Extraterrestrial Ufos Use Light As The Propagation Booster

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 188
  • Pages: 2
Extraterrestrial UFOs use light as the propagation booster – what is the real secret? Scientists that study UFO flight pattern, stealth, navigation and propulsion are extremely excited about a recent UFO sighting in Brazil. The computer simulation of the sighting shows that UFO was using light as the propagation booster. Thachyons, an elusive material is faster than light in propagation in higher dimensions is believed to be the main energy source. Navigation involves bending space and time as well as manipulating the space-time curvature. Uses of artificial wormholes are common. Space-time dimension junction points create biggest highways in the Hyperspace. In our 3D Universe, that junction points are massive black holes in the center of the galaxies. The black holes provide local energy source as well as major hubs in the traffic. Artificial wormholes provides fast escape route to the Hyperspace. The question arises why is light used as a propagation booster? The answer lies in the fact that Tachyons lose their speed characteristics after entry into the 3D Universe.

The UFOs cannot speed faster than light in the 3D spatial environment. Instead they use light for propagation.

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