Extraordinarele Descoperiri Rusesti In Legatura Cu Adn

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Extraordinarele descoperiri rusesti in legatura cu ADN-ul – Explicarea evenimentelor „paranormale” - 2005 Invatatorii esoterici si spirituali au stiut de ani de zile ca trupul nostru poate fi programat prin limbaj, cuvinte si gand. In prezent, acest lucru a fost demonstrat si explicat. ADN-ul uman este un Internet biologic si, in multe aspecte, superior celui artificial. Cea mai recenta cercetare stiintifica din Rusia explica direct sau indirect fenomene precum clarvederea, intuitia, actele de vindecare spontana sau de la distanta, auto-vindecarea, tehnicile de afirmatie, lumina/aura neobisnuita din jurul oamenilor (precum maestrii spirituali), influenta mintii asupra tiparelor de vreme si multe altele. Mai mult, exista dovezi in sprijinul unui tip complet nou de medicina in care ADN-ul poate fi influentat si reprogramat prin cuvinte si frecvente, FARA a extrage si inlocui genele singulare. Numai 10% din ADN-ul nostru este folosit pentru construirea proteinelor si tocmai aceasta subcategorie prezinta interesul cercetatorilor occidentali, fiind examinat si clasificat. Celelalte 90% sunt considerate „ADN nefolosit”. Cercetatorii rusi, insa, fiind convinsi sa natura nu este lipsita de inteligenta, s-au alaturat lingvistilor si geneticienilor intr-o cautare de a explora acele 90% de „ADN nefolosit”. Rezultatele, descoperirile si concluziile lor sunt pur si simplu revolutionare! Conform descoperirilor, ADN-ul nostru nu este responsabil numai cu construirea corpului nostru, ci serveste, de asemenea, ca depozit de date si comunicare. Lingvistii rusi au descoperit ca, codul genetic – mai ales in aparentele 90 de procente „nefolositoare” – urmeaza aceleasi reguli ca toate limbajele noastre umane. Ei au comparat regulile sintaxei (felul in care sunt aranjate cuvintele intre ele pentru a forma fraze si propozitii), semantica (studiul semnificatiei in formele limbajului) si regulile de baza ale gramaticii. Ei au descoperit ca alcaloizii ADN-ului nostru urmeaza o gramatica regulata si au reguli fixe, exact ca si limbajele noastre. Prin urmare, limbajele umane nu au aparut accidental, ci sunt o reflectie a AND-ului nostru inerent. Biofizicianul si biologul molecular rus Pjotr Garjajev si colegi sai au explorat, de asemenea, comportamentul vibrational al ADN-ului. Pe scurt, ideea de baza a fost: „Cromozomii vii functioneaza exact ca un computer holografic, folosind radiatie ADN laser endogena”. Aceasta inseamna ca ei au reusit, de exemplu, sa moduleze anumite tipare de frecventa (sunete) pe o raza ca cea de laser, care influenta frecventa ADN-ului si astfel informatia genetica propriu-zisa. Avand in vedere ca structura principala a perechilor de ADN-alcalin si a limbajului (asa cum am explicat mai devreme) au aceeasi structura, nu e nevoie de nici o decodare de ADN. Putem folosi pur si simplu cuvinte si propozitii din limbajul uman! Si acest lucru a fost demonstrat prin experiment! Substanta ADN vie (din tesut viu, nu in vitro) va reactiona intotdeauna la raze laser modulate prin limbaj si chiar si la unde radio, daca se folosesc frecventele adecvate (sunet). Acest lucru explica stiintific, in sfarsit, de ce afirmatiile, hipnoza si cele asemanatoare pot avea asemenea efecte puternice asupra oamenilor si a corpurilor lor. Este foarte firesc si natural ca ADN-ul nostru sa reactioneze la limbaj. In timp ce cercetatorii occidentali extrag gene singulare din siruri ADN si le insereaza in alta parte, cei rusi creeaza mecanisme ce influenteaza metabolismul celular prin frecvente radio si de lumina modulate, reparand astfel defectele genetice. Ei au capturat pana si tiparele informationale ale unui anumit ADN si l-au transmis altuia, in acest fel re-programand genele la un alt genom. Astfel ca au transformat cu succes, de exemplu, embrioni de broasca in embrioni de salamandra, pur si simplu prin transmiterea tiparelor de informatie ADN! In acest fel, intreaga informatie a fost transmisa fara nici unul dintre efectele secundare sau conflictele intalnite atunci cand se extrag si re-introduc genele singulare din ADN. Acest lucru reprezinta o revolutie si o senzatie incredibila, transformatoare: prin simpla aplicare a vibratiei (frecvente de sunet) si limbaj, in schimbul

procedurii arhaice de extragere! Acest experiment arata puterea imensa a geneticii cu unde, care are in mod evident o influenta mai mare in formarea organismelor decat procesele biochimice ale secventelor alcaline. Invatatorii esoterici si spirituali au stiut de ani de zile ca trupul nostru poate fi programat prin limbaj, cuvinte si gand. Acest lucru a fost demonstrat si explicat in prezent. Dar, bineinteles, frecventa trebuie sa fie corecta. Si acesta este motivul pentru care nu toata lumea are la fel de mult succes sau poate face acest lucru cu intotdeauna aceeasi forta. O persoana trebuie sa lucreze la dezvoltarea proceselor interioare pentru a stabili o comunicare constienta cu ADN-ul. Cercetatorii rusi lucreaza la o metoda care sa nu depinda de acesti factori, ci care sa functioneze INTOTDEAUNA, cu conditia ca frecventa corecta sa fie folosita. Insa, cu cat este mai evoluata constiinta unui individ, cu atat este mai putina nevoie de orice tip de mecanism: o persoana poate obtine aceste rezultate de una singura. Stiinta va inceta intr-un final sa rada de aceste idei si va confirma si explica rezultatele. Si nu se termina aici. Cercetatorii rusi au descoperit, de asemenea, ca ADN-ul nostru poate cauza tipare neregulate intr-un vid, producand astfel gauri de vierme magnetizate. Gaurile de vierme sunt echivalentele microscopice ale asanumitelor punti Einstein-Rosen din apropierea gaurilor negre (lasate de stele care au explodat). Acestea sunt legaturi de tunel intre zone complet diferite din univers prin care informatia poate fi transmisa in afara timpului si spatiului. ADN-ul atrage aceste particele de informatie si le trimite mai departe catre constiinta noastra. Acest proces de hiper-comunicare (telepatie, channeling) este mult mai usor de folosit intr-o stare de relaxare. Stresul, ingrijorarea sau un intelect hiperactiv impiedica hiper-comunicarea sau informatia va fi complet distorsionata sau inutila. In natura, hiper-comunicarea a fost aplicata cu succes timp de milioane de ani. Fluxul de viata organizat al insectelor demonstreaza acest lucru cu prisosinta. Omul modern o cunoaste doar la un nivel mult mai subtil numit „intuitie”. Insa si noi ne putem recastiga utilizarea completa a ei. Ca exemplu din natura, atunci cand o regina furnica este separata de colonia ei, furnicile lucratoare care au ramas vor continua sa construiasca intens in conformitate cu planul. Insa, daca regina este ucisa, toata activitatea din colonie se opreste. Nici o furnica nu va stii ce sa faca. Se pare ca regina transmite supusilor ei „planurile de construire” chiar daca se afla la mare distanta - prin intermediul constiintei de grup. Se poate gasi oricat de departe, cu conditia sa fie in viata. La oameni, hiper-comunicarea se intalneste cel mai adesea atunci cand o persoana dobandeste dintr-o data accesul la informatia care se afla in afara bazei de cunoastere a cuiva. Acest gen de hiper-comunicare este apoi experimentata ca intuitie sau inspiratie (de asemenea, in channeling in transa). Compozitorul italian Giuseppe Tartini, de exemplu, a visat intr-o noapte ca un demon statea langa el si canta la vioara. A doua zi, Tartini a reusit sa noteze cu exactitate piesa din memorie. A numit-o sonata „Trilul diavolului”. Timp de multi ani, un asistent medical de 42 de ani a visat o situatie in care era conectat la un fel de CD-ROM de cunoastere din care i se transmitea informatie verificabila din toate domeniile imaginabile, pe care si-o putea aminti dimineata. Era o asemenea avalansa de informatii, incat parca descarca in fiecare noapte o intreaga enciclopedie. Majoritatea informatiilor se aflau in afara cunoasterii sale personale si atingea detalii tehnice despre care nu stia absolut nimic. Atunci cand hiper-comunicarea se produce, se pot observa in ADN, ca si in oameni, fenomene supranaturale. Oamenii de stiinta rusi iradiau mostre ADN cu raze laser. Pe ecran, se formeaza un anumit tipar de unde. Atunci cand au inlaturat mostra de ADN, tiparul nu a disparut, ci a ramas. Multe experimente controlate au aratat ca tiparul continua sa vina de la mostra inlaturata, a carei camp de energie a ramas de unul singur. Acest efect este numit acum efectul de ADN fantoma. Teoria spune ca energia din afara spatiului si timpului curge in continuare prin gaurile de vierme activate dupa ce ADN-ul a fost inlaturat. Efectele secundare intalnite cel mai adesea in hiper-comunicarea oamenilor sunt campurile electromagnetice

inexplicabile din apropierea persoanei in cauza. Mecanismele electronice precum CD playerele pot fi iritate si pot inceta sa functioneze ore intregi. Atunci cand campul electromagnetic se disipeaza incet, mecanismul functioneaza normal din nou. Multi vindecatori si oameni cu capacitati extrasenzoriale cunosc acest efect din munca lor: cu cat atmosfera si energia sunt mai bune, cu atat este mai „obositor” pentru mecanismele de inregistrare, deoarece ele inceteaza sa functioneze chiar in acele momente. Adeseori, pana a doua zi totul revine la normal. Probabil ca citirea acestor randuri ii linisteste pe multi, deoarece nu are nici o legatura cu faptul ca sunt inapti din punct de vedere tehnic; inseamna ca ei sunt buni pentru hiper-comunicare. In cartea lor Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosa si Franz Bludorf explica aceste legaturi cu precizie si claritate. Autorii citeaza, de asemenea, surse ce presupun ca in vremurile timpurii umanitatea semana perfect cu animalele: era conectata foarte puternic la constiinta de grup si prin urmare se comporta ca un grup. Pentru a dezvolta si experimenta individualitatea insa, noi, oamenii am trebuit sa uitam aproape complet hipercomunicarea. In prezent, cand suntem relativ stabili in constiinta noastra individuala, putem crea o noua forma de constiinta de grup – si anume una in care sa dobandim accesul la toata informatia prin informatia prin intermediul ADN-ului nostru, fara a fi fortati sau controlati de la distanta in legatura cu ce sa facem cu acea informatie. Noi stim acum ca exact asa cum folosim Internet-ul, ADN-ul nostru poate distribui informatie adecvata in retea, poate prelua informatie din retea si poate stabili contacte cu alti participanti la retea. Vindecarea la distanta, telepatia sau „simtirea la distanta” in legatura cu starea altuia pot fi astfel explicate. Unele animale stiu foarte bine atunci cand stapanii lor planuiesc sa se intoarca acasa. Acest lucru poate fi interpretat si explicat mai nou prin conceptele stiintei de grup si hiper-comunicarii. Orice constiinta colectiva nu poate fi utilizata rational pentru o anumita perioada de timp fara o individualitate distinctiva; altfel ne-am intoarce la instinctul primitiv de turma care este manipulat cu usurinta. Hipercomunicarea in noul mileniu reprezinta ceva foarte diferit. Cercetatorii considera ca daca oamenii cu individualitate completa ar recastiga constiinta de grup, ar avea o putere dumnezeiasca de a crea, modifica si modela lucruri pe Pamant! SI umanitatea chiar se indreapta colectiv catre o asemenea constiinta de grup noua. Cincizeci de procente dintre copii vor deveni o problema din momentul in care merg la scoala, deoarece sistemul „ingramadeste” pe toata lumea la un loc si acestia necesita ajustari. Insa individualitatea copiilor de astazi este atat de puternica, incat ei refuza aceste ajustari si se opun renuntarii la particularitatile lor in cele mai variate feluri. In acelasi timp, se nasc din ce in ce mai multi copii clarvazatori. Ceva din acesti copii se lupta pentru a se indrepta catre constiinta de grup de noul tip si nu mai pot fi supusi. Ca o regula, vremea, de exemplu, este foarte dificil de influentat de un singur individ, insa poate fi influentata de constiinta de grup (ceva ce nu este deloc nou pentru unele triburi indigene). Vremea este puternic influentata de frecventele de rezonanta ale Pamantului (frecventele Schumann). Insa, exact aceleasi frecvente se produc si in creierul nostru, iar atunci cand mai multi oameni isi sincronizeaza gandirea sau cand indivizi (maestrii spirituali, de exemplu) isi concentreaza gandurile ca un laser, atunci nu este deloc uimitor ca pot influenta vremea. O civilizatie moderna care isi dezvolta constiinta de grup nu ar avea nici probleme de mediu, nici goluri de energie: daca ar folosi asemenea puteri mentale ca o civilizatie unificata, ar avea controlul energiilor planetei sale casa ca o consecinta naturala. Atunci cand un numar mai mare de oameni se unifica intr-o intentie mai inalta ca meditatia pentru pace – se dizolva, de asemenea, si potentialele pentru violenta. Se pare ca ADN-ul este, de asemenea, un superconductor organic care poate lucra la temperatura corporala normala, spre deosebire de superconductoarele artificiale care necesita temperaturi extrem de reduse intre

200 si 140A °C pentru a functiona. Mai mult, toate superconductoarele pot stoca lumina si astfel, informatie. Acest lucru explica mai departe felul in care ADN-ul poate stoca informatia. Mai exista un fenomen legat de ADN si gauri de vierme. In mod normal, aceste gauri de vierme super-mici sunt foarte instabile si se mentin numai pentru mici fractiuni de secunda. In anumite conditii, gaurile de vierme stabile se pot organiza, formand apoi campuri de vid distincte in care, de exemplu, gravitatia se poate transforma in electricitate. Campurile de vid sunt sfere auto-radiante de gaz ionizat ce contin cantitati considerabile de energie. In Rusia exista regiuni in care astfel de mingi radiante apar foarte des. Din cauza confuziei generale, rusii au initiat programe de cercetare masiva care au condus in final la unele dintre descoperirile mentionate mai sus. Multi oameni cunosc campurile de vid ca sfere stralucitoare pe cer. Ei se uita cu atentie si uimire la ele si se intreaba ce ar putea fi. M-am gandit odata: „Buna! Daca esti un OZN, zboara in triunghi”. Si dintr-o data, sferele de lumina s-au miscat in triunghi. Sau zburau pe cer ca niste pucuri de hochei: accelerau de la zero la viteze ametitoare, in timp ce alunecau tacut pe cer. Am ramas uitandu-ma la cer si am crezut, ca multi altii ca sunt OZN-uri. Prietenoase, se pare, deoarece au zburat in triunghiuri pentru a-mi face pe plac. In prezent rusii au descoperit – in regiunile in care apar adesea campurile de vid – ca uneori ele zboara ca sfere de lumina de la sol, in sus, spre cer si ca aceste sfere pot fi indrumate prin gand. S-a descoperit ca aceste campuri de vid emit unde de frecventa joasa care sunt produse si in creierele noastre si datorita acestei asemanari de unde ele pot reactiona la gandurile noastre. A intra cu entuziasm intr-o astfel de sfera de la nivelul solului nu este tocmai o idee prea buna, deoarece acele sfere de lumina pot contine energii imense si ne pot modifica genele. Multi invatatori spirituali produc, de asemenea, asemenea sfere sau coloane de lumina vizibile atunci cand se afla in meditatie profunda sau in timpul lucrului cu energie, ceea ce declanseaza senzatii placute si nu dauneaza cu nimic. Se pare ca acest lucru depinde, de asemenea, de o anumita ordine, calitate si origine interioara a campului de vid. Exista unii invatatori spirituali precum tanarul englez Ananda, de exemplu, la care nu se vede nimic la inceput, dar caruia daca i se face o fotografie in timp ce sta si vorbeste sau mediteaza in hiper-comunicare, iese doar o fotografie a unui nor alb pe scaun. In anumite proiecte de vindecare a Pamantului apar, de asemenea, astfel de efecte de lumina in fotografii. Pe scurt, acest fenomen are de a face cu fortele de gravitatie si anti-gravitatie care sunt forme stabile de gauri de vierme si afisari ale hipercomunicarii cu energii din afara structurii noastre de timp si spatiu. Generatiile timpurii care au experimentat aceasta hiper-comunicare si campuri de vid vizibile erau convinse ca le-a aparut un inger: si noi nu putem fi prea siguri la ce forme de constiinta putem obtine acces atunci cand folosim hiper-comunicarea. Fara a avea dovada stiintifica a existentei lor reale, oamenii care au avut astfel de experiente NU sufera insa cu totii de halucinatii. Am facut pur si simplu un pas urias catre intelegerea realitatii noastre. Stiinta oficiala stie, de asemenea, de anomaliile de gravitatie de pe Pamant care contribuie la formarea fenomenelor de vid. Recent, anomalii de gravitatie au fost descoperite in Rocca di Papa din sudul Romei.

1) Superb Russian DNA Discoveries Superb Russian DNA Discoveries - Explain Human 'Paranormal' Events 2005 Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and

remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered "junk DNA." The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of "junk DNA." Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code especially in the apparent "useless" 90% - follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkaloids of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation." This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus repairing genetic defects. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and development in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. The Russian researchers work on a method that is not dependent on these factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency. But the higher developed an individual's consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device: one can achieve these results by oneself. Science will finally stop laughing at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn't end there. The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in a vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars). These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (telepathy, channeling) is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worry or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insects proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as "intuition." But we, too, can regain full use of it. As an example from nature, when a queen ant is separated from her colony, the remaining worker ants will continue building fervently according to plan. However, if the queen is killed, all work in the colony stops. No ant will know what to do. Apparently, the queen transmits the "building plans" even if far away - via the group consciousness with her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants,as long as she is alive. In humans, hyper-communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one's knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition (also in trance channeling). The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini, for instance, dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory. He called it the Devil's Trill Sonata. For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majorities of facts were outside his personal knowledge base and reached technical details of which he knew absolutely nothing. When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA, as well as in the human, supernatural phenomena. The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned. Electronic devices like

CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work: the better the atmosphere and energy, the more frustrating it can be for recording devices as they stop functioning at that exact moment. Often by next morning all is back to normal. Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept; it means they are good at hyper-communication. In their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been just like the animals: very strongly connected to group consciousness and thereby acted as a group. In order to develop and experience individuality, however, we humans had to forget hypercommunication almost completely. Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness - namely one in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as we use the internet, our DNA can feed proper data into the network, can retrieve data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or "remote sensing" about the state of another can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to return home. This can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper-communication. Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality; otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated. Hyper-communication in the new millennium means something quite different. Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind. Fifty percent of children will become a problem as soon as they go to school, since the system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today's children is so strong that they refuse this adjustment and resist giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways. At the same time more and more clairvoyant children are born. Something in those children is striving more towards the group consciousness of the new kind, and it can no longer be suppressed. As a rule, weather for example is rather difficult to influence by a single individual. But it may be influenced by group consciousness (nothing new about this to some indigenous tribes). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies (Schumann frequencies). But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize their thinking or when individuals (spiritual masters, for instance) focus their thoughts in a laser-like fashion, then it is not at all surprising that they can influence the weather. A modern day civilization which develops group consciousness would have neither environmental problems nor scarcity of energy: for if it were to use such mental powers as a unified civilization, it would have control of the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence. When a great number of people become unified with higher intention as in meditating on peace potentials of violence also dissolve.

Apparently, DNA is also an organic superconductor that can work at normal body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors, which require extremely low temperatures between 200 and 140°C to function. In addition, all superconductors are able to store light and thus information. This further explains how DNA can store information. There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these super-small wormholes are highly unstable and are maintained only for the tiniest fractions of a second. Under certain conditions stable wormholes can organize themselves, which then form distinctive vacuum domains in which for example, gravity can transform into electricity. Vacuum domains are self-radiant balls of ionized gas that contain considerable amounts of energy. There are regions in Russia where such radiant balls appear very often. Following the ensuing confusion, the Russians started massive research programs, leading finally to some of the discoveries mentions above. Many people know vacuum domains as shiny balls in the sky. They attentively look at them in wonder and ask themselves, what they could be. I thought once: "Hello up there. If you happen to be a UFO, fly in a triangle." And suddenly, the light balls moved in a triangle. Or they shot across the sky like ice hockey pucks: they accelerated from zero to crazy speeds while sliding silently across the sky. One is left gawking and I have, as many others, too, thought them to be UFOs. Friendly ones, apparently, as they flew in triangles just to please me. Now, the Russians found - in the regions where vacuum domains often appear - that sometimes they fly as balls of light from the ground upwards into the sky, and that these balls can be guided by thought. Since then it has been found that vacuum domains emit waves of low frequency that are also produced in our brains and because of this similarity of waves they are able to react to our thoughts. To run excitedly into one that is on ground level might not be such a great idea, because those balls of light can contain immense energies and are capable of mutating our genes. Many spiritual teachers also produce such visible balls or columns of light in deep meditation or during energy work, which trigger decidedly pleasant feelings and do not cause any harm. Apparently this is also dependent on some inner order, quality and origin of the vacuum domain. There are some spiritual teachers, like the young Englishman Ananda, for example, with whom nothing is seen at first, but when one tries to take a photograph while he sits and speaks or meditates in hypercommunication, one gets only a picture of a white cloud on a chair. In certain Earth healing projects, such light effects also appear on photographs. Simply put, this phenomena has to do with gravity and anti-gravity forces that are ever more stable forms of wormholes and displays of hypercommunication with energies from outside our time and space structure. Earlier generations that experienced such hyper-communication and visible vacuum domains were convinced that an angel had appeared before them: and we cannot be too sure to what forms of consciousness we can get access when using hyper-communication. Not having scientific proof for their actual existence, people having had such experiences do NOT all suffer from hallucinations. We have simply made another giant step towards understanding our reality. Official science also knows of gravity anomalies on Earth that contribute to the formation of vacuum domains. Recently gravity anomalies have been found in Rocca di Papa, south of Rome.

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