, you get digested while you’re still alive!” The barb slipped off the man’s body to rest mockingly on the flat stomach while he purred, “Yeah, I think I understand why you’re so scared of me.” The young man then asked in anguish, “But… WHY, Kurt?!” The young blue mutant smiled and sat up, saying with a wide grin that showed off his fangs, “Because I can, Scott.” He winked at his friend and then tossed him into the air. Scott had all the time in the world to see himself fall down to the blue mutant’s mouth, saw his world become one of red flesh and white fangs. He struggled, but it made no difference as he was plunged into darkness and he got harshly crushed. He felt himself forced into a small, slimy tube, felt it stretch to accommodate him, felt it move him down, down, down. Down into the stomach of his friend, Kurt Wagner. He was forced into a very hot wet place and he gagged on the acidic smell. He felt himself pressed hard against someone, but couldn’t figure out who it was until a wing brushed his arm. He grabbed the wing, and felt up it, trying to find the owner’s shoulder, but found to his disgust that he was holding just the one wing. He shuddered and tried to move, but he was being crushed from every direction. He struggled, but suddenly discovered his mouth was under some kind of liquid. His struggles became desperate and blindly primal as he tried to surface to breathe, but eventually, he inhaled the pure hydrochloric acids. His last thought was how strange it felt to have your insides melt away. Kurt purred as he massaged his stomach, feeling the final squirms of his friend deep inside his belly. God that felt nice! He had to do this again! He rubbed at his flesh harder, whimpering in pleasure as his friends gave a few last trembles before going still. He sighed in disappointment and tried to massage them into motion, but they were gone. He then got up, still rubbing his stomach as he crossed the room, and put his hand on the smooth wall. A small electronic panel appeared and he punched in a code and spoke clearly into it, “Nightcrawler. Access Code: Black Fire. Section 7683 completed. End simulation.” There was a soft buzzing noise and a door opened, blinding Kurt with light. He blinked it away and climbed out of the simulator, spitting out the regulator he’d been breathing from. His legs buckled a little as he stepped out. After being suspended in water in darkness for a few hours, having all your feelings fed directly into your brain, your body felt a little weak as it resumed its duties. Kurt chuckled as he stepped down, using the hand railing. He reached the control panel and typed in a code that would lock the simulation program from everyone else, even the professor. It was his personal treat! The wooziness passed quickly and he ‘ported into his room. He redressed and came down for dinner, feeling terribly hungry. During dinner, Scott noticed that Kurt would look at the other students and then laugh to himself, like there was a secret joke only he got. Scott then confronted him after dinner, asking, “What was so funny tonight?” Kurt thought and then said with a strange smile, “Must have been something I ate.” He laughed and then vanished from sight, leaving a very confused Scott behind. FIN

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